omniscan eca software training - mxe release

OmniScan ECA Overview of the new software MXE 2.0

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OmniScan ECA Software Training


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OmniScan ECAOverview of the new software MXE 2.0

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Table of contents (1/2)� Improvements to the software

� Navigation of the software� Organization of the menus

� Getting Started in ECT mode– Connecting an ECT probe– Preparing for an inspection

» Defining the setup» Calibrating the setup

– Inspecting the part– Saving the Setup

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Table of contents (2/2)� Getting started in ECA mode

– Connecting an ECA probe– Preparing for the inspection

» Defining the setup» Calibrating the setup» Performing a normalization

– Inspecting your part» Set the Reading and Display panes» Zoom mode» Setting the Alarms and Filters

– Save the Setup– Analyse and Save the results– Create and Save a report

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Improvements to the MXE 2.0 vs. 1.3:� Two modes: ECA & ECT� Look and feel � Menus are more intuitive� Feels more like a standard Eddy Current instrument� Same menu structure as the MXU-2.1� Improvements to Gain management� Advanced features (Raster Scan, Multi-Group,

Wizard, Interpolation)

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Improvement of the MXE 2.0 vs. 1.3:� Menu lists are simplified� Menu names are more intuitive

1.3 MXE 2.0

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Navigation Through the


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Navigation� The OmniScan software user interface provides access to

parameters using three menu levels.

� The picture below outlinesthe syntax used throughoutthis document to specify themenu selection, thesubmenus, the parameterbuttons, and to enter orselect a parameter value.

Menu > Submenu > Parameter = Value

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Organization of the Menu

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Menu description� The order in which the menu items, submenus, and parameters

buttons appear corresponds to their typical sequence of usage.

All tools needed to set the Eddy Current parameter

Switch between technologies

General: file managing and preference

All other tools needed to set the parameterof your setup such as: Encoder, Alarm, Measurement, Display, etc.

Calibration & Mix

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Used for inspection� Menu containing all parameters that you regularly

modify during inspection.– Group Management

» Set Current Group, Add Group, Remove Group

– Settings» Set frequency, probe drive, gain, rotation, and vertical gain

– Filter» Set IIR or FIR filter with the possibility of two filters


– Channel» Enable/Disable or invert a channel

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Used for inspection� Menu managing the parameters related to various

measurement parameters.– Readings

» Select the acquisition and the analysis reading, On/Off PP and Max curser

– Cursors» Set the position of the cursor

– Subtraction» Used to subtract a line, a column, or a point from a C-scan

– Signal Reference» Set signal reference on the impedance plan (possibility of two)

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Used for inspection� Menu allowing configuration of the alarm conditions

and outputs (LED and TTL.)– Alarm Output

» Link an alarm to an output

– Alarm Setup» Define a zone for each alarm

– Analog Output» Select the channel of a specific group to place on the output

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Used for inspection� Menu managing the parameters related to the data

views and the information visible on the screen.– Selection

» Select the acquisition and the analysis Display selection

– Properties» Show the option for each display

– Auto Fit» Automatic Zoom option

– Zoom» Set a manual Zoom on a specific view

– Color» Select the Color Palette with the appropriate unit range

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Used for inspection� Menu to configure the probe

– Settings» Balance your probe and View Probe Info» In ECT:

� Select your probe depending on the connector used

» In ECA: � Set the Default Configuration of the probe

� Switche the External Multiplexer (Mux) On/Off

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Used for inspection� Menu to configure the scan parameters of the

inspection– Inspection

» Type, Scan, Acquisition rate, Probe orientation

– Encoder» Polarity, Type, Resolution, Origin, Preset

– Area» Set Scan Area (and Index Area for Raster Scan) and Scan


– Start» Start mode, Start button, select mode (analysis or acquisition)

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Prepared your inspection� The Wizard menu consists of submenus that offer

step-by-step instructions to configure specific aspects of a setup. Each step of a wizard contains a title, navigation buttons, and associated parameter buttons.– Group

» Add or Remove group, created Mix

– Calibration» Encoder Calibration, Normalization

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Tools for file management� Menu to open and save files and to format and

build an inspection report.– Open

» Load a setup

– Save» Save setup, data, or a screen shot

– Report» Build and save a report

– User Field» Define User Field information for your report

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Providing tools� Menu containing various parameters related to the

setup and system configuration that you typically set when you start using the system such as the measurement unit (mm or in.) and the date and time.– Setup

» Report Format, DIN, User menu

– Setup Display» Luminance, Strip color

– Instrument» Unit, Screen scheme, System, Network Settings

– Tools» File Manager, System info, Win CE, Import/Export, Remote


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Providing tools� Menu to switch between the Eddy Current Array

(ECA) and the conventional Eddy Current (ECT) operating modes.

ECT MODE (green) ECA MODE (blue)

Hold2 sec.

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Shortcut key (available in ECA and ECT)� Easiest way to manage the phase, gain, and

frequency:– Press the shortcut key button– Change the value– Press Ok to apply change

Gain (dB)

Phase (°)

Frequency (Hz)

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Shortcut key (available in ECA and ECT)� Easiest way to manage the phase, gain, and


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Getting Started inECT Mode

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Getting Started in ECT mode� The following sections provide procedures to guide

you through the main operating tasks in the ECT mode.– Connecting an ECT probe– Preparing for an inspection

» Defining the setup» Calibrating the setup

– Inspecting the part– Saving the setup

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Connecting an ECT probe� In the ECT mode (green Interface) depending on

the connector of the probe (BNC or 19 PIN), connect the correct receptacle.

ECT modeECT Probe

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Cable and adaptor

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following step defines your setup.

– Select your Probe » Probe > Settings > Select Probe

1CH Connector (BNC), 1-Channel Probe using up to eight frequencies

4CH Connector (19PIN), 1-Channel Probe using up to eight frequencies

4CH Connector (19PIN), 2-Channel Probe using up to four frequencies per Channel

4CH Connector (19PIN), 4-Channel Probe using up to two frequencies per channel

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Preparing for your inspection – Setup� How to select the frequency of an ECT probe

– Check your probe to know the operation frequency of the probe (often between 200Hz and 2MHz.)

*** Remember: large coil = Low frequencysmall coil = High frequency

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Eddy Current Settings» Select your frequency (EC Settings > Settings> Frequency or

press )» Select your probe drive (EC Settings > Settings> Probe Drive)

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� How to select your Probe Drive with an ECT probe

– Use high voltage for large coils and low voltage for small coils (between 1 V and 6 V)

» If the probe drive is too high for the coil, the OmniScan will not balance the probe.

– You can set your probe drive using the diameter of your coils; 1 V per 1 mm (0.04 in.) of diameter.

» 3 mm coil can be driven around 3 V

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Scan Setting (ECT probe is normally used without an encoder.)

» Select Inspection type: One-Line Scan (Scan > Inspection > Type)

» Select Inspection scan: Time (Scan > Inspection > Scan)

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Scan Setting» Set the Acquisition Rate (number of acquisitions per second);

(Scan > Inspection >Acq. Rate)

» Set the Scan End (length of the Strip Chart); (Scan > Area > Scan End)

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following steps define your Setup.

– Set a Grid » Impedance Plane or Strip Chart Grid

� Display > Properties > Display (Impedance or Strip)

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Set a Grid» Select your grid division (Volts or Percentage)

� Display > Properties > Display (All)

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Preparing for an inspection – Setup� The following steps define your Setup.

– Set your Amplitude Units» Preference > Instrument > Category > Unit > Ampl. Units» Volts (V) or Percentage (%)

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Preparing for an inspection – Calibration� The following steps calibrate the Setup.

– Lift-Off Signal adjustment» Balance the probe on the calibration plate (Press )

» Lift the probe off the calibration plate and note the signal phase» Rotate the lift-off signal until you get a horizontal signal (Press )

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Preparing for an inspection – Calibration� The following steps calibrate the Setup.

– Gain adjustment » Scan the calibration defect» Adjust the gain (EC Settings > Settings or press )


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Slide 36

m1 Changer l'image pour une meilleur, 05/06/2008

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Preparing for an inspection – Calibration� The following steps calibrate the Setup.

– Vertical Gain adjustment» Adjust the Vertical Gain (EC Settings > Settings)

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Inspecting the part� The following step presents some useful features in

the inspection mode.– Size your defect (Measurement > Cursors or press )

» Use the curser to measure the amplitude and the phase for each defect. (See the measurement on top of the screen.)

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Save the setup� Go to:

– File > Save > Save Setup As– In File name, enter the setup name.– Press Save

� To recall your setup:– File > Open > Open or press– Select the setup in the list using the rotary knob.– Press Open

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Getting Started inECA Mode

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Getting Started in ECA mode� The following steps provide procedures to guide you

through the main operating tasks in ECA mode.– Connecting an ECA probe– Preparing for the inspection

» Defining the setup» Calibrating the setup» Performing a normalization

– Inspecting your part» Setting the Reading and Display panes» Zoom Mode» Setting the Alarms and Filters

– Save the Setup– Analyse and Save the results– Create and Save a report

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Connecting an ECA probe� In the ECA mode (blue interface), an ECA probe

must be connected to the Eddy Current Array probe connector.

ECA modeECA Probe

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Probe Nomenclature

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Preparing for the inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Eddy Current Settings» ECA Probes use automatic probe detection. With this feature the

probe is automatically set to its optimal settings.� Frequency: probe is set to its central frequency

� Probe Drive: probe is set to its optimal value

» You can fine-tune these settings� Set your frequency (EC Settings > Settings> Frequency or

press )

� Set your probe drive (EC Settings > Settings> Probe Drive)

Probe model: SBBR-026-300-032


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Preparing for the inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Display setting» Select your Color Palette (Display > Color > Load)

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Preparing for your inspection – Setup� The following steps define your Setup.

– Display settings» Select your Color Palette (Display > Color > Load)


Grey Scale Alarm-Symetric Alarm

Scribeline b _w

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Preparing for the inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Display settings» Sets the Amplitude Range of the Color Palette (Display > Color)

±0.10 V ±0.50 V ±10 V

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Preparing for the inspection – Setup� The following steps define the Setup.

– Display settings» Set the Amplitude Range of the Color Palette (Display > Color)» Select Amplitude Unit (V or %) Preference > Instrument >

Category > Unit > Ampl. Units

– Set a Grid (same than ECT)» Impedance Plane or Strip Chart Grid: Display > Properties >

Display (Impedance or Strip)» Select your grid division: Display > Properties > Display (All)

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Preparing for the inspection – Setup� The following steps define your setup.

– Nonencoded Scan settings» Select Inspection Type: One-Line Scan (Scan > Inspection >

Type)» Select Inspection Scan: Time (Scan > Inspection > Scan)» Select Acquisition Rate (Scan > Inspection > Acq. Rate)» Select Scan End (Scan > Area > Scan End)

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Preparing for the inspection – Setup� The following steps define your setup.

– Encoded Scan settings» Select Inspection type: One-Line Scan or Raster Scan (Scan >

Inspection > Type)» Select Inspection Scan: Encoder (Scan > Inspection > Scan)» Set Encoder Resolution (Step/mm) (Scan > Encoder >

Resolution)» Area: Scan Start, Scan End, Scan Resolution

� Raster Scan: Index Start and Index End (Scan > Area)

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Preparing for the inspection – Calibration� The following steps calibrate the Setup.

– Lift-Off Signal adjustment» Balance your probe on the calibration plate (Press )» Lift the probe off the calibration plate or scan over a simulated lift-off

and note the signal phase» Press Freeze ( ) to switch into analysis mode» Rotate the lift-off signal until you get a flat signal (Press )

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Preparing for the inspection – Calibration� The following steps calibrate the setup

– Gain adjustment » Scan the calibration defect.» Press Freeze ( ) to switch into analysis mode.» Adjust the gain (EC Settings > Settings or press ).

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Preparing for the inspection – Calibration� The following steps calibrate the Setup.

– Vertical Gain adjustment» Scan the calibration defect.» Press Freeze ( ) to switch into analysis mode.» Adjust the Vertical Gain (EC Settings > Settings.)

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Preparing for the inspection – Normalization� The following steps normalize the Setup.

– Start the Normalization Wizard» Wizard > Calibration > Type or press» Select Normalization» Press Start

– Define your Normalization» Select the Phase and Amplitude » Press Next

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Preparing for the inspection – Normalization� The following steps normalize the Setup.

– Acquisition Step» Press Start» Scan your calibration notch on your sample

� Balance here if needed

» Press Stop» Press Next

Calibration plate

ECA Probe



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Preparing for the inspection – Normalization� The following steps normalize the Setup.

– Selection Step» Put the cursor on each

side of the calibrationnotch.

» Press Next

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Preparing for the inspection – Normalization� The following steps normalize the Setup.

– Normalize step» Normalize the angle» Normalize the gain» Press Finish

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Normalization� Results of Normalization

Before After

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What is the difference between calibration and normalization?� Calibration

– Uses a discreet point or defect that affects only a small number of probe coils to set inspection parameters.

– Sets all coil values to the same values as the values of the coils that detect the defect.

� Normalization– Uses a uniform defect

that affects all probe coils to set inspection parameters.

– Ensures that all coils respond the same way to the same defect.

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Inspecting the part� The following steps present some useful features

in Inspection mode.– Set your Readings (Measurement > Reading)

» Acquisition Reading

» Analysis Reading

Maximum Amplitude Vector

Angle of Maximum Amplitude Vector

Scan Position of Maximum Amplitude Vector

Index Position of Maximum Amplitude Vector

Peak-to-Peak Amplitude Scan Position

Peak-to-Peak Amplitude

Peak-to-Peak Angle

Peak-to-peak Amplitude Index Position

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Inspecting the part� The following steps present some useful features

in Inspection mode.– Set your Display (Display > Selection)

» Acquisition Display

» Analysis Display

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Inspecting the part� Zoom mode (Analysis Mode)

– Standard Zoom (Display > Zoom)» Select the view you want to zoom (Impedance, Strip, or C-Scan)» Select the zoom Type (None or Absolute)» Set the zoom Area

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Inspecting the part� Zoom mode (Analysis mode)

– Automatic Zoom: Impedance Plan and Strip Chart (Display > Auto Fit)

» Best Fit (Press ) » Center (Press )» Full Scale (Hold two sec. )

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Inspecting the part� Setting an Alarm (1/2)

– Set your Alarm Output (Alarm/Output > Alarm Output)» Select one of three alarms (Alarm 1, Alarm 2, or Alarm 3)» Select the Output associate to your Alarm (Raw-G1, Raw-G2,

etc.)» Set the minimum number of Count to start the Alarm» Sound: On or Off» Set the Delay before the alarm starts» Set the Hold Time of the buzzer (Sound and LED)

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Inspecting the part� Setting an Alarm (2/2)

– Set your Alarm Setup (Alarm/Output > Alarm Setup)

» Select the Alarm to set (Alarm1, Alarm 2, or Alarm 3)

» Select the shape of the Alarm (Pie, Rectangle, Ring, Pie Inverse, etc.)

» Set the parameters of the Zone

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Inspecting the part� Setting a Filter (EC Setting > Filter)

– Select Filter (Filter 1 or Filter 2)– Select Type of filter

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Inspecting the part� Setting a Filter (EC Setting > Filter)

– Low-Pass IIR: Keeps long defects and filters high-frequency noise. Simulate analog LP filter.

– High-Pass IIR: Keeps short defects and filters slow-signal drifts. Simulate analog HP filter.

– Average Low-Pass: Keeps long defects and filters high-frequency noise.

– Average High-Pass: Keeps short defects and filters slow-signal drifts.– Median Low-Pass: Keeps long defects and filters high-frequency noise.

– Median High-Pass: Keeps short defects and filters slow-signal drifts.

– Long Defect: Keeps short and long defects, filters very slow-signals drifts.

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� If you wish to recall your setup, go to:– File > Open > Open or press– File Type = Setup– Select your Setup name in the list using the knob– Press Open

Save the setup� Go to:

– File > Save > Save Setup As– In File Name enter your setup name.– Press Save


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� If you wish to recall these results, go to:– File > Open > Open or press– File Type = Data– Select your Data name in the list using the knob– Press Open

Analyse and save the results� Freeze mode:

– Press the Freeze ( ) to pass into Analysis mode

� Save the results:– Go to

» File > Save > Save Mode = Inspection Data» File > Save > File Name = enter your data name» File > Save > Save Data


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Analyse and save the results

� The following steps present some useful features in Inspection mode.– Size your defect (Measurement > Cursors or press )

» Use the cursors to measure the amplitude and the phase for each defect (see the measurement on the top of the screen)

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Create and save a report� To build an inspection report, go to:

– Preferences > Setup > Category = Report» Component = Turn-on the information needed in your report» Include = Table (to have each indication in your report)

– File > Report > Build» An html report is created and displayed on the screen

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Create and save your report� To save a report:

– Press Save and Close when the html report is displayed– The report is saved in the User folder on the Compact

Flash Card

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Additional Software Features

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Interpolation� An example of the same data displayed with and

without Interpolation (rivet with crack and good rivet.)

Before Interpolation After Interpolation

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External multiplexer capability� Up to 64 channels

– Two 32-channel probes simultaneously.– One 64-channel probe.

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External multiplexer capability

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Raster scan� The raster scan function can now scan much larger

areas than previously available with the MXE-1.3 software. The file size is also much more manageable.

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Raster scan� After a larger inspection, it is always possible to

zoom the C-scan to get a detailed view of a specific area.

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