on campus dvd kiosks

On Campus DVDs Kiosks: A Feasibility Study Presented by: Michael Bystry Amy Kasten Can Pham Nick Schulkers Trevor Wooden

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This was a class project to conduct research for a possible new business. The business selected by the team was an on-campus DVD rental venture - to determine if students are aware of DVD kiosks, would they use them if they were placed on campus, about how often, and at what price. This was a project for the MMR program at UGA.


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On Campus DVDs Kiosks:A Feasibility Study

Presented by:Michael BystryAmy KastenCan PhamNick SchulkersTrevor Wooden

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Problem Definition Research Objects Research Design Executive Summary Key Findings Conclusion Limitations

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Problem Definition

Video Linx [hypothetical] is a video rental business in Athens, GA.

Membership and revenue have decreased for the past five consecutive years due to increased competition and changing customer habits.

Video Linx want to explore the possibility of installing DVD rental kiosks on the University of Georgia campus to increase rental revenue.  

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Research Objectives

Understand the current movie consumption habits of UGA students.

Measure demand for DVD kiosks on UGA campus.

Determine optimal locations for DVD kiosks on campus.

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Research Design

• Qualitative/Exploratory Research– Conducted focus group of 3 UGA students– Conducted July 3, 2008

• Quantitative Research– Online Survey – 18 Questions, approximately 5 minutes– Pre-test survey prior to launch– Convenience sample of 34 respondents– Invited friends by email & posted survey invitation on

UGA LiveJournal community – Screened for UGA students only– Conducted July 21-25, 2008

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Executive Summary

Average Monthly Consumption Off-campus = 8.1 movies; On-Campus = 6.6 movies. Top Movie Sources:

Rental Stores, national and local Network or cable television Borrowing from friends

  Majority (85.3%) of respondents are aware of DVD kiosk

However, only few (11.8%) have used them.

High likelihood of usage on campus (88% probably/definitely would use) Off-campus students have mixed feelings (28.5% probably/def. would


Top location for DVD kiosks: Student dormitories Student Learning Center Tate Student Center

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Current Consumption Habits

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Average monthly consumption is fairly equal

Off-campus students

watch slightly more (1-2 movies/mo)

Q3. Not including movie theatre visits, approximately how many movies do you watch in a typical month?

On-Campus Off-Campus0












Average Movies Watched Per Month

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Most get movies from rental store, TV or friends

Q4. Where do you normally obtain the movies you watch? Please select all that apply.
















29% 29%







Ways Movies Are Obtained

On-Campus Off-Campus

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Loyalty is spread and infrequent

Frequency: On-Campus Off-CampusHigh 20-25%:

Rental Stores Network/Cable TV Borrowing

25-33%:Rental StoresBorrowingMail-Order

Medium 25-33%: 50%:Rental Stores Peer-to-PeerBorrowing

20-25%: 67-75%:Rental Stores Peer-to-PeerBorrowing TV(NW, CAB, OD)

Low 100%:Mail OrderOn-Demand TVKiosk Rental

100%:Digital downloads-online storesKiosk Rental

Q5. Based on your selections in the previous question, for a typical month, please indicate the percentage of movies you obtained from each source. Your answers must total to 100%.

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Demand For DVD Kiosks

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On-Campus more likely to use than Off-Campus

Top Two Categories Q.10 In your current off-campus living situation, how likely would you be to use DVD rental kiosks if they were placed in convenient, central, on-campus locations? vs.Q.13 Thinking back to when you lived in a UGA dormitory, how likely would you have been to use DVD rental kiosks, at the price of one dollar per rental per night, if placed in the lobby of your dormitory?

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Many are aware of kiosks but few use

Q.9 How familiar are you with DVD rental kiosks?

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Fill the kiosks with Comedies & Action/Adventure

Q.14 What genres of movies would you be interested in renting at the DVD kiosks? Please select all that apply.

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Too Expensive to Use at $2.50 daily

Q.15 At what price per day would you consider the movie rental at the DVD kiosks to be too expensive?


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DVD Kiosk Locations

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High Potential Usage in Dorms

Q.13 Thinking back to when you lived in a UGA dormitory, how likely would you have been to use DVD rental kiosks, at the price of one dollar per rental per night, if placed in the lobby of your dormitory?

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Off-campus split about on-campus locations

Q.10 In your current off-campus living situation, how likely would you be to use DVD rental kiosks if they were placed in convenient, central, on-campus locations?

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Best Kiosk locations are SLC and Tate

Q.12 What would you consider to be convenient locations for the placement of the DVD kiosks? Please select all that apply.

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Mainly Graduate Sample, More Female

Q18. What is your current class in school?

Female 60%

Male 40%

Age Range

18 – 30

Median Age

24Q16. What year were you born? Q17. What is your gender?

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Most respondents have lived in a dorm

Tailored survey according to living situation

Middle 19 answered

for both

Q2. What is your current living situation?

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Limitations and ConclusionsLimitations– Small convenience sample– Study performed in Summer

Conclusions– Sufficient demand for kiosks– Locate kiosks in dormitories