on lie group structures of homogeneous metric spacesusers.jyu.fi/~vikakivi/prujut/2020-03-30.pdf ·...

Introduction Existence of Lie group structures Finding all Lie group structures: CMI Real shadow On Lie group structures of homogeneous metric spaces Ville Kivioja Jyv¨ askyl¨ a Geometry seminar, March 30, 2020 These slides are available at my homepage http://users.jyu.fi/ ~ vikakivi/ 1 / 18

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    On Lie group structures of homogeneous metricspaces

    Ville Kivioja

    Jyväskylä Geometry seminar, March 30, 2020

    These slides are available at my homepagehttp://users.jyu.fi/~vikakivi/

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    1 Introduction

    2 Existence of Lie group structures

    3 Finding all Lie group structures: CMI

    4 Real shadow

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow


    A metric space is said to be homogeneous, if the action of itsisometry group is transitive, i.e., given any two points on themanifold, there exists an isometry mapping first to the second.


    Euclidean spaces and Carnot groups with CC-distances

    Spheres Sn

    Rank-one symmetric spaces of non-cpt type HnR, HnC, HnQ, H2CaFlat torus

    Cartesian products of these


    Physical torus


    Saddle surface3 / 18

  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow


    A metric space is said to be homogeneous, if the action of itsisometry group is transitive, i.e., given any two points on themanifold, there exists an isometry mapping first to the second.

    Important class: Lie groups with left-invariant distances:

    GL ⊆ Isome(G , d) GL y G transitively

    Examples are plentiful:

    〈·, ·〉 on TeG ρg (X ,Y ) := 〈dLg−1X , dLg−1Y 〉

    Euclidean spaces and Carnot groups with CC-dist, Lie groups

    Spheres Sn, NOT Lie groups (except n ∈ {1, 3})Rank-one symmetric spaces HnR, HnC, HnQ, H2Ca, Lie groupsFlat torus, Lie group

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Metric space (M, d) admits a structure of a Lie group, if any ofthe following equivalent conditions hold.

    M is isometric to a Lie group with a left-invariant admissibledistance.

    There is a Lie group acting on M simply transitively byisometries.

    There is a group operation ∗ : M ×M → M that makes M aLie group and the distance d left-invariant.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Existence, uniqueness and classification of Lie group structures onmetric space.

    Given a homogeneous metric space M we wish to

    know if there exists a Lie group structure on M, and if yes

    know if there are more than one Lie group structure on M,and if yes,

    know what are all the possible Lie group structures on M.

    know what can happen after perturbations retaining the largescale structure (quasi-isometries)?

    That is:How, and how well, do the Lie groups model homogeneousmetric spaces?

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Existence, uniqueness and classification of Lie group structures onmetric space.

    Given a homogeneous metric space M we wish to

    know if there exists a Lie group structure on M, and if yes

    know if there are more than one Lie group structure on M,and if yes,

    know what are all the possible Lie group structures on M.

    know what can happen after perturbations retaining the largescale structure (quasi-isometries)?

    Examples of these phenomena:

    The metric space (S2, dE ) does not have a Lie group struc-ture

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Existence, uniqueness and classification of Lie group structures onmetric space.

    Given a homogeneous metric space M we wish to

    know if there exists a Lie group structure on M, and if yes

    know if there are more than one Lie group structure on M,and if yes,

    know what are all the possible Lie group structures on M.

    know what can happen after perturbations retaining the largescale structure (quasi-isometries)?

    Metric space:

    span(∂x − y∂z , ∂y + x∂z) subbundle in R3 −→ CC-distance

    The only Lie group structure: Heisenberg group

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Existence, uniqueness and classification of Lie group structures onmetric space.

    Given a homogeneous metric space M we wish to

    know if there exists a Lie group structure on M, and if yes

    know if there are more than one Lie group structure on M,and if yes,

    know what are all the possible Lie group structures on M.

    know what can happen after perturbations retaining the largescale structure (quasi-isometries)?

    The Euclidean space R3 admits exactly two Lie group structures:the Abelian one, and the one of S̃E(2), i.e., the universal cover ofthe isometry group of the plane, i.e., R2 o S1.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Up to arbitrarily small perturbation, every locally compacthomogeneous metric space is a Lie group:

    Theorem (CKLNO/Cornulier–De La Harpe/folklore)

    Let (M, d) be a locally compact and connected homogeneousmetric space. Then there is a Lie group G , and for all ε > 0 thereis a left-invariant distance dG on G , and a surjective mapF : G → M, so that

    dG (g , h)− ε ≤ d(F (g),F (h)) ≤ dG (g , h)

    In particular, (M, d) is (1, ε)-quasi-isometric to (G , dG ).

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Up to arbitrarily small perturbation, every locally compacthomogeneous metric space is a Lie group:

    Theorem (CKLNO/Cornulier–De La Harpe/folklore)

    Let (M, d) be a locally compact and connected homogeneousmetric space. Then there is a Lie group G , and for all ε > 0 thereis a left-invariant distance dG on G , and a surjective mapF : G → M, so that

    dG (g , h)− ε ≤ d(F (g),F (h)) ≤ dG (g , h)

    In particular, (M, d) is (1, ε)-quasi-isometric to (G , dG ).

    Note: S2 . . .

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Up to arbitrarily small perturbation, every locally compacthomogeneous metric space is a Lie group:

    Theorem (CKLNO/Cornulier–De La Harpe/folklore)

    Let (M, d) be a locally compact and connected homogeneousmetric space. Then there is a Lie group G , and for all ε > 0 thereis a left-invariant distance dG on G , and a surjective mapF : G → M, so that

    dG (g , h)− ε ≤ d(F (g),F (h)) ≤ dG (g , h)

    In particular, (M, d) is (1, ε)-quasi-isometric to (G , dG ).

    Note: S2 is not (1, ε)-QI to singleton. It is (1, ε)-QI to SO(3) witha certain distance.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Up to arbitrarily small perturbation, every locally compacthomogeneous metric space is a Lie group:

    Theorem (CKLNO/Cornulier–De La Harpe/folklore)

    Let (M, d) be a locally compact and connected homogeneousmetric space. Then there is a Lie group G , and for all ε > 0 thereis a left-invariant distance dG on G , and a surjective mapF : G → M, so that

    dG (g , h)− ε ≤ d(F (g),F (h)) ≤ dG (g , h)

    In particular, (M, d) is (1, ε)-quasi-isometric to (G , dG ).

    Here G = Iso(M, d) and F is the orbit map F (ϕ) = ϕ(o). Theinteresting question is, who is dG?

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Assume (M, d) loc cpt, homog, ε > 0, o ∈ M, G := Iso(M, d)

    Claim ∃dG s.t. F : (G , dG )→ (M, d), F (ϕ) = ϕ(o) is (1, ε)-QI.

    Proof Define Busemann gauge

    ρ(o, p) := `min{n ∈ N | p ∈ Vn(o, `)}

    where B̄(o, 2`) is compact and

    Vn(o, `) :=⋃


    B̄(p, `)

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Assume (M, d) loc cpt, homog, ε > 0, o ∈ M, G := Iso(M, d)

    Claim ∃dG s.t. F : (G , dG )→ (M, d), F (ϕ) = ϕ(o) is (1, ε)-QI.

    Proof Define Busemann gauge

    ρ(o, p) := `min{n ∈ N | p ∈ Vn(o, `)}

    The distance that does the job is

    dG (ϕ,ψ) = supq∈M

    d(ϕ(q), ψ(q))e−ρ(o,q)/ε

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    ”Many of homogeneous metric spaces admit Lie group structures:”

    Theorem (CKLNO)

    Let (M, d) be a locally compact and connected homogeneousmetric space. Assume M admits a dilation, i.e., there is a bijectionδ : M → M and a number λ > 1 so that

    d(δ(x), δ(y)) = λd(x , y) ∀x , y ∈ M

    Then (M, d) admits a structure of a nilpotent (gradable) Lie group,so that d becomes left-invariant and δ becomes an automorphism.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    ”Many of homogeneous metric spaces admit Lie group structures:”

    Theorem (Heintze)

    Let (M, g) be homogeneous Riemannian manifold, with strictlynegative sectional curvatures. Then M admits a structure of asolvable Lie group.

    Conjecture (Alekseevskii)

    Let (M, g) be homogeneous Riemannian manifold, that isnon-compact, non-flat and satisfies

    Ricg = λg (Einstein)

    for some λ ∈ R, then M admits a structure of a solvable Lie group.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    If a Lie group structure exist, how to find all the other ones?A bit too hard, but we take a bit different, related, approach:


    We say two Lie groups G and H can be made isometric, write

    GCMI∼ H, if there are left-invariant distance functions dG on G and

    dH on H, inducing the respective manifold topologies, such that

    (G , dG )isome∼= (H, dH)

    The following are equivalent with the condition GCMI∼ H

    There is a metric space M and two simply transitivesubgroups of Iso(M) isomorphic to G and H respectively.

    There is a left-invariant admissible distance funtion dG on Gand a simply transitive action H y G by isometries.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    If a Lie group structure exist, how to find all the other ones?A bit too hard, but we take a bit different, related, approach:


    We say two Lie groups G and H can be made isometric, write

    GCMI∼ H, if there are left-invariant distance functions dG on G and

    dH on H, inducing the respective manifold topologies, such that

    (G , dG )isome∼= (H, dH)

    Approach is now

    Suppose a metric space is given, and a Lie group structure isfound.

    We aim to find all the possible other Lie groups, that can bemade isometric to the given Lie group, even if not with thegiven distance.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    If a Lie group structure exist, how to find all the other ones?A bit too hard, but we take a bit different, related, approach:


    We say two Lie groups G and H can be made isometric, write

    GCMI∼ H, if there are left-invariant distance functions dG on G and

    dH on H, inducing the respective manifold topologies, such that

    (G , dG )isome∼= (H, dH)

    Sometimes we can prove the uniqueness in this stronger way:

    Theorem (K.–Le Donne 2017)

    Connected nilpotent Lie groups can be made isometric only if theyare isomorphic.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Proof: If two nilpotent Riemannian Lie groups are isometric, thenthey are isomorphic (Wolf, 60s). Then use the following:

    Theorem (K.–Le Donne)

    If (G , d) is a connected Lie group with left-invariant distance dinducing the manifold topology, then

    Isome(G , d) is a Lie group acting smoothly.

    Stabilisers of Isome(G , d) are compact.

    there is a left-invariant Riemannian metric ρ on G such thatIsome(G , d) < Isome(G , ρ).

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    In particular, suppose F : (G , dG )→ (H, dH) is an isometry.Take ρ Riemannian metric in G so that

    Isome(G , d) < Isome(G , ρ)

    Now F∗ρ is a Riemannian metric on H. Need to show it isleft-invariant:

    Isome(G , ρ) Isome(H,F∗ρ)

    Isome(G , dG ) Isome(H, dH)



    → F is an isometry of Riemannian Lie groups (G , ρ) and (H,F∗ρ),so an isomorphism.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow


    If two Lie groups can be made isometric, they can be madeisometric using Riemannian distances. In particular, they arequasi-isometric.

    Conjecture (folklore)

    If two nilpotent simply connected Lie groups are quasi-isometric,they are isomorphic.

    → Inverse question: Which of the pairs of Lie groups that arequasi-isometric, can indeed be made isometric?

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Lie groups tend to have ’good representatives’ in terms ofisometry-relation:

    Theorem (Breuillard)

    Any connected Lie group of polynomial growth can be madeisometric to a nilpotent group, namely its nilshadow.

    Theorem (Alekseevski)

    Any Heintze group can be made isometric to a purely real Heintzegroup.


    A Lie group of the form N oA R is a Heintze group, if N isnilpotent simply connected Lie group and the action (in the Liealgebra level) is given by A ∈ der(n) so that any root of thecharacteristic polynomial of A has strictly positive real part. AHeintze group is purely real if those roots are real numbers.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Lie groups tend to have ’good representatives’ in terms ofisometry-relation:

    Theorem (Breuillard)

    Any connected Lie group of polynomial growth can be madeisometric to a nilpotent group, namely its nilshadow.

    Theorem (Alekseevski)

    Any Heintze group can be made isometric to a purely real Heintzegroup.

    G1CMI∼ G2 and both are


    purely real Heintze⇒ G1 ∼= G2

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Lie groups tend to have ’good representatives’ in terms ofisometry-relation:

    Theorem (Breuillard)

    Any connected Lie group of polynomial growth can be madeisometric to a nilpotent group, namely its nilshadow.

    Theorem (Alekseevski)

    Any Heintze group can be made isometric to a purely real Heintzegroup.

    Theorem (Gordon–Wilson + K.–Le Donne)

    If two completely solvable Lie groups can be made isometric, theyare isomorphic.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Theorem (CKLNO)

    Let g be a solvable Lie algebra. Choose a vector subspace a ⊆ gsatisfying n⊕ a = g and ads(a)(a) = {0}. Define

    ϕ : g→ der(g) ϕ(X ) = −adsi(πa(X ))


    i) Gr(ϕ) := {(X , ϕ(X ) | X ∈ g)} is a completely solvable idealof go der(g),

    ii) When the vector space g is equipped with the operation

    [X ,Y ]R := [X ,Y ] + ϕ(X )(Y )− ϕ(Y )(X )

    then the map τ(X ) = (X , ϕ(X )) is a Lie algebra isomorphismfrom (g, [·, ·]R) to Gr(ϕ), the real shadow of g.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    n⊕ a = g ads(a)(a) = {0}ϕ : g→ der(g) ϕ(X ) = −adsi(πa(X ))

    [X ,Y ]rrad := [X ,Y ] + ϕ(X )(Y )− ϕ(Y )(X )


    If g is completely solvable (e.g. nilpotent), then ϕ ≡ 0 and thereal shadow is itself.

    If g has polynomial growth, then adsi(X ) = ads(X ) for allX ∈ g, so the real shadow equals to what is called nilshadow.

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Example: S̃E(2). Basis {X ,Y ,Θ} with[X ,Y ] = 0 [Θ,X ] = Y [Θ,Y ] = −X

    → solvable and polynomial growth.

    n = span(X ,Y ) so a := span(Θ) →

    {g = n⊕ aads(a)(a) = {0}


    ad(Θ) =

    0 −1 01 0 00 0 0

    → adsi(Θ) = ad(Θ)so [Θ,X ]R = [Θ,X ]

    ϕ(Θ)(X )︷ ︸︸ ︷−adsi(πa(Θ))(X ) +adsi(πa(X ))(Θ)

    = Y − ad(Θ)(X ) + 0 = Y − Y = 0[Θ,Y ]R = 0 and [X ,Y ]R = [X ,Y ] = 0

    So the real shadow is R3.16 / 18

  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Theorem (Breuillard + CKLNO, in the thesis of SebastianoNicolussi Golo)

    Let G and N be solvable simply connected Lie groups, and assumeN is nilpotent. Then the following are equivalent:

    G can be made isometric to N,

    G has polynomial growth and N is the nilshadow of G .

    Left open the following questions:

    If groups G1 and G2 of polynomial growth can be madeisometric, do they have the same nilshadow?

    If groups G1 and G2 of polynomial growth have the samenilshadow, can they be made isometric to themselves?

    What about other solvable groups?

    → Attempt to make ’can be made isometric’ to purely algebraiclycheckable relation (at least for solvable groups)!

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  • IntroductionExistence of Lie group structures

    Finding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow

    Left open the following questions:

    If groups G1 and G2 of polynomial growth can be madeisometric, do they have the same nilshadow?

    If groups G1 and G2 of polynomial growth have the samenilshadow, can they be made isometric to themselves?

    What about other solvable groups?


    Conjecture (CKLNO)

    Let G1 and G2 be simply connected solvable Lie groups. Then thefollowing are equivalent:

    G1 can be made isometric to G2,

    G1 and G2 have isomorphic realshadows.

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    IntroductionExistence of Lie group structuresFinding all Lie group structures: CMIReal shadow