on marketing

WiTh more Than 25 years in the travel industry I’m one of those grumpy old men who grumbles about “how the industry has changed.” Although many families still sit around the kitchen table to make vacation decisions, now they’re doing so with a laptop and viewing online brochures, discount travel web- sites and purchasing e-tickets. Gone are the days of paper airplane tickets and requesting vacation brochures from destinations. How do these changes impact the group segment and its marketing component? Years ago a dear friend told me the tour & travel industry is still high touch, not yet high tech. Tour operators do business with suppliers they know. National, regional and state market- places are critical to the industry. Relationships are born and nurtured. Likewise, group leaders regularly trust their members to tour operators they know and trust. For years successful tour operators have hosted face-to-face group leader functions and presenta- tions. It’s how we connected. However, today’s suppliers, tour operators and group leaders that are not in tune with the new marketing enhancements will struggle in the future… and that future is now. The Boomer Generation is here. Case in point is this writer. As an early baby boomer, I am only partially tech-savvy. Comfortable with the Internet and even Facebook, I’m still not into YouTube, Twitter and mobile marketing. How are you going to deal with a more technologically informed cus- tomer? Here are three effective travel marketing steps that suppliers, tour operators and even group leaders need to consider: 1 Take an honeST look at your website. Get ahead of the curve. Your website is the foundation of your business’s future. Be ready to serve those tech-savvy travelers. Give your online visitor every opportunity to interact with you. Entice them to sign up for your e-newsletter (see point 2) or view a destination/tour video (see point 3). Most important, have a staff member responsible for regularly updating your site. Search engines like fresh content. A little effort can really pay off in search engine rankings. 2 e-newsletters are the way to go. A quarterly newsletter can be a tremendous tool for regularly com- municating with your customers and prospects. Suppliers, tour operators and group leaders all need to stay in touch with their clients. I admit to being a fan of marketing through e-newsletters. I believe a piece that’s attractively designed and filled with relevant information can be a powerful tool. Remember, the key word here is “news.” Blatant self-pro- motion is a no-no. Informative stories that share the character of your busi- ness will be read. Of course, everyone likes a little tour & travel humor. Keep the piece as personal as possible. 3 Fall in love with video. It proba- bly comes as no surprise to my readers that I’m an “old guy, print guy.” Although it’s great to read about a destination, I’ll admit video has the unique ability to demonstrate. Tour operators need to partner with their suppliers and ask for help in promoting new tours. At the very least their destination video should be on your website, easily accessible from the tour description. Travelers enjoy sharing their experiences. Try sponsoring a video contest with the winner’s work appearing on your website. Like it or not, the group tour industry is shifting, and how we market is taking on a new face. I find many of the new techniques can be rolled easily into your sales and marketing plan, both conceptually and financially. 42 February 2012 LeisureGroupTravel.com Contact Dave at 843-712-1140 or email [email protected]. Keeping Up-to-Date in a Tech-Savvy World dave bodle On Marketing See our page-flip edition & past issues at LeisureGroupTravel.com We can help showcase your business to groups. Call us 630.794.0696 or [email protected] Looking Ahead to Our APRIL ISSUE Travel South Reunions Theater California Wyoming Minnesota Kansas New York Pennsylvania Festivals & Events Historic Homes & Gardens

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APRILISSUE • Travel South • Reunions • Theater • California • Wyoming • Minnesota • Kansas • New York • Pennsylvania • Festivals & Events • Historic Homes & Gardens Looking Ahead to Our LeisureGroupTravel.com Odave bodle go. A quarterly newsletter can be We can help showcase your business to groups. Call us 630.794.0696 or [email protected] Contact Dave at 843-712-1140 or email [email protected]. See our page-flip edition & past issues at


Page 1: On Marketing

WiTh more Than 25 years in the

travel industry I’m one of those grumpy

old men who grumbles about “how the

industry has changed.” Although many

families still sit around the kitchen table

to make vacation decisions, now they’re

doing so with a laptop and viewing

online brochures, discount travel web-

sites and purchasing e-tickets. Gone

are the days of paper airplane tickets

and requesting vacation brochures from

destinations. How do these changes

impact the group segment and its

marketing component?

Years ago a dear friend told me the

tour & travel industry is still high touch,

not yet high tech. Tour operators do

business with suppliers they know.

National, regional and state market-

places are critical to the industry.

Relationships are born and nurtured.

Likewise, group leaders regularly trust

their members to tour operators they

know and trust. For years successful

tour operators have hosted face-to-face

group leader functions and presenta-

tions. It’s how we connected.

However, today’s suppliers, tour

operators and group leaders that are

not in tune with the new marketing

enhancements will struggle in the

future… and that future is now. The

Boomer Generation is here. Case in

point is this writer. As an early baby

boomer, I am only partially tech-savvy.

Comfortable with the Internet and

even Facebook, I’m still not into

YouTube, Twitter and mobile marketing.

How are you going to deal with a

more technologically informed cus-

tomer? Here are three effective travel

marketing steps that suppliers, tour

operators and even group leaders

need to consider:

1Take an honeST look at your

website. Get ahead of the curve.

Your website is the foundation of your

business’s future. Be ready to serve

those tech-savvy travelers.

Give your online visitor every

opportunity to interact with you. Entice

them to sign up for your e-newsletter

(see point 2) or view a destination/tour

video (see point 3).

Most important, have a staff member

responsible for regularly updating

your site. Search engines like fresh

content. A little effort can really pay off

in search engine rankings.

2e-newsletters are the way to

go. A quarterly newsletter can be

a tremendous tool for regularly com-

municating with your customers and

prospects. Suppliers, tour operators

and group leaders all need to stay in

touch with their clients.

I admit to being a fan of marketing

through e-newsletters. I believe a

piece that’s attractively designed and

filled with relevant information can be

a powerful tool. Remember, the key

word here is “news.” Blatant self-pro-

motion is a no-no. Informative stories

that share the character of your busi-

ness will be read. Of course, everyone

likes a little tour & travel humor. Keep

the piece as personal as possible.

3Fall in love with video. It proba-

bly comes as no surprise to my

readers that I’m an “old guy, print guy.”

Although it’s great to read about a

destination, I’ll admit video has the

unique ability to demonstrate.

Tour operators need to partner

with their suppliers and ask for help in

promoting new tours. At the very least

their destination video should be on

your website, easily accessible from

the tour description.

Travelers enjoy sharing their

experiences. Try sponsoring a video

contest with the winner’s work

appearing on your website.

Like it or not, the group tour industry

is shifting, and how we market is

taking on a new face. I find many of

the new techniques can be rolled

easily into your sales and marketing

plan, both conceptually and financially.

42 February 2012 LeisureGroupTravel.com

Contact Dave at 843-712-1140

or email [email protected].

Keeping Up-to-Date

in a Tech-Savvy World

� dave bodleOn Marketing

See our page-flip edition & past issues at

LeisureGroupTravel.comWe can help showcase your business

to groups. Call us 630.794.0696 [email protected]

Looking Ahead to Our APRIL ISSUE

• Travel South

• Reunions

• Theater

• California

• Wyoming

• Minnesota

• Kansas

• New York

• Pennsylvania

• Festivals & Events

• Historic Homes & Gardens

Page 2: On Marketing