on multidecadal and quasi-decadal north atlantic …...on multidecadal and quasi-decadal north...

On Multidecadal and Quasi-Decadal North Atlantic Variability F. ÁLVAREZ-GARCÍA Departamento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá, Alalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain M. LATIF AND A. BIASTOCH Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel, Germany (Manuscript received 4 December 2006, in final form 31 October 2007) ABSTRACT Observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic from 1958 through 2000, as well as data from an ocean model simulation driven with the atmospheric variability observed during the same period, are examined using multichannel singular spectrum analysis. The two leading oscillatory modes are asso- ciated with a multidecadal and a quasi-decadal period. The former is connected to a basinwide uniform SST pattern and changes in the deep North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. The quasi-decadal mode involves a tripolar SST anomaly pattern forced by atmospheric variability with a spatial structure resem- bling that of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The upper ocean’s dynamical response to this NAO variability provides an instantaneous positive feedback to the SST pattern, while a delayed negative feed- back is due to shallow overturning circulation anomalies. 1. Introduction Observational studies have revealed considerable de- cadal and multidecadal variability in the surface climate of the North Atlantic Ocean (Deser and Blackmon 1993; Kushnir 1994; Czaja and Marshall 2001). The po- tential predictability associated with such low-frequen- cy fluctuations as well as their possible modification by the expected anthropogenic climate change have moti- vated recent efforts to understand the physical mecha- nisms responsible for these variations. On the multidecadal time scales, an interhemispheric dipolar SST pattern, with the North and the South At- lantic in phase opposition, has been connected to changes in the thermohaline circulation (THC) in mod- eling studies (Latif et al. 2004, 2006b; Knight et al. 2005, 2006). Whether these multidecadal THC changes origi- nate exclusively in the ocean or whether atmosphere– ocean coupling plays an important role remains an open question. The multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic SST has strong impacts on the climates of the adjacent landmasses (Sutton and Hodson 2005). It has also been linked, for instance, to variations in Sahelian rainfall and Atlantic sector hurricane activity (Knight et al. 2006; Zhang and Delworth 2006). On shorter time scales of about a decade, the char- acteristic SST pattern is tripolar, with centers of actions in the western midlatitudinal Atlantic, the subpolar re- gion, and the tropics. This structure strongly projects on the SST tripole, which is forced by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; Cayan 1992); a recent review of the ocean’s response to the NAO can be found in Visbeck et al. (2003). Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this decadal variability. Atmospheric sto- chastic forcing may set a dominant decadal time scale in the ocean through the excitation of long baroclinic Rossby waves (Frankignoul et al. 1997). Alternatively, spatially coherent atmospheric forcing can interact with the oceanic mean flow advection and lead to the pre- ferred decadal time scale through spatial resonance (Saravanan and McWilliams 1998). Support for the role of the mean circulation has been provided by observa- tions of SST anomalies propagating along the paths of the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current (Hansen and Bezdek 1996; Sutton and Allen 1997), which have also been found in ocean modeling studies (Krahmann et al. 2001). While such stochastic mecha- nisms result from a rather simple representation of ocean–atmosphere interaction, analyses of simulations with coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (CGCMs) indicate the possibility for coupled decadal oscillations (Grötzner et al. 1998; Wu and Liu 2005). Their existence would rely on the delayed ad- justment of the ocean gyres to anomalous wind stress Corresponding author address: F. Álvarez-García, Departa- mento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] 15 JULY 2008 ÁLVAREZ-GARCÍA ET AL. 3433 DOI: 10.1175/2007JCLI1800.1 © 2008 American Meteorological Society

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Page 1: On Multidecadal and Quasi-Decadal North Atlantic …...On Multidecadal and Quasi-Decadal North Atlantic Variability F. ÁLVAREZ-GARCÍA Departamento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá,

On Multidecadal and Quasi-Decadal North Atlantic VariabilityF. ÁLVAREZ-GARCÍA

Departamento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá, Alalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain


Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel, Germany

(Manuscript received 4 December 2006, in final form 31 October 2007)


Observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic from 1958 through 2000, as well as datafrom an ocean model simulation driven with the atmospheric variability observed during the same period,are examined using multichannel singular spectrum analysis. The two leading oscillatory modes are asso-ciated with a multidecadal and a quasi-decadal period. The former is connected to a basinwide uniform SSTpattern and changes in the deep North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. The quasi-decadal modeinvolves a tripolar SST anomaly pattern forced by atmospheric variability with a spatial structure resem-bling that of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The upper ocean’s dynamical response to this NAOvariability provides an instantaneous positive feedback to the SST pattern, while a delayed negative feed-back is due to shallow overturning circulation anomalies.

1. IntroductionObservational studies have revealed considerable de-

cadal and multidecadal variability in the surface climateof the North Atlantic Ocean (Deser and Blackmon1993; Kushnir 1994; Czaja and Marshall 2001). The po-tential predictability associated with such low-frequen-cy fluctuations as well as their possible modification bythe expected anthropogenic climate change have moti-vated recent efforts to understand the physical mecha-nisms responsible for these variations.

On the multidecadal time scales, an interhemisphericdipolar SST pattern, with the North and the South At-lantic in phase opposition, has been connected tochanges in the thermohaline circulation (THC) in mod-eling studies (Latif et al. 2004, 2006b; Knight et al. 2005,2006). Whether these multidecadal THC changes origi-nate exclusively in the ocean or whether atmosphere–ocean coupling plays an important role remains anopen question. The multidecadal variability in theNorth Atlantic SST has strong impacts on the climatesof the adjacent landmasses (Sutton and Hodson 2005).It has also been linked, for instance, to variations inSahelian rainfall and Atlantic sector hurricane activity(Knight et al. 2006; Zhang and Delworth 2006).

On shorter time scales of about a decade, the char-acteristic SST pattern is tripolar, with centers of actionsin the western midlatitudinal Atlantic, the subpolar re-gion, and the tropics. This structure strongly projects onthe SST tripole, which is forced by the North AtlanticOscillation (NAO; Cayan 1992); a recent review of theocean’s response to the NAO can be found in Visbecket al. (2003). Several mechanisms have been proposedto explain this decadal variability. Atmospheric sto-chastic forcing may set a dominant decadal time scale inthe ocean through the excitation of long baroclinicRossby waves (Frankignoul et al. 1997). Alternatively,spatially coherent atmospheric forcing can interact withthe oceanic mean flow advection and lead to the pre-ferred decadal time scale through spatial resonance(Saravanan and McWilliams 1998). Support for the roleof the mean circulation has been provided by observa-tions of SST anomalies propagating along the paths ofthe Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current(Hansen and Bezdek 1996; Sutton and Allen 1997),which have also been found in ocean modeling studies(Krahmann et al. 2001). While such stochastic mecha-nisms result from a rather simple representation ofocean–atmosphere interaction, analyses of simulationswith coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulationmodels (CGCMs) indicate the possibility for coupleddecadal oscillations (Grötzner et al. 1998; Wu and Liu2005). Their existence would rely on the delayed ad-justment of the ocean gyres to anomalous wind stress

Corresponding author address: F. Álvarez-García, Departa-mento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares,Madrid, Spain.E-mail: [email protected]

15 JULY 2008 Á L V A R E Z - G A R C Í A E T A L . 3433

DOI: 10.1175/2007JCLI1800.1

© 2008 American Meteorological Society


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forcing, and on the atmospheric response to the SSTanomalies produced by the adjustment. The character-istics of this response and whether it actually occurs innature are currently under debate. An additionalcoupled mechanism has been proposed in which oce-anic gyre circulation provides a positive feedback via itsinstantaneous barotropic adjustment to wind stressanomalies (Eden and Greatbatch 2003, hereafterEG03). The delayed negative feedback for the oscilla-tion is introduced by anomalies of the THC.

The present work reports the results of an analysis ofan ocean model simulation driven with observed atmo-spheric variability. In addition to the multidecadal vari-ability, a realistic quasi-decadal oscillation is detectedin the model SST. The underlying mechanism appearsto be consistent with the framework of instantaneousgyre adjustment-delayed THC response described byEG03.

2. Data and methodology

We analyze data from a global ocean simulationforced by observed atmospheric variability during1958–2000. The model is based on the latest version 9[Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean(NEMO)] of the French Océan Parallélisé (OPA)model (Madec et al. 1999), including a dynamic–thermodynamic sea ice model and state-of-the-art nu-merics as advanced advection schemes and partial cells(for an overview on the effects see Barnier et al. 2005).The global setup with a tripolar grid has a nominalresolution of 0.5° (ORCA05). The eddy parameteriza-tion after Gent and McWilliams (1990) is used since themodel does not permit mesoscale eddies. The resolu-tion, however, is sufficient to resolve western boundarycurrent structures and frontal regimes. In the vertical,the water column is divided in 46 nonequidistant levels,with grid cells ranging from 6 m at the surface to 250 mat depth. The bottom cells are allowed to be partiallyfilled, resulting in a more precise bottom gradient rep-resentation than in traditional z-coordinate models.Vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity coefficients arepresented by a 1.5-order closure model; static instabili-ties are removed by increasing these coefficients. At thesurface, a consistent daily interannually varying forcingis applied for momentum, heat, and freshwater fluxes[Common Ocean Reference Experiments (CORE) byLarge and Yeager (2004)]. The fields are applied viabulk formulas, allowing some feedback of the ocean onthe total fluxes. A marked sensitivity of the meridionaloverturning circulation (MOC) to the details of the po-lar freshwater budget was noticed during the climato-logical spinup stage. A 10% reduction in precipitation,one of the atmospheric fields with the largest uncer-

tainty, leads to stable MOC behavior. However, in thisexperiment we kept the original CORE fields andrather chose to apply a weak restoring (time scale 180days) of temperature and salinity toward climatologicalvalues throughout the whole water column (outside thepolar regions only surface salinity restoring is applied)to minimize the drift of the MOC. This gives a some-what robust diagnostic polar circulation but keeps thesurface forcing variability (Biastoch et al. 2008).

To gain insight into the details of the decadal-scalevariability we have included several fields in our statis-tical analysis: surface wind stress and net heat flux, SST,temperature averaged over the upper 300 m, and hori-zontal currents averaged over the upper 100 m. Allvariables have been interpolated from the model’s ir-regular grid onto a regular 1° � 1° grid extending overthe Atlantic basin north of the equator. We also includein our analysis the MOC in the Atlantic as representedby the meridional streamfunction, again north of theequator. We use in all cases annual anomalies of oceandata computed with respect to the mean of the simu-lated period (1958–2000).

For comparison, we make use of the observed SSTfrom the Hadley Centre’s Sea Ice and SST dataset ver-sion 1.1 (HadISST1.1; Rayner et al. 2003). It suppliesdata for the period 1870–2004 on a 1° � 1° grid. Weconsider both the entire 1870–2004 period and theshorter subperiod from 1958 through 2000, which over-laps with the simulated period. Annual anomalies foreach period are taken about the respective means. Thesimulated SST variance agrees well with the observa-tions with respect to both spatial distribution and mag-nitude. The correlation between modeled and observedSSTs amounts to values of more than 0.7 for the vastmajority of the Atlantic.

We use multichannel singular spectrum analysis(MSSA) to extract the dominant spatiotemporal pat-terns of our data. For a deeper and more technicaldescription of MSSA than is given below, the reader isreferred to Ghil et al. (2002). One of the numerousexamples of its use in climate studies is the work ofMoron et al. (1998), who applied it to SST data in dif-ferent regions, among them the North Atlantic Ocean.

MSSA extends classical principal components analy-sis (PCA) by considering not only simultaneous butalso lagged relationships between time series from sev-eral input channels. A lag-covariance matrix, of sizedetermined by the number of channels and the chosenlag-window width, is diagonalized, yielding eigenvec-tors, or space–time empirical orthogonal functions (ST-EOFs), that consist of lag sequences of maps. Space–time principal components (ST-PCs) are obtained from

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projection of the data onto the ST-EOFs. An importantproperty of MSSA is its ability to detect modulatedoscillations in the data, indicated by pairs of ST-EOFsthat explain similar amounts of variance and are inphase quadrature (and so are, in consequence, the cor-responding ST-PCs).

It must be noted, however, that the appearance ofone of these ST-EOF pairs is not a conclusive argumentfor the presence of an oscillation. They can also arisefrom finite samples of some nonoscillatory processes,such as first-order autoregressive (AR1) noise. It is thusadvisable to test possible oscillatory MSSA modes iden-tified in a climate dataset against the red noise hypoth-esis, before any further discussion of their features. Inthis work, we follow the procedure designed by Allenand Robertson (1996): as a first step, the time seriesfrom the different input channels are used to computethe parameters of as many AR1 processes. Realizationsof independent AR1 noise processes can now be gen-erated for each channel. A large ensemble is createdwith the purpose of calculating, through projection ofthe noise lag-covariance matrices on the data eigen-functions, confidence intervals for the eigenvalues un-der the null hypothesis of red noise. An additional andmore conservative alternative employs the AR1 noiserather than the data eigenfunctions. The projection ofthe data lag-covariance matrix on them allows us, afterestimating the corresponding confidence intervals, toexamine whether more variance than expected underthe red noise null hypothesis occurs at a given time scale(determined by the eigenfunction’s dominant frequency).

Classical PCA is used to reduce data dimensionality,keeping 90% of the variance in the PCs that enterMSSA. In the case of the simulated data, 90% of vari-ance is retained for each of the variables listed above,and a joint MSSA is performed including all of thosefields in the input. At a later stage in the analysis, anadditional MSSA is carried out on the zonal wind stressdata only.

The MSSA is repeated using different lag windows of15, 20, 25, and 30 yr to test the robustness of the results.The results are very stable. A lag of 25 yr is used in thefollowing for the analysis of the 1870–2004 data, and of15 yr for the 1958–2000 data. We perform the signifi-cance tests of Allen and Robertson (1996) on the longerdataset.

3. Results

a. Observed SST 1870–2004

MSSA was performed for the region 0°–75°N. Figure1 shows the MSSA variance spectrum of the annualSST anomalies observed from 1870 through 2004. The

most energetic mode, with about 25% of the total vari-ance, essentially accounts for the warming of the NorthAtlantic Ocean between the 1910s and the 1940s, asshown in the reconstruction of the basinwide (0°–75°N,80°–10°W) average SST anomaly (Fig. 2). The zero-lagregression of the North Atlantic SST anomalies on thisreconstruction (not shown) largely reproduces the ob-served twentieth-century trend pattern reported inother works (Karoly and Wu 2005), including coolingbetween 50°N and Greenland, west of 20°W. For com-parison with the planetary warming trend, the globallyaveraged SST anomaly (smoothed with a 21-yr-running-mean filter) is plotted alongside the recon-struction of the North Atlantic average in Fig. 2. Asstated above, the 1910–50 warming is well captured inthe latter, but the trend since around 1970 is absent.The North Atlantic average also exhibits some multi-decadal variability, so a complete separation of themultidecadal and climate change signals cannot be at-tained in our analysis. The problem is aggravated forshorter lag windows and consequently lower spectralresolution.

The second and third MSSA eigenvalues, which ac-count altogether for 17% of the variance, have a dom-inant multidecadal time scale and the correspondingST-PCs bear the phase-quadrature relationship charac-teristic of oscillatory pairs. Their reconstruction of theNorth Atlantic basin-average SST anomaly (Fig. 3)yields a time series that is basically equivalent to theAtlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) index givenby Knight et al. (2005) or Sutton and Hodson (2005).The zero-lag regression map (Fig. 4) is also consistentwith these and previous studies (Kushnir 1994; Latif etal. 2004). The multidecadal variability is associated with

FIG. 1. MSSA eigenvalue spectrum of the observed annual SSTanomalies (from HadISST1.1 1870–2004).

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a uniform spatial pattern such that SST anomalies ofthe same sign extend over most of the North Atlanticbasin. Strongest anomalies occur in the western mid-latitude and in the subpolar North Atlantic. The

lagged-regression analysis shown in Fig. 4 suggests thepattern is not stationary: anomalies of one sign offthe American coast around 40°N (appearing, e.g., atlag �20) precede anomalies of the same sign south of

FIG. 3. North Atlantic basinwide (0°–75°N, 80°–10°W) average SST anomaly (light gray,dot–dashed); reconstruction with components 2 and 3 from MSSA on the 1870–2004 NorthAtlantic SST anomalies (black, solid); and reconstruction with components 1 and 2 fromMSSA on the 1958–2000 North Atlantic SST anomalies (dark gray, solid; offset �0.2).

FIG. 2. North Atlantic basinwide (0°–75°N, 80°–10°W) average SST anomaly (light gray,dot–dashed); reconstruction with MSSA component 1 (black, solid); and globally averagedSST anomaly, smoothed with a 21-yr-running-mean filter (dark gray, dashed).

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FIG. 4. Lagged regression of SST anomaly (SSTA; from HadISST1.1 1870–2004) on the multidecadalreconstruction of the North Atlantic basin-average SST anomaly. Units are °C per standard deviation ofthe latter time series.

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Iceland (lag 0) by about 20 yr, hinting at a connectionwith the propagation of SST anomalies along the NorthAtlantic Current detected by Sutton and Allen (1997).This issue receives further attention below.

North Atlantic multidecadal variability with thestructure described above is shown to be related tochanges in the meridional heat transport by the THC inthe CGCM simulations analyzed by Latif et al. (2004)

FIG. 5. Monte Carlo MSSA tests (Allen and Robertson 1996) for the observed annual SSTanomalies (from HadISST1.1 1870–2004). (top) Test using the data-adaptive basis; (bottom)test using the null-hypothesis (red noise) basis. In both (top) and (bottom), the diamondsrepresent the projection of the data lag-covariance matrix on the basis eigenfunctions. Thevertical bars indicate the 95% confidence interval for the projection under the red noise nullhypothesis. They are derived from a sample of 100 realizations of a red noise process fitted tothe data.

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and Knight et al. (2005). Caution must attend the in-terpretation of our results, however, given the difficul-ties in discriminating the multidecadal and the climatechange signals. It was indicated above that a minor partof the multidecadal variability is included in the firstMSSA component. In addition, this component doesnot reproduce the global warming trend during the lastdecades of the twentieth century, which is thus likely toaffect the reconstruction of multidecadal variability, asalready noted by Trenberth and Shea (2006). Despitethis, the similarities between the results presented hereand those derived from control CGCM experiments af-ford confidence in a generally correct identification ofthe multidecadal signal.

The fourth and fifth eigenvalues in the variance spec-trum of Fig. 1 form an oscillatory pair with a period ofroughly 9 yr, explaining 7% of the SST variance. Thispair passes the Monte Carlo MSSA tests of Allen andRobertson (1996) against red noise at the 95% signifi-cance level, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The projection of thedata lag-covariance matrix on the data-adaptive basis(Fig. 5, top) and on the red noise null-hypothesis basis(Fig. 5, bottom) both indicate an improbably high vari-ance at the quasi-decadal time scale, relative to whatwould be expected under the red noise assumption.This is supportive of the actual presence of a quasi-decadal oscillation in the data, captured by the MSSA

oscillatory pair. Notice that the multidecadal eigenval-ues (ranking second and third in power) do not attainstatistical significance over red noise at the level fixedin the tests. This, however, was expected given the rela-tively short record length.

The reconstructed SST anomalies for the oscillatorypair display quasi-decadal fluctuations with a multide-cadal modulation of their amplitude over the observedrecord (Fig. 6). The spatial structure of the oscillation ischaracterized by anomalies of one sign in the westernmidlatitudes and anomalies of opposite sign arranged ina horseshoe pattern with local maxima in the subpolarand tropical areas (Fig. 7). Both the pattern and theamplitude modulation are consistent with the resultsfrom other investigations of North Atlantic decadalvariability (Moron et al. 1998; Deser and Blackmon1993). The spatial pattern resembles the SST tripoleassociated with the NAO on interannual time scales.The oscillation is essentially stationary, and does notappear to involve advection of SST anomalies by themean North Atlantic currents, one mechanism pro-posed in previous works (Saravanan and McWilliams1998) to explain decadal variability in the North Atlan-tic.

The covariability of the tripole SST pattern and theNAO has been shown to vary on multidecadal timescales by Walter and Graf (2002). Their correlation

FIG. 6. SST anomalies averaged over (40°–60°N, 50°–10°W; light gray, dot–dashed), recon-struction with components 4 and 5 from MSSA on the 1870–2004 North Atlantic SST anoma-lies (black, solid), and reconstruction with components 3 and 4 from MSSA on the 1958–2000North Atlantic SST anomalies (dark gray, solid; offset �0.4).

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FIG. 7. Lagged regression of SSTA (from HadISST1.1 1870–2004) on the quasi-decadal reconstructionof SST anomalies averaged over (40°–60°N, 50°–10°W). Units are °C per standard deviation of the lattertime series.

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weakens from the 1930s to the early 1960s, and in-creases during the last decades of the century. As notedby Walter and Graf (2002), these periods correspondrespectively to a warm and a cold phase of the multi-decadal variability. During the latter, the NAO wascharacterized by enhanced variability on the quasi-decadal time scale, matching the amplitude modulationof the quasi-decadal SST oscillation in Fig. 6. Walterand Graf (2002) also find that remote influences fromthe tropical Pacific are more important during the pe-riod of lower correlation and weaker quasi-decadalvariability. The origin of the amplitude modulation ofthe quasi-decadal mode is not pursued further in thepresent study.

The propagation characteristics of the two modeswere studied next. We focus on the period 1958–2000,which includes a full cold phase of the multidecadalsignal and exhibits pronounced quasi-decadal variabil-ity. MSSA was performed on North Atlantic SSTs on ahorizontal 1° � 1° grid in the region 0°–75°N. ClassicalPCA is used again to reduce data dimensionality, keep-ing 90% of the variance in the PCs that enter MSSA.The first two eigenvalues are related to the multidecad-al variability and the next pair of eigenvalues to thequasi-decadal oscillation. Their correspondence withthe modes detected in the 1870–2004 analysis is illus-trated in the reconstruction of the indices in Figs. 3 and6. Further comparison of the multidecadal and quasi-decadal MSSA modes is given in Fig. 8, which attemptsto illustrate how they contribute to the propagation ofSST anomalies along a path approximating that of Sut-ton and Allen (1997) shown in Fig. 8a. Slow propaga-tion from the western subtropics into the eastern sub-polar Atlantic occurs on the multidecadal time scale(Fig. 8b). In contrast to this, the quasi-decadal oscilla-tion is mostly stationary (Fig. 8c). Thus, the quasi-decadal mode appears to be unrelated to the mean ad-vection of SST anomalies by the North Atlantic Cur-rent, as will be described below by discussing the resultsof our ocean model simulation.

In the following section we use the extensive datasetfrom the forced ocean simulation to investigate thephysics behind the decadal oscillation detected in theobservations.

b. ORCA05 simulation 1958–2000

The joint MSSA analysis of the oceanic fields se-lected from the ORCA05 simulation of the 1958–2000period yields again a multidecadal and a quasi-decadaloscillatory mode as the two leading modes. The eigen-value spectrum is not shown.

We discuss first the simulated multidecadal mode(Figs. 9–11). We display snapshots 5 yr apart from each

other, as reconstructed from the multidecadal mode.The prolonged negative SST anomaly of 1970–80 (Fig.9), as reconstructed from the multidecadal mode, cov-ers the whole North Atlantic and is therefore a negativephase of the multidecadal cycle. The model emphasizesthe multidecadal variability in the subpolar region andunderestimates it in the central and western tropicalNorth Atlantic. Despite these deviations, a good repro-duction of the observed multidecadal mode is obtained.

The cold SST anomalies are preceded by a basinwidecell of negative anomalies in the meridional stream-function, and thus by a weaker overturning about 5 yrbefore (Fig. 10). The anomalously weak overturning isa result of an anomalously weak NAO and the associ-ated reduced heat loss of the ocean to the atmospherein the Labrador Sea at this time (Fig. 11). The snap-shots of the model’s overturning streamfunction 5 yrapart from each other, as reconstructed from the mul-tidecadal mode (Fig. 10), show clearly how the negativeoverturning anomalies develop in the 1960s and subse-quently slowly propagate southward. During 1970–80,the height of the cold phase in surface temperature, thetendency in the streamfunction is reversed and thenegative anomalies start to weaken until they are re-placed by positive overturning anomalies in the mid-1980s in the north. The positive anomalies expandsouthward and initiate the subsequent warm phase inthe 1990s, which is characterized by an anomalouslystrong MOC. The anomalous surface currents showclearly either a reduced or strengthened North AtlanticCurrent during the extreme cold and warm phases, re-spectively (Fig. 9). Thus, we expect some propagationof SST anomalies along the path of the North AtlanticCurrent for the multidecadal mode.

By and large the results for the simulated multide-cadal mode are consistent with those of Eden and Jung(2001) and Eden and Willebrand (2001), who describethe response of the MOC to variations in the NAO andthe associated surface heat flux variations over the Lab-rador Sea by means of ocean model simulations. Theresults for the multidecadal mode derived from ourforced ocean model simulation are also consistent withthose of Latif et al. (2006b), who show that a proxy ofthe MOC derived from Atlantic SSTs exhibits a consis-tent phase relationship with the NAO on decadal timescales, with the NAO leading by approximately a de-cade.

Next, we study the simulated quasi-decadal mode.We reconstruct the annual anomalies of the differentfields retaining this variability, and compute phasecomposites following the procedure described in Mo-ron et al. (1998) to study the features of the decadalmode. Figure 12 shows that the simulated decadal os-

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cillation has the same horseshoe anomaly structure inthe SST, straddling anomalies of opposite sign off thecoast of the United States, as the observed decadalmode (Fig. 7). The pattern emerges more clearly in thesimulation, in agreement with the increase in the am-plitude of the decadal oscillation during the second halfof the twentieth century (Fig. 6). It is seen in Fig. 12 thatSST anomalies off the south coast of Greenland and inthe Labrador Sea (phases 4 and 8) lead the change ofphase and precede the fully developed horseshoe pat-

tern (phases 6 and 2) by about 2 yr. This feature israther faint and barely noticeable in the observed os-cillation. Deser and Blackmon (1993) find a similarlagged relationship in the observations between sea iceextent anomalies in the Davis Strait and Labrador Sea,and an SST structure reminiscent of our decadal pat-tern and with approximately the same time scale.

The wind stress anomalies associated with the decad-al SST oscillation are illustrated in Fig. 13. The devel-opment of a positive (negative) horseshoe anomaly

FIG. 8. (a) Path for the SST anomalies diagrams (b) and (c). SST anomalies (K) areaveraged over the 3° � 3° boxes, numbered in the diagrams starting at the easternmostposition. (b) Reconstructed 1958–2000 SST anomalies associated with the MSSA multidecad-al mode. (c) Reconstructed 1958–2000 SST anomalies associated with the MSSA decadalmode.

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FIG. 9. ORCA05: snapshots of multidecadal MSSA component of North Atlantic SST (shades) andocean currents (arrows) 1965–2000. Units are K and cm s�1, respectively.

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goes along with the onset of a cyclonic (anticyclonic)atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic. Weak-ened (enhanced) westerlies and easterlies blow over thewarm (cold) centers of the horseshoe structure in thesubpolar and tropical North Atlantic. The atmosphericpattern of the decadal mode therefore displays NAO-like fluctuations, while the ocean shows SST anomaliesconsistent with their characteristic heat flux anomalies.

The wind stress anomalies induce a dynamical re-

sponse in the ocean, which appears to be instantaneous,as shown in Fig. 14. A cyclonic (anticyclonic) circula-tion in the midlatitudinal upper ocean develops inphase with the positive (negative) wind stress curlanomalies. The anomalous cyclonic (anticyclonic)ocean circulation reduces (enhances) the heat transportof the Gulf Stream along the eastern coast of theUnited States, thus contributing to reinforce the nega-tive (positive) SST anomalies there. The two poles of

FIG. 10. ORCA05: snapshots of multidecadal MSSA component of Atlantic meridionalstreamfunction 1965–2000. Units are Sv (1 Sv � 106 m3 s�1).

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the horseshoe pattern can also be strengthened by theanomalous ocean circulation via anomalous advectionof the mean temperature gradient. The in-phase varia-tion of wind stress, ocean currents, and SST anomaliesin the decadal mode are emphasized in the cross cor-relations of Fig. 15: negative meridional currents at38°N in the western Atlantic occur simultaneously withpositive wind stress curl anomalies in the middle of thebasin; the weaker meridional currents produce coldSST anomalies in the western Atlantic. In summary, thedynamical response of the ocean reinforces the decadalSST anomalies. This contrasts with results from differ-ent CGCM analyses that detect decadal coupled oscil-latory modes in the North Atlantic that depend on thenegative feedback provided by a delayed response ofthe wind-driven ocean circulation to atmosphericanomalies (Grötzner et al. 1998; Wu and Liu 2005). Animmediate ocean response that contributes to thegrowth of SST anomalies is one of the key elements inthe decadal oscillation found by EG03 in their hybridcoupled model simulation. They attribute the ocean’squick reaction in their simulation to the topographicSverdrup response described by Eden and Willebrand(2001).

Looking for the negative feedback responsible forthe switching of the oscillation’s phase, we turn ourattention to the overturning circulation in the NorthAtlantic, which is the agent operating the transition inthe decadal oscillation of EG03. Figure 16 illustratesthe decadal phase composite for the North Atlantic me-

ridional streamfunction. A relatively shallow pattern oftwo cells with opposite signs, extending respectivelypoleward and equatorward from around 40°N, formsbetween stages of strongest SST anomalies of differentsigns. Starting at phase 2, for instance, corresponding towarmest horseshoe and coldest western Atlantic SSTanomalies (Fig. 12), we find the two-cell overturningpattern is developed about 1 yr later (in phase 3). Itsstructure indicates there is anomalous horizontal diver-gence and upwelling in the upper subpolar and tropicalNorth Atlantic, damping the positive SST anomalies ofthe horseshoe pattern, and anomalous horizontal con-vergence and downwelling in the midlatitudes, weak-ening the cold SST anomalies there. This overturningpattern persists for about 3 yr, changing the sign of theSST anomalies and progressively diminishing its ampli-tude. It disappears at phase 6, when coldest horseshoeand warmest western Atlantic SST anomalies arereached (Fig. 12), and reverses its sign afterward. Tohighlight the phase quadrature relationship betweenthe two-cell overturning pattern and the decadal SSTstructure, we compute two indices from the simulateddata, keeping exclusively the variability associated withthe decadal mode. The average SST anomaly in (30°–43°N, 70°–50°W) monitors the SST pattern. For theoverturning, we calculate a rough indicator of the two-cell pattern by subtracting the value of the meridionalstreamfunction at 55°N from the one at 30°N, at a depthof about 600 m. The cross-correlation function of theseindices is shown in Fig. 15, with the SST index leadingfor positive lags.

Overall, the simulated quasi-decadal SST oscillation,which satisfactorily represents its observed counterpart,appears to arise from the mechanism described inEG03, with the quick response of the oceanic currentsto the changing wind stress exerting a positive impacton the development of the SST anomalies, and the de-layed response of the North Atlantic overturning circu-lation providing the negative feedback required for thephase transition. The oscillation in the model of EG03depends on the coupling of a tripolar SST pattern withNAO-related heat and momentum fluxes from the at-mosphere. We cannot investigate the issue of thecoupled or uncoupled nature of the quasi-decadal os-cillation in our forced ocean simulation, but it may beworthy to note that, when MSSA is applied to the zonalwind stress only, eigenvalues 4 and 5 form a quasi-decadal oscillatory pair with the same NAO-like pat-tern described above for the joint analysis. Figure 17depicts the quasi-decadal reconstruction of a zonalwind stress index computed as the difference of anoma-lies over (10°–30°N, 60°–20°W) minus those over (40°–60°N, 50°–10°W). It follows closely the evolution of the

FIG. 11. ORCA05: multidecadal MSSA component of NorthAtlantic wind stress (arrows) and wind stress curl (shades) in year1965. Units are N m�2 and 10�9 N m�3, respectively.

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FIG. 12. ORCA05: phase composite of quasi-decadal MSSA component of North Atlantic SSTA (K).Consecutive phases are about 1 yr apart.

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FIG. 13. ORCA05: phase composite of quasi-decadal MSSA component of wind stress (arrows) andwind stress curl (shades). Units are N m�2 and 10�9 N m�3, respectively. Consecutive phases are about1 yr apart.

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FIG. 14. ORCA05: phase composite of quasi-decadal MSSA component of upper-ocean currents(arrows) and SST (shades). Units are cm s�1 and K, respectively. Consecutive phases are about 1 yrapart.

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quasi-decadal MSSA component of the 1958–2000 ob-served SST anomalies, also represented in Fig. 17 bythe reconstruction of the average SST anomalies over(40°–60°N, 50°–10°W). Furthermore, the regression(not shown) of sea level pressure anomalies from 1871to 1998 on a North Atlantic SST index derived from theobserved decadal mode also yields an NAO-like pat-tern, with positive NAO anomalies associated with coldSST in the subpolar and tropical North Atlantic. Thepresence of this decadal variability in the atmosphericdata might be indicative of a sensitivity of the atmo-sphere to the underlying SST anomalies, in agreement

with recent observational results (Frankignoul and Kes-tenare 2005). On this basis, we speculate our findingsmay be suggestive that atmosphere–ocean coupling is atthe core of the quasi-decadal oscillation described here.

4. Summary

We have analyzed the dynamics of decadal-scalevariations in the North Atlantic. Two modes are iden-tified in observations and a model simulation: a multi-decadal mode and a quasi-decadal mode. Our analysesindicate that the multidecadal mode can be regarded as

FIG. 15. Cross-correlation functions illustrative of the in-phase relationship of the decadal SST with the windstress curl and the upper-ocean currents, and of their quadrature with the two-cell overturning pattern of Fig. 16.The indices used are decadal SST anomalies averaged over (30°–43°N, 70°–50°W), decadal wind stress curlanomalies averaged over (30°–48°N, 55°–20°W), anomalous meridional currents across 38°N between 75° and60°W, and the meridional streamfunction difference between 30° and 55°N (at a depth of �600 m). (a) Averagingregions chosen for SST and wind stress curl (overlaid on the characteristic decadal SST and wind stress patterns);(b) cross correlation between the SST and the meridional currents indices (solid), and between the SST and thewind stress curl indices (dashed); and (c) cross correlation between the SST and the meridional streamfunctionindices. SST leads for positive lags in all cross correlations.

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FIG. 16. ORCA05: phase composite of quasi-decadal MSSA component of Atlantic meridionalstreamfunction. Units are Sv. Consecutive phases are about 1 yr apart.

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the MOC response to the multidecadal forcing associ-ated with the NAO. The multidecadal NAO fluctua-tions change the deep water formation in the LabradorSea through anomalous surface heat fluxes, which leadswith a lag of about a decade to an adjustment of theMOC. It remains controversial, however, what the forc-ing of the multidecadal NAO variations is. It should benoted as well that viable mechanisms for the generationof multidecadal North Atlantic SST anomalies otherthan low-frequency NAO forcing have been proposedand, despite the suggestive observational lagged corre-lation and the results here, we cannot decisively con-clude as yet what the real mechanism is.

On the other hand, in the model used here, the quasi-decadal mode involves both simultaneous and delayedfeedbacks from the North Atlantic circulation responseto the NAO. The wind-driven ocean circulation rein-forces the SST anomalies and thus acts as a positivefeedback, while the delayed negative feedback is pro-vided by the MOC. The quasi-decadal mode, however,is strongly damped, so that it is not seen as a statisticallysignificant peak in conventional spectra of either theNAO or North Atlantic SST. Yet, the two modes dem-onstrate how the dynamics of the MOC variabilitychanges from decadal to multidecadal time scales. Thedifferent dynamics are expressed by the different SSTanomaly patterns, the tripole, and the monopole, thatprevail on quasi-decadal and multidecadal time scales,respectively. Furthermore, the multidecadal mode in-volves propagating SST anomalies, while the quasi-decadal mode is stationary in terms of the SST anoma-lies.

Since good simulations of the North Atlantic SSTanomalies during the last four decades of the past cen-tury have been achieved using ocean mixed layer mod-

els forced by observed atmospheric variability (Seageret al. 2000), the relevance of the ocean dynamics in thequasi-decadal mode can be put to question. While therealso exist indications that ocean dynamics plays a rolein the observed SST fluctuations, particularly at thelonger time scales (Visbeck et al. 2003), it must benoted that the interpretation given here is not contra-dictory with the decadal variations in atmospheric heatfluxes being responsible for a major part of the SSTanomalies. The generation of such low-frequency atmo-spheric variability remains unexplained, though. Theresults of Walter and Graf (2002) that periods of higherquasi-decadal variability in the NAO are characterizedby its stronger correlation with the North Atlantic SST,and weaker remote influences on the region, suggest alocal origin. Our main contribution in this regard is toshow that the decadal part of the observed atmosphericforcing can be associated in our simulation with oceandynamics that has been shown to possess an inherentdecadal time scale (EG03) and that is consistent withthe stationary SST tripole characteristic of the observeddecadal variability. Further study is required to assessthe importance of this dynamics in the coupled system.

Concerning the predictability of the two modes, themultidecadal mode is more promising. Potentially use-ful predictability has been associated to it in recentstudies (Latif et al. 2006a). Since it can be understoodas the ocean’s response to low-frequency forcing by theNAO, its future time evolution may be determined bythe past history of the NAO. Thus, ocean models can beforced by the observed boundary conditions, and theseconditions can then be used subsequently to initializecoupled model forecasts. The predictability of thequasi-decadal mode is less clear. This mode seems to bestrongly damped, so that it will be hard to beat persis-tence.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by theSonderforschungsbereich 460 of the German ScienceFoundation (DFG) and by the European UnionProjects ENSEMBLES and DYNAMITE. F. Álvarezwas supported by the University of Alcala through theVicerrectorate of Research’s and the “José Castillejo”Mobility Grants. Useful comments from Dr. N. Keenly-side are gratefully acknowledged.


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