one hundred demons handout

William Du One Hundred Demons Author Background Lynda Barry was born on January 2 nd , 1956 to Irish, Norwegian and Filipino parents who divorced when she was age 12 Attended Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington then moved to Seattle She is best known for her work on her weekly comic strip Ernie Pook’s Comeek Barry’s Style and Form Barry describes her work as autobiography meshed with fiction, blurring the lines between fantasy and a memoir Pacing of narrative edited to seventeen demons (why?) Paints caricatured characters highlighting physical features and quirks Cluttered democratic panels that rely heavily on text and characters with little to generic setting (what does this say about this importance of place?) Utilizes colorful watercolor and collage like elements Metaphoric stories that build on each other Themes Self-consciousness/Angst o Dancing o Resilience o My First Job Culture, home, fitting in o Common scents o The Aswang o Hate o Dogs Desire for individuality o San Francisco o The Visitor o Girlness Friendship o Magic o San Francisco o The Visitor Details of life o The Election o Magic

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Post on 20-Oct-2015




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Handout for One Hundred Demons for English88N.


William DuOne Hundred DemonsAuthor Background Lynda Barry was born on January 2nd, 1956 to Irish, Norwegian and Filipino parents who divorced when she was age 12 Attended Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington then moved to Seattle She is best known for her work on her weekly comic strip Ernie Pooks Comeek

Barrys Style and Form Barry describes her work as autobiography meshed with fiction, blurring the lines between fantasy and a memoir Pacing of narrative edited to seventeen demons (why?) Paints caricatured characters highlighting physical features and quirks Cluttered democratic panels that rely heavily on text and characters with little to generic setting (what does this say about this importance of place?) Utilizes colorful watercolor and collage like elements Metaphoric stories that build on each other

Themes Self-consciousness/Angst Dancing Resilience My First Job Culture, home, fitting in Common scents The Aswang Hate Dogs Desire for individuality San Francisco The Visitor Girlness Friendship Magic San Francisco The Visitor Details of life The Election Magic Cicada Dogs Lost Worlds Lost and found

Drawing ActivityChoose a common mundane demon that you face everyday that you feel comfortable sharing with the class. Use two panels and mimic Barrys style in describing the demon. It can range from the most recent election to your roommates most annoying characteristics.

Discussion In creating her graphic novel, why does Barry choose 17 demons out of the 100? Is it for length and the speed of the move? More importantly, why do you think Barry chooses more mundane topics to cover as her demons? How does Barrys comical drawing style and choice to use democratic panels inform her narrative? Does it strengthen her argument? Does it help lighten the tone of the novel? In addition, how does her use of color effect the novel? Compare it to the strong color palettes of GB Tran. In comparison to other autobiographical novels studied in this class, Barry allows herself to combine fiction with reality. How is the reader supposed to use this semiautofictionalbiography lens in interpreting the significance of the work? Barrys work explores folklore and myths within cultures. However, given that, Barry often describes herself as the awkward redhead. How else does Barry manifest her Filipino background in her work, if at all?