online media impact

and their impact over individual opinion Done by Bodoor Ghousheh/MBA student Supervised by Dr Samer Mohammed

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Contemporary online media and their impact over individual opinionDone by Bodoor Ghousheh/MBA studentSupervised by Dr Samer Mohammed

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• “It’s not about technology and wanting to be online constantly. It’s about wanting to belong and be connected constantly.”

Johan Jervoe, Corporate VP, Global Marketing, McDonald’s Corp. (iMediaConnection, 10/16/08)

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What is the meaning of contemporary online media?

Digital media, which includes photos, video and music, distributed over the Internet, which are either non-copyrighted or copyrighted materials provided either freely or for a fee


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Forms of online media

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Advantages of online media over traditional media

• Cost• Desktop publishing is way cheaper than printing.• Editing• There is no “final product” in online media since articles published online could be

edited writer anytime, anywhere.• Time• Articles can be published online in just a click; while offline publishing takes a while.• Audience• Online publications can reach readers from anywhere, anytime, as long as there is

internet connection. Moreover, online media is effective to get through the youths and the large population of web users.

• Sharing• You can share an online publication just by sending a link to your friend. No need to

scan, photocopy, or even hand over a paper

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The impact of online media over individuals opinions

Advertisements and attitudes

Consumer behavior

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First politically

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General Introduction

Paper Title: Interaction of Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in China.A Case Study of Nanjing-Nagoya Relation SuspensionMain idea of the paper:This article shed the light on the relationship between online media and government policy, the relation between traditional media and online media, in the context of the Japanese –Chinese relations.

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Purpose/Aim of the paper

This study examines the impact of Chinese online media on foreign policy making in China by analyzing whether and how Chinese bloggers were able to influence China’s foreign policy decisions regarding Japan


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• This paper builds a Resultant Acceleration Model to explain their relationship, in which there is a reaction chain and deepening effect of the media, opinion and policy. Public opinion serves as a good reference for government officials and does help set the policy agenda. Media 2inform and reflect the public and it plays an active role in shaping information and public opinion, which are important for foreign policy decision making.

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The Variables

Independent variable

-The Date-The Globe coverage(traditional

media)-Top News messages(new media)

-MFA press conferences

Dependent variable

-the amount, the general tone and attitudes of the posted


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(Note: “T”= “traditional media”; “N”= “new media”; “M”=“media”, “GP”= “government policy”; “PO”= “public opinion”;“LGP”= “local government policy”)


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Research Questions

• RQ1: What’s the role of Chinese new media and what’s its relationship with traditional

• media like in this case?• RQ2: What’s the influence of public opinion on the

policy-making process and how it• works differently or similarly on local and national

government?• RQ3: What’s the position of the government like? Is it

active or passive?

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• Content analysis• micro blog posts and comments were analyzed, which

spanned on two days, Feb. 20th and 21st.• Systematic sampling of the comments

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• The study is based on a content analysis of 190 micro blog• posts that were posted in the immediate aftermath of the

incident mentioned above (February 20-• 22, 2012). The paper analyses how the mainstream media

and the foreign policymakers in China• reacted to the posts during the three-day time period,

which was characterized by an emotional• public debate, extensive media coverage, and a strong

political reaction.

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• traditional media and new media are complimentary to each other, with the former as agenda setter and the latter as agenda builder.


• public opinion pushes government officials’ foreign policy making process, accelerates policy change and helps set the policy agenda. In addition, the influential power of public opinion on different governments is different: for the local government, public opinio nworks very quickly and is possible to bring about big changes; while on the national government ,it is at a slow pace and the changes are also relatively small and less noticeable


• Third, according to the timeline and consistency analysis, the government is quite passiveand responsive, mainly reacting to the public opinion instead of actively channeling it for theirown good.

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Ignorance of other posts

Not cause effect


Not generalizable


Systematic sampling he

skipped comments

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Future Research

hopefully, this study can be beneficial to look at theinfluence of public opinion, not only confined to China, but also in other countries

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Second: Consumer behavior

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• Title of the paper: The Impact of E-Media on Customer Purchase Intention• Authors:. Mehmood Rehmani, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan. Department of Management Sciences. Mohammad Ali Jinnah University. Islamabad Pakistan.• Journal:(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and

Applications, Vol. 2, No.3, March 2011 • Main Idea :authors investigated the socia lmedia (e-discussion, websites,

online chat, email etc) parameters that have effect over the customers buying decisions. There search focused on the development of research model to test the impact of social media on the customer purchase intention

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Purpose of the paper

This study intends to explore the impact of social media onpurchase intention of mobile phone customers in Pakistan

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Statement of the problem

• STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMIn view of the growing number of internet users, thefactors of social media that influence the purchase intention ofcustomers need to be explored. Social Media is beingconsidered playing an important role in customer buyingdecisions, however little studies have explored its impact overthe customer purchase intention. This study intends to explorethe impact of social media on purchase intention of mobile phone customers in Pakistan

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Research Variables1- Electronic Word of Mouth2- Seller created online information3- Information Acquisition4- Perceived Quality (Combination of Productand Service Quality)5- Purchase Intention

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The Model

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• H1 Electronic word of mouth has positive impact on• purchase intention• H2 Seller created information has positive impact on• purchase intention• H3 Electronic word of mouth has positive impact on• perceived quality.• H4 Electronic word of mouth has positive impact on• information acquisition.• H5 Seller created information has positive impact on• information acquisition.• H6 Seller created information has positive impact on• perceived quality.• H7 Information acquisition positively impacts purchase• intention of customers.• H8 Perceived quality positively impacts purchase• intention of customers.• H9 Perceived quality has association with information• acquisition.• H10 Seller created information has association with• Electronic word of mouth.

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Thirdly: Ads and attitudes

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• Authors: Damon E. Campbell1, Ryan T. Wrigh.

• Main idea of the paper: This paper focus on the new role of online media in shaping customers attitudes and behaviors by discussing and searching the relation between interactivity, personal relevance of ads and customers attitudes.

• It also shed the light on the traditional method of marketing strategy which is repetition and its relation to the customer positive attitude towards the product.

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Purpose of this paper

• This research paper argues that the online environment, being far richer than traditional means of conveyance, has a different constellation of constructs affecting attitudes this research hopes to extend the traditional view of advertising to the online environment by proposing two additional constructs, other than repetition, that influence attitudes of advertisements. These two factors are personal relevance and interactivity

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• two empirical studies are undertaken to test the relationships between interactivity, personal relevance and attitudes. The first is a survey study (N=97), and the second employs a laboratory experiment (N=118).

• a review of classic theory is presented that supports the idea that repeated exposure of stimuli results in positive attitude formation.(the Mere Exposure Theory and the Propinquity Effect)

Study type

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The research model

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• H1a: For a repetitive online advertisement, a user’s attitude toward the ad is positively affected by the level of personal relevance in the advertisement.

• H1b: For repetitive online advertisements, a user’s attitude toward the advertised product is positively affected by the level of personal relevance in the advertisements.

• H1c: In situations of repetitive online advertising, a user’s attitude toward a website is positively affected by the level of personal relevance in the advertisements.

• H2a: For repetitive online advertisements, the perceived level of interactivity in online ads positively affects a user’s attitudes toward the ads.

• H2b: For repetitive online advertisements, the perceived level of interactivity in online ads positively affects a user’s attitudes toward the products featured in the ads.

• H2c: For repetitive online advertisements, the perceived level of interactivity in online ads positively affects a user’s attitudes toward the website.

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two different studies using different methods were conducted. In the first study, survey methods were employed to examine the hypotheses with a generalizable sample. The second study used a laboratory experiment, which allowed for isolation of the effects of interest. The analysis of these studies wasconducted using structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS 4.0 to test these hypotheses and the fit of these research models.A snowball sampling technique was used to recruit participants for this study

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• These two studies show that the effect of• advertisement interactivity on all three dependent

variables (attitude toward the ad, website, and product featured in the ad) was significant in both studies. Also, the effect of personal relevance was significant in both studies for attitude toward the advertisement. However, there was not convergence between results in the two studies regarding the effect of personal relevance on attitude toward the website and attitude toward the product.

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• H1c and H1b are the two hypotheses that were not supported in both studies. However, neither was rejected by both studies. Such results suggest that there may be mediating or moderating variables of interest between the constructs personal relevance and the dependent variables of attitude toward the website and attitude toward the product. Future research should investigate other possible factors that could explain these results (e.g., irritation, annoyance, cognitive load).

• Studies 1 and 2 compliment each other by attesting to the importance of the level of advertisement interactivity on attitudes, and to the effect of personal relevance on attitudes toward eCommerce advertisements.

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• Non representative sampling method.• these studies only used two levels of Interactivity (High

vs. Low) and one type of advertisement (popup ads). Therefore, interpretation of these results should be tempered with that understanding.

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Future research

Future research should go beyond the scope of this research and isolate the different dimensions of Interactivity (i.e., speed, range, and mapping). Also, future research should investigate these effects with different types of advertisements, which may or may not be able to incorporate manipulations on every dimension of Interactivity.

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Overall Evaluation

• The perfect paper• Clear statement of the problem and purpose of this paper• Comprehensive with logical flow of ideas, with clear

literature review, with great usage of statics and tables and good illustration of the variables and relations between them, new and innovative model , it has the limitations and recommendations for future research

• I think this paper has really added something modern and innovative , it is really the perfect paper.