online teaching

+ Webliography Megan Lents

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Page 1: Online Teaching

+ WebliographyMegan Lents

Page 2: Online Teaching


Providing materials for students to complete courses online has created a new era for

teaching. Not only can students benefit from the use of technology, institutions and

instructors can efficiently distribute materials and information. Convenience is a major role

of online resources, making it easy for students who have difficult schedules to

complete assignments and go through lectures on their own time, compared to a designated

class time at a university or institution.

Page 3: Online Teaching


Online Teaching What is online teaching? Benefits/Disadvantages

Using Wiki-pages What is a wiki-page? Benefits/Disadvantages

Weblogs What is a weblog or “blog”? Benefits/Disadvantages










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+ONLINE TEACHING Online teaching allows the majority of course to

be available to students online

Online teaching is most widely as an optional addition to typical courses at universities and colleges

Benefits: Classroom capacity is not an issue Students may learn the material when they feel

ready, instead of being forced to learn the material at a specific time

Many online classes do not require a textbook, making the course cheaper for students

Transportation to a university or college is no longer an issue

Teachers are able to interact with a one-on-one basis through technology

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+ONLINE TEACHING Disadvantages:

Students must develop a strong sense of self-discipline in order to complete a course successfully

Students aren’t able to interact with instructor face-to-face without going out of their way to visit the instructor on their own time

Students and teachers must learn how to use the computer software in order to complete the course

Plagiarism becomes a larger factor in assignments due to the availability of the internet

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+ONLINE TEACHINGPersonal Reflection

The article pointed out that their was no classroom capacity as an advantage to online teaching. I disagree with that statement due to the fact that I believe in order for a student to succeed they need plenty of interaction with instructor. If there are two-hundred people in one classroom, how is it possible to get one-on-one time with an instructor?

However, I do agree with online teaching being very self-disciplined. The student taking the course must set a weekly schedule, allowing a set time for the lesson to be learned and assignments to be completed.

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Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser


Gives students the opportunity to create series of WebPages

Students are able to revise their own work and other classmate’s work

Wiki can display photos, text and video

Creates a place for writing exercises

Creates a way to do group work outside of a classroom

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Anyone can edit the Web-Page unless it is locked

The teacher is not always there when you need he/she at a certain time

Requires Internet connectivity to collaborate

Open to SPAM and Vandalism if not managed properly

Language in the Wiki pages is far less formal than in academic papers.

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+USING WIKI-PAGESPersonal Reflection

When reading this article I enjoyed it because it shows how a teacher uses Wiki-pages to teach Shakespeare. The teacher uses both Qwikiwiki and Media-Wiki to teach students at the Univeristy of Maryland in Baltimore. Through Wiki the students learn how to work in groups and writing skills. I liked how in the article it showed examples of what a Wiki Page looks like and it gave examples of how it looks to edit and how the teacher can give feedback to the student.

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A blog is a Web site that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often updated on frequently with new information about particular topics. The information can be written by the site owner, gleaned from other Web sites or other sources, or contributed by users. 


Critical thinking

Reflective thinking

Giving a subject serious consecutive consideration

Students of any age are able to use “Blogs”

Blogs can motivate students to read which then creates a learning experience for students

Allows people to to exchange information without space and time issues

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Blogs are open to Public, and

viewers can comment or post


Student can be afraid to post

certain messages do to what other’s

might think about them


Check Out My Blog

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+USING WEB-BLOGSPersonal Reflection

My thoughts about the article on “blogs” was interesting because I never thought that the internet could help students in enhancing reflection and learning within certain subjects. The section on stimulating and motivate learning, I use to think before I read this article that using the internet would make someone want to skip out on reading but that is not true, the Blogs actually make the student want to read and learn.

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Through the power point, it shows each step to help make an online class successful. Students are able to learn through blogs and Wiki pages. Shown in the power point is positive and negatives to each part just like there would be in a classroom. I enjoyed making the power point and I learned new ways that education is being taught.

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Archambault, L., & Crippen, K. (2009). K-12 Distance Educators at Work: Who's Teaching Online Across the United States. Journal of Research on Technology and Education, 41(4), 366-387.

Farabaugh, R. (2007). "The Aisle is Full of Noises": Using Wiki-Software to Establish a Discourse Community in a Shakespeare Classroom. Networked Learning and Writing to Learn, 16(1), 41-55.

Yang, S. (2009). Using Blogs to Enhance Critical Reflection and Community of Practice. Learning Through Reflection, 11-21.