opcenter connect fn for sap s/ 4hana configuration guide

Opcenter Connect FN for SAP S/ 4HANA - Configuration Guide

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Opcenter ConnectFN for SAP S/4HANA-ConfigurationGuide

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Preface 5

FN4S Introduction 1-1

Basic ConfigurationImport Objects by Schedule ─────────────────────────────── 2-1Configure the Data Import ──────────────────────────────── 2-1Add T4x Job Agent ───────────────────────────────────── 2-2Addressing Multiple Opcenter Servers ──────────────────────── 2-2Opcenter EX DS connection configuration ────────────────────── 2-4Install Certificate ────────────────────────────────────── 2-7The File fn4s_mapping_config.sd ─────────────────────────── 2-8CLM SAP ID Mapping ─────────────────────────────────── 2-9

SAP to Opcenter EX DS InteractionMaterial and Tool Definition Import ────────────────────────── 3-1Document Import ───────────────────────────────────── 3-2Work Order Import ───────────────────────────────────── 3-3MasterPlan Transfer ──────────────────────────────────── 3-6Create Work Order Header Based On MasterPlan ───────────────── 3-8

Opcenter EX DS to SAP InteractionCreate Confirmation in ERP ─────────────────────────────── 4-1

Cross functional SAP ConfigurationUseful SAP Key Shortcuts ──────────────────────────────── 5-1Using a Custom BAPI for a Standard Transaction ────────────────── 5-1Technical Name of SAP GUI Fields ─────────────────────────── 5-2Read SAP Table ─────────────────────────────────────── 5-3Installed SAP Languages ───────────────────────────────── 5-4Get SAP Connection Data ──────────────────────────────── 5-5Correct Number and Date Format ─────────────────────────── 5-6Check if an Object is Locked in SAP ────────────────────────── 5-7Call Custom SAP BAPI ─────────────────────────────────── 5-8Basics on SAP Long Text ───────────────────────────────── 5-9Basics about SAP Object Links ───────────────────────────── 5-9Ask SAP GUI for Type Abbreviations ────────────────────────── 5-9Call Transaction ────────────────────────────────────── 5-10

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Advanced Opcenter EX DS ConfigurationOverwrite Opcenter EX DS command ───────────────────────── 6-1

TroubleshootingCLM Services are not triggered ───────────────────────────── 7-1

Glossary A-1


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PrefaceThis documentation cannot be used as a substitute for consulting advice, because it can never considerthe individual business processes and configuration. Despite our best efforts it is probable that someinformation about functionality and coherence may be incomplete.

Issue: December 2019

Legal notice:

All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be copied by any means or made available toentities or persons other than employees of the licensee of the Opcenter Connect FN for SAP S/4HANAor those that have a legitimate right to use this documentation as part of their assignment on behalf ofthe licensee to enable or support usage of the software for use within the boundaries of the licenseagreement.

© 2018-2019 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

Trademark notice:

Siemens, the Siemens logo and Opcenter are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.

Camstar and Teamcenter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Siemens Product LifecycleManagement Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.

SAP, R/3, SAP S/4HANA®, SAP Business Suite® and mySAP are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAPor its affiliates in Germany and other countries.

TESIS is a registered trademark of TESIS GmbH.

All other trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks belong to their respective holders.

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1. FN4S IntroductionThe Opcenter Connect FN for SAP S/4HANA (FN4S) software solution is an integration software thatprovides data and process integration between SAP Business Suite® and SAP S/4HANA® by SAP AG andOpcenter Execution Discrete by Siemens AG.

FN4S provides a wide range of automatic and interactive functions to transfer and synchronize databetween SAP and Opcenter EX DS.

This document details the components of the SAP - Opcenter EX DS integration, which are available outof the box and configurable to meet customer specific solution requirements.

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1. FN4S Introduction

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2. Basic Configuration

Import Objects by Schedule

To automatically import production objects like orders or materials from SAP, FN4S needs to repeatedlycheck the so-called SAP Z-table and start import jobs if orders are available. For details on how toconfigure this scheduled import, see chapter "Scheduled Triggers" in the Teamcenter Gateway -Generic Configuration Guide. The Z-table only gets filled with entries about new or changed objects, ifa specific user exit is applied to the SAP configuration, see .

Configure the Data Import

1. A SAP user exit is initiated while saving a SAP object.

2. The user exit creates an entry in custom SAP staging table (ZPTC table).

3. FN4S scheduled trigger reads entry in staging table and creates a job.

4. The job is executed (as defined in mapping file).

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a. Read SAP data.

b. Find related target system object.

c. Create/update target system object.

d. Update target system attributes.

e. Additional actions are performed like set status, trigger a target system workflow, sendemail...

f. Update entry in staging table (status S for success or E for error).

5. The job status indicates success or failure of import.

Specific Configuration in SAP

The following steps need to be prepared in the SAP:

• Import the ZPTC table and ZPTC functions into SAP with the Transport Package "/TESISPLM/T4S_ZPTC". See chapter SAP Transport Packages for T4S Functionality and Set Up to Trigger DataTransfer From SAP to Teamcenter in the Opcenter Connect FN for SAP S/4HANA - PreparationGuide.

• A user exit has to be written in SAP to use the BAPI function /TESISPLM/ZPTC_INSERT to create anew Z-Table entry and populate it with the appropriate data.

Add T4x Job Agent

For some external events, FN4S needs to execute jobs in the background (e.g. incoming web servicesfrom MES, long-running transfer workflows). Therefore the FN4S GS instance(s) need to be configuredto have at least one Job Agent. For details on Job Agent creation, see chapter T4x Agent configurationin the Active Integration - Generic Configuration Guide.

Addressing Multiple Opcenter Servers

FN4S can address one or many Opcenter servers based on some mapping logic. The delivered demomapping assumes the following restrictions:

• There is only a single SAP system and only a single client within this system is relevant for thescenario.

• The SAP production plant is mapped to the Opcenter EX DS top-level equipment element (enterprise)exclusively by the ::EXDS::PLANTMAPPING functionality (see below).

2. Basic Configuration

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• Each Opcenter server can handle several top-level equipment elements (enterprises). This essentiallymeans that a single FN4S connection can be used to address several enterprises.

The mapping is defined by a triple of enterprise Id (NId for Opcenter EX DS ), the SAP plant ID and theFN4S connection name. In the demo mapping this is defined using ::EXDS::PLANTMAPPINGfunctionality, similar to the following example:

::EXDS::PLANTMAPPING::add "1000_A" "1000" "SITConnectionA"::EXDS::PLANTMAPPING::add "2000_A" "2000" "SITConnectionA"::EXDS::PLANTMAPPING::add "3000_A" "3000" "SITConnectionB"

This is a global definition and should be defined in fn4s_mapping_config.sd file. The example definesthat the work area with NId "1000_A" (the Opcenter EX DS enterprise) maps to SAP plant 1000 and theFN4S connection "SITConnectionA" has to be used to address Opcenter EX DS. A second enterprise"2000_A" is also hosted be the same Opcenter server which can be addressed by the FN4S connection"SITConnectionA", but maps to SAP plant 2000. Finally a separate Opcenter server hosts "3000_A" (SAPplant 3000) and can be addressed using FN4S connection "SITConnectionB".

Whenever FN4S needs to transfer data to Opcenter, it determines the FN4S connection based on thetop-level work area.

All incoming web service calls from Opcenter carry an "Enterprise" field. Based on this value anysubsequent FN4T, FN4S or T4S action can determine the correct connection to Opcenter. Thenamespace ::EXDS::PLANTMAPPING contains all necessary procedures to uniformly access thepreviously defined plant mapping.

Addressing Multiple Opcenter Servers

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Opcenter EX DS connection configuration

The connection configuration to access a Opcenter server must be set via the script exdsconnect.tclin the Gateway Service Admin UI:

This script stores the connection parameters in a central, encrypted database on the BGS. Please use"Define and Store Credentials Alias" to store credentials. In addition to the default parameters add yourspecific data as shown in example above. The parameters have the following meaning:

Action: "Validate AutoLogin" validates connection defined in thefn4s_mapping_config.sd.

"Define and Store Credentials Alias" stores data and validates connection at the sametime.

"List Stored Credentials Aliases" lists all stored credentials aliases for target system.

"Validate Stored Credentials Alias" validates connection for given alias. Please set "Keepor delete the cached token before connecting" to "delete" to enforce generating of thetoken in case if the existing (cached) token is no more valid or you need the immediatefeedback for the changed data for the given alias.

"Delete Stored Credentials Alias" removes stored credentials alias.


This specifies the identifier or label with which the connection info will be stored in theencrypted BGS credentials database. In most cases you will only need a single alias for

2. Basic Configuration

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all Opcenter connections and in this case a good choice would be "default" or the nameof the connection (identical to "EXDS System").

Destination: This is the logical name of the connetion to a single Opcenter system as used in themapping logic.


The URL component between the port and the specification of the Opcenterapplication, beginning with a slash. If e.g. the service URL for the ping service is:"http://mysitserver:80/sit-svc/Application/AppU4DM/odata/DependencyType", the URLExtension is the part between ":80" and "/Application". Usually this component isidentical for all Opcenter applications on a server and in most cases /sit-svc iscorrect. Ask your Opcenter administrator if uncertain.

Executablepath fortokenextractor:

this path to a binary or executable is executed whenever FN4S needs to extract a JWTtoken from the certificate. The token is necessary in order to authenticate against theOpcenter server. For details on the certificate, see Install Certificate. The default valuerefers to the OOTB Java library delivered with FN4S. The main class of the Jar file takesthe positional parameters: KeyStorePassword, KeyStorePath, TokenAppName andCertPassword. Both passwords have to be passed unencrypted to the Jar. The defaultconfiguration of CLM makes sure the Jar is fed with correct parameters. The specificpattern "#JWTJavaPath#" makes sure the Java executable is used as configured for JWTon the specific Gateway Service when the token is extracted. This allows the sameconfiguration to be used on e.g. Linux and Windows, but of course a specific, absolutepath can also be configured, if needed.

Alias forcertificate:

The alias is the alias used in the key store by the administrator who created the keystore.

Path to keystore:

Path to a Java key store file containing the certificate.


Password for key store in plain text.


Password for certificate in plain text.

Secondsuntil tokenexpires:

This parameter determines the validity period of the created token as configured onthe server (FN4S requests a new token after this period). This will be passed as JWTclaim "Expiration Time" (exp) after adding the value of MaxClockSkewInSeconds.Ask your Opcenter administrator for details.

Max.assumedclock Skewin seconds:

This is an optional parameter, the default value is 120. This parameter denotes thenumber of seconds to subtract from the JWT claim "Not Before" (nbf) and added to thetoken lifetime "Expiration Time" (exp) of the JWT token used for authentication againstthe Opcenter server. This time span will be subtracted from the lifetime of the tokencached in shared memory. This parameter allows for the clocks of the FN4S GatewayService host and the Opcenter server to differ up to the maximum of the specifiednumber of seconds. Note that despite this parameter the clocks should besynchronized. The value of MaxClockSkewInSeconds must be smaller than the value ofTokenExpiresInSeconds!

Opcenter EX DS connection configuration

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Keep ordelete thecachedtoken beforeconnecting:

Uses existing token stored in cache if any or enforce to delete from cache and generatea new one.

Overwrite: "yes" will overwrite if the chosen value for "Credentials Alias" is already existing. Bychoosing "no" the script will only create a new extry, but not overwrite an existing one.

The configured connection details are then used in callslike ::T4X::CONNECTION2EA::setConnection4UseCase to build a named connection that is usedin RAC or in the mappings in order to address a specific Opcenter system. Several credential sets andconnection details may be configured, allowing to address different Opcenter systems if required. A"preferred" FN4S connection can be definedby ::T4X::CONNECTION2EA::selectActiveConnection2EA FN4S_EXDS "*" "UAFReal".This connection will be used if not otherwise specified.

For each of your specific Opcenter servers the corresponding URL prefix (protocol, host name, port) hasto be configured in the connection configuration section of the GS Admin UI. This allows to manage theURL (including also connections specific parameters like TLS certificates and proxy settings) via GSAdmin UI. It is important to make sure that the name of the connection created in the mapping("UAFReal" in this example) exactly matches the name of the connection created in the GS Admin UI.Choose "HTTP" as protocol and enter the port of the Opcenter. Restart Gateway Service when done. Hereis an example configuration with one Opcenter server in addition to the 5 OOTB connections:

Before each interaction with Opcenter, FN4S checks the connectivity using a simple and fast call to theserver. This can be configuredin ::FN4S_EXDS::CONNECTION2EA::CUSTOM::MAPPING::connectEA. The demo implementationcalls ::FN4S::SERVICES::checkConnection. The following API will be used in this function:

2. Basic Configuration

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Target System Used API

Opcenter EX DS DependencyType


• If your Opcenter exposes an SSL (https) URL, you need to tell FN4S which certificates should beused, otherwise no certificates will be checked - opening the connection for man-in-the-middleattacks! Active Integration Gateway clients do not use certificates from the operating systemcertificate store, so the certificates have to be specified in the connection configuration of theAdmin UI! For more details, please see the online help in Admin UI.

• Even if you plan to address only a single Opcenter system, you still have to adaptthe ::EXDS::PLANTMAPPING in file fn4s_mapping_config.sd to reflect your connection nameand the used plant identifiers. Otherwise transfers will fail with an error about a missingconnection. For details on the plant mapping, see also chapter Addressing Multiple OpcenterServers

Install Certificate

Opcenter uses "2-legged" OAuth 2.0 for authentication. This mechanism does not require the user toenter any credentials, but instead, the host running the service (each FN4S GS host in our case) and theOpcenter host must have the identical certificate installed in the system's or a specific Java certificatestore. Usually, this certificate is created and provided by the Opcenter administrator. On Windows, sucha certificate is a file with the extension .pfx.

FN4S provides only one option to retrieve a valid token (the older getToken.exe has been removed as itis not platform neutral). The Java Library (TokenExecutable: [list [::SYSBase::getJavaPathJWT] -jar "[rcwd]/lib/token/x509tokenextractor.jar"] works on all platformssupported by AIG. The certificate as received from the Opcenter server or administrator (calledsample.pfx in the following example), has to be stored in a Java key store before the library canextract a token. Moreover a valid JRE (>= Java 8) has to be configured for the "Advanced" Java option"JVM for OAuth/JWT" in the Admin UI.

Java keytool can be used to store the certificate into a Java key store:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore sample.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12\-destkeystore var/conf/cert/KeyStore.jks -deststoretype JKS\-alias pvktmp:f4053187-cd35-4e99-9490-21be88fa17e9 -destalias clm

This call will ask for the key store and certificate password (if required) interactively. You have to enterthe passwords in plain text here. The same passwords have to be entered using the scriptexdsconnect.tcl.

Please do not forget to keep the FN4S server clock and the Opcenter server clock synchronized becauseotherwise the lifetime of the token cannot be validated correctly because of the JWT claims nbf (NotBefore) and exp (Expiration Time) in the payload part of the token. The configuration parameter

Install Certificate

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MaxClockSkewInSeconds allows a limited adaption to unsynchronized clocks, but in general clocksynchronization is required!

The chapter Opcenter EX DS connection configuration describes how to configure FN4S to use theimported certificate. For more details on certificate handling, consult the Opcenter manuals.

The File fn4s_mapping_config.sd

The file fn4s_mapping_config.sd in the directory <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/fn4s_mapping_config/ is thefirst configuration file of the FN4S software that is read by each TCL worker thread or process. It loadsthe rest of the mapping files and may contain basic settings as well as variables which are supposed tobe used in more than one mapping file.

This file is also the place to define the connection details for both, the Opcenter Execution Discreteconnection as well as the SAP connection. Please see chapter in the Active Integration - InstallationGuide for more information.

The following basic settings has to be configured in fn4s_mapping_config.sd for Teamcenter, SAP andOpcenter EX DS integration scenarios:

• By default, set ::FN4S::IDMAPPING::Implementation ::FN4S::JDBC::SQLSERVERenables the using of MS SQL Server database to store credendials.

• Set default connection using ::T4X::CONNECTION2EA::setCredentialsAlias4UseCaseFN4S_DB SQLServer default ALL.

The code starting with set overlay... is only relevant in SPLM-internal development and testingenvironments and will not become active in any custom environment, so that it can be ignored.

In addition to the above mentioned settings, this is also the place to define the configuration formultiple Opcenter EX DS servers (see chapter Addressing Multiple Opcenter Servers) and to configurethe language of internal messages directly returned by FN4S:


set strLanguageCode "en_US" ; # default language (check /var/lang/FN4S/ for more language codes)

Other possible languages can be found in the directory <GS_ROOT>/var/lang/FN4S.

It is also possible to control the language using an OS environment variable:


2. Basic Configuration

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Note that this language setting only controls the language for messages created internally by FN4S. Thelanguage of messages returned by SAP is defined by the language used for the SAP login. See chapter inthe Active Integration - Installation Guide for more information. The recommendation is to use thesame language as the SAP connection language to make sure that all messages displayed in the samelanguage.

CLM SAP ID Mapping


This chapter is only relevant in context of Closed Loop Manufacturing (CLM), i.e. if Teamcenter isinvolved. Although this functionality is part of the FN4S package it is also used by T4S and FN4T.FN4S uses ID mapping only for orders and confirmations authored from data created inTeamcenter and transferred by T4S and FN4T.

In order to synchronize data over all three systems PLM, ERP and MES, you must make sure to uniquelyidentify objects when transferring them. In our scenario, Teamcenter is the leading system for materialIDs, routing IDs, BOM IDs and others. SAP Business Suite® consumes some of these IDs and creates newartifacts, e.g. orders. FN4S consumes data from both other systems and must keep track of identities.The Teamcenter and Opcenter EX DS data models are relatively easy to adapt in order to storeidentification and reference information. It has proven more difficult to adapt ERP data models and sowe need to keep track of the mapping of ERP identifiers to PLM identifiers and vice versa. AlthoughTeamcenter implicitly stores all these mappings (e.g. for materials it can store the SAP material master IDon the revision and a form on the CC object stores SAP BOM and routing identifiers), FN4S uses separatestorage to externalize this information. The implementation of this storage can be set by the followingvariable:

set ::FN4S::IDMAPPING::Implementation ::FN4S::IDMAPPING::MSSQL

In the demo scenario, two implementations are available:

• ::FN4S::IDMAPPING::SQLITE provides a simple implementation where the SQLite database is hostedon the Basic Gateway Service. The driver is included in the Active Integration Gateway package, so noadditional driver has to be installed. Since there is only a single database on the Basic GatewayService, no database or table space has to created. However as SQLite is not an enterprise databasesystem, this implementation is not recommended for productive use!

• ::FN4S::IDMAPPING::MSSQL provides a binding to an MSSQL database. Using this implementation thedatabase can be hosted e.g. on the Opcenter server or its database server. The implementationrequires a Microsoft JDBC driver to be installed, see Active Integration - Installation Guide. Thedatabase to be used has to be created manually, while the table and columns are automaticallydefined by FN4S. This implementation is recommended for productive use.

Other implementations can easily be added as long as the interface described in <GS_ROOT>/fn4s_mapping_config/fn4s_idmapping.sd is fulfilled.

CLM SAP ID Mapping

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The connectivity has to be stored using the script mssql_db_connect.tcl in the Gateway Service AdminUI.

2. Basic Configuration

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3. SAP to Opcenter EX DS Interaction

Material and Tool Definition Import

The capability to create a Material in Opcenter EX DS is based on a MaterialMaster from the ERP system.This capability uses the Opcenter EX DS command CreateMaterialAndDM_Material to create theMaterial and the SAP BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL to read the MaterialMaster. In context ofMasterPlan transfer the same pipeline is used for the Tool Definition import if the MaterialMaster has aPRT-view in SAP.


Source system SAP


Target system Opcenter EX DS

Used API CreateMaterialAndDM_Material

or as Tool for MM having PRT-view


The following procedure is executed during this process:

Saving a MaterialMaster in SAP triggers a UserExit/BADI which stores meta information about thisMaterialMaster into the FN4S Z-Table (SAP database table). This table is read by FN4S every n minutesand for each new entry a Material import job is created in FN4S. The record in the table is marked as “Q”(= QUEUED) to make sure that the same MaterialMaster is not imported more than once. Once theimport job is executed by the FN4S job engine, the MaterialMaster is read from SAP in detail, the data ismapped into the format required by the target system and sent to Opcenter EX DS in order to create aMaterial object. After the job has been executed, the status of the Z-Table entry is either set to “S” (=SUCCESS) or “E” (= ERROR) with a corresponding message depending on the result of the Materialcreation.

According to this scenario, the following steps are required:

• Implement the FN4S Z-Table functionality provided with the SAP transport package“TESISPLM_T4S_ZPTC”. See for more information.

• Implement a SAP UserExit or BADI as a trigger on the MaterialMaster “Save” action which will thencreate a MATERIAL entry (stands for MaterialMaster) in the FN4S Z-Table for each MaterialMasterbeing saved in SAP. The UserExit or BADI ABAP code should be configured in a way that onlyMaterialMaster relevant for FN4S - Opcenter EX DS are stored in this Z-Table.

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• Start trigger script called "FN4S Trigger Z-Table import job (Scheduler)" in the FN4S GS Admin GUI tocheck the Z-Table for new entries. Learn more about the Script-based (scheduled) Triggers chapter"Scheduled Triggers" in the Active Integration - Generic Configuration Guide.

• Create and save a MaterialMaster in SAP.

If everything is configured correctly, a Opcenter EX DS Material will be created automatically for eachMATERIAL entry of the Z-Table or in other words, for each material being saved in SAP aligning with theUserExit ABAP code conditions.

The attribute mapping for this Material import can be configured using the filefn4s_material_mapping.sd:

This file contains the following important procedures:



The procedure mapping4MaterialMasterRead can be used to control how the MaterialMaster datais read from SAP. More specific, this is the place where SAP MaterialMaster read parameters like theplant, the company code, the valuation area or type, the storage location or other things can becontrolled.

Important: The SAP plant is already defined at this stage (usually by the Z-Table entry triggering theimport) and is only mentioned here for the sake of completeness. All other parameters are empty andcan be defined if required to properly read the MaterialMaster data from SAP.

The procedure SAP_Material2MES_Material can be used to configure how the extracted SAPMaterialMaster data is mapped to the Material object being created in Opcenter EX DS as well as part ofthe business logic used for the transfer. An example for this would be to skip the transfer completely.The SAP MaterialMaster data can be accessed using the section MaterialDetails of the input TCLdictionary input. Skipping a Material transfer to Opcenter EX DS Material can be done by setting thekey skipUADMCreateMaterialDefinition of the input TCL dictionary input to true.

Document Import

The capability to create a Document in Opcenter EX DS is based on a DocumentInfoRecord from the ERPsystem. This import is a part of the MasterPlan transfer and Work Order import.


Source system SAP


3. SAP to Opcenter EX DS Interaction

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Target system Opcenter EX DS

Used API PLMCreateDocumentList

The import is implemented as a pipeline. That means you can use this pipeline in you own pipeline tobuild in this feature.

Please note that if the document already exists in Opcenter EX DS the pipeline skipsperformTransfer2MES, which posts the list of documents to create.

The attribute mapping for this Document import can be configured using the filefn4s_document_mapping.sd:

This file contains the following important procedures:


The procedure SAP_Document2MES_Document can be used to configure how the extracted SAPDocumentInfoRecord data is mapped to the Document object being created in Opcenter EX DS as well aspart of the business logic used for the transfer. An example would be to skip the transfer completely. TheSAP DocumentInfoRecord data can be accessed using the section ListOfSapDocumentFileDicts ofthe input TCL dictionary input. Skipping a Document transfer to Opcenter EX DS can be done by settingthe key skipPLMCreateDocumentList of the input TCL dictionary input to true.

Another useful example might be configurable dictionary SITDocumentConfigParameter whichcontains the supported MIME types.

Work Order Import

The capability to create a Work Order in Opcenter EX DS is based on a Production Order from the ERPsystem.

This capability uses the API to create the Work Order:


Source system SAP


Target system Opcenter EX DS

Used API CreateWorkOrder




Work Order Import

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DeleteWorkOrder (only in caseof an error to perform arollback)

The following procedure is executed during this process:

Saving a Production Order in SAP triggers a UserExit/BADI which stores meta information about thisProduction Order into the FN4S Z-Table (SAP database table). This table is read by FN4S every n minutesand for each new entry a Work Order import job is created in FN4S. The record in the table is marked as“Q” (= QUEUED) to make sure that the same Production Order is not imported more than once. Once theimport job is executed by the FN4S job engine, the Production Order is read from SAP in detail, the datais mapped into the format required by the target system and sent to Opcenter EX DS in order to create aWork Order object. After the job has been executed, the status of the Z-Table entry is either set to “S” (=SUCCESS) or “E” (= ERROR) with a corresponding message depending on the result of the Work Ordercreation.

According to this scenario, the following steps are required:

• Implement the FN4S Z-Table functionality provided with the SAP transport package“TESISPLM_T4S_ZPTC”. See for more information.

• Implement a SAP UserExit or BADI as a trigger on the Production Order “Save” action which will thencreate a PROD_ORDER entry (stands for Production Order) in the FN4S Z-Table for each ProductionOrder being saved in SAP. The UserExit or BADI ABAP code should be configured in a way that onlyProduction Orders relevant for FN4S - Opcenter EX DS are stored in this Z-Table (e. g. only releasedorders).

• Start trigger script called "FN4S Trigger Z-Table import job (Scheduler)" in the FN4S GS Admin GUI tocheck the Z-Table for new entries. Learn more about the Script-based (scheduled) Triggers in the"Scheduled Triggers" in the Active Integration - Generic Configuration Guide.

• Create and save a Production Order in SAP.

If everything is configured correctly, a Opcenter EX DS Work Order will be created automatically for eachPROD_ORDER entry of the Z-Table or in other words, for each production order being saved in SAPaligning with the UserExit ABAP code conditions.

The creation of this Work Order can be configured using the file fn4s_workorder_mapping.sd:

This file contains the following important procedures:


3. SAP to Opcenter EX DS Interaction

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The procedure mapping4SapProdOrderRead can be used to control how the Production Order data isread from SAP. More specific, this is the place where SAP Production Order read parameters like “whichobjects should be read for order” (e. g. operations, consumed, …) can be controlled. Usually, there isnothing to be changed here as the default settings should cover all use cases.

The procedure getMachineToBeUsedStructure4EXDS can be used to control the location assignedto a Opcenter EX DS Work Order Operation. The location in Opcenter EX DS usually has a format like<Factory name>.<work area name>.<station name>. Example:Factory1.WA1.TestingStation.

The default template shipped with FN4S tries to calculate the Opcenter EX DS factory based on the SAPplant and the station name based on the SAP work center text. However, the Opcenter EX DS work areais hard coded with WA1. One way to calculate the work area could be to evaluate the SAP work centerand find the corresponding Opcenter EX DS work area based on a mapping table (example: SAP workcenter 1000 = WA1, 2000 = WA2…). The TCL variable strSapWorkcenter4Operation alreadyprovides access to the SAP work center for each operation. Keep in mind that this procedure is called in aloop (once for each operation).

The procedure SAP_ProdOrder2MES_WorkOrderHeader can be used to configure how the extractedSAP production order data is mapped to the work order header object being created in Opcenter EX DSas well as part of the business logic used for the transfer. An example for this would be to skip thetransfer completely. The SAP Production Order data can be accessed using the sectionProductionOrderDetails of the input TCL dictionary input. Skipping a work order transfer toOpcenter EX DS can be done by setting the key skipCreateWorkOrder of the input TCL dictionaryinput to true.

The procedure SAP_ProdOrder2MES_WorkOrderOperation can be used to configure how theextracted SAP production order operation data is mapped to the work order operation objects beingcreated for the work order header in Opcenter EX DS as well as part of the business logic used for thetransfer. An example for this would be to skip the transfer. The SAP Production Order Operation data canbe accessed using the section ProductionOrderDetails of the input TCL dictionary input. Skippinga Work Order Operation transfer to Opcenter EX DS can be done by setting the key

Work Order Import

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skipCreateWorkOrderOperation of the input TCL dictionary input to true will result in skippingall Work Order Operation.

The procedure SAP_ProdOrder2MES_WorkOrderConsumed can be used to configure how theextracted SAP Production Order component data is mapped to the Work Order Operation materialobjects being created for the Work Order Operation in Opcenter EX DS as well as part of the businesslogic used for the transfer. An example for this would be to skip the transfer. The SAP Production OrderOperation data can be accessed using the section ProductionOrderDetails of the input TCLdictionary input. Skipping a Work Order Operation material transfer to Opcenter EX DS can be done bysetting the key skipCreateWorkOrderConsumed of the input TCL dictionary input to true willresult in skipping all Work Order Operation materials.

The procedure SAP_ProdOrder2MES_WorkOrderDependencies can be used to configure how theextracted SAP production order dependency data is mapped to the Work Order Operation dependencyobjects being created for the Work Order Operations in Opcenter EX DS as well as part of the businesslogic used for the transfer. An example for this would be to skip the transfer. The SAP Production OrderOperation data can be accessed using the section ProductionOrderDetails of the input TCLdictionary input. Skipping a Work Order Operation dependency transfer to Opcenter EX DS can bedone by setting the key skipCreateWorkOOperationDependencies of the input TCL dictionaryinput to true will result in skipping all Work Order Operation dependencies.

The procedure SAP_ProdOrder2MES_WorkOrderToBeUsedMachine can be used to configure howthe extracted SAP production order operation data is mapped to the Work Order Operation locationobjects being created for the Work Order Operations in Opcenter EX DS as well as part of the businesslogic used for the transfer. An example for this would be to skip the transfer. The SAP Production OrderOperation data can be accessed using the section of the input TCL dictionary input. Skipping a workorder operation location transfer to Opcenter EX DS can be done by setting the keyskipCreateToBeUsedMachine of the input TCL dictionary input to true will result in skipping allwork order operation locations.

The procedure SAP_ProdOrder2MES_WorkOrderReleaseStatus can be used to configure if thecreated Opcenter EX DS Work Order will be released at the end of the overall transfer or not. Releasingthe order can be skipped by setting the key skipReleaseOrder of the input TCL dictionary input totrue.

MasterPlan Transfer

The capability to create a MasterPlan in Opcenter EX DS is based on a Routing from the ERP system. Thiscapability creates the MasterPlan. If the MasterPlan already exists in the target system, FN4S calls aPLMRollbackMasterPlan to delete this object and existing dependencies. In the next step, FN4Stransfers all components (objects) from Routing and finally sends all dependencies or linkages betweenMasterPlan and components. Below you find the list of objects currently supported by MasterPlantransfer:

• Process.

• Operation.

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• Material.

• Tool Definition (could be SAP PRT Equipment or Material).

• Document.

Please note that Equipment and Equipment structure transfer from SAP to Opcenter EX DS is currentlynot supported.


Target system Opcenter EX DS

Used API PLMCreateMasterPlan

CreateMaterialAndDM_Material *

PLMCreateDocumentList **



PLMCreateToolDefinitionList ***









Mapping template <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/fn4s_mapping_config/fn4s_masterplan_mapping.sd

Custom namespace ::FN4S::MASTERPLAN::CUSTOM::MAPPINGDictionaries/Variables and charactristics *

- ::WORKFLOW::MATERIAL::SAP2EXDS::scriptSyncMaterial2EXDS starts material transferseparatepipeline

**- ::WORKFLOW::DOCUMENT::SAP2EXDS::scriptSyncDocument2EXDS starts document transferseparate pipeline

*** - SAP PTRs of type "E", you can also transfer SAPPTRs Materials

MasterPlan Transfer

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using ::WORKFLOW::MATERIAL::SAP2EXDS::scriptSyncMaterial2EXDS

Please use fn4s_trigger_masterplan_transfer.tcl script in the Admin UI to trigger routing transfer usinggroup and group counter. To add additional steps or data mapping use <GS>\var\mmap\fn4s_masterplan_mapping.sd.

Create Work Order Header Based On MasterPlan

The capability to create a WorkOrderHeader in Opcenter EX DS based on the production order from theERP system and a MasterPlan in Opcenter EX DS . According to the demo scenario, the following stepsare required:

• Transfer MasterPlan to Opcenter EX DS based on a SAP Routing. See MasterPlan Transfer for details.

• Create production order in SAP based on the routing linked to MasterPlan.

• Start trigger script called "FN4S Trigger Z-Table import job (Scheduler)" with Object Type Work Orderbased on Master Plan in the FN4S GS Admin GUI to check the Z-Table for new entries. Learnmore about the Script-based (scheduled) Triggers in the "Scheduled Triggers" in the ActiveIntegration - Generic Configuration Guide.

The payload, posted by web service call triggered by the script (see above), consists of the list of theconsumed materials Id's and MasterPlanUId as a linkage to the MasterPlan besides the other attributes.Opcenter EX DS uses this list to create the Work Order based on the given MasterPlan with only the WorkOrder Operations which linked to the materials from the list.

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4. Opcenter EX DS to SAP Interaction

Create Confirmation in ERP

Create Confirmation in ERP is the capability to send a confirmation about completion from the OpcenterEX DS Operator Landing Page to ERP system.


This chapter is valid only for Teamcenter, ERP and Opcenter EX DS integration scenarios. It doesnot apply for Teamcenter and Opcenter EX DS only integration scenarios. The following featuresare shipped with FN4S and not with FN4T.

By default, you can decide either to send the confirmation by each of the Work Order Operations or onlyby completion of the whole Work Order in Opcenter EX DS. In case, if a component in SAP has abackflush flag, FN4S does not transfer any data from Opcenter EX DS and uses only proposal data fromSAP.

By default, the demo mapping fn4s_operation_conf_config.sd inprepareSAPOperationConfirmationParameters is preconfigured so that the service sends noseparate good issue transaction in SAP by invoking BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. It is applicable only forSAP production order consumptions without backflush, so that the goods movements transfer happensseparately. In this case, you can send the serial numbers stored in the Work Order Operation instead ofautomatic assignment in SAP. Please uncomment the following lines to enable serial number transferfrom Opcenter EX DS:

# dict set inputDict SAPDictGMGoodsMvt:GOODSMVT_SERIALNUMBER:MATDOC_ITM:$index [format %04d $index] # dictset inputDict SAPDictGM GoodsMvt:GOODSMVT_SERIALNUMBER:SERIALNO:$index$EXDSMaterialTrackingValue # dict set inputDict SAPDictGMGoodsMvt:GOODSMVT_SERIALNUMBER:UII:$index ""

If you use components with a serial number without backflush in SAP, you need to change theskipSeparateGoodsMovements to true, and the dictionary keyProdOrderConf:GOODSMOVEMENTS:SERIALNO_AUTO_NUMBERASSIGNMENT:$index has to bechanged to "X". This means again that SAP assigns serial number automatically, regardless from inputsin Opcenter EX DS. In contrast to a serial number, by using components with a batchId FN4S cantransfer the batchId value from Opcenter EX DS, as shown in the following example (backflash is notset in SAP).

if {$EXDSMaterialTrackingType eq "BatchId"} { dict set res ProdOrderConf:GOODSMOVEMENTS:BATCH:$index $EXDSMaterialTrackingValue} else { #You can use auto assignment in SAP by setting to "X" dict set res

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Note that Opcenter EX DS supports either serial number or batch number assignment, but not both atthe same time.

• If the execution of the Opcenter EX DS Work Order Operation is completed, Opcenter EX DS sends asignal to trigger confirmation for the corresponding operation in the production order. Add the URL asfollowed (please adapt the <GSInstance>):http://<GSInstance>:11301/pxml/createProdOrderOperationConfAsync.Request-Example:{ "orderId": "000100004298", "Enterprise": "Factory1" }

Field Type Description

orderId String Production order unique ID from SAP with leading zeroes will be used for SAP BAPIcall.

Enterprise String Enterprise from Opcenter EX DS.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK{ "status": "QUEUED", "message": "9bba11525aec537240317d57"}


HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "The job cannot be created"}

The Web API above calls the following BAPI's:

Target system Used API





OData query to retrieve the data for the given Work Order and confirmationId:

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Target system Used API

Opcenter EX DS WorkOrder?$expand=ProductionType($select=NId)&$filter=NId%20eq%20'000100001234'


OData query to retrieve the ActualConsumedMaterials data for the given WorkOperationNId:

Target system Used API

Opcenter EX DS WorkOrderOperation?$expand=ActualConsumedMaterials($expand=ToBeConsumedMaterial($select=NId),DM_MaterialTrackingUnit($expand=MaterialTrackingUnit))&$filter=NId%20eq%20'SITNId'

• If the execution of the Opcenter EX DS Work Order is completed, Opcenter EX DS sends a signal totrigger confirmation for the entire production order in ERP system by calling the web API in FN4S:http://<GSInstance>:11301/pxml/createProdOrderConfAsync.Request-Example for SAP and Opcenter EX DS integration scenarios only:

{ "confirmationId": "000000014298", "Enterprise": "Factory1"}

Request-Example for Teamcenter, SAP and Opcenter EX DS integration scenarios:

{ "orderId": "100004298", "operationId": "SITUIdForWOP", "Enterprise": "Factory1"}

Field Type Description

orderId String Production order unique ID from SAP.

operationId String Occurrence ID tag from Teamcenter hex- encoded, FN4T and FN4S integrationscenario only.

confirmationId String Confirmation ID from SAP for operation, FN4S standalone integration scenarioonly.

Enterprise String Enterprise from Opcenter EX DS.


Create Confirmation in ERP

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HTTP/1.1 200 OK{ "status": "QUEUED", "message": "9bba11525aec537240317d67"}


HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error{ "status": "ERROR", "message": "The job cannot be created"}

The web API must be configured in Opcenter EX DS configuration keys in the section "FN4TIntegration" accordingly.The payload for this API consists only of orderId and Enterprise for the completed Opcenter EXDS Work Order. For the Work Order Operation operationId is the additional attribute in thepayload. The data for the Work Order or Work Order Operation will be retrieved from Opcenter EX DSin the step getWorkOrderExecutionData via an OData query. For more details please take a lookat <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/fn4s_mapping_config/fn4s_operation_conf_config.sd for operationconfirmation and <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/fn4s_mapping_config/fn4s_production_order_conf_config.sd for production order.Please pay attention that both interfaces are implemented as pipelines based on the so-called stepengine framework. You can find an example in <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/fn4s_mapping_config/fn4s_production_order_conf_config.sd how to add a step in the existing pipeline for the confirmationfor the production order header.If the backflash flag is enabled for the component in SAP, FN4S sends the confirmation using proposaldata from SAP otherwise FN4S retrieves the ActualConsumedMaterials from Opcenter EX DS andsends it to SAP instead of proposal for values.The Web API above calls the following BAPI's:

Target system Used API





• OData query to retrieve the ActualConsumedMaterials data for the given WorkOperationNId:

Target system Used API

Opcenter EX DS WorkOrder?$expand=ProducedMaterialItems($expand=DM_MaterialTrackingUnit($expand=MaterialTrackingUnit)),FinalMaterial,ProductionType($select=NId),W

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Target system Used API



Create Confirmation in ERP

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5. Cross functional SAP Configuration

Useful SAP Key Shortcuts

Working in SAP GUI can be accelerated by the usage of shortcuts:

• F1: context sensitive help

• F3: Back

• Shift-F3: Exit

• F4: Open selection "Possible entries" (see screenshot)

• F7: Display

• F8: same as the "Execute" button where available

• F12: Cancel current operation

Note that you may configure the way SAP behaves when you press F4 from the main menu. Select Help– Settings – F4 Help.

Using a Custom BAPI for a Standard Transaction

AIG uses mostly standard SAP BAPIs for all the transactions. E.g. BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA to createand update Material Masters.

In order to tell AIG which BAPI you want to replace you can leverage themethod ::TPSAP::setSapFunctionName in your mapping. The function can not only define which

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standard BAPI should be replaced, it can also restrict the replacement only to a specific SAP system.Therefore it has the following parameters:

1. State the name of the standard BAPI, e.g. BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA.

2. State the name of the function to be used instead of the default one, e.g. My_MM_BAPI.

3. (optional) State the SAP system that you want to do the replacement for.

The following example shows how to replace BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA with My_MM_BAPI:


The next example shows how to replace BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA with My_MM_BAPI only for aspecific SAP system (ET5):



The interface of the custom BAPI needs to be equivalent to the one of the standard BAPI.

Technical Name of SAP GUI Fields

To display the name of a field in the SAP GUI, perform the following steps within a SAP GUI window:

• Click into the desired field.

• Press F1 (Help).

• Click the button Technical Information (may be a text field or an icon with hammer and wrench).

• A new window will open.

• The "Screen field" there shows the internal field name.

• To see how this field is formatted (string length, number format…), double click "Data Element" in thesection "Field data".

• Another window will open.

• Open the tab "Definition" and see the section "Data Type" there.

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The format in which you have to transfer the data may be language dependent (especially "date", e.g."17.06.2005" or "06/17/2005") but this is not shown here.

• The data type "DATS" is a "char 8" field. To transfer such a date, you have to transfer it as "YYYYMMDD"([binary -format [clock seconds] %Y%m%d]).

• The date type "DATE" is "char 10" pass "[binary -format [clock seconds] %d.%m.%Y].

• Both of them "DATS" and "DATE" are shown in the same way in SAP (e.g. "12.05.2006" with GermanSAP date settings) and may be cleared with the TCL formatted string [string repeat "0" 10]x.

If you click on "Field Name" instead of "Data Element", SAP will show the database table as known fromthe transaction SE11 ("Dictionary: Display View"). This table additionally shows the field length, e.g.length 13 and 3 decimals for the type QUAN which is used for a BOM component quantity.

Read SAP Table

can read the contents of a SAP table in the database with thefunction ::TPSAP::MISCELLANEOUS::RfcReadTable.


• ::SAPDat(ReadTable:PARAMETER:QUERY_TABLE)The table name.

• ::SAPDat(ReadTable:PARAMETER:DELIMITER)Separator for the data in the output result string.

• ::SAPDat(ReadTable:PARAMETER:NO_DATA)If not left empty only table field information is returned but no data.

• ::SAPDat(ReadTable:OPTIONS:TEXT:*)Search parameters in Open SQL (>; <; <>; =; like...)

• ::SAPDat(ReadTable:FIELDS:FIELDNAME:*)You have to specify the columns from the table that shall be in the output of the function.

Mapping Example:

# Set parametersset ::SAPDat(ReadTable:PARAMETER:QUERY_TABLE) /TESISPLM/ZPTCset ::SAPDat(ReadTable:PARAMETER:DELIMITER) ;set ::SAPDat(ReadTable:PARAMETER:NO_DATA) ""# Filter (optional, can be empty)set ::SAPDat(ReadTable:OPTIONS:TEXT:1) "ID >= '10'"

Read SAP Table

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set ::SAPDat(ReadTable:OPTIONS:TEXT:2) "and OBJECT_TYP = 'MATERIAL'" set ::SAPDat(ReadTable:OPTIONS:TEXT:3) "and OBJECT_ID like '%24728'"# define output columnsset ::SAPDat(ReadTable:FIELDS:FIELDNAME:1) IDset ::SAPDat(ReadTable:FIELDS:FIELDNAME:2) OBJECT_ID# function call and resultset rc [::TPSAP::MISCELLANEOUS::RfcReadTable]puts "::TPSAP::MISCELLANEOUS::RfcReadTable finished with >$rc<"foreach elem [lsort -dictionary [array names ::MiscResultDat]] { puts "::MiscResultDat($elem) = $::MiscResultDat($elem)"}

The result is stored in the array ::MiscResultDat. The output of your search in DATA:WA:* and thedescription of the tables columns in FIELDS:*.

The output string in ::MiscResultDat(DATA:WA:*) contains only the fields selectedin ::SAPDat(ReadTable:FIELDS:FIELDNAME:*) by numerical order, separated by the chosendelimiter:

::TPSAP::MISCELLANEOUS::RfcReadTable finished with >OK<::MiscResultDat(DATA:WA:1) = 6743 ;000000000000024728::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:FIELDNAME:1) = ID::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:FIELDNAME:2) = OBJECT_ID::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:FIELDTEXT:1) = Natural Number::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:FIELDTEXT:2) = Char 80::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:LENGTH:1) = 000010::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:LENGTH:2) = 000080::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:OFFSET:1) = 000000::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:OFFSET:2) = 000011::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:TYPE:1) = I::MiscResultDat(FIELDS:TYPE:2) = C

Installed SAP Languages

This is applicable to every SAP data object; it may be important if you try and set a language specific SAPfield by . SAP will only process the data correctly if the language is shown as available in SAP:

• Log in to SAP

• Start transaction SMLT (Language Management)

• To obtain the valid language code for a language, see the list you get when setting a languagespecific field directly in SAP

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You can also try and login to the SAP system with any language code. If the corresponding language isnot installed, SAP will refuse the access with the message "Please enter one of the installed languages.Unfortunately, not every SAP system provides the list of valid language codes here.


When you modify a language specific field (e.g. the "Material Description") and click on the buttonto select the language for your entry, you might get a list with more languages. This does notmean that SAP accepts data in all these languages by an interface!

Get SAP Connection Data

Use the function call ::T4X::CONNECTION2EA::testEALogin T4S to check your SAP connection. Itwill return OK if the connection is fine.

As allows using several SAP systems it might be useful to check which SAP system is connected in atransaction. The function ::TPSAP::RfcGetAttributes sets the following variables.

• ::TPSAP::RfcAttributes(DEST)SAP target system

• ::TPSAP::RfcAttributes(SYSID)SAP system ID

• ::TPSAP::RfcAttributes(CLIENT)SAP Client

• ::TPSAP::RfcAttributes(KERNEL_REL)SAP Version

Get SAP Connection Data

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These values are only updated if the function is called, so call it every time before you use thesevariables.

Correct Number and Date Format

SAP may reject a transaction that contains data in a format that is not expected (mainly for date anddecimal numbers).


Look up the data format that SAP expects as follows:

• Log in to the SAP system

• Type transaction code SU01 for User Maintenance.

• Type the appropriate user ID (the SAP user that will be called by ).

• Click on the button with the glasses symbol ("Display").

• Click on the tab "Defaults"

You should see something like the following:

The mapping needs to be set up such that SAP receives the data in the format shown for the specific SAPsystem.

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Using a Mapping Function

The function ::TPSAP::getSystemInfo retrieves data about the settings of the currently connecteduser:

• User Name$::TPSAP::SystemInfo(USER_NAME)

• Decimal Sign$::TPSAP::SystemInfo(DECIMAL_SIGN)You can also use ::TPSAP::getDecimalSigns.

• Login Language$::TPSAP::SystemInfo(LANGUAGE)You can also use ::TPSAP::getLoginLanguage and ::TPSAP::getLoginLanguageISO.

• Date Format$::TPSAP::SystemInfo(DATE_FORMAT)You can also use the functions ::TPSAP::getExternDateString for external data formatand ::TPSAP::getInternDateString for the internal data format.

• SAP System Release Information$::TPSAP::SystemInfo(SAP_SYSTEM_RELEASE)You can also use ::TPSAP::getReleaseInfo.

Check if an Object is Locked in SAP

In most cases, the reason for a locked SAP object is that it is being processed. So SAP prevents any othermodification on the same object by putting a lock on it. To check such a lock, use the SAP transactionSM12 "Select Lock Entries". The following screenshot shows it with a lock on the DIR:

In case of a DIR the "Lock Argument" is<SAP_client><DIR_type><internal_DIR_ID><internal_DIR_ID><DIR_part><DIR_version>.

In order to check such lock, use the test script "SAP get ENQUEUE data" (sap_get_enqueuedata.tcl)which needs two parameters:

Check if an Object is Locked in SAP

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• Object IDThis is the SAP internal object identifier, so in most cases not just the SAP Object ID itself but acombination of the SAP client, the Object ID and may more data, see below

• Object TableThis is the SAP internal Object Table name, e.g. MARA for MM, DRAW for DIR

In order to find the lock on that DIR using the test script, you have to enter the table name "DRAW" andexactly the same string shown here in the script parameter "Object ID", see screenshot below. So whentrying to check locks on other object types, it is helpful to check the correct parameter format for the"Lock Argument" directly in SAP using that transaction SM12:


With an incorrect "object ID" (from SAP perspective the "lock argument"), SAP will not answersomething like "object not found" but just return no lock information, so the script result is "Objectis not locked!" So be sure to check that parameter accurately.

Call Custom SAP BAPI

In some cases a business use case requires functionality that is not provided out of the box by . If there isa standard or customer provided BAPI function in SAP that provides the required capability, it can beused by to close this gap.

There is a special test script that will generate the code example to execute this function. This examplecan then be tailored with less effort to the customer needs. To generate the code, select the test scriptcreate_code4genericSAP_call.tcl (Generate code in order to call a generic SAP function).

In the field "SAP Function" you can enter the full name of the BAPI that needs to be called. You also needto select a "Pattern" for the input array (the name can be selected freely). Optionally you also can definethe name of the generated file (do not enter a full path):

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Make sure that your SAP user has the access rights to call the BAPI.

After the script has been executed, you will find the generated file in <GS_ROOT>\tmp\.

Depending on your BAPI function, the generated code will include init functions (e.g.init__TESISPLM_ZPTC_INSERT_PARAMETER) and the main function that will prepare the BAPI call(e.g. call_TESISPLM_ZPTC_INSERT). The BAPI itself is called by the standardfunction ::TPSAP::performSapCall with the generated input parameters.

Basics on SAP Long Text

By default, SAP only allows up to 132 characters per line in a long text. If you transfer a longer line, itwill be cut. The line index you set in the mapping has to be contiguous and ascending, even if youtransfer a text in different languages.

When setting several lines in more than one language, then all the indexes for the same language mustbe set contiguously (else SAP will not store all of them).

The index used in the mapping line is not necessarily the line number you will find in SAP.

Depending on the SAP configuration if a Long Text is set, the first line of one language is what SAP willshow as "Description" in the same language.

In some cases, SAP will not provide an error message if a requirement for setting a long text is notfulfilled. For example if the SAP MM "Sales View" is not activated, SAP will not store the "Sales text" butthe transfer will be successful.

Basics about SAP Object Links

SAP allows linking different objects together, so you can access the one object directly from the otherobject without having to know its ID. In most cases, SAP only allows the link creation from a DIR. But youmay access the DIR from the linked object as well.

Depending on the SAP configuration, the link creation to an object that does not exist is maybe notallowed (SAP gives an error message and the link is not created). If it is allowed and the target object iscreated afterward, the link will be shown.

Ask SAP GUI for Type Abbreviations

In order to find the abbreviations SAP expects from T4S or T4S4 (e.g. the "Material type"), you canconfigure the SAP GUI to show:

Basics on SAP Long Text

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• In the SAP GUI (no active transaction, "SAP easy access"), click the icon "Customize Local Layout" (seered arrow in the following screenshot) or press ALT-F12:

• Select "Options" (in older SAP GUI versions there was tab "Expert" to be activated)

• Open "Interaction Design" and select "Visualization 1"

• Activate the check box "Show Keys within drop-down lists".

• Then you will find the whole expression and the abbreviation, e.g. "FERT Finished Product" instead ofonly "Finished Product" for the material type.

Call Transaction

If there is no standard function or BAPI, the transaction can be called directly. The methodology is nottrivial and depending on the complexity it can be quite impossible to implement for your use-case.

Specific Configuration in SAP

Those functions call special SAP functions (not standard SAP) which are provided with the transportpackages:


It contains the following SAP function module that can be used by :


After the corresponding SAP function module is implemented, make sure your SAP user is allowed to useit. There are more functions included in that transport package. Please read the file <GS_ROOT>/var/template/sap/TransportPackages/readme.txt for more information.

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Follow this list to create a recording in SAP. As an example we call the transaction "Create Customer"(Transaction code XD01):

• Open SAP GUI

• Click on "System" > "Batch Input" > "Recorder"

• Click on "New recording"

• Name your recording

• Type in the code of the transaction you want to call

• Click on "Start recording"

Call Transaction

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Now you will enter the Transaction. Type in the data you want to maintain.

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If you get an error or warning during the process you will need to restart from the beginning.Prepare ahead, what you want to do and what you need to enter.

When you exit the transaction, the result should look similar to this:

Call Transaction

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The recording will be the input for your Mapping.

The first parameter you need to set is the transaction code.

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# Set transaction code for callset TCode "XD01"

Then you have to define the input array for the function call. Create a separate block of code for eachscreen (PROGRAMDYNPRODYNBEGIN). Then add the data for each field name (FNAM) and field value(FVAL). Repeat this for all programs and fields. You may want to replace the values with variables.

You can find the example in the file <GS_ROOT>/var/template/capabilities/T4S/t4s_crossfunctional_mapping_doc.sd under "Call Transaction".

Call Transaction

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5. Cross functional SAP Configuration

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6. Advanced Opcenter EX DS Configuration

Overwrite Opcenter EX DS command

Opcenter EX DS provides web interfaces to call API's via HTTPS. To create Material(s), for example, theURL for posting looks like:


The "Application/AppU4DM/odata" part of the URL above is the so-called "Application" and"PLMCreateMaterialDefinitionList" is the command.

If you need to call different command instead of called in the out of the box solution, overwrite thedefault command by setting the following global variable to overwrite the default application and thecommand:

set ::EXDS::CommandName(/Application/AppU4DM/odata/PLMCreateMaterialDefinitionList) [list "/Application/AppU4DMCust/odata/" "CreateMaterialDefinition"]

In this case the service calls your custom application called "AppU4DMCust" and at the same time thecustom command CreateMaterialDefinition instead of "AppU4DM" andPLMCreateMaterialDefinitionList accordingly.

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6. Advanced Opcenter EX DS Configuration

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7. Troubleshooting

CLM Services are not triggered


Certain events in Opcenter cause a service to be called on FN4S. What if these service calls are notobservable in FN4S?

Solution Steps

Step 1: In order to verify if the services were called at all in FN4S, open Basic Gateway Service AdminUI and open "Log Files/System". Find a log file named "tpapps64_http.log" for the GatewayService configured on Opcenter side. In case the log file contains entries like the following theservice was successfully called:

08/04/19 08:30:25.314732 tpapps ::ffff: - - [08/Apr/2019:08:30:25] "POST /pxml/createProdOrderOperationConfAsync HTTP/1.1" 401 260 "-" "-"08/04/19 08:30:25.403780 tpapps ::ffff: - - [08/Apr/2019:08:30:25] "POST /pxml/createProdOrderOperationConfAsync HTTP/1.1" 200 313 "-" "-"

Note that typically the first call is answered with an HTTP 401 response (authenticationdenied) while the second succeeds. This is due to the commonly used protocol of web serviceclients to first call a web service without credentials and only if the server responds with 401the client will resend the request with credentials.Instead of "createProdOrderOperationConfAsync" also other services like"createProdOrderConfAsync" might be candidates.

Step 2: If the service was actually called, but the response code (the number after the "HTTP/1.1") forthe second entry was "404" (not found) then this service has not been exposed by yourGateway Service. This may be due to a syntax error in your TCL mapping, a wrong portnumber addressed by Opcenter or the Gateway Service server instance does not expose thisservice. Check your configuration!

Step 3: If the service was actually called, next verify if the service processing was successful. Checkyour transaction logs and system logs and the job list in Basic Gateway Service Admin UI. Inany of these locations you should be able to track an error.

Step 4: In case the service was not called, verify user, password and URLs in Opcenter in the menu"System Configuration/Configuration Keys/FN4T Integration". Note that the host name andport and even the extension component of the URL may be rewritten by some intermediatenetwork component (NAT gateway, load balancer, firewall, proxy, ...)! Make sure the Opcenterserver can access the configured URLs: you can enter the URL in a browser opened on theOpcenter host. The URLs should cause the browser to ask for the FN4S credentials and then

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display an error message with a text like: {"status": "ERROR", "message": "HTTPPOST method expected!"}. This error message is intended as the services usually expecta payload to be passed which the browser does not provide. However this reaction shows thatthe URL is correct. Any other reaction (missing credentials dialog, a 404 response or noresponse at all, any other error message) probably indicates a connectivity issue (firewall,DNS, …). Consult your system administrator for help in establishing connectivity between theOpcenter and the Gateway Service host.

Step 5: In case the service was not called and you verified that the Opcenter configuration is correctand the connectivity between the Opcenter and the Gateway Service host is established, thereason for the failure may be a missing signal rule within Opcenter: The Signal/Event RuleManagement Table is empty or needs to reload. Check with your Opcenter administrator. Hereis a short overview of what to do:

• In Opcenter EX DS, look for "Host Management", then select your host and click on "SignalManager".

• In case there is something on this page:Click the items one by one and remove all of them

• As soon as there is no more entry present on this page:On the right side click on the "Import" command.

• Browse for a folder likeC:\Program Files\Siemens\SimaticIT\Unified\VApps\UADM\Signals.

• Select and import the available json files listed in the folder one by one. Select the option"Overwrite".

• From the "Signal Manager" page select the imported signals one by one and approve.

• Select all of the approved signals and click on the deploy icon.

7. Troubleshooting

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• You will see the warning icon being displayed for all of the deployed signals. However thewarning icon will disappear automatically soon.

CLM Services are not triggered

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7. Troubleshooting

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A. Glossary


ABAPABAP is a proprietary programming language of the SAP AG.

Adminis the term used in this document for people who install and configure Teamcenter and its components.This is in contrast to the "user" role.

Admin UIWeb based administrative user interface of the GS and BGS.

AIGThe entire Active Integration Gateway product family.

AIG_ROOTPlease see GS_ROOT and BGS_ROOT. This term is used if something is true for both the GS and BGS.

AI-ObjectApplication-Interface Object

APIApplication Programming Interface.

AppsSee "GS".

AppServerApplication Server.


BAPIThe Business Application Programming Interface allows external programs to access objects andbusiness processes in SAP.

BGSBasic Gateway Service.

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BGS_ROOTThe installation directory of the Basic Gateway Service (e.g. C:\Siemens\BGS).

BMIDETeamcenter Business Modeler IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

BOMA Bill Of Materials is a list of the parts or components and their quantities that are required to build aproduct.

BOM HeaderA BOM Header is the top item of a BOM. BOMs can have multiple levels, so this often means the topitem of the actual level.

BOPThe Bill Of Process describes a manufacturing process and lists the operations and steps with all theirinstructions, consumed materials, resources, work places and machines.


CCObjectCollaboration Context Object

CEPCamstar Enterprise Platform

Change MasterThe Engineering Change Master (ECM) contains the metadata to a change number.

CharacteristicAn characteristic is an attribute of a SAP class.

CIOCamstar Interoperability


Data CarrierPlease see Vault.

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DataviewThe Dataview is an extension to the Teamcenter RAC and is deployed as part of the TEM installationprocess of the Teamcenter Gateway. The Dataview is used to display the real-time data of externalapplications, associated with Teamcenter objects.

Dataview mark-upis the language understood by the Dataview. The Dataview receives messages written in this languagefrom the T4x server. Such messages can be formatted as XML or JSON. Normally users do not see suchmessages. They may however appear in log files or error messages. The so called prop mapping (e.g.t4s_prop_mapping_template.sd) contains TCL commands that compose messages in the Dataviewmark-up.

DCDData Collection Definition

DIRDIR is the abbreviation for a SAP Document Info Record.

Document KeyA Document Info Record is identified by the combination of Document Type, Document Number,Document Part and Document Version.

Document StructureA Document Structure is like a Bill Of Materials for Documents.


EAstands for Enterprise Application, any software or set of computer programs used by business users toperform various business functions in context of current integration's portfolio with Teamcenter.

ECNThe Engineering Change Notice can also be called an Engineering Change Note, Engineering ChangeOrder (ECO), or just an Engineering Change (EC).

EPMEnterprise Process Modeling

EWIElectronic Work Instructions

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File StreamMethod of transfer to send an original to SAP.

FN4SClosed Loop Manufacturing for SAP S/4HANA®


Gateway MenuAn additional menu item of the Teamcenter Gateway software available in the Teamcenter RAC.

GRMThe Generic Relationship Management provides a general way in which two objects can be associatedvia a relationship.

GSGateway Service, manages the communication between Enterprise Applications.

GS_ROOTThe installation directory of the Gateway Service (e.g. C:\Siemens\GS).

GUIGraphical user interface.

GUIDGlobally Unique Identifier


IDGENThe IDGEN is a mechanism to get an external ID from the ERP system when assigning a Teamcenter ID.

Inspection PlanContains characteristics to be inspected in an operation and equipment to be used.

iPPEIntegrated Product and Process Engineering is a module that can be used to mange products with manyvariants.

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ITKThe Integration Toolkit (ITK) is a set of software tools provided by Siemens PLM Software that you canuse to integrate third-party or user-developed applications with Teamcenter.


JCOThe Java Connector is an interface to . In the context of it is now mostly replaced by the Netweaver RFCinterface.

JDBCJava Database Connectivity is an application programming interface (API) for the programming languageJava, which defines how a client may access a database.

JobTeamcenter Gateway features asynchronous transfer. This datatransfer is managed via a Job.

Job PoolThe Job Pool contains all finished and unprocessed Jobs. It is managed by the BGS.

Job ServerThe Job Server on the Basic Gateway Service (BGS) manages the Job and distribution them to the JobAgent for processing.

JSONJavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format1.


KProKpro stands for Knowledge Provider. See also Data Carrier.


LOVList of Values

1 JSON.org

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MappingThe mapping is part of the T4x configuration. It contains the code that controls the behavior of the datatransfer between Teamcenter and the ERP system.

MFKMulti-key functionality in Teamcenter.

MMMM is the abbreviation for a SAP Material Master.

MOMManufacturing Operations Management


NCNNon-Conformance Notification

NetWeaver RFC SDKThe NetWeaver RFC SDK contains libraries for 3rd party applications to connect to . It can be obtainedfrom the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.


Object KeyThe Object Key is a string that contains the ID of an Enterprise Application object. If the identifier is acombination of multiple keys, then the Object Key is a combination of those keys in a defined order andformat.

Object LinkA relation between SAP objects like Material Master and Document Info Record.

Object Management RecordBelongs to a SAP Change Number and Documents changes of one particular SAP object like a MaterialMaster.

OOTBOut of the box

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OriginalA representation of a file in SAP.

OSS NoteThe OSS Note is an online patch service for SAP. The patch can be identified by the OSS Notes number.


PIRPIR is an abbreviation for a SAP Purchase Info Record.

Portal TransactionThis means that a transfer to SAP that is not triggered by a workflow handler but via the Gateway Menu.


RACstands for Rich Application Client also referred to as rich client or portal.

Revision LevelUsed to show changes with reference to a change to a SAP Material Master or Document Info Record.

RFCRemote Function Call (SAP)


SAPSAP S/4HANA® / SAP Business Suite®

SAP GUIThis is the application for the SAP Business Suite® and SAP S/4HANA®.

SAP LogonThis is the application that a user needs to start the SAP GUI for a particular system. It may also refer tothe process of logging in to SAP in Teamcenter via .

SAP Portal iView URLCan be used to show sap content in a browser window.

Session LogShows one log file for each Teamcenter session. Written if T4x transactions are executed

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SSLSecure Sockets Layer.


T4O_ROOTPlease see GS_ROOT

T4S 4-Tier Client (SAP Lite)The 4-Tier Client or SAP Lite is a stripped down GS. It´s only purpose is to open the SAP GUI on aTeamcenter 4-Tier Client.

T4xThe entire Teamcenter Gateway product family.

TAOThe ACE ORB is a open-source and standards-compliant real-time C++ implementation of CORBA basedupon the Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE).

TargetTypeNameThis is the T4x internal name for the transaction type. E.g. MaterialMaster orDocumentInfoRecord.


TCLis a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language.

TCPCMTeamcenter Product Cost Management

TCPCM4STeamcenter Product Cost Management Gateway for SAP S/4HANA

TEMTeamcenter Environment Manager

Transaction CodeA Transaction Code is a quick access code for a Transaction in the SAP GUI:

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Transaction LogThe Transaction Log is a T4x logfile on the BGS. It contains log information for a specific T4x transaction.

Transfer WindowThe Transfer Window triggers transactions via the Gateway Menu.

Transport PackageA file that contains functions that can be imported to SAP.


UOMUOM stands for Unit of Measure.

URIUnified Resource Identifier: a generalized from of a resource locator (URL) and resource name (URN),which just identifies a resource, but is not necessarily sufficient to locate (find) the resource. URIs areoften used to identify configurations in Java and other languages. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier for more details.

URLUnified Resource Locator: a string with a certain format, allowing to load a resource from a network.URLs are a specific form or URNs.

User Exit (SAP)A User Exit is a code for a program that is called if an object like an MaterialMaster has been changed orupdated. In the context of T4S it is often used to initiate the process to trigger a transfer from SAP toTeamcenter.

User LogThe User Log is a T4x logfile on the BGS. If you define a customized logchannel, the information iswritten into a User Log of that name.


Value SetA Value Set is the SAP term for a list of selectable values for a characteristic.

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VaultThe Vault is a server where a SAP DocumentInfoRecord original is stored. A synonym is also Data Carrier.


WBSWBS is an abbreviation for a SAP Work Breakdown Structure.


XMLExtensible Markup Language is designed to store and transport data in a format that is both human- andmachine-readable.

XRTstands for XML Rendering Template, also known as XML Rendering Stylesheet. These are XMLdocuments stored in datasets that define how parts of the Teamcenter user interface are rendered. Theyare used for the Rich Client as well as the Active Workspace.


ZPTCThis is the short name for a Z-Table with the name /TESISPLM/ZPTC, used to trigger a transfer from SAP.

Z-Table"Z" is a well-known prefix name for custom tables in the SAP world. A special table used with is thetable /TESISPLM/ZPTC.

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