opequon presbyterian church · opequon presbyterian church welcome! this historic church began...

Opequon Presbyterian Church WELCOME! This historic church began worship on these grounds in 1732 and was organized in 1736. We are dedicated to “prayerfully equipping disciples of all generations to be Christ’s hands, heart and feet in the world.” We are strengthened today by your presence whether guest or member. Go forth, blest and renewed because you were here this day!

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Opequon Presbyterian Church

WELCOME! This historic church began worship on these grounds in 1732 and was organized in 1736. We are dedicated to “prayerfully equipping disciples of all generations to be Christ’s hands, heart and feet in the world.” We are strengthened today by your presence whether guest or member. Go forth, blest and renewed because you were here this day!


INFORMATION FOR OUR GUESTS To get the most out of your visit, may we recommend you familiarize yourself with the following:

• We encourage you to share requests for prayer. You may do so by completing the pink form found in the pew rack and placing it in the offering.

• Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving workers! The nursery rooms are located through the Gathering Area, down the Gallery and through the Dell Room. An usher will be happy to escort you. Our nursery ministry cares for infants and toddlers to age three.

• Worship Bags are available for children ages 3-kindergarten. These bags are in the back of the Sanctuary. Please return the bag and supplies to the basket when you are leaving.

• Look forward to taking part in a Faith Formation class each week. Classes are held at 9:45 am each Sunday. There are classes for all ages and interests.

• Restrooms and a coat rack are located off the Gathering Area, just outside the Sanctuary.

• A water fountain is located off the Gathering Area. • Large-print hymnals, Bibles and bulletins are available from an usher. • Personal hearing assistance devices are available from an usher if you would like

to use one. • Transportation can be provided to worship. Call the church office before 12:00

pm on Friday. _________________________________________________________________

217 Opequon Church Lane, Winchester, VA 22602 540-662-1843 www.opequonchurch.org

David R. Witt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pastor Tracie Martin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parish Associate Laurie Carver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nursery Supervisor William Heavner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organist Susan Homan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Director of Music Patty Klinefelter, Bill Martin ------------------------------------------------------------- Faith Community Nurses Catherine Richard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Administrator Lisa Sorrentino-Miller ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Administrator Robert Sydnor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sexton Carole Witt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Director of Christian Education Rebekah Witt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Youth & Young Adult Director


SERVICE FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD February 2, 2020 8:30 & 11:00 am

The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany “Souper Bowl of Caring” Sunday

WE GATHER IN GOD’S NAME PRELUDE ................................................................. The Old Rugged Cross

Please use this time to prepare your inward spirit for the worship of God. Please complete the Friendship Folder and pass it along during the greeting.

PRAYER REQUEST forms are inside the pew holders – please place in offering plate. †All who are able, please stand. Bold print—all respond.


†GATHERING SONG NO. 509 (v. 1) ................... All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly †ENTRANCE OF THE WORD AND THE LIGHT †CALL TO WORSHIP

Come, you scattered and torn; Here you will find hope. Come, you scared and lonely; Here you will find love. Come, you tired and tense; Here you will find rest. Come, you confused and searching; Here you will find guidance. Come, happy or sad; Come, join the song. Here, let your lives be embraced by God's grace.

†HYMN NO. 625 ............................................................ How Great Thou Art (Please be seated for prayer)

CALL TO CONFESSION We turn to God in prayer not because we are compelled but because God invites us. We come to God not because of our righteousness but


because of God’s grace. In that spirit, we offer this prayer of confession and unburdening.

UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION Forgive us, O God, for breaking faith;

for forgetting that we are kept by your faithfulness; for expecting the best to be the shortest and easiest; for wanting life to be exciting but not risky; for having ears and not hearing; for having eyes and not seeing; for breaking our promises and forgetting yours; for covering your light and often keeping silent; for not loving fully and guarding our love. Pardon us, gracious God, and straighten us out for Jesus’ sake.


WORDS OF ASSURANCE Christ forgives the most impossible sins, overcomes the greatest fears, comforts the loudest cries, and breaks down the strongest barriers to his love and peace. Through the resurrection, Christ’s power in the Holy Spirit lives and works here and now. Brothers and sisters know that we are forgiven and be at peace.

DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

† THE RESPONSE OF PRAISE NO. 649 (vv. 1, 5) ..........................Amazing Grace † PASSING OF THE PEACE (Please share this prayer with those next to you)

“May the peace of Christ be with you.” “And also with you.”

WE HEAR GOD’S WORD ANTHEM ............................................................................. Blest Are They


Beth Barr, soloist


Blest are they, the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of God. Blest are they, full of sorrow, they shall be consoled. Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are you, holy are you, Rejoice and be glad! Yours is the kingdom of God! Blest are they, the lowly ones, they shall inherit the earth. Blest are they who hunger and thirst; they shall have their fill. Blest are they who show mercy, mercy shall be theirs. Blest are they the pure of heart, they shall see God! Blest are they who seek peace, they are the children of God. Blest are they who suffer in faith, the glory of God is theirs. Blest are you who suffer hate, all because of me. Rejoice and be glad, yours is the kingdom, shine for all to see.


OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: Micah 6:1-8 ................................. Pew Bible p.757

Growing in God’s Love Bible p. 144 The Action Bible p. 436

NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: Matthew 5:1-12 ........................... Pew Bible p. 785

Growing in God’s Love Bible p. 324 The Action Bible p. 567

A SPECIAL TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN ................ “The Goody Goody Cake” Nursery (Ages Infant – Age 3)

†HYMN (Worship Order p. 7) ........................................................ Revive Us Again

SERMON ......................................................................... “Christianity 101” Tracie Martin, Parish Associate


OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY Satisfied ................................................ Arr. Larson


Invitation The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you And also with you Lift up your hearts We lift them to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right to give our thanks and praise…


Gracious God, pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these your gifts of bread and cup. By your Spirit unite us with the living Christ and with all who seek to follow in his life-giving way, that we may further your reign of peace and justice in every place. In the eating of this bread, as Christ’s body, and in the sharing of this cup, as Christ’s blood, we invite your life to fill us; we invite your Spirit to lead us ever more faithfully to be the hands, heart and feet of Christ in the world. We pray in the name of the same Christ who taught us to pray:

The Lord’s Prayer (Hymnal p. 35. We say “debts” and “debtors” in the prayer)

Words of Institution Sharing the Bread and Cup Communion Music Communion Prayer

WE GO OUT IN GOD’S NAME †HYMN NO. 546 ...................................... Lord Dismiss Us with Your Blessing


Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices, Who wondrous things hath done, in Whom this world rejoices,

Who from our mother’s arms hath blessed us on our way, With countless gifts of love and still is ours today


COMMUNION TODAY IS BY INTINCTION We will come forward to the communion table to receive the sacrament by intinction. Each section of pews should move to the left as directed by the ushers. Gluten-free bread and gluten free grape juice (blue cup) are available in the center section; please see an usher for assistance. Please tear off a piece of bread and then dip it in the cup of grape juice, eating immediately. Return to your seat by the right aisle. Elders and deacons serving at 8:30 are: June Malone, Jim Youngblood, Becky Proctor, Tom Tandy, Betty Chicklo and Jay Tibbs. Elders serving at 11:00 are: Susan Ritter, David Schwantes, Ann Denison, Bill Deck, Allison Blake and Kyle Homan.


Revive Us Again

11 11 Refrain

Text: William P. Mackay,1837-

1885REVIVE US AGAIN Tune: John J. Husband, 1760-1825www.hymnary.org/text/we_praise_thee_o_god_for_the_son_of

This hymn is in the public domain. You may freely use this score for personal and congregational worship. If you reproduce the score, please credit Hymnary.org as the source.

Hal le - lu - jah! - Thine the glo ry, - Re vive - us a gain. -


ANNOUNCEMENTS February 2-9, 2020


Annual Reports Are Due 8:30 am: Morning Worship, Communion, Souper Bowl of Caring 9:45 am: Faith Formation Educational Hour (For All Ages) 10:50 am: Called Congregational Meeting—Sanctuary 11:00 am: Morning Worship, Communion, Souper Bowl of Caring


Monday: Older Adult Meeting—9:30 am—Bageant Room LOGOS Leadership—5:15 pm—Bageant Room Sing! Shenandoah—6:00 pm—Sanctuary Tuesday: Ministry Team Night Dinner—6:00 pm—Fellowship Hall Devotions—6:45 pm Meetings—7:00 pm Wednesday: Staff Meeting—9:30 am—Bageant Room LOGOS—4:30 pm—Theme: “Zebra Night” Young Adult Bible Study—6:10 pm—Youth Spot Choir Practice—7:30 pm—Sanctuary Thursday: Tai Chi—1:00 pm—Memorial Sanctuary JWHS 50s Reunion Group—2:00 pm—Bageant Room WATTS Debriefing—7:00 pm—Fellowship Hall Saturday: Youth & Young Adult Sunday Practice—9:00 am

NEXT SUNDAY—Youth & Young Adult Sunday

Morning Worship—8:30 & 11:00 am Faith Formation Educational Hour (For All Ages)—9:45 am

Matthew 5:13-20 and Isaiah 58:1-9 Sermon: "You Already Are"

Fellowship Receptions Safety Ministry—12:15 pm—Fellowship Hall

Newcomers’ Class—5:00 pm—Fellowship Hall


PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYERKrista & Grace Strukoff Robyn Rader John Pekarsky Fran Russell Leah & Gavin O’Connell Janion Ubert Nell Metheny Family Carol Treece John Sidell Burneice Witt Colleen McMurdo Nadine DeHaven Puerto Rico Dan Cammer Lyn White Rutherford’s Grandson Joanne Johansen Dan McCoig Logan Varner Australia Sue Ann Haney Martha & Clint Lemaster, Maddie & Twins Henry Thomason June Windle Nancy Kerns

Edgar Tufts Nathan Windle Alex Bock Paige Hughes Larissa Strosnider Alice Foley Ruth Kieffer Mike Shade Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) Ruth Newhouse Larry Carper Robert Hirata Steve Bock Tom & Vicki Harmon Jeff Klinefelter Jackie Boyd Casey Carr Ed & Esther Duetsch Pete Beattie Mark Wilhelm Chester Luttrell Katie Teets Vicki Earnshaw Shannon Conner TK Tandy III

Dan Thompson Division in Our Country Joe Lingo Brad Treece Patricia Ferguson Connie & Libby Burch Frances Pitcock Women & Children of Domestic Violence Families of Children, Youth & Young Adults with Special Needs Jim Butler Tom Ganoe Disaster Relief Agencies Kes Mersha Jane Lewis Doug Koch Illubabor Bethel Synod of Church Mekane Yesus Rachel & Michael Weller Doug Dicks

PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE Joshua Blake, Max Crane, Andrew Crane, Thomas Crane, Edison Gomez, Taylor McMurdo, Samuel & Julia Phillips, Brandon Michael, Jared Snawder, Greg Sousa, Katherine Tufts, Michael White, and their families.

THE SANCTUARY FLOWERS The flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given by Bob and Joan Aylor in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary on January 31st.


8:30 Acolyte: Virginia Barr Beadle: Josh Hartman Bell Ringers: Mo Mohler Greeters: Jordan Hartman, Reagan Tibbs Liturgist: Jack Youngblood Hospitality: Debbie & Bill Bender


Ushers: Emma Abell, Virginia Barr, Vicki Schmidt Crites, Emma Roark, Graham Taylor, Natalie Youngblood

11:00 Acolyte: Hudson Homan Beadle: Erin Deptula Bell Ringers: Breanna Daggett, Wyatt Deck, Kat Kibler Greeters: Ben Barnes, Hannah Burton, Joseph Burton Hospitality: Betty Ganoe, Debi Hodgson Liturgist: Reagan Newhouse Livestream: Joel Witt Nametags: Pat deButts Ushers: Joshua Brown, Lucas Brown, Clayton Carbaugh, Hudson Homan, Annemarie Matthews, Gary Rutherford


8:30—91 Faith Formation—20 11:00—118

PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH CONNECTION GRADES 6-12 • TODAY-Help accept soup cans and monetary donations for Souper Bowl of

Caring before both worship services begin. During the 11:00 service, help calculate totals and award the winner!

• February 8-Youth/Young Adult Sunday Practice, 9:00 am-10:30 am.

• February 9-Youth/Young Adult Sunday, Help lead 8:30 am & 11:00 am worship!

OLDER ADULT MINISTRY TEAM The Older Adult Ministry Team meets tomorrow morning at 9:30 am in the Bageant Room. This meeting is open to any older adults who would like to join in the discussion and planning for Happy Days programs and sponsored trips. Morning goodies and coffee are served along with a daily dose of laughter. Come join us.

YOUNG ADULT AGES 18-35 NEWS ❖ Every Wednesday-Isaiah Bible Study in the Youth Spot, 6:10-6:55 pm, with

conversation and a provided dinner. ❖ February 8-Youth/Young Adult Sunday Practice, 9:00 am-10:30 am. ❖ February 9-Youth/Young Adult Sunday, Help lead 8:30 am & 11:00 am



YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY RECEPTIONS NEXT WEEK We will enjoy fellowship receptions and celebrate with our youth and young adults following each worship service next Sunday. Please sign up today to help by bringing food for the reception of your choosing: 8:30 or 11:00. See the sign-up list in the Gathering Area.

MEN OF OPEQUON THIS MONTH! We’ll be back at Chick-fil-A this month for dinner on Monday, February 10th at 6:00 p.m. Spouses are always invited to join us for dinner. Then, we’ll reconvene at the church at 7:00 pm in the Bageant Room, as we share devotions and listen to a presentation by Dr. Bill Bender on his recent trip to Israel. This will be such an informative and engaging time. Don’t forget to bring an offering to help support MOO’s sponsorship of a child at the Gore Children’s Home in Ethiopia.

SHERANDO FOOD PANTRY The Pantry is scheduled to open on the evening of February 13. There will be an important final organizational meeting on Thursday, February 6 at 7:00 pm at the Pantry (751 Fairfax Pike Stephens City). We will be making final plans,

WATTS Debriefing

This Thursday, February 6—7:00-8:30 pm

Fellowship Hall

What were the lessons learned this year?

How can we improve/prepare for next year?

Newcomers’ Class Sunday, February 9

and Sunday, February 23

5:00-6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Light Supper Included

Come and Learn about Opequon Church, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and discipleship. RSVP to the church office,

[email protected] or 540-662-1843


organizing volunteers for specific tasks and seeking input. All are welcome and we are particularly seeking additional volunteers. Come out and learn about this new outreach. Contact Bill Burslem [email protected] for further info or questions. THANK YOU! The January Juice Drive was a great success! Your generous donations of juice boxes will provide a supply for our Orchard View School food bags for 3 months. That is tremendous! Thank you very much. Our LOGOS youth will be packing the February food bags this week during their LOGOS evening. The food bags will be delivered on Thursday to the school and go home with children on Friday. Many, many thanks!


How did today’s music witness to the strength and power of God’s love and care for us? Were today’s hymns familiar? Notes on Today’s Conversation with Children

Have you noticed that things with bad taste often combine to make something good? Why would you add more flour than sugar to a cake? Notes on Today’s Prayers Notes on Today’s Scripture and Sermon

Which words work best for you as you describe your faith? Covenant, Communion and Grace? Got your back…Get together…and Ooops? How does God have our backs? Whose back do you have?