oral cavity. gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and salivary glands. Sándor Katz M.D.,Ph.D.

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Page 1: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology

of the tongue and salivary glands.

Sándor Katz M.D.,Ph.D.

Page 2: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Oral cavity


• Anterior wall: lips

• Superior wall: hard and soft palates

• Inferior wall: mylohyoid muscle

• Lateral wall: cheeks (buccinator muscles)


• vestibule• oral cavity proper• isthmus of fauces

Page 3: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Vestibule and oral cavity proper

hard palate

soft palate

Page 4: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Isthmus of fauces

palatine tonsil

Page 5: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Isthmus of fauces

Page 6: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and


1: dorsum

4: apex

2: root

3: body

Page 7: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and


Foramen cecum: Developmental remnant of the thyroglossal duct (for the descensus of the thyroid gland).

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Page 9: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and


epiglottic valleculae

Page 10: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles (visceral striated)

Page 11: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles

Page 12: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles

Page 13: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles



Page 14: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles

Page 15: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles

Page 16: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles

Page 17: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - muscles

Page 18: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - motor innervation

Page 19: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - sensory innervation

General sensation:• Anterior two-thirds: lingual

nerve• Posterior one-third:

glossopharyngeal nerve

Taste sensation:• Anterior two-thirds: chorda

tympani (from facial nerve)• Posterior one-third:

glossopharyngeal nerve

Page 20: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Tongue - blood supply

Lingual artery:• Deep lingual

artery• Sublingual


Lingual vein deep lingual veinretromandibular veininternal jugular vein

Page 21: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Pirogov’s triangle(perfect place to ligate the lingual artery)


• posterior edge of mylohyoid

• posterior belly of digastric

• hypoglossal nerve

Content: lingual artery

Page 22: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Histology of the tongue

Covering epithelium:

• stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium


• filiform• fungiform• foliate• circumvallate

Page 23: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Histology of the tongue

Filiform papillae:

• conical, elongated projections

• covered by the highly keratinized stratified epithelium

• do not reprsent taste buds

• they have mechanical role

Page 24: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Histology of the tongue

Fungiform papillae:

• mushroom-shaped projections

• taste buds are presented in the stratified squamous epithelium on the dorsal surface of papillae

Page 25: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Histology of the tongue

Foliate papillae:

• consist of parallel low ridges separated by deep mucosal clefts

• taste buds are presented on the lateral sides

• small serous glands empty into the the clefts

Page 26: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Histology of the tongue

Circumvallate papillae:

• 8 to 12 papillae locate in front of the terminal sulcus

• taste buds are presented on the lateral sides

• each papilla surrounded by a moatlike invagination lined with stratified squamous epithelium

• von Ebner’s glands empty their serous secretion into the base of the moatlike invaginations

Page 27: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Histology of the tongue

• glands• striated visceral

muscle fibers• stratified non-

keratinized squamous epithelium

Page 28: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Taste buds

Sensory cells:• the most numerous cells• they show microvilli• at their base they form a synapse with the

processes of afferent sensory neurons• turnover time is about 10 days

Supporting cells: • they represent microvilli and tight junctions• turnover time is about 10 days

Basal cells: • small cells located in the basal portion, near

to the basal lamina• they are the stem cells for the two other cell


Page 29: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Salivary glands

Major salivary glands:

• Parotid

• Submandibular

• Sublingual

Minor salivary glands:They are 800-1000 glands located throughout the oral cavity within the submucosa.

Page 30: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland

• located in the submandibular trigone

• the facial artery is embedded to its medial/internal side

• the facial vein attaches to its external side

• the lingual nerve is presented at its superior side

• it is supplied by the lingual artery and innervated by the submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve

Page 31: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland

• the submandibular duct arises from its medial side and enters to the lateral lingual groove

Page 32: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland

• the submandibular ducts open onto the surface of the sublingual caruncles on either side of the lingual frenulum

Page 33: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland - lateral lingual sulcus

• V-shaped groove

• medial wall: hyoglossus

• lateral wall: mylohyoid

• contents from superior to inferior: lingual nerve, submandibular duct, hypoglossal nerve

Page 34: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland - histology

• mixed gland

• mostly serous acini

• Gianuzzi’s demilunes

Page 35: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland - histology


striated duct

Page 36: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Submandibular gland - histology

interlobular duct

Page 37: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Sublingual gland

• located on the upper side of the mylohyoid anterior to the submandibular gland

• their multiple small ducts empty into the submandibular duct as well as directly onto the floor of the mouth

• it is supplied by the sublingual artery and innervated by the submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve

Page 38: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Sublingual gland

• located on the upper side of the mylohyoid anterior to the submandibular gland

• their multiple small ducts empty into the submandibular gland as well as directly onto the floor of the mouth

• it is supplied by the sublingual artery and innervated by the submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve

Page 39: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Sublingual gland - histology

• mixed gland

• mostly mucous acini

• Gianuzzi’s demilunes

Page 40: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Parotid gland

• it is located in the parotid nest

• covered by the parotid fascia

• parotid duct travels underneath the zygomatic arch and at the anterior edge of the masseter turns to medial and pierces the buccinator than enters to the vestibule of the oral cavity at the level of second molar tooth

Page 41: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Parotid gland

• supplied by the external carotid artery and drained by the external jugular vein

• the facial and auriculotemporal nerves run through the gland

• the auriculotemporal nerve provides secretomotor (parasymathetic) innervation for it

Page 42: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Parotid gland - histology

• completely serous gland

Page 43: Oral cavity. Gross anatomy and histology of the tongue and

Thank you for your attention.

References: Drake: Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed.Standring: Gray’s Anatomy, 39th ed.Radiopaedia.orgThieme Atlas of Anatomy, Head and Neuroanatomy, 2nd ed.
