orangeburg news and times.(orangeburg, s.c.) 1875-10-30.masonic petros council no. ii, r.\ Ä...

masonic Petros Council No. II, R.\ Ä S.'i M.\ "Will meet each Thursday at G o'clock P. M. from 1st October iti 1st April nhtl at 8 o'clock from 1st April to 1st October, on tltfe following dates, June 24, July,jjf2| Aug. M>, Sept. l'i, Oct. 21; Nov. 18, hmf DM. 1«. ' J. F. IZLAK, T. I. O. \V. Brunson, Recorder. Enreka Chapter No. 18, R A.*. M.* . "Will meet, each Friday at G o'clock I*. M. from Ißt October to * 1st April, and nt 8 t»'«lock fVöhi 1st April tc 1st October on the following dates, June 18, July lü, Aug. 13, »«»iriO.- tVjrT^, Nor. 12, Pec. 10. If. H. GIRARDEAU, H. P. Wi i> P^TMBTlLLK, Bee. Shibboloth Lodge No. 2S, A.\ F.. «.v Will meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock, from 1st Oct. to 1st April and nt 8 o'clock frstm 1st April to 1st October on the follow- ing dates, June" 8,'July C, Aluj. 3, Sept. 7, Oct. ö, Not. 2, Bee. 7. JAS. f. IZLARjW.W. Ja9. S. Hey war d, Sec- kxr 29 ¦ rl 167Ö Tin. x. o. o. 3p. Edisto Lodge No- 33.Meets at Odd FelloviB Hall, e.vcry Mondav evening at8 o'clock, from 20th March to 20tli Sept. and at 7J o'clock from 20th Sept. to '20th March. c. i>. kortjöhn; r g. C..j\. HOUGH, Sec._ '"TOWN COUNCIL. This body meets every second Tuesday after the first Monday of each month, for the transaction öf regular business. Mayors Court, held whenever occasion requires. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Up Dav Train . 9*5o A. M. Down Dav Train. 7:30 P. M. Up Night Up Train. 2:20 A. M Down Night Train.11:53 P. M. Office hours 8 to 2 and 3 to 5. L O O L See advertisement of John A. Hamilton. Rev. J. Bachmnn llaskell.of Char¬ leston, will preach in the Lutheran Church on Sunday next. Seme people who make great pre- ten tions to show, are as poot as Irus or an Irish mine. Air. John Ogren bus saddles aa low as B'<\, and other goods in propor¬ tion. See advertisement. Drifu,<tn>us Ttoi tsi d isputmtlum} as the .old xu:tn said wlren lie handed the old L.ily a liltJe Mater iu her'iu Messrs. \\ annum* kcr & Rluiuc, tr»o very estimable young men, he longed to the ,<cntryv department. Senator Andrews bad the two linest Berkshire pigs exhibited til the fuit. Tliey wert; only eight weeks old and weighed fifty pounds each. Mr. C. II. Jones is known llirough out our County as an upright and lioncst merchant. His prices are liberal. Give biiu a call one mid all. WHY IS THIS Til ust. The only two pure b1 coded Berk¬ shire pigs that were exhibited at the fair received the second premium. Dr. A. S. Hydrick, has a full sup¬ ply of fresh drugs, cigars/can dies, ao&ps, &c., always on hand. -. »ii ¦.. -. .. . The hotels of McMicbncl and Dukes have been crowjded during the last week, and justly so. We call attention to the new ad¬ vertisement of Wm. D. Love& Co., of Columbia. This is decidedly the ^best dry goods house, at the Capital, ind \vc commend our patrons to it. The faithful old barber, Moses ^Jrowu, is always on hand and ready to wait upon bis customers. When lie first came here his pi ices were low, and by Btie.kiog to them he succeeded in bringing others to bis rates. Mrs. F. H. W. Briggmnun will ac¬ cept our editorial thanks for apiece of bread.of her own make.which took the premium at the Fair. It is the best we have ever tasted. If editors could always have such bread to live on, they would never bo a had humor. ' I Let those who have not already ad¬ vertised iu the Kjsws & Times neiid in their advertisements at once. A mer¬ chant who is afraid of printer's ink can no more succeed in drawing custom tlian can a young lady without a bustle and a few pounds of false hair succeed in drawing a beaux. PeteDoylo koeps ul\vftjs 0*1! linhd'ft full supply of g'rocorics»nnd liquors. Give him a call. Senator James M. Smith, of Burn- Well county, was in Ornngcburg on Tuesday and Wednesday of the pro- sent week, nn<J preseuted aii appear- nnee of perfect health. The Senator is a strong Barnwell man, and will make a hard fight this winter to keep the court house at Bnt'nwoll. bit. A. S. 11 YDlilL'K. This popular... young .druggist, .-ad-.. vertiaos in to-day's NliWBcfc Timks. His stand is that formerly occupied by tho late Dr. OliVeros, an omen,we trust of a prosperous business career. Dr. llydrick was recently the city physician of Columbia, and upon ac¬ cepting his resignation as such, Ithe council passed resolutions compliment¬ ing him for bis skill as a pructioner, and his faithfulness ns nil ofheer. He deserves his share of the patronage of the county, and we heartily bespeak it for him. The great. London Circus exhibited here Wednesday, and cairied away from our county hundreds of dollars, that otherwise would have remained- here. The pageant through the streets was the grandest we ever saw. All parties are agreed on this point. The published programme was pretty nearly carried out, but was consider¬ ably abreviatcd, As a general thing the people who attended the perfor¬ mance went away satisfied. There was one pretty girl along who attracted the notice of lovc-siek swains. Sever¬ al musses occurred during the day, but the efficiency of tho police-force was equal to every cnergeray, and on Thursday morning our popular Mayor made several examples of tne offend¬ ers. We paid a visit to the brick yard of Mr. John II. Livingston, comp¬ any, with himself, during the past week and were struck with the per¬ fect success, his employees have achieved in the matter of making brick out of Orangebürg clayi lie bus burnt five kilns already, and has another that will soon be ready to he subjected to the fiery crucible through which it will have to pass before attaining perfection. This latter kiln has eleven arches and con¬ tains three hundred thousand brick. Its immense sice at a distance re¬ minds one of some grand old fort. Mr. L. says it is the largest that was ever put up in this County, and will turn out bricks almost equal to those made in Hamburg or Augusta. We congratulate him on his success. ..»'.»¦ . . We regret to announce that o.ur popular follow townsman, Mr. J. W. Moseley, met with quite n serious acci¬ dent on Tuesday afternoon last. He was out exercising that most excel¬ lent steed of his.Mollic Darling. in a light sulky, the axle of which broke and precipitated him to the ground, resulting in rather painful bruises to himself. The steed became freightencd at the crash, and made tracks for the liviry stable, with a portion of tho shafts dangling at her. sides. Sho was also bruised conside¬ rs rably. We regret the occurcncc, not only because it injured one of our best citizens, but also for the reason that everybody wanted to see Mr. Moseloy with his pet nag at the Fair. Wc trust he will soon be all right again, and that he may never meet with a similar accident, nor indeed any other misfortune. HIE METHODIST CHURCH. This beautiful structure has been repainted and otherwise greatly im¬ proved in appearance. Tho first thing that strikes one's view while ap¬ proaching it arc the beautiful brick columns which give so much beauty to its front. They were made of brick from Mr. J. H. Livingston's yard. Upon entering the door, the smooth¬ ness of the walls, which have been calcined and made to present a soft lilac, color, will at once he rc- marked, ttitd induce the thought that those who have charge of tho Metho¬ dist Church love to.seo its inside as at¬ tractive rts Well .as sacred. The rail¬ ing around the altar is painted in per¬ fect immitntiou of walnut, while the backs and onds of the scats arc oak grained with much taste and regular¬ ity. Other improvements have been made which we have not sufficient space to notice. Suffice it to say that the painting ?mid graining ruficuts de¬ served credit! upon Mr. Edward Pet- tUs, the gentleman who did the work. The Church in question bus a minis¬ ter who is uuivcrsaly loved, *»nd we congratulate its members upon tho improvements they have added to their place of worship. -* mm . ~^mm.m. The Fair. Each s eceodiog Fair has improv¬ ed upon its predecessor, but this one has outstripped them all, in the great number, variety, and excellence of the articles exhibited. As you enter the gr< Ii mis and just in front til' the main building you are chcountcd l»y two gigantic Tanyas that remind you of the talcs of the luxurient growth of tho Indian forests, behind these came an array of plows, harrows, planters, and other farm implements in an end¬ less- variety, from *the elegant two- horse sulkcy plow, to the old fashion¬ ed bull tongue, getting through and entering the building you are con fronted by a collection of cotton bales, baled hay, fodder, and pea. vines, brobdignaginn turnips, corn nearly two feet long, peas that would make a cow smile, tobacco that would make "Durham" weep tears of envy, every¬ thing til fact that our soil produces, and everything on an improved scale. At one end is abuggie made here by Mr H. Eiggs that for finish and style is excelled no where. East of the main building is another for poultry, Dogs etc., tins of itself is worth going to sea Turkeys, ducks, pigeons, game, frizzle, bramah and barnyard fowls, hound), pointers and setters, of all sorts are crowded together in the most friendly manner, even a little Esquimaux, pup puts in nil appearance, but with a very homesick air in the warm sun¬ shine. We would like to particularise if \vc had the room, but there are ton many objects worthy of men Lion, to allow it. Tho stock display outside of horses, was only tolerable as a winde, of the horses there was h good turn out, and some of tbcm attracted considerable attention for their beauty and style. Leaving the grounds and the lower story which show lot lb principally the masculine merits, we go up stairs where the gentle sex have full sway, and there, well, how shall we describe "there," to begin at one end of the large hall we find paint¬ ings, drawings, sketches, fancy brack¬ ets, fancy everythings in that line, pincushions, head baskets, baskets plain table mats, and heaven knows what and all, passing downward, the articles become a little more substant¬ ial, cakes, jell is, preserves, native wines &c. &c.' &c, indefiutcly, than come* the bread, loaves, rolls, and other "fixings" too numerous to men¬ tion, lnrge, puffed up loaves that re¬ mind one so pleasantly of hot toast and tea, before a cosy fire, with the little o:ieB* prattling' around and the mother opposite with the old "love light in her eye." Just about here the old bachelor generally stops,.for beyond lies, a hetriogeiiious conglomer¬ ation, in the most t-tsty confusion of quilt j, pillow cases, comforts, and such a bewildering lot of baby things that only a case hardened old Benedict as your reporter is, could muster the courage to look at, before the next Fair we must certainly engage a fash¬ ion editress to write up this depart¬ ment, it is beyond our power, our knowledge of the various names of the various trappings is entirely too limi¬ ted. We must not omit, hastily as we write, to notice the tournament, the first prize wus won by Mr. W. J. Jones of Bamberg and the second by Mr* W, II. Glover of this county, und to all appearances the knights enjoy¬ ed themselves amazingly. A game of base ball was played on Thursday be¬ tween the "Oranges" and "Favor¬ ites" both of this county and for the championship of the county, tho Orangeß won by a score of HI to 2(1, the playing of neither club was up to their usual practice. Yesterday the Fair terminated and tho prizes were destributcd, but wo wcr^ unable to get the list until too late for publica¬ tion. So ends the Fair of 187~>, may ).87d eclipse this one as effectually as this has surpassed all others. The ( that Wrts i'i the Streets on Monday and Tuesday .ast was enough to blind pedestrians. There was many an eye til led witli it. ? On and after October 1st a full supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup can. be found in every drugstore. Price, 25 cents per bottle; live for SLOP. _ Market Reports. COTTON MARKET* Corrected every week by Messrs. Ittill, Seovill a Pike. bow Middling*..)2lo4 1 flood Ordinary.r..T'JJ 'a\ Ordinary.10012 PROVISION MARKET. Corrected every week by Mr. J. \\\ Mote- Icy. nwiNo riciois Corn.$1 10 New Corn. 1 00 Pens. SO Fodder; per 100 lbs. 1 00 Rough Rice. 1 20 ser.i.iNO miens Wliite .Sugar.7oY8H lbs to the $1 00 lirown " ......8(.('0T " " 1 W Coffee..'.25 fri'ÖO ban I.IS JO S C Hams.10 «AI8 Smoked Sides.17 OtAX DS " .lö («10 Smoked Shoulders.1 «2.1 tii\ I '\ J OS .' .VI föi Flour.jü öllrVi to 00 (ioshen Ruttcr...:.:.10@1SÖ Salt per sack. $2 00 TjÖlsrTEÖ~ DiVVIS & BOUKNIGHTS. SUCCESSORS TO R. 0. SHIVER Ä CO., ASli DEALERS IN Dry Co )ds, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat¬ tings, Hoots, Shoes, Ktc. C ()XiXjMBIA..... S. C. The attention of publishers iu every part of this StiUe is called to consider a very im¬ portant fact, namelv, that the old cstabish- ed house of U. C." Sil IV Kit & CO. is not closed but n«irgtiiii/.ed upon the only basis that business can be carried on successfully, STRICTLY CASH. And we assure niir patrons that we shall continue the same honorable course ofdcal- ing with I hem (hat was such a di.-lingnishcd feature with the home of It, C. Sil I VKH iv. CO. We have now iu store the best selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Huts, Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths:, Window Shades, Wall Paper, E:c, Kvcr Been in this city, selected by one of the linn, who superintend-! the |M.dhc"«s, and conseo.iiettlly knows the wants a!" iln> eom- munity better than buyers residing else¬ where. The entire stock will be. offered at price-* never before eipialcddn thissection. The I'rices will startle and attract you tit bight, tt'i; inviteyou tosend it once for Samples of tlieso ISTe w AND HANDSOME GOODS And, if shown to your friends ami neigh¬ bors, we arc surv it will be to your advan¬ tage to send us a large order. We pay frvight on all bills amounting to SlU and upwards. All orders must be accompanied with CASH, or we send them (.'. O. I)., and guarantee satisfaction. Best Gle. Prints in the city. Long Cloths 8.1, 10, 12je, None equal to them iu the State. Will known brands of Alpacas and Mohair<*, just imported. Htsiery Department.Full of well assorted Goods at Popular Prices. Gents'Furni.-bing Goods complete, as a department. Our Boot and Shoe Department is se¬ cond to none on this continent. From the cheapest Brognn to the tinest Hand Made Goods. The most complete and best managed Carpet Department in the WORLD. Cloths, Cassi mores anil Jeans aro bought by the case and sold at a very small ADVANCE. Brown and Bleached Shirtings are soltl at FACTORY PRICFS. Flannels and Blankots at prices that will ASTONISH. We Shall Expect nn Order From You or a Cull W hen You Yitsit Our City. oct 2 1S7Ö .tm dr.Tt. "muhte k&'cör SPEC IA Ij PUACTICIO. Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Rcroftila, Epilepsy, Female Diseases, I.iver Diseases, Venereal Diseases, Skin diseases, and all kindred atltictions SL CCESSFULL Y THEA TED. Cancers and Tumors will be treated with our Specific«, without the use of thu knife, without loss of blood, and with b'tf little pain to the patient. CONSU ETATION FREE. Terms of treatment easv. Wo have opened a lb anch Olliceat MARION Ol II. S. C. Office under the Star office, Marion,S. ('. opposite the Court House. DU. J. .MILES HUNTER Ä CO. sept 25 tf DR. A. S. . HYÖEICK,. DllUGGISf AND CHEMIST ' % Has ju.i( opened an entire now Slock of , DIUJGS and CHEMICAL^, At the Bland Formerly Occupied by the late -E. J. Oli,*croä/ IT im en v.'. ailoiiu i4l The most popular i o a y/<f }J fl PATENT medicines With full line of TOILET ^liTEOJ^ES- ^n^itif ('otwlitnlly on h:ind. The Proprietor will gi^c Personal Attention to the flam* Rouudiug or l»hj HloiaiiM PrracrlpiioiiM ami * rlvaftlc Foriunlan, hvMcinuH dcairoiiH of parchiishig will ibid it to their ad ran tage to aspect my stock »T - ..... : . :i^.n Uefore Iluying l'.lsewlic;o. ,. Itei'OK'iiir.inK the fact that "In 31 ctllcitfic Purify Ik ahore Price,*' wo {.hall HjKirc no pilillM to secure the very be<t Mcdiein«.«. A call'U retfpectfally'WllciIwI, A. 8. Hf DRfCk; Drugglgt? oct 30 1775 . « ,'¦ >Ijilt fllE,«1 IM il| BOOTS, SHOES, 46r at THE ? GRAND CENTRAL, DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT OK ... Wm. D. Love & Co., Columbia, S. C. The citizen* of Oran»eburg county will save money by buying lhi'ir.goot&V.Uia above house. They keep a buyer in New York and other imirkcu« all the, tjine; they receive goods bv every steamer from auction and wherever they can be bought CHKAIMvST KOlt fJASlf; Tliey keep the largest and moit varied stock of-any lion* *' this nide of New York, ami sell its LOW as the same Roods ran .be bought in that city. »! Wc kecp'a full line of Carpet*, Oil (Moth*, Window Shades, Paper Hanging, ItooU,," Shoes, Jeans, Tweeds, Ca.* inn* res, Chubs, ilnuiespunsofuvery description, blanketo, j Flannels, Dress L'ood«, Silks, Linens, Toweling*, Lace:', Notionn, Hosiery. Underwear. , and Colgate &. Co., Toilet Soap.« and I'erftuuefles, which we sell by the^ttgteVHcvjy^ Colgate & Vo.'k prices hv the wholesale trade. We are agents for - \ '. U £22 Keen'N Partly ft&aric .Shirt», at Pit'tccn Dollars Per »©«Mab* i,t The Cheapest, the Hc-l, ami the Best Kitting Shirt ever introduced to the market. Ii b/c lk'2f" Samples ^eut when requested, and all packages over teu dollars sent by ex pro» free of charge. ', wm. r> love & co:',r' ort :to \Hlb ly m THE WOULD! ; 1 Is that advertised to be here on the 27th inst. It 5b uot JOHN ROBINSON'S a But a much better one. (A bettor SHOW can be seen at my£tor«...; every day in the week.; FIVE LIONS \t Will lie turned looie in the ring, while a genuine Gorilla will fvm through* the audience selling tickets to the coueert, but I have BOMK- THING iu my store to beat all this. ONE HUNDRED MONKEYS W& Will do the apple selling, (but I have more than apples for oalo.) And now without jesting, I can honestly announce to my Customers and tho Public that I have on hand us full and complete a line of the following1 ar¬ ticles as was ever brought to Orangej'urg, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Slices, Hardware, Ales, "Wines, Liguors, Tobaccos, Segars, . Respectfully, AND MECHANICAL. IJY A. M. Snider. T.J.Calvert. fc£j"- Office open- at nil timed. Book ! Stationery! Muaic t A lot of WINDOW SHADES of an tor proved Patent, living heal, simple ill put¬ ting lip, durable ami CHEAP in price. Lumps, üli im hoys and Lump Fixtures always ou hand. SOLE AUBNT VOll THE Celebrated WATT PLOW and Casting», which I sell at Manufacturer's Prices, with freight added, vi/ One. Horse A ami U.$(? 00 Two Hoi-si M and N. «> (JO Castings.7c pur lb. Insui mice and Collections prompt¬ ly alluudcd to. A Ol'NT FOR biverpool, London nhdtilobeInsunuicc Co. Ueorgin Home Insurance Co. Manluiticn Lifu Insurance Co; KUUv UOMNSON. Market St. oct 2 .1«, JUST PROM NEW YOML WHO? ARTHUR H. JJRWItf j DERMATOUC.IST AND PRACTICAL HAIR CUTTER» Respectfully a >r,otmec» lo the Cithtm* ef Orangeburg» that he has permaaontljr located himself io this place, and request* a share oi their patronage. Call at No. 3 Law Hange, oppöftfto Poaft Office. gept 4 1S75 Ij J. R PARKER & CO. FACTORS AND VOMSISSION MBROHAflT8» COTTON AND NAVAL, STORES. ACCOMMODATION WHARF & YENDUE RANGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. H. PARKER. A. 8. TRUM HO. K. C« GREEN, Jr. is connect with, the above firm. set* 2T> \ tf

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Page 1: Orangeburg news and times.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-10-30.masonic Petros Council No. II, R.\ Ä S.'i M.\ "Will meeteach Thursdayat Go'clock P. M. from 1st October iti 1st April nhtl


Petros Council No. II, R.\ Ä S.'i M.\"Will meet each Thursday at G o'clock P. M.from 1st October iti 1st April nhtl at 8o'clock from 1st April to 1st October, on

tltfe following dates, June 24, July,jjf2| Aug.M>, Sept. l'i, Oct. 21; Nov. 18, hmf DM. 1«.'

J. F. IZLAK, T. I.O. \V. Brunson, Recorder.Enreka Chapter No. 18, R .¦ A.*. M.* .

"Will meet, each Friday at G o'clock I*. M.from Ißt October to


1st April, and nt 8t»'«lock fVöhi 1st April tc 1st October on thefollowing dates, June 18, July lü, Aug. 13,»«»iriO.- tVjrT^, Nor. 12, Pec. 10.

If. H. GIRARDEAU, H. P.Wi i> P^TMBTlLLK, Bee.Shibboloth Lodge No. 2S, A.\ F.. «.vWill meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock,

from 1st Oct. to 1st April and nt 8 o'clockfrstm 1st April to 1st October on the follow-ing dates, June" 8,'July C, Aluj. 3, Sept. 7,Oct. ö, Not. 2, Bee. 7.

JAS. f. IZLARjW.W.Ja9. S. Heywar d, Sec-kxr 29 ¦ rl 167Ö Tin.

x. o. o. 3p.Edisto Lodge No- 33.Meets at Odd

FelloviB Hall, e.vcry Mondav evening at8o'clock, from 20th March to 20tli Sept. andat 7J o'clock from 20th Sept. to '20th March.

c. i>. kortjöhn; r g.C..j\. HOUGH, Sec._'"TOWN COUNCIL.This body meets every second Tuesday

after the first Monday of each month, forthe transaction öf regular business.

Mayors Court, held whenever occasionrequires.

RAILROAD SCHEDULE.Up Dav Train . 9*5o A. M.Down Dav Train. 7:30 P. M.Up Night Up Train. 2:20 A. MDown Night Train.11:53 P. M.

Office hours 8 to 2 and 3 to 5.

L O O J± LSee advertisement of John A.


Rev. J. Bachmnn llaskell.of Char¬leston, will preach in the LutheranChurch on Sunday next.

Seme people who make great pre-ten tions to show, are as poot as Irusor an Irish mine.

Air. John Ogren bus saddles aalow as B'<\, and other goods in propor¬tion. See advertisement.

Drifu,<tn>us Ttoi tsi disputmtlum} as the.old xu:tn said wlren lie handed the oldL.ily a liltJe Mater iu her'iu

Messrs. \\ annum* kcr & Rluiuc,tr»o very estimable young men, helonged to the ,<cntryv department.Senator Andrews bad the two linest

Berkshire pigs exhibited til the fuit.Tliey wert; only eight weeks old andweighed fifty pounds each.

Mr. C. II. Jones is known lliroughout our County as an upright andlioncst merchant. His prices are

liberal. Give biiu a call one mid all.

WHY IS THIS Tilust.The only two pure b1coded Berk¬

shire pigs that were exhibited at thefair received the second premium.

Dr. A. S. Hydrick, has a full sup¬ply of fresh drugs, cigars/can dies,ao&ps, &c., always on hand.

-. »ii ¦.. -. ...

The hotels of McMicbncl andDukes have been crowjded during thelast week, and justly so.

We call attention to the new ad¬vertisement of Wm. D. Love& Co.,of Columbia. This is decidedly the

^best dry goods house, at the Capital,ind \vc commend our patrons to it.

The faithful old barber, Moses^Jrowu, is always on hand and readyto wait upon bis customers. Whenlie first came here his pi ices were low,and by Btie.kiog to them he succeededin bringing others to bis rates.

Mrs. F. H. W. Briggmnun will ac¬

cept our editorial thanks for apieceof bread.of her own make.whichtook the premium at the Fair. It is thebest we have ever tasted. If editorscould always have such bread to liveon, they would never bo i» a hadhumor. ' I

Let those who have not already ad¬vertised iu the Kjsws & Times neiid intheir advertisements at once. A mer¬chant who is afraid ofprinter's ink canno more succeed in drawing customtlian can a young lady without a bustleand a few pounds of false hair succeedin drawing a beaux.

PeteDoylo koeps ul\vftjs 0*1! linhd'ftfull supply of g'rocorics»nnd liquors.Give him a call.

Senator James M. Smith, of Burn-Well county, was in Ornngcburg on

Tuesday and Wednesday of the pro-sent week, nn<J preseuted aii appear-nnee of perfect health. The Senatoris a strong Barnwell man, and willmake a hard fight this winter to keepthe court house at Bnt'nwoll.bit. A. S. 11 YDlilL'K.

This popular... young .druggist, .-ad-..vertiaos in to-day's NliWBcfc Timks.His stand is that formerly occupiedby tho late Dr. OliVeros, an omen,we

trust of a prosperous business career.

Dr. llydrick was recently the cityphysician of Columbia, and upon ac¬

cepting his resignation as such, Ithecouncil passed resolutions compliment¬ing him for bis skill as a pructioner,and his faithfulness ns nil ofheer. Hedeserves his share of the patronage ofthe county, and we heartily bespeakit for him.

The great. London Circus exhibitedhere Wednesday, and cairied awayfrom our county hundreds of dollars,that otherwise would have remained-here. The pageant through thestreets was the grandest we ever saw.

All parties are agreed on this point.The published programme was prettynearly carried out, but was consider¬ably abreviatcd, As a general thingthe people who attended the perfor¬mance went away satisfied. Therewas one pretty girl along who attractedthe notice of lovc-siek swains. Sever¬al musses occurred during the day,but the efficiency of tho police-forcewas equal to every cnergeray, and on

Thursday morning our popular Mayormade several examples of tne offend¬ers.

We paid a visit to the brick yardof Mr. John II. Livingston, iü comp¬any, with himself, during the pastweek and were struck with the per¬fect success, his employees haveachieved in the matter of makingbrick out of Orangebürg clayi liebus burnt five kilns already, and hasanother that will soon be ready to hesubjected to the fiery cruciblethrough which it will have to passbefore attaining perfection. Thislatter kiln has eleven arches and con¬

tains three hundred thousand brick.Its immense sice at a distance re¬

minds one of some grand old fort.Mr. L. says it is the largest that wasever put up in this County, and willturn out bricks almost equal to thosemade in Hamburg or Augusta. Wecongratulate him on his success.

..»'.»¦ . .

We regret to announce that o.ur

popular follow townsman, Mr. J. W.Moseley, met with quite n serious acci¬dent on Tuesday afternoon last. Hewas out exercising that most excel¬lent steed of his.Mollic a light sulky, the axle of whichbroke and precipitated him to theground, resulting in rather painfulbruises to himself. The steed becamefreightencd at the crash, and madetracks for the liviry stable, with a

portion of tho shafts dangling at her.sides. Sho was also bruised conside¬

rsrably. We regret the occurcncc, not

only because it injured one of our

best citizens, but also for the reason

that everybody wanted to see Mr.Moseloy with his pet nag at the Fair.Wc trust he will soon be all right

again, and that he may never meetwith a similar accident, nor indeedany other misfortune.HIE METHODIST CHURCH.This beautiful structure has been

repainted and otherwise greatly im¬proved in appearance. Tho firstthing that strikes one's view while ap¬proaching it arc the beautiful brickcolumns which give so much beauty toits front. They were made of brickfrom Mr. J. H. Livingston's yard.Upon entering the door, the smooth¬ness of the walls, which have beencalcined and made to present a

soft lilac, color, will at once he rc-

marked, ttitd induce the thought thatthose who have charge of tho Metho¬dist Church love to.seo its inside as at¬tractive rts Well .as sacred. The rail¬ing around the altar is painted in per¬fect immitntiou of walnut, while thebacks and onds of the scats arc oakgrained with much taste and regular¬ity. Other improvements have beenmade which we have not sufficientspace to notice. Suffice it to say thatthe painting ?mid graining ruficuts de¬served credit! upon Mr. Edward Pet-tUs, the gentleman who did the work.The Church in question bus a minis¬ter who is uuivcrsaly loved, *»nd we

congratulate its members upon thoimprovements they have added totheir place of worship.

-* mm . ~^mm.m.

The Fair.Each s eceodiog Fair has improv¬

ed upon its predecessor, but this onehas outstripped them all, in the greatnumber, variety, and excellence of thearticles exhibited. As you enter thegr< Iimis and just in front til' the mainbuilding you are chcountcd l»y twogigantic Tanyas that remind you ofthe talcs of the luxurient growth oftho Indian forests, behind these camean array of plows, harrows, planters,and other farm implements in an end¬less- variety, from *the elegant two-horse sulkcy plow, to the old fashion¬ed bull tongue, getting through andentering the building you are confronted by a collection of cotton bales,baled hay, fodder, and pea. vines,brobdignaginn turnips, corn nearlytwo feet long, peas that would makea cow smile, tobacco that would make"Durham" weep tears of envy, every¬thing til fact that our soil produces, andeverything on an improved scale. Atone end is abuggie made here by MrH. Eiggs that for finish and style isexcelled no where. East of the mainbuilding is another for poultry, Dogsetc., tins of itself is worth going to sea

Turkeys, ducks, pigeons, game, frizzle,bramah and barnyard fowls, hound),pointers and setters, of all sorts arecrowded together in the most friendlymanner, even a little Esquimaux, pupputs in nil appearance, but with a

very homesick air in the warm sun¬shine. We would like to particulariseif \vc had the room, but there are tonmany objects worthy of men Lion, toallow it. Tho stock display outsideof horses, was only tolerable as a

winde, of the horses there was h goodturn out, and some of tbcm attractedconsiderable attention for their beautyand style. Leaving the grounds andthe lower story which show lot lbprincipally the masculine merits, we

go up stairs where the gentle sex havefull sway, and there, well, how shallwe describe "there," to begin at oneend of the large hall we find paint¬ings, drawings, sketches, fancy brack¬ets, fancy everythings in that line,pincushions, head baskets, basketsplain table mats, and heaven knowswhat and all, passing downward, thearticles become a little more substant¬ial, cakes, jell is, preserves, nativewines &c. &c.' &c, indefiutcly, thancome* the bread, loaves, rolls, andother "fixings" too numerous to men¬

tion, lnrge, puffed up loaves that re¬mind one so pleasantly of hot toastand tea, before a cosy fire, with thelittle o:ieB* prattling' around and themother opposite with the old "lovelight in her eye." Just about herethe old bachelor generally stops,.forbeyond lies, a hetriogeiiious conglomer¬ation, in the most t-tsty confusion ofquilt j, pillow cases, comforts, and sucha bewildering lot of baby things thatonly a case hardened old Benedict as

your reporter is, could muster thecourage to look at, before the nextFair we must certainly engage a fash¬ion editress to write up this depart¬ment, it is beyond our power, our

knowledge of the various names of thevarious trappings is entirely too limi¬ted. We must not omit, hastily aswe write, to notice the tournament, thefirst prize wus won by Mr. W. J.Jones of Bamberg and the second byMr* W, II. Glover of this county, undto all appearances the knights enjoy¬ed themselves amazingly. A game ofbase ball was played on Thursday be¬tween the "Oranges" and "Favor¬ites" both of this county and for thechampionship of the county, thoOrangeß won by a score of HI to 2(1,the playing of neither club was up totheir usual practice. Yesterday theFair terminated and tho prizes were

destributcd, but wo wcr^ unable toget the list until too late for publica¬tion. So ends the Fair of 187~>, may).87d eclipse this one as effectually asthis has surpassed all others.

The ( that Wrts i'i the Streets on

Monday and Tuesday .ast was enoughto blind pedestrians. There was manyan eye til led witli it. ?

On and after October 1st a fullsupply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrupcan. be found in every drugstore.Price, 25 cents per bottle; live forSLOP.


Market Reports.COTTON MARKET*

Corrected every week by Messrs. Ittill,Seovill a Pike.bow Middling*..)2lo4 1flood Ordinary.r..T'JJ 'a\Ordinary.10012

PROVISION MARKET.Corrected every week by Mr. J. \\\ Mote-

Icy.nwiNo riciois

Corn.$1 10New Corn. 1 00Pens. SOFodder; per 100 lbs. 1 00Rough Rice. 1 20

ser.i.iNO miensWliite .Sugar.7oY8H lbs to the $1 00lirown " ......8(.('0T " " 1 WCoffee..'.25 fri'ÖO

ban I.IS (« JOS CHams.10 «AI8Smoked Sides.17 OtAXDS " .lö («10Smoked Shoulders.1 «2.1 tii\ I '\ JOS.' .VI föi

Flour.jü öllrVi to 00(ioshen Ruttcr...:.:.10@1SÖSalt per sack. $2 00




Dry Co )ds, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat¬tings, Hoots, Shoes, Ktc.

C ()XiXjMBIA..... S. C.The attention of publishers iu every partof this StiUe is called to consider a very im¬

portant fact, namelv, that the old cstabish-ed house of U. C." Sil IV Kit & CO. is notclosed but n«irgtiiii/.ed upon the only basisthat business can be carried on successfully,STRICTLY CASH.And we assure niir patrons that we shall

continue the same honorable course ofdcal-ing with Ihem (hat was such a di.-lingnishcdfeature with the home of It, C. Sil I VKH iv.CO. We have now iu store the best selectedstock of

Dry Goods,Boots, Shoes, Huts, Caps,

Carpets, Oil Cloths:, Window Shades,Wall Paper, E:c,

Kvcr Been in this city, selected by one ofthe linn, who superintend-! the |M.dhc"«s, andconseo.iiettlly knows the wants a!" iln> eom-munity better than buyers residing else¬where.The entire stock will be. offered at price-*

never before eipialcddn thissection. TheI'rices will startle and attract you tit bight,tt'i; inviteyou tosend it once for

Samples oftlieso ISTewAND

HANDSOME GOODSAnd, if shown to your friends ami neigh¬bors, we arc surv it will be to your advan¬

tage to send us a large order. We payfrvight on all bills amounting to SlU andupwards. All orders must be accompaniedwith CASH, or we send them (.'. O. I)., andguarantee satisfaction.

Best Gle. Prints in the city.Long Cloths 8.1, 10, 12je, None

equal to them iu the State.Will known brands of Alpacas and

Mohair<*, just imported.Htsiery Department.Full of well

assorted Goods at Popular Prices.Gents'Furni.-bing Goods complete, as

a department.Our Boot and Shoe Department is se¬

cond to none on this continent.From the cheapest Brognn to thetinest Hand Made Goods.

The most complete and best managedCarpet Department in the

WORLD.Cloths, Cassi mores anil Jeans aro

bought by the case and soldat a very small

ADVANCE.Brown and Bleached Shirtings are

soltl at

FACTORY PRICFS.Flannels and Blankots at prices that


We Shall Expect nn OrderFrom You or a Cull W hen

You Yitsit Our City.oct 2 1S7Ö .tm

dr.Tt."muhte k&'cörSPECIA Ij PUACTICIO.

Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Rcroftila,Epilepsy, Female Diseases, I.iverDiseases, Venereal Diseases,Skin diseases, and all

kindred atltictionsSLCCESSFULLY THEA TED.

Cancers and Tumors will be treated withour Specific«, without the use of thu knife,without loss of blood, and with b'tf littlepain to the patient.

CONSU ETATION FREE.Terms of treatment easv. Wo have

opened a lb anch Olliceat MARION Ol II.S. C.

Office under the Star office, Marion,S. ('.opposite the Court House.DU. J. .MILES HUNTER Ä CO.

sept 25 tf


' %Has ju.i( opened an entire now Slock of


DIUJGS and CHEMICAL^,At the Bland Formerly Occupied by the late -E. J. Oli,*croä/ <» IT

im en v.'. ailoiiu i4lThe most popular i o a y/<f }JflPATENT medicines

With full line of

TOILET ^liTEOJ^ES- ^n^itif('otwlitnlly on h:ind. The Proprietor will gi^c Personal Attention to the flam*

Rouudiug or l»hj HloiaiiM PrracrlpiioiiM ami * rlvaftlc Foriunlan,hvMcinuH dcairoiiH of parchiishig will ibid it to their adran tage to

aspect my stock »T -

..... : . :i^.nUefore Iluying l'.lsewlic;o.,.

Itei'OK'iiir.inK the fact that "In 31 ctllcitfic Purify Ik ahore Price,*' wo{.hall HjKirc no pilillM to secure the very be<t Mcdiein«.«. A call'U retfpectfally'WllciIwI,

A. 8. HfDRfCk; Drugglgt?oct30 1775


« ,'¦ >Ijilt

fllE,«1 IM il| BOOTS, SHOES, 46rat THE ? <¦


Wm. D. Love & Co., Columbia, S. C.The citizen* of Oran»eburg county will save money by buying lhi'ir.goot&V.Uiaabove house. They keep a buyer in New York and other imirkcu« all the, tjine; theyreceive goods bv every steamer from auction and wherever they can be boughtCHKAIMvST KOlt fJASlf; Tliey keep the largest and moit varied stock of-any lion* *'

this nide of New York, ami sell its LOW as the same Roods ran .be bought in that city. »!Wc kecp'a full line of Carpet*, Oil (Moth*, Window Shades, Paper Hanging, ItooU,,"Shoes, Jeans, Tweeds, Ca.* inn* res, Chubs, ilnuiespunsofuvery description, blanketo, jFlannels, Dress L'ood«, Silks, Linens, Toweling*, Lace:', Notionn, Hosiery. Underwear. ,and Colgate &. Co., Toilet Soap.« and I'erftuuefles, which we sell by the^ttgteVHcvjy^Colgate & Vo.'k prices hv the wholesale trade. We are agents for - \ '. U£22Keen'N Partly ft&aric .Shirt», at Pit'tccn Dollars Per »©«Mab* i,tThe Cheapest, the Hc-l, ami the Best Kitting Shirtever introduced to the market. Ii b/clk'2f" Samples ^eut when requested, and all packages over teu dollars sent by expro»free of charge. ', -»

wm. r> love & co:',r'ort :to \Hlb ly

m THE WOULD! ; 1Is that advertised to be here on the 27th inst. It 5b uot

JOHN ROBINSON'S aBut a much better one. (A bettor SHOW can be seen at my£tor«...;

every day in the week.;

FIVE LIONS \tWill lie turned looie in the ring, while a genuine Gorilla will fvmthrough* the audience selling tickets to the coueert, but I have BOMK-

THING iu my store to beat all this.

ONE HUNDRED MONKEYS W&Will do the apple selling, (but I have more than apples for oalo.)And now without jesting, I can honestly announce to my Customers and thoPublic that I have on hand us full and complete a line of the following1 ar¬ticles as was ever brought to Orangej'urg, consisting of

Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Slices,Hardware, Ales, "Wines,

Liguors, Tobaccos, Segars, .



A. M. Snider. T.J.Calvert.fc£j"- Office open- at nil timed.

Book ! Stationery! Muaic tA lot of WINDOW SHADES of an tor

proved Patent, living heal, simple ill put¬ting lip, durable ami CHEAP in price.Lumps, üliimhoys and Lump Fixtures

always ou hand.SOLE AUBNT VOll THE

Celebrated WATT PLOW and Casting»,which I sell at Manufacturer'sPrices, with freight

added, vi/One. Horse A ami U.$(? 00Two Hoi-si M and N. «> (JOCastings.7c pur lb.

Insui mice and Collections prompt¬ly alluudcd to.AOl'NT FOR

biverpool, London nhdtilobeInsunuicc Co.Ueorgin Home Insurance Co.Manluiticn Lifu Insurance Co;KUUv UOMNSON.

Market St.oct 2 .1«,



HAIR CUTTER»Respectfully a >r,otmec» lo the Cithtm* ef

Orangeburg» that he has permaaontljrlocated himself io this place, and request* ashare oi their patronage.

Call at No. 3 Law Hange, oppöftfto PoaftOffice.

gept 4 1S75Ij







J. H. PARKER. A. 8. TRUMHO.K. C« GREEN, Jr. is connect with,the above firm.set* 2T> \ tf