orangeburg times.(orangeburg court house, s.c.)...

1" Ilk 1 it 1l»Ht3. J UST OP EN E D ON E 3 )OOK EAST <»F »r. A. C. Duke'* Ding Kterr. BY dp. c. CA.isroisr V ho will keep constant! v on hand a FULL, and <<>d- PJLKTK sto.-k of II ar<! v»ro, Cutlery, ii cuts, IMMoIm. Ami Si»orliEiB GoodN oi every description. Also nil kiiiua of Btopilir-Jllp: done .n the shortest notice to tilins, I'iatols, Locks, Umbrellas, and SEWI NO NT A CHI N ES Dono i]) and Adjusted. UvB"- \ll %amU at,d work warranted '.. gire cnti"C satisfaction in quality wo:k xnnnship anil price. Thanking my friends for pa<i patronage I hope to merit a contiuiince of the saint in the future. I\ U. (ANN« >N. £>ept 2S l ?7"i ly carrjTges jjU(;(;iks AN.' w a e;-o n s r VKUSUN A I ATTENTION lo my Itushie.' CA is Ii i a a: ss.t iiz\u. And will guarantee lhal my woik in do future shall he as'lOOD as ill the past furl* Years that 1 have been in the blisim --. I have ri;i>l<fj> my a ziicr.s To SUIT the TIM KS, ind if you will cab on nie 1 will »iiaratil« ¦. lhal my charges am; ¦work will give full SATl.SKAt TIU.W I am now prepared to iiiauutacl Ih celebrated P K X Til SPi* I N UZt*Vi ¦ 0 \ Which for comfort «»i-.d r.-.-*! caunol !).. . \ celled. ALSO Conolaii'iv on hand KOSK WOOD a»u "WALNUT* f-st.J n i AT, ( ! Asi ;s Of all Hirci1. Hive me :i call. IIAKITN KK5?...S <ept 31 ;>iu "PRESCRIPTION PRES! For the «peedy Cur-! rs^iiiinnl W«.»ki ¦: M«nlioOfl und «I! .li««it«1<Ti hr .¦: : >v liy n s nrvt'oi. or «txrect. Vuy Uni-nast ti»- apr Tis i: an hat c:\ rsio ji i;man misi" Ii v. i/uvt, J'ubliehed in v fie.uleJ I'-u ..'<.}..... 1'< ice >ir cent*. A f.wttirr. i?s<v "V.i- luie. Treatment, and Itadieal cure of Seminal Weaknc«, or Spermaiorrho-a. induced by Self-Ahii-e. Involuntary 1'mb-sioiis, it moy, Nerv- n-:* Debility, and Impediment- to Slarriagc generally; Consumption, '.pbep'«y, and Fils: Mental and I'hvsieal Incapacity, &c. r,y koitunr j. ci'LVFd'w km.', v. author ol the '.< !re<*ii I to >!;." Ae. The wot Id-renowned author, io this ad- ktirable Lecture, clearly proves from Iii- own experience that the awful consequences of Pelf-Abuse may he elleetually removed without medicine, and withe ut dangerous surgical Operation:-«, bougie*, instruments ringn, or coptia pm: lin;: u :i mode of cure at once cerlain and elliviua', by wiiieli every Kiifli-rer, in mailer whal his eonditioti may !i<-. mav euro liimselfclu apty, privute- ly an.l radically. fiiC.V" 'J'lii» heel vre t ill prure u boon to thoumntls und thous-und.i. Seal under s<-:d. in a plain envelope, ti any address, on receipt ui six taills, or two postage itainps. Address t lio I'uhiislu-rs, THE UL'LVKltWFl.L MF!>If:.\I4i 0. 41 Ann St., New York; Post < Mnce TUtx uiSC may ji l . }-¦ ü n ^i h a iv.1 s july '20 DEN n STY I>It. Ii. p. MltC'IiKNpuss has moved his Office over store of Wm. Y\ i! cock, formerly occupied by IV. Fersncr whero he will he glad to serve his friOtids on iho most reasonable terms. DR. V.. V. MUCK EN FUSS; Dentist. «ept 23 td "TAKE NOTU'M. The undcrsigneii respectfully informs the CUizens of the Town and Comity that he is prepared to do up and make Mattresses on the shortest notice. Also will conduct an Upholstery business. Prices will he as low aa potable. Orders solicited. JOHN OltGEN. juno 9 tf unit MorpMnr babltfurPil. TlnOrlKUlul »"¦! oiil. uu CUBIC Se>>4 tiunp ror bookoa Oplau Kating i. W II. S.|ulir, WMIfciiM.o ClroMM r».. In I. .'1 gpr'l -'7 v Has opened a siiojra SHOP two doors below Where li<- is prepare:! lo make to nrtler LH M >TH ami SHOES ,>n the shortest notice. Also Ivcpiiiriu-'done with neatness an i di ;pai dr. All work \\;ir:;i!> ,1 am! prices moilei ät<.. ( \ e h e .-: :: i ii. aug ."11 1.v;7vS 1 y W. P. Robinson,! WATTIi N \ KEK KUSSEL ST., ,.. 2>ll »"g . N. C'. j A fresh supply 61 i aiiiiretli's Seeds j always on hau i. not "J 1R7S ly | AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE. Srni:*r»nri i<. f>. Fob r.J. i«rr. Tbl» in to eirtlis Umr l!i.n>uv.l,iiuin< nfn.tuir-i i.> n. a. s-.: . .;. ......»:..-.. ....» itbcu, giatiani ami (Setter i' ..- r i. n « ! .. N»* ysioui.wil Ii k"."l 1. .' rtsd VK(ii:TlNZ m an rxcelttiit »»i.oiei:« for m< Ii i ,ti>i.i.iit;i N um> mi v f-ll.i. C. W. \ ANORGRIFT. Mr. VanclperiO.of tl;.< (bin f VaiuLciift A Unit. tni.ii. la a \\.inn Inn,'; .-. ii rut .. ii. place, of .!.-. larjceat stun n LipriUfcliold, O. OUR MINISTER'S WIFE. l i isvtt.Li:, Kt. Feb. 16, 1R7. Mn. n.n.STF.vr.! ¦> IHur .Vir. -Three yiinra I 't idkilfToritii: terribly wit li (utlnmnintor) lihoutii.iiMii our ui.uiHter'a «11* aitviteti Iii» lit (nkx V. After t.iLit.< «im li.ittin. I iv.«iuiitirel> n il-v..i. niiay.-ar.l.vlinc a>raium «I ltin li.x'.t Ji, I u;..iii i ui.tnitin it: iki. < i:, ¦iHt am buitirf li.i:;.*litt:(l crtMlly. it tfrcatl) iiu- prove.-, my itt,: mil m. Iwntwitftlily. Mini. A. UALLAUD. 1011 Wmt Jufferaun Stroet. SAFE AND SURE. Mn II R. Rtkvi vi. J.i is.'j )' ir V.'.-rMru' vii r,.,-, immended to ria, ce..|. yirM..».<'.> Ii.o .¦! i tt'entl, I vim. .¦uteri toiiy,it. At t!ui t in- I sutTeriPir Imm Soneral iltiliility r.itil 'vn |i letri.lmu, Miperin. ucudly <>Torv>»rti umS trt;«t r Ii it*. I:- Won¬ .ti. Urfl l.f.n.: ...! .ir-i.V.. propoi iarmtiiod tti i'tTxi t luy liubiltiili I -.j-ii.-.i irii.ii i a ln>-t d. .«>; Met utidei itr. :.t i»ii I i i it!} recuTr-reil, umi.iI I:mi I i foul i >-.1 feline. l«.ti.'.. then i lm\ii n .! li.H i. i. i k \ Ve-.t..m my moat Itilipinhri. .1 iit.l it¦¦..n» i. 'i«i .¦¦ it .. it » li>, *.'ro an.! phwerftil a^iftit in pr.n: tin,! I.* .'.t . rtml tc t^r. UW UMi.watrttMt .. i.i ¦. i. irv. Wjj. Eliue ir the only piiHiti iiu- I . .....i ua loig: a.i I ta ; a«\u: mp«< ' .¦. tin i i-¦':¦¦¦ ... W, i! CI.A i:k.. lilO Mutitoru) Slraui, AJic, bauy, I ann. The f..Uo«:n/ l.»Uj>r from R ir. 15. W. Mnnriliilri, 'on llyi fpnnerl] paatur nl tin' Mvilu**liv h. ......n . utiivlti llyde:'l>r\, nut! «t t.,.i -:i l.miill. .1 tii.«.K i- iiMier i i dcrfiit ourotivi" >;ii ..i. : Vt. ..¦ . as - Uitituu^h cloauaei and oi: ltl<irri Ibe t i^.t. Itvni: Caiix, Maua., ivl. 15, h:4. Ma. lt. R. Stkvuno. IVnr .SVr..About Ion ymra Hfro my bn.tllh fr.!'..«l Uirousb tll»» d«|il«tltlK elTflnili il>H[ioiisia;a \c\r I »v ^ li.i l>|iil liii.i.-r.trni .^.».n^t lorin, Ii a«l ibid in uiy I. u k f-nk lie form a larxi* «1 |. s-.i. .1 ..i.-.. .-. + ii.-; araa tUt.-uii iiioinlit inti I' m^. I *vr» »urttiii I im »rr.inii t l.v Iha beat akill in th» i.;n'.o, hut .'i<! n iierniKtifUt our... I atiaurn.'l itriiat plült at tinm, aid vr.a con. t>-' mtlj wiiakenotl byapri ti.wi dit-c'iarKu. Kitu !u.i Blllall pleCOHOf hollllal llilf»letll l.m.'a. Mattota ran on thus ab.hi! . -vi n yr.-.rr. tilt May, llrt^, when a trifiid ii-t'uinmenri-il ui« to .. in ymu> iiftre, and tnlk williyounf llt«t r .t v.- i.tiiü. I ui.i ao. and by your tiiiuliic tti-.ian l lliroiu;n i.iur manutai lory, notiuit thn , crejienta, Ac, by wliicb Jniir rMini'ilv la prmluci-ti, Hy what i mim ami heard 1 «-t.:.r.! j.uini ootifidrnca tn \ KOKTINIU I coruinenced tab'.ni: il a-inn af:»r, but firit nnraa from Ita iilT.'irlH ; attll I pi>l \.-r. .1, a: .! ao w ,t tpaabeiii-tit Iritt lue Hi otlwr ti:a|ii>eta. Vot I .!: 1 n t aoe.lhoreHtiitwl.1^9 d till I ail ..k-n it f...:>. lor a tit tin ttior. ti;Mmy< .r, wiooi tlm diUI Ity in the bank »». s enroll; and tor nu.e innmlia uaio .oi iy il Ihu iuwl ol in i! 'i I have In mo j/uined Ivi'oity.flvo p .!.::<!» of flrah. lioitiK h.-i.rioi ri ov.t bi.fore in my lifo, and I iiuvor morn ub'n to pi i-torm Inlmr llian n.'w. Oiiri'ir Ilm I" Hi !..» \i » I had a Mertifuloui pWHKitifl aa lurifn .... luy iii. uaihei uii .i. i...x ;.ar. of rai I. nty. tuoli Vn.r f Hhfiiüy, au.! it r«mr«*fi! level with tlie aiirfaeu in u iiemih. I !.:nk I aoould !:...» b....|i n ir.-.l ..I in» lllttlll ir .!>;.. nnar ii ! Il ul i«k >tl laryor, attoi Iibtiiik hotiitce a.:eu*l mied !.« ita ello :la. I>ut your p.ltrollJ Irotttit«. | with j.-r.ifn'.a or kl ln»y d.t ibm nnilnrat >nd tiim it liltoalltno to oiiinolir<itii<i 0:..'i«i'' and; it the) wiil p n. lit ly take VatOK'Xlitll, It irill, in in) Jititueiueltt, curu i.iuuv. W'.tli f,ro»t ubliK illotia I hm S'uiirn rerj truly. li W MAKSPlP.I.n, rastorof tho Met .ti!.-t Kpiairopal Obnrrb. VEGETBWE I'reiiorod by H.ILSTEVISNS, ßostozi. Mns». Vogctine is Sold by ail Drugyia* njnil 10 if. V'iii hna hail (trrratfr e> prrioneo In t!ii> trcntmi-rit of tka n-1. .11- mililea of laith inulr atiri friiiftte llian any pliv.iri.a in Ihn Weal, (tlve* tin. rraialta of In. Imij ami iiu ctaafut pructtCd in liv Km o no work., juat puMialieil, entitled Tho PHYSIOLOGY OP MARR-AGE TJ-.o PRIVATE r/iEDtCAL ADVISER ll'. ik» Hint aro renlly (..iMrs aad HclM. .triirlor. In oil mat- tera pertaining to yfanliu' ri and WaataaliaBil. and .npiity v anl hij: f. It. Tli.'V I. .».uf. li. Iilu.tii.iii, and in iniltt bi.guage, ca.lly uniler.tooil. Vht t»,. look, tinlum.<. .vts f n;-i «fi.i .l r.oilnlii .nlu >>>!¦> Inf .rm.ilan f n. botli marr ii rinnd ein.;:.-.« in i.!l I 'ii' n ecntlniprovriii n;. .n nii'ilicaltrealmtiK It. ari whatour lieiiietiaixr'aay i"'l in k rum li iljte luipaitrd In lir. ItHtU" new ». r'^ is in nil >av of iint .liuiial !r cli.r- eeter, hut la aomcUiintt lhat «...iynn,. »bauld k....>». Tha tenlh, (he rlrdin of early Indbcrrdont th» O.«iu.rrwl»s pel le«Ui In ilili v jnat lir.lmt t. ;..'i vraninnrlnor In tlii i.riiiv* <..( litv, and Iba, in inlwryr It.mi t'm many Ilia li.r »ox ia Jicfr hi."-St. r^itiia Journal. POI'll.AII i'liici:.-i r.O et», rnrli; both in line volume, f I; In clolh at gilt, (U. uti a. Uri tinnier aval, oi rveatpl ofpi Ico in uxoMj t,tuni|i«. apr'l '17 Tha ef 10:k r«ntevy. Barham'a Infalllblo M.iinfirliirrri liy tha . 3k:£iar:'.oCi:oC3.,Dcrli*n,W. 3. rVX>.''V\ni<. "£JA It n..i to eure H.-ciorrWria mf^fßt^SSS^ er I'll,.. »Ii,,, a ru.e It roMlbla. >Cfl Shl'rt.e I.I.t ar.l liona tills to.lisM>ajiala .^j<*4.uU^ farallbail aa akyllaatlea upr'l 27 * ly AGENTS WANTED FOR THE A HISIUKlo^nB mar '1\ if- The Presidential Outlook. It is rather early to discuss th ft l?rcsidcntnl question, but the IXmos tnul Courier und Grcenvillo N^ws bccm lo have much lo sti) upon the subject, and lake rnthor untagoni*- tie views as to the policy of theS mil) going with tin- West nr b.i\*L To us il seems thill the bard in >n- I V or Kolt money question bad better be h it alone, and such combinations mid concituitions bo effected a- will .secure Democratic victory. 11 "< ii,s to us also that I be South i.'u'd pit [Tens the claims ol ! I.i ir ehoice as a candidate. Iblyurtl id iiuiiouhledly the favorite ni 11 ( South, and he .seems to present the best record on t he money ques¬ tion, In.t ln< Kluteis small, and will not count in tin: Fleet oral Codego jit:*: New Yoik or indiana. 'I"i»e s.i'tid South, and a lew North¬ ern or Westi rn States will gain tli victory, and ibis s!i» il l Iii mi* aim. ion it will hardly require aS >ut.horu candidate or any spocial favorite to solidil'y (he South. We ought tu count on (he South ^«r any man the Democratic Convention may pit forth. What we need is the ticket hut con id carry New York Indiana or some one or two large Northern .'Mates. Hancock, Thutinnn or !I n ilr icks may come nearest to this re¬ sult, but linn willshiw which way ibe straws nie turning, audit is best f. r Sotn horn i'einocrals tu watch them und be wise. Assessing lite Taxes. WHAT Till-: I'EOI'LE OF EACH] ÜOÜSi V M f > T J'A 1' I.V 1879. Kartbaru' Ihn Highe«! Tax, 1! .Mills. I'ickeus, I'ni-Jii, York, b«»xingi«>ii j tit'Ci'ttvilie, I'.eaufort, And i'.soii auil Hurry o,i!y 7 ;; 1 C!ini*le:>fua S 12. Columbia, dan. 5..The Comp i .!-(!»<nern1 will issue a circular in morrow ordering e tissessinenl <>f !;,>;, . lor the current liseal yeai*. Phe i :i1h arc a^ follows: Abbeville it, mills. Ait: ii K>i, And rson 7}, H:;riwell 10', Beaufort 71.("bester s l I 20. ( hi sti Held 10?, ( S{, ( 'ol idoi! 81», Pnrlington 10}. F.«?gelio .1 Fuivlield 10?, Hump- ion p;, G nrgitown 101, Greenville 7^, Iloirv 73, Kershaw 9?, I .tinras Ii r 1 OS1, Laurens 10 9 20, I.extntrton 7 {,' M, Marion 11], New bei i \ '.'!,< )eoix c iS.i, t >ran^cburg SI, I'ickcns 7 i. liuhkind S:{, 1-par.un- btiig Ul, Mm n r .'s -, Uni .i 7 i. Wil jui m.-htiig <; :i mi York 7 |. < hanselling has a { mid additii n nl in certaiii school districts for the I list due eiaiins. 'i he tuxes arc io be collected in ; w o ii .-tain 11. s, to wit, iroin the let of May to tbr J-t of June, n;;d frotu the 15th ni epttiuber to the üüth öl October. Five per cent, penalty it the first instalment is not paid in May; and in Minupion Couiuy 'he w Ik le :.|' the 2 mill tax to be paid ;tl the lirsl iii.-talmenl, for building the i i iirlbou.-e and jail, under penalty o;' 20 per cent. mm m :Sf> . . . OBT.¦- Thurinan's Letter Senator Thurmun in his letter to tlio Committee of invitati in at the Democratic banquet it, (' lumbtis Ohio, sets forth the following impor¬ tant points : First, that the "Jaeksoninn Demo (racy" Wi re dislinguithed by ill ir dcvotbti to Hie Uiiii.n of the States, South and North, Fusl and »Vtst. Secondly, that the parly was equal ly distinguished by its lo'eoftho Constitution which ii but tied In maintnin in all its vigor and beneli- cence. Thirdly, that ihn Democracy were I ho determined foes of monopopoly, for tlie Very foundation of the party was the doctrine of equal rights. Fourthly, thai the Democracy was n party of economy and low laxes. Let then our battle Hag for 1880 have inscribed upon it. the "Union," j t he "Constitution," "Anti-monopoly " and "Economy." D. Wyaft Aiken on the Fanner of 1 his State. Mr. Aiken retire.1 on the 1st inst« from the editorial control of the igrieu' department of the A' km and (Jtmricr. In his valedictory ho ..ays that lie worked for four you'd on the linral (Uir/iniun, which reached a high place in the H|rricultural journ¬ als of the'country, hut that it failed, because the farmers wouldn't sup¬ port it; that he ha* since given two years of lab or to the X .«*< "" I Hour irr fur the benefit of the fanner <, but that they have failed to support even 11. r*taiid to'- that reas >ti tin* agricul¬ tural column; have been disco.uinu Oil. lie goes on and says : "It is »f.hict, and one that gives me inm.di sorrow, that nowh.ire in ilia United States is there less thirst for learning, for read ng an 1 tie ['liriii^ information through pr nie I \uy* . than among the i a noes of.South Carolina. Few men havu hil l in opportunity of knowing them as I know them, and still fewer have ha 1 the privilege of coinpirin' t'letr St.tu- with the fartners of other Slates, und j articulariy t' e Northern States that 1 have (lad; and I Icei roiiseiou | tiously authorised in saying thorn are few* r reading men among t!ic far mcrs of South I'riolinu, than there tue it! most ill'the other States which I have visited. And the remit is we ate making less progress titan the farnie sofotht rSttt «.-. "We have many advantages not to be found elsewhere, No one can complain i f ivnat Nature has done tor u . Jint we have nut improved ourselves. Toe farmers all over the State an; "hewers ol wood and draw- ers of water jTor n:* t: of every othei vocation. "Who is lo blame tor all th»< ? Our Stale is peculiarly agriutiltur tl, ubd to make it prosperous and happv, while it teniiiins a^ricti! ural, nt' ionise the duty ami should he ex- p> clod o! the farmers. 1 hat we have ' not d tie so wiii be painful v evident to more than ha!;' of I item, if they could only bo in luce 1 to make a rii i mal inspection nfth drown farms and premises, What power can make a change for the i». :t r, 1 am in a) b- tu .-u_',t >:. Ii has ever In en my hope that the grieu It mal press eoitld be used as a powerlul lever fir i hi- purpose. Fxpei iciice has taught tie the reverse It has not accomp¬ lished ibis much in the past; what it will the future, time' will tell. "lit Griiujjie h:.» made many nt rides Ii>iward lor the farmer. To¬ day it i.- doi'uiail., ami without tin organ < ! influence. That some man or .-et of men. in ire sueoes*! 1! than i, w.ti sitting up in the near lit! irii to levivily the Grange, and proino e the j farmer's interest in ihe Suite, is a wish 1 hope to live to see cou.mimina- 1 have labored hard tviihou! fjiicces-, hui «Ii. not regret my eiforts." Fashionable Drnsjiut: lor Church.' I 'I here i- no grm er hindrance to the spi eail of the (jospol in our midst ihaii the prevailing custom of dress¬ ing excessively for church. Ii -com» t>trange that women should choose God's house as the place for dress parade; and stranger .-till thai the daughter's ofZion, wli i are command- ed 'o ''adorn (hein.-elves in modest apparel, thould come before the I on! with lofty looks and high heads and nodding [duin -s, keeping step wit'o the giddy votaries of fashion. 'Ibis Uclhah of worldliucss has been robbing the chtin h of her stlength, while she has been sleeping; and she hits need to arouse l.orsolf, or her (tumies will prevail ngainst her. For whatever ntny lie the effect upon those who are guilty of these prac¬ tices, it is very clear t at the church cannot afford to turn her sanctuaries int») show rooms of fashion That church sells her birth-right for less than a mess of pottage, which, for the take ol a favored lew, who tread her aisles in costly array, closes her doors against the masses, and crowds the children of the pooi out of her Sun- day schools. Auel surely tin-; will bo the legitimate result wherever fash- ionablc dressing prevails in a church; Wo are glad to see that a few have been nroused to I he importance of dressing plainly for the sanctuary, The Bright Side of Liberi*. Wim! an Rntlminstic ilxotlist Tram Lan¬ caster lias to say about the Country .rjenly of Coons but Hani lo Catch. The Lancaster Ledger prints the following letter written by W.o. Adams to his brother Levi Ad.uns, who lives in Lancaster: Monrovia, Lijikuia, Nov. ;!. LS7S. Dear /Jtother: 1 am weil and lin¬ ing well, and am satisfied. I have drawn my lands and built my house. I was very glad to receive your letter dated in the !8th of August, and to hear from you ail. Von sai l you wnultd to know how I he hinds, yield¬ ed !;. re. 1 will loll you the hinds an- rich and will bring anything you plant. \ on can make three crops of com a year. TliOi'C are not any horses here like iu America, but you can gel along here le.ter than in America with all the horses. All you isuvc to do is to cut oil your hind an I take tin- corner of your h >e an I dig a hole and drop your corn, then keep he hushes down, and I will assure you you »vi 11 make as go id corn as you ever .-aw.that is all you have to do. Cotton does much the same, only it grows lo trees. The watt r is good. Yon wanted to know whether there were any cooUa here. Yes, but you can't hunt them like in America Coons have little cave*, ami you have to hunt them in t'.io day ti.nj Tell Hardy Montgomery this. Brothers au i fricn 1-, if any of von wish lo come out you could not wish i better thing, Ifrny ofyoü come bring clothes, ammunition, beads, perfume rum, tobacco, the cheapest i alieo, you will get -~> a yard for; bsing blackberry, strawberry,and all of Vegetables. Wo hive plenty ol trails here, hut ii uiu't like the fruits of A met'tea. Bring all kinds of seeds, if vor. can. Voti will be sure in Inn i- tin ji-rer. iio'goit tntisl bring oif, ijniniif , salts, Iii er pills, dv. Tell Hardy to bring Jerry oa hi; hack and his gun at his si le. William A;>\ms. The Eorl of Girl to Get. The true girl has l > bo s m^htfor. Ir ho does not parade herself as show goods. She is not fashionable. Gon- elally, she is not ric'u But oh 1 what a heart she lias when y in find her! so large and pine and womanly. When you see it you wonder if those showy thi gs outside were women. If yoll gain her love your two th >.is am a ;;rt' millions. She'll not ask you for a carriage or a fn .-t class house. She'll wear simple dresses, and turn them when ne ef-sary,with no vulgar magnificence to frown upon nor. econ¬ omy. She'll keep everything neat and nice in your sky parlor, and give you such it welcome when you come home that yot Ml think your pari ir higher than ever. She'll entertain tut» friends oa do'lar, an 1 nstonistf yt u with the new thought how little happiness depends on money. She'll make you love home (if you don't you are n brute,) and leach you how to pity, while you scorn a poor fashion¬ able society that thinks itself rieh, and vainly trie- to think itself hap¬ py Now, do not, 1 pray you, say any more, "I can't afford to marry.'' Go. find the tine woman, and you can marry. Throw away that cigar, burn up that switch cane, be sensible your¬ self, and seek your wife in a sensible way.. liver Wendell Holmes. Gltr.KNVILLK. January 12..Wal- tu W I'egg, night telegraph opera- tin-nt the Air-Line oflice at this place, was to-day found dead a fourth of a mile from the depot. The jury of iu quest rendered a virdict of death b accident or misfortune L>gg hail threatened to take morphine, but there was no evidence to the ofleet that he hud taken any or used any violence on his person. J. 0. B. ITrs Senator Jones'Diamonds. Senator Jones, of Nevada, having replenished his deplete 1 orche.mor hy a fortunate ri>e in »Sierra Nevada stocks, comes back with his beautiful young wile and maideu sister to oc¬ cupy bis ball" of the Butler block nil Capitol Hill, lie left here livo in- ni hs ago for his home at Gold Hill, 'dend broke," in vulgar parlance, or "busted," as the miners term it. Fore¬ seeing tbe rise in mining stock«, ho invested all he could raise or borrow in Sierra Nevada and reaped a rich return. Still he had not enough to iill the measure of his opportunity. Ilig wife hud a splendid diamond necklace, for which be lia 1 paid, in opulent days, the sum of -330,000, and which she, being a retiring litile body not given to display, haJ luver wora hut once. "My dear," said he lo her one day, "if you will let me invest your dia- II) nds in Sierra Nevada you shall have the proceeds lor pin money." '.As you please," said the dutiful little woman. "You know I never wear them." Senator Junes is not the uiau to go hawking bis wife's jewels about the streets, so he otTered them to the first Jew he met and received $12,000 for them, which he invested ou margin in her name, and to day she is worth $11,000 in registed bonds. He paid hia debts, canceled the mortgage on bis $100,000 worth of furniture, which Hen Boiler held as collateral for three years rent, and in less than half a year returns with several mil¬ lions to spate. Ami that is the way they do things «out West." Tho Jones family w ill give several grand cuUriuiuments dining the winter, a la fan Francisco.. Wash. Letter to im. r/'.nr.t. . Congressman elect tJilbert De La Matyr, the Indiana Green backer, ha* written :i long letter to show that there i- ample warrant in the Bible for tin- infliction of the death penalty upon murderers. If there was ample warrant in the Bible for the inHicti»n of the death penalty upon fools Mr. De l.a Matyr would probably be in a dissecting room instead oI Congress. The prize for the best poem, written by a Southerner, on the liberality of the North to the yellow fever Buffer¬ ers, was awarded by Dr J. D. Brun-, of New Orleans, son of II. M. Bruns L. L. D-, of Charleston, to Henry Guy Carleton. The title of tho poem is "An¬ dromeda Unchained." Ex Governor Bullock, of Georgia, w ho won some distinction as a carpet banger some yei rs ago, says that tho colored peojtle in the State now vote t he Democratic ticket when they vote at all, and enjoy equal rights with the whites. Franz Uanker, an cx-member of the German-Prussian Parliament, has boon prosecuted by the "?ru83iau mini-try for writing an articlo iu tho Volk* Zeltung on the 15th of August criticising the Anti Socialist bill, and has been fined 200 marks. ¦ mill - - . «bo. ¦ A leader of fashions iu San Fran¬ cisco has had her chairs and tha cushions of her carriages stuffed with aromatic herbs, iu imitation of a practico prevalent among oriental nations She lives in an atmosphere of constant prefumo. A rumor comes from Paris that bonnets are to be worn on the hoad hereafter. It strikes m the head would be a good place on which to wear a bonnet; hut such a departure would look a little odd at first. Tbe difference 'twixt tweedledum and iweedlcdco is illustrated by tha fact that tho rich man with u great appetite is called an epicure, and the tramp with a great appetite is called a glutton. There is some talk among Kepu'->- licaus of putting Gen. Joseph E. i Johnston on the National Republican I ticket along with U. S. Grant for President.

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»r. A. C. Duke'* Ding Kterr.


dp. c. CA.isroisrV ho will keep

constant! v on handa FULL, and <<>d-PJLKTK sto.-k ofIIar<!v»ro,

Cutlery,ii cuts,IMMoIm.

Ami Si»orliEiBGoodN oi every description.

Also nil kiiiua of Btopilir-Jllp: done.n the shortest notice to tilins, I'iatols,Locks, Umbrellas, and

SEWINO NT A CHI N ESDono i]) and Adjusted.

UvB"- \ll %amU at,d work warranted '..

gire cnti"C satisfaction in quality wo:kxnnnship anil price.

Thanking my friends for pa<i patronageI hope to merit a contiuiince of the saintin the future. I\ U. (ANN« >N.£>ept 2S l ?7"ilycarrjTges jjU(;(;iks


w a e;-o n s

r VKUSUN A IATTENTION lo my Itushie.'

CA is Ii ia a: ss.t iiz\u.And will guarantee lhal my woik in dofuture shall he as'lOOD as ill the past furl*Years that 1 have been in the blisim --.

I haveri;i>l<fj> my a ziicr.s

To SUIT the TIM KS, ind if you will cabon nie 1 will »iiaratil« ¦. lhal my charges am;¦work will give full SATl.SKAt TIU.W

I am now prepared to iiiauutacl IhcelebratedP K XTil SPi* I N UZt*Vi ¦ 0 \Which for comfort «»i-.d r.-.-*! caunol !).. . \

celled. ALSOConolaii'iv on hand KOSK WOOD a»u

"WALNUT*f-st.J n i AT, ( !Asi ;s

Of all Hirci1. Hive me :i call.IIAKITN KK5?...S

<ept 31 ;>iu

"PRESCRIPTION PRES!For the «peedy Cur-! rs^iiiinnl W«.»ki ¦:M«nlioOfl und «I! .li««it«1<Ti hr .¦: : >v liy n snrvt'oi. or «txrect. Vuy Uni-nast ti»-


Tis i: an hat c:\ rsio

ji i;man misi" Ii v.i/uvt, J'ubliehed in v fie.uleJ I'-u ..'<.}.....

1'< ice >ir cent*.A f.wttirr. o« i?s<v "V.i-

luie. Treatment, and Itadiealcure of Seminal Weaknc«, or

Spermaiorrho-a. induced by Self-Ahii-e.Involuntary 1'mb-sioiis, it moy, Nerv-n-:* Debility, and Impediment- to Slarriagcgenerally; Consumption, '.pbep'«y, andFils: Mental and I'hvsieal Incapacity, &c.r,y koitunr j. ci'LVFd'w km.', v. i»author ol the '.< !re<*ii I to >!;." Ae.The wot Id-renowned author, io this ad-

ktirable Lecture, clearly proves from Iii-own experience that the awful consequencesof Pelf-Abuse may he elleetually removedwithout medicine, and withe ut dangeroussurgical Operation:-«, bougie*, instrumentsringn, or coptia pm: lin;: u :i mode ofcure at once cerlain and elliviua', by wiiielievery Kiifli-rer, in mailer whal his eonditiotimay !i<-. mav euro liimselfclu apty, privute-ly an.l radically.

fiiC.V" 'J'lii» heel vre t ill prure u boon tothoumntls und thous-und.i.

Seal under s<-:d. in a plain envelope, tiany address, on receipt ui six taills, ortwo postage itainps.

Address t lio I'uhiislu-rs,THE UL'LVKltWFl.L MF!>If:.\I4i 0.41 Ann St., New York; Post < Mnce TUtx uiSCmay ji l .

}-¦ ü n ^i h a iv.1 s

july '20

DENnSTYI>It. Ii. p. MltC'IiKNpuss has

moved his Office over store of Wm. Y\ i!cock, formerly occupied by IV. Fersncrwhero he will he glad to serve his friOtidson iho most reasonable terms.

DR. V.. V. MUCK EN FUSS; Dentist.«ept 23 td

"TAKE NOTU'M.The undcrsigneii respectfully informs the

CUizens of the Town and Comity that he is

prepared todo up and make Mattresses on

the shortest notice. Also will conduct an

Upholstery business. Prices will he as lowaa potable. Orders solicited.

JOHN OltGEN.juno 9 tf

unit MorpMnr babltfurPil.TlnOrlKUlul »"¦! oiil. uuCUBIC Se>>4 tiunp ror bookoaOplau Kating i. W II. S.|ulir,WMIfciiM.o ClroMM r».. In I.

.'1gpr'l -'7 v

Has opened a

siiojra SHOPtwo doors below

Where li<- is prepare:! lo make tonrtler LH M >TH ami SHOES ,>n theshortest notice. Also Ivcpiiiriu-'donewith neatness an i di ;pai dr.

All work \\;ir:;i!> ,1 am! pricesmoilei ät<.. ( \ e h e .-: :: i ii.aug ."11 1.v;7vS1 y

W. P. Robinson,!WATTIi N \ KEKKUSSEL ST.,

,.. 2>ll »"g . N. C'. jA fresh supply 61 i aiiiiretli's Seeds jalways on hau i.not "J 1R7Sly |

AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE.Srni:*r»nri i<. f>. Fob r.J. i«rr.

Tbl» in to eirtlis Umr l!i.n>uv.l,iiuin<nfn.tuir-i i.> n. a. s-.: . .;. ......»:..-.. ....» itbcu,giatiani ami (Setter i' ..- r i. n « ! .. N»*ysioui.wil Ii k"."l 1. .' rtsd VK(ii:TlNZm an rxcelttiit »»i.oiei:« for m< Ii i ,ti>i.i.iit;i

N um> mi v f-ll.i.C. W. \ ANORGRIFT.

Mr. VanclperiO.of tl;.< (bin f VaiuLciift A Unit.tni.ii. la a \\.inn Inn,'; .-. ii rut .. ii. place, of .!.-. larjceat stun n LipriUfcliold, O.

OUR MINISTER'S WIFE.l i isvtt.Li:, Kt. Feb. 16, 1R7.Mn. n.n.STF.vr.! ¦>

IHur .Vir. -Three yiinra r« I 't idkilfToritii: terriblywit li (utlnmnintor) lihoutii.iiMii our ui.uiHter'a«11* aitviteti Iii» lit (nkx V. After t.iLit.<«im li.ittin. I iv.«iuiitirel> n il-v..i. niiay.-ar.l.vlinca>raium «I ltin li.x'.t Ji, I u;..iii i ui.tnitin it: iki. < i:,¦iHt am buitirf li.i:;.*litt:(l crtMlly. it tfrcatl) iiu-prove.-, my itt,: mil m. Iwntwitftlily.

Mini. A. UALLAUD.1011 Wmt Jufferaun Stroet.

SAFE AND SURE.Mn II R. Rtkvi vi.

J.i is.'j )' ir V.'.-rMru' vii r,.,-, immended to ria,ce..|. yirM..».<'.> Ii.o .¦! i tt'entl, I vim..¦uteri toiiy,it. At t!ui t in- I sutTeriPir ImmSoneral iltiliility r.itil 'vn n« |i letri.lmu, Miperin.ucudly <>Torv>»rti umS trt;«t r Ii it*. I:- Won¬ .ti. Urfl l.f.n.: ...! .ir-i.V.. propoi iarmtiiodtti i'tTxi t luy liubiltiili I -.j-ii.-.i irii.ii i a ln>-t d. .«>;Met utidei itr. :.t i»ii I i i it!} recuTr-reil, umi.iI I:mi I i foul i >-.1 feline.l«.ti.'.. then i lm\ii n .! li.H i. i. i k \ Ve-.t..m mymoat Itilipinhri. .1 iit.l it¦¦..n» i. 'i«i .¦¦ it .. it » li>, *.'roan.! phwerftil a^iftit in pr.n: tin,! I.* .'.t . rtml tc t^r.UW UMi.watrttMt .. i.i ¦. i. irv. Wjj.Eliue ir the only piiHiti iiu- I . .....i ua loig: a.i Ita ; a«\u: mp«< ' .¦. tin i '» i-¦':¦¦¦

... W, i! CI.A i:k..lilO Mutitoru) Slraui, AJic, bauy, I ann.

The f..Uo«:n/ l.»Uj>r from R ir. 15. W. Mnnriliilri,'onllyifpnnerl] paatur nl tin' Mvilu**liv h. ......n . utiivltillyde:'l>r\, nut! «t t.,.i -:i l.miill. .1

tii.«.K i- iiMier i idcrfiit ourotivi" >;ii ..i. : Vt. ..¦ . as - Uitituu^hcloauaei and oi: ltl<irri Ibe t i^.t.

Itvni: Caiix, Maua., ivl. 15, h:4.Ma. lt. R. Stkvuno.IVnr .SVr..About Ion ymra Hfro my bn.tllh fr.!'..«lUirousb tll»» d«|il«tltlK elTflnili il>H[ioiisia;a

\c\r I »v ^ li.i l>|iil liii.i.-r.trni .^.».n^tlorin, Ii a«l ibid in uiy I. u k f-nk lie form alarxi* «1 |. s-.i. .1 ..i.-.. .-. + ii.-; araa tUt.-uii iiioinlitinti I' m^. I *vr» »urttiii I im »rr.inii t l.v Ihabeat akill in th» i.;n'.o, hut .'i<! n iierniKtifUtour... I atiaurn.'l itriiat plült at tinm, aid vr.a con.t>-' mtlj wiiakenotl byapri ti.wi dit-c'iarKu. Kitu !u.iBlllall pleCOHOf hollllal llilf»letll l.m.'a.Mattota ran on thus ab.hi! . -vi n yr.-.rr. tilt May,llrt^, when a trifiid ii-t'uinmenri-il ui« to .. in ymu>iiftre, and tnlk williyounf llt«t r .t v.- i.tiiü.I ui.i ao. and by your tiiiuliic tti-.ian l lliroiu;n i.iurmanutai lory, notiuit thn , crejienta, Ac, by wliicb

Jniir rMini'ilv la prmluci-ti,Hy what i mim ami heard 1 «-t.:.r.! j.uini ootifidrncatn \ KOKTINIUI coruinenced tab'.ni: il a-inn af:»r, but firit nnraafrom Ita iilT.'irlH ; attll I pi>l \.-r. .1, a: .! ao w,ttpaabeiii-tit Iritt lue Hi otlwr ti:a|ii>eta. Vot I .!: 1 n taoe.lhoreHtiitwl.1^9 d till I ail ..k-n it f...:>.lor a tit tin ttior. ti;Mmy< .r, wiooi tlm diUI Ity inthe bank »». s enroll; and tor nu.e innmlia uaio

.oi iy il Ihu iuwl ol in i! 'iI have In mo j/uined Ivi'oity.flvo p .!.::<!» offlrah. lioitiK h.-i.rioi !¦ ri ov.t bi.fore in my lifo, andI iiuvor morn ub'n to pi i-torm Inlmr llian n.'w.Oiiri'ir Ilm I" Hi !..» \i » I had a MertifulouipWHKitifl aa lurifn .... luy iii. uaihei uii .i. i...x ;.ar. of

rai I. nty.tuoli Vn.r f Hhfiiüy, au.! it r«mr«*fi! i« levelwith tlie aiirfaeu in u iiemih. I !.:nk I aoould !:...»

b....|i n ir.-.l ..I in» lllttlll ir .!>;.. nnar ii ! Il ul i«k >tllaryor, attoi Iibtiiik hotiitce a.:eu*l mied !.« itaello :la.I>ut your p.ltrollJ Irotttit«. | with j.-r.ifn'.a or kl ln»yd.t ibm nnilnrat >nd tiim it liltoalltno to oiiinolir<itii<i

0:..'i«i'' and; it the) wiil p n. lit ly take VatOK'Xlitll,It irill, in in) Jititueiueltt, curu i.iuuv.W'.tli f,ro»t ubliK illotia I hm

S'uiirn rerj W MAKSPlP.I.n,rastorof tho Met .ti!.-t Kpiairopal Obnrrb.

VEGETBWEI'reiiorod by

H.ILSTEVISNS, ßostozi. Mns».

Vogctine is Sold by ail Drugyia*njnil 10 if.

V'iii hna hail (trrratfr e> prrioneo In t!ii> trcntmi-rit of tkan-1. .11- mililea of laith inulr atiri friiiftte llian any pliv.iri.ain Ihn Weal, (tlve* tin. rraialta of In. Imij ami iiu ctaafutpructtCd in liv Km o no work., juat puMialieil, entitledTho PHYSIOLOGY OP MARR-AGETJ-.o PRIVATE r/iEDtCAL ADVISERll'. ik» Hint aro renlly (..iMrs aad HclM. .triirlor. In oil mat-tera pertaining to yfanliu' ri and WaataaliaBil. and .npiityv anl hij: f. It. Tli.'V I. .».uf. li. Iilu.tii.iii, and in inilttbi.guage, ca.lly uniler.tooil. Vht t»,. look, tinlum.<. .vtsf n;-i «fi.i .l r.oilnlii .nlu >>>!¦> Inf.rm.ilan f n. botli marr ii rinndein.;:.-.« in i.!l I 'ii' n ecntlniprovriii n;. .n nii'ilicaltrealmtiKIt. ari whatour lieiiietiaixr'aay i"'l in k rum li iljte luipaitrdIn lir. ItHtU" new ». r'^ is in nil >av of iint .liuiial !r cli.r-eeter, hut la aomcUiintt lhat «...iynn,. »bauld k....>». Thatenlh, (he rlrdin of early Indbcrrdont th» O.«iu.rrwl»spel le«Ui In ilili v jnat lir.lmt t. ;..'i vraninnrlnor In tlii i.riiiv*<..( litv, and Iba, in inlwryrIt.mi t'm many Ilia li.r »ox ia Jicfrhi."-St. r^itiia Journal.

POI'll.AII i'liici:.-i r.O et», rnrli;both in line volume, f I; In clolh atgilt, (U. uti a. Uri tinnier aval, oirveatpl ofpi Ico in uxoMj t,tuni|i«.apr'l '17

Tha ef >» 10:k r«ntevy.Barham'a Infalllblo

M.iinfirliirrri liy tha. 3k:£iar:'.oCi:oC3.,Dcrli*n,W. 3.

rVX>.''V\ni<. "£JA It n..i to eure H.-ciorrWriamf^fßt^SSS^ er I'll,.. »Ii,,, a ru.e It roMlbla.>Cfl Shl'rt.e I.I.t ar.l liona tills to.lisM>ajiala.^j<*4.uU^ farallbailaa akyllaatleaupr'l 27 * ly


A HISIUKlo^nBmar '1\ if-

The Presidential Outlook.

It is rather early to discuss th ft

l?rcsidcntnl question, but the IXmostnul Courier und Grcenvillo N^wsbccm lo have much lo sti) upon thesubject, and lake rnthor untagoni*-tie views as to the policy of theS mil)going with tin- West nr b.i\*L

To us il seems thill the bard in >n-

I V or Kolt money question bad betterbe h it alone, and such combinationsmid concituitions bo effected a- Democratic victory.

11 "< ii,s to us also that I beSouth i.'u'd pit [Tens the claims ol

! I.i ir ehoice as a candidate.Iblyurtl id iiuiiouhledly the favorite

ni 11 ( South, and he .seems to presentthe best record on t he money ques¬tion, In.t ln< Kluteis small, and willnot count in tin: Fleet oral Codegojit:*: New Yoik or indiana.

'I"i»e s.i'tid South, and a lew North¬ern or Westi rn States will gain tli

victory, and ibis s!i» il l Iii mi* aim.ion it will hardly require aS >ut.horucandidate or any spocial favorite to

solidil'y (he South. We ought tucount on (he South ^«r any man theDemocratic Convention may pitforth. What we need is the tickethut con id carry New York Indianaor some one or two large Northern.'Mates. Hancock, Thutinnn or !I n

ilr icks may come nearest to this re¬

sult, but linn willshiw which wayibe straws nie turning, audit is bestf. r Sotn horn i'einocrals tu watchthem und be wise.

Assessing lite Taxes.

WHAT Till-: I'EOI'LE OF EACH]ÜOÜSi V M f > T J'A 1' I.V 1879.

Kartbaru' Ihn Highe«! Tax, 1! .Mills.I'ickeus, I'ni-Jii, York, b«»xingi«>ii jtit'Ci'ttvilie, I'.eaufort, And i'.soii auilHurry o,i!y 7 ;; 1 C!ini*le:>fua S 12.

Columbia, dan. 5..The Compi .!-(!»<nern1 will issue a circularin morrow ordering e tissessinenl <>f!;,>;, . lor the current liseal yeai*. Phei :i1h arc a^ follows: Abbeville it,mills. Ait: ii K>i, And rson 7},H:;riwell 10', Beaufort 71.("besters l I 20. ( hi sti Held 10?, (llasend.niS{, ( 'ol idoi! 81», Pnrlington 10}.F.«?gelio .1 Fuivlield 10?, Hump-ion p;, G nrgitown 101, Greenville7^, Iloirv 73, Kershaw 9?, I .tinrasIi r 1 OS1, Laurens 10 9 20, I.extntrton7 {,' M, Marion 11], Newbei i \ '.'!,< )eoix c iS.i, t >ran^cburg SI,I'ickcns 7 i. liuhkind S:{, 1-par.un-btiig Ul, Mm n r .'s -, Uni .i 7 i. Wiljui m.-htiig <; :i mi York 7 |.

< hanselling has a { mid additii nnl in certaiii school districts for theI list due eiaiins.

'i he tuxes arc io be collected in; w o ii .-tain 11. s, to wit, iroin the letof May to tbr J-t of June, n;;d frotuthe 15th ni epttiuber to the üüth ölOctober. Five per cent, penalty itthe first instalment is not paid inMay; and in Minupion Couiuy 'hew Ik le :.|' the 2 mill tax to be paid ;tlthe lirsl iii.-talmenl, for building thei i iirlbou.-e and jail, under penalty o;'20 per cent.

-¦ mm m:Sf> . . . OBT.¦-

Thurinan's Letter

Senator Thurmun in his letter totlio Committee of invitati in at theDemocratic banquet it, (' lumbtisOhio, sets forth the following impor¬tant points :

First, that the "Jaeksoninn Demo(racy" Wi re dislinguithed by ill irdcvotbti to Hie Uiiii.n of the States,South and North, Fusl and »Vtst.

Secondly, that the parly was equally distinguished by its lo'eofthoConstitution which ii but tied Inmaintnin in all its vigor and beneli-cence.

Thirdly, that ihn Democracy wereI ho determined foes of monopopoly,for tlie Very foundation of the partywas the doctrine of equal rights.

Fourthly, thai the Democracy wasn party of economy and low laxes.Let then our battle Hag for 1880

have inscribed upon it. the "Union,"j t he "Constitution," "Anti-monopoly "

and "Economy."

D. Wyaft Aiken on the Fanner of1 his State.

Mr. Aiken retire.1 on the 1st inst«from the editorial control of theigrieu' department of the A' km

and (Jtmricr. In his valedictory ho..ays that lie worked for four you'd on

the linral (Uir/iniun, which reached a

high place in the H|rricultural journ¬als of the'country, hut that it failed,because the farmers wouldn't sup¬port it; that he ha* since given two

years of lab or to the X .«*< "" I Hourirr fur the benefit of the fanner <, butthat they have failed to support even11. r*taiid to'- that reas >ti tin* agricul¬tural column; have been disco.uinuOil. lie goes on and says :

"It is »f.hict, and one that givesme inm.di sorrow, that nowh.ire in iliaUnited States is there less thirst forlearning, for read ng an 1 tie ['liriii^information through pr nie I \uy* .

than among the i a noes of.SouthCarolina. Few men havu hil l in

opportunity of knowing them as Iknow them, and still fewer have ha 1the privilege of coinpirin' t'letrSt.tu- with the fartners ofother Slates,und j articulariy t' e Northern Statesthat 1 have (lad; and I Icei roiiseiou |

tiously authorised in saying thornare few* r reading men among t!ic farmcrs of South I'riolinu, than theretue it! most ill'the other States whichI have visited. And the remit iswe ate making less progress titanthe farnie sofotht rSttt «.-.

"We have many advantages not tobe found elsewhere, No one can

complain i f ivnat Nature has donetor u . Jint we have nut improvedourselves. Toe farmers all over theState an; "hewers ol wood and draw-ers of water jTor n:* t: of every otheivocation.

"Who is lo blame tor all th»< ?Our Stale is peculiarly agriutiltur tl,ubd to make it prosperous and happv,while it teniiiins a^ricti! ural, nt'ionise the duty ami should he ex-

p> clod o! the farmers. 1 hat we have '

not d tie so wiii be painful v evidentto more than ha!;' of I item, if theycould only bo in luce 1 to make a

rii i mal inspection nfth drown farmsand premises, What power can

make a change for the i». :t r, 1 amin a) b- tu .-u_',t >:. Ii has ever In enmy hope that the grieu Itmal presseoitld be used as a powerlul lever firi hi- purpose. Fxpei iciice has taughttie the reverse It has not accomp¬lished ibis much in the past; what itwill the future, time' will tell."lit Griiujjie h:.» made many

nt rides Ii>iward lor the farmer. To¬day it i.- doi'uiail., ami without tinorgan < ! influence. That some man or

.-et of men. in ire sueoes*! 1! than i,w.ti sitting up in the near lit! irii to

levivily the Grange, and proino e the jfarmer's interest in ihe Suite, is a

wish 1 hope to live to see 1 have labored hard tviihou!fjiicces-, hui «Ii. not regret my eiforts."

Fashionable Drnsjiut: lor Church.'I'I here i- no grm er hindrance to

the spi eail of the (jospol in our midstihaii the prevailing custom of dress¬ing excessively for church. Ii -com»

t>trange that women should chooseGod's house as the place for dressparade; and stranger .-till thai thedaughter's ofZion, wli i are command-ed 'o ''adorn (hein.-elves in modestapparel, thould come before theI on! with lofty looks and high headsand nodding [duin -s, keeping stepwit'o the giddy votaries of fashion.

'Ibis Uclhah of worldliucss hasbeen robbing the chtin h of herstlength, while she has been sleeping;and she hits need to arouse l.orsolf, or

her (tumies will prevail ngainst her.For whatever ntny lie the effect uponthose who are guilty of these prac¬tices, it is very clear t at the churchcannot afford to turn her sanctuariesint») show rooms of fashion Thatchurch sells her birth-right for lessthan a mess of pottage, which, for thetake ol a favored lew, who tread heraisles in costly array, closes her doorsagainst the masses, and crowds thechildren of the pooi out of her Sun-

day schools. Auel surely tin-; will bothe legitimate result wherever fash-ionablc dressing prevails in a church;Wo are glad to see that a few havebeen nroused to I he importance ofdressing plainly for the sanctuary,

The Bright Side of Liberi*.

Wim! an Rntlminstic ilxotlist Tram Lan¬caster lias to say about the Country.rjenly ofCoons but Hani lo Catch.

The Lancaster Ledger prints thefollowing letter written by W.o.Adams to his brother Levi Ad.uns,who lives in Lancaster:Monrovia, Lijikuia, Nov. ;!. LS7S.

Dear /Jtother: 1 am weil and lin¬ing well, and am satisfied. I havedrawn my lands and built my house.I was very glad to receive your letterdated in the !8th of August, andto hear from you ail. Von sai l youwnultd to know how I he hinds, yield¬ed !;. re. 1 will loll you the hindsan- rich and will bring anything youplant. \ on can make three cropsof com a year. TliOi'C are not anyhorses here like iu America, but youcan gel along here le.ter than inAmerica with all the horses. All youisuvc to do is to cut oil your hind an Itake tin- corner of your h >e an I dig ahole and drop your corn, then keephe hushes down, and I will assure

you you »vi 11 make as go id corn asyou ever .-aw.that is all you haveto do. Cotton does much the same,only it grows lo trees. The watt r isgood. Yon wanted to know whetherthere were any cooUa here. Yes, butyou can't hunt them like in AmericaCoons have little cave*, ami you haveto hunt them in t'.io day ti.nj TellHardy Montgomery this.

Brothers au i fricn 1-, if any of vonwish lo come out you could not wishi better thing, Ifrny ofyoü come

bring clothes, ammunition, beads,perfume rum, tobacco, the cheapesti alieo, you will get -~> a yard for;bsing blackberry, strawberry,and of Vegetables. Wo hive plentyol trails here, hut ii uiu't like thefruits of A met'tea. Bring all kindsof seeds, if vor. can. Voti will be surein Inn i- tin ji-rer. iio'goit tntisl bringoif, ijniniif , salts, Iii er pills, dv. TellHardy to bring Jerry oa hi; hackand his gun at his si le.

William A;>\ms.

The Eorl of Girl to Get.

The true girl has l > bo s m^htfor.Irho does not parade herself as showgoods. She is not fashionable. Gon-elally, she is not ric'u But oh 1what a heart she lias when y in findher! so large and pine and womanly.When you see it you wonder if thoseshowy thi gs outside were women.If yoll gain her love your two th >.isam a ;;rt' millions. She'll not ask youfor a carriage or a fn .-t class house.She'll wear simple dresses, and turnthem when ne ef-sary,with no vulgarmagnificence to frown upon nor. econ¬

omy. She'll keep everything neatand nice in your sky parlor, and giveyou such it welcome when you comehome that yot Ml think your pari ir

higher than ever. She'll entertaintut» friends o a do'lar, an 1 nstonistfyt u with the new thought how littlehappiness depends on money. She'llmake you love home (if you don't youare n brute,) and leach you how topity, while you scorn a poor fashion¬able society that thinks itself rieh,and vainly trie- to think itself hap¬py Now, do not, 1 pray you, say anymore, "I can't afford to marry.'' Go.find the tine woman, and you can

marry. Throw away that cigar, burnup that switch cane, be sensible your¬self, and seek your wife in a sensibleway.. liver Wendell Holmes.

Gltr.KNVILLK. January 12..Wal-tu W I'egg, night telegraph opera-

tin-nt the Air-Line oflice at this place,was to-day found dead a fourth of a

mile from the depot. The jury of iuquest rendered a virdict of death baccident or misfortune L>gg hailthreatened to take morphine, butthere was no evidence to the ofleetthat he hud taken any or used anyviolence on his person. J. 0. B.

ITrs Senator Jones'Diamonds.

Senator Jones, of Nevada, havingreplenished his deplete 1 orche.morhy a fortunate ri>e in »Sierra Nevadastocks, comes back with his beautifulyoung wile and maideu sister to oc¬

cupy bis ball" of the Butler block nil

Capitol Hill, lie left here livoin- ni hs ago for his home at Gold Hill,'dend broke," in vulgar parlance, or

"busted," as the miners term it. Fore¬seeing tbe rise in mining stock«, hoinvested all he could raise or borrowin Sierra Nevada and reaped a richreturn. Still he had not enough toiill the measure of his opportunity.Ilig wife hud a splendid diamondnecklace, for which be lia 1 paid, inopulent days, the sum of -330,000, andwhich she, being a retiring litile bodynot given to display, haJ luver worahut once.

"My dear," said he lo her one day,"if you will let me invest your dia-II) nds in Sierra Nevada you shallhave the proceeds lor pin money."

'.As you please," said the dutifullittle woman. "You know I neverwear them."

Senator Junes is not the uiau to gohawking bis wife's jewels about thestreets, so he otTered them to the firstJew he met and received $12,000 forthem, which he invested ou marginin her name, and to day she is worth$11,000 in registed bonds. He paidhia debts, canceled the mortgage onbis $100,000 worth of furniture,which Hen Boiler held as collateralfor three years rent, and in less thanhalf a year returns with several mil¬lions to spate. Ami that is the waythey do things «out West." ThoJones family w ill give several grandcuUriuiuments dining the winter, ala fan Francisco.. Wash. Letter toim. r/'.nr.t. .

Congressman elect tJilbert De LaMatyr, the Indiana Greenbacker, ha*written :i long letter to show thatthere i- ample warrant in the Biblefor tin- infliction of the death penaltyupon murderers. If there was amplewarrant in the Bible for the inHicti»nof the death penalty upon fools Mr.De l.a Matyr would probably be in a

dissecting room instead oI Congress.The prize for the best poem, written

by a Southerner, on the liberality ofthe North to the yellow fever Buffer¬ers, was awarded by Dr J. D. Brun-,of New Orleans, son of II. M. BrunsL. L. D-, of Charleston, to HenryGuy Carleton.

The title of tho poem is "An¬dromeda Unchained."Ex Governor Bullock, of Georgia,

w ho won some distinction as a carpetbanger some yei rs ago, says that thocolored peojtle in the State now votet he Democratic ticket when they voteat all, and enjoy equal rights withthe whites.

Franz Uanker, an cx-member ofthe German-Prussian Parliament,has boon prosecuted by the "?ru83iaumini-try for writing an articlo iu thoVolk* Zeltung on the 15th of Augustcriticising the Anti Socialist bill, andhas been fined 200 marks.

¦ mill - - .«bo. ¦

A leader of fashions iu San Fran¬cisco has had her chairs and thacushions of her carriages stuffedwith aromatic herbs, iu imitation ofa practico prevalent among orientalnations She lives in an atmosphereof constant prefumo.A rumor comes from Paris that

bonnets are to be worn on the hoadhereafter. It strikes m the headwould be a good place on which towear a bonnet; hut such a departurewould look a little odd at first.Tbe difference 'twixt tweedledum

and iweedlcdco is illustrated by thafact that tho rich man with u greatappetite is called an epicure, and thetramp with a great appetite is calleda glutton.

There is some talk among Kepu'->-licaus of putting Gen. Joseph E.

i Johnston on the National RepublicanI ticket along with U. S. Grant forPresident.