our lady of mercy st. brigid’s roman catholic...

Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Family Office for both parishes is located at 44 Lake Street, LeRoy New York 14482

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Page 1: Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Familyourladyofmercyleroy.org/documents/2019_bulletins/Easter Sunday.pdfSt. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Family Office for both parishes

Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s

Roman Catholic Family

Office for both parishes is located at

44 Lake Street, LeRoy New York 14482

Page 2: Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Familyourladyofmercyleroy.org/documents/2019_bulletins/Easter Sunday.pdfSt. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Family Office for both parishes


Readings for the week of April 21, 2019

Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23

[24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or

Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35

Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-

10, 11 [1]/Mt 28:8-15

Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22 [

5b]/Jn 20:11-18

Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [3b]/

Lk 24:13-35

Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [2ab]/

Lk 24:35-48

Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Ps 118: 1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-

27a [22]/Jn 21:1-14

Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1 and 14-15ab, 16-18,

19-21 [21a]/Mk 16:9-15

Next Sunday: Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1]/

Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31

Our Lady of Mercy Parish

Monday, April 22-Monday within the Octave of Easter

7:30 a.m. † The Emerson Family by Nancy Lehrer

Tuesday, April 23-Tuesday within the Octave of Easter

7:30 a.m. Special Intention-Virginia Curry’s 90th

Birthday Celebration by Children and Grandchildren

Wednesday, April 24-Wednesday within the Octave of


7:30 a.m. † Charles and Eleanor Cummings by Estate

Thursday, April 25-Thursday within the Octave of Easter

7:30 a.m. † Joseph and Regina Jarocinski by Sons

Friday, April 26-Friday within the Octave of Easter; Arbor


7:30 a.m. † Gasper and Joan Crimando by Family

Saturday, April 27-Saturday within the Octave of Easter

9:00 a.m. † Robert Stocum (Birth)

by Wife, Monica

4:30 p.m. † Hank Barbeau by Wife and Family

Sunday, April 28-2nd Sunday of Easter

(Divine Mercy Sunday)

7:15 a.m. † Joanne Mather by Rosanne Donohue and Margaret O’Geen

10:45 a.m. † Sherrye Cook by Donald and Family

5:30 p.m. † For the People of the Parish

St. Brigid’s Tuesday, April 23-Tuesday within the Octave of Easter

8:30 a.m. † John Lang (Anniv)

by Paul and Krys Lang Thursday, April 25-Thursday within the Octave of Easter

8:30 a.m. † Holy Souls in Purgatory/Special Intention by Mark and Mary Moochler

Sunday, April 28-2nd Sunday of Easter

(Divine Mercy Sunday)

9:00 a.m. † Norbert and Betty Schmitter by Larry and Pat Senf


Sunday Our Lady of Mercy

Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM

Sunday 7:15 AM, 10:45 AM & 5:30 PM

Saint Brigid’s Church

Sunday 9:00 AM

Daily Mass Our Lady of Mercy

Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM

Saturday: 9:00 AM

Saint Brigid’s

Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 AM

Confessions Our Lady of Mercy

Saturday: 3:00-4:00 PM

Tuesday: 7:00-7:30 PM

Thursday: 6:00-6:30 PM

St. Brigid’s

Saturday: 2:00-2:30 PM

A priest will often be available for confession at other

times, so keep your eyes open!

The bulletin and more church news can be found on

line at our parish website:


Like us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyOfMercySt.BrigidParishes

Parish Office Hours are Monday-Thursday

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The office is closed from 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Page 3: Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Familyourladyofmercyleroy.org/documents/2019_bulletins/Easter Sunday.pdfSt. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Family Office for both parishes

Our Lady of Mercy Happenings


Monday, April 22 at 7:00pm at the Parish Center.

Anyone interested in the Third Order may attend. Call

Gary at 585-768-7535 for more information.

Tuesday’s Bible Study - will resume on April 30th

Thursday’s Bible Study - will resume on May 2nd

Thursday Adoration will

resume on April 25th

COFFEE HOUR is next Sunday,

April 28th following the 10:45am

Mass. Please join us for fellowship

and refreshments.

St. Brigid’s Happenings

The Saint Brigid’s Prayer Tree is looking for volunteers

who would like to join their prayer ministry. The only

commitment is to have your name added to the tree and

agree to pass requests on when you receive them. This

usually means making only one phone call. The reward is

seeing first hand, how God answers prayers and how

prayers are indeed “felt” by those in need. If interested,

please call Grace Gallivan at 494-2492 or Cheri Sheridan

at 748-7248 or sign up at the back of church.

BOOK CLUB will not be meeting in the

month of April. We will be discussing our

April planned book at our May 28th get

together. Our April book choice is "She's

Come Undone" by Wally Lamb. Our May

discussion will focus, as well, on "The Inn

at Angel Island" by Thomas Kincaid.

Finally, we will finish reading and

discussing "Perfectly Yourself" by

Matthew Kelly (Sections 8, 9 and the Epilogue). Enjoy

lots of good reading, and we hope to see you on May

28th in our parish center at 6:30 pm.



Fr. Matthew H. Phelan, O. de M., Pastor

Br. Martin J. Jarocinski, O. de M.

Fr. Kenneth Breen, O. de M., In Residence

Deacon David C. Ehrhart

Parish Contact Numbers

Parish Center: 585-768-6543

Parish Fax: 585-768-7093

Office Staff

Denise Spadaccia, Director of Faith Formation,

Youth Minister

Elaine Zalacca, Bookkeeper

Susan Bobo, Parish Secretary

Pat Murphy, Maintenance Coordinator

Fr. Matthew

Cell: 585-615-3138

Email [email protected]

Fr. Kenneth

Cell: 727-403-1388

Deacon David

Cell: 585-813-3588


Email [email protected]


Email [email protected]


Email [email protected]

GriefShare meets at St. Brigid's

Parish Center in Bergen this

Wednesday, April 24th at noon

and again at 6:30 pm. Our dis-

cussion this week will focus on "Stuck," offering encour-

agement to keep moving. Bring your brown bag lunch if

you choose; beverages and snacks are available. Each

session concentrates on a different aspect of the grieving

process. It's never too late to join us for one or several

sessions or all that remain in this series. No pre-

registration is required. If you have questions or con-

cerns, please contact Marie at 330-6510 or Shirley at 330

-0466. GriefShare will NOT meet on May 1 for either


Notice: The Edward W. Powers Knights

of Columbus, Council 2936 will meet on

Tuesday, April 23 at 7:30 pm this month

at the Hall.

The Knights of Columbus Edward W.

Powers Council #2936 will be having a Breakfast on

Sunday, April 28 from 8:00 am to

11:00am at the hall behind Save a

Lot Grocery Store on Main Street in

LeRoy. All proceeds will go to the

Knights of Columbus, Fourth De-

gree Color Guard Uniform Drive for

our “ Father Vincent R. Capodanno

RICE BOWL: We encounter Jesus this week in Jerusa-

lem, a community he knew well. We prayerfully enter

our own communities too, encountering those who are

hungry and thirsty, and those who need our help. How

does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we

meet in our daily lives? Don't forget to return your CRS

Rice Bowl to the back of church during Holy Week or

Page 4: Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Familyourladyofmercyleroy.org/documents/2019_bulletins/Easter Sunday.pdfSt. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Family Office for both parishes

Our Lady of Mercy

April 27 & 28

4:30 P.M.

Servers: Isabelle Cooper

Lectors: Erik Triftshauser

Eucharistic Ministers: Gary Privitera, Judy Ziccardi

7:15 A.M.

Servers: Aiden Robinson

Lectors: Carole Yauchzee

Eucharistic Ministers: Tom Yauchzee, MaryAnn O’Shea

10:45 A.M.

Greeters: Marlene McCumioskey, Kathy Squires

Servers: Mary & Katharine Warner, Gabrielle

Cayouette, Mya Hardie

Lectors: Gerry Diskin, Rita McKeon

Eucharistic Ministers: Pat Clark, Kathleen Sullivan,

Alexandra Flaitz

5:30 P.M.

Servers: Matthew Henning, Daniel Mark

Lectors: Sam Zerillo

Eucharistic Ministers: Peppi Palmer

St. Brigid’s Church

9:00 A.M.


Servers: Nathanael Brew, Luke Smith

Lectors: Krys Lang

Eucharistic Ministers: Joyce Mowers

If you are unable to fill your time, PLEASE take the time to

find a replacement. Thank you!

Please pray for those who are

sick. We especially ask that

you remember to pray for the following people: Joe Amico,

Chris Beach, William Bochicchio, Janet Boehly, Michelle

Balon, Frances Bourdon, Diane Coccia, Kara John (Merica) Coduri, Br. Raymond Colombaro, Lucy Cucurullo, Gasper

DeFelice, Joshua Dinnar, Alice DeFelice, Joan Dowdell, Pat-

ty Driscoll, Gloria Dulgo, Sister Janet Eppolito, John Ferra-ra, Pat Ridd Flaherty, Arlene L. Glica, Sr. Jude Ellen Golum-

bieski, Lisa Hauslauer, Barbara Howard, Anne Marie Hutchinson, Mary Indivino, Joanne Johnson, Joseph Kuzma,

Anita LaMonica, Madonna Lee, Mary Jane Mathis, Rita

Montgomery, David Gerald Mooney, Roger Medley, Suhair Musleh, Chris Murnan, Mary Ann O’Shea, Louise Panepento,

Frank Popowich, Deb Pratt, Beatrice Radley, Kathleen Rich, Sam Riggi, Mary Sardou, Phyllis Shephard, Rose Sherman,

Juliana Spadacino, Berney and Joan Staats, Jennie Starowitz,

Barb Stein (Bergen), George and Donna Stephenson, and Ruth Dries Tusch.

If you or a loved one is sick and would like to be added to this parish

list, please call the parish office.

Page 5: Our Lady of Mercy St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Familyourladyofmercyleroy.org/documents/2019_bulletins/Easter Sunday.pdfSt. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Family Office for both parishes

The women who had come from Galilee with Jesus

took the spices they had prepared and went to the

tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the

tomb; but when they entered, they

did not find the body of the Lord

Jesus. - Lk 24:1b-3

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass

©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Faith Moment Reflection In today’s reading, St. Paul encourages us to think of what

is above; that is, eternal life, instead of being consumed by

the ways and concerns of this earthly life. His words pro-

vide wonderful guidance for us on how to live a purpose-

ful and happy life. St. Paul is challenging us to pursue

those things that are of lasting value, rather than the tem-

porary pleasures of the world around us. If you are finding

that your success in this world feels empty, that the

‘things’ you have acquired don’t bring the lasting happi-

ness you thought they would, then listen to St. Paul. His

message is one of hope that may just lead you to the true

happiness you are seeking. Hope and joy are what the

Easter message is all about. Dare to embrace the hope of-

fered by St. Paul’s words. It’s the way to a happier life

now, and a happier life to come. Today's Faith Moment was provided by Christ the King Seminary. You

can listen to Faith Moments on WBEN radio 930 AM, WLOF 101.7

FM, or at www.faithmomentsonline.org.