our town july 18, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 18, 1918


    A Real Song S c n i c ~

    10 A. M. Nex tSundayTRI-SIGMA BIBLE CI.ASS







    m\ATII OP JIRS. A ~ ~ i \ }'. GAU,\

    Mrs. Wemme r and daugh te r, MissReb a Wemmer, h av e moved ou t oft.heir house on Grove plac'e, above

    (Continued on Fourth ~ g e )

    The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y."I. c. A. will hold a silver tea at th eresidence of :'III'S. D. Leitch, 227 Essex\Venue. Thursday, Ju ly 25. All welcome.

    :'III'. and :'III'S. C. T. :\loore and daughte r Dorothy leave this week for theirvaca t ion, which they wil l spend at theDe laware Wate r Gap.

    1\lrs. Henry :\f. R. Bowen, o[Brool,hnr!>t avenue, entertained he rsewing circle on Saturday afternoonand evening.

    Work on Lancaster pike is progressing satisfactorilr and the road is nowclosed [rom Church road, Ardmore. toCity Line.

    MI'. and :'III'S. A. K. Siler entertainedat dinner on :'Ilonday evening in honoror Hev. and :'III'S. l ~ r a n k :'II. Gray.

    Red Cross wool distributedat Red Cross Workroom in Y.M. C. A., Monday, Wednesdayand Friday.

    Township Treasure r George Ganehas mailed a large number o[ t he taxb il ls for the present year.

    :\11'. and 1\lrs. Charles H. Churchillh av e l ef t t ow n for an antomobile trillthrough New England .

    Heverend 1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 18, 1918


    . N A K B . E K ' l ' H , . l ~ A . - O l J B TOWN--JULY 18 . I1J18

    or course, wedeliver - anyp I a ce - anytime.

    Judging by th e number ot servicenags on his chateau, Count duMarais has just seven sons at th etrant,

    An ounce of alum added to th er in si ng wa te r or to the starch willrender muslin or cotton goods almostflreproof.

    A pinch of salt placed on thet on gu e a nd was he d down with a cupof s tr ong t ea is an excellent cure fora sick headache.




    The Brightest Spot in Narberth

    T ELEPHONE service is an important agencyin the country'swar program. Th e use anddemands for telephone service have increasedtremendously.The great t ask which we, as a part of theNational machinery, are shouldering is being car'ried forward successfully; bu t we may serve sti llmore broadly if the public w il l co-operate inits use of telephone service as it is co-operatingin the conservation.of food and in the preventionof waste.You wil l observe that the operator repeats thenumber, This is so you may correct her ifsh e has misunderstood. If she repeats i t c or ,rectly, please say"Yes" or "Right"; if incorrectly,tell her thecorrect number before she completesthe connec ti on . .Telephone users can prevent waste of time,service and telephone facilities generally if theywill always make sure of th e telephone numberbefore calling and make sure that th e operatorhas understood. Wrong number calls and thepossible tie-up of telephone equipment overunnecessarily long periods will thus be avoided.

    We have to get in it,But it's only just to say,

    We have, bandages and arnicaFor victims of the fray.

    You Can Help


    HISTORY F R O ~ [ TilE NURSERYMiss SmUh, the teacher . s ay s Harper's Magazine, was hear ing the h13

    tory class. The pupils seemed Iunusually dull. on that particular oc-I('aslon, an d In vain did t he t eache rtr y to ge t them to give c o r r e ~ tanswers. At la5lt sh e looked at the Ich il d who was he r star pupil."No, Els,!e," SIHl s ai d, "Ma ry tol-lowed Edward VI. didn't she?""Yes, ma'am," replied the l:lttle girl."And now, who followed Mary?"

    asked th e teacher, hopetully.All was sHence to r a moment , and

    t he n E ls ie r ai se d he r hand."Yes. EIsde?" Queried t he t ea cher .

    "Who tollowed Mary?""Her l it tl e lamb, t ea ch er ," s ai dElsie triumphantly.



    THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1918EMERGENCY PHONE CALLSFire 350.Police 1250.


    Owned and Publ ished every Thursday by th e Narberth Civ ic Assoc ia tion.

    l:lend a ll l et te rs an d n ew s i te mP. O. Box 404.Send a ll a dver ti si ng copy to P.Box 820.Make a ll r em i tt ance s t o P. O. Box118.Our Town Is on sale at th e depotnewss tand. and at t he s to re of H. E.Da.vis.Entered as second-class matter, Or.tober 15, 1914, at t he P os t Office atNa.rberth, Pennsylvania. under th eAct of March 3. 1!l79.

    Mn . Roy E, Clark A J. LaosMrs. C. T. Moore Henry. RoseQ. M. Henry W. '1'. MelchiorASlloclate Editors.

    UNTY COAL SUPPLY ha d a concern In knowing how I I:THE CO s tood up under the vene ra t ion , bu t Iwant to be asking the Cub It his wayAn l :x pe rJme ut i n Co-operative Fuel Commission Issues List of ot handl ing thi s laurellite busine ss i s

    ; o n r n a I J s m - ~ o Paid Workers. A Al quite bhe proper way, to r it's my no - 'Prices That Dealers re tlon that th e matter requires a greatlowed to Charge-Prosecu- dea l mor e c on side ra ti on , e ven It th et ion for Violators ,war Is on, and I do think we shouldhave it done th e way it i s a lw ay sSubscription price o ne do lla r pel' The coal supply for t hi s c ou nt y done, a nd s ur e we have the tacllltiesha s been inadequate to meet t he d e- to r doing It right and proper. First,year in advance. 1 I dmand, d ue v er y largely to shipments we should have a proc amat on, an ,NAIWKK'l'H CIVIC ASSOCIA.'.rIU.N, being made to New Eng la nd a nd t he ot c ou rs e, w e k now whe re w e c an g et

    West; a nd the c oa l c om pa ni es c on - t ha t. The p rocl amat ion should se t IPresident-Joseph H. Nash. fining their s hi pm en ts t o t he n ea rb y torth th e advantage of having a IVice-presidents-A, C. Shamd, James localities to th e same amount as was laureate a nd s ho uld p oi nt ou t what

    Artman, A, J. Loos. sh ipped during 1916. The coal year Shakespeare did to r Avon an d what ~ Secretary-Treasurer-Geo.M. Coles- cegins In Apri l and as a strike seemed Frank Seltz did tor Bustleton. ThiSworthy. i m ~ l i n e n t in 1916, large consignments: will result In collec t ing the expenses,Directors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs. C. of coal were here made here in Febru- a nd t he n that 'Packard you spoke IP. Fowler, Henry C, Gara, W. R. D. ary and March of that year with about la st week could be used toHall, George M. Henry, H. R. Hillegas, comparatively sma ll s hi pm en ts in transport th e poet. I t might .be a ICharles E. Humphreys, Daniel Leitch, April, May and 'June. !good Idea to have th e occasion slmulE. A. Muscha.mp, Mrs. A. Perry Redl- There hlUl, however , now been ai-I t an eo us w it h t he -opening ot the newfer. Mrs. A. B. Ross. Fletcher W. lc-tted to Montgomery county a s uf fi - post office, with a day off tor all of.:ltltes, Walton M. Wentz, A. E. Woh- c lent quant ity to t ak e ca re of th e re - I us, and the induction (now, mind you,lert, Mrs . Chafi les W. Young. quirements for th e coming yea r, pro- Critic, I didn ' t say ducking) could oc - h d f h--- vlded tb e people wll1 use eve ry en' or t cur right on the main street there" A drug store In t e most mo ern sense 0 t e termHARRY A. JACOBS, to economize on th e use of coal t o c lo se by all the vege table s tores , an d I

    EdJtor. t he u tmos t; whenever possible, u se y ou r friend Cummer c ou ld b e asked I ~ = = = = = = " . . - . . , - . . . , . . - . . . " . , = = = ~ = " " . . . - - . . . , . . . - - . . . , . . . . . , . - - . . . . . , ~ = . . . . . , = = =wood. Do no t overheat you r homes ; I to sing, and then a lo t of 'things could: CUB'S WEEKLY LETTER Iafter they had pract ically won them.save coal wherever possl)ble. 'Every happen. The decorat ions should pay I Ibecause In the final Inning Bert Slmp-pound which Is wasted means that tribute to the poet, naturally .so, and! son happened t o s ee a couple at spar-some o ne mus t d o w it ho ut . Iwe could have that ~ e n u of IllS scat- T o th e Editor o f Our T own: I r ows pecking away. a t h is c ro ps an dThe deale rs ar e permitted to charge tered all about, berrles and r oo ts an d I got so ner vous ove r 'i t that he torgota f lxed sum over that whi ch t he y p ay j ui cy f ru it s, r ea l juicy, and lots and No proclamations for a week, say all about h is game. Our local K ingfor th e coal and freight. As the latter I lots of nuts a nd t hen mo re n ut s. T he you? ' Well, don',t worry, there's one or St ri ng Beans and Swiss Chard ha sh as b ee n advanced, the retail p r l c e ~ ! gentlemen who ar e on Pol ice Commlt- on the way. You know some one has quite an Investment t o l oo k atter andto of coal would be as follows: tee of Councils would probably be best said: "Let me mak e t he s on gs of a I f lnds I t difficult to divide his at t en t ionFo r c oa l p ur ch as ed f rom t he com- equipped to work o ut a ll t he det ai ls . n at ion and I should worry who m a k e ~ between tennis and vegetables. ByO. panles : b ut the matter should be taken In 'h e laws." Inspired by that q uo ta - t he way, Ber t h as plenty or treshPea Cbest. Stove Egg hand at once, say,s I, to r we're no t tlon, ou r chief magistrate, author of green good s t o s el l a t prices which$7.75 $9,25 $9.25 $9.00 entitled to a l aureate just by saying :he Imper is ha bl e s logan, " Sav e t he ar e entirely satlstactory-to him.Fo r coal purchased f rom indiv idua l we have one, that's sure. And mean-: powde r f or P er sh ing, " has hit on a , _

    operators: I while th e critic c an sec ur e t he c rown . I wonderful idea, and what's more i:ll You may remember I t ol d y ou lastPe a Chest. Stove Egg as we'll be n eedi ng t hat , of c o u r ~ e , I going to p ut it Into immediate effect. week that the ball game on July .1$8.50 $10.00 $10.00 $9.75 and It's n ot l ik el y h e' ll m ak e a m ls -, His latest ut terance Is: "Let me teed i netted $10 to the Red Cross. WeIl.When dea le rs r ec eive t he ir s up pl y t ak e In th e kind he se lec ts . It's mor e my t el low c it iz en s a nd I'll be able to 'I was wrong . A l it tl e over $10 wasf rom both sources, they ar e permitted we should hear of th is h ighly import- I pu t o ve r an y la ws I care to." Pretty I collected, bu t by bhe time the visit ingto a ve ra ge t he p ri ce , b ut the above an t subject. slick, hey! ' t eam was p ai d I ts guarantee and a fewwill give the public the mlnlmulll and XOtiOllR. H's his IntentJion to give a s er ie s o th e r n eces sa ry expenses were met,max imum pri ce s t o be charged. ot dinners to local organized bodies. there was an actual deficit shownThe deale rs at present are not per - A GOOn wonD }'on DUST atter which he 'l l tu rn h i s at ten tion to wh ich C on st ab le W al zer m ad e goodmilled to pu t into any home an amount _ _ IndiViduals, s el ec ti ng t he m alpha- 'out ot his own pocket. I am telling

    i n ex ces s of t wo -t hi rd s t he reqUlre-, Dust, t he b an a nd a nn oy an ce o f t he h e t i c ~ I I Y . A proc lamation to th,ls :f - you, because atter the Red Crossmen ts , unl es s such should be si x tons care fu l h ous ewi fe a nd t he ca use I)f I feet IS now be ing prepa red . H II Jll- ladles read the paper last week,or less, when the fUll amount is per -I d is ea se has o ther p rope rt lc s of a far augurate th e first s er ie s o f dJllners they ' re wait ing fo r t he $10 that theymitted. Iless . c o ~ d e ' m n a t o r y kind, which Mr. 'w. by i nv it ing the School Board-go .od won' t get.The consume r is just as liable to IC. Dumas explains in th e I l lus tra ted customers of his- to the. executiveprosecution for the non-complianceIWorld. man si on n ex t Saturday nIght. Thewith this rule as Is th e dealer. I A closer examination of the following week he'll entertain th e Fire

    I t has c ome t o t he attentio n of phenomena of dust, he s ay s, w il l c on - Department.. Then comes the .Departthe commiss,lon that persons' ar e I vince us that it is necessary. DU3t ment o f Pubhc Works, which J l l c l ~ l d e . splacing orners with s ever al d ea le rs . Iof course, exists everYWhere, even at t he S tr eet Commissioner, which lIIdl-without notifyin./!," each one of .thelrIgreat heights In t he a ir . A tmospher ic v idna l wilen he hea.rd t he news e ja cu - A stamp in your book helps givehaving orders WIth others. If thIS re- c ur re nt s c ar ry minute pa rt icle s as , la ted something whIch I understood to W il ly th e hook.suits in their obtaining coal In e x- h ig h as twenty-five o r t hi rt y miles he, "Our Burgess is al l r ight -a l l bull "Cub."N'OS nf the amount to which the y ar e I and keep them constant ly moving he re a nd a yard wide." The en ti re p ro entitled. theY will be subject to I and there . g ram has not been completed. bu t willU n d ~ r date ~ July 11, Dr. Clarence prosecution. I Perhaps many of u s h av e wondere(1 I'e pub li shed ver y sho rt ly . It's saidT. FarIes rece.lved from ~ r A. L?Vett Under t he e xi st ing conditions,. it i why the sky is b lue and the sunset an'.! that th e School Board has offered to

    Dewees, Cha Irma n V ls ltmg . Nurse necessa ry for the pubHc to realize that Isunrise r ed a nd g ol de n, a nd w e would call off the dinne r, if th e BurgomasterCommittee, the .followlng letter. h the roa' dea'!ers c an no t d el iv er c oa l n ot at flrst think that these phenomena will donate his auto for a fishingDear I?r. Fa,rl:s-Mrs. Hurlburt als I if they do not have it; so that patienceIar e owing to dust. The b lu e color trip, which, by th e way, would be a

    been gomg .to : \arberth a good d e 'j must be exercised, as it is fully ex- of th e sky Is caused by d,ust, WhiC:!./ darn s ight c he aper a nd last longer.I . have . ~ m ~ p r e s s d o ? ~ h a t th e Mam Ipected t ha t t he re will be a ' S ~ f f i c l e J l t I very high up , reflects and refracts th e --'-_LIne CItizens ~ s ~ c l 8 h o n has n o t D ~ quantity of coal shipped to t il lS COIll- shor t , b lue waves ot l igh t above UH. They tell me that l\Ich.ell andlarge memberShIp m the. borough. t' 1'll1l1it" to save sufferln,g; hu t it m ay Were the dust not there t he sky would ISimpson lost th e consolation doublesyou suppose your CiVIC Assocla Ion Ibe s ever al mon th s hef or e th e result bl k ~ ~ ~ = = ~ ~ = = ~ ~ = = = ~ = = = ~ = = = ~ = = = ~ = = = ~ ~ =would 1.lke to contribute to . t ~ l i S ? fund, of th e allotment wl1l materialize. a p ~ I ~ ; n t ~ l ~ ' su n Is near the hor izon , i=or to gIve t he p ro je ct PUbllCD ty , Mont/!,"omerv County Fuel Commis- either at sunrise or at sunse t, we see;A. Lovett eweeS. , IT B T - I ' a' Sa leI Idson. '1. y so n, c lalrlll n, ml beautiful red, orange :lnd go en

    Roberts, vice chairman; W. W. Finn, c ol or s. W e l oo k through dense strataTO THE ) I . A I ~ LIXE PHYSICIANS r , e c r e t a r ~ - . of atmosphere near th e ~ , r t h , whichar e filled w it h t he larger particles oidust. These reflect t he l on ge r raysof light to liS. The smal ler particlE'Sfirst refiect blue, leaving ye llow; thenthe coarser dust reflects green, leaVing Io ra nge; t he n stll1 coarser pieces re flect orange and yellow, leaving re'l,Banks ot c louds of ten In tensi fy th ec olor s by refiection trom thei r under8'urfaces.Th e absence of dust from our atrilOs-phere might c au se mo re serioustroubles than dep ri vi ng u s of blue Isky and beautifUl sunsets. In a dustle ss wor ld, rain would seldom faU Insufficient quantities to maintain pIal;tlife, and evapora t ion would be r ap id ,aiding the formation of moistureladen ai r and of a ri d t rac ts ot land.

    We des ir e to extend th e usefulness To t he Edi to r of Our TaWil:of th e visiting nurses wherever pos- lit has often been ~ I a i m e d , sir, thatsible. The y w il l gO without fee, or you never call tell IlQW a thing willf or ver y sma ll fees, to poor people, to affec t you until It's been done to you,do any sor t of nursing, or Infant wel- but that al l depends an d is no t al fare work, or prenwtal ca re , except Iway s t he truth of It. 'Twas proper,in quarant ined houselJ. said I, in early youth, to aspire toOn t he o th er hand, they go to I: emerge trom Ignoble position a nd a shouses of the well-to-do, where a ~ 1 - , sume a st at ion o f el ega nce andhour nur se I s n ot n ee ded . an d their I eminence, bu t wisdom that reflectionfees range from fifty cents to two dOl-I a lways br ings made plain that honorslare. Families of moder at e' means must be ca re ful ly borne , and whilewho p ay their physicians should pay ecstasy might throb in one's ownt he ir nur se also. 'I t Is mistake to bosom' when some n ew j oy or dlstlncconsider t he n ur se s a s supported by tlon c ome s u nt o h im , le t no man bean organizat ion of r ich people tor th e intolerant, even In the s lightest dec ommuni ty . We bel ie ve a more lust gree, at t'llOse who shared hi s humblersense of responsibility for their BUp- days a nd p la in er ways. Believing this,port by th e p eo pl e who emp lo y t hem t he n, q ui te as implicitly as I sa y itmight be c re at ed by thoughtfUl advice to y ou n ow , it wil l be v ery ev id en ton you r par t, w it hout In anyway cur - that I was !>roperly tortlfied againstt ai li ng t he ir w or k among t ho se WhO,' any .mental metamorphosis which wasshould pay. calculated to estrange me f rom t ho seA f und i s being collected to buy and I who l ov ed me, trom those Who hal}maintain automobiles for t ~ l e nurses. always given me th e hear ty hand ofThe increase if! work demands either frlend'shlp, a nd i t' s t he truth I'm tellthis move or the employment at an- Ing yon. a nd n ot hi ng less,' when Iother nurse. Contributions to this say ,that" not even th e lady 'herselt.transportation fund may be ,se nt to despite that perspicaci ty which ha sthe secretary of the associa tion at 931 penetrated Instanter the palaver andLancaster avenue. Bryn Mawr. clove-togs of all these happy years,A. Lovett Dewees, ~ [ n., has been able to d is ce rn any devla-Cha irman V is it ing Nur se Committee. t lo n wha ts oe ve r f rom my customary

    deportment. No, sir, I'm th e sameman I was be tore th e poem was bui lt ,Indeed I a m. an d gratetul I shouldbe that my long per iod at preparationwas not In vaIn, It;s not to be tel1lngyou this, however, that I'm coming toy ou now, although I did think you

    Herrings c:an be tried withou t a nyta t at all. Rub you,r trying pan wellw it h s al t, split open the herrings, and. pu t them in the pan, sIdn side upward first. Turn when ab ou t haltcooked.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 18, 1918


    N A H H ~ R T H , PA.-OUR rrOwN-JUL'Y 18 . 1918


    Storm Work





    Screen Work

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARB E R T H , PA

    c. A. SPEAKMAN214 I 1 A ~ I P D E N AVENUENarberth

    CARPENTER AND BUILDERAlwratlons RepairIng

    OUB TOWN wID gladl1 printan1 nelTs Item about any snbJectthat Is o f Int er es t t o Narbe rthfolks, but In order to meetthe prIntIng sehe

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 18, 1918


    NAHBEl{ ' r r l . 1'.-\ - OUH TOWN-t rULY 18. IB1S

    A X n ' J I I ~ G m'T 80('1,\1, CALLS


    Tu:o Lines, iDe Fe r issue; Se {o r each ac!diticnallineNarberth Register

    I,()Sl' n y A }>AlIt OJ