our town june 25, 1921

Send I n Fireside IteD1s OUR T O Send In Fireside Items NARBERTH, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1921 : - ; ul l d ay l I" a" Xarl'l'rth t l a ~ ' al . \I la n Ii,· City. PLEASES HORAL S'l'EEL" PRICE THREE CENTS " Large Y (leal O r g a ni z a ti o n A c h i ev e s D i s ti n ct io n w i th L oc al A p pe ar ance.' , "'1'0 un unusually l ar ge a ud i en c e i ll the M us il ' H al l of t h e . S te e l Pier ( Co nt i nu e' d on Page 4) Th c ~ I I ' ( ' 1 Pier ('()J)('erl of Ihe Nar h l' rt h C ho ra l 8 0 1 ' i 1 ' l ~ ' en'lI surpas"p,{ Ihe Sll('('PHS altailled ill Ihe S('hoo! ,\1Jdi tOl'illlll a w ~ ( l k ago. The IU(lSt "':1\'01' II hI" "I'ili"islll \\ " as h ' l 'a n ! ou ,'\'('ry "idl', aJld PlllaJlat('tl frollt IlUIlH'rotl:i prof'p:-; siollal J J l u H i , ~ i a l l s :111(1 ('\'ities \\"hll espe "iall)' IIttl'nd",1 Ih" I ~ o n ( ' ( ' r l a" a result of th" \ \ " i , I " > p n ~ a < 1 faml' of I h" ' .r :. :a l l izat.illn.' 'l'hl' Chllral an d ils fricnds 1(' ft :>:ar lll'rlh ~ t a l i o n prolllptly at I Il'ehll'k asl SUII '!lI y, :tlld rpa <'1ll' ,l AtlauIi,' Cily pr"('i,,eIy al :!,:W, sloppillg- al Xortll l'hil:l/h'!phia lu laJ{(' on sp\'('ral l'hila d"lphia folk. I'pon arrival, Ihe lI,ajllr i t ~ ' I Il ad e a II I' " lillc fill' Ihl' brill,\' decp, for('illg I tl l ll 'h c lI \' Y frolll Ihe millority \\"ho di d 11111. A ftl'l' a delight fill diu 11"1 p],llIlIl'd for thc Chorus 1,,\- th e St pl-l ])ipr Ula l I a g t ~ I H t ' J l t . , th e t'\'t'U i l'oll('prt ,,-a:-- optlUPcI il l t l ; t ~ l a r ~ t ' Stcl·I I'i"r A udilol'illlll, h o l , l i l l ~ :i.;'(lil peop1L', h,Y Ih" L('lIt:1n H ~ ' l I I p h o l l ~ ' Or"he"tra, \\"hi('h altl'rllal"II with thl' (,hOI'II' in th .. P V t ' Jl i u g ' s p r o g l' : u lI . EY"ry Itulllher 1'('1111,,1"('11 , , ~ . Ih e C h or ll s was g ' l ' " a t l ~ ' app!audl'd, alld HCV "ral s"Jpdioll" illt('JTuptl'd h,\' ('lIthusi asli(' :tl'pro\'al alld < ' 1 a p p i n ~ a" Ih" dif f"I'''lIt 1I1"lodi,'s (''l'l'l 'ia 11,\ ' p1P: t""d th e I'Pt,t'ptivtl :Il1dit ' llt'P, Thp ~ h ~ t ' l P i t ~ 1 ' I n a l l a ~ t ' l I l t ' l 1 t t P r o f ~ £'''lIlall alld olh,'rs , l i r c l ' l l ~ ' ill\l'I'('"Il'd, \1'1'1''' g 1 " ( ' a l l ~ ' sllrpl'i"l'd alld p],'a" l'd \\"ilh th" prograll1 alld a h i l i t ~ ' of Ihl' ('horll" til "0 cntir('ly ,'aptivalp all alldicn('(', that :1 retuJ'1l pugagPHlt'nt wa s 'lul'slt'd, Prof. Xi"l' 111011 thall \\"on I h( ' w a rJ ll , ' ol l li d l' l I, · " ot' his audi"I1('" ! > ~ - hi" aI, \\'(1,."s t'fl't'fvp:·wing' ~ H l l j h ' Hnd gl':l('io\ls I lI i" lI , :tl ld \\"a> a p pl au d "d al "'l/'h "11 tl':IIII'P, .\ :-:11':lng'pr ill tlat' a l 1 d i t ' I l ( ~ e wa s h ( ' a r l ~ III rl' J J la l 'k l . il l "I h('hind Oil" of thl' ,'horal's !>oosl,'r,,): "\\"'11, that I,hllrlls 1':111 'I h"lp !>1I1 hI ' g -o od with :l "OIlIjIl'!"111 dil'"l'IlIr lil{(' Ihat 10 I l' :l /l it." \\"hidl thong-ht h as o fl (' n !>"ell h l ' lI r d i ll : t ll d : II 'O l ll l l! : \ a rl l L 'I ' I h. Thl' to\\"n of Xarh"rth \\"11" "('I'tainl,v 11',,11 :td\','rti"l'd all :tl01lg- Ih,' rOllt" alld :dso al Ih,' shon'. ,\ t Xortll I'hiladl'l· phia a r:tilro: 1I1 " " l p l o ~ ' " " 1111110111"",,1 fill' ahllllt Ii\'" Illillnt!'s 1)(1'01"( th,' ~ l l " I i v a l of th,' Sl)(,,'ial traill and durillg- ih slop. " ~ p l ' , ' i a l t ra il l of th,' XIII'lH'rlh I'hllral ~ l l I ' i " t . \ ' 1'1'0111 :\'arll1'l'th to AIlallli" Cily. :\'Il sl ll p: " T hi s sa III" o>I"ntalioll" all 1I01l !!"" II11 ';II \\"a" al"" III:"I!' III _\ thllli" ( ' i t, \ ' I , ' rJ J l il l a l, alld a l ar g< ; railrll,,,l il 1IIIIIill :tl" d g:II(' sigll d i "p l a, \ '( ' d, , \I SI I lal'g'(' postt'r:-: wt'n' plat'(tll ill front of Ihl' 1"1,',,1 Pi('r, alld il sl'PJJll'd hlll ldrc( l:-< of !)('oplt' w"rt' askiilg- all along Ilw hOllrdwalll, "Wh"re is Nar1l"rth! \Vho art' th " sillg-l'rs'! D" th"y all ""lIll' froJll Xar!>erlh!" All/I aftcr th e l:olIPcrt JJlallY \\"111 o""rhcard 10 say: "\\'hell Ill"(' Ih"y "ollling h:JI'kt lsll'I :>:arl;erth 11(:11 1'1I1l1lg;h so thaI I h l ' ~ ' ('ould giye UH s t ~ v p r a l cOIH'erts this ~ \ I I I l I H e r 1 " Anti 10 to p iI all, a N" cw York sing-ei" :lp!,roaI'1H'tI P ro f, X ie e alltI llI:11lc ap 1'1ieatioll 10 join till' Choms! )I a n,\' \ \ 'e l l ·k n ol l ' n h o os l ( 'r s of th e 101111 anti C ho ra l w e nl w it h th e s i n g l ' r ~ , amollg whom w('n': Dr. ~ l I y d e r an d wife. )11'. :11111 1111S. Holwrt .J. Nash, 1\[1'. alld )1 rs, Durhin, MI', E(lwnnl Haws, MI'. Dando, l\{r. C:lidwcll anll family, 1111', Chain, :MI'. l)':\loIlZll an d f a i l l i l ~ ' , Dr. :In,l 1 \I rs . H a r r ~ ' Hartley, )11'. 'Vm. CI:lg-horn, dl'" e t ( ~ . The fo]Jowillg- ar c newspa!'el' eOIll 1I1('nts lakclI frolll A t l a l l t i ( ~ C i t, \ ' paper ; .; a nd o t he rs , alltl whieh lIIe:lII lIIueh il l \ 'i ew of thl' wcll-kllown fnet that theHc papers are ulllllcrcifu]Jy outspokell at all tillll'S in regal'll to llIUHil'al ('riti cism: "XAHBERTH A'r I l l t ~ t fol· TH E M E T HO D I ST P I C NI C . : ! ; , - ~ ' a 1 " l I s dash, g;irls IIl1dL'r I:!-First, E,lilh G m ~ ' j sl'('olld, :IIlarion HenrYj third, )Iar.\- L('grist. Oyer 12-First, LouiHI' Krollt j se,'ollll, Anne Barelay; Ihird, ,Lydia P l l r ri n g -. :!i)'Y:lI'I]s d a ~ h , hoys undcr l:!--First group: F ir st , K en ne th 1 IL; H ec on d, Alcx Purringj thinl, H ar ol d H e tt er ha('k. i"ee Ollt l g-rollp: First, Ed\\'. Wolf; se"oIlLl, Eugclle Lo ye ; th ird , R ob er t "alute. Over I2-First, Barclay; sec' Olla, Purrillg; thirll, Knight. Peallut race, girlH ullder 12-First, D or ot hy P er cy ; SeCOII(], Ellll Ross; third, .Tanc ~ u r r a y . The l':U,:'('S antI ( , O l l t t ' ~ t s \\'ltre wilh l I Iu " h : q . pr o Y a1 . The w i ll n er s low: Thl' )1 "Ihodist ~ u l l d a ~ ' ~ ( ' h o o ! hl'1,1 Ihl'ir anllllal pi"lIi" ~ a t u r , l a ~ ' , .Tul Il ' IS, at B,,!JIlOllt I'laleall. A most I'lljoyahle time \\'as ha d all Ih " 1II"lIIlwrs alld thpir fricllds, . Th e Cnlll 111\1 11 it y I.i Ina I,\" WilS ( l l l l ' I H ~ l l fo r Ihp lil'"t t il ll <' i ll Ihp Y, :\1. ('. _.\. lohhy 011 f'ridny al'tl'rI1001l, thl' l71h, al :! O'(,]ol'k an d ill th e t'\'ltning' at 7. ..:\ 1111111h(I of Ihe lowII"pl'opl<' 1lI111e ill 10 lakl' ad\":ll1tag-p of th,' illl'l"eas,',1 flll'ili til'S w hi "h t he larg-er spaep alTon!s, Th e 1'(j OIIi \\':l:-; attnu,th'(lly : l I ' l ' a J l ~ t ' l l and it wa s at olll.:e nppaJ't.1nt to t'ver.vOlll' that Ihl' lohhy is \I"l'11 adaptl'd 10 Ihe rp· '1 11i l'l'lIl('1I1s or ('OIlIIllUllil,\' l i h r a r ~ ' sp)'\" in'. Floll"l'r" 011 Ihe de"lls of IIIl' lihral' lallS addl'd a 11111;," of 1'0101' 10 tltp 1'00111. TIll' C O l l l ) l I \ l l l i t ~ ~ { ~ l l l h ':-; ('ollel·tioJl of h oo k s. w hi ,· h I' o r il l pd II \ (' I1I1l'1pus of th e ol'igillal lihral'y alld ' ' ' ~ l i p h will ,'011' Iillul' 10 hI' loallpd al ]I l "ellls a \ \· pell. 11"(1', a l l r a l ' l i \ ' e l ~ ' alld , ' o l l " p l l i I ' 1 I 1 1 ~ ' dis p l a ~ ' p d , Ti,,· Jargl' l'II11I"'!iolJ of h,.ok" whil'h han' 1,, 'pl I c'/Ilifr ihll ll','1 f 1 ~ ' Ih,' din'dol's of Ihe Y, :'II. C, ,\, allil whi,'h w il l h ,' loalll'd f l 'l ' l ', han' 1101 ~ - I ' t 1t1'1'11 I'l'('atalog'lIell nntl Pl'l'Hl:IHl'lltly a J ' l ' a l l ~ pd, hu l an ' I'l'aelily a \ 'a i la h lP for ,'xnlll ill:ltioll alld j l l l l l l P t 1 i a t t ~ \lSl'. 1-111 :0 short lillll' Ihp 1'I'l,,,id"1I1 o f! Ihc Co 11111111 IIi1,\' Clllit w:o s S ( 'I 'I I l'lIjOyillg Ihl' nlh'alllng'ps of Ihl' I'pndillg- alt-oyc w hi l, lt i" f ll .r ni sh l' ll wilh I ' a s ~ ' "hairs alld " 'l ui pp ed w il h a ,'olllrilJIIIt'd 1'01 I t ~ ( ' t i o l l of J'P('t'ut st:u1l1anl Jllagnziut's, TIll' library will IlP Opl'lI )'('gularly in Ih(' y, )1. t', ,\ . ! / I h h ~ ' p \ ' p r ~ ' F r i , ] a ~ ' aftl'rllooll 1'1'0111 :! to ;,,:;0 alld fl'olll'7 to S,::II, '''ltil<> Ih e patl'ollagl' alld ill t( ,1"I 'sl il l il has st,'adil,\' ill"J" ('a >l'd ill Ih,' "Id Ijllart,'r", il iH 1101\ a"sllJ"t't! all ('\'1'1' i l l ( ' I ' t ~ : l s i l l g ' (·irt'lt ' of p a tr o n: . ; , : t u. l il II ill bl' Ihl' aim 10 pro\'id(' for Ih,' III' Xarb;'rth III 11,\ f o r l l l ~ Ill' lihra!'," :-;PI'\'jc'l' ill :1l1l1itioll to tht' 1I1l't't' lo:tlling; of hook:-;, .\11 illi[lorlanl "1I111rihutioll III 111, li hrary I\'as 1"I"'l'i \'l't! du ri 1Ig- IhI' pasl 11"('l'k 1'1'0111 Edll"ard \\', Bilk, of )["rioll, 11"1111 sl'nl III Ihl' \\'01111'11 's COIIIIIIUllil,\' Cluh, Jo r Ihl' lihrary, all aulogr"phl'd ('Op," of lIi:-; 1'1'('\'111 h(H)l", "Thp .\lIH'ri· ,'allizalioll of Edward Bole" Tlli" aulo b i o ~ r a J l h ~ ' allral'll'd widl'spr,':,,1 a1ll'II' tioll wl)('I'('\'('1' ElIg'lish is l'pacl :lud i:-, ,'ol lsit !"1"I'd Ol ll ' of t[1I' 1110,,1 nlllahle autohiographic-al \Vorl,s of 1'\,('('l1t Yt.\ars, It I"lIs of I hl ' l i fl ' an d 'lI'hi"\"'III('lIls of Ihl' )Ltill Lim"s 1l':lI]illg l'itiZI'II°all d is Il:ritt,'n l I" it h a d i st i ll t l' J "( ' "I (' d 1"I'S<'I'\'" alld allaly"i" su(·h as 1'('11" 111(11 ar e ahle 10 hrillg 10 I,,'ar UpOIl Iheir 011"11 l'ar('L'r". .. \11,\' lil.rary il l AII I('r i"a woul,l 1)(' prol1l1 10 /JII"II all autograplll'd 1'01',\' of Ihat 1"",I{ an d Ih,' patrolls III' Ihe Xarl)(-I'I1I COHllIl\1uit,v L j h l ' a l ' ~ ' :In' ( ' o n g l ' a t I 1 1 : l t i l l ~ IhI'JlIsl'h"I'S a' hl'illg; Ihl' 1.('nefi(·iariL's of :\lr, Bok's lIeig-lIhorl,\' g-00,1 l I" ill a li t! f l ' j t ~ u c 1 1 y jnh'l'pst ill t h p il ' g T o \\ ' iu g hrary. Community Library I Atlantic Ci ty Give s Opened to Public I Choral Unheard-of - Ovation EDWARD W. BO K PRESENTS LIBRARY WITH AUTOGRAPHED COpy OF HI S RECENT BOOK. f [ l l l l i l ~ ' ha\'e Carlllill.l, fo r Eclg-ul' \Y:L:-; 'I salltlwi('ht'd" in "hair ~ l I l 1 o l a ~ ' al .-\t1allli,' yo n hU\'l' a goo,} tillle! Asl{ II"ho 10011 tlll' Irip 011 I h, ' s p" - :\11', H . . \, B:cllks alld g 'l ll l" I II Charllltt", :\llrlh tht' :-11 1I11111) 1. ,j Boh" :t I ' u l l i n ~ ('il,\'. WANTED-Positioll as 1II0ther hl' 1Jl l'r or housl'k"pJlcr. Apply :J:!I Con\\'ay a y el l ll C. : '> lr s. 8terrdt. Pilolle :I,,:J )r. (:\i·p) THE FIRESIDE WAN'l'ED-Baby ('oa('h, good quality an d ( 'o ll di li ol l. I ' h" lI l ' :'iarlll'rth ]:!;;:: H. (:\i-l') ENGLISH SADDLE a 1111 two ri,]illg hri.llps fo r s al e c he ap . P ho ll e Nar· Iwrlh l:!;'ji) .r. Gcorge Abell'. (:1i'p) WANTED-By husillesH W0Il111Il, 100111 allcl hCll ll'tl ill private flllllily fo r SUIll' me r m on th H. A dd rc Hs "S,') care of Ou r TowlI. (37 o p) YOUR PIANO s ho ul ,1 Ilc reglllarly IIIII('d alld brllshcl! ou t XO\\· 10 in ' Sill"<' fre"doJl\ frOll1 IllOth dalllagp. :'iew t'"Its I\"h"rl' r c ql l in ' d. Get "stimatl' for n'pairs, 1 ' ho l ll ' Xarl)('rlh 12;;;; .1. Oeo. .\iJl'h'. (:\7-]1) Two Cl'nts p"r \\"01'0 It (11811 IIceulD· PlIutl'S ao,,"rtlsNII /,ut; utherwI8" . !Jve c en ts p er word, . Di,1 COMPLETE NE W AlcxlllILlpr Hami!· 1011 I I I ~ t i t u t e Coursc fo r sale at !lcur· I) ' half p r ic e . P h ol l e Narberth W:Ji W. (37-p) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS )Iiss h ' ~ ' )1('L"all ]1:"] "OpCII hOIlHl '" 1'''1' Xurherlh frh'lIols 011 ~ \ I I , , ] a ~ ' a her It 01111', J'a ('ifi<- a \"'11111', Atlallti(' C i l ~ · . II is 1I0li""d Ihal 'lllil" fn''lu''1I1Iy S t l 1 l l t . ~ cJf Otll' [ll'tlllliJll'ut eitizell:-' UIl I h in k in g ly park Ihl'ir I'ars ill Ihl' "II11 parkillg-" s ( ,, ' Ii l l ll i ll t ' rl l l ll of Illl, hallk alld p o> t o ll i( '( ', I hl ls r("plirillg !,ed,'s I ri al l" to w al k arolllld Ih"sl' "ars, sub jt'c'tillg- th(,)11 to additional d :l ll gl tr in ('I'osslug' at thi:-- hUs," point. ~ I r . Hllra,'l' Hill"gas was IIl1a\'oida, Itly 1.)'('VI' III<',l froll1 l a k il l g' I h l' trip 011 Ihl'spe,'ia1. \\'1' Jll iSSl,d ~ ' l l l l , Hora"", (Continued on page 4.) \\" .1, H('nder""ll Ili ad, ' all ,' xI'PIl "1I 1 :ts:-:i:--t':lllt "c'ollll11C·tUl'" 011 till! Sl;('('ial, ,\1111 \\"(' ha d a 11,:d "Hiet'" ('ollchu·tul' Oil 1 hI' pi('r. ~ I r s , .Tllllal hall K i ll l l, of ] ) a n l l l l l l ~ ' ,'jIlt., Chester COIlJJt,"; j:-; y i ~ i t i t q . ~ · in Xa r hp rl h f or a f "I \' 1\""I'IIS, : 1 1 l : " O I l ( ~ I,ia 1. :\Iiss Dorolhy ':\Iulford, of :'i I' II' York, i:-; \ ' i s i t i l ) ~ fripuds ill Xal'herth. :\Iis- Hulh E, Hall"s "pellt a f el l" ,lays \'isi1illg- fril'lIds al Elizalll'Ih, .• T. :'>!iss llhoda )1. Harhll:lll, of Ca \'1' 1011'11, :\1,1., sl"'111 Ih(' II"l'eJI at th e h01l11' of .. \, H, Dllrhoroll', Ellllwo(,,1 a\'I'III1 I', Thl' ('rCI\' of the gooll ship I!!:!() as s(,lIlhle,1 at th e hOll1c of Sol\'cig Krnt· Zllll, Tnl'l-illay e,'elling, .TUllC :.!lst, anlI cnjoyclI a j o l 1 ~ ' goo,! tilllc. Mess ('all r e ve a le d n o ve l d e eo r al i on s matIe hy the hOHtess. The good ship 1!l:!0, with a eargo of pink T:lll1hlel's alld blne larkspur, l' cpo" e<1 ill th .. ,'('n tel' of th e table. Tile Hhip's l og w as r ev ic we ,l , mu ch to the amusement of all. Those roll e a ll \ \ 'c n ': E,I wi n Coggeshall, Ruth Durboro\\', Eliza beth Harsch, Laurence H o us to n , R os s How.enstein, Solveig Krutzen, Floren t i nl l M u el l er , Emma :Muellcr, GertruLle Hoss, Albert W ar d an d G ru ee W oo le veks. 'l'IlPS sounde<1 at midnight. MARITIME NEWS, TIll' WOrll uow hl'illg- d01l1' th c B01'oug-h in rep:lI rlllg a nd r ep av in g :\'arlH'l'th's sln','Is i:" worth,v of the "olllull'utlatiou :11111 wholl'-lle:nt"d sUJl' porI of l ' \ " ( ' r ~ ' mot orisl all,l ( ' i t i ~ . , ' u of Xarhcrlh, W, H. D, H al l, A l' li ng Burg-I'ss of th " Boroug-h of Xa I'Ill'rlh, h as j ll st ('all, pd Ihe a t tl ' lI t io n of 0111' 'J'OWIl to onc of the lIIoSt inexellsah]e hre:Il'hl's of "i\'i,' spirit all,1 dilly w hi r' h h ns e\'C1' tli:-;gra('l'll a progressive C O l l l n l l 1 1 1 i t ~ · . \\'ithoul ('ommelll, \ \' e n I' l' pllh. lishing- an exlme! f ro ul : \l r. H al ] 's re· porI of Ihl' O('''l InCn('I', ,,"III to at e H i g h \ \ ' a ~ ' COIllmissiollcr Sadler: "O n .Tulle I;,th, I!!:!I, het\\'('('u l:!,l:J aUlI ] : !A . 'j P. M., a womau d r i\ ' il l g an anlolllohil .. wilh l ' e l l l l " ~ ' h ' a n i a li"ensc Xo. Hi,!!:\() appro"hell a harrien,l .. er('ej cil Ihe Borong-h of XarlH'rlh on '''ynllcwood Hoal] at il" intl'rs,'dion with ~ r O J l t g O J l I P l ' Y :I \ " t ~ l 1 \ l e . :"·HIl' a ~ l i ( ~ ( 1 Ihe h o ro n gh worklllan in ( ' h a r ~ " if "h(' , 'o nl d go Ihrongh, Hl' lold h (' :' " Il l' "/Juld 1101 lil'('aUHL' Ih " roa,] had jn"t bpl'lI oikd with asphal ti,' oil 0\'1'1' whi<:h slag- ('hips had hl'"n "11I·":"1. ~ h l ' !"I' plied: 'I'll sholl' ~ ' o n w h l' Ih , 'r or 1I0t I "all,' an d th"r,'upoll d ro \' l' i ll to a ll d I hr on g h I he h ar ri l' ad l' all'd for a di>I a l l e t ~ a p p r o x i n l i l t i l 1 ~ Olll' hl1ndl'pd ~ · : t 1 ' l 1 : - , along Ihl' lIeldy oikd sll'l'('1 and illlo a pri\':d" d r i n ' w a ~ ' h'adillg- 0/1' "t ' Ih,' Bad Business sa l l 1 f ~ . l-Hioll Twilig-hl :\Il'l'ting-s will b" hel<l 011 ~ H l l d a . " (',"l'ning this a:-i ha s hPl'Jl thp t'llstOtll ill ]ll't\\"iolls yl'Hl'S, Ih,' "ollg-I'('g-aliolls of till' Baptisl, :'I1l'thodi>t alld J ' I ' ( ' s h ~ ' I I ' I ' i a n Chllrl'hes. Thl' 1lll','Iing-s 11'[11 h I' h (' ld on Ihe lallll in Ihl' rl'ar of Ihl' )Idhodist Chul"eh, on P l ' i e t ~ H\"l'Jl\1t'. ]n ('as(' of raill, Ih " Hll,,,Iing will 1", il l th ~ l l ' t h odisl ehun'h,· Th(, hour of a ss "l l Ih l in g , i" 7.:10 dnring- , T u l ~ ' alld 7 0 ' e! (H 'k dur ing' Augllst. The opPlling I 1 H \ e t i l l ~ will Ill' hl'!<1 ~ l l n d a ~ ' l'\"l'nillg-, .July ". alld will h( ' of a palrioli,' Haturl'. 1)1' .-\. \\':l1ls will ddi\'l'r Ihc S1'1'II101l. Ullion I ' r a ~ ' l ' r 1IlepIillg-s w il l a ls o hI' h"ld <lnriug .Tn 1." all<l Angllst 011 "'pd lI"sday", hcginllillg- at S P. M, 'l'hl' o p " l I i n ~ 1I1l'l'Iing will hc hchl in th e )ll'lhodisl Chur('h 011 ,Tnl)' lith an d will hI' ,'ondnd('d Hc\' .. Johll \'all X"SS. Union Meeting During I July and August : " I I I I I I J (' d i a l t 'l y aft('I'\\'ard a ('ar dri\' PIl hy a luan and (':lI'J".,"iug' 1 ' ( ' l J l 1 ~ . \ " l \ " a Ilia l i" en s! ' X o, ; ; ~ , 1 i ( ) 7 dro\"(' in thl' sallle slr,,('\ following th(' tir>1 ,'ar al,,1 parkl'd 011 Ihe fr"shly oi1l',] >In·d in frollt of I h , ~ h ou sl ' i nl o. t hc p ri \' at (' d r i \ ' l ' w a ~ - of w hi (' h I hl ' o lh l' r , 'a r h,lt] d ri \' el l. T hi s S""OI"! , ~ a r (:\'0, ; ; ~ , 1 i ( ) 7 ) dm\'e badl alld forth f ou r l il ll e' tlur illg thl' a f lc l "l l oo l l 0\ '' ' 1' IhI' fn'"h oil (,d sl n'l'I , n o t w i l h s l ' t ~ l n , 1 i I l g - Ih" pro- I tl'st:-i of th e hOl'oug·h l ~ l l l p l ( ) ~ · l \ ( \ s . -)l--l( Thl' d:t lllag-l' don(- hy Ih('s" III''' I'ars 10 Ihl' stl'(','I, n " I I " 1 ~ ' oill'd, approxilllatl'S $ : ~ ( H t. ' , You II. HAVER- CLUB8, Lost. 1'.C, ,8:\:\ :! .(;(ii .) .HHi .:\:\;\ .:\:1:\ :; .IHi TO ' CAPTAIN FORD NINE. Last Sa.turday·s ReSUlts. W a ~ ' l I e , 7; B r ~ ' u ~ l a w r , :\. Berwyu, I : !; Hig- h la l ld Park, Ardlllore, :!:!j Xarhcrth, :\. MAIN LINE LEAGUE. Y:0LUME VII, NUMBER 37 Take a. Trip Through th e Great La.kes or F rom Nia.gara to th e Sea, .-\. ('oJltributioD of fifty cents ma y p ro cu re t hi s trip fo r ~ · o u . As k any m em be r of th e Womell's Comll1unity Club or call Narhcrth :\70 .J for further particulars. :Make your r es c! ' va t io n now. may he th e hu'ky 0111'. WALTON S T A ~ m I x n OF THE WOII. "'ayul' ,.,.;'j Al'lllllore , , .. Bl'rwYIl .. , ........ Narberth ., ..... " :! Highland Park .'... :! Bryu 1\[a WI' •• , ••••• ]t1'l'yiOliS yell 1. III :lllditioll, Ihl' f a s ll l l ' s" of th e IIl'll' ('ourls is au cXlra gual'alllpl' of a lo t of good tl'lIl 1i" 0\' 1'1' JIl,ll'llI'lIe 1l'lIee Day, Don't Forget th e Junior Tournament, Th c lourJHIIIII'Ill 1'''1' jOlliol's will slart 1 I 1 0 1 l l I a ~ ' aflpr!loolI, .Iul,\· II , al :! o ,,'I()(:k, allll will Ill' 1'''1' sillgle" a" well a" (louh1<'s, Bu l I h('n' will Ill' 110 eOIl solatioll I l l a t ( , } H ~ S in pithpr s i n g l t ~ s 01' dOllhks. All p 1' "l il ll ia ll ry I ll al (' he " i ll Ihl'se jUllior l Ol lr ll al ll l' 1I 1" \I ' il l I UI \' I' to be p l : t y ( ~ d (luring: th p \\"tll'k IH'gilllling' .July II , so as 10 h" J'l'ady for Ihl' fillals whi"h an ' "I'hl'llulPd 10 11(' play I'd 011 Ih,' tOllruallJ('1I1 ('(>l1I"Is al 1'. ~ a t - I I l ' l l a ~ ' :d'Il'rllooll, . r l l l ~ ' ]Ii. Thl' I'lIt m u "1 ' f,'c for ,'a"h pla,\-I'1' for l'a,'h 1\"1111 will [I(' "I ) 1 'l 'I I1 s, E l lt r i l '' ' s h o ll l , ] 11( ill Ihl' h:lllll" of I h e T O ll ma l ll l 'l I t C'>llllllitt(',' as s oo u as ]ll,s"i b1<', U"allliflli "lipS will 1,,· g-i\"1'1l as prizl'" 10 Ihl' WiUll"1' iu th e sillg-h's alld 10 Ih, 111'0 W;III1('I'S iu Ih " dOllhlPs, PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW. There ar(' a II11Jllhpl' of Jill\\" t!':lIllH, a lle l l le w '''lIlihilialiolls 0 1, ] J Il PI II hers, eutpl't.'d il l th e tOUl'IIHIUCJlt in addilioll to Ihl' "1111] fa\'orill''','' :1I11! il l "III1'<'f jl ll 'II"1' IIlalt,he" will p l " l l h a h l ~ ' hI' 11101'1' h l l l l ~ ' "ollll'"ted Ihall ill a l l ~ · I At a l l I ' l cc t i ol l Ihe Haverford Col· lege haseball sqlla,1 Kelllleth B, 'Val· tOil was choseu 10 captaiu I he H av er ford f or t he Ill:!:! s ea so u . W , tl t ou ha s beell regulur shortstop of th c Sear le t alld B la ek n iu l' f or th c last threc ~ ' e a r s , Th e allllu:t1 Fourth of . l ul y D o uh l es Tourll:llllelll of ' thc' Xarherth Telluis A s so e ia li ol l w il l start llPxl Hatllrday afterllooll, .Tuly :!, at :! o'eloek, at the Il l' W l'OUrl S al HaYcrfol'tl a l l d ~ J o l I l - g-oJIlPry a \ ' l \ I I U l ' ~ . 'l'ollrll:lnlf'ut luatehes will t O li l il l ue all ,lay of ) I o l l l l a ~ ' Ihe Fourlh. ,\11 1'1 I1ries JIlusl I", ill t hc h al ld s Ill' Ihe Tour!l a1JlPll t COJlllllittee, whith is I 0 lII)losl',1 o f H oh ert E. Pattisoll, .Tr" "hail'lllau, WilliaJll .J. Kil'kpatl'ipll, he fore Ii P. M, Ilext F l ' i d a ~ ' , .Tuly :!. There is all clltrallte fc e of 7;; eputs fo r eaeh ) l l a ~ ' e l ' , All p r e l i l l l i l l a r ~ ' rOUllds alld th c Jillal JIlateh as "'1'11 will h,' l,]ayell fo r t he hL'"t out of thn'e sl'l'" T he re w ill ab o he a l .' o ll ,, "1 at io l l Tourll:llllellt. 8uilahle priz"s will Ill' awarel('d Ihe Illelllhcrs of Ih e Wil lll ill g" Ipalll iu holh till' rcgular alll! "I'II"olalioll Illuma J 1 1 e n t ~ . OPENING ROUND IN ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY CONTEST TO BE PLAYED O N S A TU R DA Y AFTERNOON, JULY 2. MATCHES AL L DA Y OF TH E FOURTH. Tennis Tournament Starts Next Week

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:-;ullday lI"a" Xarl'l'r th t l a ~ ' a l . \I la nIi,· City.




" Large Y(leal Organization Achieves

Di s ti nct ion wi th Loc al Appe ar

ance.' ,

"'1'0 un unusually l ar ge a ud i en c e i ll

t h e Mus il ' H al l o f the .S tee l Pier last

(Cont inue'd on Page 4)

Thc ~ I I ' ( ' 1 Pier ('()J)('erl of Ihe Nar

h l' rt h Cho ra l 8 0 1 ' i 1 ' l ~ ' en'lI surpas"p,{

Ihe Sll('('PHS altailled ill Ihe S('hoo! ,\1Jdi

tOl'illlll a w ~ ( l k ago. The IU(lSt " ' :1 \ '01 '

II hI" "I'ili"islll \ \"as h'l 'an! ou ,'\ '('ry "idl',

aJld PlllaJlat('tl frollt IlUIlH'rotl:i prof'p:-;

siollal J J l u H i , ~ i a l l s :111(1 ('\'ities \\"hll espe

"iall) ' IIttl'nd",1 Ih" I ~ o n ( ' ( ' r l a" a resultof th" \ \ " i , I " > p n ~ a < 1 faml' of Ih" ' .r :. :a l lizat.illn.'

'l'hl' Chllral and ils fricnds 1('ft :>:ar

lll'rlh ~ t a l i o n prolllptly at I Il'ehll'k

lasl SUII'!lIy, :tlld rpa<'1ll',l AtlauIi,' Cily

pr"('i,,eIy al :!,:W, sloppillg- al Xortll

l'hil:l/h'!phia lu laJ{(' on sp\'('ral l 'hila

d"lphia folk. I 'pon arrival, Ihe lI,ajllr

i t ~ ' I Il ade a II I' " lillc fill' Ihl' brill,\' decp,for('illg I tl ll l'h clI \'Y frol ll Ihe millority

\\"ho di d 11111. A ftl'l' a delight fill diu

11"1 p],llIlIl'd for thc Chorus 1,,\- th e

St pl-l ] ) i p r Ula l I a g t ~ I H t ' J l t . , th e t'\'t'U i I l l ' o l l ( ' p r t ,,-a:-- optlUPcI il l t l ; t ~ l a r ~ t ' Stcl·II' i"r A udilol'illlll, h o l , l i l l ~ :i.; '(li l peop1L',

h,Y Ih" L('lIt:1n H ~ ' l I I p h o l l ~ ' Or"he"tra,

\\"hi('h altl'rllal"II with thl' (,hOI'II' in

th .. PVt ' Jl iug ' s progl' :ulI .

EY"ry Itulllher 1'('1111,,1"('11 , , ~ . Ih e

Chor ll s was g ' l ' " a t l ~ ' app!audl'd, alld HCV

"ral s"Jpdioll" illt('JTuptl'd h,\' ('lIthusi

asli(' :tl'pro\'al alld < ' 1 a p p i n ~ a" Ih" diff"I'''lIt 1I1"lodi,'s ('''l'l'l'ia11,\' p1P:t""d th e

I'Pt,t'ptivtl :Il1dit' llt'P,

Thp ~ h ~ t ' l P i t ~ 1 ' I n a l l a ~ t ' l I l t ' l 1 t t P r o f ~£'''lIlall alld olh,'rs , l i r c l ' l l ~ ' ill\l'I'('"Il'd,\1'1'1''' g 1 " ( ' a l l ~ ' sllrpl'i"l'd alld p], 'a"l 'd \\"ilhth" prograll1 alld a h i l i t ~ ' of Ihl' ( 'horll"til "0 cntir( 'ly ,'aptivalp all alldicn('(',

tha t :1 retuJ'1l pugagPHlt'nt wa s r c 'lul'slt'd,

Prof. Xi"l' 111011 thall \\"on I h( ' warJ ll

, 'olllidl'lI, ·" ot ' his audi"I1('" ! > ~ - hi" aI,

\\'(1,."s t'fl't'fvp:·wing' ~ H l l j h ' Hnd gl':l('io\ls

IlIi"lI, : t lld \\"a> a ppl aud "d a l "'l/'h "11tl ':IIII'P, .\ :-:11':lng'pr ill tlat' a l 1 d i t ' I l ( ~ e wa sh ( ' a r l ~ III rl 'JJlal 'k l. il l"I h('hind Oil" of

thl' , 'horal ' s !>oosl,'r,,): "\\" '11, that

I,hllrlls 1':111 'I h"lp !>1I1 hI' g-ood with :l

"OIlIjIl'!"111 dil'"l'IlIr lil{(' Ihat 10 I l' :l /l

i t ." \\"hidl thong-ht h as o fl (' n !>"ell

hl 'lIrd ill : t lld :II 'Olllll! :\arllL'I 'Ih.

Thl' to\\"n of Xarh"rth \\"11" "('I'tainl,v

11',,11 :td\','rti"l'd all :tl01lg- Ih,' rOllt" alld

:dso al Ih,' shon'. ,\ t Xortll I 'hiladl'l·

phia a r:tilro:1I1 " " l p l o ~ ' " " 1111110111"",,1 fill'

ahllllt Ii\'" Illillnt!'s 1)(1'01"( th,' ~ l l " I i v a lo f t h, ' Sl)(,,'ial t r ai l l and durillg- i h slop.

" ~ p l ' , ' i a l t ra il l o f th,' XIII'lH'rlh I 'hllral~ l l I ' i " t . \ ' 1'1'0111 :\'arll1'l'th to AIlallli" Cily.

:\'Il sl ll p: " T hi s sa III" o>I"ntalioll" all

1I01l!!""II11';II \\"a" al"" III:"I!' III _\ thllli"

( 'i t, \ ' I , 'rJJlillal, alld a l ar g< ; railrll,,,l il

1IIIIIill:tl"d g:II(' sigll di"pla, \ '( 'd, , \ISI I

lal'g'(' postt'r:-: wt'n' plat'(tll ill front of

Ihl' 1"1,',,1 Pi('r, alld il sl'PJJll'd hlllldrc(l:-<

of !)('oplt' w"rt' askiilg- all along IlwhOllrdwalll, "Wh"re is Nar1l"rth! \Vho

art' th " sillg-l'rs'! D" th"y all ""lIll' froJll

Xar!>erlh!" All/I aftcr th e l:olIPcrt

JJlallY \\"111 o""rhcard 10 say: "\\ 'hell

Ill"(' Ih"y "ollling h:JI'kt lsll'I :>:arl;erth

11(:11 1'1I1l1lg;h so thaI I h l ' ~ ' ('ould giye

UH s t ~ v p r a l cOIH'erts this ~ \ I I I l I H e r 1 "Anti 10 to p iI all, a N" cw York sing-ei"

:lp!,roaI'1H'tI P ro f, X ie e alltI llI:11lc ap

1'1ieatioll 10 join till' Choms!

)I a n,\' \ \ 'el l ·knol l 'n hoosl ( 'rs of th e

101111 anti Cho ra l wenl w it h th e s i n g l ' r ~ ,amollg whom w('n': Dr. ~ l I y d e r an d

wife. )11'. :11111 1111S. Holwrt .J. Nash,

1\[1'. alld )1 rs, Durhin, MI', E(lwnnl

Haws, MI'. Dando, l\{r. C:lidwcll anll

family, 1111', Chain, :MI'. l)':\loIlZll an d

f a i l l i l ~ ' , Dr. : In, l 1\I rs . H a r r ~ ' Hartley,

)11'. 'Vm. CI:lg-horn, dl'" e t ( ~ .The fo]Jowillg- ar c newspa!'el ' eOIll

1I1('nts lakclI frolll A t l a l l t i ( ~ Cit,\ ' paper;.;a nd o t he rs , alltl whieh lIIe:lII lIIueh il l\ 'i ew o f t hl ' wcll-kllown fnet that theHc

papers are ulllllcrcifu]Jy outspokell at

all tillll'S in regal'll to llIUHil'al ( 'r iti




I l l t ~ tfol·


: ! ; , - ~ ' a 1 " l I s dash, g;irls IIl1dL'r I :!-First,E,lilh G m ~ ' j sl'('olld, :IIlarion HenrYj

third, )Iar.\- L('grist. Oyer 12-F ir s t ,

LouiHI' Krollt j se,'ollll, Anne Barelay;

Ihird, ,Lydia Pllrring-.

:!i)'Y:lI'I]s d a ~ h , hoys undcr l:!--First

group: F ir st , K en ne th 1IL; Hecond,

Alcx Purringj thinl, Har ol d He tt er

ha('k. i"eeOlltl g-rollp: First, Ed\\'. Wolf;

se"oIlLl, Eugclle Lo ye ; th ird , R ob er t

"alute. Over I2-Fi rs t , Barclay; sec'

Olla, Purrillg; thirll, Knight.

Peallut race, girlH ullder 12-F ir s t ,

Dor ot hy P er cy ; SeCOII(], Ellll Ross;

third, .Tanc ~ u r r a y .

The l':U,:'('S antI ( , O l l t t ' ~ t s \\'ltre

wilh lIIu"h :q.proYa1. The wi llner s


Thl' )1 "Ihodist ~ u l l d a ~ ' ~ ( ' h o o ! hl'1,1

Ihl'ir anllllal pi"lIi" ~ a t u r , l a ~ ' , .TulIl' IS,at B,,!JIlOllt I 'laleall. A most I'lljoyahle

time \\'as ha d h ~ all Ih " 1II"lIIlwrs alld

thpir fricllds, .

Th e Cnlll 111\1 11 it y I.i Ina I,\" WilS ( l l l l ' I H ~ l lfo r Ihp l i l' " t t il ll<' i ll Ihp Y, :\1. ('. _.\.

lohhy 011 f 'r idny al'tl'rI1001l, thl' l71h, al

:! O'(,]ol'k and ill th e t'\'ltning' at 7. ..:\

1111111h(I of Ihe lowII"pl'opl<' 1lI111e ill 10

lakl' ad\":ll1tag-p o f t h, ' illl'l"eas,',1 flll'ili

til'S whi "h t he larg-er spaep alTon!s, Th e

1' ( jOI I i \ \ ' :l : - ; attnu,th'(lly : l I ' l ' a J l ~ t ' l l and it

was at olll.:e nppaJ't.1nt to t'ver.vOlll' t h a t

Ihl' lohhy is \I"l'11 adaptl'd 10 Ihe rp·

'1 11i l'l'lIl('1I1s or ('OIlIIllUllil,\' l i h r a r ~ ' sp)'\"

in' . Floll"l'r" 011 Ihe de"lls of IIIl' lihral'

lallS addl'd a 11111;," of 1'0101' 10 tltp


TIll' C O l l l ) l I \ l l l i t ~ ~ { ~ l l l h ':-; ('ollel·tioJl of

hook s. whi ,· h I'or il lpd II\ (' I1I1l'1pus of

th e ol'igillal lihral'y alld ' ' ' ~ l i p h will ,'011'Iillul' 10 hI' loallpd al ]I l "ellls a \ \·pell .

11"(1', a l l r a l ' l i \ ' e l ~ ' alld , ' o l l " p l l i I ' 1 I 1 1 ~ ' disp l a ~ ' p d , Ti,,· Jargl' l'II11I"'!iolJ of h,.ok"

whil'h han ' 1,,'plI c'/Ilifrihllll','1 f 1 ~ ' Ih,'

din'dol's o f Ih e Y, :'II. C, ,\, allil whi,'h

wil l h ,' loalll 'd fl 'l ' l ', han ' 1101 ~ - I ' t 1t1'1'11

I'l'('atalog'lIell nntl Pl'l'Hl:IHl'lltly a J ' l ' a l l ~ pd, hu l an ' I'l'aelily a \ 'a i lah lP f or ,'xnlll

ill:ltioll alld j l l l l l l P t 1 i a t t ~ \ lSl ' .1-111 :0 short lillll' Ihp 1'I'l,,,id"1I1 o f!

Ihc Co 11111111 IIi1,\' Clllit w:os S('I 'II l'lIjOyillg

Ihl' nlh'alllng'ps of Ihl' I'pndillg- alt-oyc

whi l, lt i " f ll .r ni sh l' ll wilh I ' a s ~ ' "hairs

alld " 'l ui pp ed w il h a ,'olllrilJIIIt'd 1'01

I t ~ ( ' t i o l l of J'P('t 'ut st:u1l1anl Jllagnziut's,

TIll' library will IlP Opl'lI )'('gularly in

Ih(' y, )1. t', ,\ . ! / I h h ~ ' p \ ' p r ~ ' F r i , ] a ~ 'aftl'rllooll 1'1'0111 :! to ;,,:;0 alld fl'olll'7

to S,::II, '''ltil<> Ih e patl'ollagl' alld ill

t(,1"I'sl ill il has st,'adil,\' ill"J"('a>l'd illIh,' "Id Ijllart,'r", il iH 1101\ a"sllJ"t't! all

('\ '1'1' i l l ( ' I ' t ~ : l s i l l g ' (·irt'lt ' of patron: . ;, : tu. l

il II ill bl' Ihl' aim 10 pro\'id(' for Ih,'

p('lIp],'. III' Xarb;'rth III a 11,\ f o r l l l ~ Ill'

lihra!'," :-;PI'\'jc'l' ill :1l1l1itioll to tht' 1I1l't 't '

lo:tlling; of hook:-;,

.\11 illi[lorlanl "1I111rihutioll III 111, li

hrary I\'as 1"I"'l'i \'l't! du ri 1Ig- IhI' pasl

11"('l'k 1'1'0111 Edll"ard \\', Bilk, of ) [ "r i ol l ,

11"1111 sl'nl III Ihl' \\'01111'11 's COIIIIIIUllil,\'

Cluh, Jo r Ihl' lihrary, all aulogr"phl'd

('Op," of lIi:-; 1'1'('\'111 h(H)l", "Thp .\lIH'ri·

,'allizalioll of Edward Bole" Tlli" aulo

b i o ~ r a J l h ~ ' allral ' ll 'd widl'spr,':,,1 a1ll'II'

tioll wl)('I'('\'('1' ElIg'lish is l'pacl :lud i:-,

,'ollsit!"1"I'd Olll' of t[1I' 1110,,1 nlllahle

autohiographic-al \Vorl,s of 1'\,('('l1t Yt.\ars,

It I"lIs of I hl ' l i fl ' and 'lI'hi"\"'III('lIls of

Ihl' )Ltill Lim"s 1l':lI]illg l 'itiZI'II°alld is

Il:ritt,'n l I" ith a dist i ll t l' J"( ' "I ('d 1"I'S<'I'\'"

alld allaly"i" su(·h as 1'('11" 111(11 ar e ahle

10 hrillg 10 I,,'ar UpOIl Iheir 011"11 l'ar('L'r"...\11,\' lil.rary i ll AIII( 'ri"a woul,l 1)(' prol1l1

10 /JII"II all autograplll'd 1'01',\' of Ihat

1"",I{ and Ih,' patrolls III' Ihe Xarl)(-I'I1I

COHllIl\1uit,v L j h l ' a l ' ~ ' :In' ( ' o n g l ' a t I 1 1 : l t i l l ~IhI'JlIsl'h"I'S a ' hl'illg; Ihl' 1.('nefi(·iariL's of

:\lr, Bok's lIeig-lIhorl,\' g-00,1 l I" ill a li t!

f l ' j t ~ u c 1 1 y jnh'l 'pst ill t hp il ' gTo \\ ' iug l i hrary.

Community Library IAtlantic City GivesOpened to Public I Choral Unheard-of





f [ l l l l i l ~ ' ha\'eCarlllill.l, fo r

Eclg-ul' \Y:L:-; 'I salltlwi('ht'd" in

"hair ~ l I l 1 o l a ~ ' al .-\t1allli,'

yo n hU\'l' a goo,} t i l l le! Asl{

II"ho 10011 tl l l ' Irip 011 I h, ' s p" -

:\11', H. .\, B:cllks alldg'lll l" III Charllltt", :\llrlh

tht' :-11 1I11111) 1.

,j Boh"

:t I ' u l l i n ~('il,\'.

WANTED-Posit io l l as 1II0ther hl '1Jll 'r

or housl'k"pJlcr. Apply :J:!I Con\\'ay

ayel l llC. : '> lrs. 8terrdt. Pilolle :I,,:J )r.(:\i ·p)


WAN'l 'ED-Baby ('oa('h, good quality

an d ( 'o ll di li ol l. I ' h" lI l ' :'iarlll'r th

]:!;;:: H. (:\i-l')

ENGLISH SADDLE a 1111 two ri,]illg

hri.llps fo r s al e c he ap . P ho ll e Nar·

Iwrlh l:!;'ji) .r. Gcorge Abell'. (:1i'p)

WANTED-By husillesH W0Il111Il, 100111

allcl hCllll'tl ill private flllllily fo r SUIll'

me r mon thH. Add rcHs "S , ' ) care of

Ou r TowlI. (37 op)

YOUR PIANO s ho ul ,1 Ilc reglllarly

IIIII('d alld brllshcl! ou t XO\\· 10 in '

Sill"<' fre"doJl\ frOll1 IllOth dalllagp. :'iew

t'"Its I\"h"rl' r cql l in 'd. Ge t "stimatl ' for

n'pairs, 1 'ho l ll ' Xarl )( ' r lh 12;;;; .1. Oeo.

.\iJl'h'. (:\7-]1)

Two Cl'nts p"r \\"01'0 It (11811 IIceulD·PlIutl'S ao,,"rtlsNII/,ut; utherwI8". !Jve

c en ts p er word,

. Di,1

COMPLETE NEW AlcxlllILlpr Hami!·

1011 I I I ~ t i t u t e Coursc fo r sale at !lcur·

I) ' half pr ice . Phol l e Narberth W:Ji W.



)I i ss h ' ~ ' )1('L"all ]1:"] "OpCII hOIlHl'"1'''1' Xurherlh frh'lIols 011 ~ \ I I , , ] a ~ ' al her

It 01111', ~ I J'a('ifi<- a \"'11111', Atlallti(' C i l ~ · .

II is 1I0li""d Ihal 'lllil" fn''lu''1I1Iy

S t l 1 l l t . ~ cJf Otll' [ll'tlllliJll'ut eitizell:-' UIl

Ih ink ing ly pa rk Ihl'ir I'ars ill Ihl' "II11

parkillg-" s(,, 'Ii l ll l i ll t 'rl l ll l of Illl, hallk

alld po> t o ll i( '( ', I hl ls r("plirillg !,ed,'s

I ri al l" t o w al k arolllld Ih"sl' "ars, sub

jt'c'tillg- th(,)11 to addi t ional d :l ll gl tr i n

('I'osslug' at thi:-- hUs," point.

~ I r . Hllra, 'l ' Hill"gas was IIl1a\'oida,

Itly 1.)'('VI'III<',l froll1 lak il lg' Ih l' trip 011

Ihl'spe,'ia1. \\'1' JlliSSl,d ~ ' l l l l , Hora"",

(Continued on page 4.)

\\" .1, H('nder""ll Iliad,' all , 'xI 'PIl"1I1

:ts:-:i:--t':lllt "c 'ollll11C· tUl'" 011 t i l l! Sl;('('ial,

,\1111 \\"(' ha d a 11,:d "Hi e t ' " ('ollchu·tul'

Oil 1hI' pi('r.

~ I r s , .Tllllalhall Killll, of ] ) a n l l l l l l ~ ' ,'jIlt., Chester COIlJJt,"; j:-; y i ~ i t i t q . ~ · in

Xa r hp rl h f or a f "I \' 1\""I'IIS,

: 1 1 l : " O I l ( ~I,ia1.

:\Iiss Dorolhy ':\Iulford, of :'i I' II' York,

i:-; \ ' i s i t i l ) ~ fripuds ill Xal'herth.

:\Iis- Hul h E , Hall"s "pellt a fel l" ,lays

\'isi1illg- fril'lIds al Elizalll'Ih, .•T.

:'>!iss llhoda )1. Harhll:lll, of Ca \'1 '

1011'11, :\1,1., sl"'111 Ih(' II"l'eJI at th e h01l11'

of ..\, H, Dllrhoroll', Ellllwo(,,1 a\'I'III1I',

Thl' ('rCI\' of the gooll ship I!!:!() as

s(,lIlhle,1 at th e hOll1c of Sol\'cig Krnt ·

Zllll , Tnl'l-illay e, 'elling, .TUllC :.!lst, anlI

cnjoyclI a j o l 1 ~ ' goo,! tilllc.Mess

('allr evea led nove l deeor al ions

matIe hy the hOHtess. The good ship

1!l:!0, with a eargo of pink T:lll1hlel's

alld blne larkspur, l'cpo"e<1 ill th .. ,'('n

tel' of th e table.

Tile Hhip's l og w as r ev ic we ,l , mu ch

to the amusement of all.

Those answcring roll ea ll \ \ 'cn ': E,I

win Coggeshall, Ruth Durboro\\', Eliza

beth Harsch, Laurence Hous to n , Ros s

How.enstein, Solveig Krutzen, Floren

t inl l Muel ler , Emma :Muellcr, GertruLle

Hoss, Albert War d an d Gru ee Woo le


'l'IlPS sounde<1 at midnight.


TIll' WOrll uow hl'illg- d01l1' b ~ th c

B01'oug-h in rep:lI rlllg a nd r ep av in g

:\'arlH'l'th's sln' ,'Is i:" worth,v of the

"olllull'utlatiou :11111 wholl'-lle:nt"d sUJl'

porI of l ' \ " ( ' r ~ ' mot orisl all,l ( ' i t i ~ . , ' u ofXarhcrlh,

W, H. D, Hal l, A l' li ng Burg-I'ss of

th " Boroug-h of Xa I'Ill'rlh, has j ll st ('all,

pd I he a t tl ' lI t ion of 0111' 'J'OWIl to onc

of the lIIoSt inexellsah]e hre:Il'hl's of

"i\'i,' spirit all,1 dilly whi r' h h ns e\'C1'

tli:-;gra('l 'll a progressive C O l l l n l l 1 1 1 i t ~ · .\\ ' i thoul fllrthl'r ('ommelll, \ \' e nI' l' pllh.

lishing- an exlme! f ro ul : \l r. H al ] ' s re·

porI of Ihl' O('''lInCn('I', ,,"III to ~ at eH i g h \ \ ' a ~ ' COIllmissiollcr Sadler:

"O n .Tulle I;,th, I!!:!I, het\\'('('u l:!,l:J

aUlI ]:!A.'j P. M., a womau dr i\ ' il l g an

anlolllohil .. wilh l ' e l l l l " ~ ' h ' a n i a li"enscXo. Hi,!!:\() appro"hell a harrien,l .. er('ej

cil h ~ Ihe Borong-h of XarlH'rlh on

' ' 'ynllcwood Hoal] at il" intl 'rs,'dion

with ~ r O J l t g O J l I P l ' Y :I \ " t ~ l 1 \ l e . :"·HIl' a ~ l i ( ~ ( 1I he horongh worklllan in ( ' h a r ~ " if "h(', 'o nl d go Ihrongh, Hl' lold h(' :' " Il l'

"/Juld 1101 lil'('aUHL' Ih " roa,] had jn"t

bpl'lI oikd with asphalt i , ' oil 0\'1'1' whi<:h

slag- ('hips had hl'"n "11I·":"1. ~ h l ' !"I'

plied: ' I ' l l sholl' ~ ' o n whl' Ih , 'r o r 1I0t

I "all,' and th"r,'upoll d ro \' l' i ll to a ll d

I hr ongh I he h ar ri l' ad l' all'd for a di>I

a l l e t ~ a p p r o x i n l i l t i l 1 ~ Olll ' hl1ndl'pd ~ · : t 1 ' l 1 : - ,along Ihl' lIeldy oikd sll'l'('1 and illlo

a pri\ ' :d" d r i n ' w a ~ ' h'adillg- 0/1' "t ' Ih,'

Bad Business

sa l l 1 f ~ .

l-Hioll Twilig-hl :\Il'l'ting-s will b" hel<l

011 ~ H l l d a . " ( ' , " l ' n ing this ~ t 1 I l 1 l 1 l l ' l ' , a:-i

ha s hPl'Jl thp t ' l l s tOt l l ill ]ll't\\"iolls yl'Hl'S,

h ~ Ih,' "ollg-I'('g-aliolls of till' Baptisl,

:'I1l'thodi>t alld J ' I ' ( ' s h ~ ' I I ' I ' i a n Chllrl'hes.Thl' 1lll','Iing-s 11'[11 h I' h (' ld on Ihe

lallll in Ihl' rl'ar of Ihl' )Idhodist

Chul"eh, on P l ' i e t ~ H\"l'Jl\1t'. ]n ('as(' of

raill, Ih " Hll,,,Iing will 1", il l th " ~ l l ' t h odisl ehun'h,· Th(, hour of a ss "l l Ih l ing ,i" 7.:10 dnring- , T u l ~ ' alld 7 0 'e! (H 'k during' Augllst. The opPlling I 1 H \ e t i l l ~ willIll' hl'!<1 ~ l l n d a ~ ' l'\"l'nillg-, .July ". alld

will h( ' of a palrioli, ' Haturl'. 1)1'• .-\.

~ \\':l1ls will ddi\'l 'r Ihc S1'1'II101l.

Ullion I ' r a ~ ' l ' r 1IlepIillg-s wil l a ls o hI'h"ld <lnriug .Tn 1." all<l Angllst 011 "'pd

lI"sday", hcginllillg- at S P. M, 'l'hl'

o p " l I i n ~ 1I1l'l'Iing will hc hchl in th e

)ll ' lhodisl Chur('h 011 ,Tnl)' l i th and will

hI' , 'ondnd('d h ~ Hc\'..Johll \'all X"SS.

Union Meeting During I

July and August :

"IIIIIIJ('dialt 'ly aft('I '\\ 'ard a ('ar dri\'

PIl hy a luan and (':lI'J".,"iug' 1 ' ( ' l J l 1 ~ . \ " l \ " a Ilia l i" en s! ' Xo, ; ; ~ , 1 i ( ) 7 dro\"(' in thl'

sallle slr,,('\ following th(' tir>1 , 'ar al,,1

parkl'd 011 Ihe fr"shly oi1l',] >In·d in

frollt of I h , ~ h ou sl ' i nl o. t hc p ri \' at ('

d r i \ ' l ' w a ~ - of whi (' h Ihl ' o lh l' r , 'a r h,lt]d ri \' el l. T hi s S""OI"! , ~ a r (:\'0, ; ; ~ , 1 i ( ) 7 )dm\'e badl alld forth f ou r l il ll e' tlur

illg thl' af lcl"l lool l 0\' '' 1' IhI ' fn'"h I ~ oil

(,d sl n'l'I , n o t w i l h s l ' t ~ l n , 1 i I l g - Ih" pro-

I tl'st:-i of th e hOl'oug·h l ~ l l l p l ( ) ~ · l \ ( \ s . -)l--l(

Thl' d:tlllag-l' don(- hy Ih('s" III''' I'ars

10 Ihl' stl'(','I, n " I I " 1 ~ ' oill 'd, approxilllatl 'S$ : ~ ( H t. ' ,





Lost. 1'.C,


:! .(;(ii.) .HHi



:; .IHi



Last Sa.turday·s ReSUlts.W a ~ ' l I e , 7; B r ~ ' u ~ l a w r , :\.Berwyu, I : !; Hig-h lal ld Park,

Ardlllore, :!:!j Xarhcrth, :\.



Take a. Trip Through th e Great La.kes

o r F rom Nia.gara to th e Sea,

.-\. ('oJltributioD of fifty cents may

p ro cu re t hi s trip fo r ~ · o u . As k any

mem be r o f th e Womell's Comll1unity

C lub o r c al l Narhcrth :\70 .J fo r fu r the r


:Make your r es c! 'va t ion now.

may he th e hu'ky 0111'.


S T A ~ m I x n O F TH EWOII.

" 'ayul ' ,.,.;'j

Al'lllllore , , ..

Bl'rwYIl .. , •........

Narberth ., • . . . . . " :!

Highland Park .'... :!

Bryu 1\[aWI' •• , •••••

] t1 'l 'yiOliS yell 1.

III : l lld it iol l , Ih l ' fasll l l 's" of th e IIl'll'

('ourls is au cXlra gual'alllpl' of a lo t

of good tl'lIl1i" 0\'1'1' JIl,ll'llI'lIe1l'lIee Day,

Don' t Forget th e Junior Tournament,

Th c lourJHIIIII'Ill 1'''1' jOlliol's will slart

1 I 1 0 1 l l I a ~ 'aflpr!loolI, .Iul,\· II , al :!

o ,,'I()(:k, allll will Ill' 1'''1' sillgle" a" well

a" (louh1<'s, Bu l Ih('n' will Ill' 110 eOIl

solatioll I l l a t ( , } H ~ S in pithpr s i n g l t ~ s 01'


All p1' "l il ll ia ll ry I ll al (' he " i ll Ihl'se

jUllior lOl lr ll al ll l'1I1" \ I' il l IUI \' I' to be

p l : t y ( ~ d (luring: th p \\"tll'k IH'gilllling' .JulyII , so as 10 h" J'l'ady for Ihl' fillals

whi"h an ' "I'hl'llulPd 10 11(' play I'd 011

Ih,' tOllruallJ('1I1 ('(>l1I"Is al 1'. ~ 1 ~ a t -I I l ' l l a ~ ' :d'Il'rllooll, . r l l l ~ ' ]I i . Thl' I 'lItmu"1'

f,'c for ,'a"h pla,\-I'1' for l'a,'h 1\"1111 will

[I(' "I ) 1'l 'II1s, Ellt ril '' ' sholll ,] 11( ill Ihl'

h:lllll" of Ihe TOllmal ll l 'l I t C'>llllllitt(',' as

s oo u a s ]ll,s"i b1<',

U"allliflli "lipS will 1,,· g-i\"1'1l as prizl'"

10 Ihl' WiUll"1' iu th e sillg-h's alld 10 Ih,

111'0 W;III1('I'S iu Ih " dOllhlPs,



There ar(' a II11Jllhpl' of Jill\\" t ! ' : l I l lH,

a lle l l lew '''lIlihilialiolls of 01, ] J IlPI II

hers, eutpl't.'d il l th e tOUl 'I IHIUCJlt in

addilioll to Ihl' "1111] fa\ 'orill ' ' ' , ' ' :1I11!

ill "III1'<'fjlll'II"1' IIlalt,he" will p l " l l h a h l ~ 'hI' 11101'1' h l l l l ~ ' "ollll'"ted Ihall ill a l l ~ · I

At all I 'lcctioll b ~ Ihe Haverford Col·

lege haseball sqlla,1 Kelllleth B, 'Val·

tOil was choseu 10 captaiu I he Haver

ford uiue f or t he Ill:!:! s easou . W, tl tou

ha s beell regulur shortstop of th c Sear

le t alld B la ek n iu l' f or th c last threc

~ ' e a r s ,

The allllu:t1 Fourth of . l uly Douhles

Tourll:llllelll of ' thc' Xarherth Telluis

Assoe ia li ol l wil l start llPxl Hatllrday

afterllooll, .Tuly :!, at :! o'eloek, at the

Ill'W l'OUrlS al HaYcrfol'tl a l l d ~ J o l I l -g-oJIlPry a \ ' l \ I I U l ' ~ . ' l 'ollrl l: lnlf 'ut luatehes

wil l tOli l il lue all ,lay of ) I o l l l l a ~ ' IheFourlh.

,\11 1'1I1ries JIlusl I", ill t hc h al ld s

Ill' Ihe Tour!la1JlPllt COJlllllittee, whith

is I 0 lII)losl',1 o f H oh ert E . Pattisoll, .Tr"

"hail'lllau, WilliaJll .J. Kil'kpatl'ipll, he

fore Ii P. M, Ilext F l ' i d a ~ ' , .Tuly :!.

There is all clltrallte fc e of 7;; eputs

fo r eaeh ) l l a ~ ' e l ' ,All p r e l i l l l i l l a r ~ ' rOUllds alld th c Jillal

JIlateh as "'1'11 will h,' l,]ayell fo r t he

hL'"t out of thn 'e sl'l'"

T he re w ill ab o he a l .'oll ,, "1at iol l


8uilahle priz"s will Ill' awarel('d Ihe

Illelllhcrs o f Ih e Willllillg" Ipalll iu holh

ti l l ' rcgular alll! "I'II"olalioll Illuma

J 1 1 e n t ~ .







Tennis TournamentStarts Next Week

Page 2: Our Town June 25, 1921

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Membe r Ph i l a delph i a Re a l Eatate Board


......_- ...


Of course, ••

deliver '- aD,.p l a c e - al11


t o f in an ci al i nd ep en dence i s a lways h el ped by proper bank.

ing connection,

A Savings Account earning interes t is t he sures t begin.

ning, an d regUlar deposi t s of a fixed alllOunt make th e goaleasy t o r each .

Consider th e aClvantages depositors enjoy here, and r,llow

us to personal ly explain ou r service in detail.

H.ea1 ' t e> r

CllY OFFICE (after July 1st) 1214 LOCUST STREET

Branch Offic. at Narber th Stat ion Phone Narberth 1710




The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A Drug Store in theMost-Modern Sense of the Term



W ~ UpwurbQrltmb




==l , y j d " l I ~ e of thp gro\\"illg popnl a ri ty o f

th e " l' i ,· il iza t. i ol l" r efl ' rr ed t o II I the

lllug-azillc article. .A fl'l'fl%iecl c x i ~ t ( ~ J l e cwith a whitt' ('ollar and a swanll of 1'1'0, ,

nOlllil' servants is l ll or o s ou gh t t ha n

1'0011fort alld p r o s p l ' l ' i t ~ - Oil Il 1'al'lIl.

Jilt h , .. it ies t.hp Ull"lIlployllll'lIt 111111

sllpel'fluity of lahol' is astollnding; 011

tho fanl l s the l al 'k o f hl'lp all,1 th e 10Rs

of prodlld ion is lllOI'l' astoullllillg. \Ye

l in ' t ol d that Illlll'sS l'!1"1I1' lahor is j i l l '

1'0rt"d luanuallahor will d i s a p p ' ~ a l ' . " · eal'l' t ol d t hl lt imnlig'l'lItillll is th .. only

solutiou of the II gril'1Ilt ll 1':1 I prohlelll.

D o p ~ Jlot th e farm 11I'l'd _hr a ins? Must

('ultlll"', intelligoellcl' alld I'ivilizntioll he

l'eSl'rVl'd for the illllllstril's \\'hil'h II" thl'

I t ' l I ~ t tOI\"llnls the ultimat" lllaiut.,'lllln,'eo f th e htllll:lll spl'l'i"s?

Oil th,' aholitioll of this ill"I'l'asillg

1I11d Ullfolllllle,1 hO!'l'or of hOllcst lahor

dl']H'llds th,' fall' of l'i"ilizatioll, A

hUJlg'J'Y natioll C':l1l1l0t riHP in art:; allt1

]parJling;, .An i J H ' l ' l ' a ~ 1 ' of the s u p t . ' r ~li,-i:d a ll d t hl ' 1I01l'ess"lItial lllust hc

h a ~ , ' d "I I th,' pl'o'!lIdioll of life's Ilel'es

~ i t i l ' S .'V" f""1 tOil 11I1I('h that illt<'l!l'l'htal

ele, 'ation lllUSt he a d l l l i n i ~ t l ' r l ' l l in a

~ l I g " a l ' ~ ( ' ( ) a t t . ' l l fortH; t.hat plp:LSlln's JlltlHt

r"I l"d, th,' l't'fillpllIl'lItS all'] ,',-ollltiolls

of 1ll0de1'11 .. i\·ilizatioll. 'fhe \\"olll]er, of

lIatul'l' ol1'l'r as g l' l' at a J iel ll fi ll' intcl

Il'dual IIppl'l'l'iation as d ocs all IIfter

IIlHlII i ll a 1 I10t ioll pi"ture thl'a tn ' , hilt

\\"hi ..h do,'s th ,' I l lajori ty I'hoose? Of

('Ollrse. th e 0111' whil'ilm c a l l ~

a furtherallc'(' o i ('ponolltl(· lo:-\s. 1 \n tu l ' f ' i lint.

,'i\"ilizl'll; Illo"illg l'idures arc.

On a SIl ll dl lY a ft el '1 I0 ll n, d o l ' ~ th e

:!Y('1'fq.?;I' 11JnB 11l'pf(·1' to ,,·all\:, or t .. I"id('

ill all aut.olllilhile? ' rh e w al k is l'OU

']Ill'i\"l' to h,'alth 1111,1 a , 'l os l' l' {'olltad

with lI:ttUI'l'. Th, ' a l lt o is ,'oll ,lu('in' to

( 'X IH ' J lHP , f ' ('O ll o I l11 ( ' w:l:--h', : t l l d - ~ J H ' I · j 1 .VI'S, Wl' tak(' thl' Hutomohi1<'.

' ' 'h,'u \\"e jhrow ofT t h i ~ mantle of

:-:lI}H'r!ij·ialit.,·: wht ' l l \\"P p1'( JchH'( l t1101'l'

:lud u,,' 1<',,; thl'n ,\'ill Wl' 1111.1 1l10l'l' of

, 'i\-iliz:rtillll, :rnd 1,'"s of sophisti"atioll,

Fnd is, '" rIowl'l ' (holl"er," t ha t i t is

as I lIue 'h a 1 I 1 ~ - s t l ' I Y to us as to you.

T h t . ' ] ' l ~ arl ' ~ O l n l ' liftt't'Jl or t \ \ · ( ' l l t ~ · ('or·l'l'spoll.ll'lItS to Ou r TOII"u, eaeh of

whom mal, , 's him,l'! f n"l ll l ll sihh ' 1'01' a

p ar t of th,' tOWJ! IIl'II"S. \Ye fear that

nUl' Flower ~ h o \ \ " { 'Orr l 'spOlll lcnt , , "as

tl'lnl"'r:JII'lltal that l\"l'l'\(,

" ' t ' \\"'re ollahll' t il a t tl ' ll ,1 th e Sho\\",

ho t un, ll 'r st al l, 1 that, I'l'/'ausc of thefn'ald,h 1\'I'ath"r t h i ~ sp ri ng, t hl ' elll'lytlllwer:-; \\"t.'I'l' g'OlH', aud th e 10:-;(:; (le

layed h,\' frost. Thl' !'l'solt was a rathl'r

S .. :tllt , 'xhihit. Xl"-l'rthl'1l'ss, awarlls

\ n ~ I ' I ' g"iYt.'Jl, :11111 a l'l'jlort of thlllll

should llll\-l' hl'"n Sl'nt in to Ou r TOII"Il,

Wl'ath"r J!l'I'lIlittillg, t hl ' f al l D ah li a

Sho\\' shollld ill' a linl' pxhihitiun, anll

p l : t l l ~ an ' :t11'o'ady ond,'r \ \ ' a ~ ' tu mal\('

it onl' "I' the l : t r g " ~ t :\arhel'th h a e"cr

h,'ld, " '" \ I' il l ha \"" :t "'"l1pld,' repul't

tof it if 11", ha,-,' t il pot , th e _\ssol'iat(]11

I'rl"" ton th,' j"h,--Editol' .

To t hl ' Edi to r o f 001' TO\l'n,

" 'hat h,' ..allll' of the nllllolllll'ed

:':'prillg Flower ~ h o w ? Didll't. it <,ollie

o ll '? S il nl l' p,'ol'll' say it did, wit .h l il le

, ' x h i h i l ~ al lo l th" lhual a\\"ards; hot, we

II"ho dc']"'11i1 o il 001 ' TU\\"1l f or t he Ill'WS

jllill], it Jnl"t ],:I\-P lizz1l',l, for the

p ap l' r h as 1I"t had a worr! ahuut it.

Ph.'n:-<l' d i ~ l h ' 1 fi l l ' l)J,\·stl'l',\p.



l e s ~ Sl) , h ' ~ i g u a t l ' d , ~ i g - I l , your ownlUll 111.1 a:-- a g'uar:lutpt 1 of good faith,

alld il1lli"atl' thl' initials or Ilom de

plullie to hl' U ~ l ' t l i ll Jlnhl i..atioll.

Oftl'lI ill ,'''II'-l'rsatioll a reader will

s a ~ ' , "I wish ~ t o i l l d h i l l g ' cuul,1 h e d oneahoot-" ~ du oth,'l's, perhaps, a ll d

would he glall to kno\\" if some!Jlle else

s han 's t he ir s , ' n t i l l l , ' n t ~ . Thl' tUWI1 pa·

I"'!" is thl' oJll'll gat<' to tUII"1l thooght,

:In,1 thl' " O I U 1 0 U ~ of 0111' '1'011"0 arl' aI

\I 'ay' "]ll'll fo r that 1'01'1'''''',

,1lJ'()p us a Ii 0" ,


March 31, 1921

President , .. Georgo A. ~ [ a h l\"ice-President Toseph H . Nash

\-ice-President " .Augustus J. Loos

Yice·l 'residellt Mrs. C. P . F ow le r

'l'reasur()r I1f-iss I1Iaizie .r. SimpsonSecretary ,Hobert J. Edgar

Dir ec to rs , t o s e rv e until ]023; Mrs,

Hobert F. Wood, .1. Garfield Atherholt,1. A. l\Iiller, U. L a w r e n ~ e 'Varwick,A. E. \Voh ler t, Phi\ip A. Livingston.

Di rec to r s, t o ~ c r v c until ]022: J . J.Cahrey, Walter A. Pox , H . R Hillegas,

C. H. A. Cha in , W . n. D. liall, HurryA. Jacobs.

Owned an d Published e \ 'e ry Sa turday

by t h e Na rbe rt h C i ~ d c Association.Subscription I'rice one doll a r and fifty

c en ts per ye ar in advance.



OUR TOWN will gladly print

an y news I t ~ m about an y SUbjectthat Is of i nt e re st t o Narberth

folks, bu t in Order to m eet the

printing schedule, al l "copy"

-manuscr ip t s -mus t reach the

editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each





Send all advortis ing and news items to

P. O. Box 966.

Ou r Town is on sale at t he d epo t

n .ws st and , a nd at the s to re o f H. K


Entered a s s ec on d· cl as s matt<lr

October ]5, 1914, at tho Post Office r . t

Narberth, Pennsyl\"ania, under the ac t

of March, 1879.


all ou r


That No Meal

I. Complete.





Opposi teStat ion


For Fre e Distributior.

Rentfd at Very ~ 0 Rates.


J. A. CALDWELL: : a . e a ~ Es'ta'te


Open To 'Public, Friday, 2-5.30,

Rye, Bran or Whea t

We invite comparison as to qualily and quanti ty onBakery Goods



wQr ~ r r i o l t mUIr nub mrU!lt mompaut!nf Arbl11ort. 'a .

In Y. M. C. A. Lobby


Phone, Narberth 1687

o r r en t, furnished or unfurnifhed, a home in Narberth, we h av e th e

be st l i st in an y part o f t h e town at prices a nd t e rms to suit ,





Malls Close fo r D ~ p a r t u r e ,8,44 A , ~ L - F o l ' all poillts.l.nn P . ~ r . - F o r nil p o i l l t ~ ,l . ~ O P,::\r.-Local to Paoli.::_111 P _ ~ L - F o r all pointR.

·L20 I ' , ~ r . - L o c a l to Paoli.

n,:!!) P _ ~ r . - F o l ' a ll poi nt s,



~ f a i l ani, 'f's 7.]0 A. ~ r ~ f n i l f'loses 5,25 P, Ill.


Incoming Mail s Arrive.

(J..jn . ' \ . ~ r . - F r o m all points,

g.no A , ~ r . - L o c a l from Paoli.IO.4;j A . ~ r . - F r o m al l poil l ts .

] Aij P . ~ r . - F l ' o m all poillts.

:UlO P , ~ r . - L o e n l from Paoli.

4,,1;j p , ~ r . - F r o m all poillts.

f"iin P . ~ r . - L o c a l from Pnoli.

'I'll th,' Editor o f Our Town.

I " " r t n i n l ~ - hop" yOUl' t i l l l e l ~ ' Idh ' r

of l a ~ t wl'"l, \\"ill hring a S P f ' I " ] ~ ' 11

1!!()\-:11 of tho, ,crt"" mains that ",lorn

th" ~ o l l t l l l ' r l l I 'nd (If thl' Xnrhpl'th AlIh·I';:r,'-' \" I IU pl'ohahly ,Ii ']n't rl'lOClnhpr

th:r t t ll l' ,' - w,'J' (' put th l' l 'l ' . '"('al 'S ago to

l'l'llli Ill] I'e"pl,' that Xarl l f' l ' th "-as on

t l l l ' ~ I : l i l l Lint'. T o d n ~ · slIl·1I Rig-Its nr e

SlI11t.1 rtJIlllll:;;.

Wh," d""sll't thl' full se t of offil'l'l's

of th" :\:rrlll'rth Bran,'h of th l' Ampl'

i"a 1I _\ ""wia tion 101 the Ahroga t.ioll "f

th,' ,\nti-H"oh'h Anll'lI,llnl'lIt t a l , , ~ a

~ t a l l , 1 on thf' q l l l ' ~ t i o l l of thl' 1'1'1I1o"al

of thp w:Jtprl'ipl's?

1'. s.-r IIlHill',1 1 I 1 ~ ' last \\"1'l'lt 's ~ o p yof Ou r 'I'owll to H I'l 'Ospcdin' nf'W snh

s( 'l ' ih"l' i ll YI: l ll i, ·olstpHd. so a li i no t SUl'e

o th e pxad llalllP of thl' lIew orgall-

izatioll. HI,;gPETtFS,

Progl'alll week of ~ r o n c l a y . rUIl ! . ' ~ 7 MOI1<!ay, .Tune 27; Tom Mix in his n'I',"

latl'st pidul'l ', "A Hi/Jillg' Uonll 'o; '"

Rixth l ~ p i ~ o l 1 o "rrarzfiu." 'flll'scla.\·,

.T lInl' 2.s, ' ' 'anda H a \ \ " l t ' ~ ' ill "The

Housl' that .Jazz Built," " ' l ' < l l l e s l l a ~ 'an,l 'I'hlll'srlay, June 20-:10, tIll' comhin·

",I Illotion picturo anrl fashion en 'n t of

thl' seaslln, C la ra K imb al l Young jll

"Rtraight 1'1'0111 Paris;" ellllll',h' hi t

of thl' ~ l ' a s o n , "Theil ' D i z z ~ ' Finish."F r i r l a ~ ' , . J I 1 I ~ · 1st, n chnrming l ' e i ~ s l 1 e l ]stor.'" of Ethel Clnyton nlHI C " r 1 ~ ' l eBlackwl'1I iu "Hi s Brother's \Vife."

Snturdlly, July 2, Elaine H n n l l l l e l ' ~ t i n pin "1 ' 0 0 1 ' Dear l \fargaret Kirby;" Mer

maid cOllledy, "Holy Smoko;" Purplo

Ri( le r No, S.


_ \ r l ~ W l' ll{-'('outing' J I I ~ l I ' ( ' ('h·ilizetl?

Thi, i :1 dl,I,:t1"oI an d oIl'h:ltt'ahh' !jOl'S

tilll!. Thl' :111,\\",'r IIIO .. t dl'l"'lld tu a

f ; l r . ~ l ' PX1t'lit 1111 \\"hat \"e 1I1P:t1l hy (,iYi

l izati l l l l . . .; \ l 't ' \\"1' ht"'Olliing; 11101'0 ~ ( ) "p h i ~ t i,',JI,'''? Th,' :111'1""1' hpl'I' IlIlIst he

,. yt ' : ' . " ! - : \" t ' ry :l ....}lt'j·t tit' OUI' pl"l':-,ellt

:-,lll'i:ll t·tlllditioll.": di:,play:-; th e iJlt·l'ea:-;·

ill g" l"l'g::t 1",1 ,,1' t hl' l'l'oph' a:-; a wllo}('

f i l l ' tltt' I l t l l l - l · ...::-q\lltial aw l : - ; l I I H ~ l ' f i ( · i : d .III a )"Pl't 'llt l l l i l } , ! : : lzi l l l' a r t i ( ' l l ~ , the

writer :1:-1\.:-;, "(':Ill 0111' (·ivilizatiolt

JII:dlltaill it:-;t.·lf;'" T Il l' i t! pa of ( ' i y i ~lilation inqdil'd i th , ' snhl inl l ' sta te of

I't'(luiring" Jhl.' : - ; l · l ' \ " i l · l ' ~ of rt slIIall arlll?

lit' l 'l·tlllOllli,· :-;1:1"1:-< fo r t.'a"h IlH'lllher of

tIll' "ruling; ,·Ias .. ," '1'1'11". if a ~ I I P I ' I ' fl l l i ty 111 :-<t'I 'V:lllt:->. 1I11.tOI' t.al:-< and o th er

IUXlIl'h':-> I"l'jll"l':-;t'llt:-< thl' l I I t i l l la t l ' ill eh"i-

I Iizatil'lI, t l l t ' n th l ' illl·l't·a:o-;ing· 1 I t . ' ( · I ' ~ : " i t yfo r a I'erllldion in t h , ' ~ l ' \\" ill l'l'sldt in

a !,I ',p"ltilluat" dinlinutilln of Olll' 1110,1"

I'I"JI t ' iYilizl'cl :-,tatt'.

But ,\'t' IIIUSt herl' l'I't 11111 to th e fil'st

'Illl'stion. what is .. ivilization? Dill'S it.

i l l l I ' J ~ - th,' sl'l'\'i"l's of thl' Iltan," fill' the

t rallsitlll'," 1 ' 1 l ' a s u n ' ~ Ilf th e f l'w : Istht' lllan who l ' l ~ q l l i l ' l ' S t h l ' : - i l ~ sl'l'\'iecsIll'j't\':";:oi:tl'il,\' ill :IlI.V 11\01"1' atlvaltl'l'cl state

Ill' r-i,-ilizatillu than lh,' lIIan who in·

C'llH:-,t:O-; hi:-; ( '\ I lt t ln'. ;..;ot'i:tl I'clation:-; an d

' -a hl " t il h i I'olnnlunit," with a _1llini

IIIU!lI tit' L'l'OH01I1il' l 'XpPlt:-- l '!

On thl' ans\ \"pr t il this Innst I'l'st. thl'

rleeisilln as to our ,'idJizatiol1 and the

pn"l'l"'ts for its adnlll"l'lIl1'lIt. 811pel"

fi"ial polish is not ( ' i "i l izat iol l ; it is so·

ph i ~ t i " a t i1111. Thl' gl 'l 'gaI ' ious il Is t ind

has i t pIa",' ill 0111' lllo,ll'rll l'elatioll'

s h i l ' ~ , hu t ,1111'S lIot '/'0"1'1' all. 'V e lire

follo Id 1Ig' fa Isl' sta uda rtls. Th e lllllll

who , i J ' i \ " ( ' ~ h is (' ar til the otlice c \ ' l ' r ~ 'da,'-, 1111,1 11IIIk,'s his flll'tlllle h ~ th e SIlC

" , ' ~ s f l l l h:tl1<llillg of fill:IlIl'eS, is an i,I,'al

(u'IIdlll,,,tl h., ' a h i g o h l ~ ' l'iI"ilizl'l! II1clItal

attitlldl', TIll' l1Iall who, th ol lg h h is

hirth 111,,1 ('ultllr,' l l l a ' ~ ' Ill' fa r i ll : ,,1·

'-:1111',' of that of th" lillan(,jel', Il 'llIls

th l ' rOllgh lifl' of th,' farml'r 1111<1 dill'S

hi_, ~ h a r l ' ill supl'or ti l lg thl' hUll1an ra"l',

l\'l' pIa"" Oil a lo\\"l'1' Sll"illl par.

011 th e onl' hall. l , thl' f i llane ir' r is pro·

,luring little flllll ( ' o n s u l l 1 i l ~ g llluch; 011

th e otllPr h:IlIII, th e fnl'1l1l'l' is pr.o<1ucillg

1I1Url' thau he l'OIlSUnlt·s, 'Yhich is do

ill!! thl' Illost, ultitllatl'ly, in lI1aint.ain

illg ,'i\-ilization? III thl' yl'ar l!1l0 th e

"lIlue of ou I' crops waR ahout fOllrteen

billion ,Iollnrs; in ]fl:!O it lIad 111'0ppl'U

to lIinl' hilliolls. At thl' sallle t.ime tho

farming dass ha s hl'en ' liminislung at

lL prodigiolls ra tl' . T he l1eRire is to

Ilol'k to th e l ' i t i e ~ , to join in th e com·plex sOl'ial t ang le i n which most of us

an ' twistiug. 'l'his mO'"l'ml'nt is bu t fin




l!'ire, 350

Police, 1250

\Vith a fOll l lt lat ion of a fluantity ,If

Yl'l',\" good h o o k ~ , an,l all p,'l'r illl'I'('nsing r,ircle of p a t l ' O n ~ , th e :!\ar1Jerth

COllunnuity Lihr:ll'," is ('oming 1 l 1 ( l 1 ' ( ~ antI

JlIore to he f pl t a s an app rp {' ia tl 'd :lI1I1

JlIll('h nep,ll'tI fador in th e to\\"Il.

Thp need fo r a gooo,1 librar,)", 1I11,ler

p:lpahlP m:lllagopIlH'nt, h as o ft l' ll hl'pll

hrollght forth h," illtl'l'('stl,,1 l'itizells,

::'\ot o n l ~ ' as a hook-tlisppllsing ('pllter,

hu t as a I I t l l ' h ' l I ~ for lIlan," I'DI'll,S of

study anr] rdprelll 'l ' , th,' lihl'ary h as i ts


The C O l l l n l l l l l i t ~ , Lihrary ol'igi!!atpd

as lL circuit-for the distrihlltioll of ne\\"

books :lmong IlH'mhers o f t hl ' ?\nrhl'rth

"' 0 IIIen ' s C o m m n l l i t ~ · Cluh, D.,' n ll 'a llS

of pllr('hase an'! gift the lIuutl'l'r of

hool\s incre:lst'<! IIntil it hel'allll' possi·

ble to extell,1 th e Sl'Op" o t' t il l' \ \"ork,

a ll d mak e t he h oo ks : I\ 'a il ah l" t o o th l' rs

than nwmb, 'r s o f t hp Comlnunit,\· Cluh.

Xow hy the inl'orporatioll of th e

hool<s f o r m e r l ~ ' ~ o n s t i t l l t i n g thl' Y. :M.

e, A, Library, th"l'e :11'(' a\":tilahll' fo r

distribution hoth the ol,lt'l' stallllanl

\\ 'ol'ks an,1 th e IH'\\"l'r books. I t is oftl'n

possible to ohtain the lIew h oo ks in

l'ollstnnt rll'llt:ln,l ' ll li ,' ker f rom th l' Xar

hl'rth Lihrary th:lll from th e cit,".

The s n ~ " e s s of 1\ \ihm 1," is det"fl1lin'

('d by the amoullt it is IIs,'d, :\11,1 thp

IIlInlher o f pa tr ons ('olltl'Ols it s growth.

Ld ' s all ge t Iwhill,l this splen,li,1 pro,

ject , and assllre it of th e SIlI"'"SS it


v, c arp al\\"a,"s g ra ti nl 'l ] t o r l' l' eh'e '

eomITIllnielltionH from our I'p;,I1ers Oil

pert inent subjects. By this lIleallS it

is possible t o o ht ni n IIHlll,\' dill"l'I'('llt

Yiewpoints on tOWIl mattl 'rs, a 11,1 frl'

quently yalllnh ie cr it idS ll ls Illul sug-

gl'stions are ohtninell in that \\"ay.

The I nr ge n um lw r o f I l' tt l' rs in the

last tlYO l l u m h e r ~ of Ou r '1'olYn has

shown a real spirit of co·operntion in

th e wor k o f t hi s, th e communi ty paper.

'I t is hoped that marc of 0111' rl'arll'rs

will find tim e to write us ou suhjel'tsof interest t o t hem . lIud which might he

of i n te rest to others.

We will no t publ ish ) 'ou r Uame un·

Page 3: Our Town June 25, 1921

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Two Line., IOc pe r i•• ue j Sc for each additional line

Narberth Register

~ r e . . t i l l g s for l ' ; u n , l a ~ ' , .Tunc ~ I i :Rev. Avery S. DellllllY, Pastor.

!IA;; A . ~ r . - S 1 I 1 1 1 1 a ~ ' Sehool. i Sen'iecs S u n d a ~ ' , .Tune ~ l i . l ! l ~ I :11.00 A. l\r.---COllllllunion a 11<1 pnhlie i n.:w "\. ~ r . - l ' r a . \ ' l · r :-'Cl'\'ice.


l'l','el'tion of new lIIelllhers. 'I !U:; A. l\r.-SIlII,lay S,·lwoI.

jAil P. :- 'L-E\ ' l 'n ing- worship. ~ [ r . I 11.00 A. l\T.--:Mol'l1ing worship. Sor-

Yan : : \ess will tlcli\'cr a serlllon on th e I nlon j , ~ , t h l ' pastor on tIl<' snhjeet, "Ev-







239 Uampdeo Ave., Narbertb, Pa.


Contractor . of

James fratantoni&


WILLIAM NEWBORG It CO•Painting and Decorating

21 2 Woodb'ne Ave., Narber th , Pa .Phone, A rdmore 1436 W Nartierlh 1 768 W

come to th e

Tbe NarberthElectrical Shop230 HAVERFORD AVE.

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSWe repair, Bell and in s ta l l any th ing

Electr icnJ. Old house wiring a. specailty.

Ask o.bout ou r three payment plan in

cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W

~ s ~ u r ~ . 2 !Alnellt Photoplay The-atre 01 It s Size In Ih e

Entire World.

Pb. lopIaVll-CnnllnunU8 10 A. M.lo U.S ,P.M.

Ph i l o .• P e .

Jobbing promptly attended to

Niltht Phone. Narberth 687

Day Phone. Narh•• tb 302 J


For Bowling and

Pocket BiHiards

HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace


Fire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhone 1749W-215 Haverfo rd Ave.

No.1 Forrest Ave.


Smedley Huill Home

Fo r P e rma n e n t





T.lephone Narberth 1633


AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 31. , 11.00 . 1.00.8•J5. 5.45. 7.45. 9.80 P. II .

"Tbe Honse Tbat Jazz Bnilt"

ra..a . - M ~ G i n l e y aU 123 South 1mS!, P h I l a d e 1 ~

i '

NARBERTH GARAGERaymond Wei.s, Proprietor


A slI Ia ll town, just a village you may


\Ve may slri\'e, w(' l I I a ~ ' work, hu t we

10101\' the " h ow" o f p la y.

FroIll the hl'at,sollkcd eity, we're glad

to l't'ach our tOWI1,

BIt 's sed s i lt 'nee , grateful coolness, just

h('a\'en to loungc around.


,\\'olun!"l'r I ·' ire COll lpany, to which'

we all helong,

' rown tllrns 01lt enmass when we hear

tIll' l ~ l l g i l l C ' ~ gong.

Bright r ed h os e cart, e ng in e r ic h w it h

g-il t,

Fircmen h a p p ~ ' to tear down anything

that 's huilt.

A e O l l l l l l l l l l i t ~ , l'horu,:, o ne e i n a while II


:-'''\'t'n(\' l u s t ~ ' V O i l ' l ~ make the s<O!lool

hall ring_

A ('olllnlllnito" Cluh, a Motll< 'rs ' Club,

a Flower :-;how in the fall,

A slllall tOl\'n pt'rl'han('t', hu t it 's pro'

gre,;sing with tht'lII all.

Th e l'eopJ<o al'l' ni,'c. frolll s im pl e t o


,\rtisan, l al oo )' (' r, l "l erk, l II an ill th e

,Ii te It.

L a n d ~ l ' : L p e g::rd,'ilcI'S, un scnlc!i great

and snlall,


i,t,; un,l ,lodor:-:,\ I ' h ~ '

stop to nalllealH


s,·hool of uursing, as hea d uur se iu 11Os

pital war tl s o r opera t iug" rOOIllS, as su

jlt'I'\'isor o f d is pens ar ie s a 1111 eli nics,

there art' a l w a ~ ' s opportUllities fo r rapid

adnlueemnt .

"A s a ;-.; nrse-Te:wht'r i n s dIOo ls of

nllI'silIg ' allll as alI instnll ' tor in Rel1

C I ' O , ~ S eoursl'S iII Hom(' Care o f t he 8 ie k,

tIlt' demand fa r l'xl'ce,ls th e supply.

., As v is it in g' . s (' ho ol , e hi l. l welfare,

mellieal, s,)('ial sel '\ ' i('( ' . and indnstl'ial

nul'Sl', tht'I'" nr" unlimitl ', l opportunities

fo r f i l l ! t'xpr('ssion al lt l i l sl ' of a 11 one's

in telleetlIal facult ies. e X l ' , ~ u t i \ ' t , abilit.,·,an d i ll st in d. o f s er \' i, "' , s in ce Puhli,',

lIl 'alth I II II "I II g' h 'a s ] ,p (' ome \ ' i t a l l ~ 'iwporlan,·., iu th,' Puhl i .· H t ':d th ('nlll


"A s a l'ri,'att' d u t ~ · nul'st'. thp s('ope

for u ,;efu ll l"8 ' ; i s honu,lless. Contad

with the illllivil]ual all'] thl' 1':lIuily, an,l

he r s( 'rv iec to lhel l l JI Iakes hl'r It st "Ollg'

illf!IIl'II('(' in the I 'n hl ie H l' al th o f t hp


"A s all . \ r l l l ~ · , ;":a\)', F",It'l'al Puhlie

Ut'alth, or Hed Cross IIUrS(', a yOllug- wo·

tHan 1 I I : t ~ · sC'l'\"e he r r ( l n n t t ' ~ · ill ppa('e nna

ill , , 'aI', at houlI' an,l ahroad.

"HOIIIl' ~ r i s , : i o n s ill Lahr:lllor, Alaska.

tlw ~ r o n n t a i l l Rt'giolls of th(' South, :11111

t h( ' ( u, ]i au Hesl'J'\'af i ou s n ee d uurs(','.

FOI't'ign ~ [ i s s i o n s in China, India, th "

Xl'ar East allll l'1>'pwhl'l'l' ealllluecasillg·

I ~ .for lIur;;es.

"A s a w if e a u, l m ot hl 'r , a uurse's

tl'aiuillg 1 a ~ ' s thp ],est po,;sihll' I,repara·

l io n f or a sat i sfal'\ 01'.\' f a l l l i l ~ ' lif l ' ."

'Tis hu t a town, ju , t a village per


A (,ollllllunit.\, of honlt's from cottago to


Tree linl',l stn'et,:, l I I a ~ ' h a p s SOIlle grass

' tw ix t he curbs,

:Xo city's rattle anll bang', i ts q ui et ·

} l l \ ~ S t 1 i s t l l r h ~ .

".J. Baltl'l" wishes to ann ou nco h e

will ma ke u p cupes, jackets, etcetera,

fo r ladies ou t o f t he ir own skins."

"Re sp ec to .b le w id ow w nn ts wash

ing. "

"Bnlldog fo r sa.le. W il l e at any-

t hi ng . V er y f o nd 'Of children."


The ehlll'ehes, so III allY, each its kin,l

of eH'e,1 or tn'nd,

'flw,)' lH'e,1 liS, we need theIn, sce that

al l of liS attend.

\Ve're a littlc old-fashioncd, for each

chureh a h el l w il l toU,

A swel't soun,1 on 8ahhath 1II0rning,

,'al·h stroke a hUl lI an soul.

Childrcn, (,0,1 101e,;s ' el ll , so l lI al lY ar c


On sid"\ \ 'a lk, ; , on por,'It('s. bu t ne 'er in

0\11' way.

• Futurc I ' l ' e ~ i d e n t s , in elllbryo , you and

I cannot tell,

Bu t now just our youngsters, we're

bappy if they 're well.

itlences o f t he C hr is ti au L if e. " Text ,

Isaiah ilO: ·l·n.i.-1il 1'. ~ r . - E \ ' ( ' n i l l g " w or sh ip . S er

mon t he ll le , "Finishing th e Unfinish

cd ." 'l'ext, Psalm 37: 7, "H e will

bring" it to pass."

Wednesday enning at 8.00 o'doel"

~ o n g anti Prayer ::iervice.

:strangers anti visitors ar e wclcome.

AJIlPril"a is 100,000 s ho rt i u J 1 l 1 r ~ ( ' s - in th e nUUllwr of wonlt'n who 11Il\'c pl'l"

pal'ed thelllseh'es for the hig'he,;t pOK- !

sihle seniel ' , thl' t'are of th e si(·k. th e

p re ve nt iu ll o f d i s ( ' i l ~ e : - " yisitillg' ill

hOllIes \I'here faluil." )'( ', 'ellue will HoL

Iwrtllit of n l 'L'rJ lI :lI IPJ lt Ilurse', clil'el'ting

health progr:ulls , f ight i llg tuhen·ulosis

and ( ' a r j l l ~ fo r hu,hit's.

III en,r." hranl"h "her,. tli., 1'1'<11',.".

SiOIlHl HCl'\' jt:P:O- of a JI\HSC art' l l p l ' d t ' d

tht'l'c is a shOl'ta:,rl>. r r h l ~ :-:-ituatioll, I

wlde,h is d"('lal'l',l by physieians a.nd

o (h l' rs t o Ill,' alal'lIIillg, has atlra('\,'.l

"OIlUtl'." wilJp altenl iOIl anll national or·

ganizntiolls ha'"c joil1ell in the )110"("

lIIeut to at t rae t to the standard yonllg'

\\'llllIpll who ar e a III pl y (!Il1llili('d fo r

the' trailliJlg" HPc',lssary to assulllillg' thl'


Philadelphia :lIJd d , 'i l li t ." h as all'l'ad."

t ' n t l ' f l ' I I flip uatiollal 1IlO\,PIIIPwt 11.'

t'ol'lIdng- the t"oulll"il for :\111',;ing' I·;dll·

cation of Southeastern Pl'IIIlsyh':Ulia.

T he " ou n" il h as i ls hea,l'luarl('l"s at 218

:-'ollt,1I ~ i l l t e p l l l h :-'treet, w ht 'r e nl l i n·

-rlll 'lIIation lIIay be o11taine, l, al ll l in

ad,lit iOIl, ha s startt ' l l sc\-eral ficlel 1I1O\-C'

JIlt ' lItS.

'I'h.· ('I'ped o f t hl ' bod ." i s a s f ol low, :

"'I'b,' o hj l' et o f I his "ounl'il is to .lis·

sl'lIIinate iuforllIation regarding nul's"

ing" {'(!tll'ation :1I111 Ihp :v'hip,',"

1I11'llIs all,1 jllls,;ihilities of th e IIUI'S

iug pl'ol'esHion and to hr iu g to the at

t{'ntiou of thl' publi<' its I'l·sl'0nsihilit.\,

for the' sllpl'lIrl of Sl·J]()(lls lIf 11'ursillg.·'

Thl'ougJI Bur-sing, young \\"0IllP1I, )1:11'tind:u·l.\' h ig-h s (' hool gradualps, al-

Ihoug-h olh( ' l' s who IIll H ' thI' "llui \'al"lIt

ill {'d'llt'atioll 111 eXI ' l ' l ' ipl l l 'P ar p \ \"pl·

(-Ollll 'd , ha '"P :t I,hal l ( ' ( ' to { ' l I t t ' l " a Jlro· I

fe,sioll ill w ld "h t hc opportunities :Ire

unlilIl i ted alld i ll I I 'h ieh, also, therl ' j,:

no ('oIllJll'tit iOIl, IWl':lu:"itl th(,l"t' is Hllt·h

a lat·k of ski l lt ' d women to m ee t t he

retjuirellllJnts that therc is 1'0011I fo r all.

I t is 01111 pl'ofession wh"rl' there is 110

( 'olllpetitiou frolll 111(.11, ~ u ' ( ' a u s ( ' tht,l'l'

an ' f"w of ihal s"x in t he r anks .

Students in training" s"!lOo1s have \'ir·

t.uall.v no l inaneial requirelllen ts with

li\'iug" an, l tui t io Jl providel]. Praetieal

",ork, whi",h g-i l' "s the nlUst satisfac

tioll, is enteH"] into almost i U ~ l I I l ' , ! ' i a t l ' l yand " o u r s e ~ ar e thoroug-h al ll l hroad_

On g-r :I I !uat iou no expensivc equip

Inl'nt is required :Illll therl' is lIOlll' of

th l ' hcar t-hrl 'aldng ' search fo r a suitahll 'pos i tion whieh u sual ly faccs t'hl' IICW

t 'o nl er i n th e profcssional world . 'I'hl'

positions Sl' l'k t .he ilHli\'iduaI.

Bl'si(les thl' opportunities fum ishl',l

at bOllle, th c world at lar)!t' hus lIIany

ways i n \ "h ie h it n('c(]s trained nurSt's.

Appeals fo r n u r s ~ . ' to hc pioneers in or·

ganizing" aud es tah li shing mission hos

pitals lind sehools of llursing ar e con

stautly hcing rl'cei\'ell, lIlHl there is

ne\'er 11 su rcease o f th e ('alls fo r women

who ar e 11l'('IHued nn,1 willing to lIemon

stl1l te to t·hc people of forl'igll countrIes

that th e doc,trine of " l in equa l chance

fo r cqullI health" is prllcticlll.

RUlllllling up t he oppor tun i ti e s for



Washington, June 8, IlJ21.

Th e forthcoming issue of tho United

: - 't at es Ofl i ei al Postal Guido (July,

1!l21) will be printe,1 at th e Govern

IlIcnt Printing Otl icc, al ll i the Superin

t t' nd en t o f Documen ts w il l b e charged

w it h i ts sale to th e public. ' rh e p ri ce

of t he do th ·hound Gui de i s $1, and

the s et o f ell'ven monthly supplements,

50 c en ts , o r a total of $1.50 for the

Guide an d s u p p l e m e n t ~ fo r one year.

All subscriptions for theW:! ! edition

of the Oflicial Postal G ui de s ho ul d b e '

addressed to the tluperintelHlent of

Documents, Govcl'JIllIent Printing Of

fict', \Vashington, D. C. Homittunces

for suhscr ip tion ,; s houl tl ho mUlle only

] , ~ . po,tal m o n c ~ ' order.... Currency is

Sl'nt at scnders' risk. Post age s t amps,

foreign m o n e ~ ' , defaccd 01' smoo th eoin

will no t he accep tc l l.

W. M. ~ r o O X E Y ,Chief CIeri"

Post OJliee Departmen1.



PHOTO FLAYS"Ar.,adla." 16tb and ebe.tnut ata" Pbll.See dleplay ad verUaement In tbla I..ue,


Ah"le. GeorJ:' '' ' Phone, N n r b ~ r t h 1255-.r.Plnno tuning and l l h l ~ ' p r pianos.


Cook B ro a. P ho ne 302-J.See display advertisement in tbls Issue.

Wan, H. B. Phone. Nllrbertb lG02-J.See dleplay advertlaement In tbl. I••U ••

REAL E!!TATECahhven, J. A. Phone. lG87See d ispl ay adver ti sement In t bl a I.. u",

Frlhch, H. V. Phone. 21i2-W.Bee display advortleement In tbla I.au•.

Rnll, Albert.. Spl'uce H! l l .Laud '1'IUe Euiltling. Phllatlelllhia. Pa.

Na.b, Roben oJ. Pbone. 606.Money for Firat and Second Morteae.. .

Simpson. dame. V. 232 Essex ave.Pbone. 636. or H20 C he at nnt at.

UECUEATIO:S.UL'<'relltion Unom. No, 1 l ~ o r r e s t AveSl'e display ad\'prtlsPllIent In this Issue.

ROOFING, ET<l.G,ua-&lcOlnley Co. Phone, 1268-W.

Bee disp lay adverU.ement In tbl. I.. u•.Hl11er. oJolm A. %41 Ion . . ave. Pbone, 661-.1Shcp. 246 Haverford ave. PboDe. III&.J

8HOEllilAKEB8Good Wear Shoe Repai r Sbop ,Constantille, B. G. 252 Ha.-ertord ave.Phone. Narberth 1700-W.

Tbe above department abould be of tb.rreateat nee t o tbe community. tbe Hat con.talna t be n ame of every profe.. lonal mantradesman. meohanle. ahopkeeper. etc b.doee or can In any way aerY. ble feno .townaman. and ....ho la procre.. lve enouc.to add Dame to na t of Reelater.

Aa It I. d lmcu lt f or t bo ee oontrlbut!nltbelr t ime and ef torh to tbe produotlon Of" Our Tow n" t o per.onany el tber kno.... .rInterview all .uoll, it ....ould b e mo.t h.lp.ful If t ho ae not no.... f ound In tb . print"l\llt ....ould .end In a memo a t t b. lr nam..

addre.. , pbon. numbers and bua l n _ or

LooR. I"snny 11. Plano teacher.Studio. Arcade Bldl: . Phone. 316 ·J .

NOTARY PUBLIC."el l'er lea, . .. H. 111 Narbertb ave.Phone, 666-M.

Simpson. Harry A. 232 EsseX Ave.Phone. Narberth 630.

T ~ ' H o n , Warren It. 200 Woodbine Ave.Phone. Narberth 1202-W.

OI'TICIAXSFeoton. Carl F. 606 Eseex ave. Pbone. 618·'"Phlln, address, 1631 Chestnut st. Spruce'17U7Zentmayer, Josepb. 228 S. 15th . t.. Pblla.


Newborg, 'Vm .• &: Co. 212 Woodbine Ave.Pbone. Narberth 17:J8-W.Sec display advertisement In this Issue.

Walzer. Fred.

117 WInsor ave_ Pbone. 1247·J.PAPER IIAX(.OW.

80n l . lIorace S. 313 Meellng House Lane.!'hone 350.



thellle, "How a Christinu Should Spena

His Yaeat ion."

Praycr lIIceting next \Yednosday


Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor.


:Snnll"y, .1l1ne ~ o ! l . ~ i l A. :\r.-:Sunday School. All


11.00 " \. M . -:Mol ' Il ing wor sh ip. SCI'

111011 h ~ th e pastol' on th e theme,

"Chri;;tia liS Who X eed the Holy

:-;pirit. "

iAil P. ~ l . - E \ ' e n i n g worship. Ser·

mon hy the pastor on . th e t heme, "A

God of th e V a l h ' ~ ' s . "Church Notes.

Prcpara t o r ~ ' mem h er s c la "s \Vel]nes

day at 7.1;; P. M.l ' r a ~ ' ( ' r m eding \\' e,lnl',:,lay at 8

P. M.l ' ni on Twil i gh t ~ l e l ' t i n g s will begin

. T I I 1 ~ ' :;J"(] at j.:lO 0 ' d( l( ' k on t he l awn,

Prier :lucl Essex a \ ' e l l l l C ~ , ;\1111 eOlltinue

lIutil after Lahor J ) a ~ ' . ~ r r . Edward

:-'tanle.\' will lo.'ad the singing- during

th e s,'rie,;. Th e lir,;t s ermo n w il l he

1'J'l'a,·hed h ~ the He\'. ~ r l ' . \Va11s.

Church No tes .

The Snnday Sch oo l w il l h ol d i t an

nual picn ic today (S atu rd ay ) at

George '8 Hi ll , Fa irmount Park. Con

\ , pyauces w i ll p l ~ ' hetwe en t ho chure1l

:1Iltl pil'ni(' groullds all d n ~ ' long', begill

ning- at !l A. M. All members of th e

s"hool :1lI1] eOllgrl'gation invited.

'I'his ehurch part ic ipates ill th e Union

Twilight Meet ings on Sundar evenings

and the Union Prayer :i\leetings 011\ \ ' e l ] u e s d a ~ ' c\'enings to h e h el d d u r i n ~.TII1.\' : lnd Ang-ust .

ACCOUNTANTSGottshall, II. K. PUblic Accountant. 303Conway Ave. Phone, Narberth 1667-J.

K:etm, H. <l. Certified Public Accountant.201 Dudley av.... Pbone. Narbertb aoo·W.

A U T O ~ I O l U L E S .LeN' Garae_Repalrlng. Etc. Pbon.. 110&.See display ad\-ertisellleut in this Issue.

Narberth GaraKe. phone Narberth 1633.See dlspluy advertisement In this iBBue.

,\UTIHlOIULE lSEIt\'ICE.Donahue. l'atrlck I'" Phone , 1 G 3 : ~ .See diBplay advertisement in this issne.


Detty Sweet Shop. Opposite station.See display advertisement In this issue.

DAllB:SMerion Title & Trust Co. Pbone, Nal'b·th 398

Bee d lepl a) ' adv er tl eement In t bl a I. .ue.

BUILDERSShand, Alex. C.. Jr . Phone. No. 1710.

Narber th station .Smedle'" Wm. D. &I: H. T . P ho ne. 600.

See d l ~ p l a y advertisement tn lbl . t•• U8.

Atherholt, S. G. Phone, Narberth 1234.see display advertisement in tbis Issue.

VANDY. £TV.Davia, H. E. Phone. 1264.W.

Bee dlaplay adver tlaement In tbla luue.


"enkln.. Vha.. L.103 Dudley ave. Pbone. H ~ ' H .

CONTRAVTORS.James Fratantonl &: Sons. 2311IIampden AnSee display advertisement In this ISBue

DENTISTSOrr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. I'bone. an ·w.Phl la. Phone. Fi lbert 4262. Keltb BIde.

Schembs, Dr. J oh n. P ho ne Narberth 316-W.Cor. Grayling and Windsor aves.OMce Hours until 9 P. M. dally.

DRUGOI!!TI!Howard'.. Pbone. 1267.

Bee dlaplay adverUaement In tbl. I.. ue.


Case, W. G. Phone. 395-W.See display nd.-ertisemenl In this iBBue.pugh . Veri 226 lona ave.Na r. Pb one . 650·W. A rd . P bo ne . 111-J.

INSUItANCE.Bowman, Samuel P . (Life. )

116 E lmwo od av... P bo ne , 6U-W.!'rotter Bro.. (Fi re. etc. )

209 Woodalde ave. Pbone. un-R.Wimer. Wm. Wood. 100 Fore.t Avenue.

Phone. 326 R.Campbell, Fr ..nk D. Automobi le. Fire. etC.4 Stnart Ave. Phone . 395 -R .

LAWYER!!Gilro" "olm 211 Eaaex ave. PboDe. 1I4&-R.Pbl l&. addreaa. LInco ln Bide.

Iltlte.. Fletcher W. 411 Haver fo rd ave .Phone. l a .w Pblla. addre.. . Crozer Bide.

LIGHTING FIXTURESl IeDonald . .ohn . Narberth phone. UII.

lU I Cbeat.•t .. Pblla. Pbon•• Spruoe 1116.

~ I E A T S . ETV.Votior, Boward Jr. Pbone. Ut i .See d lapl ay adver tl aement In t bl a I.. ue.



Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.

Early Mass on Sundays at 7 A. M.

Late Mass, 10 A. M.

~ £ a s s c s on h ol y d ay s, 6.30 and 8.30

A. M. Weekdays o.t 8 . Evening devo

tions an d other services at regular


Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.

.~ . 1 : ; A. ~ r . - H o l y COIlllllunion.

!IAil A. M.-Chureh School.

11.00 A. ~ f . - : M o r n i n g - Praycr awl Ser-



Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.

Rev. Malbone H . Bi rckhead, Associate.

NflU1l of tIff OLlfurrl!es



~ I o n t g o m e r y P ike , Narber th , wo.s estab

lished 1682. Here William Penn wor

s hi ped, a s well as m an y o th er noted

Friends. One of t he h i s to r ica l spots of

America is open fo r worship every

F ir st .d ay ( Su nd ay ) m or ni ng at 11

o'clock. First·day School begins at 10

A. ~ I Visitors cordially invited.

'fhe First-day School i s he ld e ve ry

First·day morning at te n 0 'c lock . Thereis a class f or a du lt s as well as fo r

childrcn, an d we nrc v er y g lad to h av e

a ny on e w ho is interested in knowing

more about ou r Society o f F ri en ds a nd

t he F r ie ndl y ideas v is it w it h us.

Page 4: Our Town June 25, 1921

8/7/2019 Our Town June 25, 1921

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-june-25-1921 4/4

YOIl Ret 25 to 85%.Actual O\·erstrer.r:tbin a 1I1ellinrrer ExtraPl y Tire. Danger ofstone hruise or b ~ o w outs is ret:uced to a

lninlnlUm. Mellin:;er E:.:tra.F ly T ire s Bro Hand III::doof. Super-Vitalized. Wh it on u b b e r - ~ \ ' o thll Vacuumtread a rl Ilrll '


GUARANTEED8000 MILESOur representati\'o wl1 l te!1 yoUt he s av ing YOU lIlal;e in buyingMel ling er T !res . A !s o ask about

, , Mellinger Speolal Tires . •, ~ lIUality :tire at a POl'ulBJ:101 Priee.


WALKER L. OWEN6 2 6 Dudley Ave.


A 'Quality For

People Who

Want The Best

Stat ioner" . M.gezlne•• Candie.





HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and HeatingN A R B E R T H PA

Phone, Na.rber th 1602-J

Groceries and Provisions

Cotter's Meats

441 Brookhurst Ave., Narberth

259 North Fifth Street.

Market 0471, Philadelphia.

We Furnish Refinish an d Repair

Brass Bedsteads, Andiron Fenders,

Lamps, Chandeliers,

Brass an d Bronze Rail ings, Gri ll es

Church and Moving Picture Outfits

Electro Plat ing


.,\lfre'd F. Whitman, s ec re ta ry o f t he

l'ennsylyania H. P. C. C. ( Soci et y t o

Protec·t Children frolll C ru el ty ), i s a t

tell<ling th e unnnal session of th e Nu

tional COllferenc'e of Ror'ial 'Vork in

~ l i l w a l 1 k l ' e , \Yis.

The new pr i ce o f Chan dl e r C a rs . F. o. B.factory. With Cord '1ires.

Tour ing • $ 1 7 9 6Roads t e r - 17915Dispatch 1876Coup . - 2 7 9 8Sedan 2 8 9 6Limousine • • 33915

We ar e th e direct agents fo r Chandle r Cars in Narberthand vicinity, and have fitted up a first-class Service Stat ion.



?III'S. Eo L. Stnpp, 2:!O Wayne :lVenue,

I'uh'rtainecl at her homp last Saturday

nfteJ'lloon and e\ 'ening t he Auxi li ar y

of the All Wo rk Tog et he r Soc ie ty of

th " Gethsemane Baptist Church, Phila

delphia, on their annnal ou ti ng . I t

\\":IS th e consensus o f opinion that it

was th e "hes t <"'er" of a ll their pic

nics. T h i r t ~ - - t w o were present., and

w it h t he e ye ni ng fa r spent reluctantly

took th('ir departur<', erow,ling th e bus,

whi l' li i s proving quite a eonven iellee

to th e p eo pl e' o f Xarhcrth, singing,

" 'Til \Ye ::\feet Again," as they wcnd

ed their way homeward.

45th and Parrish Sts.

sively t.hat At lant ic C i ty is 1101. want

ing in musical eyell t s which appeal to

cultura l in t erest s of t he r eso rt an d

c it y, a nd t he exceptional list of artists

hooked a s soloists is ano ther ev idence

of the fact that. Atlantic C ity is t.he

lueeea of the JIIostexe1usive musical

enthusiasm.' ,

Pat r Ick F. Donahue

Authorized Taxi Service. I)y Cntificatefrom Public Se,vice Commls

lion, dated November 16, 1920.Taxi meets all trains.Store orders prom,:t1y called for an d

delivered. BaRgagecalled for anddel ive red . Freight delivered.

Open Day and N ight Phone 1633

FRED WALZER31ltsUrl' of t ~ l ' Jrate

Insurance o f al l k inds

A uto Licen ses Re nts Collected

Marriage Licenses

Affadavits fo r Income Ta x

Workmen's Compensation


Phone, Narb.rtb-1247.J


(Continued from page 1)

NalbCrlh Taxi S c r ~ c cNOTIOE




Past eur i zed Milk I DELIVERIES

B r y n d o ~ ~ l k c e r t l l l e d WEST PHILA.

(Pedr la l l c Sude ty) OVERBROOH

Spec ia l .. Guernse 'y .. MERION


(Rober ts ' &: Sharp les .. ' Bi\LA-CYNW'V

Dair ies) NARBt RTH

Cream BuUern . l lk ARDMORE

T ab le a n d W h ip pi ng WYNNEWOODCream.


night, t .he Htl"' ] Pi!'r nlalJ:lgl'nll'nt 01'

fl'J'l',1 a fpstival ('ont'prt that surpasse(l

an y lIIusipal p\"l'nt hl"lr!1 hpJ'l ' for sOllle

tillle. The progralll opl'n(',l with th e

O\'ertul'(', 'EurY:lIltlll',' I , ~ - thp Lf.lllan

8 . " l I I p h o n ~ - On'I,,'''tra, l'oIlowed h ~ ~ t l ' a l 1 : - ' s ' 'Grf' l , tinp; to ~ p r i n g ' , ' Sl1lig hy

t11l' entirp Choral :-:'ll'id. '-. 'I 'he singers\\"l're in l'x"l'II('nt v"iee, an,l lillI"] tIl('

largp hall ,dth a ol ,' ] ightful hh'lllling

of \ 'OJ ( ' l ' :-:Ol1nd:.-.

'1.a:-08i(1 0' ::\11I1e,' 11." th..- THalli ( · ! 1 0 r \ l ~ .and ' .l\l:1 III nlY 's Lullaby.' hy tIll' laclies'

chorus, was \\"l'1l re('pi\"'tl, as was ' 01 '

Car ' lina, ' sung hy all till' lIlelnhers of

thp Hodely. 'The . l \ l l ' o l h ' ~ - from the

Honth,' also sung hy th,> entir!' Chorus,

\\"as r('el'i\,eol with inl l' l 'II l it tpnt han, l

I'lapping a s thl' va rious parts \\'ere

h(!Hl'd, ' ] ) ixie' l"Pl'IHin:,.r to lIlo:-;t please

the majority of thl ' l ist , 'nt ' rs.

Th(' Br ida l Chorus frolll t he ' Ho se

~ I a i t l l ' n ' was anoth,'r nu III 11('1' which

p a r t i e u l a r l ~ ' appea!c'cl, as di,l also the

"losing nUll llwr, \ \"hi"h perhaps was

Inost appn,('jat('tl , as it not o n l ~ - hrought

out all that \\"a" I ll 's t in t he s ingers ,

hut showl',1 t o u l lu sua l advantage how

l 'x eppt ional was t hp a h i l i t ~ · o r th e Le

man Orche st ra . 'Th(' \ 'i l lage Black

"lilith,' hy Xoyes, a eantata, charmed

('\'eryone pn'sl'nt, an,l sel'\'e,l as an ap

propriatl' elose to a I ll us ie al t rl 'a t. such

as JIIusi,· I O ~ l ' r s in Atlantic City ha\'e

s"lf lom hacl an o p p o r t u n i t ~ - to l'njoy."

Thl' Atlantic City ] ) a i l ~ ' PI'l'''''




"The immense lIlu"ic hall on the enll

of the ::iteel Pier was o pe ne d t o the

puhlic I a ~ t night with a fl 'stival con

l ' er t wh ieh attraetl'ol thousanels to t.he

famous structure 0\ '( '1 ' thp s('a. The

Xarher t.h Chora l S o c i e t ~ · , a hUIHl red

trainetl voice!l with their ,lit'ector, Prof.

Clarence C. Xiet', sen'e,1 t o h ei gh ten

the interest to a high p it l' h i n tI,C in

augul'ation of thp sum Iller season, alter

nating with Mr. Leman's augmenteel

orchestra, ill t hp r eu di ti on o j a pro

gram that wil l l ong Ill' relllemhel'l'cl as

one or t he ehi ef Illu"il'al evcnt s o f the



(Continu(',j frmll J ' a ~ e 1)



Carroll Downes.


W. It. D. Hall, President,

'ViJliam .T. Henderson,

Daniel Lei tch,Hugh Brown,

A. P. Redi fer ,

" 'al ton ~ \Ventz.

Carl B. Metzgar,

Secr e ta r y o f Councils,

Charles V. Noel.

Borough Treasurer ,

E dw in P . Dold.

Borough Solicitor,

Fletcher W. Stites.

Street Commissioner,

George Suplee.

Ta x Collector,

Raymond C. Jones.


Carden 'Val'ller.

Building Inspector,

J. Taylor Darlington.

Counci l meets in Council Room,

Elm Hall, at 8 P. M. on the second Mondayin each month. Meet ings ar c open to th e public. Committees of Council meet on- theWednesday enning immediately

preceding t.he monthly meet ing ofCouncil.




'fhe Choral's Jirst nllmber, 'Greeting

to Spring, ' created a wnye of enthusi

asm, dell lol lst . rnt i llg clearly that the

Xnrberth Chornl 80eiet.)' h as n ot only

h een wel l tl'nine,l bu t is an organizu

tion that will rank witlt the best chor

uses ill th e eoullt.ry.

Two choruses, olle fo r male !lingers

a ll d Rnother fo r wOlllen 's voices, sang

with splenclid ens'emble, attack anc l e f

fectively shacled.

These eoneerts demonstrated eonclu-

n a s t n ~ and George, canght hy a sud

<len shower, ha,l Ill'en forced to seck

sh('lter under n t. ree ."D c ra in 's heginnin' to cOllie through

<lis trl'p," complaine,l George.

"] \[ak('s no <lifTerenee," Rastus in

formed hilll. "" 'hen <lis one '!I we t clean' through w(' '11 gp t ano ther 'one."


'fhat isn 't

\Vatl'h! What d ' ~ ' l ' want

\Vrit(' it , lown on a pipce

,. XI:)," he :-;aid, "no .

,\dolph. "

"\ \ 'at l 'h!

:t \\"ateh for

o f p ap er ."

".Jonas," oraerl'cl the ranller. "Al l

thl' elocks ill the hOlls(' hu"e r t ln dowlI.

WiRh you's hiteh up allfl ri,le do\\"n to

the junction a ll ll f ind out " ,hat time it

is.' ,

"T ain 't got a \ \"a tl 'h. \Vi ll you Il'lIa

111(\ on!"'?"



Privat.e ::\riehaelson ha<1 ';lccllpie,l his

time in t.lll' monotonous watch on th e

Hhine in training a eoot. ie to ao tricl{s

a 1111 ha,l achieved SUell RII(,l'eRR t.hat lie

, ,-as aRke,l t o e xh ih it him at a < li nn er

at. whi('h th e 1\lIlrgomaster an d ,otherlocal eelehrities ,youW he present.

.lust as t he s tu nt was to he pullell,

the privat(' a n n o l l l H ~ I ' < l that Adolpll, th e

one an'] ] lPerless Allolph, ha<1 diRap

pl 'an 'l1 . ' I'h(' r (' was a franti, ' r.<earch.

F i n a l l ~ ' th e hurgolllaster <1iseovered

s O l l l e t h i n ~ IIn,IN the .Japel of his

hl':lll,l doth eoliaI'.

"l\[l'in young frien<1,", he prodaimed

p r o l 1 0 1 1 ~ ' an<1 with dignit.y, ho ld i ng h i s

f'at"h aloft, "I , d('r hurgomaster him

"1'1f, havc him gefOJlntl."

The priYatl' l ouke ,l h iJ lI over and

" a d l ~ - s ho ok h is h ead.

IIIlsSlon ,before cutting o r p ru ni ng an y

shufle t re e u nd er t he care of th e Shade

'1'rl'e ,Commision and will ,he required

to properly t r im o r p run e s uch s hade

tre,'s ><0 that th e trees will no t be

injured or dnmage<1 hy any pole s o r

win's on 1111blie highwa y". T he ex

pense to h e h or ne lly sai'] Public Ser

viee Oorporntion.

Sueh eompanies or eorpornt ions wi ll

Iw require,l t.o remove and replace

wires a t t he ir I'Xfj,ense. on puh li c h igh

w a ~ ' s , at th e r equest o f t he Shade ' fr e e

COllllllisRion, for the planting or re

mon tl o f sllade trees.

Fines. '1'he Shade T re e Comlllission

,\"ill notify Borough Council o f a ny in

fm.ction of th e for('goiJlg rules and

\\"i11 imp oRe a l in e of 'I'en nO ) Dollars

for an y a ll ll e ae ll infraction. Such

fines to he (·olle<'l(,.<J as l ll 'odd l' r l ~ l la\\"o

Ap]>ro\"('d ~ I a y ~ 8 ]!l21,

Narberth Borough COlmcil.



"Li"tl'II," saia O'RnlliYal!. " I J'l'ad

ill thl' paper ahout a guy h('ill' fine,]

tl'n hueks f or h l' at in g up his 01,1 C. O.

[ ) ' ~ - ( ' t hi uk it \\'as worth i t ? "

"\ \ 'orth it ?" l'ja"1I1atl'd o 'Bourk,'.

"Ha,1 it lll'l'll III('Sl']f I '01 of Itandl',l

him a n extra c]ollar. "

"\\ 'oul,r ~ ' no\\"? .\11,1 \\"1t:t1 fol'?"

. tLllXUI ' . ' · tax."


Pat, latply OVl'r, was :put to work

jn a J 'H il roud J rieght ~ ' a r , l , hu t was

later transl'l'rre,l to t hl ' t l' le ph on e

s\\"it.ehhoaJ"1. 'I'h(' huzzer huzze,l and

he IlppP:laehl'11 th e inst rument eautious


, , Hello, " he \'ouehsafe,1.

"Hello," nnswprcd n \'oiet-. "l H this

eight.-six-four-eight~ " I am not.," retorte<1 Pa t \\"rathfully.

" 'Tis in th e yards ye' ll lin,l th c hox

cars. "


The visitor in the r at he r h i" k to\\"n

hli ll se l'n nothillg rl'lu:\l'kal,ll' until Ill'

eaml' to thl' imposillg SdIOOlhouSI',

which was fnr morl' p rden ti ous t han

~ - ' y t h i l l g l1:<e in thl' dllagl'.

" R eems p r et ty big fo r a p l: ll 'c of

this size," he eOIllJIII'ntl'(1.

"\Vell," all!lwcl'e<1 ~ [ r . Sho\\"'JII, "Wl'

Iiggere<1 ou t it \\"as the 'Ill'st way to

encouruge the young foll{s. ',

"No , s ir ," s ah l th c 01<1 murr ied man

proudly, "I lly wife isn't g1 \'en to slllall

tulk at alL"

"Lora, hu t you're lucky!" ejaculat.

cd t.he newly-wed, wh o w as heginning

t o fi nt l o ut t hi ng s about t I ll ' ge ll t .le r


" Sir, I said small talkl "

Narberth ShadeTree Commission


The Finches .

\\'h('n we speak of slm I 'I 'OW8 or

fin,'hes most of us think of th e fa

miliar little gamin uf our c,ity streets,

t h e honse spar row, which is r ea ll y n ot

II nllth'e hiI'd, hut lin importat ion from


Yet we ha\ ' (' iu Ame ri cl I a large fam

ily of sl1:lrrows, whieh, likc all our

our economie l i fe , lIlllI which iuchllles

some of our most heautiful singtlrs.

Lidng largely on s('eds, they art' pro

v id ed w it h s tr on g, stout hills, with

which t h ( ' ~ ' c'rush their 1'00'1. Since the

finches constitute our l ar ge st n a ti v e

family, an,l the seetls eat('n ar e almost

exclusi\'ely we(',l spetls, their value to

agricultu!'<' is diflieult to over ·est imate,

\Ye dwellprs in suhurllllll ,l istricts

ar e not g r e a t l ~ · c'oncerne,l with the

farmers ' trouhles, ye t e \ ' e r ~ · t h i n g that

increases thc eost of prot luet ion a·lds a

corrcspon,ling amount to th e p rip e o f

1'00'] in ou r eit.'· markets. 1'40 Wl' shoulcl

he grat"ful to t hese l it t le h rown frienc)s

t h at g a the r in Hoeks in olir f ip lds a ll ll

f ur ro ws , e ac h fall tlevouring great

quantities o f h un lo ek , ra g wee,l, pig

wpe,l, thistles, ,IHllllelion seed, all the

familiar Iws ts , i n faet, that would if

uneheeked 1>: a melw"e indee'1.

The mos t f :u lI i li ar mellll,,'r of this

fa tuil . '· i s thl' sOllg sparro\\', n'eognize,l

h ~ thl' dark spot on his hreast. This

h iI 'd i s a h \ " : I ~ ' s with us, he sings at the

first hint uf spring alld h is s on g is as

IH'autiful :IS a n ~ - e a n a r ~ " s that was l'v('r

C:II'("1. E q u a l l ~ ' 1 0 \ ' ( ' I ~ - is the song of

the f ie ld spal ' l'ow that ,'OIlIl'S to U8

aeross thl' fieltls of rip('niug gr:lin or

thl' plaint ive" I,,'a hody" of the whitl'


Th(' familiar gold lillC'h, with his

h lal ' k wil lg s and eap, and th(' hrilliant

indigo hunting al't' thp most gorgl'O\1S

IlIl'lIIlwrs of this f a m i l ~ ' , though thl'.'

e:lIl11ot r i, -a l 80n ll ' of th<'ir plainl'r

( 'ou" in s in song.


?lfny ! !th , ] !l2L

'1'he ::ihade Tree Commissiou assumes

l ' x c l l l ~ h e and abso lu t e eust ody :md con

t ro l o f, an d p ow er t o plant, set out,

remo,'c, maintain, proted allll care fo r

sll3dc' trees on all p ub li c h ig hways o f

th e Borough of Narherth, :\s shown

on blue print map of cha rt o f such high

ways approved iby Borough Oouncil.

'I'he spraying of all s t ree t t recs unll

pruning of all th e street t re es in so

f ar t ha t th e l ower b ranchcs 01' limbs

will no t be a nuisance to pe,lcstl'iun,; or

,"chicles und will not interfere with

st reet l ight ing, will he o rdered hy an d

unuer th e direct su pc n- bio n o f t he

Shade ' fr ee Commission; th e c osts of

Budl maintaiuance und earl ' to be paid

by Borough Councils as provided hy

Ac t of ~ [ u y 31st, 1907, llutl\Orizing

Shade T re e Commissions a nd th c Gen

e ra l Bor ou gh Act of ~ f a y 14, 1915.

\Vritteu authori7.ation from any mem

be r o f th e Shade 'I'ree C{l!:'llIission will

be requ i red befo re an y tree on th e pub

lic h ig hw ay s a rc to b e p la nt ed , re

moved, pruned or sprayed.

\Vri tten authorization from ; Iny mem

be r of th e Shade Tree Commission will

b e r eq ui red fo r digging soil surround

i ng a ny shade tree on t he pub li c Iligh

ways, to II. d ep th exeeedi ng o ne foot.

within II. distance equal to tweh'e (12)

, times th e diameter of t he t ree .

'frunks of all trees on pub li c h igh

wayn of th e Borough ar c to he 1)1'0

t ec ted d ur in g th e construction or re

llair o f a ny noorby huildings in a man

ne r approved by th e Shade Tree Com


Public Utilities CorporatiQlIs o r P ub

l ic Serv i ce Corpora ti ons ;ve required

to oecure' written a u t h o I i ~ t i o n , from

any- m( mber o th e Sh,ade Tree Com-