our town october 31, 1925

PRICE THREE CENTS MANY ACTIVITIES AT JUNIOR HIGH ISSUE PAPER MONTHLY Students O rg an iz e T we lv e New Clubs Under Faculty Advisers. OVER A MILLION DEP OSITS Th e Merion Title an d Trust C om pa ny p as se d t he o ne m i ll i on mark in deposits for th e Narberth office. A report to the Board of Directors at t he ir m ee ti ng M on d a y e v en i ng showed that the de posits fot reached total of $1,059,000. This office w a s o pe n ed in August, l!J15, an d has shown a s t e a dy g r o wt h . Nar b er th h as just cause to be proud of t hi s i ns ti tu ti on a nd t he fine showing made. Make no date for November 1 9- L ut he ra n C hu rc h s au er k ro ut s up per. vVith a new group of students as r epo rt er s a nd e di to rs t he N ar berth Junior High S c h oo l launches t hi s w e ek the first issue of its regu la r w e ek l y s ch oo l department in "Our Town." Th e 12 c lu bs w hi ch have been o rg an iz ed t hi s year have made s ch oo l l if e more pleasant. The c lu bs h av e meetings every Thurs day afternoon. Th e following are the clubs a d the teachers in charge: Glee Club-Miss Frickie. Travelers' Club-Miss Eckbert. Arts and Crafts-Miss Jantzer. Boys' Camp Cookery-Miss Eames. Junior Dramatic Club-Miss Yarnall. Senior Dramati c Club-l\Jrs. Els- bree. Scribblers' Club-Miss Chapman. Classical Club-Miss Tyson. Science Club-Mr. Oerlein. .-\esthetic Dancing-Miss Church. Boys' Gym Club-Mr. Oerlein. Current Events-l\Ir. Burnham. Each Friday a different club IS giving a program in a ss em bl y to mak e it mor e interesting. In as sembly t he 2 5t h a few boys of the n.inth g r ad e d r am a ti z ed a play en t1tled "A l\'Iidsummer Night's Dream." The characters were: Quince-Francis Pugh. Bottom (Pyramus)-Ma1coJm Forsyth. Flute (Thisbe)-Dick Banks. LOCAL D. A. R. MEMBERS Stan'eling-Vestus Spindler. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Snout-Chick Ross. -- Snug- Jerrv Casey. S ta te C on ve nt io n to Be Held in 1'1 GI C:I 1 I Phi ladelphia Ne xt Week. :e • ee u J a so gave an en- , . . M..' tertamment. An announcement The twenty.-mnth anl1l1<l1 ; : , t a ~ e 1 was-made by Nellie Fratantoni the conference ot the P ~ n n s y l v a 1 1 1 a secretary of the Glee Club. A 'duet Da.ughters. th.e A m e n c a l ~ R e \ : o ~ entitled " B i 1 1 ~ Boy" was sung by lutlon, on mVltatlOn t he . \s so cl a E ve ly n J ef fn es (taking the boy . Shapters o,f P h : l a d e l p h ~ a an:l part) and V ir gi ni a D ou gl as s ( t ak v ~ c m : t y , meets. I ~ ~ . P I : t l a ( ~ ~ l p h t a next i ng t he girl part). It certainly was ;' eeL The : - i e ~ : - i I O l b \\ III be held a p p re c i at e d b y all of the pupils. 1 1 the Belle.vue-S\ratford. On Harry l \ Ie s s e c, a graduate of the 1,uesday . evenm.g, November 3, a class of 19 2 5, visited the school and dmner ,-vtll b.e glven.by.the Regents sml"a solo for us. )'Jr. Spratt ac Club ot . Phlladelphm 111 h on or of c o n ~ p a n i e d him. the p r eS I de nt g e ne r al , )'Irs. An- ' .' thony \Vayne Cook, an d t he S ta te The. fra'elers Club also has ac- regent, l\(rs. J olm Brown Heron. compltshed g ~ e a t deal. Two of a nd S ta te a nd national officers are the m e m h e l ~ Elea:lOr Templeman guests. A f te r t he d in ne r l\1r. H. and J e . , ~ · e l F l t t lp o l d l: h a v e collected H . . -\rnold, U. S. A .. chief of in- clolls ho m the o th er m em be rs of formation dh'ision of the air s e rv ic e , ! I; e club and have dressed them. ,,,ill give a lecture illustrated by mo- I hey sent the111 away t.o t he Red tion pictures. Cross for. t he P ?o r c ht ld re n. . , Th e SCrIbblers Cl ub u nd er the T h e f o rm al open1l1g ot the con- I f),I' CI' t ference comes on \Vee!nesday morn- c .ar g l e 0 1 •. .1apman, n er- . ' t ' I t tl . '11 I -' tamer t le pt.lplls 111 assembly on mg. .'- 111g 1 lele \\ I Je a mu"l- tl ?1 -t l\I .. I c al in the ballroom, followed by a le· tt - \ . tl any ~ n g m ~ tI formal reception to officers and WrI en y le m em e rs 0 le c u members. Business s es s io ns w il l b e COXTINCED 0:-;- THE SECOND PAGE held Thursday morning and a trip to Valley Forge in the afternoon. CELEBRATE REFORMATION Thursday evening the speakers are Local Lutheran-S-J-o-in in World·Wide B ri ga di er G en er al A mo s F ri es , of Event. the C h em i ca l \Velfare Service, and Harry T. Atwood, p r e si d e n t of the It o ug ht to be the gladdest mes- Constitution Anniversary Societv. sage to the American people to re- .l mind them of the return of the ref Friday t he S t at e luncheon precedes .' ormatioll season. Fo r the nailinf,T of the clos 1l 1g seSSIOn. L' the 95 t he s es o n t he c hu rc h d oo r o f _.\ l a rg e a t te n dance is expected \Vittenherg in 1517 and the preach f ro m t he c ha pt er s in P en ns yl va ni a. ing of t he g os p el of civil, religiotls which includes m or e t ha n 10,000 and c hu rc h f re ed om be gan t ha t members. mighty movement of the s i xt e en t h The delegates from Dr. Benj a m in century. :Much m e an t t he deli\'er Rush C ha pt er of Narberth are: ance of t he c hu r ch from bondage, 1\lrs. F. B. Du l \I au s a nd M is s : \ Ia - m en 's souls f ro m d ar k ne ss a nd sent rie Gorin. :Mrs. H. 111. Chalfant. a wave of w o n dr o u s s al v at i on and rdrs. F. H. Hewitt and Mrs: liberty t h ro u gh o ut t he world: all Charles l\I. Irwin are m e mb er s of Protestant churches are coming the H o sp i ta l it y Committee. more and 1110re to so me gen er al Mrs. C. A rl e y F a rm e r, M r s. John specific observance of this great C. Nash a nd M rs . Toseph Miller time of the year and t he y s h 9 ukl , will a ct a s p ag es f ro n1 the' Dr. Ben- b ec au se it is r en de ri ng t ha nk s to jamin Rush Chapter. God for the largest and most preci- ous blessings of heaven-a free church! a free n a ti o n, and a free salvation! vVe Lutherans will observe this memorable event with special serv ices and a c la ri on c al l through the g r ea t es t s e rm o n t h ey can preach. On November 8, i n t h e m or ni ng . the Lutherans of Philadelphia will hold a reformation celebration, and November 10, in the :Metro p o li t an O p e ra House of that city. at 8 in the evening. Dr. Tulloss, the president of Artlmrborg College, Springfield, Ohio, w il l s pe ak . ' 1' ha t g r ea t a ss em bl y r oo m is o pe n a nd free to all. An offering will be taken, solely to meet the expenses. Everybody is invited. open to all citizens w ho w is h either to witness or present matters at th e sessions, and that there have been bu t half dozen brief executive s e ss i o ns in a num ber of y ear s. C ou nc il men also point to the fact that u nd er t he regime of President \V. R. D. Hall the f in an ce s o f t he Borough h av e b e en brought f r om c h ao s to comparative stability. Of th e five candidates o n ly o n e. Daniel Leitch, is at present a member of Council. President Hall, Hugh vV. Brown and \Valton l\;1. \Ventz did not run for re·election. An interesting point i n t he cam paign is the s er i es o f c h ar g es a n d counter-charges that c o nf u s io n of n am es m ad e a big diff e re n ce in primary results. Mr . \Vohlert be lieves that many voted for H. L. \\ ' oehling, t hi nk in g t he y we re casting their ballot for him. ) 'I r. \Voehling's friends say that a sub s t an ti a l n u mb e r of S ou th S id e votes w e nt t he o th er w a y b ec au se of a similiar confusion. In his advertisement 11r. \Vohl e rt c la im s that many of Mr. Kaeber's t al l ie s c a me to h im he cause th e voters believed it wa s T. J. Cabrey. On the other hand, tIle " ol d c ro wd " a ve rs t ha t th e popu larity of t h e p r es e nt Council lead er. \\T. R. D. Hall. gave many mis taken votes to his less kno\vn n a m es a k e, J o h n R. Hall. .-\nd s o i t g oe s. Th e discussions COXTINrED 0: \ T H E S EC O: \D P AG E DECLARE DIVIDEND Th e B oa rd of Directors of Th e Merion T i tl e a nd Trust Company, at t h e ir meeting held Monday eve n i n g. d e cl a re d the r eg ul a r 4 per c e n t. d i v i d en d , p a ya b l e N o ve m b er 2, to s to c kh o ld e rs of record at c lo se of b us in es s September 30. They also t ra ns fe rr ed f ro m un d i v i d ed p r o f it s t o s ur pl us t he s um of $100,000. DINNER·DANCE T h e N a rb e rt h T e nn i s Association will h o ld t he ir annual dinner-dance on Friday e ve ning, :November 2 0, in E lm H al l. It IS e x pe c te d that every club member and many of their f r ie n ds w il l a tt en d a nd pro visions are being made to c ar e f or a capacity crowd. As i n y ea rs p as t t he w in ne rs of the various club events during the past season will be p r es e nt e d w i th prizes. Th e dinner will be followed by dancing, with music by the Gil pin O r ch e st r a o f N a r be r t h. Reservations should be made at once through 'vV. D. R. Evans or anyone of the entertainment COI11 m it te e, w hi ch is a s follows: E. A. Shubert, E. A ch te rm an a nd J oh n B. Wine. W ohlert-Kaeber Council Scrap Only Election Contest Tuesday NARBERTH, PA., SATURDAY, OCTOBE R 31, 1925 CHAPERONES AT HOUS E PARTY 1'1 rs. J. T. Howenstein, 129 Chestnut avenue,N arberth, and 1\1 rs. J. E. Burrell, 507 Valley View Road, Merion. have r e t u rn ed h om e a f te r spending the week end at State C o ll e ge , Pa., where they acted a s c ha pe ro ne s f or t he h ou se p a rt y given at Phi Gamma D e lt a F r at e rn i ty house. SWING TO BOYD'S WAGON APPARENT Mrs. A d ol p h V o ge l is entertain i ng h er m ot he r, Mrs. John Whit ten, of Huntington, West Vir ginia. MIDSHIPMEN J ac k C un ni ng ha m a nd D on al d B. Heckel were two Narberth b oy s w ho received their diplomas f ro m t he training ship Annapolis this week. RECEI VING CONGRA TULATI ONS ?\Ir. and 1I r s. C. M. B el t z, of Brookhurst avenue, are being con gratulated on t h e b i r th of a daugh tel', G e rt r ud e E l v a, on October 21- l\Ir. and Mrs. John A. Snyder a re r e ce i vi ng congratulations the birth of a son, \VilIiam. JUNIOR C OM M UN IT Y C LU B NOTES "Hallowe'en IS the time for revelry." So say we all, but the J un io rs ( an d some Seniors) stole a march on f o l ks thi s y ea r a nd cele br at ed t he ir p ar ty la st Thursday evening, when. despite the rainy mght, g oo dl y n um be r t u rn e d out. And oh, such c l ev er c o st u me s I There w er e t ra mp s, d ud es , ballet girls, old-fashioned gir l s, p ie r ro t s, fannerettes, l it tl e t ot s from ages two to six, grandmothers, spinsters. flappers and w o u ld - be s w ai n s. The "Virginia Reel" was m u ch t oo irk some f or the "coy maids of the 'sixities," but the "Charleston" was easily toed by these "old gals," The u nc a nn y , w e ir d a nd s po ok y gh os t stories p r ov e d a l to g e th e r too real istic f or c om fo rt . A nd with a Hal lowe'en p ar t y, o f course, goes Hal lowe'en eats. The p ar ty w as voted a howling success I 3lCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Inter-Church league Is Under Way with Ne w Se t of Rules. '.';.; COMPLAIN OF PRANKS. Many compl aints w er e re gi s tered with Lower M er i on p o li ce this week by irate resi ents - aga in st Hal lowe ' en pranks per- R es ul ts of F or me r S en at or 's D e m oc r a ti c C a n di d a t e, M a k i ng Strong Bid fo r Split Ballots, Backed petr lted upon them by young- C f by S t re e t G r ou p . sten·. Deflated automobi le tires, on erences egln b ro ;: :n w in do ws a nd m is si ng to Show. p or ch f ur ni tu re were the m os t \Nith c al m s ea s and c l e ar s k ie s irequent things reported. -- p ro 1l 1i se d in nlost parts of next "'HId Hallowe'en f un is nne," MacDONALD NOT OUT Tuesday's election in Narberth. s ai d. o ne r e s ident airing his com- -- one cont est has arisen w hi c h p r om - plai;1t, "but it i s n' t fun when 1 l' . Th e f ul l schedu le for the irst return to your parked car at!er \ Vi th t he g en er a e ect lOn on Ises to e nl iv en an otherwise dull half of the season of the 1 nt er - \' is it ing f ri ends t o find t he a ir o ut Tuesday holding th e centre of th e election. church B o wl i ng f League has been (If;rll your tires and some of I political stage, talk about p r o ba b l e A nt on E mi l vVohlert, Demo- 1 you': car windows broken. T ha t I 1 fi h . h "1 . announced, as well as t re- is f ~ 1 ~ l e of the \ 'a nd al is m p ra c- ine-ups ane g ts 111 t e 1\ pn - ancl political petrel, cent ly adopted rules,governing .the tic'c "r by the gang of boys that maries n ex t s pr in g have been IS making a d e t er m i n ed e f f or t to contests this year. fhe more 1m- pan; oe the stre ets. " forced i nt o t he ba ck g ro un d t hi s break t he Republican slate for 1 ) or tan t r ul es a re those covering Par ents were requested to week. Bu t still th e g os si p p er - C ou nc il and W1I1 the se at at the curh' their maurading off- eligibili ty, registration and d u ~ s . springs. sists. expense of Clarence Kaeber. To b e e li gi bl e t o membershIp on Indkations t ha t t he c ou nt y Re- Mr. vVohl e rt is backed by the a ny t ea m one must he a men:bcr HEARING GRANTED p u b li c a n o r g an i z at i o n will s wi ng D em ocra ts, by t he S tre et 1m- of the church or of some orga l1 1 za - to fclrmer Senator James S. B o yd , p r ov e m ent Association, and by tion in the church he represents amI BU S PROTESTERS of:t\ orristown, as candidate to op- those of N ar be rt h' s v ot er s w ho m us t h av e attended some religious pose State Senator Fletcher \\'. have a crow to pick with the pres- service of thechurch within a month - - - Stites, of N a rb e rt h , a re b e co mi n g e n t Councilmanic body. of t he d at e of any scheduled match Wynnewood an d Merion Will m or e a nd m or e ~ p p a r e n t . B ?y d A t t he S ep te mb er p ri ma ri es Mr . in w hi ch he participates. Oppose New Route on has b e en s pe ne hn g m uc h t nn e · \V oh le rt ran 21 votes behind Mr . Each team must have at least November 12. touring the c ou nt y i nt e rv i ew i ng K a eb e r for nomination on the Re- hree r e g i st e r e d members who shall - - - friends and appearing at meetings publican ballot. Th e four Repub- not be eligible to bowl on a ny other A no th er h ea ri ng on t he applica- of polit ical workers. Tw o of these l ica n n om in ee s a re R ob e r t F. team. tion of the Philad e l p hi a Suburban appearances were made in Lower I'Wood, Daniel Leitch, John R. Dues of t e am m e mb e rs for each Transit Company for permission to ' Me ri on t hi s w ee k when he addres- H al l a nd Clarence Kaeber. Th e lalf of the season are 50 cents. run a new b us r ou te d ow n \ Vy nn e- s ed f ir st a meeting of t he L o we r D em oc ra ts n om in at ed M es sr s. AlI m at ch es a re scheduled on wood R oa d, through ?\'Ierion and :Merion Republican Association, at \-Vood, \Yohlert, H a ll a nd Leitch. M on da y a nd F r id ay e ve ni ng s a s in \Vynnewood. will be held before the the Gene.ral \Vayne Inn, later 1\1r. vVohlert's campaign is built fi 1 I f Ptiblic Service Commission in Room a p- at hen nE" of t he t ow ns hI p R e- abOtlt "everal POI·llt"_'. He clal'nls past years , except the na matc 1 0 0 he first half on Tuesday. December 49 6 , Philadelphia City Hall. on N'o- publican Committee at th e Green that C o un c il d o es n ot p e rm i t citi- 29, inasmuch as Christmas Day falls vember 12. T hi s h ea r in g will be H il l Farms Ho el. z ns to attend all parts of all on the preceding Friday. primarily t o g iv e r es id en ts o f Mer- Th e results of these conferences m ee ti ng s; t ha t ) 'l r. K ae be r did ion and \Vynnewood, who viol ently ane l mee ti n£!"s are being felt. At not b ac k t he street pavin£!" loan, Th e second half of the season b' I I' I L' lect to t lC new 1I1e, a c lance to )J 0rris to w n, headeluarters of a n d, a bo ve all, that it is time the will be inaugurated immediately . I' d VOlce t lelr protests. COtlnty ' L e ad e r C h ar le s J o hn s on , "old crowd" wa s oust ed from after the Christmas holidays an at Tl1ese r e si d en t s have b ee n b om - it is said that scores of letters are Council. t he e nd of. the season prizes will be awarded as follows: barding t he P ub li c Service Com- being received urging org an iz a- On the other hanel, members of mission at Harrisburg with letters tion support of Boyd. Council w ho h av e b ee n b ac ki ng First-Chaml)ion team for the f t t . tl fi pro es ever s1l1ce ley 1 rst C o mm i ss io ne r A n dr ew 1 I ac D on - Mr. Kaeber declare that :\Ir. full season. learned of the application six w e e k ~ aIel, of ~ o r t h :\rdmore, was con- \Vohlert's platform is no t founded Second-Highest individual a v- a go. AlI \\"ho wr9te have been i n- sidering e nt er in g t he field, bu t on f ac t ; t h at Council meetings are erage for fu1l season. f or me d o f t he h ea ri ng by Secretary these , \" er e d is pe 1 l ed yesterday Third-Highest individual s c or es G e or ge C . A nd er so n, o f t he L ow er when the c o mm i ss i on e r d e cl a re d f or t hr ee g am es in one match. l\Ierion Commissioners. 1ndica- that he be not considered as be- WOMA N' S COMMUNI TY CLUB Fourth-Hif!hest individual s c or e t io ns are that a large delegation of· 1'1 TO HOLD FIRST MEETING L' 1 '11 1 1 I I c om 11 1 g a cane Ie ate. -- for a s in gl e game. t lem WI Je on lane to oppose t le . hus line. R el )r e s elltati\'es of the There i s s ti ll much speculatIOn C on ve nt io n R ep or t a nd T ra ve lo g t o M em be rs m u st bowl two-thirds I I I R . V vn ne wo od a nd t he M er io n Civic on t le stane t lat e p r ~ s e n t a t l : e Be Features. of the f u ll season ' s s c h ed u le d g a me s .l L II f \ d II t k s so ci at io ns w il l a ls o attend to . ue ow, 0 . £l.r . more, ,.\:1 .. · e . l l ~ ., T.he,first, regular meeting of the t o . ? , e _ ~ ! i g i ~ ) e . f o r a p ~ i z e . . "protest."··· ,.-." -. 'tliesiji'!iig ~ g l ~ [ -51?ould he s e ek W om a n' s C o m mu n i ty Club will be A s ec on d team h as b ee n e nt er ed 1'1 ttl' tl t \\1 re-electIOn It IS unhkel v that he 11eld Ill tile Y 1\,1 C A at ? I . l e p ro es ers calm la . ynne- . .l •• ., -. by the Baptists t hi s y e ar . Anotler wood Road is t oo narrow for bier WIll be a c c o r ~ l e d . s up po rt by the P. 1\1., T u e sd a y , N o v e m be r This mnovation a p p ea r i n g in the s c he d - b u ss e s and that use of them on that county T o r ~ ' ~ t ~ l I z a . t l O n . . 0' to be a very informal m ~ e t i n g , ule is the matter of t he n ew names t ho ro ug hf ar e w ou ld be a public 1!1 N OI . r1 s to \\ ' n a .\\eek a",o, Just a homey get-together, WIth an adopted by the t e am s s u pe r se d in g m en ac e. They also insist that there \ \ : : 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ l k 1 1 1 g to a C 9 u a l 1 ~ t a ~ l c e s , he e n te r ta i nm e nt entirely by our. ow.n t he S en io r a nd J un io r d es ig na ti on s is no need f or t he line as present 1\ a:-i ,l:-i!,ed ahout hIS pI ,lib. Jest- members. Y ou know that kmd IS of fo.rmer y ~ a r , : : T:1l1s, t h e P re s- l;leans of t r a ns p o rt a t io n ' a re ade - !ngly declared, "I refuse. to be sure to be go od. bytenan S e m o r ~ have become the. t 1I1tef\'lewed. I ha\'e nothll1g to :Mr s. J ac ob s w il l te ll us some- P '1 . P 'l t s· tl p. b _ qua e. " . . res lytenan J a ,, le . Ies y C . __ . _. \ d l\.1 -D say. thl11g about the recent con v e nt I On of t 'rl'atl J11111'01'S tIlePI'e-]Jyterlall Pep o n m l l ~ ~ l O n e I ."n rew ac on- P . F . . , _,:0 '11 - "r I ;\ I . ,I .. lather repeated attempts to get the e nn sy l\ "a m e de ra tl On at a (, ot _"ort 1 .\rc m Ol e, \ \ lOse dIe . . ' . ' C . V' I CONTINUED ON THE FOUHTH PAGE w a s s ou g ht by the \Vynnewoocl pro- 111 touch wIth. h l ~ 1 1 to secme .a \\loman s lubs at \. II,ei- Barre , testers. is g et t in g data Tram Engi- ~ t ~ t e m e n t of hIS mtentlOns ha \ e where she r;pres ented the .:Nar?erth ANNUAL MEE TIN G neer J oh n D un ne , o f t he T ow ns hi p talleel. Club. Don t f ea r t ha t thiS WIll he The annual meeting of the Nar- High w ay D e pa r tm e nt , on the width In . th e fight f o ~ ' tl .l e a s se . mb l 'y the c.ontrary. Mrs. Jacobs wants to berth B ra nc h of the Needlework o f \ V yn n ew o od Road and the angle seat t o r t he first e!lstnct, whIch IS sonvl11ce yout.hat ~ t t e n d a n . c e at !he Guild wi ll be held on )Jovember 12. o f t ur ns located thereon. This in- c o m po s ed l a rg e l y of Lower lIer- State conventIOn IS a stll11t11atll1g a t t he L u th e ra n Church, at 2 P. M. formation will be p re se nt ed w he n i on ,. Treasurer Joseph J. Skelton. expe rience, so you w il l a ll want to All contributors and friends are protesters are called upon to give J:-., IS yet t h e o n ly avowed can- go n e x ~ yem:- :Mrs. Robert Fellows cordially invited to come and see t es ti mo ny to support their conten- ehdate 111 the field. . . . \ Vood I.S gOIl!g to sketch for us her the exhibition of garments. tions t hat t he r oad is narrow and Some r u mo r s g a m ed cIrculatIOn wandermgs 111 England l as t s um - We hope contributors will be un- dangerous for bus traffic. in .-\rclmore the past \\'eek that mer. Those who have talked with usually g e n er o u s this year as there 'I'he Philadelphia Suburban Tran-' Mrs. ~ V o o d k no w h ow vividly ~ l e r IS such a great need for a ll ki nds s it C o mp a ny now operates t he l in e GI R L SCOUT NEWS entl1t:slaSI11 r ec on st ru ct s t he Im- of g ar me nt s f or i nf an ts , h o s pi t a ls , w h i ch r uns to Bryn l \l aw r f ro m Last S a tu r da y m o rn i ng 3 00 Girl pr e s sl O n s of those busy w ~ e k s . Mrs. men, women and children. Overbrook o v er l\'Iont a omery ave- Scoutsof :Main Line Troop went to \V. F. Horner has pr 0 l1 1l se d t o l et Articles most needed-For men. nue. It would terminate its ' M on t - L o ga n S qu ar e, w he re pictures were uS h ea r h er unusual talen-whistl- women and children. good w ar m g om er y a ve nu e r ou te at A nd er so n t ak en of the g ir ls i n t h e f o rm a ti o n ing. . undergarments and socks and s to ck - !Venue in A r dm o re a nd w ou ld run of the w or ds "I C ar e" a n d " \ Ve l- .-\ n um be r of our members WIll i ng s i n p ai rs , m it te ns , g lo ve s, c ap s, t he n ew r ou te f o r w hi ch it has m ad e f a re . " Thirty girls of the Nar- joi n in a political s y mp o si u m, or sweaters, pett icoats of dark f la nn e l. p et i ti o n t o Bryn Mawr instead. b er t h T r oo p were present. spe- \\"ho's \Vho in t h e N o ve m be r elec- n ig ht we ar a nd broad soled shoes. ial c ou r t o f awards had been plan- tl On. Fo r infants. b la nk et s s li ps , p et ti - MR. WI LSON ELECTED ned, but owing to t he w ea th er it :Mrs. J. .-\. England is to b e h os t- c o a ts , woolen jackets.woolen stock- Principal George H. vVilson, of was not held. However, 20 merit e ss , so th e "cakes a nd tea" are as- ings and caps. For hosp ital s. a ll the arberth Schools, was elected badges were received by m em b er s s u re d. kinds of garments for out-going number of points a t t he close of the o f t he N ar b er t h T r oo p . patients, small dark shoulder shawls contest s. Each second-class Scout At t he S co ut m ee ti ng held this f l an ne l sacks, w r ap p e rs , bed shoes, should be ready to compete in either week the Scouts had the unexpected b la n ke t s, t ow e ls , sheets and p il l ow knots, sign aling or fire buildi ng. _"\s pleasure of hearing Miss Ruth cases. a climax a treasure hunt will be Kwok, a native of China, now There is a grea d e ma n d for out- s ta ge d, i n w hi ch every Scout will studying at t he U ni ve rs it y o f P e nn - side wearing apparel. take part. sylvania. I ns te ad of p r ep a ri n g a All must be new of course. At this time the individuals of t he s pe ec h on a s p ec i al t op i c, the Scouts N ar b er t h T r oo p w il l rec e i \' e t he ir a sk ed her questions, concerning "TA" badges. T he se a re given to China, a nd t he a ns we rs f or me d h e r the Scout troop which has advanced talk. ' more in one year than a ny o th er On November 9. at I o'c loc k troop 111 the district. a Scout R al ly wi ll take place and points will be given to the w in ne rs . E a ch t ro op will com pete to see which secures the highest by the director of the Lutheran Choir, a s s i st e d by a n e xp er t accom p an is t. :Mr. Snyder is a fine musi cal educator and t ra i ne r of choirs a nd h as a b il i ty a s a v oc al is t. It will be well worth attending. A silver o f fe r in g w il l b e taken. SEVEN TEAMS FO R BOWLING HONORS VOLUME 11 NUMBER 5

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Students O rg an iz e T we lv e

New Clubs Unde r Fa cu lt y



Th e Merion Title an d TrustCompany p as se d t he one mi ll i on

mark in deposits for th e Narberthoffice. A report to the Board of

Directors at t he ir mee ti ng Mon day even ing showed that the de

posits fo t Narberth reached th etotal of $1,059,000. This officewas opened in August, l!J15, an dhas shown a steady growth . Narb er th h as just cause to be proudof t hi s i ns ti tu ti on a nd t he fineshowing made.

Make no date for November 19-

Lut he ra n C hu rc h s au er k ro ut s up


vVith a new group of studentsa s r epo rt er s a nd e di to rs t he N arber th J unio r H igh School launchesthis week the first issue of i ts regula r weekly school department in"Our Town."

Th e 12 c lubs which have beeno rgan iz ed thi s year have made

schoo l l if e more pleasant. The

c lubs have meetings every Thursday afternoon. Th e following are

the clubs and the teachers incharge:

Glee Club-Miss Frickie.Travelers' Club-Miss Eckbert.Arts and Crafts-Miss Jantzer.

Boys' Camp Cookery-MissEames.

Junior Dramatic Club-MissYarnall.

Senior Dramatic Club-l\Jrs. Els-bree.Scribblers' Club-Miss Chapman.Classical Club-Miss Tyson.

Science Club-Mr. Oerlein..-\esthetic Dancing-Miss Church.Boys' Gym Club-Mr. Oerlein.Current Events-l \ Ir . Burnham.

Each Friday a different club IS

giving a program in a ss embly tomak e i t mor e interesting. In assembly t he 25th a few boys o f t he

n.inth grade dramatized a play ent1tled "A l\'Iidsummer Night's

Dream." The characters were:

Quince-Francis Pugh.Bottom (Pyramus)-Ma1coJm


Flute (Thisbe)-Dick Banks.

LOCAL D. A. R. MEMBERS Stan'eling-Vestus Spindler.

TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Snout-Chick Ross.-- Snug -Jerrv Casey.

S ta te Convent io n t o Be Held in 1'1 GI C:I 1 IPhiladelphia Next Week. :e • ee u J a so g av e a n en-

, . . M. . ' tertamment. An announcementThe twenty.-mnth anl1l1<l1 ; : , t a ~ e 1was-made by Nellie Fratantoni the

conference ot the P ~ n n s y l v a 1 1 1 a secretary of the Glee Club. A 'duetDa.ughters. o ~ th.e A m e n c a l ~ R e \ : o ~ entitled " B i 1 1 ~ Boy" was sung bylutlon, on mVltatlOn ~ t he . \s so cl a Eve ly n J ef fn es (taking the boye ~ . Shapters o,f P h : l a d e l p h ~ a an:l part) and Virgini a Douglas s ( t ak v ~ c m : t y , meets. I ~ ~ . P I : t l a ( ~ ~ l p h t a next i ng the girl part). It certainly was;' eeL The : - i e ~ : - i I O l b \\ III be held appreciated by all of the pupils.1 1 the Belle.vue-S\ratford. On Harry l\Iessec, a graduate of the1,uesday . evenm.g, November 3, a class of 192 5, visited the school anddmner ,-vtll b.e glven.by.the Regents sml"a solo for us. )'Jr. Spratt acClub ot .Phlladelphm 111 h on or o f c o n ~ p a n i e d him.the preSIdent general , )'Irs. An- ' . 'thony \Vayne Cook, an d t he S ta te The. fra'elers Club also has ac-regent, l\(rs. Jolm Brown Heron. compltshed . g ~ e a t deal. Two of

a nd S ta te a nd national officers are the m e m h e l ~ ..Elea:lOr Templemanguests. A f te r t he d in ne r l\1r. H. and J e . , ~ · e l Flttlpoldl: have collectedH. .-\rnold, U. S. A .. chief of in- clolls hom the o th er membe rs o fformation dh'ision of the air serv ice, ! I;e club and have dressed them.,,, ill give a lecture illustrated by mo- I hey sent the111 away t.o t he Redtion pictures. Cross for. t he P ?o r c ht ld re n.

. , Th e SCrIbblers Cl ub u nd er theThe fo rmal open1l1g ot the con- I f ) , I ' CI' t

ference comes on \Vee!nesday morn- c 1.argle 01•. I S .1apman, en er-

. ' t ' I t tl . . '11 I -' tamer t le pt.lplls 111 assembly onmg. .'- 111g 1 lele \\ I Je a mu"l- tl ?1 -t l\I .. Ic al in the ballroom, followed by a le·

tt- \ . tl any ~ n g m ~ tI p o e t ~

formal reception to officers and WrI en y le mem e rs 0 le c u

members. Business sessions wil l be COXTINCED 0:-;- THE SECOND PAGE

held Thursday morning and a tripto Valley Forge in the afternoon. CELEBRATE REFORMATIONThursday evening the speakers are Local Lutheran-S-J-o-in in World·WideBrigadi er General Amos Fri es , of Event.the Chemical \Velfare Service, andHarry T. Atwood, president of the It o ug ht t o b e t he g la dd es t mes-Constitution Anniversary Societv. sage t o th e American people to re-

.l mind them of the return of the refFriday the S tat e luncheon precedes.' ormatioll season. Fo r the nailinf,T of

the clos1l1g seSSIOn. L'the 95 theses on t he c hu rc h d oo r o f_.\ la rge at tendance is expected \Vittenherg in 1517 and the preach

f rom the chapter s in Pennsylvani a. i ng o f the gospel of civil, religiotlswhich includes mor e t ha n 10,000 and c hu rc h f re ed om be gan t ha t

members. mighty movement of the s ixteenth

The delegates from Dr. Benjamin century. :Much mean t the deli\'erRush C ha pt er o f Narberth are: ance of the chu rch from bondage,1\lrs. F. B. Du l \I au s and Mis s : \ Ia - men 's souls f rom darkne ss and sentrie Gorin. :Mrs. H. 111. Chalfant. a wave of wondrous salvat ion andrdrs. F. H. Hewitt and Mrs: liberty t h roughout the world: allCharles l\I. Irwin are members of Protestant churches are coming

the Hospita l ity Committee. more and 1110re t o some gen er al

Mrs. C. Arley Fa rme r, Mrs. John specific observance of this great

C. Nash a nd M rs . Toseph Miller time of the y ea r a nd t he y sh9ukl ,will act a s pages fron1 the'Dr. Ben- because i t is r en de ri ng t ha nk s t ojamin Rush Chapter. God for t he l argest and most preci-

ous blessings of heaven-a freechurch! a free nation, and a freesalvation!

vVe Lutherans will observe thismemorable event with special services and a c la ri on c al l through thegrea tes t sermon they can preach.

On November 8, i n the morning .

the Lutherans of Philadelphia willhold a reformation celebration, andNovember 10, in the :Metropoli tan Opera House of that city.at 8 i n t he evening. Dr. Tulloss, thepresident of Artlmrborg College,Springfield, Ohio, wil l speak . ' 1' ha tg rea t a ss embly room is o pe n a ndfree to all. An offering will betaken, solely t o mee t the expenses.Everybody is invited.

open to all citizens who w is h

eitherto witness or present

matters at th e sessions, and thatthere have been bu t a half dozenbrief executive sess ions in a number of y ear s. C ou nc il men also

point to the fact that u nd er t heregime of President \V. R. D.Hall the f in an ce s o f t he Borough

have been brought f rom chaos tocomparative stability.Of th e five candidates on ly one.

Daniel Leitch, is at present amember of Council. President

Hall, Hugh vV. Brown and\Valton l\;1. \Ventz did not r un for


An interesting poin t i n t he campaign is the s er i es o f charges andcounter-charges that confus ion ofn ames mad e a big difference in

primary results. Mr . \Vohlert be

lieves that many voted for H. L.\\ 'oehling, t hi nk in g t he y we recasting their ballot for him. ) 'I r.

\Voehling's friends say that a subs tan tia l number of S ou th S id evotes went t he o th er w ay b ec au se

of a similiar confusion.In his advertisement 11r. \Vohl

e rt c la im s that many of Mr.Kaeber's t al l ie s c ame to h im h e

cause th e voters believed i t was T.

J . Cabrey . On the o ther hand , tIle

" ol d c rowd " ave rs t ha t th e popu

larity of th e p r esent Council leader. \\T. R. D. Hall. gave many mistaken votes to his less kno\vn

namesake, John R. Hall..-\nd s o i t g oe s. Th e discussions


DECLARE DIVIDENDTh e Boa rd o f Directors of Th e

Merion Ti tle and Trust Company,at their meeting held Monday eve

ning. declared t h e r eg ul a r 4 percent. dividend, payable November2, to s tockho lde rs o f record atc lo se o f b us in es s September 30.They also t ra ns fe rr ed f rom undivided profits t o s ur pl us t he s um

of $100,000.


The Narberth Tennis Associationwill ho ld t he ir annual dinner-danceon Friday evening , :November 20,in E lm Hal l. It IS expected that

every club member and many of

their f r iends wil l a tt end and provisions are being made to care fora capacity crowd.As i n y ea rs p as t t he w in ne rs o f

the various club events during thepast season wil l b e presented withprizes. Th e dinner will be followedby dancing, with music b y t he Gilpin Orchestra of Narberth.

Reservations s ho ul d b e mad e at

once through 'vV. D. R. Evans oranyone of the entertainment COI11

mit te e, whi ch is a s follows: E. A.Shubert, E. Ach te rman a nd J oh n

B. Wine.

Wohlert-Kaeber Council ScrapOnly Election Contest Tuesday



1'1rs. J. T. Howenstein, 129Chestnut avenue,N arberth, and1\1 rs. J. E. Burrell, 507 ValleyView Road, Merion. have returned home af te r spending the week

end at State College , Pa . , wherethey acted a s c hape ro ne s f or t hehou se party given a t P hi GammaDelta F r ate rn i ty house.



Mrs. Adolph Vogel is entertaini ng h er mothe r, Mrs. John Whitten, of Huntington, West Vir



J ac k Cun ni ng ham and Don al dB. Heckel were two Narberth

boy s who received their diplomasf rom t he training ship Annapolis

this week.


?\Ir. and 1I1rs. C. M. Bel t z, o fBrookhurst avenue, are being congratulated on the bir th of a daughtel', Gertrude Elva, on October 21-l\Ir. and Mrs. John A. Snyder

a re re ce iving congratulations on

the birth of a son, \VilIiam.


"Hallowe'en IS the time forrevelry." So say we all, but theJ un io rs ( an d some Seniors) stolea march on folks this yea r and celebr at ed t he ir p ar ty la st Thursday

evening, when. despite the rainymght, goodly numbe r tu rned out.And oh, such clever costumes IThere were t ramps, dudes , balletgirls, old-fashioned gir ls, p ierro ts,fannerettes, l it tle tots from ages

two t o s ix , grandmothers, spinsters.flappers and would-be swains. The"Virginia Reel" was much too irksome f or the "coy maids of the'sixities," but the "Charleston" waseasily toed by these "old gals," Theuncanny, weird a nd s po ok y gh os ts tories proved al together too realistic f or c om fo rt . A nd with a Hallowe'en par ty, o f course, goes Hallowe'en eats. The par ty was voteda howling success I


l e ague Is Under

Way with Ne w Se t

of Rules.



Many complaints were registered with Lower Merion policethis week by irate residents -against Hallowe'en pranks per- R es ul ts o f F or me r S en at or 's Democratic Candidate, Making S t rong Bid fo r Split Ballots, Backedpetr lted upon them by young- C f B· by S tree t Group .sten·. Deflated automobile tires, on erences eglnb ro ;: :n windows and mis si ng t o Show.porch furni tu re were t he mos t \Nith calm sea s and clear skies

irequent things reported. -- pro1l1ised in nlost parts of next"'HId Hallowe'en fun is nne," MacDONALD NOT OUT Tuesday's election in Narberth.said.one resident airing his com- -- one contest has arisen which prom-plai;1t, "but it isn't fun when ~ o 1 l' .

Th e ful l schedule for the first return to your parked car at!er \ Vi th t he g en er a e ectlOn on Ises to enl iven an otherwise dullalf of the season of the 1nt er - \' is it ing f ri ends t o find the air out Tuesday holding th e centre of th e election.rch Bowlingf League has been (If;rll your tires and some of I political stage, talk about probable Ant on Emi l vVohlert, Demo-

1you ': car windows broken. T ha t I 1 fi h . h "1 .as well as t le re- is f ~ 1 ~ l e of the \ 'andal ism prac- ine-ups ane g ts 111 t e 1\ ay pn - erat ancl political stormy petrel,

ly adopted rules,governing .the tic'c "r by the gang of boys th at maries n ex t s pr in g have been IS making a determined effort tothis year. fhe more 1m- pan;oe the streets." forced i nt o t he ba ck g ro un d t hi s break t he Repub lican slate for

) or tan t r ul es a re those covering Par ents were requested to week. Bu t still th e g os si p p er - C ou nc il and W1I1 the se at a t thecurh' their maurading off-

bility, registration and d u ~ s . springs. sists. expense of Clarence Kaeber.To be eligible to membershIp on Indkations t ha t t he cou nt y Re- Mr. vVohlert i s backed by the

y t eam one must he a men:bcr HEARING GRANTED publican organizat ion will s wi ng D em ocra ts, by t he S tre et 1m-the church or of some orgal11za- to fclrmer Senator James S. Boyd, provement Association, and by

n in the church he represents amI BUS PROTESTERS of:t\orristown, as candidate to op- those of Nar be rt h' s v ot er s whos t have attended some religious pose State Senator Fletcher \ \ ' . have a c row to p ick with th e pres-

of thechurch within a month - - - Stites, of Narberth , a re becoming en t Councilmanic body.

the dat e of any scheduled match Wynnewood an d Merion Will mor e a nd m or e ~ p p a r e n t . B?y d A t t he S ep temb er p rima ri es Mr .

whi ch h e participates. Oppose New Rout e o n has been spenehng much t nn e · \V oh le rt ran 21 votes behind Mr .

Each team must have at least November 12. touring the county inte rv iew ing Kaeber for nomination o n t he Re-

hree registered members who shall - - - friends and appear ing at meetings publican ballot. Th e four Repub-be eligible to bowl on a ny other Ano th er h ea ri ng o n t he applica- of political workers. Tw o of these l ica n n om in ee s a re R obert F.

eam. tion of the Philadelphia Suburban appearances were made i n Lowe r I'Wood, Daniel Leitch, John R.Due s o f team members for each Transit Company for permission to 'Merion this week when h e addres- H al l a nd Clarence Kaeber. Th e

l al f o f the season are 50 cents. run a new b us r ou te d own \Vynn e- s ed f ir st a meeting of t he Lowe r D emoc ra ts n om in at ed Mes sr s.

AlI matches a re scheduled on wood R oa d, through ?\'Ierion and :Merion Republican Association, at \-Vood, \Yohlert, Ha ll a nd Leitch.

onday and Fr iday evening s as in \Vynnewood. wil l be held before the the Gene.ral \Vayne Inn, a n later 1\1r. vVohlert's campaign is built

fi 1 I fPtiblic Service Commission in Room a p-athennE" of t he t owns hI p Re- abOtlt "everal POI·llt"_'. He clal'nls

ast years, except the na matc 1 0 0 ~ - he first half on Tuesday. December 496, Philadelphia City Hall. on N'o- publican Committee at th e Green that Council does not permi t citi-9, inasmuch as Christmas Day falls vember 12. Thi s hea r ing will b e H il l Farms Hotel. zens to attend all parts of allon the preceding Friday. primarily t o g iv e r es id en ts o f Mer- Th e results of these conferences mee ti ng s; t ha t ) 'l r. K ae be r did

ion and \Vynnewood, who violently anel meetin£!"s are being felt. At not b ac k t he street pavin£!" loan,Th e second half of the season b' I I' I L'lect to t lC new 1I1e, a c lance to )J 0 r r i s to w n, headeluarters of and, above all, that it is time the

will be inaugurated immediately . I '

dVOlce t lelr protests. COtlnty 'Leader Char les John son , "old crowd" wa s oust ed from

after the Christmas holidays an at Tl1ese residents have been bom- it is said that scores of letters are Council.t he end of. the season prizes will beawarded as follows: barding t he Pub li c Service Com- being received urging org an iz a- O n t he ot he r hanel, members of

mission at Harrisburg with letters tion support of Boyd. Council w ho h av e b ee n b ac ki ng

First-Chaml)ion team for the f t t . tl fipro es ever s1l1ce ley 1 rst Commiss ioner Andrew 1 IacDon - Mr. Kaeber declare that :\Ir.full season. learned o f t he application six w e e k ~ aIel, of ~ o r t h : \ rdmore , was con- \Vohlert's platform is no t foundedSecond-Highest individual a v- a go. AlI \\"ho wr9te have been in- sidering ent er in g t he field, bu t on f ac t ; th at Council meetings are

erage for fu1l season. formed o f the hea ring by Secretary these , \"ere d ispe1 led yesterday

Third-Highest individual scores George C. Anderson, o f the Lower when the commissioner declaredfor three games i n one match. l\Ierion Commissioners. 1ndica- that he be not considered as be- WOMAN'S COMMUNITY CLUBFourth-Hif!hest individual score t ions are that a large delegation of· 1'1 TO HOLD FIRST MEETING

L' 1 '11 1 1 I I com111g a cane Ie ate. --for a s in gl e game. t lem WI Je on lane to oppose t le .hus line. R el )r e

selltati\'es of the There i s s ti ll much speculatIOn Convent ion Report and Travelog to

Membe rs must bowl two-thirds I I I R .Vvnnewood and the Mer ion Civic on t le stane t lat e p r ~ s e n t a t l : e Be Features.of the full season's scheduled games .l L II f \ d II t ks so ci at io ns w il l a ls o attend to . ue ow, 0 .£l.r .more, ,.\:1 .. · e . l l ~ ., T.he,first, regular meeting of thet o . ? , e _ ~ ! i g i ~ ) e . f o r a p ~ i z e . . "pro t e s t . " · · · . , . -." -. 'tliesiji'!iig ~ g l ~ [ -51?ould he s e ek Woman' s Community Club wil l b eA second team has b een ent er ed 1'1 ttl' tl t \\1 re-electIOn It IS unhkel v that he 11eld Ill tile Y 1\,1 C A at ? 3°

I. l e p ro es ers calm la . ynne- . .l • •• • ., -.

by the Baptists this year . Anotler wood Road is t oo narrow for bier WIll be a c c o r ~ l e d . s up po rt b y t he P. 1\1., Tuesday, November 3· Thismnovation appearing in the sched- busses and that use of them on that county T o r ~ ' ~ t ~ l I z a . t l O n . . 0' ~ to be a very informal m ~ e t i n g ,ule is the matter of t he new names t ho ro ug hf ar e wou ld b e a public 1!1 NOI.r1sto\\ 'n a .\\eek a",o, J us t a homey get-together, WIth an

adopted by the teams supersed ing menace. They also insis t that there \ \ : : 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ l k 1 1 1 g to a C 9 u a l 1 ~ t a ~ l c e s , he enterta inment entirely by our. ow.nt he S en io r a nd J un io r des ig na ti on s is no n eed f or t he l in e a s present 1\ a:-i ,l:-i!,ed ahout hIS pI , l i b . Jest- members. You k now t ha t kmd IS

of fo.rmer y ~ a r , : : T:1l1s, t h e Pre s- l;leans of transporta t ion ' a re ade - !ngly ~ l declared, "I r ef us e. t o b e sure t o be go od.bytenan S e m o r ~ have become the. t 1I1tef\'lewed. I ha\'e nothll1g to :Mr s. J ac ob s w il l te ll us some-

P'1 . P 'l t s· tl p. b _ qua e. " . .res lytenan J a , , le . Ies y C . __ . _. \ d l\.1 -D say. thl11g about the recent conventIOn of

t'rl'atl J11111'01'S tIle PI'e-]Jyterlall Pep o n m l l ~ ~ l O n e I ."n rew ac on- P . F . ., _, :0 '11 - "r I ;\ I . ,I .. lather repeated attempts to get the enn sy l\ "ama edera tlOn at

a (, ot _"ort 1 .\rc mOle, \ \ lOse dIe . . ' . 'C . V' ICONTINUED ON THE FOUHTH PAGE was sought by the \Vynnewoocl pro- 111 touch wIth. h l ~ 1 1 to . secme .a \\loman s lubs at \. II,ei-


testers. is get t ing data Tram Engi- ~ t ~ t e m e n t of hIS mtentlOns ha \ e where she r;presented the .:Nar?erthANNUAL MEETING neer J ohn Dunne , o f the Township talleel. Club. Don t f ea r tha t thiS WIll he

The annual meeting of the Nar- Highway Department , on the width In . th e fight f o ~ ' tl. le asse.mbl'y the c.ontrary. Mrs. Jacobs wants toberth B ra nc h o f the Needlework of \Vynnewood Road and the angle seat to r the first e!lstnct, whIch IS sonvl11ce yout.hat ~ t t e n d a n . c e at !heGuild will be held on )Jovember 12. o f t ur ns located thereon. This in- composed largely of Lower lIer- State conventIOn IS a stll11t11atll1ga t t he Lu the ran Church, at 2 P. M. formation will b e p re se nt ed whe n i on ,. Treasurer Joseph J. Skelton. experience, so you wil l all wan t t oAll contributors and friends are protesters are called upon to give J:-., IS ~ yet t h e on ly avowed can- go n e x ~ yem:- :Mrs. Robert Fellowscordially invited to come and see t es timony to support their conten- ehdate 111 the field. . . . \ Vood I.S gOIl!g to sketch for us herthe exhibition of garments. tions t hat t he r oad is narrow and Some rumors gamed cIrculatIOn wandermgs 111 England l as t s um -We hope contributors will be un- dangerous for bus traffic. in .-\rclmore the past \\'eek that mer. Those who have ta lked with

usually generous this y ea r a s there 'I'he Philadelphia Suburban Tran-' Mrs. ~ V o o d know how vividly ~ l e rIS such a great need for a ll ki nds s it Company now operates t he l in e GI RL SCOUT NEWS entl1t:slaSI11 r econst ruct s the Im-of garment s for infan ts , hospitals, which r uns to Bryn l \l aw r f rom Last Saturday morning 300 Girl presslOns of those busy w ~ e k s . Mrs.men, women and children. Overbrook over l\'Iont a omery ave- Scouts of :Main Line Troop went to \V. F. Horner has pr0l11lsed to letArticles most needed-For men . nue . It would terminate its 'Mon t - Logan Square, whe re pictures were uS h ea r h er unusual talen-whistl-

women and children. good warm gomer y a ve nu e r ou te a t A nd er so n t ak en of the gir ls in the formation ing. .undergarments and socks and s to ck - !Venue in Ardmore and wou ld run o f t he w or ds "I Care" and " \Ve l- .-\ numbe r o f our members WIlli ng s i n p ai rs , mit tens , g lo ves, cap s, t he new rou te fo r which i t h as made fa re . " Thirty girls of the Nar- joi n in a political symposium, orsweaters, petticoats of dark f lannel . pet i tion to Bryn Mawr instead. ber th Troop were present. A spe- \\"ho's \Vho in the November elec-

n ightwear and broad soled shoes. cial cou r t o f awards had been plan- tlOn.Fo r infants. b lank et s s li ps , p et ti - MR. WILSON ELECTED ned, but owing t o t he w ea th er it :Mrs. J. .-\. England is to be host-coats, woolen jackets. woolen stock- Principal George H. vVilson, of was not held. However, 20 merit e ss , so th e "cakes a nd t ea " a re as-

ings and caps. For hospitals. all the arberth Schools, was elected badges were received by members sured.kinds of garments for out-going number of points a t t he close of the o f the Narber th Troop .patients, small dark shoulder shawls, contests. Each second-class Scout At t he Scout mee ting held thisflannel sacks, wrappers , bed shoes, should be ready to compete in either week the Scouts had the unexpectedblankets, towels , sheets and pillow knots, signaling or fire building. _"\s pleasure of hearing Miss Ruthcases. a climax a treasure hunt wil l b e Kwok, a native of China, now

There is a great demand for out- s taged, i n whi ch every Scout will studying at t he Unive rs it y o f Penn -side wearing apparel. take part. sylvania. Ins te ad o f p repa ring aAll must be new of course. At this t ime the individuals of t he speech on a special topic, the Scouts

Narber th Troop wil l recei \'e t he ir a sked her questions, concerning

"TA" badges. These a re given to China, and the answe rs formed he r

the Scout troop which has advanced talk. 'more in one year than any o ther On November 9. at I o'c loc ktroop 111 the district. a Scout Ral ly wi ll take place

and points will be given to

the winne rs . Each t roop will compete to see which secures the highestby the director of the Lutheran

Choir, assisted by an exper t accompan is t. :Mr. Snyder is a fine musical educator and t ra ine r o f choirsand has ab il i ty as a vocal is t. It willb e wel l worth attending. A silver

offer ing wil l be taken.




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The Busy Drug StoreAt t/Je Station

We De li ve r Anywhere




l\1","ber of th e Ardmore Cllaunber of COIIUIICrct '.


Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers'Phone, Narberth 1254


234 Haverford Avenue

Narberth Beauty Shoppe

"Look Your Best"Specia l is ts in

Haa- Dyeing-Permanent Waving-Marcel WavingScientific Care o f Face and Scalp


Residential Appointments

Th e newspape rs have pr in ted severa l report.s of th ein fla ted p r ices charged by some retail dealers fo r

their coal at t h e p r es ent time.

Frankly, there ha ve bee n oppo rt un it ie s f o r gettingabnormal profits. Bu t we real ize tha t such a policy

is very foolish, a nd no th i ng mo re than bad business .We ar e building f o r p e rmane nce ra ther t ha n th eimmediate gain of th e moment.

A comparison of ou r prices anywhere in Philadelphiawill substant ia te ou r claim of a fair price policy,

'Phone 1620


For the Finer Quality of Laundry Work

People Use the Services of

Read carefully th e following list of HELPS. We ar e sure oneof t hese SERVICES is j u s t what you have been looking for:

F IN ISHED SERVICE DE LUXEAt list prices on appl icat ion . Ladie s ' wea ring apparel, etc.,

beautfiully washed, carefully ironed an d neatly folded.

HOME-LIKE SERVICEA new he lpfu l Service which so many people have asked for.Everything is ca re ful ly washed and F INISHED ready to wear.

S POUNDS FOR $1.50, MINIMUM CHARGEBundle shou ld cons is t of 4 pounds o f Flat Work and 4 poundsof Wearing Apparel. E xc es s w ei gh t c ha rg ed f or at th e rateof 1Sc pe r pound f or Wea ri ng Appa re l a nd 10c pe r pound fo r

Fla t Work. Shirts c h ar g ed f or at 10 cents each. Everybodyi s p leased w i th t hi s S er vi ce because it i s l es s e xp en si ve thana WASHWOMAN, an d th e work i s d on e 1 00 pe r cent. better.Tell our ope rato r or salesman yo u wish HOME-LIKE SERV

ICE t h is week.

FAMILY SERVICEAt 12c pe r pound. All Flat Work beau t ifu ll y finished, andWearing Apparel is ironed on a specially equipped f l oa t rol l

i ro ne r. O nl y a very few pieces will need touching up at home;twenty minutes will do t hem. M in imum charge, $1.50.

ECONOMY SERVICEAt 12c pe r po un d. Al l Flat Work neat l y ironed an d folded.W.earing A pp ar el s ta rc he d w he re n ec es sa ry a nd r et ur ne dready to dampen an d iron. Underwear is fluffed up a nd r e adyt o w ea r. M in im um c ha rg e, $1.00.

Choose the Laundry Service

That Fills Your Needs

We Call for and Deliver

•When Dissatisfied Try


St.Mary's Laundry, Inc.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ' " ' " ' - " ' ~ - - " ' ~ " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~: iI 1 CENT SALE 1$ Thursday, Friday and Saturday i

N $ov. 5 - 6 - 7 f


I. " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' - - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ " ' " ' ' ' ' ~ " ~ ' ' ' - ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' '

; '&$ riP

'" ... '" ...


is master in theHooverless home



Ardmore 2385 Narbe rth2616

OF ALI.K I N D ~ Iocal or nu t of townQ u i ~ k and Efficient Service


335 Dud ley Avenue

....... ..-......

CJheHoo"\rER.It 8£olTS· ... as it Sweeps as il C J ~ a " s




\\,ANTEI)-\Yollliltl. hnlf day {':!chwp{'lt. for irollin;;. :'\arlJPl·th HI;;4-I{.

ESTATE OF GEORGE B. lIIECKE. lateof the Borough of Nllrherth, deceased.

I.etters of Admiuistrnt.ion, eta, having'been grunted to the undersigned , a ll per sons Indebted to said Estate are requestedto make IWlIIe,lillte paymen t, and thosehaving legal claims to present t he s amewithout delay toEMMA J. l\IECKE. Allmlnlstratrlx, ct.a,

19 l\Iaple Ave., Narberth,Or her Attorl!cy.


FOH SALE-PIano, neuI'I:; npw. Lind,'llIall and ~ ' H I upl'iJrht. l l 1 : l h ( } ~ O l l Y cn . p.

('o!on ia I pn tt{'I'n, satin till j,'h. l { f ' a ~ " I 1 3 h l ptpt'lU:-':. : ! O ~ Gl':1.':!ing aVPlltlP. X:ll'henh.

Phon{' l i ' ~ 7 - " ' ,HAND\' ~ I A N to tllke carl' of fires, etl'.

l'al·t 0) ' fu!! tinH'. \\'rite "G," care of(1 m 'l'o\,;lI, P . ( ). B"x !ltJG.

R " ~ L I A 8 L E "'OMAN will take can'of ehil,lt'en in thl' {'I·.'nings. Phone 26i!l-.T"{'fon' S A. :\1. 01' nfter G.::O P. :\1.


. '", '",

Opened October 1st, 1925

125 Windsor Avenue, Narberth


Miss Zentmayer'sKINDERGARTEN


Th e S l nl e ( 'o l ,l ta ;


With It . ~ l a H o n l c lIome.

Sunday, November 15

u r The MasnlllooDt Capitol Bulldlngwill be open aD t h is d a te at Harrisburg, and at Elizabethtown aD .0Pllortunity wi1l be given to viSIt thecommodious aDd beautiful MaaonloHome•.

Pennsylvania Railroad·

National Bank BuildingNARBERTH 2287

TIle Standard Rallrolld of the Wortd


Narberth 6.SR A. 1\1.

Connecting witb Mpeci1l1 truin leavtn.lPuoll at 8 .1 0 A . M.Stull l l iu£ at princll1al stations ootweeul'uull nnd Mt. JOY.[lelurnlng lellVe Hurrl.hurg 7.HI P. M..I':IlZlIhethtowD 7.4() P. M. Dnd Lanca,Bter8 O p, M.

Tickets on saleFriday precedlD&' excursion

$2.25 Lancaster


Estllte of HARRY Y. :lmRREC. lilte ofBorOll, tdt of Nnrlwrth. ~ r n l l t g ' o l U e l ' y County.tlt'C'PHS{\fl.

Lptters of Administration OJ) the alHH'r

P ~ t ; l t 4 ' havin.o; lH"PIl ~ r ; l n t f l l l tlIp ll111h'rsi,l.nu'd. all Ilt'rHOIIS ill1lphtl'll to 8Hid e:-otntefll'p l ' t ' ( J l I l ' ~ t l ' d to mal\t, itllllwllintp pay·l l l t' l l t. : i ll d thos\' having' It'g':tl dnims ioIH'('SPtl( tll( ' salllt> , , · ithotlt llf.'lny to

t,'LORE:-:CI'] :II. ~ m ' ; ~ ; E C .X:trhel'th. I'a.

~ I J ~ I.$3.25 Harrisburg

" .., ...,.,.,...,-_.,..".-.-...----_._._._---_....-...- I



- -,....,.,.- - ---- _-_ -.........•.• -_.



October 26, 1925.

2110 N, o:mo .ST .. BEL. OVERnROOJ< .. ._ -"' - _- _ -_ __ __ __ ....


EVENINGS, NAIUlIm'l'l-i :lU5-u'

LurAe lI"t of Muin LillI' HomesFunds for 1 st und 2nd Mortgll/-(es

n. & L. Ass'n lIIoney, Quick Settlements./

Hurwitz & Thomas



T he T au Del ta P hi S or or it y isplanning a card party for November () at the Y. lVI. C. A. Building,Ticke ts, a t 7;3 cents, may he oh-I

tained from an y memher. I--------

The building funcI of t he Nar

berth Presbyterian Church will

benefit from the sauerkraut supperbeing planned by the Laciies' Aie!'

Th e affair wi ll b e held on the12th an d ]:3th of November, Tickets ma y he obtained f rom M rs . ~ 'Kriebel, Narberth :1;'j8-M.


Alber t Brownell. of Avon Road ,will entertain a crowd of b ( ) y ~ tonight at a Hallowe'en party.

Dividend Notice.The Board of Directors of The

Merion Tit le and Trust Company ofArdmore, have this day declared theregular quarterly dividend of four percent., payable November 2, to StockhoIners of record at the close of business, September 30, 1!>25.

Checks wii l be mai led.HORACE W. SMEDLEY,


Residence, . . Station,Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713-W

Banoage Cal led for and Del iveredl10S cos\ , rAY AVENUE NARBERTH ...-

Philip Atlee LivingstonEditor cntJ P " b ~ i B h e r

J. Richmond MagneyA.soo£ate BlUtor

Saturday, October 31, 1925.


OUR TOWNA Co-operative Community Joumal

Ownp.d by tbe Narberth CivIc AssociaUonand pUblished ever7 Saturday at

Narberth, Pa.


Delay the selection of that giftuntil December c;,

Th e Methodist' Bazaar will have awonderful var ie ty o f unusua l ha rd to-find g i ft s t o s ui t a ny membe r o fth e family.


We ju st want to remind the pub lic of the musical to be given int he Lut he ra n Church on Friday

e\'ening, November 6. at S o 'clock ,to the Executive Committee o f t heMOfltgomery Coun ty Teache rs '

Institute at i ts sessions in Norristown last week.

EUlere,1 as second-class matter. October1Mh. i914. at t he P os t Office at Narberth.Pennsylvania, under the act ot March 8,1879.


Th e Mer io n T it le anel Trust

Company will not receive paymentsafter November 25 on account o f

Christmas Club savings. An

nouncement to this effect was madethis week.



Bud Miller Leads Main Liners in 12arising ou t of th e Democratic cal:n- to 9 Victory, Scoring Winningp ai gn s ho ul d c le a r up these nl1S- Tally.takes of identity and permi t eachc an di da te t o s ai l u nd er his ow n The Lower Merion High Schoolcolors. football t eam w on a hard-fought

1\1arberth's most recent political game from th e vVest Chesterbloc, t he S t re e t Impr ov ement A s- High School at th e former's field

socIatl'on, llave beell working' hard Saturday, 12-9. Th e contest wasl:iUBSCRIPTION PRICE, One DoJJar u 4 I d' I d' . f

Fifty Cents peryesr In .4YUoe against Mr . Kaeber. Last week a P ay e 111 weatler con I tIons a

letter was mai le d to eve ry mem- t he wor st kind, a steady downpourber o f t he a ss oc ia ti on , s ig ned b y maki ng t he b a tt l e s omewh a t a ki n

the treasurer, M. C. Peter, jr . It to a swimming meet. Th e final

reads: result of th e muddy ba tt le was al- Minimum 90cents . Price, 2 cents auThi vote of t he membe rs of t hi s ways in d ou bt , t he lead shifting word. T h r e ~ insertions for the price of

Ass oc ia ti on a nd the ir fr ie nd s was several times. two. Classified advertisements wi,ll beclearly apparent at the pr imary elec- Bu d Miller wa s t h e r ea l star of rece/ived

tby /telephone from subscrtbers

tion, b ut it is n ow ne ce ss ar y to r e- th e conflict. Hi s smashing- off- of t te elep Lone company.nllnd them that t he r es t ot t he j ob

d 1 · t a ck l e p lay s, together with his . . .must be c ompl et e on e e ctlOn day, 0" I . b' , ROOl\'IS for rent; furmshed; tn prIvatenext Tuesday. The underlying .issues heady ",enela slup, was the Ig II 'tl t b II(! "'llllf'l1'table Cou. f I L M · '· l o n l t ~ : \Vt. lOl l Oi • v ....Jhave become clearer since tile prImary teature 0 t le ower enon s VIC- Ivellient to station. Phone, Narberth 2261.It is a s tr uggl e for t he con trol of t he tory. Together with Miller's I (tflnext Council. If vVood, Leitch, Hallalld ' ' 'oiliert a re e lect ed n ex t Tues- g.Teat playing, th e work o.f Har- fllrtl'ls'lle,1

vv F I d FOlt RENT-Second-storyday th e n ex t Counci i will be in tile ns 'or t was a so outstan mg. I' ' f'I' . 1 ~ 1 B I ' o o l ' l l t l l ' ~ '

. . t"OOnl. l"lvate Hllll ~ -.rl. ,, - w

hands o f a new g roup , wlHch IS the I Th e visiting eleven had several avenue, (11.-21.'CONTI"UI-:D F R O ~ I TIm FIRST PAG); same group that conducted the suc- . t ff t th I 1 .. :--.

ces si ul f ig ht for t he new s tr ee ts ., It surpnses 0 0 er_ 0 e su Ju r Jan MALE HELP \\'ANTED-$1.0.000,OIlOwere r ead b y some of the pupils . l \l r. Kaeber, who won the Republtcan I eleven. Th e fir::>t o f t he se \yas COllllJ:lIIV wants you t o sell 1.GO daily hom,Later all o rigina l p lay wri tt en by nomin at io n f rom 1\1r. \tVohlert by Harmon, who se a ccur at e p as smg !l.wepssitips in XarlH'rth. Pl'otitS $ : ~ ; ; hAlice lVIonks was dramatized. It only :n votes, is e lect ed, t he n cx t resulted in th e lone tOllch- l/;;;O IHek'v. gXIH'!'ipucp U I l l H ' ' ' l ' S ' ' a l · ~ · . Fo r

d' Council will bc controlled by the s a . m ' ~ clown that t he \V es t Che st er men ; l : l I ' t i e u l a r ~ write Thl' .J. H. Wntld.ns Co ..was apprecia ted by all of the au 1- group that opposed the ~ t r e e t I.m- ." 1Ito' t F tl I k D.'pt. 1\:-2. ~ : .Tohns,'u avenue. :Sewnrl,ence. The p rogr am ended by t he p rovement and succeed ed 111 levymg \ \ et e a) e o",e .1enry , le an y X.. J. (tflschool s in e- in g a song- l ed by our the 30 per ccn t. a sses smen t of cos ts end of th e lose rs , waS th e most

'J g inst you iJ a I Jla r tl I lB' I \ \'ANTED- :: ;eal ll st J' ps '. P la in Sl'win;;.I11USie teacher, Miss Frickie . a a .... , . II' S lY I ye ley lac. eSlc es

CI b I "Nothmg' 111 thIS l e t ~ e r IS IIltended blockino' an extra-IJoint t r) ' a nd Five day" a wepk. :'\arhe1'th 608-\V.The J un io r Dramatic u a so to r ef lect u pon r .[r. Kaeber p er son- b. . .

has had its tllrn. It dramatized for ally, but it is t ru e t ha t he is closely i severa l pun ts, h e was m on. every FOR RENT-IIHlIvldnal gUl::I!(1' "tall".us a court scent : in t he d ay s o f Co- affiliated wi th t he c rowd that was) play. He was outclassed Il1 thiS {·('ntrall.I' !Ol'lItl'd, l\Ior!l'r:ltpl,.v ,Ill tel"1. '\p-

d opposed to stre,et improvemen. t. The Ilast respect, however. by Gene Ip}.v X a r h e r t ~ 1 Coal a ~ ~ ~ _ Blnlthng ;\llltel'ln]lumbus. :lVIany poems w er e r ea issue is clear. fake your chOice. l ~ e - ' Kuen, th e leader o f t h e Main L in e ( o l l l p a n ~ · . :SarllPrth .,,, •.appropriate to t he h ol id ay b y the member that, regardless of your per- , . I I' .members of the club. sonal preferences among the canui- team. I COLOHEI)." ? ~ l f ~ N W ~ r i ,..es ,( :IY

1 he librarv, i n cha rl !e of 1\ Ir s. da te s, i t is almost useless to elect \ \ ' ~ ) r l , of a.lIY Imll!: . ~ s - l . B r a n ~ I \ 1 l t 1 ' stlee!.J \Vood and Leitch if you do not at HOME FROM HOSPITAL \\ ""( l'hll:llll'\phl:l.

Elsbree this vear, is f a r bet te r t han t ile same t ime clect Hal l and \Vohler t. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ~ -- "1 I . I 'Ir' E \'T C I' fCan. A ~ T E D - : \ I a n with ear to Sl·\l eOI\l-it \vas l as t v ea r. Iv uc 1 OUtSlC e "At the I) rimar v poll s r epo rt s were ~ I : - i . , 'I . roo { e ~ , 0 ()l l \ \ ' , V ..

J "J 1 I t I I f - p!ete Iille qualit,I' anto t:r(''' 3.IHl tubps.reading is done by the pupil s of t he c ir cu la ted t ha t t hi s Assoc ia ti on ta u ' lv en ue , l as re urnee lOme rom I';xlH'rien,'" not 11l'I'p,,"ar,\'. Halary. ~ : ~ ( ) i l.SCll001 alld 11lall)' I

eferellce IJool-s endorsed other candidates. That is : he \Vomen' s C o l l e , ~ ' e HosI J i t a l , ' 1'1 I' II (' Ii t• H 'I " 1"1 I\IlIlIth, :\ 11' " , " "1 ' 'U ) leI \ 0.. ,asI I not so. \Ve need \Vood, Leitch. :I I 'lnd is r e c o \ ' e r i n , ~ ' from a recent Care p re sent . A ltoget l er , t l er e a re and \Vohlert in the next Council. Not ' },ivl'rpool. lido.

1500 volumes. two, or even t hre e of them, but all lperation.Ph il ip Reger , in Miss Echbert 's iour. 'We did 1I0t ask you to spend _

I I I d . f t money or time in tile fight that gotCass, l as l a a n op er at ion or on- vOllr st reet improved, but now we dosils. \Ve all hope it isn't serious a,k yOll, regardless of party aff il iaa nd t ha t h e w il l return to school [ions, to mark you r b al lo t w it h ext rasoon. care and make sure that all of 0111'

c a n d i d a ~ e s and no others get your"The Compass , the school paper, votes."

whi ch was first published by the Save for the fight in Council.

class of 1925, is now being carried I l i l o ther contest is looked for.on by the senior class. The first l\lrs. Abbie \c\'. Nickerson is 011

copy has been issued. The size i- 1JOth b:.lllots for Tax Collel'tor: Or 10 h('r A t t o r l l f ' ~ · .FHAN1\: x. ImXNINGER,

the same as it was l as t v ea l' , o nl l Henry A. Frye is unopposed for NorriHtown, I'awith a f ew mor e pages , - The sub- Bu rg es s; F . R. Gif fo rd . for Au- -- _

scription to the paper is i5 cents ditcli' . an d H, C. Fritsch, for jus- Phones'. Nal'berth 66I-J or 1612-WI . PJA:"iO LESSnNS for beginner,-.per year or 10 cents per copy anc tice of the Peace. Th e RelJUblt-

. . I HENRY & COMPTON TlItnring in algpbra. ;;polllPtry or t l ' i ~ o -can be obtained by mat ll l1 g t le cans nominated NIl'S. Anna R. ! nnlUl'tn. Clll1llllllll:1'ate with :\Ii&-< Clnramoney to 22 3 Price avenue or giv- Van Auken and \Valter Steck- PLUMBING IK FO.liettl" 222 \Vayne avenue. Narberth.ing it t o B ob Val le tt e or Malco lm beck for Schoo l Board , while the Pililne :'\ar})('rth 6-lj-M.

F or sy th e. \ Ve ho pe t ha t m an y o f Democra ts pin their f ai th i n l\lrs. , STEAM & HOT,WATER . IIEATING GARAGE SP, \CE fill rent. Nor ththe readers o f "Our Town" \vill Van Auk en a nd J es se S. I - l a n ' i ~ . JOBBING Narberth H:(l .. , Phone :'\arbet·th 22:!2-W.also read. T I ~ e Compass, as. it is ~ h present incumhent.fi t II t I tl J H I j,'OR HENT-Plp;ls:lnt fnrnishPfl room.1rs pu J lca_ Ion Jy le Ul110r Igl I Tile 1)0111'1112' 1)lace:" f or Tue s- I' GE'ORGE R. MARKLE 'S T 1 . 7 ~ J e l ) n \ · f ~ n ~ e n r hJ :-;tat:ou. PhmlC X:ll'hert'lchool of arbert 1. .day 's election are: First d is tr ict. BUILDER 2:!:!:!-\\'.Th e staff of Th e Compass is as lEI n.l H.all; Second district. 1I.orth-

follows: ' se st c or ne r E s se x and Hav er fo rd- - -

E c 1 i ~ o r , r:rederick B ~ t e s ; . assist-lavetlUes; Third d ~ s t r i ~ t , Boy Scout Estimates Cheerfully Givenan t edItor, I"athryn Smith; hterary, house, south of StatIOn, IPl d E t' t F . 1 IR · I d B I H I \Xr II an s an s ~ m es 1.l1·ms teeIC la r an ,s, e ga 'I 01 ert;

. .ews , Erne st i ne Hunt, Elizabeth A PARTY fo r Repau' and Const1'uctwnFerry; athletic assoL!ation. S t a n l ' ~ y Raymond \\1a trous. Jr.. aged -t,Thoma s, Be rni ce P ie rc y: jokes, of 215 Avon Road, is having aRobert Caldwell. Dorothy Cle\'en- costume party f or h is f ri en ds at <'

ger: business n ~ a n a g e r s , ' i\Jalcolm o ' clock th is a f te rnoon.Forsythe, Robert Vallette: circu!atiOIl, Elbert Maltby; faculty direct or , M is s C ha pman .

On Sa tu rday, October 3 I. thehays' soccer team will play Girard

College Junior High team, The

game will s tar t a t 2.30. \Ve expectto see a la rge crowd p resent . I \I r.Oerlein, the coach, will accompanythe team there.

T he B oa rd of Education, a t itsstated meeting on iVlonday. decidedto include Thursday and Friday.

November 26-2i. in the Thanks

giving vacation. The Christmas vacation will ext end f rom the close ofschool on Tuesday, December 22,

to 8.40 A. M. Monday, January 41926.

Th e board has recently purchased

a new pro je ct ion l an te rn w ith alla tt a chmen t fo r s howing fi lm p ic -tures. The Classical Club wil l u se Th e adverti3tng -;oiurnns fl1rm ait for its p ro gr am a t assembly all · ha nt s. R ef er tl ' ·h"m often.Friday.

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Narberth Methodist Episcopal Church

ReI '. \V. Sher idan Dawson, Minister.Sunday , Novemher 1.lU5 A. M. Bible school, Hon.

Fletcher \V. S ti tes, superintendent.11.00 A. M. Morning worship. The

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper willbe administered. Infant baptism andreception of members. --".

2.30 P. M. ] unior EpwQrth Leagueservices.

6A5 P. M. Epworth LC;>bue devut iona l mee ti ng . Leade r , Mr. A. K. LeFevre.

7.45 P. M. Evening worship. Theme:"Facing the Right Vvay."Monday-Annual fal l luncheon of

the Woman' s Foreign 1f iss ionary Soci et y will be giv en in the church. at

1 P. M. Secure your t i cke ts f rom Mrs .]. L. M il le r, No. 208 Sabine avenue.Monthl y mee ti ng of t he S un da y

S ch oo l B oa rd , o n Tuesday evening,November ;', at 8 o'clock, at the home·Jf :l1r. E. L. Pedr ick , No. 111 Grayl i n ; . ~ ; " a \ ' e l 1 t t ( , .Pravcr and prai se serv ice o n W ed

nesda ;' , a t 8 P. M.C ho ir r eh ea rs al on Thursday eve

ning.1 ~ h e annua l oy st e r suppe r, for the

h en ef it o f the M. E. Home for theA ge d, w il l he h el d at t he home, Bel mont and Edgley avenues , on Thursday, November 5, 19:?5, from 1 to G.30P. M.Those desi r ing to a t tend can secure

tickets from 11 i ss Susal l G. Baker,41.1 Anthwyn road.

Fridav, November G, t he a nn ua lbanquet o f t he E pw or th League willbe held at the church, at G.:W P. M.Satunbl'. November 7. the Sun

shine Bibt"e Cla ss w il l h ol d a c ak e s al eat Mr. Dando's store, beginning at 9

A. M.Evangelistic sen·ices wil l beg in on

November 1:3, and con ti nue for twoweeks , e vc ry n ight , except Saturday.The pastor wil l he assi s ted by severalministers, members o f t he P hi la de lphia Conference.

The Chu rc h o f Good-Fellowship hasa wel come f or you at all services.


" Th en h o! a nd he y! a nd w ho op


Though winter winds be looming,

Remember a November da y

Is merrier than mildest May,

With all her blossoms blooming."

Friday evening. November 13, at8.IS o 'clock , in the Narberth M. E.Chur ch , R ev . M il to n H. Nichols,

of the A rc h S tre et Methodist

Church, well known to many Narberth people and numbers of

"l i st eners in ," will deliver his lec

ture on James \iVhitcomb Riley.

Admission 35 cents. Proceeds for

church build ing fund.

\iVhatever the weather may be,

says h e -

Whatev e r t h e weathe r may be

Remember Friday evening, No

vember 13.

The Presbyterian Church.

Rev. John Van N'ess, Minister.Meetings for Novell1ber 1:

g.;{O A. M.-Bible School. All de partments.

11 A. M.-Morning worship. Incelebration of this world's temperanceISunday the t heme of th e sermon will



During These October Days

, .

QUICKSER.VICEinC 1 e a n ~Pressing

i Altering


·StI )

Vcspcrs and other Sunday eveningIbe: "Shall the Eighteenth Amendmentdevotions at 8 o'clock. Be Enforced?"Holy days of obligation-Masses at 7 P. M.-Meetings of the Senior

6 . : ~ 0 , 8 and g A. M. and Intermediate Endeavor Societies.Fi rs t Fr iday Masses at 6.30 and 8 All young people invited.

A. M. 7.4:3 P. M.-Evening worship. Ad·Daily Masses at 7 and 8 A. M. dress by Dr. Howard A. Banks on theDevotion of the Hol y Hou r eve ry t heme : "Intimate Glimpses of W. J.

first Friday at 8 P. M. Bryan in His Last Days."Con fe ss ions a re hea rd eve ry Satur· Next Wedne sday a t 2.30 P. M.

day from a.30 to 6 P. M., a nd f rom meeting of the Woman's Missionary7.30 to g P. M. Also from 7.45 to 9 Socie ty in the church parlor. Topic:P. M. on t he eve of Hol y Day s and. "Southern Mountaineers." Mrs .of t he f ir st Friday and before the 81 Torry w il l g iv e a r epor t o f the Syno'clock Mass on the first Friday morn· \ odica! meeting. There wil l be specialing. Imusic and a soc ial hour.Baptism is administered only on Next Wednesday at 8 P. M. prayer

Sundays at 4 P. M. Previous notifica- meeting. Subject: "The Mak in g o ft io n o f the baptism should be sent to Character."the Rectory. I Next Friday e ve ni ng r eg ul arCommunion Sundays: First Sunday monthl y meeting of the Session a t t he

of the mon th , t h e B. V. M. Sodal it y; h ome o f E ld er George H . Henry.second Sunday o f t he mon th , the Holy At the chur ch mee ti ng held last

N am e S oci et y; t hi rd S un da y o f the Wed ne sd ay e ve ni ng t he followingmon th , t he children's. were elected to the office of deaconThe B. V. M. Sodality m ee ts f or to serve for a term of t hr ee year s:

divine office and business every other Osb or ne H . Graves, Joseph H. McMonday evening at 8 o'clock. Clay and Cha rl es H . S t ar n . They willThe Hol y Name Soc ie ty hol ds its be duly ordained and insta lled into th is

business mee t ing on the second Tues- office t omor row at t he h ou r of morn-day of every month at 8 o'clock. ing worship.The Alliance of Catholic Women Nex t Sunday at 3.30 P. M. in the

mee ts a t t he call of the president. auditorium of the Junior High School,The mis si ona ry band of Oblate Ardmore, there will be a mass mee t

Fathers now at this church will close ing of all the churches on the Maintheir second and last week of t he M is - L in e in c el eb ra ti on of Armistice day.s io n on Sunday evening, November 1. The speaker wi ll b e Senator G e o r ~ eDevotional exe rc is es and sermon are Wharton Pepper.held every evening. The second week

of the M is si on w il l b e f or men only. Holy Trini ty Lutheran Church.Non-Catholics are welcome.

______ Rev. E. M. L inn , Pastor.Baptist Church of the Evangel. Regular services, NOI·ember 1, 1925.

Sunday school, 9.45 A. M.Robe r t E . Keigh t on , Minister. Morning worship, 11 A. 11. Sermon,Sen' ices for November first: "God's Entrancc Into Our Lives."9.45 A. 1L-Church School. Luther League. 7 P. M.11 A. M.-1forning worship and Church service, 7..1;3 P. M. Sermon

Communion. Children 's sermonet te , on "The Red Line of Safety.""The Most Useless Thing in the\Vorld." Sermon, "A Character Our Luther League. o n l as t SundayAnalysis of Philip." evening. at 7 o'clock, was a pr?-The observance of th e Lord's Sup_lnounc.ed success. under t ~ leadership

per follows the morning w or sh ip . \ Ve o f M I ~ s . ~ n n . a Sell. It IS an e.dl;lcainvite the Baptists of N ar be rt h t o t l O 1 ~ a l IllstltutlOn, as well as a religIOUSu ni te w it h u s in t hi s f am il y gathering uphft.

904Walnut Street PhiladelphIa about our Father's table. We invite The service of s ong, h el d l as t Sun-

Ia lso those who a re not Baptists, but day evening, was most delightfully in-

Wedding Gifts in Silver I\·.ho fo.llow the Master in other fields spiring; everyone see.med to ~ n j o . y itot service. a nd s an g m os t heartily, enterlllg 1I1to

7 P. M .- Young people's service. the services with enthusiasm.

\\'e are especially p r o u ~ o f o u! y ou ng J u ni or L u th e r League at 6-4Speople after the sp lendid ~ e n · l c e they P M Sub'e t "Wonde" . 1 Mis-ga ve us l as t Sunday evenmg. . . . J c : 1s II7.4;3 P. 1L-Evening worship. This stOnary \iVorl,,'

is our r e ~ u l a f m u s ~ c a l service. The Senior Luther League at 7 P. M.guest sol,.)lSt. IS Enuly Stokes Hal?a.r. Subject " St ud y o f th e Life of~ ! r s . Hagar IS a membe r o f t he CIVIC 1. . ' "Opera Society. the . Philadelphia 1\ a r tm Lu th e r.

Ouera tic Soc ie tv . the Philadelphia - - - - - - -

Choral Society "and o the r o rgani za t io ns o f eq uul meri t . Her opera andconcert work are wel l known to musiclovers and mar k h er as a sop rano o fdistinction. \ Ve a re especially glad tobe able to present }.! rs. Hagar to ourcongregation and friends.

Tuesday. November 2: 10.30 A. M.,\Vhite Cross: :!.30 P. M., quarterly

N business meeting of t he \ "r omen 'sen Association.

\Vednesda{'. N ' o v e m ~ c r . ~ 8 .P'. M.,prayer service. Top":, G<>.l1,c-:·:\!;s.::;alomics and Habakkukeans."

First Church of Christ, Scientist.

Women's Club Building, Ardmoreavenue, Ardmore, Pa .

Sunday services, 11 A. M.Wed ne sd ay e ve ni ng t es ti mo ni al

meeting, 8 o'clock.Reading room, No. 19 Wes t L an

caster avenue, open each weekday 12

to 4.30 P. M.

The subject of the Bible lesson sermon for Novembe r 1 is "EverlastingPunishment."

St. Margaret's R. C. Church.

Rev. R. F. Cowley, Pastor.Rev. T. A. Brady , Assis tant Pastor .Sundays, Masses at 7, 9 and 10.30

A. M. The 9 o ' clock Mass is f or t hechild ren of the parish.

High Mass on the first a nd t hi rdSundays.Sun da y s ch oo l immed ia te ly a ft er

the Children's Mass.

Worn-Brassy Parts of Your CarWith Pure Silver. ReRectors,

Lamps, Radiator Shell

Look Like New!Also the Rest Easy Cleane1'

for the N ew NickelSilver plate t he wor n· br as sy b at hroom fixtures, Sheffield P la te whe re( 'opper shows , o ld spOons and forks .Surprise )'our wife-buy a bottle ofU-KAN-J 'LATE Pol is h TODAY f romyour local Dealer or Department Store.S1.00 for Y.1-pint.

A. R. Justice Co.

Suits mad e t o order, $37.50.

Cannot be duplicated for less than $50.

Louis Tailoring234 Woodbine Avenue

Narberth, Pa.

t,,! ,

R n

I I~ iJ - - rt~ ' ~ 1 i ' : ~

n Hallo'we'en Fanclees M~ ~ ' 1 ;:1;

Riti i ~ : ;; : ! ~ , ~

nBefo re yo u plan a single t h in g f o r H a ll ow e 'e n

nm next week, drop in a t Whi te ' s an d le t u s h el p inj::l y ou o ut . M a ny a tt ra ct iv e H al ow e' en special- iii!

I r t ies an d novel t ies. Seasonal c a nd ie s f or th e N All Saints' Church, Wynnewood.

I,:, revelers. Ic e cream an d cake f or th e p ar ty . j::1 Rev. Gibson Bel l, Rector.

1:1 i1. Services, Sunday, November 1, All


11!!1 WHITE'S SWEET SHOP iii II S a t ~ : ~ ~ ~ H O l Y Con:munion.~ i ;11 10 A. M.-Church School..


Iiii 219 Haverford Avenue Narber th Pa . Pi (Bus leaves Narberth statlO!.l !JAO.)::1 ":il 11 A. M.-Holy Communion and:jll Bell Phone, Narberth 1705 ill sermon by th(; Rector:11 1· Anthems: ' HalleluJah! \"1 hat Are

~ : i i j ' ! U ! : r : : : : ! : m i : ] ! : : ! : ; : ! : : ; ' T ; n r l l ! : : T I ! : : : I : : l : ! I : : : : I : : : : r ~ I : : : : l : : : l : : : : l : : : : l : : : l : : : : : : : l : : l : : : : l : : : : l : ; : l . : l : : : ! : . : ! : ] ! : ] I : : : I : : : I : : ! : : ! : l : : m ! : : n ! : ~ : = = ; : i i ~ J ' ~ e s ~ ?;aS ; ~ 11;)," ~ ~ l b \ ~ . 0f the Right

Cho ir o f 40 voices.




You are welcome!

Cordially Yours,




~ M M M o O O I 4 " l !. I

Enthusiasm and en

ergy when proper ly di ·

rected produce a com·

bination that of neces

sity increases one's ac·


Increased accomplish

men t mea ns e nl ar ge d


En larged earnings

open the way t o great

er saving.

Advancement is certain

a nd t he future secure.

The ultimate p ro fi t i s

~ · o \ l r s especia l ly when

placed in a Savings Account i n t hi s Bank.

"The Bank of Service"

Through i nc r ea se d e f

ficiency an d effort on e

ca n often enlarge hi s


We v al ue your

account an d

appreciate your






Telephone: Bryn MaWI' 882








and Trust C ~ m p a n y




price to pay


. .......



A full Line o f Denni

son's Novelties, Color

ed Crepe Paper, Cards

for Parties, etc.

.,... • f t. f t.t ..

Loss of long awaited opportunities or

lack of means to p rovide family hap

piness is t oo h igh a price to pa y for

failure t o re gu la te each w eek 's ex

penses so a s t o mai nt ai n a growmg

balance to your c re di t i n a good,

strong bank.

Ar e you using this bank as often

you should?

.................... ,.,. .....

To high

The Oldest S to l"e in Town



226 Haverford Avenue

NARBERTHftft • 10:


The Merion Title

10: • 10: . . . . , . :"'

Lanterns:: Hallowe'en Candies::




1 J 1 I ' 1 I 1 1 1 ' " ' " ' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I ' 1 I ' 1 I 3 1 1 ' " 1 1 1 ' " I U I I I . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . " . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . " " 1 1 1 I ..... . -

To Build or Remodel? I- A visi t to o ur L UMB ER L IB R AR Y may help you -

I decide. We a r e e q u ip p e d w i th a comple te s t ock o f i;

LUMBER, WALL BOARD, SHINGLES I1 n ece ss a r y f o r e i th e r pu rpo se o r a ny o th er w o rk y o u m a y Ii con t emp l a t e .


CYNWYD 662 i• =iIUI I I I l lI I I IUlll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l. I I I I1IUlll l lI l lI I I I I1I I I lI I lI I I I I I ' I I . l l l lf lnll l. I1' I I . , I IUI I I . I I IUI I I IU. lI l l1,n,".n.n .....fI••

~ . I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 ! I I . I I I I 1 . , I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I . I I . 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FELT HATS CLEANED • 75c IISend it to a Reliable Cleaner I

Gen ts ' T op co at s a nd ISuits cleaned t o l oo k il

like new for $1.50 IADELIZZI BROTHERS il:;

Cleaners-Tailors-Dyers =Remodeling-Relining-Pressing · i

102 Forrest Ave. Narberth 2602" .

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 u

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$5 to $18


Contractor & Builder


Clean, comfort able heat

instal'ltly r ad ia te d out into

the room from Gas Fire

place Hea te r. P la ce d i n the

fireplace of the rooms used

most, gas h ea ti ng s to ve s

supply a n abundance of

h e a t without s ta rt in g t he

main house heating system.

t hrough the o ld c rowd in Cou nc il thestreet improvementswhich wenow enjoy.

I worked with an d contributed time and

money to t he S tree t Association's cam

paign. Reports have been circulated thatMr. Kaeber "attended the street meet

ings." That is no t so. If he favored thestreet improvements, none of us active

workers ever saw or heard him at it whenthe campaign was on.

His present active political backers were

consistently opposed to th e street pro

gram, and if it had not been for theirstub

born standin Council, after the bond issue

waspassedby the voters, the residents onthe unpaved streets would no t have had

the unnecessary and unjus t charge of 30

per cent. loaded on them. That's the


Many voted for Mr . Kaeber at the primaries under the impression that he was

Mr. J. J. Cabrey. Don' t be misled by a

similarity of n ames . M r. C ab rey is an

entirely different man, a nd if he was

running, I would not opposehim.


Gas or Electric

Tuesday to vote ror

on the Democratic richet




Narberth 1683-W Repairing




22 Ardmore Ave . Ardmore , Pa.

Convenient for the bathroom,

nursery or sick r oom, where per

manent installation is not desired.







A -- : -


f · l i l · ~ 1 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ j a ~ : g ~ ~ ~ Ir 0 I

$60 RADIANT FIRE$5 Down and $4 pel' M011th

Total, $49.00

Split you r Ball ot o n


Voters:s 9

Messrs. Leitch and Wood ran ahead of all

others on th e primary vote, which indi

cates that a great majority of the peoplewant men of independentminds in Coun

c il . I want those people and all others to

bear in mindthat , if I am elected the use

fulness of Messrs. Wood and Leitch inCouncil will be promoted and increased.

I f I am no t elected, they will be blockedand checked on important issues.

It gets down to this: Do you want thecontrol of the next Council to be in the

hands of four independent men (Leitch,

'Wood, Hall and Wohlert), or in the hands

of the o ld crowd (Gr iswo ld , Red if er ,

Henderson and t he ir new protege, Mr.

Kaeber)? Which do you want, the new

crowd or the oldonein control of the next

Council? A vote for me is a vote for the

new; a vote for Mr. Kaeber is a vote forthe old. That's the real issue and there's

no gett ing away from it!

My candidacy is endorsed by the Nar

berth Street Improvement Association,

which is solely r espons ib le for for cing

Do youwant a New Regime in Council!

I f so, Jlote lor A. E. 'WOHLERT

FACE TH E REAL I SSUE when you go t o t he polls on Tuesday . What do

you want--a council in control of the old crowd or a council with the

balance of power in progressive, independent and fearless hands?

Vote for me i f y ou want a ne w council. Vote for Mr. Kaebe r i f y ou wan t

the old reg ime. I am an Independent running for Council o n t he Demo

cratic ticket. In the Pr imary election my name was o n b ot h ballots and

365 Republicans voted for me. I am the same man now that I was then.

Being on th e Democraticticket does no t change a man morally ormentally.



$6.50 to $9.50 .


give all the charm and color o f an open fire, with none o f t he dirt, smoke or carrying

of fuel, and in winter the rooms that are difficult to h ea t c an be made comfortable.

There is a s ize and style for every fireplace. Now is t he t ime t o prepare for the cool

evenings o f ear ly autumn. Ge t th e good ou t o f tha t vacant fireplace with a Gas Fire


Painting and Decorating

212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa.Phone, Narberth 1'1G8-W




Narberth 2510




«Service tcitll (J SmUe"

For Permanent




Built Home

Plumbing, Gas Fi tt ing

and HeatingNARBERTH, PA.



Electrical Contractor501 S. Narberth Avenue


Bstlmates FurnIshed


Phone Narberth 672 or 2215 W


rooms got to be wired? See

us about it. Need .any elec

t ri ca l r epai ri ng? Call u s in

on the job. There are a lot

of things that you ought to do


Need more light in your U

home? Have some of the

HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace


Fire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.

Walter Roser

Residence Office126 Conway /._ve. 215 Haverford Ave.

JOE G. HERRSCHAFfS la te and T in

RoofingJobbing a Special ty

318 Dudley Ave. Narber th , Pa.

Narberth Taxi Cab Co.

- , ~ " ' - , . - " . , . , . , - , - " . - ~ ,: N.R.PEACOCK ,, Interior and Exterior Painting :


: 40 7 Essex Avenue :, Phone, Narbe1·th 2637 ,~ , - , . , . , , _ . _ . , - , . _ . , __ , __ .I

r, c.10110. 1 ( ) f ~ 1,000.333_<KIO

Hoover and Westinghouse Agents

PRES. PEP lIOYSK r f.nm f ·r • • lO;, 1 21 82

" ' ' ' i l ~ u J 1 •..• 1:!7 7H 111H"ntty 138 1 ~ 107Wn It. . 131 131 111~ J a ( ' : " ; e ' · l n •• 1 3 foH ItHi

PRES. PEP HOYSWII tt . ." . 130 11 ij 109T l l O m I l ~ { ) n •• Itt. .. , ., .Blind 122 S7:\JniE'r •••• HI Glj ioUMusflu l:'!O ., •• ,.Hnus<' ,. 149149:\lflC'NcYin .. 1:-,7 t:n 1:!4


-Electric AI.

"Buy Your Christmas

Cards in Comfort!"

In our shop away f romthe hurry and bust le youw ill find a w id e a nd d is t in ct iv e l in e. Some aref ound onl y i n the exclusive Fifth Avenue shops,others run a s low as fivecents.

rata - M ~ G i n t e Y 10U I 216 N.13tJl S ~ Phila. I


' I 'HONE: NARUEUTH 1664-:11

JOSEPH WYNKOOPRegistered Plumbing

Steam .. Hot-'VaterHEATING

Jobbing201 Mongtomery Avenue

Bell P ho n e. S p ru c e 3 8- 00 " nel 38 -91

KeY8tone Phone . Race 70-M




The Gift Shop of Narberth

)IE'l'H. )IETEORSEJ. ,JenkIns 1 ~ ( ) 1 ~ ~ 1 103El'

.•Jenkins IHU ]:.!() 1fl-l

H ( . i " ' ~ . . • • • II:! 1HZ 1fl1Pu rr i ng ' " 1 4 140137l(,.ger . . . . . 13!! 110 144

HAPTlS"l' HATTLEl1S('\:pim . . • • . l ~ l r l ~ 110\Villinm!"ou l:2rt l ~ 87S m t ' f l h ~ ) ' .• too IH7 tHll'roth.'r ••• t:i3 I:!:! l t t l;,mer!!ey .. 1 ~ 1 ~ lUO

Town" two aditional matches have

been played, in the f ir st of whichthe Baptist B attl ers took threestraight f rom the Presbyterian PepBoys. The third game was a tie',b ut was t ak en b y the Battlers in anextra frame. In the second matcht he Me th od is t Met eo rs a ls o t oo kthree straight from the PresbyterianPep Boys. The sco res were as



CONTIN tmn FlU))1 ' f Im FlltST PAGE

Boys; the Methodist Senio .rs, theMethodist Marathons; whIle t heMethodist Juniors have e r ~ . : ~ r ~ e d asthe Methodist Meteors. ::'J11111arly,the Bap ti st Sen io rs have been r echr is tened the Baptist Battlers and

' t ~ e new Baptist c o n s t ~ l I a t i o n has appeared under the tItle of Ba pt ls tBoosters. ?\Tot to be outdone in thematter of awe-inspiring names, theLutherans have come t hr oug h asthe Lutheran Li ons. 5 C ! ~ ~ ' 2 . S i i ! 5 t ! 5 C 2 ~ i 2 . 5 ' 2 . S i i ! 5 t ! 5 2 . ~ 2 ~ 5 ' 2 . ! : i C 5 2 5 i : ! 5 2 ! 5 ' 2 . 5 C . ! i 2 . 5 i C 5 2 5 i : ! 5 2 ! S e . ~ ! i C ! i i S ~ ~The complete schedule for the y

season follows:g ~ : ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ : S I : ; ' i ~ ; H l l ~ \ l ( l ~ r { . t ; " ~ ; r s ~ I \ ~ ' ~ . l l ( l ( ~ : . ~ ~ , ~ ! . : : , ~ · : l t n : : ~ ~ : ~0('1.: ::.!(',--Pr('!'. P l ~ 1 1 H o y ~ n:. H a l ' t i ~ t BlIttl,'}'!". I

01'1. HH--I'rt'!o\. l ' i ~ u t ... \"10\ Hllllti!oit Boost,,),<./,. \.:

~ ~ ~ : : r ; : = r ! \ ~ · : l l l ~ . r l ~ ~ : 1 r ~ i ~ l ~ ~ ~ l l ~ . ~ . \ ' s l ' r ~ ~ :'t ~ \ ' I ; I i ' t t t ; ~ ~ I ~ . ' aNo\ ' ~ . - H l I " t i ~ t HlltO"I""; , . ~ , H:lptlst n ( l o s t l ' r ~ . .c~ : : ~ : : t ; t : ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; . 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ' i I 7 t } ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ : l J r l 1 1 \ ~ : ( ' r ~ I I ~ · t L i ~ ~ ~ i ~ . a~ : : ~ : : H U = j : : : : : ~ : l ; : i ; : } ~ ( l \ , : . \ ' l l a : ~ ~ \ I ~ ~ h · : ~ } t l ~ l l ( : . ~ . ~ ( : n - , ,Nov, ~ 1 7 - : \ l l ' t h . ) h , t t ' o r ~ ".01, Lntlwl'au L i o l l ~ . [No\' . 3U--Lnt1u. "UI I I..uI!-t y!" H : t l , t i l " ~ H t I ( I ~ · t ( ' l ' ~ rnt.(,. :i-:\lt.th. )'lul'atll(lu'" y . HaptI . t Hattl l ' rl ", \.

B ~ ; ~ : : l I = ~ ; l ~ ; ~ l ; , I ~ : ~ : ~ ~ ~ f r ~ ' ~ , , / 1 1 T I ~ ; J 1 t ~ : ( t P ~ ( l ) : : ~ ; f : r ! - t , . {i 1'111, out to lasso (( lot of light.lh " ' , I-t-LlItiWl'l Il I L !o> \ " ~ . Hll ! l t i . t HHtfh.'t·s. {J])P(', l S - ~ h · t h . :\larutholl!o'l \,!". I ' ~ " " " Pl'Jl H o ; \ ' ~ . rIl(>(, : .!l-Ml'th. :\Iptl'(lr:-: v!- BUllth:t Hattlt·fe;. ['"

J)p( ' . ~ S - - P r t · s l ' i l ( l t ~ Y" Llltht ' l 'an l.ioll":. ;)n ~ ( , . ~ ~ f - : \ i l ! t h . :\1:11'l\tllol1s y!". Huptbt BII(lst .·r", \ J'l

The a lleys a t the Ban ti st Chu rch IOil which the games are-played have I

been put in good condition for the },season and wiiI be proper ly main-tainecl throughout. The variOtts ;;p layers and teams are looking fo r- Phone, Narberth 2282 250 Haverford Avenueward to some exc el le nt score s as .. Ithe season progresses. ~ ~ _ ' i ' 2 5 ' " ~ ~ t ; · 2 . s 2 . 5 ' 2 . 5 2 . 5 C ~Ineidenta11yaw o rd about the aI- ,£''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '.' ' ' '"111'''1111"11 , . U l u I U I I ' I I I I I ' U I " ' " I U I " I " I " I " I " I I I " I U I U I " I " ' " ~ " I l I I ' " 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 " I U I I I I I I I I I ' ' ' I I I I I I ' J

leys will be in order for the benef it ~ of the newcomers in the communi- iii iii

ty. 'Wh il e the B apt is t alleys are THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Enecessarily private in natnre they i iii

are open every evening of the week __= EVANGEL E_=excep t \Vednesday and unlesso therwise r eserved to members o f iii iii

the Interchurch Bowling League i I h iii

1 f f'1 .; nViles you to ear i =

anc their riends rom i ,30 unt!10 . Newcomers in the community E Ewho l ik e to bowl are u rged to come ••=; Eml·ly Stokes Haga'raround and get acquainted with the

men in the league . Membership in ~ the league is by no means limited ! Guest Soloist !to team members. The aIleys are iii iii

reserved for the league matches on iii iii~ the dates scheduled , o f cou rse, but - =ordina.rily 'fuesday, Thursday and ! November 1, 1925 At 7.45 P. M.

Saturday evenings are open.Since the last issue of "OUt :....- I I U IU.U .U .UI I l .U I I I.U I Il . l I.U .U.U . II .U IU .UI I l .U I1I111 I I IU . U. I I I L l ll lu .u . M .na• • • •w••••n. ;

The Octobe r Book List is Presented.

Whi le t he Octob er b ook l is t o fadd it ions to the Narberth Community Library is rather small, nearlya ll o f the books are by wel l- knownand popuar a uthors. We ll s' andHutch in son' s newes t books are onthe list and are already much indemand. The first book o f "ThePeasants"-Autul11n-was brought ' ; O \ ~ ! n ' ; ' 1 ; / l ¥ f 1 i ~ J ( : ~ ~ 1 l ..x r ~ ~ : " L I I ; l e . ' ) 1 3 :;8G r.w

a couple of months ago, wit h the

promise t ha t i f the library patronsenjoyed it the other three volumeswould be procured. The librarian isp leased to say tha t the demand has ~ . , . G:;R 0U7 740 Towl ... u33 : ; 4 ~ ;;7,1

been sogreat that 'Winter was added TEA)J S T A ~ ~ ~ N G J,,(l,t

an d now, thi s month Spr ing and ~ i ' , I W , ~ ~ i i . r ~ l ~ I ; ; : C ~ " , ' : : : : : : : : 8Sunl111er. r l l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? t i : ; i n ~ ( a [ l ~ l t ~ ~ l t ( ; n ~ .. ' : :: : iFollo\V1'11g i s the COml)lete l is t o f I ' r . , " h ~ · t ..r i" n P ep H , , ~ · s .. , (J i;BflJlt lst B(l(l"'ltpr , .

books purchased dur ing the month LUII",r"n Linns .

of October: IChristina Alber ta's Father by

H. G. \;Vells. The story of a v er ymodern girl and her timid, butfancifu l father . who imagines himself "Sargon, King of Kings."Emigrants by Johan Bojer. Trans

l ated f rom the Norwegian by A. G.J ayn e. Mo st of t he action ta kesplace in the American Middle West.Greenery Street by Dennis Mack

ail. A c le ve r s tor y of t he fi rs t y ea rof married life.Immor ta l G ir l by Bertha Ruch.

A romantic novel.One Increasing Purpose by A. S.

M. Hutch in son. The que st forsomething that will satisfy thehunger of the soul.Q-ueer Judson by Joseph C. Lin-

coln. A lovable blunde rer whofinally finds his place in life.Rub en and I vy Sen by LOllise

Jordon Milne. The delightful 'M rs.Sen (o f Mr. and 1\11 rs. Sen) and herchi ld ren are the cen tr al figures inthi s new s to ry , wh ich t reats of theresults of marriage between East

and \Vest .Runaway by Floyd Dell. Lives of

a f at he r al)(1 daugh te r. An inter estin!! l ~ a i r this father and daughterof v agabond spirit. .Venetian Glass Nephew by E1I

no r \ \Tylie. An enchanting t ~ l e . oflove and witchcraft in the tapIstnedgreen-lag-ooned Venice of the eight

eenth century.Go in g to F lo ri da by Frank. IyI.- GARAnteed Roofs

Dunbatlgh. Jr. A book gJV111grOlltes to and excllrs ions from that m I 9 & ; ~ q E : £ [ : ! : E : : : ! : : : ! : : : : £ : : : I : ~ n : i [ 1 [ : £ ~ : : i [ : i ! : , u : i r : i [ : l [ : : ~ ; l ~ : : ! ! : ! ! , ! [ : ! ~ : ! : : i m : ~ : : £ [ : ! : : : t i : ; E l ~ ~ : : : i ~ I : i ! r r ! ~ E ~ ' ffamous winter resort. ~ ...

Jungle Days by. 'William Bee.be l ~ Ph·. d I h· S b b W t C HA mass o f inter es tmg and amazmg I ~ I I a e p la u ur an a er o. [:1

information-at once- scientific and H G I Offi 1612 M k t St t Ph'} d I h' . 11 enera ce: ar e ree , I a e p la 1 1

poetic. i;;! ;::1

ANNOUNCE NEW RULES FOR m f i l t e r ~ s e w ; ~ ; a ~ f l p 1 h i : h ~ : ~ ~ ~ b ~ a t i i ; t i ~ f 6 n b ~ : ~ J g h s S e r : ~ ~ !::,

CHURCH BOWLING LEAGUE I!::i \own£:hips located in Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and < 1

h. Bucks Counties. ; 1m Gm WLi To serve thi s territory the Company maintains 3 dams, I"i;;! 3 pumping stations, ful1y equipped with modern pumping (i

; 1 and f il te ring equipment , 10 reservoir s, 12 s tandpipes and f,lH 640 miles of distribution and transmissi{)n mains. t 1

;"i , DIVISION OFFICES 1"1m .... IJ.O!O" "_ ,

!; ! .H Eastern South em Westem G