overview of malaysian patient safety goals orientation program duchess of kent hospital dr paul chan...

Overview of Malaysian Patient Safety Goals Orientation Program Duchess of Kent Hospital Dr Paul Chan Adv Dip (Med Sci), MBBS, MBA (Healthcare Management) Deputy Director HDOK

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Overview of Malaysian Patient Safety Goals

Orientation Program Duchess of Kent Hospital

Dr Paul ChanAdv Dip (Med Sci), MBBS, MBA (Healthcare Management)

Deputy Director HDOK

30TH August 2012

Introduction• The Malaysian Patient Safety Goals are

designed :• To stimulate health care organizations in

improving patient safety .• To outline important patient safety areas that

need to be improved • To act as a “Performance Measurement” in

areas that are critical to a safe health care system.

• For Patient Safety Council to monitor and evaluate the status of patient safety in the country.

29th December 2013

30TH August 2012


• Philosophy of Patient Safety Goals• “Patient safety shall be given prime

importance in health care and preventable adverse events should be avoided at all costs”.

• Scope: • Applicable to all public and private health

care facilities• Hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics

39th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Derivation of Goals, Indicators & Targets

Goals originally based on WHO Patient Safety Program Areas and JCI Patient Safety Goals

PIs and targets are based on: Philosophy of goals, current MOH standards,

statistics on previous performance of Malaysian health care facilities and consensus decision of Patient Safety Council Members, Officers from State Health Departments, Hospital Directors, Clinicians and discussion with Sir Liam Donaldson (Patient Safety Advisor to WHO Director General)

Initially there were 15 goals, 59 PIs which were reduced to 29 PIs after first meeting and further reduced to: 13 goals and 19 PIs – for hospitals4 goals and 6 PIs – for clinics

9th December 2013

Malaysian Patient Safety Goals

1) To implement Clinical Governance

2) To implement WHO’s 1st Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Clean Care is Safer Care”

3) To implement WHO’s 2nd Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”

4) To implement WHO’s 3rd Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance”

5) To improve the accuracy of patient identification

6) To ensure the safety of transfusions of blood and blood products

7) To improve medication safety

8) To improve clinical communication by implementing a critical test and critical value program

9) To reduce patient fall10)To reduce the incidence of

healthcare- associated pressure ulcer

11) To reduce Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection (CRBSI)

12) To reduce Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)

13) To implement the Patient Safety Incident Reporting and Learning System 59th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Clinical Governance Framework

Clinical Governance


High Standards of


Excellence in Clinical Care

Continuous Improvement

of Service Quality

NHSSource : UK NHS9th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal, Indicator & Target

Goal no

Goal Indicator Target

1 To implement Clinical Governance

Implementation of Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance implemented


Clinical governance • A framework through which organisations are accountable for

continually improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence will flourish.

• Corporate accountability for clinical performance• Compliance to Clinical Governance can be evaluated using

“Clinical Governance Assessment Tool” available in “Guideline on Achieving Excellence in Clinical Governance” produced by Patient Safety Council Malaysia & MOH

9th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal, Indicator & Target

Goal no

Goal Indicator Target

2 To implement WHO’s 1st Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Clean Care is Safer Care”

Hand hygiene compliance rate

≥ 75% at each audit

89th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicators Target

3 To implement WHO’s 2nd Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”

1. Number of wrong surgery performed


2. Number of retained foreign body


99th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicators Target4 To implement

WHO’s 3rd Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance”

Incidence rate ofMRSA infection

≤ 0.4% /month

Incidence rate ofESBL – Klebsiella pneumoniae

≤ 0.3%/month

Incidence rate ofESBL-E.coli infection

≤ 0.2%/ month

109th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no

Goal Indicator Target

5 To improve the accuracy of patient identification

Compliance rate of at least 2 identifiers implemented


119th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicators Target

6 To ensure the safety of blood and blood products

No of transfusion error (actual)


No of ‘near misses’ during the transfusion process



Transfusion error (actual): wrong pack of blood or its product is given for the patientTransfusion error (near miss): transfusion error that almost occur but prevented/ intervened resulting in no harm 9th December 2013

30TH August 2012 13

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicators Target

7 To improve medication safety

1. No of medication error (actual)


2. No of medication error (near miss)



• Type of Medication error - Prescribing error, Omission error, Wrong time error, unauthorized drug error, Dose error, Dosage form error, Drug preparation error , Route of administration error, Administration Technique error, Deteriorated drug error, Monitoring error, Compliance error

• Medication error (actual) – An error occurred and reached the patient

• Medication error (near miss) - An error occurred but the error did not reach the patient, managed to be intervened

9th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no

Goal Indicator Target

8 To improve clinical communication by implementing a critical test and critical value program

% of critical value notified within 30 minutes



Definitions Critical test: test which requires rapid communication of result. Critical value: unexpected result that fall significantly outside the normal range and has the potential for serious adverse outcome to the patient if not dealt with promptly.

Criteria Inclusion: critical list provided by hospital (chemical pathology/ hematology tests)9th December 2013

30TH August 2012

List of Critical Test - Haematology

169th December 2013

30TH August 2012

List of Critical Test – Chemical Pathology

179th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no

Goal Indicators Target

9 To reduce patient fall

1. Number of fall (adult)

10% reduction per year based on

previous year’s data as a baseline

2. Number of fall (pediatrics)

10% reduction per year based on

previous year’s data as a baseline

189th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicator Target

10 To reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated pressure ulcer

Incidence rate of pressure ulcer

≤ 3 %

199th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicator Target

11 To reduce Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection (CRBSI)

Rate of CRBSI <5 per 1000 catheter days


Central Venous Catheter Care Bundle (CVC-CB)It consists of five evidence-based procedures recommended by CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention)

1. Hand hygiene2. Maximal barrier precautions upon insertion3. Chlorhexidine skin antisepsis4. Optimal catheter site selection, with subclavian

vein as the preferred site for non-tunneled catheters

5. Daily review of line necessity with prompt removal of unnecessary line

9th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicator Target

12 To reduce Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)

Rate of VAP <10 per 1000 ventilator days


The ventilator care bundle has four key components:1. Elevation of head of the bed to between 30- 45 degrees2. Daily sedation vacation3. Peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis4. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis unless contraindicated

*VAP: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia: Pneumonia that occurs after 48 hours of intubation

9th December 2013

30TH August 2012

Goal no Goal Indicator/s Target

13 To implement the Patient Safety Incident Reporting and Learning System

Implementing of Incident Reporting system (including RCA) or other methods to investigate the incidents (e.g clinical audit)

System implemented

229th December 2013


• Malaysian Patient Safety Goals is ready for implementation nation wide this year June 2013

• Need to know what to do to ensure patients safety

• Prevent litigation