p lease keep for future reference!...term 4 parent diary for all school events – p lease keep for...

Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – Please keep for future reference! Tomorrow 8.30am St Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room Sausage Sizzle Lunch - fortnightly, even weeks 4, 6 and 8 Next Week Monday 12 November Tuesday 13 November Wednesday 14 November Thursday 15 November Friday 16 November Heritage School Photos - CLASS PHOTOS ONLY 9am Final Gold Awards Learning Celebration for the whole school. Linwood College Taster Afternoon - selected Year 6 students NZEI Teachers’ Strike Day. School officially closed for instruction KiwiCan ‘Country Comes to School’ Mufti Day. Gold Coin donation to Salvation Army for all their support of our school Forms & Payment for Duffy Summer Reading $5 Parent Offer due School Closed for Show Day Coming Up November - dates TBC Monday 19 November Thursday 22 November Friday 23 November Monday 26 November Wednesday 28 November Thursday 29 November Friday 30 November Friday 7 December Monday 10 December Wednesday 12 December Thursday 13 December Monday 28 January 2019 Team Visits to our new Turanga Library City Centre. Term 4 $10 Activity Fee to be paid. Dates still to be confirmed by CCC SENIOR ATHLETICS SPORTS - ALL YEAR 4 - 6 STUDENTS Science Fair - Open Afternoon at LNS - come and visit classrooms Visit to see RNZB ‘The Nutcracker’ for 50 students. All places now filled. * A notice will be sent home soon letting you know if you have a confirmed seat or whether you are on the waiting list for cancellations 5.30pm - 6.30pm Music Soiree Concert in School Hall for all Recorder and Ukulele students with their families *9 .15am EOTC Willowbank/Ko Tane Experience - Kakano *9.15am EOTC Willowbank/Ko Tane Experience - Karawha *9.15am EOTC Willowbank/Ko Tane Experience - Kokari *EOTC Fee of $30.00 per child required JUNIOR ATHLETICS SPORTS - ALL YEAR 0 - 3 STUDENTS Year 6 Leaver Day. 9am Assembly. Lunch at Woodham Park Reports, Student Assessments, Learning Journals and Class Placements for 2019 issued to all students Whole School Christmas Concert 5.30pm. All children required School Prizegiving. Last day of school for students. Staff Only Day. School closed for 2018. Wh ītau School opens for instruction for all students for Term 1 OUR WEEKLY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. PLEASE READ IT! Taha Maori Focus Each week we have a Maori phrase aligning with our PB4L focus Tangohia nga korero me nga retaata ki a koe - Take your notices and newsletters home

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Page 1: P lease keep for future reference!...Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – P lease keep for future reference! Tomorrow 8.30am S t Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room

Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – Please keep for future reference!

Tomorrow 8.30am St Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room

Sausage Sizzle Lunch - fortnightly, even weeks 4, 6 and 8

Next Week

Monday 12 November Tuesday 13 November Wednesday 14 November Thursday 15 November Friday 16 November

Heritage School Photos - CLASS PHOTOS ONLY 9am Final Gold Awards Learning Celebration for the whole school. Linwood College Taster Afternoon - selected Year 6 students NZEI Teachers’ Strike Day. School officially closed for instruction KiwiCan ‘Country Comes to School’ Mufti Day. Gold Coin donation to Salvation Army for all their support of our school Forms & Payment for Duffy Summer Reading $5 Parent Offer due School Closed for Show Day

Coming Up

November - dates TBC Monday 19 November Thursday 22 November Friday 23 November Monday 26 November Wednesday 28 November Thursday 29 November Friday 30 November Friday 7 December Monday 10 December Wednesday 12 December Thursday 13 December Monday 28 January 2019

Team Visits to our new Turanga Library City Centre. Term 4 $10 Activity Fee to be paid. Dates still to be confirmed by CCC SENIOR ATHLETICS SPORTS - ALL YEAR 4 - 6 STUDENTS Science Fair - Open Afternoon at LNS - come and visit classrooms Visit to see RNZB ‘The Nutcracker’ for 50 students. All places now filled. * A notice will be sent home soon letting you know if you have a confirmed seat or whether you are on the waiting list for cancellations 5.30pm - 6.30pm Music Soiree Concert in School Hall for all Recorder and Ukulele students with their families *9.15am EOTC Willowbank/Ko Tane Experience - Kakano *9.15am EOTC Willowbank/Ko Tane Experience - Karawha *9.15am EOTC Willowbank/Ko Tane Experience - Kokari *EOTC Fee of $30.00 per child required JUNIOR ATHLETICS SPORTS - ALL YEAR 0 - 3 STUDENTS Year 6 Leaver Day. 9am Assembly. Lunch at Woodham Park Reports, Student Assessments, Learning Journals and Class Placements for 2019 issued to all students Whole School Christmas Concert 5.30pm. All children required School Prizegiving. Last day of school for students. Staff Only Day. School closed for 2018. Whīītau School opens for instruction for all students for Term 1


Taha Maori Focus Each week we have a Maori phrase aligning with our PB4L focus Tangohia nga korero me nga retaata ki a koe - Take your notices and newsletters home

Page 2: P lease keep for future reference!...Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – P lease keep for future reference! Tomorrow 8.30am S t Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room

We value Being Respectful, Being Responsible and Being a Learner

From the Principal’s Desk Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Linwood North School Kia ora koutou katoa! Talofa lava! Māālōō e lelei! Greetings everyone!

SCHOOL CLASS PHOTOS - Next Monday 12 November Starting with Room 1 at 9am. Please ensure your child has a red school polar fleece or sweatshirt to wear in their class photos . A proof of the photo will be sent home by Heritage Photos for your orders. Individual portraits are taken every second year, so they will be taken again in 2019. Please have all students at school dressed in the correct school uniform, including black or white socks and on time as we don’t want anyone to miss out being in their class photos.

MUFTI DAY - next Thursday 15 November As part of our KiwiCan Community Project we will be holding

a mufti day at school next Thursday before our Canterbury

Anniversary Show Day.

Please bring a gold coin donation. All proceeds are going to

the Salvation Army to support the wonderful work they do

helping families over the Christmas period.

The theme is COUNTRY COMES TO TOWN to celebrate Show

Weekend. Dress in your finest country or townie outfits!


Mrs Wilson was proud to select and take 25 Year 4 to 6 students to represent Linwood North School at the Zone

Athletics Day on Tuesday. She was extremely proud of our students, their behaviour and attitude and the wonderful

way they supported each others events. Special congratulations to the following students:

Year 6 Boys 50m Sprint

1st Hoani Togia

4th Chris Tavake

Year 5 Girls 50m Sprint

1st Mahalia Hiley

2nd Arnika Rose Gread-Robinson

Year 5 Girls Relay

2nd Linwood North School

Year 5 Girls Long Jump

1st Arnika Rose Gread-Robinson

A very warm welcome to Linwood North School…….. We warmly welcome the following student who has enrolled at our school recently. We trust you and your whāānau will find our school an awesome, caring school where you will be ‘learning to take us places……!’ Room 1: Jax Woodward Kindest regards everyone Sandra Smith JP Principal - Tumuaki

Page 3: P lease keep for future reference!...Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – P lease keep for future reference! Tomorrow 8.30am S t Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room

Weekly Principal’s Class Awards These awards are presented at Team Whāānau Time on Monday mornings at 9am. Families are most welcome to attend. Class Awards for ‘Caught Being Good as Gold’ using our School Values.

Christian Tuima Kaylee Young Joeleah August Parker Fisher-Cobb Amelia Campbell Misty Rochford Donna-Marie Moale Dupree Siaki Niah Suliafu John Ihaia Samantha Keele Avaali Manuleleua Aroha Kerr

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 SKK SKW Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11

For making a great start to learning at LNS by starting every day with a smile For being a helpful class member For making a great start to her first week at school at LNS For his awesome positive outlook and for showing resilience For her awesome positive outlook towards learning For always being a good friend to others For her consistent role modelling of being a Linwood North Learner For being an active learner by helping others with their learning For always being ready to learn and a great role model to all For using great listening skills and following instructions really well For being a great role model in Room 9 For making an excellent transition into Linwood North School For taking risks with your learning and applying yourself so hard to new learning! Your huge effort is paying off!

Class Awards for Literacy and Numeracy:

Sophia Conaghen Novalea Thorn Kailani Clough Anna Kumar Hezekiah Chadwick Kaden Soper Kiana Cormack-Moka Zavier Young Adin Kumar Judah Stothers Govind Sharma Joseph Mulipola Troy Thomson

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 SKK SKW Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11

For trying hard to form her numbers correctly For her great effort working independently with her story writing For showing improvement in her writing For her awesome and consistent effort in Reading For his awesome consistent effort in Maths and trying different strategies to solve addition problems For becoming more independent with his Writing and willingness to share his Writing with others For the big improvements in her Literacy learning For all the effort he puts into his daily Writing For always taking pride in the work he does For working hard and taking pride in what he is producing For being an amazing inspirational writer For making huge efforts in his reading and writing For huge efforts with his reading and writing both with Mrs W and Ms Cosgrove. Keep it up!

Mathletics Results from Week 3 At Linwood North School the Board of Trustees fund Mathletics for each child to access online in class and at home. This means that learning can be ubiquitous as learning can happen at home, at school or anywhere. If your child does not have access to Mathletics, please see your child’s teacher for their login details. The top Mathletics Classes were: The top Mathletics students were: Kākano: Room 3 Kākano: Jacob Ship (R3) Karawha: Room 5 Karawha: Naeema Ali (R5) Kōkari: Room 10 Kōrari: Priyanshu Dalai (R10)

PB4L-SW@LNS – Week 4 This week our focus is: Be Responsible: Take newsletters and notices home What does this look like at home?

⇒ Developing routines of what happens to notices when your child gets home ⇒ Having a system of how to return notices back to school ⇒ Completing the newsletter slip and returning it to school each Thursday for house points

Staff Profile: Ann-Marie Fraser, Teaching Assistant Hi. I’ve worked here at Linwood North for 4 ½ years now and thoroughly enjoy my job and I’m based in Room 4. I’m the enormously proud mum of two amazing kids - Jacob, 15 and Bailey, 12 - who are both extremely sporty. I am also Nana to two amazing little girls, Zoey who is now 4 and wee Ava who is nearly 2, and what handfuls they are when they come to stay! My partner Jason and I enjoy taking our family camping, motorbike riding, to rugby games and just spending time together. I love to read (fantasy in particular), bake for the family and play games on my ipad (when I get some downtime).

Page 4: P lease keep for future reference!...Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – P lease keep for future reference! Tomorrow 8.30am S t Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room

News from Mrs Cherry and Mrs Mackie - Room 4 What a wonderful start we have had to Term Four. Swimming was a great success with the children making really good progress in both their water confidence and swimming skills. We have also continued with our Science experiments with the children making predictions about what they think may happen as the experiments progress. They are keen to see the changes that happen and talk with each other about their scientific ideas. With the weather warming up it is more important than ever that your child is staying well hydrated during their day. Water is crucial for our bodies and brains to function well so please make sure your child had their water bottle at school each day. We have a lot to look forward to as the term progresses with practicing for the Christmas Concert and athletic skills for the upcoming Athletics day. We look forward to sharing both these events with you later in the term.

Nga mihi

Ellie Cherry and Bobbie Mackie

News from Kāākano Team and Miss Collins Last week we had our school wide Book Week. The students in Kākano loved dressing up as their favourite book character. During this week teachers read stories in other classrooms and it was a lovely opportunity for our younger students to spend time and get to know other teachers at Linwood North School. Room Three have shared some photos of them visiting the Library and their Book Week costumes. Each week all of our classes have the opportunity to visit the Library, return their book and issue another book to take home. We have a beautifully resourced Library which is run by Miss Cosgrove, one of our Learning Assistants. The children also has classroom activities as part of Book Week. We still have a few new entrant students to start school in Room 1 this year. If you have a child or know of a child turning five anytime in 2019, please come and enrol them as soon as possible so we can plan transitions to school and classes.

Community News Lost, one Captain America Vívofit Jr 2 kids watch, with HAMISH displayed on it. Hamish misplaced it at sports on Monday 5th and really wants it back and so do his family. No questions asked. Return either to Hamish directly, his room teacher (11) or the office please. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WEEKLY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER RETURN SLIP: Newsletter No 35

Please sign and ask your child to return this section to their class teacher. There will be a class weekly treat for the class who has the most returns. Your child will receive 5 house points and enter their slip in the class box for their class lucky book draw at our monthly Gold Awards Learning Celebration.

I have received and read the L.N.S. Newsletter 35

Student’s Name: _____________________________________Room: _____ Signed: ________________________________ We welcome your comment ....

Page 5: P lease keep for future reference!...Term 4 Parent Diary for all School Events – P lease keep for future reference! Tomorrow 8.30am S t Chad’s Breakfast Club in the Kidsbase Room