p s rimary chool newslettertzuchischool.com/newslatter/ay2016-2017 newsletter term 1 0930f.pdf ·...

YAYASAN BUDDHA TZU CHI WIYATA Early Childhood – Primary - Secondary P rimary S chool N ewsletter This edition Welcome Remarks P.2 Starting off this Academic Year P.3 Independence Day Celebration P.4 Language Week P.5 Visit from Tzu Chi Hualien P.7 Our PTA P.8 EEP Information Day P.9 Community Service Cleaning of Jingsi Hall P.10 Students Q&A P.11 Op ART With Colour Pencil – P3 Students

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Early Childhood – Primary - Secondary

Primary School Newsletter

This edition

Welcome Remarks P.2

Starting off this Academic

Year P.3

Independence Day Celebration


Language Week P.5

Visit from Tzu Chi Hualien


Our PTA P.8

EEP Information Day


Community Service Cleaning of Jingsi Hall


Students Q&A P.11

Op ART With Colour Pencil – P3 Students

Dear Parents,

It is a joy to write again in this edition of Newsletter. We are happy to see the increasing number

of Primary students in the Academic Year 2016 – 2017. Many exciting events have taken place

during this First Term and it brings me great pleasure to share them with you.

We started off this Academic Year with bigger dreams and of course a bigger team. To care for

1140 Primary students, we have 106 teachers in the Primary Department in place and all of them

participated in our teachers training before we started this new Academic Year. Once we started,

we made sure parents were involved because we believe that parental involvement is crucial in the

holistic improvement of the children.

In the first term, we were also happy to host our sister school from Tzu Chi Primary School Hualien,

Taiwan. Our P6 graduates visited them couple years back and now it is time for them to visit us. I

am very happy to see our P6 students hosting them wholeheartedly, taking care of the Taiwanese

visitors not only in school but also taking them to visit tourist destinations in Jakarta as well as

visiting some slum areas in Jakarta as a form of charity mission.

Primary One students have always been the highlight of new Academic Year. Their first days of

school as Primary students bring joy and excitement not only to themselves but also to teachers

and parents. Some of them were still anxious and nervous but it is clear that before this 1st term

even ends, all of them look so settled in their new level.

It is also a delight for me to announce that we have launched a scholarship program for our

Primary 6 students going to Secondary School. We aim to provide the best continuous education

to our students as well as giving opportunities for our best students to achieve more. Many students

in our P6 participated in this program enthusiastically and I hope to see the great results very


We wrapped up this term with an exciting event, “Language Week”. We saw faces beaming with

excitement as children participated in games, storytelling, Spelling Bee and Speech Competitions

as well as coming to school in costumes. We are also delighted and happy to see how parents

helped to make costumes for their children (especially those handmade costumes using recyclable

materials). This is certainly providing a great example for our children on how they can reduce

consumerism, reuse materials and in the end protecting the environment.

Thanks for a great start of the term. Let’s welcome another terms full of excitement!

Warm greetings,

Caroline Widjanarko

Caroline Widjanarko


Starting off this Academic Year … -Ms Erna-

Welcome back to school. After a long holiday, we started our academic year 2016-2017

on Wednesday, 27 July 2016. Many preparations were made for this academic year.

First, we had our annual teachers training from 18 to 22 July 2016. We welcomed our

new teachers and introduced them to our Tzu Chi family. Teachers were also able to get involved

in humanistics activities such as trip to the eldery home and visiting the Tzu Chi recycling station.

We also had our class orientation on Monday, 25 July 2016 where parents were able to

meet with the teachers and get some information on what the students need to prepare for this

school year.

We started our first day of school on Tuesday, 26 July 2016. Most of our students felt

excited to come back to school and meet their friends. P1 students, who are new to our primary

school, had a tour around the school to help familiarize themselves with the school’s facilites.

Curriculum orientation for each level was conducted on second week of August 2016,

where parents were briefed about what their children will learn during this school year. Ms

Meilya, the counselor also had a chance to meet with the P1 parents and share information on

how to support our P1 students in dealing with the new school environment, which is quite

different from the kindergarten.





Setiap tanggal 17 Agustus seluruh masyarakat Indonesia

memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Di tahun 2016 ini,

Indonesia telah merayakan kemerdekaannya yang ke-71 tahun. Hari

Kemerdekaan merupakan tonggak sejarah perjuangan bangsa yang

harus dipertahankan dan dijunjung tinggi. Maka, sudah sepatutnyalah

kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia mengenang jasa-jasa para pahlawan

bangsa yang telah mengorbankan jiwa raga demi memperjuangkan

kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia.

Berbagai kegiatan dilakukan masyarakat Indonesia untuk

memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan, mulai dari mengadakan upacara

bendera hingga mengadakan berbagai macam perlombaan. SD Tzu Chi

sebagai lembaga pendidikan formal juga turut serta memperingati

Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-71 tahun. Tidak hanya

mengadakan upacara bendera pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2016, SD Tzu

Chi juga telah menyelenggarakan kegiatan perlombaan pada hari

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016. Perlombaan tersebut diantaranya adalah

lomba makan kerupuk, tarik tambang, estafet dan memasukan pensil

ke dalam botol.

Seluruh siswa - siswi SD Tzu Chi turut serta dalam perlombaan,

wali kelas telah memilih dan mendaftarkan nama peserta jauh hari

sebelum perlombaan dimulai. Mereka semua semangat dan sangat

antusias dalam mengikuti perlombaan. Perlombaan ini diharapkan

dapat memupuk rasa saling bekerja sama dan gotong royong dalam

kelompok dalam rangka meraih kemenangan. Hal ini sejalan dengan

semangat kemerdekaan dan perjuangan para pahlawan dalam meraih

kemerdekaan, yaitu adanya jiwa gotong royong dan kerja sama yang

baik untuk memperoleh kemenangan.

Para pemenang lomba mendapatkan berbagai macam hadiah

sebagai tanda hasil perjuangan mereka memenangkan lomba. Para

siswa - siswi SD Tzu Chi juga telah menerapkan sikap sportif dan

lapang dada menerima kekalahan. “Mari kita bersyukur dan terus

memupuk rasa cinta terhadap tanah air kita Indonesia!”

-Mr Wahyu-


On Tuesday, 27 September 2016, Tzu Chi Primary

School had its ‘English Day’ portion of the Language Week

Event. As soon as students arrived at school, the fun

began, as students came to school dressed as their

favourite characters in literature. All students were

excited to show off the costume they made and see what

their friends came dressed as. Everyone from Harry

Potter, to Peter Pan, and even Cinderella were in

attendance. Throughout the day students were involved in

various activities developed by the English Department.

To begin, students in upper primary were matched

with the younger students and had a very exciting and

fulfilling story time, led by the older students. Students

also created a poster of memories, in which every student

brought in a small memento to share with the class. After

showing the item to the class and writing the memory

attached to it, it was secured to the classes’ memory

poster, and displayed for all to see.

Our lower primary students wrote letters to their

future selves, explaining their hopes and goals for the

future, as well as how they feel about their life now. This

will be given back to students on their last day at Tzu Chi

Primary School for them to see how much they’ve changed

in just a few short years.

To close out the day, our students were entertained

by a clown. His comical routine had classes from Primary 1

to Primary 6 laughing. After that we had our main event

for the day, the Spelling Bee. Students had their

preliminary round in the classroom, and were taken to the

Jing Si Hall for the final showdown. Congratulations to all

our medalists and all those involved in the English Day

Event on a successful and enjoyable day!

-Mr Brandon-


记慈济小学华文日活动 撰稿人:陈晓杰老师

9 月 28日慈济小学迎来了一年一度的华文日,在华文老师的精心准备和学生的满心期待下,华文






















2016 年 7 月 27 日至 8 月 5 日,花莲慈濟小学师生一行人共 26 人,首次来到印尼进行为期 10 天的

暑期人文交流活动。在人文交流活动中,师生们到金卡莲大爱学校、Al Mutaqqin 学校进行交流,到习经

院、Pademangan 区进行关怀,也到蒙纳斯广场、安佐、缩影公园进行文化采风。

2016 年 8 月 2 日,花莲慈濟小学与印尼慈濟小学两所姐妹校的师生终于正式见面了。为了迎接远

道而来的花莲慈小师生,学校特别安排六年级 18 位学生当花莲慈小学生的小天使,陪伴在他们的左右。












地看着比赛,加上体育老师 Mr. Lukman 生动的即时赛事转播,让大家笑声不断。两校交流在足球友谊赛


8 月 5 日的欢送会上,大家带着依依不舍的心情道别,相信花莲慈濟小学与印尼慈濟小学的姐妹情 7


PTA By: Pia Padilla

The Parent Teachers Association or PTA is a valuable part of every school.

It is a committee which aims to serve as a bridge between the school and the parents

of each child towards achieving common aspirations by forging open

communication lines.

The first PTA meeting was held last August 26, 2016 at the Tzu Chi Primary

School VIP Room. It was attended by the parent representatives of each class from

Primary 1 to Primary 6. The School Director, Mr Sudino Lim, was also present as

were the Primary Principal and Vice Principal. The

agenda of that first meeting was to elect the

officers for this new academic year.

Each elected parent was given a chance to

present their platform and vision for this school

year. A simple voting process was done afterwards

with both the parents and school administration

casting their votes. In the end, the following

parents were elected as the PTA officers:

Chairman: Mr Emil Atmadjaya

Vice Chairman: Ms Rika Setiawan

Secretaries: Ms Eny Surya and Ms Susy

Treasurers: Ms Nancy and Ms Lenny

There is a saying that it takes a whole village

to raise a child. That much is true in the school set

up as well. It takes an entire community to take

care of each child in the school. It is a shared

commitment, not just of the teachers but of the

parents as well. This school year looks promising

and everyone is looking forward to a good working

relationship. Once again, our congratulations and

gratitude to all the officers who were brave enough

to take on the challenge.


-Mr Abraham-

Kegiatan EEP Information Day ini diselenggarakan pada hari Jumat, 26 Agustus

2016, pukul 13.30 WIB bertempat di area kantin SMP. Sekolah juga mengundang 5

vendor yang ikut terlibat dalam EEP Primary, yaitu Manga Drawing, Wushu, Tae Kwondo,

Robotic, dan Cooking. Selain dari vendor, EEP dari sekolah sendiri juga banyak di

kunjungi dan diminati oleh orang tua dan siswa. EEP dari sekolah antara lain Science

Club, Journalism & Broadcasting, IT, Violin, Soccer, Basketball, Modern Dance, Tzu Chi

Sign Language, dan EEP Swimming yang baru pertama sekali dimulai di tahun ajaran

2016-2017 ini. Guru-guru yang terlibat di dalamnya mencoba memberi penjelasan jika

ada orang tua murid yang bertanya.

Pameran EEP ini sangat menarik antusiasme orangtua dan siswa, khususnya orang

tua yang baru pertama kali mengetahui program EEP ini. Auntusiasme mereka terlihat

dari banyaknya pengunjung (orangtua dan siswa) yang datang setelah dismissal.

Pengunjung menanyakan hal-hal seputar EEP, seperti materinya, harga, perlengkapan,

pengajar, dan sebagainya. Jadi, pameran ini diadakan bukan untuk mendaftar atau

melakukan pembayaran EEP, tetapi lebih kepada memperkenalkan dan memberi

informasi kepada orangtua dan siswa tentang EEP. Semoga orangtua terfasilitasi dan

mendukung dengan bijaksana program EEP ini, sehingga para siswa yang mengikuti

program ini mendapatkan hasil yang efektif.

Mengawali EEP yang akan

dimulai pada Term-2 di tahun ajaran

baru 2016-2017 ini, sekolah telah

menyelenggarakan acara EEP

Information Day, yaitu kegiatan

pameran EEP yang bertujuan untuk

memperkenalkan program EEP

(Extended Enrichment Program) di

sekolah. EEP dilaksanakan setelah

semua mata pelajaran usai. Pameran

ini diharapkan dapat memberi

gambaran kepada orang tua murid

untuk memilih program EEP yang

sesuai dengan minat anak masing-





工活动-打扫静思堂。由于班导师在平时的 Homeroom time 都有宣导有关保持






















How do you feel after cleaning the Jingsi Hall? - Ms Yosephine

Tzu Chi Primary School believes that knowledgable individuals are those who do not only

achieve straight A’s in school, but those who also understand the importance of ‘selfless

contribution’ within our society. Therefore, the school strives to cultivate the seeds of

empathy as well as self-discipline into our students. With this in mind, the school conducted an

activity where our Primary 3 students cleaned the Jing Si Hall on 26 September 2016.

Needless to say, it was a productive day as students learned the essential meaning of daily

activities such as cleaning and being responsible for the mess we make.

Let’s hear their thoughts on this:

Q1: What did you learn from the ‘Cleaning Jing Si

Hall’ event? What was the benefit of the event for you?

I learned how hard it is to be a cleaner. I also learned that we

can ease up the cleaners’ job by maintaining our own cleanliness.

Clevin, P3 Compassion

Q2: In the cleaning process, what are the things we

should pay attention to?

We should pay attention to the details of how to clean the

chairs and other furniture properly.

Regina Lucky Surjadi, P3 Harmony

We should pay attention to the teachers as they are

instructing. We had to see whether the items in the room

were cleaned completely.

Felicia Anthony Lie, P3 Compassion


Q3: What was the biggest difference before and

after the cleaning event?

At first, the chairs were dusty and it was hard to clean the

rooms there. After some time, the rooms got cleaner and

cleaner. I felt happy because I was able to help the school

cleaners who work hard everyday!

Giselle Civara Wijaya, P3 Compassion

Q4: Have you ever helped your parents clean up?

How did you learn the proper way to clean up?

Sometimes I help my parents clean up our house. I don’t really

know how to clean properly, but I am willing to learn and

listened carefully during the cleaning event at Jing Si Hall.

Kimiko Nikita Sugiharto, P3 Harmony

Yes, I also clean my own bedroom to keep it neat and tidy. I

learned how to clean by observing my mom doing chores.

Megan Inderadjajanata, P3 Harmony

Layout editor: Ms Jade & Ms Yubao