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Post on 03-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 P1B2Diktati


    P1 B2 Dictations

    1. My worst problem was my love of fun. I enjoyed the wild night life too much. Many people

    have found that a love of fun helps them to enjoy life. I wanted to seem serious, and this did not

    help. So I was careful to hide that side of my life. In this way my life became a lie. Even before I

    finished my studies, I already had a double life.

    The years passed, and I grew older and more sensible. But it was too late to change anything.And then, through my scientific studies, I learned something important. Man has two sides a

    good side and an evil side. I knew that this was true of me. I was honest about it. As a doctor, I

    tried to learn more and help sick people. The other part of me was also honest about it. Slowly it

    became clear to me that man is not just one person. He is two people.

    2. Then one evening the girl telephoned. She wanted to talk to him, so they decided to meet in a

    restaurant. He felt very nervous and came early. He sat at the table. It was difficult to look nice

    with a broken leg, but his family helped him to get ready. His sister cut his grey trousers. She also

    cut his hair for him. And he was wearing his brothers best tie.

    The girl arrived. He remembered how beautiful she was. Was she going to kiss him? She only

    touched his cheek, like someone meeting a friend at a party. He suddenly knew how much he

    loved her. She was his oldest friend. The two of them went through very difficult times together.She was a part of his life. It was too late to change that.

    It is hard not living together, he said.

    She looked at him. In this light her eyes seemed to be very dark blue, almost black.

    3. I walked with them slowly to the station and then came back alone through the streets of the

    little town to our hotel. There I sat and tried to read a book. But the story was so stupid that my

    thoughts kept returning to the argument. I could not follow the story. Finally, I threw the book

    across the room and began to think only about the happenings of the day. Perhaps this unlucky

    young mans words were really true? In that case, what terrible thing happened between the time

    that he left his father and the time that he ran back to the house? Something very bad, I was sure.

    But what was it?

    I rang the bell and asked for the weekly newspaper. It was unusual for a man to use wordswithout meaning. Every part of the strange story seemed to bring more problems. My friends

    ideas did not surprise me, but I believed strongly in him.

    4. At the next corner, she finally started walking more slowly, then waited for a couple of cars to

    go by. She crossed the street, said hello to her neighbour and went into her building. She took the

    mail and then went up the steps to her apartment. She closed the door behind her, looked through

    her letters and put them on the table in the dining room.

    In the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of ice tea and carried the glass to her bedroom. She

    took off her clothes and threw them on the bed. She was looking forward to a long bath in hot

    water when she saw the green light on the telephone. She pushed the play button and heard her

    mothers voice telling her that she was welcome to visit her later on. She thought that her voice

    sounded a little frightened and nervous.Then she heard that she had a second message on the answering machine.

  • 7/27/2019 P1B2Diktati


    5. He asked for his bill for the coffee. It was expensive. To live this kind of life a man needed to

    be rich. He looked at the blue sea, the beautiful girls walking along the beach, the expensive cars

    driving past. This was what he wanted. He was used to good clothes, expensive meals, a

    comfortable flat, a good car, beautiful women. To go back meant the end of all that.

    He paid the bill, climbed into his car and drove away from the hotel and towards the centre of


    By that evening, he was entering the little town. He took a room at the famous hotel, had a bathand changed his clothes, then went down for dinner.

    The food was excellent. He was finishing his meal when he heard a woman at another table tell

    the waiter, Ill take my coffee in the room next door. The chairs are more comfortable and there

    are magazines to read.

    6. His appearance was of a boy of about eighteen, but she saw from his record that he was her

    own age. He was sitting and watching the mess around him with a kind of innocent wonder. It

    was difficult to think of him as a naval officer. He had a fine, thin face, a dark beard and light

    green eyes; his mouth was soft and full.

    His complexion was sallow, with an unusual glow, and the eyes were unhealthily bright.

    His head was heavily injured. As she brought her heavy chair and sat next to him he laughed. It

    seemed that he was expecting her, and when she took his hand he was not anxious.He spoke fluent English, which sounded foreign to her. She could barely understand him.

    His words were vague and puzzling.

    Your physician invited me to have a little chat with you, she said.

    His behaviour is very responsible, as always. Is all going well for him?

    7. The man grew pale as he watched the girl. He was confused and anxious. Neither of his

    friends dared to say anything to him. She seemed to be completely useless. They were all terribly


    Yet, they felt that the true test of any actress playing the part of Juliet is the scene on the balcony

    in the second act. They waited for that. If she failed, there was nothing in her.

    She looked beautiful as she appeared, that was certain. But the superficial way in which she

    acted was impossible to bear. She spoke like a schoolgirl who had been taught to speak by ateacher with no imagination. It was not because she was nervous, it was simply bad art. She was a

    complete failure. Even the common people in the audience, who had had no education, lost their

    interest in the play. The only person who showed no signs of being disappointed was the pretty

    girl herself.

    8. I deeply admired my father and his opinions, but I always felt closer to my mother. My father

    was not interested in success, and this used to annoy my mother. She was very different from my

    father. She liked meeting people and discussing different subjects with them. She was fond of

    fashionable clothes and social occasions, but my father preferred to stay at home. He sometimes

    took her to parties, and she enjoyed herself very much.

    My sisters friend and I never mentioned our families to one another. In some ways he seemed

    much wiser than the rest of us and was never in trouble with the other boys. He did not need therespect for which I had to fight. He was always in agreement with public opinion, always on the

    winning side. I taught him how to write articles and did not make him pay for my advice. He

    admired my courage and my skills, and I enjoyed his admiration.

    Lets write an article about the famous quarrel, he said to me one day.

  • 7/27/2019 P1B2Diktati


    9. The proprietor of the summer house stared out the window into the complete darkness of the

    cold November night. He could see the length of the beach from where he stood - if he tried really

    hard he could also see the clouds in the distance.

    The vast empty space around this first-floor window overlooking the yard and the whole

    hall behind him were completely dark. He did not wish to see the curious image of himself on the

    glass, he preferred looking at nothing.

    As time passed, he slowly began to wonder about the days events; these eight months ofwaiting had finally paid off. After weeks of not hearing from his editor, he began to fear that she

    hated his latest writing attempt and did not even want to send him a reply. It also occurred to him

    that she might not have gotten the letter, but he was sure now that he must have been wrong about


    10. She returned to watching her favourite television soap opera. Her son walked down the

    narrow hall, stepping over various boxes, and squeezed into the tiny room where he slept when he

    was between employment or at times like this when he needed to disappear for a few days.

    He assumed his mother searched his room each time he left, so when he moved the little

    loose piece of wood under his bed, he was afraid of what he would find or not find. But the

    money, which was mostly foreign, was all there in the small blue metal box he had hidden. Half

    of it belonged to his former partner who was now serving a prison sentence.The amount was reduced considerably from what it was originally. He used a large sum to

    buy his car and rent an apartment; two, actually. He invested in the computer, but on that

    occasion too his mother thought he was foolish, throwing away money.

    11. The boys father was the skilful photographer; during the severe winters he survived on

    dances. In summer, he walked the length of the beach three times a day and then went out again

    at night when there would be a great demand to buy the beautiful photos of romantic couples that

    he carefully took. Girls simply loved to bring back holiday memories in the form of something

    they could pass around the office and speak about when the excitement was long over.

    His mother and sister did the developing and printing, which was a way to describe it. His

    father expected the only son to take an active part, and he had been taken along to learn the

    psychology of people.You must never annoy people, son his father had taught him, Be polite and a little distant

    even, use the camera when they are not prepared and take their picture only if they show


    12. The young women loved the lessons. They went together on the bus laughing like children at

    the words they would misspell and the stories their professor had told them. When they tried to

    convey how they felt, their closest friends could hardly believe them.

    There was an extraordinary connection among the beginners in the class. It was as if they were

    on a desert island and their only hope was to master the language and remember everything they

    were taught. Possibly because their teacher recognised that they were all capable of great feats

    they began to believe it too. She asked them to use foreign words for everything - even if they

    could not make the whole sentence. And all the time the patient woman watched and listened; shewas pleased but not surprised. She had never thought that anyone faced with this wonderful

    language would feel anything but happiness and a great necessity to learn.