p4, p5, t1

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  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    Do NowFind the slopes of the line connecting the points:

    1) (0, 3) and (-1, 5)

    2) (3, 4) and (-3, 2)

    3) (1, 1) and (2, 0)

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    Objectives P4, P5, T1AP Microeconomics

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1







    Homework Questions5 minutes

    OBJ P420 minutes

    OBJ P515 minutes

    5 Prom & OBJ T130 minutes

    Discuss Do Now5 minutes

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    Slope gives us a good idea of how much one variableschanges affects the change of the other.

    The relationship tells us in what way one variableschange affects the change of the other.

    Heres what this means: Slope might tell you that the y-

    variable changes greatly, but it doesnt tell you if itincreases or decreases for instance.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    There are 3 main types of (linear) relationships:

    1. Direct

    2. Inverse

    3. Zero

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    Direct Relationship:

    Ina directrelationship, the twovariableschange in thesame direction.

    If x increases y also increases.

    If x decrease y also decreases.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    Inverse Relationship:

    Inaninverse relationship, the twovariableschange inthe opposite direction. Theirrelationshipisinverted.

    If x increases y decreases.

    If x decrease y increases.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.


    Inazerorelationship, the twovariableshave NO effectoneachother. Whenone changes, the otherstaysthe


    If x increases y stays the same.

    If x decrease y stays the same.

    In graphs like this, either the slope is 0 or undefined(completely horizontal or vertical).

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    What is the relationship between data is represented inthe following graph?

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    What is the relationship between data is represented inthe following graph?

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    What is the relationship between data is represented inthe following graph?

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.

    What is the relationship between the length of a stringand the vibrations produced per second?

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P4: Compareand contrastdirect,inverse,and zero relationshipsindata.


    The relationship between x and y describes in whatway they affect each other.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P5: Compareand contrast constantandvariablerelationshipsindata.

    We have discussed relationships in data, and all theexamples have been linear so far.

    What does it mean to be linear? (Yes, it is a straightline. Think about it in terms of relationship between xand y.)

    How would you answer change if the line were curvedinstead of straight?

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P5: Compareand contrast constantandvariablerelationshipsindata.

    This is the difference between a constantrelationship between x and y (it is the sameeverywhere)

    and a variablerelationship between x and y (itchanges depending on where you lookon the graph).

    Very often, graphs in economics will not be the sameeverywhere (linear). There will be different relationshipstoexplore.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P5: Compareand contrast constantandvariablerelationshipsindata.

    Sunflower Seed GraphsIan and his friends were sitting on a deck and eating sunflower seeds. Each personhad a bowl with the same amount of seeds. The graphs below all show the amountof sunflower seeds remaining in the persons bowl over a period of time. Describewhat may have happened for each person.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P5: Compareand contrast constantandvariablerelationshipsindata.

    Multiple Choice QuestionMatch the following statement with the correct graph and explain your answer: Achild swings on a swing while her parent watches from the back of the swing.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P5: Compareand contrast constantandvariablerelationshipsindata.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    P5: Compareand contrast constantandvariablerelationshipsindata.


    - Constant relationships look linear and have constantslope.

    - Variable relationships look curved and have varyingslope.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    T1: Definescarcityandexplainhow itgivesriseto thefield ofeconomics.

    Planning the Prom! Activity

    Get into groups of 3 or 4 (no larger). In your group you

    will decide the band, venue, and food choices for yourprom. You only have so much money to spend, so thinkbefore you buy!

    You have 10 minutes to discuss the options and comeup with a decision.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    T1: Definescarcityandexplainhow itgivesriseto thefield ofeconomics.

    Planning the Prom! Activity

    Questions to consider:

    1) What made the decision difficult?2) Why did a decision even need to made?

    3) How can you relate this to the decisions made by anindividual in life (or a family)?

    4) How can you relate this to decisions a businessmakes?

    5) Why do you think decisions like these gives rise tothe field of economics?

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    T1: Definescarcityandexplainhow itgivesriseto thefield ofeconomics.


    Defn: Inability to satisfy all our wants due to limited


    Faced with scarcity, we are forced to make choices. Thestudy of what choices should be made is called


    A good is scarce if it is desirable, but in limitedavailability.

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    T1: Definescarcityandexplainhow itgivesriseto thefield ofeconomics.

    Which of the following items are scarce?

    - Water

    - Clean, drinking water- Potatoes

    - Cars

    - Tuberculosis

    - Education

    - Health

  • 8/8/2019 P4, P5, T1


    T1: Definescarcityandexplainhow itgivesriseto thefield ofeconomics.


    - Scarcity forces choices.

    - Economics studies choices.