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V. A Number of ANTHEMS, Stable for different occafion..

% JACOB FRENCH, Musico 71;

AUTHOR of the AKv,A MEE1c^M KL oov )and thc *.At«rBI>V. Wl8pani



Publijhcd.Accordlrr to $

ft / y l *

CONTAINING1- ™° GKOUXD HVRK, e>r PRINCIPLES of MUSlC, by „ iv o{ o<L n g , i rII. The GAMUT, or SCALE of Mime, m a ve,y Plain and C« Am uV

' '

III. A Co«,p.„. Set of PSALM TUNE , Adap£ al diffett It ' 'T "^^^^ °° ^«&IV. A Number of PIECES Set to Particu ar PSALMS S " "" l" Ua" V fung b C»""»"-


»'ogdher with ODES, FUGING and PLYIN

XT A WT I r •,..-»..




By ANDREW/l: — w -.*».•

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PREFACE.PsALMODYis an important part of Chriftian worfhip : It has defervedly enga

tention ofmany able men, both Poets and Muficians. It is an acknowledged ajfijlant to devotion

r of our country, encouragements are given to every meritorious attemptfor its promotion.

Our Pjalmns and Hymns contain a rich variety ofjentiments adapted to almqft every affection

rt Adoration, love,jvai/e, coufejjion, intercejfion, gratitude, faith, hope, joy, triumph, jelj'fata

r &c are cafl into eafy animated Poetry, for tbeufe ofpublic and private ivorjhip ;and Hyn

'Ion the perfections and adminijlrations of God—the glories of our Redeemer—the excellencies o

,,__//, tpfiuencm of the Spirit—chnjlian infliiutions, on death, the refureQion, judgment

tber fubncls and occafiom. Thefe all require to befit to different airs of mufrc, correfp

different fhbjccls. Our congregations are necejarily difgujted with juch an impropriety

Med to expreffwns of triumph, but fung in a Pfalm where deep afflicTion pours out Us forrows t

line It is very defirable that our religious affcmblies Jhoulu be abundantlyfurmfhed with airs of m

modated to every Aram of devotion, and that tho/e -who leaJ tieefingingfkould attentively regard

tunes icr each palm. It is the defign of the author tofurnijh the public with an additonal variety

various chriftian fubjecis and in this way contribute a little to their advantage and entertainment.

fully acknowledges tie very favorable reception of ).Publications, and ajures his countrym

exerted himfelfto render the prcfent ufiful ,. - ,a number of tunes never before fublifi

may meet ii;th their generous approbation. -


...,;; mfakes noticed in the ERRATA, be


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CONTAINING,The GROUND WORK, or PRINCIPLES of MUSIC, by way of Qu.ftion , H d A B fW.r.

Q. AN what docs Muftc confijtfA. In Harmony and Melody.£. What is necfjary to Harmony and Melody fA. Time, pronunciation, accent, and a juft proportion cF Sounds.n. Hot* manyfounds are there in mufic t




;,';,^h - -—«?«•!»«**** *.*.•».^

2- «eru many concords arc there infounds ?

A. Two perfeft and two imperfeft ones.Q.. Which arc the pcrfctl ?A. The unifon and fifth, with their ofhves.g. Which are imperfect cords.

A. The thud and lixth with their oft- rt .

£. Are there any difcords infounds t

A The fecond, fourth and feventh are difcords.

^. Give an example cf the cords and difcords.



-i--*-- -?• s.


&• *i c. "s7 "V ». -Cord."

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v: an example cf the Major and Minorfounds

Mi. -}i. Mi. Jl. M*. 4"b. Mi. 4'h. Mi. yM- Mi. 5'h. %i. Mi.il. Mi. id. Mi.jl. M* 4"b. Mi. 4'h. Mi. 5th. Mi. S'.h. Mi. 6itv -q. Mi. 6th Mi. 7th .B-O M •. yth, g.

H^itoaes, 1 S. 4 9. J S. OS. 5 b. 7 S. 6 S. 96. 85. 11 S. to S. 12


7 S. 6 b. 9 b. 85. 11 S.



J£This chrrafter is called the G,

^ ufually ftands on the fecond line,

in treble and tenor.

This character is called the C clif

monly (tends on the middle line

quently ufed in Counter.

eg This character is called the F

~ erally ftands on the fourth line a

Bafs. If the cliffs move they move t

The above Scale fhews how the di

pitch with each other. The upper

Bafs is the fame found as the (pac

puddle line in the tenor and the low

one in the Counter : and the Treble

above the Tenor.

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If F is BKAR.P vii it in • > • •

If F and Gate : mi is in - - -

If F, C and G are m.ur mi is in - -

D If F, C, G and D arc sh\u? ir.i is in

(if If F, C, G, D a:.d A are skart mi is in

The natural pF-cr for mi' is in • - - - - - - • BIf B is flat mi is in - - -- - - - EIf B and K are flat mi i< in - - - - • - - - AIf H, F and A arc fiat Hii is in - - - - - -

If B, F, A and D are flat mi is in - - - - -

If B, F, A, D find G etc t i.at mt is in - - - - C

Above the mi is |w ice fa, (<<!, la, afcending and then mi comes again : Below the mi twice la. \o'., f.>, defcending and th

again. The tui goveins the places of the fenlitoncs which are always between rrri and fa, and la *-id fa.


NOTES M\D RESTSScmibie'' Minim . Crotchets. Q iavers. Sem'quavers. Demifemio'iavers.

,— Eqiull

Refit arc marks of filer.ee, the !;mibrcvc «c(l is cojnmonl) ufed to h:i a bar in a!! Broods of lime.

ZfLZ '„ t+Z. Z*Z

Or.c—e- Eq>.;ai> « -O- Out ~p- Fq ua!s 2 -*jj- Cnc-f^- Equals 2 —C_ One -\~- Equals 2 ~[j~ One


A Stave, < ZZZZZZZZ7. ZZZ _- Is five lir.es with ihjir fpaccs, on which M-jfic ie WitUen.

ace, \ H I— Show* ! OH manv rait* wove together.

il —

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Sharp. I p-^.^:—-^— RailcS th e note aficr it half a ton*.

y* F/af. 4 —— q'—— .- "j~~—' Sinks the note after it half a tone.

Flats and Slurps at the be?inn ; ng of a tune or ft»ain of mufic, fink or raifc all the note* half a tone, on the lines or fpace

are placed, un'^fs contradifted by a natural. A Natural 4 before a note re Kore« it 10 its primitive found. So many natu

Ml the beginning of a drain, in a tune fharped or flatted in tlie beginning, reftores ihofe lines and

fe^~1^~~T2^*~fpaces on whieh they are fet, to their natural found, through the remeinder ©f%<he tune, un- ~^-;(t—j|~p-+-£r~

Icls flats, or (harps are added again.

le right hand of a note, adds one third to the length «f its found.Point


sldditton \ T~PL— At th<

A Diminution, 3 reduces the three notes under or over ir, to the titac of two notes of the fame kind. <—j;~r~ri~~A blur,


xfhows that the notes included ate fung at ona fyli-ble. Zt—tZ——Q

A Rep

— .— ——-— Shows that the tune is repeater front *e pl*-e where it is fpt, to the next repeat, doubl—^-—~ Shows that the tune


-—l, s,

or clofe. Italfofhows win •

rikein a


ires, l, 2, Show thai the notes under figure 2(arc to be on

under figure i, are to be omitted in repeating,

A tintfcJ zzfzr Divides the time in mufic.

*liiiHi;e repeat, and thofe — -r-jEIMiniJlII

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I »


a- < - P-l Shows that the note fo maikcd, fhouid be fubg with emphafis.

^ C/»/i Shows the end of a 'unc,


Larzo. sr Alitoro. 9--4*h.dsigt. Larzo. sr Allegro. 9--4*h.

i ft, Mode. 2., Mode 31. Mode. 4;h. Mode,

/ fai£f, or fh* x ft. mode, h?s four hr.au in a bar, 1 ..own and two up, is beat by feconds -—y-y—-1—-jy~-°—p~T~—of lime, and is i.tce.ntec' o ; . tut fuft and third q-iarUfs. JLd.*.?_..£—U—P—t_ e


Eoti'n, uj.', down, up.

large, or the zd. mode, is a quarter quicker, and is beat apd accented in the fame manner.

Allegro, or tiia third mpde, is as quick >;;a>n as the firft mode, has but two beats in a bar, one up, an^T \"~"

the other down, and is accented as iode. £ 3 —D »w n,

2. -^tlu, or the fourth mode, i» as qaick »g~in as the third mode, ?nd is beat and accented in the fame manner. The three

have the length of two minims inabsr, the fourth but tow jrotclKts, or two fourths ci" a femthrevci

TREBLE TIME.3 'Cds, 3 .41IM 3. 8-.li.


~Trzr.:f::/'..r~~I^ZXrZI3r.^r3iaZII_ 3--ads. or the fir*ft rr.c-: -,: ;r. two down.

.-r'uZ^Ili— r-~T-~ry—j-p--j—-is b:ai hy fecond?, and u I onlv c part of 1

*— ! 1— - x ±±~'3~^Za— 3—4'hs. or thft *d. mode, is acr


':tl -

""iU '-

aJ. mode; 3i.m-n._-. irter quicker, o-o.hs.or t'n.

Ths firTl has three minim's i».a b*i, tl uee cj

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'Ill COMPOUND TIME.6->4'vhi. 6--3th s.

lft, IDOtlc.



T| (i- 4ihs. or the firft mode, hns two Vieats in a bit, is beat by fe

3accent lies on the tfl, and 4*0, part of the bar. 6--8(hs, or the

• a quarter quicker, has twu be*^, & is Ecvcrued like the firf

fiilt mode has fix crothett te a btr, that is 6--8ihs. cf a femibrev

fix quaver3. or 6- -01hs. of a femibrevo.

Common Time, is called common, becaufc the notes are even, and :he beats even. Treble Time, is called trthl-, becaufc it

] t h«ts three notes, and three beats to a bar. Cojipound Time, is fo called, becaufc it is compound of both, having twice th

but two beats in a bar.

The upper figure, in all modes of time, diftinguifhes how many notes belong to a bar ; an.i the '.o'.ver figure informs us

them arc equal to a femibrevo. As for example, ir.7"7 ihc 12 p per figure (hows that there arc three notes of a certain kin

fill a bar, and the lower figure faows that they aie J*£ of fuch akiod, that two of them are eqial to one femibreve, whi

only with minims; and therefore in that mode, isst three minims belong to a bar, or other notes which aie of equal l

therefore called thiee feconds or halves of a femibreve.

Though finite; are not generally uied in the firft, fecond and third modes of common tim», yet they are undsrfiood

:- • 1s, becaufc they have in a bar two minims, which equal cne femibreve, or other anfwerable notes.

The laft note in the liafs is cslled the key to the time, and gives the pitch ; but the judicious muiician will femetime

etion in this matter.

OBSERVATIONS.Let (he notes always be founded

exactly right,found the hi^li

nr>ic< (oft

andthe low notes full ; let the

foundbe ac

th of the note ; a (emibrevc twice as loud as a minim and all Other notes in proportion, let the Femibreve be fuell

and foft on the edges, txce-pt there are a number tied together which are all confidered one, and fhouid be founde

end to the other. Let the time be kept with exaftnefs, not (logins too fad, or too flow, for both ?re al.ke erron

time continue, and the found h-vh together, exactly, till every no-e his its foil legih. Let the accent be (truck gradual

r.or hai !h ; this is the mod difficult part to |>c: fo; rn in mufic, and is the lea ft attended to, though it is of the grcatefl im

to :ing without accenting, is like reeding without accent or em-.r-ilis ; and if the. mulic is rightly compofed, the mufic

will agree, but in fing'tig, it often happens that we Sng mufic in different words where thev do not agree, and then tri

bend lo the words, and. not the words to the mufic. Good pronunciation is aifo very neolTarv in linging;therefore

notes fhould be fpt-ken diftinclly and property, the7, and ?. Ihou'.d be foftened into e, when they c.irry the fame len re

j»rr.n~uiiced tma, ard a, fho<:!d be pronounced broad ; t!ie (hould be p onounccd a« th:v ; Fa, fhoula be pronounced as

,ns in LcL't( r

. except the low nc'.cs iu the Bals, which fhouid br pronounced fau, a-id L.a:\ . Lrt the mufic be perfor

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to the rulel above, and the mind imprefled with the great truths that are uttered ; then will the audience be piealed, and

•will be employed in the neareft acl of wot fhi p (• the heavenly hofb, who are crntinually finging praifea to God and the L

N. B. L.M. (lands for long metre ; C. M. for common met:e ; S. M. for fhort metre ; H. M. for hallelujah metre

for particular metre. The flat or (harp over the tune, (lands for the key, and the Letter* Hand for the pitch.

Tht Apog

~-f--—— and tht Hold, r*> I did not intend to have tried to have given them any ex planation, or even

atu.ra,—-4--4-— them in this book, for 1 look upon them fupeifluous and nonfenfical ; but by taking mufic

Z_!5Z_Z books, they crept in unnoticed, therefore 1 will explain them as well as pofiible. The Apog

fhould be always founded without taking any tine for them, and (he note under the Hold, (hould be founded lenger than it

founded if it was not there, which is perfectly inconfiftent with the rule of beating time.

On COMPOSITION.SOME perfons have a good understanding in mufic, and are good fingers, but they know, nothing about CoKpofifian

may be an excellent finger and know nothing about Compoftic* ; but a man crnnotbe a good teacher, without underftandin

On SYNCOPATION.SYNCNPATIOM is where notes are driven through bars, rr out 61 their natural older, viz. a crotchet between two

minim between two crotchets, &e. Oil ACCENT.ACCENT is a certain ftiefs or.fwell of the voice, on the acemfed or emphatic.il woids.

Ovi TRANSITION.TRANSITION is Aiding eafily and foftly from one note to another, which is very beautiful ; but to fttike haifh f \,s


another, would be more like jumping: than Hiding. On the tWO KEYS.THERE are but two natural Keys in muCc, A, the fi»f, and C, the fliarp, ail the reft are done by flats and fhsrns. «r.d

• Flats an# flnrps move the fenaitonr. but never move the letter?, as fame ay-hots have aflej-Wd,


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X Forward and backward,

N.tura', Flat or Sharp,





Sharp, wmsgs^s&gBmgB^A BC D E F G CGAABBCC DDEE FFGG

LESSON IV. Four Double.



mwmmmmmms&mimwmmmiDDEEE FFFGGG G G G G A A A A BBBfJCCCC D DDD t-EH t F F FT GGC,G

Forward. LESSON VI. D flFeren'.



Backward. * - - LI Si°



! -

3 2 <



God »f ipi life levk ffntlv d^wp, BtKoU the pjini I fee', But I am 4»in5 t'elorc ihy throne. Nor a. re d.f^ate thj

2 :z:T£rE£5rEiE;p."f:=;xu-&i-:?:E:-i :'i-:_t: fc'—psrpzfc^r'tr^rrprfc-.

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^gssi^SMrsiipis^iiNow .to the Lo.d a nobler f-ng, wake my ful i — »1«e my to»gue ; Ho-laa-nah to nY rtml mae And all h s br undleli ir




t"" t "IP-' ~rt"F~pts l""'~PTr~~Pr ;?:r~nrT

ft~ f~T~f~ ~"~"Ti '

!"*£"*" » r*.

I r~ ~~*r~'t'' ^^J~t^T3



Ad AGIO, flowrfl mode of time,

AJfcttuoJo, oi Ajfeduofot



Air. leading part.

Allegro, a bnfk movement.

Allegretto, noi fo quick as Alldgro.

Andante, not too quick, a I fa Jn a

diftinct in inn. r.

Chora G rati do, Grand Chorus,

Zrefcendo, incrrautig the found.

Da Capo, or D C, cloie with the

ft, ft; ftiain.

Di/ninu.ndj, decreasing 'he found

Dh'Oto, in a devout manner,

/'.xpxjivo, Ex<urc-fl»vcly>Ftsrtc. Loud.

Ui,>tijhmo, very loud.

J\je, the pa'ts falling -m afie

each oilier in the fame notes.

Grave, heavy and flov»*

G.ratiofo, grace lu\ and agreeable.

Gravi/f'itus, verv grave and flow.

Languijf.api-t, Lnoi n ir.gly ot grave

Lamcntaton:, in a lamenting man


Muf:cj i'hxiiiicojpet fan a ho (lud

ies muiic and explains dark

P'd-tfea »r>rl reaches publicly.Mm !j/o,vi Mmftujb, with majeA?

Mczzc in .^'Z, a natural degree ul

voice between the Piano ancl


Modrrato, fWken the time.

I'rijlo. quick..

"lano. Soft,

Pia Hi/funo. verv foft.

'iccle, ar.d .


l:Hra, fa.'.varc & back-


Rfitativ, Mi'ilral Spe


Spintufn,'y-'ipwt.y, or .v/!n, an in


• ;.:»:, t:i i tender

Unifin, whfi i^ooi

found i:.« iame rio;c o

Vd.'-(. vei > rjwi< k.

VifiOTofO) wi;.'i i nngv.

Vivaa, lively, qu u k.

an ail pla

cl.u. eh ^uLvtit i.

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ERRATA.IN D-jfJutien, firft ftave in Baf?,the minim, femibrcve and pointed minim under ihe flur, fhould be on h.— Farmngto

tun: 3d. verfe, ift. line, for nakeful, infert watchful: 3d. line, for judgment, infert uiifdom : 4th. verle, 3 1. line, for da-or years, infert life : 4th. line, for are, infert is : 5th. verfe, 3d. line, for fia'.l

fiani,infert remains.-- Lciccflcr


3d.ba*nfcrt a crotchet in the upper fpace : in the Tenor, 7th. bar, iufeit the two quavers on C, and, 13 : in the Bafs, in the

the ed. bar, infert a crotchet above the lines and fpaces on 2- Norfolk, fing the verfe through and then repeat the laft

infert the two laft notes in the Bafs, on the lower line G.»-Bcthany, th; 7th. bar in the Treble, infert a crotchet on D :

but one in Command, the 5th. bar, in the Bafs, infert the 3d. crotchet on C-- -Mufical Concert, in the lewer ftave, theder figure 1, infert above the lines, and infert a Choice note the la ft note before that on the upper line, infert the

Tenor en A.--Ncrv-Plyinauth, in the lowe*ftave, in the Q/.h. bar, Bafs, infert the two lad crotchets on C —Wfdom, for dtrkne

and in the 67th Page lower ftave, 6th. Ilr, in the Tenor, infert a femibrcve below the Ledger, at the bottom, and in the

Bafs, in the fame ftave, infert a femibrcve on the lower line, and one on the next line to that.- -Scipio, the lower fta

3d bar, the 2d. crotchet infert on C. --105th. Page, Caffle- Street, t ft. line of the Treble, 1 2th. bar, ftrike cut the two fetn

lert two crotchets, the t ft. on G, the 2d. on A, flurd.— 1 14th. P. infert the laft crotchet in the Treble on C.--n5th.

bar in the Treble, take all the notes out, and infert a crotchet on D, then a quaver on E, another on F, flur them, then i

on E.---1 19th. P. 2d. ftave, 4th bar in the Bafs, add another quaver on C.--.i2tft. P. at the word bitterly, infert a minim

the chorus--- 12 id. P. repeat the chorus at the word faves.— 124th. P. 2d. line in the Tenor, the 8th. bar, infert the t

126th, P. 1 ft. line of the Tenor, infert the firft quaver on A, the fecond only.— -t 27th. P. ad. line in the Treble, tft. b

ver inf«rt on F, and the laft note in the Counter, infert on A, and 'he toth. bar of the Tenor, the full note infert on G.

line on the Bafs, the 2d. bar, 1 ft. note inle/t a crotchet.---'. 4j i. P. infert a point at the right hand of all the laft notes.--

ward tears repeat the chorus, and a! To at the word heavinefs repeat the chorus.--i50th. P. ift. line in the Tenor, the 7th

laft note en A.

The Dedication, Ordinaiitn, ThanJfgiviag and Fafl Anthems, by Frekch ; Eafltr and funeral Anthz~: and Who is thi

iNOS ; Preftrvc mc Lord, by Stephenson.

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A COMPLETE SET of PSALM TUNES.Adapted to all the Metres and Keys, ufuilly fung in Churches.

I » i i

Attention. L. M. ^ C.

i i ? j ^fc-fin

mMmn§im^^^^m&MMi\rriiGnWteni wmi« Zon 6ngB, 1 he j*f that ituiii tii) prcfence r^rinsi, 1 o fpf nc1 <v e c«y v>nh the an canh, Etceedi a thcuf.nd <!.

I t 1 t


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Creation. P. M. x G.

Blcft b« the man whofo pierci»g mind, By vulgcr precrptt uruonfin'd, On wild inventive wing* c*n

-E£E-S.-pfE^lEE fpE-.E*l£El:E£a:l£EsEiriT^rf-E^rEE^EHri-iEEE

And naiure's bound le (s de pt h* tx \>\ or«.


New Hundred. L. M. ^ F.

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Yc nations round the earth icjoice, Before the Lord your lov'reign kinj$, Serve him with

With all, Ac.

hear; and voic^ Wiih all your longues his glory fing. :ll: VV'uh all your icn^urs hi» g

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Providence. H. M. a C.



pT f-"oIp"?fFrft::


?f::—E^'T"^— r^TF^r

F~i^^F?And let he fpacious ta-lh his wo ki an

Oive thanks ?!ou-1 to GuJ, to Cioit the lif.iv i,.y L ; nc-, Aral let (he f.>. clout, eat fa, hi wo kt >r,d f

And let the f>ae on- ea.rh,

And lee the fpjcieui

Ti r \ I. rd (h. ft I eodvre, _ _ 12

/w.d ever fu/e ajues tUy wurd, Aad ever fi're abides th) wore.

Terror. P. M. *

Silftv 1 wi ted with I og

Terror. Continued.

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' di ft thou hot th»t 1 ihnti'd ne'er reprove, An) > be. (h fu h. n mp'ou! : bought within, I hat f}( e h- ' jhcts wouli in<<u! e thy fin


ilei) >lo my terrjis

b»id m, tcttors now, tny ihundrs ro - - - - l>, And thine, fc.. ^ «^

—™E:lEd=EH=:££fcMBthj :d rny ic^rois now cily thundtri ro U. Atd (h ne own crime:^ ff ie+if thy pu l:j loul, Aoj thi<»tf o'*o crifilft fiV sh >h/

tbuni-r>- ro I, My thunder!•

14 Convi5iicn. S. M. b A.

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A'.n my aching herart, her* the keen t>rmtnt lies It r <cks my w k a jhours with (mart, And f i inhts my

Mv griefs take vent apace, The crimesthat blot my ccnfcienc* o'rr, Flufh crimson in my

Cjii Ai!I bih:< no •»•!*,

Newton. C. M." C.

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S3 -"33-fc£z*"'EE -P-P-p-H1-

f-« -r-F-p'f r r~ "f~ ~ ~~^t~*~t^'k ^T~rf T

—rs'i-:-:* s»t £z£z Pz£zr.Ez£z£;:£:i fizi^zi CZ£-£zC:i Cz^z^zti-Pztif;ffii®z


My Saviaui Gad n i voce buc th a', Th '<; dying h«p-i tin raife;


Sp-ali h. I l.i la cc in . iuu, And lur.i ihefe tea « is pwile.

Savjoi r God this biokcn «-><c«tTiar>fpoittd rt»al| proclaim ; AnH call on ail an » #•' .»•'« barps. To found lj i»«;.r a n«n:e.





ID S)famJion.\K\*. M. % G. For.

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:*. "Cn.Hi a v»h. e to m ^ica ({iv'n,

li.ii the daj thai law hiti rife, !< jvilh 'i fiorn Mr vmijfui tits j Rrafcentfi h» nitivr h< v n, '!I « e the jori

3zfc^||::CEpE:|il:iEiEi i:fpi*|r [p-, zip: z:.Ei^'E^ErErp|fzjzz^fcfjiz3zzf§t:*:^

.1».~ """


!. I y. ur rieaoi *ic nilrJ tt. *» i

'' un • fa A -h- >ai<em fcfuc, Take ihe li nj of (;'-") in. Take, &

EEE l EzrfcriEi «:± Eltt'-5.£E 1 p'R-—zz_zzz:i zzzr=:±=zz±:zr l?iE-t:it^--^— i=


v -_.w Cj.C.Z-fl.Ii_Ii !l Iw.C-|_ f-I—§1-1 ^ 1-- D-I lu-~ X p p

Bradford. CM. bC

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s illi|5iii|EiEiii:!|iiiiigp|ii^i:How fhort & ha fly »re eur lives, How v^fl our fouls *(T«irs, Yet fcnfeleft morialt vainly f;rivc, To 1 jvilh nm thou ;,



- •»




—)»-• - m-~*~j-m--

» -ft -p. j- m. - .» - a. .C.-.-.-e—p--j-^-e-^^rH^-p-p—ft ITZf'Z'e E^Z'Z^PZX-T&ZXT

jdays iun thoughilelsly along, Without a moment's fi»y, Juft like a (lory or a I n»>. Yv'o pa;* o.m li\< s *• w ay. t



k^feztS&tfczSzrfcE^^ bg-ztt-ti^t-

zz^zEz?Z(frT(?:z^Zp=~TZ=zz:iBz^zip:z:?.:izz5Zzzzpz:.jz:fe:-:^--; bz:p*z:»;zftzrzq «z—---t--i— j—fb~'~zpzzf:tzE zv "ezt""x h-F-f—f^— z : p"

' z# ~~Z"~"Z*z~i: Hz t- --f z;'ZJzd-^-

Grafton. C. M. * C.


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Scarce Dull I led death >

th: fifien "I ihy fa- e, Hah «vtrp w'ring charrai , Scarce

\k- f1^ 'F:i;

l^'SEf?ff^^iT'CS^IP^ " H^ETrHJ ^Tt

Scarce (hall 1 fecldeaih't cold embrace, KC_/^S ^X*" -»> /^\ -£ .* -!_

So.ce ih.ll I reel death'o Cold embrace, 1/ Chrift be in raj

?^^J^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^Umlrl r»» i;i nv ar'i; .



Scarce, &c.O.B ' n r d f e It Chftt b e in my arms.

umi. Sc.ce, &c, II Chrifl., lev..

5X4ite kali 1 i r;, 8b 14 Chiift, &t.

/•^s s~\rafton. Continued. ^

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tm .li. ... 1 i * /».:_.. L...L. u__ « _•* • _ *"" .. ..


Then while ye heir my heait firings breik, How fwttt my minutes ro ----- II,


Then while ye hear my heart Aringj break, How fweec any minatea r»


II, How fwf-t my minutes ro

The* while ye hear my heart Ario^t break. How fweet mv minute* rn

-—r—r~-P- -

Then whJe ye hear my heart ftring* break, H»w Iwtet my minutci ro

—zz— pziziz—EZ_E—t_irpr_^_bztzip—Srprpf—§—z—i z— |—1_£—^_b_f:fmortal palencft on my cherk, And glory in nj foul. Ant! 5 » i in my

- • • • H, A m>rtal pjlenefa on my cheek. And glory in my fnul..

• :. < g iy rn ray

mortal p Is.cU on my cheek, • nd gl iy in my foul. -i m.rtjl palcnefi on nu chak, Vnrj fc'oiy in rev


^E" l^: z j—:£g:^nz^—iiiZ—^izi:x:^:^^iy—Xrgz gz^~^g^: •j~:pzg^z'^z^-:i:zt


~r,prpz iJ j.

o.i my c >:ek, A%1 glory in my fia' A msrtal paltne.« #i u.jr thetk, Aud g'wy it r>y f

to r.Jc/lis. p. M: * G.

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/~S ,^

RiCi rov foul & ftretcli thy wings, Thy better poition trace, Rife fiom, Iran 6 • tc-ry thing* ,Towa»d heav'n th

Sup & mnon & (lars decay, lime fh»JI loon this earth temove, Rife my foul and hide av, a y, To feats prepar'd a


«qrj izEz£zEz£zy.zz:zizz:tt:z*z+-izzj. fcii£zr::i:zzzE:ip£r?iti.-tzz

Wejhn. S. M. b Br.'

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:- .-#.-•5----


1 lift my foul to God, My truft. is in his nirnt; Let doi my f^cs that ftik my bloo S til n


Sin and t he pow'rs of hell Perfuadc me to defpair ; Loi J, m. kc mc k'trnw il*y cov'nani well, That 1 m-ay' r

Ci«;'e i¥.£ f


'Nt'ivburgb. S. M. #C.

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Lft ev'rr crciturt j>in, To prafe th e trr - ml God

;Ye hea

S > Ye he.»'nt v h .ft ihe <onj

Ye hc.»'nij hi the Iod^ iH;'",




gbpnAnd moon wan ptl

h ft 'he fonj begin, &c.

i ., 4br • | n, And found hit aame abroad. And

, hi "« the <0Dg be - gin, &:.

• '• C hfB n. At- riivs Tun wuh *.»d«n beams,

Neivbiirgh. Continued,

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Starry lights ye twink • ling Satnei, 5hin* to your Maker's pnire.

Ye ftiiry lights Ice.


ZTZ- ~~~.;

• ";

-», _-£-£ m.Zt~ _ - .^ZfLlft ,

Brijk. Wear. C. M. *G.



e^Ln;fTg'rrT ^''P^ro—


i, ''19TF

Sing to the Lord, ye didant lands, Vc tribes of cv'ry tongue ;His new difcover'd graec demands A ne-v and no

m::W: -0-:


24 Beauty. L. M. * G. :S: Pia.

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Wt are a ^jn'rn ' •«< a around, C'litUn aad mide pe • cu . liar ground. A lidie fpot inclci


; —V A <~

r«rt flimo A I. tile fpot, &c.

J01 the wml '.-*i-< wil. tTic'n. U-t ot th ; w rU 1 wide w Iremef,. Out cf iru world's wide «r«i r der - r.cfl

Ou" Of, *i.

( r / / Coronation. C. M. b A. J YeL^>PI A.

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All hail the powrof Jcfus' name, Let angels proftrate fall, 3ring forth the royal di-a-d

Sz^jEBtzEdErizEzzEzZ^zz£:E:E^zzc—'zzizz: :E^=E=ZE>z|zizir?E|rEEFziEfziEccr



All hail th


crown him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal di»dem, And crown him Lord of ali.

20 Mount Vernon. S. M. » G.. :a:

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W h,»i if the (ainl muft (i:r. And lodge Jtnong the tombs, You need not mou in he (hall rem in,Rejoicing as r.c comes,Tho' death f



(Wi.h b«ndi «nd Bl^hty b»rs, Yet he lliill rife above ihc (Lies, And fing »bo»e Jhe ftau. Yet hr (hill tile, Sec.

^f-IittI_ZZZ^Z^lZii.IZilZjZZTZ_..t^ZHu-ZCZiiZZP—LZtlZxYlE T#"5_r. Ii_Z—IIuZZZiZZtZi—IIpLjE a.

Delight. H. M. E.

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""• — ^ • •

No burning heals by day Nor blaiis of cv'ning »ir,Shall take my health away, If God be with me there. —

i h^u an

1 hou lit my Cue and thoj

. J^ZI <I Hl~m. -jm _ ^T^ •""^

<l ^^ _ #

art my fun and thou my made, 10 gui'd my hed by nii-h* or noon —t. 1 ho» a't(ic.

ExE^EI±E^EElE:SI:^I»p ^^|lifer±Ep|l^EfE^}I:p: EEiJpfiEiliji-::r::ife±:trE=E=rE:JE^-:tStt:t:E ^EIE:r:Er^E:t±:EiE:r=^-EiE-.E: \zzt\ EE:Eti?E

'1 hou art my fun and t^iou my (hair. To ^uaid my hc.i jy night or BJ9n)by n gtu 01 noon. 1 hou art n y lun and ih.u mv ilude.Ti. ^naid j.y ht*i by


thnu m- lhade, To ju ri my head by i>f»h' »r ni.nn. Thou ait, ace.

ajujj d my head by n ;

bhto: ; i..u a.r,, &«.

2<3 Gratitude. C. M. b G.

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My te«t Ail! Tifit ch

Vhbat flull I rendrr to raj G >d, Tor all hi kindnffa fho»n ;My fee

My fccc Ai> I Tifit thine abodr, My

My feet (hall vific thine »*>o-ie, My fnrg aidtefi thy

long adjrefj tkv throne, My foi g, ice

j£__il_[__.l p_ip_p_(—pI-Di p_T^p_L_£_)E_MIEJa-_p-i.-L_....i— i—j_p.l.J_p LT.rr L p_p.I

2 abacc, My for.g address thy tbroie My f»n<, £:: Amot.% ib« flints thar fill thine hen fie My rff'iingl fli-i'l te

eif!» thy throne, My Ln;, &«

iiliiiii^iiftillilSSliSlliMitfi tl > 1L.9 e. My (w.

Gratitude. Continued.-»'

T=*C ,*—» —u

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(liall my zeal perform my vows, My foul in anguifh made. There (hall, &c.


Concent. S. M.


=i_ ^:bEir~£tIc:E:ErE3 ?r"tE-=i=-Ziz^ri!r:E:b:Ei±rcrb7^it-5-E:!The hill of X ^n yitiJs, A tluurjnJ f.crcd fwtets, Btlere wc :eJih the hej»'n'j fields, 6. 'ore wsn.uh (be heav'nl;

Str_~iiE~^"E E^tE-E[^"F-P Fit-"* i"-" - iErL*b~EiErE3ErEiE"E*~ti :

~r^~u"''''j^"'""'EBefore A.e reach the i eav'n y nc c-, Bef r. A:>

3* OniUHcr to low.Babylon. P. M. b p.

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-fT^_ - _J!T^_ .

W'^band. i deep dfpondence ft,./,

Wi .1 e Z.un'i:S:


' » - u, Htrfrtettct, &c." -"" — -- *

Proclamation. S. M\ ^F.


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I'raife h'tn in e - vangel - ic ftraine : Let ih<? whule ear" n in (onf T»j-*ice, And aiftant illands join ths

He reigns ; ih:"Loid, tht Savour reign* I

But gr ce and trat'o fjp.^rt hii th or.e j Thou-.h il.'uny {iouds his *ays lurroun M Juft.ce is their t - ter•



Deep are Li; ountcit md u&knswnj

Liicna. r, M. ^ E.

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/- ~N

I'll praifc my Maker with my breath, And when mv v©ice is lo(t in death, Praife fhall er-\

! ~3z-;r~:^iHZZzz2Z4iixZ^iz:^z^:dzyji^z»^:^z£zlii^z|ii- izzz^zjz^zptz: :zuZp_zpzpz::

nobler pow'rs. My days of praife fhall ne'er be pair, While life & tho't &. being laft, Or im-moi-ta! - i -


"Livona. Continued,r~\ s-*\ r>* - r-\

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-Pm s~y f~^ »£_» 'f^it (R. tL tL ~£e.'^ — 1-

My day* of praife (hail ne'er be pair, While life and tho't arid being laft, Or :ed . mjr - tal-i - . ty eadur.s.

Middkfac. C. m"bE


Death 'tis a mel - an - chol -ly day, To tliofe that know not God ; When the poor f»ul it ford awav, To feek its laf


JI-C-U- l-.l.. [--I-f- S.rZI-S!-! l_-J2-r- i S l D •« -d rF- -~ 1—I—(Zl-

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ror aM h s le.iidnela &own;My feetlhall viAc ihme abo . . de ,M, f,t 77 ~\


L [^

'"^"l^ftP^CS—r^=^-|r=^-Hr h'*.

M> ,K'^,, ***'«-*<e,Myfo»g

^.glpp^flg^liE^•-—^ ;


My feet, &r. My feet, *c,I—

Myfol-ftiUfifitiHu a - hod=, Myfert,^.

Z/V//t' Marlhfirnijcrh t; i\r, A

Z'Z H>— ^--Retribution. P. M. * 1 ,

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__ _,rs . ' > —-\ '

- *" '- "r ;'•"' »v'« ;«->»«*, w"ii c r-ii.i:

J- it i f." "^B ~* .*~T.T ~ l bmi— «t»-

'intbrep. L. M. *E

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Whom Ihea ia heav'n but lh=e a .- lone hive I, Wboft r'.iTjur 1 re « qs'ue ; Throughout this fpa - • ciouj earth thcre'i



"d^y trp_trtrt~[^:p::





-^~f>'~i "~t -T"P~—T-®


~p'f'p~~~ i fj ~|~!r!T"i £"i""p~"~P" i"P'~Pi"'t>'

"i i "T"rrc~t-p-p-P-C-X-F-i—I—I P-I-P L.-.L.L d.C-I.p 1—t.p—p-i-p-p-p-u^-t te—

Mj irerr.b ing ,!s:h and irhin«bedie thee c;n it - fire.

—e—©—heart, Would often fa. I to fue


Winthrop. Continued.

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Ao-d mine eiernal portion be, And (nine, lee.

God iliall inward ftrengih impart, And mire eternal portion V', And mn» e'rrn«l r;r - ti i

and mine e - . - ter .^ ..... r..' .-. .ijn u.

And' mine, A-..

Sutton. S. M. * F.


££—-*- * A U--L1


LJ-I U-if-i

—l—l i.__


_X| i^,Mt_L-_UX_|1

—1_^,„' i_t__; A_;

mzzL:zzz:ypz&:i:&zP:idz£i §z£±:gzt:igz(:i^f ] gzgizgzStziz§r^pj^—gzizp^zizg

Behold the lofty Iky Declares ill Makfcr God, An.i nil t he fiarrv works on high PiocUim his po.v'r abroad.


S^|:zzJ:::Ez^:Ezt:|EzetzEt='--^_zt—a.i.p—i.pziz.i zi f—zij_i—pip-Ciz_Zju__ciujii—i-E_, 1-=^-izz_iz__£ztiSL

_-A. r^_ -,Vanity.

C. M., ],

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, »r-

| p. _.jG' ff Ir Pt—Pi ~._.^TZ - » V_^ ^ —-. ._ S P 1^ a—^kml J

---i i.,— rf.n ^J:^2:3i:ET3 £ tzzr^i.^ ~gEEJE"-P f.»333:fc t:5-p:c:


ail our tongues be one, fu^aife 'r*,"r7:^ ...^t>

~"v tir"r ,""^-^SSF^&


^^._i_ _. _.,—^_i prpr—irprczzzbbz^i—I-—PT---P--~K-t£~:z.r<3 r — 3---tz£z:e-5-



^^^Happ C.M. ... G,

"\*&~~i—t~—— —- ^rr

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Mimien. L. M. bA.

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Ye f-jTS of adara vj in and yount;, Indulge y-iur eye


Ye funs ol adam vain and younic, Indulge y-iur eyes itiiuUe year tongue;

Tift? the dettgh s yi (o


Tarte the delighrs &c. ^ ^

tid five i loofe to all yuur fi.e. 'l'jllc the delights your foula defire, yoor IjuIs difire, And g've * loofc to

itr*4 :


i:E~£ x


:: :




^Tafte,& ( .


TifU th; delights »mt foil t ce jour fouli dtfiie, Ahc give, (tc.


M. UC.

/*~\ f~\

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r^ Thvlipt, &c. And, &:. Thy 1 ps, &c. Ann ^---£^ And ev'ry gr

My Savour <nei my K.>ng, Thy beaut ; r 3 are divine j "I hy lips with bailings oyeiflow, And e»'ry giace is tbine.Thy lips, &c

Thy lips, &c. Thy iips, ic.


Thy lips, &c

Old Hundred. L. M.

Thy lips, Sec, And, &c.

|j-r3-—tsz~i—dmrdi—I— Qie-4ndiijzHi—_iziz"5i~z~id~§i£_j~isi_"5ie-5ie_^xzi_

_ e_ _*il> _ e- -:£~ -e P-e -

feBe th>u, O God, exalted h gh, And as thy g!ory fills the (ky j So let it be on earth difplay'd, THI (hog art he e as there



~E:i_x_:_iZ-EiEz' t:z

42 Charlton. P. M. * B.Pia.

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lies F-+—

How pleas'd & bled was I, To hear the oeople cry, Come let us feck our God to-day ; Yes with a cheerf

_ C^,—


ha'.te to Zion's hill, And there our vow» and honors pav. And there our. vow* and honors p

Connrtlicut. P. M. % C.

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™ ' l# In this iefi^n one

Come let ue ting unto (h» L .rd, And praifc his name with one accord •


In this dcfi^n one chorus ra'fe. m

in this defign one chj ..... „ -


In '.hit delign one chum rife, oie

a-^-^-^J K.K^e _ IC-l> ^ CV'I f-1 -^^ W»

1-L*J-LI--L! toiU.1.1 k^-1-™ a.U !


taifc, ^'fom eaft to weft hii piaile proclaim, F<om pole to pole cxt»l hit-tame, i"he Unci fhau ccha b««k b»« prailr, The skiei, &c.

Attleborough. L. M. * F.

:S: Soft. Loud. Sofr. Loud,

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he Lo.-d hmw md'roua are hit ways, How firm bit truth how large hi.< gr.ee, He tikes hi mercy Irom his throne, And thence he makes hii fcloiies kn

Bray. C. M. * C.


Awjke my heart arife my tongue, Prtpafe a tuneful voice, In Cjd the lile <i all ray j->ys, Aloud will J re - - j o ce A'oua

ew Jerufalem. C. M. * G.

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The new Jerjfaiem comes down, A dom'

From the third hfaVn where God refidrs, That ho y hap(>y place, The new Jerul>lcm COx

The nrwj-ru- fj-iem comti di*n, A - to n i with (b

1 he new Ie.ru li-lem rrmei down, A • - • doru d w.ih ihrrngg'ace.

new, &c.

di/rn'd with ftiin - ing grace, Adora'd, frC. A • • d'""jj

& .

1 he ne*, &c.

46 L. M. b A.

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Sleep, dow.,y Petp, ccme clofe rr-y etes, Tir'd w:th beholdjr.g van - t — t y.

* :S: ^ Sweet (

W-et (lumber come and oii

ii jrr.te; toaie aid drive i . «i v,

S veet tlurnsti cpt.e a-id drite a-wy. 'J he t'"

and toi . i e» <f the c^y,

ifcrE-EErbriEErSS^Way, 'I h toils and Mliei ol ihe day. x

«*.;. U*• J tie

Weft Sudbury. C. M. bE F.


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Here is a fong that doth belong, To all th= hurrnn race; Concern;!^ dei'h, That Hops the oreath, Aid b)*<u the comely face. Cnme l

3 *ai§Izft-iEErjEE{zzftz3z^EpzfisrfzSE^EIE^f^ E3EHE:

&zfEffztif:*33Ez1EzE3 E?Ii§Efti

1-rttiE-£E-F-Ffe--F-r-rF-^JF^-hH-F-rFt--t-—4ipp-t.p--p-.p-.pZ—J-p !ZlZrfl


and pa----- --- -.is

ggE|;sEiEiIi^iEJEEE:E:EE^EFz z_i* [ke>»'j—— j-.i_.-l

to th: call, That Jdonrnketo.day> Forjou_uftdi?. Ai w I) ii I: And pih fnn h'rc s -way. Ant oaf* fiom bencfl ...way.

/^/"~\ <"-« <""% /S — , >.

ES¥iii^SS^r^S^5^^35S^§«*iS»^£3333^=^S £ft«p33:&i_^££ffig_P££_J£_3S_3_e

ftnd-pa .• ... ... fs

-p-u-3i---^P-p-pp|a.dJ:up.u-^|,p_t_.j— .—±.a __.*,_ u-Hlj—a -I

—_— titzjzzt ppp-3-—st._L-u„*-x.l




—Z_i—i £i


—^ i.C^.- R~X- t

i/"^» ^~N

Aod pafs fr< m fceirce a- - way

4« Scipit. L. M. * C.

^m_z.m ~i\ i ,,«/"""\«.~£a.s

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Theron among hii trare!s founJ, A broken ftiture on the ground, And fearching onward ai h: »ent, He trac'd a tui»'d

/-\ /">»

r r I Ti B'B r»~«


-r^. £J ^L fTZ JL-ft Ch- ~C (t if**.. ,-= ^#. S^ - •*

,Mould aioft and flwdes hid overgrown, the lui p'.ure »f tr* crumbling (lone, Yet • e'er he ptlVd with much ado, He gucfi'd

Iztrzzzz-zziz_;ZZi_s_zzi"zzzzizzKii"szzzzzilzrzzzi zikzi ziziC3iZ!tE_ .ti» -f .£-!_!—ii»r

Brownfon. CM. b A.

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Teach me the meafure of my dajrs, Thou Maker of «iy frame, I would fur»ey life's n :to« fpaec, And Icrn how frail I am, A fpan i

SEEwe can Jv>afr, An inch or two of time, Man is but vanity and duft, In all his flow'r and



—T~ f»-r»-T-»-*-H-T-J-»-F-EEfzdzHEC:



s° Northampton. L. M. *F.'

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Rejoice >e fhinins worlds on high, Behold the King of glory nigh; Who is this Ktt

I 1 » t * ft rVigor ofo.


r)•? T ."le mighty Lord, the Saviour he. The mighty Lord, the Saviour he. 'J he mighty Loid the Saviour

|_ _._:__<_•_ i •

.i ;. ;~y> ; n _

'ir.i.^. "iir. .™.r. ".i~r. ~.~t. :£? •jprv ~™. --.-.-. ~~ ^-^P -"tin ~EEl|~:i:f:Ef::i:f::5i£::~j^

\ Mortality. CM, b'E.

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Thir.khow a gafping mortal

Stoop down my tho'M which ufe to rife, clnverfee whilewith dliuh :*"

""i hink h7L~7~,~r~~

"~ " ~


' ltlinkiijw a gaft-ing m.ital lies, Ani pir. rs

Think how a gafp'mg mortal n r <. A <fr»i,ra »wa> n i

» iiihk ji^w a gai,>;r,g maiUI In

P»nt» aw<y h.sbreaih . _Md C a,, Cs

i t- *- _.^__a_|1 , , _L.*^___^_| J H._Q£..p_ (

, I_

^N ' v nu, ftndpant, ic

j_V >v .> ^.

Ar.d pants, &'«. > v.

X* Dijolution. P. M; b A.


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So foon enfl\rin'd imm

And is the lovely fliad^w (led ' The blooming wonder of her years So foon enfhrin'd among the <*eid.

So foon en&rin'd among the- de - - - - . «

S~\ •">

I juftiy rjaiaal our pioui tear;,

1 jurtij eljrns our pi • oua tears.

Who now to heav'nly fpiiita join'd, Hath le/c our wretched world behind. Hath tc/l our wrttct

Cokbefter. »5? M.b^.

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But in »he worfhip of my Cod, I'll :per>a my flaily bre

Let (inner! take tbeir CO»rfe, And chufe the toad to death ; But in the w?r(hip «f m) G«d, I'll fpend my daily breath I'll (rr-d try oaily

But in the worfhip 01 my God, I'll (;>:nd my daily breaih. I'll fpeoo a.y d«i v bicarb.

But in t ^ie worfhip of my Go*, I'll fpcnd my daily bieath.

Plymeutb. CM. bA.

1*11 (1 tr.d my tiai j trja !

Teach «nc the xncafurc of my days, Thcu Mak er of mv frame ; I would furvey Ifes narrow fpact*, And learn how tra

54 Hampton. C. M. b A.

^.--i J #-x -i—I— i < *--\ 11

«• '*—^zzz=z**--W—"*"r—±a!— I 'W—*---

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\V..£n:'cr 1 tike ray wa'ki aaroid, How mi - ny toor 1 fee,V..;n:'cr tike ray ua'ks aaroid, How mi - ny foor

« Wnat

What flta!! J rend

iVidli 1 resuUl to mj God, For at his gifta to rati For all hit gilts to fct

Wkat eg all J res er to ray Cud, For a'l h 5 gifts to me. Fur all his gifts to m

to my God, lor all his gifts to me. VVhit Ihall 1 render lomj Go i, For »ll his gilts to me

Confidence. L. M. « G.Pi.:.

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— ^_ — _ik,_ ^^ffrr^"./TN

__ .__

eel my Saviour's cheering hoc, My heart awakes to fin g hi J prailV, And longa tn j >in immortal I ys. Hold me de < i J;fu9; n thy

c-r^--P-h-h+^--<~r»-^Th-^4F-Ph-rtF-^H-^F^4 :Ti-WP-^-^-;~h P-®--P-P-;-J-P--h-|q4-F-^--!-:—^-PP




~T—"**—rT~~ZT~~g7PrPrf^rgT^~p~i^~^ >'

7 P:c"L |^T^zp

heer me w.th immsrtal chir.nj, Till 1 awake in teaims above, F«revtt to erjoy thy lene, I jli i a.v.ke, dec.


•*s Tarmington. L. "M. bF.

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Black heavy thought like mDUfitji.ji Jolt, O'er my poor brejfr with boding feart, And eru&mg hard my torlur'd Tout, Wring tha^ugh m

.Aykjburj. S. M. bB

The Lord my Ihepherd is, I fha)l be well fupply'd, oince he is mine and I am / his, What can 1 wa

'Dowland. L. M. k C. -^ By J. Dowlancl, D. M.

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When God reftor'd our captive (late, Joy was our fong and grace our theme, The grace beyond our hope fo peat, The jay appear'd a

Sabbath. C. M. ~%~G.~

Aiilc triumptwm r;ftm ihe grave, And Itavt b'J "a k abodt.

Blefs'd morning v»hofr young dawring rays, bcneld the Son ol God; Arifetrisinpriant from the grave. And leave h't ria-k abode

Ailfe triumphant (i m Che grave. And !eave hii cark a - I






























fei:=~±ifc:[Er:Ei ErE:?:pi bgi

Hrile u .urnpiiaui from the jidvc, Ana leave h'l lurk a


JJQtban. C. M. b A;

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Cod of my life look gently down, Behold the pains I fee/, But I am dumb before thy throne, Nor dare difp

Morpheus. L. M. b A.'

^_c_i pip.pi—pi_ip_p_rpip._.-.i—r±_i.—u-u-j- i-im——*-—i-j l~i—*&-*—&-*—

Sleep downy flep come clef- my eyes, Tir*d with beholding fjoity ;Suf; (1 mber come and drive away, The toiii and fo'liei

Defirc. . b A.

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Thou God of love, rhouever blsfs'd, Pi ly my fuff'ring flate, When will my God my foul rcleafc,L'n m lips thai love deceit. Fr


Norfolk Nc*v. L. M. * C.

iiiilgiisiiiiiiisjiiisiiisiisweet it the Work my God my Ki"g, To praife thj niini give ilunks and fing;

To il.ew ihy I e *-> m«roi|)g i


^ h c , And an. of a'' 'h, tiu'.n


d iraS-EW^re*t~{:-E]:ds-^fc—™—T-—-jt- £-iL4£JE--T-a- t~r rF^fE-tir^r Hhr


K) Woburn. L. M. bA.

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I'irm was my health, my 6*v was brigh, And I pre - fum'd twould ne'er be night ; Fon


Pleaf- ure and pe*ce S*c.

in my he«tt, Pleafure and Deare fhill ne'er de -


| in my heaait, leaf- ure and oea ce iha.ll ne'er d

Pieafure and pea .,.. . . - , .,co. (hall ne'er depar

ethany. L. M. bA.

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Mautn mourn ye faints, aa if you fee, Your Savour dear nail'd to the tree, A bitter death h: i\i er.du-e, To five the fcu

A bitter deah h« did rnduie. To fave cne lujis of me.i C-cure. '1 o &c. k*


fecuxe. A Litter death he did ei d ire, To fave he fouls of men fccuie. To &'

&mwM^M^^^^^^MMWMMmbitter de.th he did endure. To dye the fculs ((men feiuie. Toft:


A bit'.cr death he did e.niu.e, To fare '.he foula cf msa t'usre. T-j eve.

Cliarlejhown. L. M. b A.

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Lord I am vile fonc''iv"d in f. •, And born unholy and une'ein ; Sprung from the man whofe b uilty fall, Cjrrupti the race an

RefufreSiion. CM. >x G.


The rayful day i Coming on, I ftial ar f: and fioj,0 grtM where is thj ri&ory.O death where i| thy Ring. O grave, &c.r f; and fin»,0 ^nve where is thy riftory.O death where 'I thy Ring. O grave, tec.

Leiccfter. C. M. bE




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Not iiomche dull »rfl U- n growi, N jr trouh'e* rile by chance j Yet we »"• bom to cues .nd woes, A fad in her - i - lance.

A? fpi

:zZyZ:%:z?Z)ZZ-izzzi?-r.p.z:iE:zzz\z] ~zz:zif^z~zz^: ^xzzzz

Aa (p ilcs fly out from uurnir.g coaii, And II i nt upwaros borne,



rEEE-~i;°~£tE^As fparks fiy outfiom burning coj * And Hill arc r up*4rd« home

; S« gr rf it rited in iur f mi, And m ><» grows up c,

fpirki fly out froaa burn ; ng Coal, And ftill are upward! borne; And ftil; Stc.

burning coa., And ftill »ie up.sa d.. b- ri.e, Ar.diUl &c.~T |-

r~ r- - rf"

jt)4 Reliance. CM. * G.

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My thepherd will Supply my want- Jrhovah is hu nam?, In pa/iuies (rcifc he makes me I'M, Bifi !e the 1 i v i n g ftreamf.In piilures, &c.


Coventry. L. M. fc>F.



The fun may fct freyond the rruin, And rift to light the world again ; B jt we when our fad days are o'tr, Shall fet alafj to rife no more

.SI- —i *^t—|-


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CONTAINING,A number of Pieces, fet to particular Pfalms and Hymns, together with Odes, Fuging and Flying Pieces.

Command. P.M. * E.

ua^c_ip.p.c_p.£-piu.^j_pp.pLip.p.p_u^ pp.p[_pipppppp

Arife ye bright nations & honor yc ur M>ker, And blef the Lord ]< fusthe Kint of si I king»,Whiler»ehof hiiful jtfls re made (he paria!»er«,Ot the v.rt p fTciTio. lo

66 mjdcm., C. M.- *G.


Wng (hall ifvt. d (hat hi^h a

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Howikillwe. pa ; i"e th'E ter - nal Mind, That infinite unknown; Who fhallaVfrid jh

Who (hiU «l • cend i

Whu (hill af - ccr.i.. . that high •

Putt Forte.

^^^^lll^ElgSI^SSS&Ie.-.tire near his Uiione.

|bode, Da, Tcntuie rear hit thiol. c. The g'ta; in-t.f - i - ble, He dwell, conceal'd in • d»» ling light. But hit all. fearching

I hodi;, Cr ,, feature near his '.)wone."^

Star b'.l Low, 0: venture, U

Wifdom. Continued.


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d-rk . n.fi of the night. Thofe wakeful *»« th^c n-.»-er fleepi Survey (he wor'd a




Loud. Very Lovi, Soft.

Hi> J"


^Where all our thouthct are uniwn'd, Speak we 01 ftreign, bisim ij Kro»j», To fa^e or to deftrbf. Jefi


»ie a migbiy ittp.

infinite itj hil »r»ie

jnn.nfr rjtj h j ;i .>;;;ic.i 1 j, A a .. ti

63 Wijdom. Continued.*» ~\ /*N

I Infinite day h>l y?ai# prolong, And endlcfi are hit jo . - . yi.

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>e>rs pro on*, Ani endiefs are bil j -• y »» And endiefs are hn j>y«. He knows no fhadcv . or a chmge, Ncr alttrs his decreet,

erdlela a>e his joys. Aid endlrfa « t h>< J^ys. i~N.


iPiillii|^lEfeliiil=il5l^!ii'V- Ii.fimte t*t h:s jciii prolung, And end.'efs at: his joys.

Slow, St ?.

world his tru h mjft (laid, To guird h's promife*4


s»-s»Sinoiri b-Jctt Lis prefence die, How ho'.y is h't iiarsse, H.i an

SS._e*|'_ _,._.„.

ifdom. Continued.

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j'aloufy Burns like ce • *our - tag flirr.e. Jaftica up • . on a dresdf&i throne, Murrains tie rigDtl


While mtr . cy fend* h.-.r papion* d wn, Bouglit, &c.


V/hi'e mer • cy fends her pardons donn, Bought with Saviour** Wood). Ts" « to my fool't in - tu



While mer • cy feo^s her patdon« do - urn, Boughc, See.

[::fz:f jzz(EE^:? "E|zzE^

m*—, r...J'. v.. ...4.H . * . r> ...U*. idti>u .

c ...: - • 1... r . »., *mercy fc,jc* her parJanj Jocii, iS^u-ht With - Sdviour'i i#lu:-o;



Wifdom. Continued.

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^f<r«k fjme forzwing Wjfd, Tr.en 'twit be double j v toting, Th; clorin 0/ my Cod. Then, Sec.

Plxmouth New. C. M. *F.

L.t: up your h.id3 e'er' it 6*'.et, Unf>IJ to ent«r:«in The Knight e1

1 l-t he comr;j

W ih »|f

j £SI3I££5I£3:3f^i3z3{3iii:n EiziilEErJ:] E3E5JEp2~aEHE£ziIE£I


<-\r~\ /~*\ s~\

Plymouth New; Continued.

' tiling t' a'">, ThtLjjj /or ilrcngth ren wn'd.

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in b-t Ic mights oc h.< lie., Ani let hij oame re

W3o ia lilil JOng of g ory, Wb» :5:

:s: ^~\

The Lo:a Almighty ftrung in battle grc<C in gory ihows, The Lord Almighty rtrong in Little ~ov r at< ''I * " (o

_ _I2;

_ _ -4 ; O ZO

plililltiiliiiiSglHiilPillfliilin is tbil- King of g'o'It Who,. .


Beet Minim.

Mufical Concert. P. M. A.

_ , ,.'t.j l,-i^-j. . .. ^ /^L m

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^isizsenP-f flf

You chat in concert & >g, Pllj on (be pipe or nog; Or ftrike (be trembling ftriog, Or love our lay j All inftruoicntt now join, W t'n voice an



art it la divine, The


art it la divine, The ("criptcres fay.'—

"s I



When David young and jay,

Before king Saul did play.

Saul's demon march'd away.

Great Pow'r was nigh I

Ev'b fo will we oppofe,

Our great and evil f"»es ;

And with a thund'rinj ciofje,

We'll mate tl*cm fly.


Since many men of might,

Love darknefa more than

Would hinder our delight,

That's fiom above.

Then let us ail agree,

That v/t may happy be ;

And ftng eternally,

Ir, peace and lovci

Fly. P. M. b D.

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Bufy curious thirfty fly, Drink with me & drink as I, fiedv welcome to my cup, Coulfl thou f


— l 2

Make the moft ©f life vou may, Life is fhort and wears away. Life is fhort, &c.

Bdlingham. L. M. b A.

S~\ /"~N

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• deleft Lord, defcend and dwel , Ey la.th and love in ev'ry breaft, Then Dull we know a d t3(le and feel, The joys that ca

S~\ /^\

E=!SEE=d:IE:E3f£=Ert^^B fiV. Cjrrv 611 our hearts w;;h inward ft:etigth, Make oor enlarged luuls ptfl'cfi And learn ihc height Sc breadth & leig'h. Of thine unmeafurabie


Beilingham. Continued.

S£=BeSE©pSSr~r —a*



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Now to the God whofe pow'r can do, More ih,n our thjugbtl «r w /hts know, He tver] ailing h( nort done, By • 1 the church, by >li lh» churth. ih.o Ch if

liiiSlliPilillllillliligs:~t"S!"~Xi"i.Cff £c~ P:""c^E~t: t—c^-ic—dt iPwz-i—zGr -l-r*—i* -^x ift—c






Father we wait te feel thy grace, To fee thy glorv fhine, The Lord, he will his table ble^, And make the f

-6 Communion. Continued.

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We touch wc tafle the heav'nly bread, We drink the fatied cup, With outwaid forms our fenfe i? fed, Our fouls

Q '^ /~>_ -j_ »— - £""

Vigorofo. — —"X


Let us indulge * ch-erful frame. For joy becomes a feaft, We love the ms.n'ry of his name, More than the win

^*\ -^N



Morning Song. L. M. %?.


/-n r~\

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SiJZ^ SHEG^d of thi morning »t »irnfe w»ice, The eke; f\j| (un rrj'k-s h»(re to r.fc ; And iiics i g'ir.t dv,i;> r: io'rt. To rui his

s~>. r



thr«a^h U»» (ltiej. From the fj'r cbam'^eri of ih- e«ft, Thj c'rto't «f hi? r»re brains ; And Without wrarire's or r:ft4








; morning Soug. Continued.LoigUu»*n'

I a? ihe lun nuy J fuifi |, 1 h" apaoioftd


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O like the (uo may Ifulfi i, TV appoint Tatinof tht

« ih^^^CrtAS" "he «!«_«« Wn«. " 0~*/*. SJ^JvE

. T -__ ~\8^ ^^^ **

J*,*OJIketheAno^l fulfil, TV .ppoinKd iutctsof the da

Loud. .— p

O like the fun m-y ] fall fi.ll, The appointed du \i.7oT ~t~~

Morning Song. Continued.'For. Moderate.

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EEEE:E|EE^.E;t;i|b£^£^^EE>ffPiJfuf5EEE*:|p^i*±:pEEi|22 £:T:?^E

iES£:Et:EE_E:E£:i:=ir5z=E-tzt:E=E:frtaE:4: "EEEEES:fiE: is h;:b:i-rr fc'E&i ?:r±;EI a/e me in this w inaS wide rmzr, To foil w rvry wani'ring ftar

;Lard thj cmiiu»j( arecleinand pu.-e, EniighVn ng oui setl uie

.f__t.|_ p i -ia.u K.[.i-j_:_i 1 x..\.—x^i n;-.ii 1— J|—^i i^_^.i^ y * .^.i.,

lEEifcjEHSEJKH^_ u_.KC.p_px.p-p_p.L.i.p_cit5C-i-)— i.C+C-j s+Z-i—E-P-i—P+^P P--U.. £_]:_£— u-.— i

Gve roe thy cou"fe-« lor


And ihenrectiv;

reitntngs juft tl y prom ft <u-t, Thy g -fuel n altes tie fimp e w ; fe;

G Ive T.f 'h- c

C>« mj b chunk's f.r niy aaiui'

?o 'Morning Song. Continued.

H3-3~i£^i>T:P :£§~+—D--f:-™»—z£zzzzzzz:zizi:qz

to thy blifs, 1 hrn, &C.

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Give mt tbv coonfcls t'.ir my guide. And <hen receive me to thy blifi, All my deGres and hope* besides, Ate flint and cold compar'd to thit. Are faint) &c.







^~ffor mv juide, And then receive me to thy bill's, Ail ir.y dtfires and hopes beu ie, Are Joint and cold campa

/~n_ a..,Z> _ 3 O

then icceive me to thy biifj, And then, &c. All my defirct, fcc,

Chrijlianity. L. M. * F.



* T ta by 'he faith of jovs to Come, We w>:Jc through lefarta oatk as night, Till we arrive at heav"n out home, at

>-i --^ Tnl we arrive at

Cbriflianity . Con ti tlned

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faith isour guide and faith our light. The want of fightihe well fupplies. She makes the pearly gaies appear, Far

Iworld* (he pries, And brings e - ter - nal glories near, Cheerful we tread the delart thiough, While fauh iuip


g2 Cbriftiunity. Continued.

II .

_ _.__a

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l ravjnly ra - - - y, Tho' lions roar and tempefti blow, And rocks & dangers fill the way. So Abra'm by

Left his own houfe to walk with God, His fai'h behdd the promis'd land, And fir'd hi* zeal alf » i ft

Reception. S. M. * D.

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—tZC-P-tl UlC_i t-TC-fc—-1- X 1 - — --q- —- - — ,„_.,. r..; f

Before hi, btHer'4 eve, Our humble foil

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Reception'. Continued. Soft. loud."

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avB, his ihunccis by. And triumphs all above. Y<. C Lord h >* wCik our moit«tj Itraim, To Cpt ik imn


Siii=:&/<• ,

O.i tilth 111/ mere; reign.


How jar - - ring and how low, Aie ail thf notei we fing,


And 'h-sfiiil. pieafe the k'Rg, Am tbii fcc.e Jt'ng , An4 thii See.

lijwjarngand how luw, Ait all clu notes wc fi-.g, Swret ! a/iour : .ne onr tonjs tiiev. And ihU III II pl»a«e ihe-Uin,.t And >b*h fef. And this fli»l I

jwjarngand how low, Ait all ilu

And fh's ftull p'e - */r the king. Aaa tr»

•-4 And lUil Avail ,'•!- .In '»:.-„ .,nd tki

S6 Morning View. P. M. s?G.

Let us all fly to tnufic this morning, And ling our laft night's proteclion, B^- our eav'nly King,Whi

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1 fun-beams make nature rejoice, In - tel - li-gent beings fhould praife with their voice. We wonder with

Ifarning View. Continued.

fee the orb» roll, With fuch complete har • mo - ny, wake O my foul, T© fing of creation become* us a

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work is c - ter - naJ and completely done. The work, &c.

as Kcrtb Boltcn. C. M. * I.

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When G«j rertal'd hi gracious name, And chang'4 any mournful ftate, My rapture feero'd pleating sVearn, Thy gract ippear'd fo great,


^£zE±E:E±:ti:ir5i5;?±E::feLively, y, 1 ->^

My tongue broke out m unknown ftraini,

I glor'oui change, And d i thy hand confcfi, My tongue broke »ut in unknown (trains, And fung furpr fir.g grace. My tongue, &c.

My tongu: broke out

Ajfoelation. P. M. * G. pia.

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Content thou dear objeel of all our defues,To thee the fond bofom with rapture infpires,Poor mortals deluded, thy phantom


never poflefs tho' we keep thee in view, we keep thee in view, :llj We never poftVff tho' we keep thee in vi

QO Pawtuxet.ov New Providence. CM, ' b A. '..

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Our day,, alas, our rao.ial dayi, Are fhort and wretched loo ; Evil and faw the patr'arch fayt,And well the patr'

/-> -n f-\ /"~\_ _ _/->. r~s"A f _> _r > , _ft_l . —- — ... _——I- _ I... __

r _•._•._»_»_ JL__£-I^zt_ .B._aCfL.z£_£.. p.— av ci^—^T^ o ifc^

well the patr'arch knew. 'Tis but at belt a narrow bound, Thai heav'n allows to men, And paint & lins run through

/ Pdtvtuxet. Continued.

In h fie run on my days, run ons^jf**v

' Well if ye muft be fad and' fcw,

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thr«e - feme yoT» and ten. ** Well if ye rhuft be Cad aod few, R in on my days, Run on my days in h.fte, Run en

l#i^ In hafte run on m» iij.im oni^ Jn hafte run on ra» ji,i, mi »«

:- :S:

on my d»ys in hafte. .Moments of fin and months of woe, Ye cannot fly too f.ft.

Z^t^^ZZIIl II* js-~^3pZ ZiSL ZimiZ.Hj^-. I^I-Z^Il!-- -pi*-

9~ Panvtuxet. Continued.

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heiv'nly love pre - pare my foul. And Call her to the fkies, Where years of long f«l» - va

• _j»~~^ :S

%\n - iv uev . er dies. Where, &c.

\-zzz.--j- :s-^ct£i;^iEig

Rio - - ry


never dies.

Tnvocation to Charity, a Mafonick Ode. L. M. »G'.

Compiled for, and performeeTat the celebration of St. John's Dav, in Charieftown, and fuuable for other chaiitable •

The air may be pet formed as a Solo, accompanied with iiiitruuumf, t all parts by the voices alone by omitting the fymph

Air, Sym. ^~-—

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Conn chari'v, Coae charity with goodnefs crown'd encircl

veav'nly robe, DifFufs thy blcffinga all around, toev'ry corner ofth: globe.



9+ f Oae. Continncd.

See where (becomes with pow'r to blefs, See wh?re fhe comes with pow'r to blefs, with open hand a

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Svm, Pl/t'i

I _ _ _ _ . . __ _,_g

JSee where fhe comes, See where fhe cornel with pow'r to blefi,wilh open hand,See wkcre fhe comes with pow'r to b:ef*,


.Ode. Continued,

tender heart, Which wounded is !

-at man's' diftrfs, And bleedi at ev'iy '

•' hurmm fmarf, Which wounded

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Sym. —»£ ~-"i—*zw*?£—i—Sx-

man'i diflrefs, And bleeds at ev'ry human fmart.

96 v -. Continued.


^^^ ^\ ^V'M .

Ccme charity, Come charily vitn got own'd. encircled in thy heav'aly robe,

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Syvu For,

Diffufe thy bleflings all around, To cv'ry corner sf the globe.


Fly Crick. C. M. * A.


/^- x Tr.nfpotttd wirt> ilic view, I'm

.,._ __^n • _ qP* -S^ — — j^t"..»--ft.p*. '^z^—^rr^_ ---t C

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fiig foa 1 fur - - »tjj Tranfairei when ill thy mtrtiei O my God, My ri

TrJ«fpoftea, &c- 1 ri l'p»red, fee.

zjzzaS:: zFzzzzi :r=z:fz=zrfz:*zt=ztz?-:±±E=b"-1-----^--+-== fc "

- : 3 :P- -{ppt


ztzfc'S ZT"

TnoCported m>h th<- virw. I'm


— !_


~3j^ czzzzriq-zirzizzTZZiizzr^ ^"z:s::i::;]:z".?:<~2cza Zfip'Zi:8:cz»zfZZzzz

"*»v fniklooried /•—imported

:p^r ^1-v r P.£ £^*

wiih ine fiew, I'd loft j i imix.i'Lcci


--ff-^ T]—sr-r£

8—»-F?r si-v r£*£— r> "!C 3 --©-.p-r- {f^i ZZ

Emanuel P. M. «G

'"""l!T-?. ,. .y*-*?..?.!:... ,k~. £..„ P^mSfeZln? fe.t.o. cil,», £ed ir.jn flee? : An liutl from Hc^'n prated to »itw. Anc

... — r .__,—


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rfi .

,"*• V* i<* .#.._.» r r_. t.r... rh. *«."iniif In T-wr» iDDeari. Difpel.&c,

:,, c v" «ii p« f«»*« »nd btni,h y° ur *"*• For Jefus th: s

v't S

B J4

' wrr ,ppea ' 4'

D ' fpel,&, •

•"n' '

q ft JT*

Emanuel. Continued.


'ho' Adam the fir ft in Rcbllion was found,

brbidden to tarry on hallowed ground ;


et Adam the fecond appears to retrieve,

?he lofs you fuftain'd by the Devil and Eve.

this inftant arife.


This wonderous ftory fcarce cool'd on t

When thoufands of Angels in glory app

They join in the concert and this was th

" All glory to God and good will towar

Then Shepherds ftrike in, join your voi

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"hen Shepherds be tranquil

Jo vifit your Saviour and fee where he lies.

i III.

V tckcn I leave you wherby you may find,^

This heavenly ftrangcr this friend to mankind ;

V manger's bis cradle a ftall his abode,

The oxen are near him and blow on your God.

Then Shepherds be humble be meek and lie Iwo,

"or Jesus your Saviour's abundantly fc*



And catch a few fparks of Celeftial fir

V.Hofanna ! the Angels in Extacy cry,

Hofanna" the wondering Shepherds rep

Salvation Redemtion are centu red in on

All glory to God for the Birth of his S

Then Shepherds adieu we commend yo

Go vifit the Son in his humble abode.

To Bethlehem City the Shepherds repair'd,

'For full confirmation of what thuy had heard;

They enter'd the ftable with afpecr. fo mild,

And there they beheld both the Mother and Child.

Then make proclamation divulge it abroad,

r.Tliat gentle and Bmple may hear of the Lord.

oo Celcflial Queen. P. M. m F.

^z—zh^rit^E'tilbbEt^EStb-ZZttz:!^^ z E:r:f:z:E:~Ez:Et±zEz?z«:i:©:

What i•-' - - - tor'd foaDdl U • lute our rsrs, G-.tiy .,iise:fin» gloomy feara O' [wart de<Vocti»e fcene.

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. — _^ _.___< _. -,\

T"a\ ^ —. — -._—


Mantl'd on yonder [liver cloud, 't v. at Co'umWa crv'd aloud ; cry'd ola c, M.nU'J on yonder

_ >* S~^Z*

'.Ll.fi.. ._ 1^T"*\ -„- —

zzz5~zr£zr-' zEzpz^-1E^on yar.aea fiher c loud, It was Columbia cry'd ileud, Ar.dpecevm a!! her theme. Marti d on

Mi„i,'J on yondf-r filver cloud, ft waa Columbia oy'dal-u?, cry'd aloua, /.n: peace was al, her tkenir.



jnnitt filvcr cloud, 1c wti Columbia cry'd aloud, And peace wai aU her [heme. And peace Sec

Celejlial Queen. Continued.

umbi» cry'd aloud, Aoj pe-c.-. wai all her Ihcme. And ;.tic:, tec. A d pnee, Sec. :'.: :H:

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louii, 1: w^j Columb i cry'd al.'ud, A:i i peace »ag 4J1 her theme, And peace :' all h:r

j^^^B^SE^^^^^^^^^S^^S^onder liUe. cloud, u w*s Ciaiuiioia cry'd alcii !, Anl peace was al! her

«II her i hem'.

liliiiil • i> -ids- li per ctotii, 1. *is C«' in 1 cry d aioud, flad re.ee till Wat all her the - •

\—z—p—i_p— l—r-.c„w^!i-L.r.c <acc-.c_^.r.ti«a !.«j—pztq— I :j— i

—i — 13"-^x iheme. >. A nd pe c :il: ^ , : ;

mc. And pesce , v ill: •It

_ wa, all her Acme. An* praee ill: : : .,<. wa8 a j| n ;r (heme.

mc. And pesce a.l her tneme.

• me. Anl wai all

[C2 Otfcgo. L.'M. * D.

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Id (i)d's works in various ways, Which men and angels


lulh to fee, Now ad - o



moves my tongue, M<ty ev'ry noble foul agree, May cv' - rv





frz _ _ i

^z|:rEbzzzl:f:zzP:l&ri:Ezz| z:


Oft'FQ. Contiuued.




blefs the God who deign'd (• fncslc, both m:n acid worlds fr« m chaos go un, Rtfijjn'd (o mm a godlikeP*"', 'J h« glor uui faith,

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N"~ -^ of w rids to

gior'ouj faith of worlds t» come. To con e. ^-^ -^ ^. _m. I 7

gior'ous fmhof" wards to cone, r ou> glo r'o'jk faith i.i *

zzz:zzzrizzzzzzizzzz&:ffzi::G;gfr ~:~-pzz.d£.vZ* sff^i zr-Ezf::e^.£:E:i§:i:Jr;4Z»zzLc.

glo t. us faith of w c.i Id t t Die. y ->^

waulM to come, Iheglo'ieus faith of woilds to co •

104^-\ r"\ /~\ /-"s /~\

Meditation* P. M. »' G.

Munng on my habitation, Muling ou my heavn'ly home ; Fills my loul with hcly lo

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—:z:4;:±zb:a:ifcj:l s^s:S: Soft. Loud. j,

-— fr*

llfilfJisui quickly comei :b: • to be with the

=6:S: V nitjr \% all 1 U e

rp—^lr^Eplr^^ft~ bt^fr"^?!f~£

fF^f ^** ~f \


?t^"-^—t|t""^""VF"F-l "

CaJUe Street. L. M. * @.


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iprine, froi) wht-rict they flow. 1 1 jm. &c.


HP33FB— =?f^I^?=J^77tf Pilgrim's Farewell, a F.


Fore you well. :!1:'':


io6 The Pilgrim's Farewell. Continued.r—> *-* t

mult be gL n*, I have no home nor ftaywithyou, I'll take my flail & travel on, Till I a betier world can v

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^~S/^\ /^-> I


zEj? "sEJr : :~EfE*z :* ffrEpEBEz£:id£:i|r5: £•z^z3z?5 fzjifE^zzEE^zf zz'~EEzzEEtE:zzzz~z

•Soft and S'

,i' • ro> ih (.1 Can a n> '.a-.l, I' I land on Cinans fhorf Wnere plejfj es ncn. e id And troy rjtss cone no aire. Firewell ; I ; farewell my lovi

zzdIu-Hibz:E-^:2:?:-:?iirEzttx EdtEztPHzzz 'z'z:£5 zt^lziEtzTZcziEzFtf



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CONTAINING,A number of Anthems, Suitable for different occafi«ns.

Chsrus. Dedication Anthem. %. F.



» Ff»

—i 1-__—i.__ 17 —.i.i_.L._._— L-Zi.r—_„__ z. ii_rtz—i— rr' _


Lift up your heads O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everla'ling doors; And the King of glory of glory Hu

c3 'ithtm. Ca0:inued.

He l

f r the Mrtn it the Lard't, and rh« fullaafi there olF; th: world aod tbs/th.r. dwell therein. He h»ih founded it

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He hath founded <c upon (he

SiililiiiSiFSiSSIg^IigiSRepeat the Chorus Pis.

^ ^Hehjih Juui.ded it apon the feu, «ad ef


fefe^Sfei^l§^^iilfei^n the feat and ertiblifli 1 it eHjblifh'o it apon the floods




I (i.i and eitaeliih'd it upon thcflooJj, efUblilrCd it o>o.i the floods who h'ijII tfcend ialu (he hi. I of the Lard, tad

abliCi'ditupon tnc^oodj, and eftablifh'd, &<r.

«n ike P.ooO, »nd eftablifli'd it upon th: (]tfc«s<

jinthem. •ntinued,I*-ortiiRr»ff.

***+*3Ljgk—a T—

who fhall ftand in his holy place,for theheav'n is my throne faith the hi^h & lofty one,


where i» the ho


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———h-4—- t—\—F-+*9~ _

.ft -3.

CTigizipzyr|tiBrirgip pf~prprt


,\ ., — —~?:=~zrJi2rfti:iie:

-£3_ & -9. -~?- m


and the earth i» my footftool,

Forie. I'ortifiimo.

1: that ye build unto me, and whero is the place of my i eft. Where is the houfe, :11; that ye bu


Anthem. Contln\i^.

•ne, &whcre \s the plate of my rrft. For my hands have made ill thefe things, fajthTbe Lord, To~thi7m7r7will TTLTkT.

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Whofc hands arc •l&an, whofc heart is pure, who trembles at my word, he fhall receive the blefUng fi

Anthim. Continued,

Rep(rt • -9-m~"~^

>» ^™*N " Ref>

t^— 1 J-

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1 1 i—fc»«4«,l — -1 i — ——-I—t—3 -1_ZEnter into his gates with thankfgiving, & into his c<>u - - - its with praife, & into his courts with praife, w


||-EE-||E3E|: ::£EjEEp:|:=d=E^«zcrff^J:^Ez:PTe :^r& £:EE^:^:dfcfe~Er^Forte. 5 P Forte. Mafetm fo.

Whj is this, king of glory, the Lord O.rong and mighty, the Lord Cod merciful and gracious, the Loid &c.


ilEn=lE^i=ililllllII|lllr iiillill




Anthem. Continued.

r*— T-p-V- .._ T__J5. -j


Lift upyour head*, O yc gates un ^- fold ye evedd fling doors, the K'n« of glory comes, The Ring &c, Welcome

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'^frc:* z]i§:;fczp:j3-zz]::r2:p:p^ —z.


Pi". ~ForT"

z:£z: &ft:i3f :bE(zi:EzzT^:9zzre5ttif:p^=iSxi:p^&^^zz^ftzrf^rf±

Welcrire to thy rcfl, Welcome King of glory :!!: We'.cou

mthem, Continued.

Hal - le - lujah.

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Lei us be

jLet us ke glid aud ic . - j^ice,

Let us be glad and re - joice f->r the toariiage (upper of the


Ltt us bt giad and it- • )<nc«,

)T 4 Anthem. Continued.


ceme and the bide hi4h made herfelf ready, sad iht bride hath made herfelf ready, Hallelujah :11:

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i For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Amen Hallelujah :ll:


As Anthem t»kenout«f the 16th Pfulm. 1As SJ-riivvm t»Ken eut«t trie tocn j. jutf/t. ^

_ _ J will than

Preftrve me, O God, preferve me, O "G-id, for in thee have I put my truft ;

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t w II ifaan

ffi'=:|^-F=ffiz*p~j:;:|EF~ il-i-f—j—fI-^—p-^-pF=g::|-j-lr^-^-F:-i—'^—t^^

Cof), » will thank tb-e

lhank th«e O G<H, O God, for giving mc warning. My reins alfo tV.afleK tne in the night

God, I will th«r,k thee,

(S ' Anthem. Continued". C (^

loie ir.jr fierce, wueiefoic my h -rr. my heart, w.i pi d *,, g| j<j •«H n y g'' r y i ><* m

wherefore my keart, wherefore nv hear*, was gtad, and my glory rejoiced, wa$ glad,

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t 07 he«r'. wherefore my be* • • It, and rc» gtorjl a. a t

»h«rcfure »>t heart wherefore isf l»:«cc w*« glad .- mi glad

icy B'° r7

and my glory r«joised, My flefti alto (hall reft in hope ; bocaufe thou wilt not

my glory

|(4|i and •yi'.oiy

Anthem, Continued.

itt hell, Keith - - er will thou fuffi

z^-J^-Sl^A4-3foul in

J n\ \

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TV « "'r ° je.

ri» "l," " O ihy Hj . .. . . . ly



Ore toc* «? -

O e,

I :EfjE:f=:^:£-:=:Sifr;:^•"Us*1

ly ©or,, thy no . - • - - lj

»1& Anthem. Continued.Slow. Onick.

—v lr> t iy pitf-nce it fulnef.

Tbuu i»>lt fliow rot the path of life. n thy pretence is fiilr.efr, i> fu«oef' or j y. and

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p*~t~~" i~ r~"*r~""i"~r""~r~~'

r~~t"Tt~ ~"~^""Tr

-T—irt-zzbz: JEE?E!3i^pzgz- - 5z£~£z lzl




jizzzzbrizzzZz-ziiczp—zzizt-z^ilzzizbzrzzzc^^^ in thy prefence it fulaefs,

tntre ia p'ofare for - e» ei, there is

there ia pleiiure for - e» • «r, is p eafuie for - ev - t-, tor - ev • «r

there it pleafore fer • ev - er, for • fr-w, the e i' pletfore I

rhtte it j'«'aft, it plofgttj


Rebellion:—An Anthem for Fajf. * ©ftr.

Hear O Heav'ns ! 1 the Lord have (poken. ^. :ll: :ll: 1

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And ;i»e e r O eirih,

1 have nu.-ifl»'d »- d brought u,> Children, bo; '.Hey h

1 hi»c r.niJii'dsnd kratght op children, 'eat iJt'jr hjve rcVMci e^i

-~t-E:Ii;?;5r:::±'::c±rib:W ;:c:§tet:b~:Elbgi-rL»:SE::-cf] have r>o«:isVd »nd brought «p ch '«\e i, but thev b.3»e rebelled igiia^ me, but (Uc) hi7e rebeUtd as^'«5 roe



I l»»vs fiomi&'d ar>d Uoojpt opihiU'Mi, blt'-j h *e rebell'd ajiinft mr, bit <!.<)• b.vi reuclM ;gt"n.1 ob-, ietu:'td r«.«J!-d

12© Rebellion. Continued.Cue* v t. Soft. Loud. Soft. €r«s

H5{====£=gThe ox knewi his owner,he ox kn

' gainft rne. Ah, fmplc nation, :11: :ll: ^, But Iiracl

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And the a!s his mailer's crib,

Repeat the Chorus. „

My peeple doth not contidev. A people L -den with in - i -





P~^~j iP~pf^~°^t— f3~^p:






TUbefifon. Continued

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^^Mn^^^MS^MMMM&^WE»ger im>ft bnierlv, The whol« bead i*6ck & the whole heart ii fainr.

"" " "T^iT" 777,7?u v'7


_r" cven "nfo the head, tlnrre i*


V Froi eol ...^

122 Rebellion. Continued.

but wouads& biuifes, & putri'fying fores. Except the Lord of hofti haElef: us a very fmall remnant, %v«bad been a

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"* waft* ) e make ye clean, clean, :!l: :!!: •* ^,

l>kc to Go-norrah, wafh ya make ye c'.sai, ^ u t a - way th« evil »f your doing from be

wafn ye make yc cleoP, clean, :ll: 0i .11:

Rebtllion. Continued.

plo - - ae,

Icara to do well, f««kjyj|ment, rtliav« the op-pitH-td, and plead ft.- the widow, plead for th

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C«»f« to do evil.

" " -—~ — —\ — -—-.


pl - - ad,



Come mow & let u» rcafon together, reafen tcgcihcr, faith tt»o Lord,"

** TWycur fin* be icti likft«ci«fon, they fhallbc while a&fco

12; Rebelthn. Coiyinued.



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,>,» I b fnu«. as wkite »• (now, u.. white as fnow, it w'mte a> fr.ow.

be lei ; !ti«ri:nfon, they lhaii »e white as fa«w, ai wni.e at ln*w, •» "~

"low. Ouiek Loud.


2—I *--I U-t- -[—iWh^Jie » - '"^'^"w'lhaV.iteeiith, >o ihak^, &f;


(Toft ~7c7:*.f~^" L~j7^d"ike "?«.*; "rf k'u »»jeft). t.e a - <(^± <• !:iL___—^_-


^rTfhly tie aartkTiUlTJtijah, :*»"" TlTT" :lli Awefc, A_ - - _- me

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W* /hibent For Orlwariori. P

Cekftiai l lslpireaur foals, With peiftct lo.-c, Aad Vme »; i feeble layes

licfcxd ftoin Hcav'n

J20 Anthtvi. Continued.


Bern «n our minds thy H«v'nly fire,& teatkour'bnfoBi to.fpir., Tonobleft fo.g. gf p7aife,Lonft iidthfw.rW indaik

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gCTD<m lh< lijht of rtafiB fcou;, Bjfor: thy morning refi j N« ci!n aonKat the foul c.t'd fi.i, Dfeord that r» t.r«of the miad, HW baai



AmtbtM, Continued.


untiem, csnunutd.

With Afiy <ar», Aid jmimii pain ; Thfr ftioye to fl d. 7-tV;th ft?*.'*/ <ar», A ad »uii<rui fain ; The* ftiOye (o I

_ ! — f~ ——


f—~**—rl— ***—t i" ^ijn'cz'ni^~


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Nar cauU »>ie f»s«t or' **»Ure, Etwnliy's imtrod'n (hate, No light tbt r ftftrasa gayr.


world beyoad tbe gr»»e, But now » brighter fceae appears, Ye wecpioj nwornc.s dry y»<rr stars. I'm eUat't courfe it run. n >ifbri8ht arouad


1X<JAnthem. Continuta. ^

ce=cj.:£•:__»,** tzzBrt^csxrx^jp^?^

d< T Anii *e«k*i dark Cn4aw Melt, Av*»y Wwe the goTp*! ius fefa.U *<»•• ^CtJ, Ccf<«*4 »r»tr.* kefaar ki«. Y. HiiKraft fce&ut ki«. Y« Hei

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'^^^^7 "r7J8—- ^uir^jrh. expire,, Ye f.n a^r^h^r.^e^^,^

T*-rf^—^ -F-F e._ -- —*fifrpjr"r

Jlnthtm. Continued.

Behold LJn now, afiendmj bright, tfcer.d «| fcrijSf, W:tb .11 tkt m < 4) si Iefu, *..niug ;• • ml »ro*& d, A d no* he lt*j i rh*

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r» ...... M id- c<i(* t din^i run • i.d, m . - I its j a

11 tVc gl«J uuit ."5 i r.i>nd. Ku ... II toll ti.e g!


— K* • .11 the <l . tid fji iu . . . - up I, R.J - .11 mi

Jzzzdt±t±zM:tzici^t^.zimzzxzz+zztzzfc:jz:^*i**frzrfci rL p pri pib-.fc-i

;< lh« f*i (-'ai j« n • \ R* - - .» !k flcdtu 'mji e- 1» d, R •* :•<

. :© Anthem. Continued,

r,£ may our tongs*: 07 proclaim^ The honors of his mighty n»me, And fongs of triuicph raife, Till loft in flames i


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buil'd, l.i, StC. Ar.ci Ltm - b- 1 .', g Itatuie dUi /• l)J lrr-nb!ir,g Olture


hurl'd. In ru ; n h'lH'fl, Sinks the v^ft fabrick of the world; And tfrmblintf'nature, 'ambling nature, tirmblnp nat

^E^E&£lzi-?i^EKAnd trtm ct • tuie

jzrjztfcjz^zHEjgzp:: ~£zjrzjz; zjijEpzsz:^-g:fajrp^z3zz^zxzfz3rf£f:z

*ab . 1 a j u«o,ol:r.goa:Bie t>u

jin Anthem for Ea/Irr.



Hal - - le«- lu j. !i,

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mm. "fli "T*"~**«|""——T'",*~CJ'

The Lord la lis'a in - tieed,

In . jkh, / :i>:Nr>w is Chrift

»3* Anthtm. Coo tin tied.

:S: Pi..

|i^St^tt^i^&t*&, eV brco'ne the fi> ft fi uiti of thewi (ha: £<p' ,:S: 11 jI - la • Ju . j«h, Hal -la - 1 i -


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t»* " B ;S: il.Ue - l.j j.h,




tS: Aidddh* rife, «rJ did he rfe,k» •*

/in- c d r.' i' ft, cf he r'fe. Hen O ye

And du bt t'i ,


An! did he

* k g '*>,

^.-« (1-0 v<



PI: Anthem Continued. Oe«. Tot.

y W y £ He Tofc, hs rofc, He bn.lt the bar» of death,** **

Hear ii O ye dead. He buift t

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Hs r»fe, he rofc, lie burft the bai» uf death, -

;i1e»ttii«il liij u^ii'it •*« ths ( -» • S'J»»: rll;e*fU> lal [Jin iW.- Inn of good (c ir, .1.

*»»(' »«u;« »»<" wok wi • •

34 Anthem. "Continue*?.f~S

'zzzzzczzi ^"zrS'je rlS^EcugEir^^HirhE-xztzzzE-irErEE~i- ^^—Ezirt"^"Wh„fe uatwa than t«t»ii >*i *• jj**^- ........ ife, ll

f- <n the


' f {"i P1!ff

;twLr f L

="~ziP^EEEr "zSIEEESzr: izzEzzijEzz-izzEz

nature lin v, !< ivi r>e, |ouk Wi . . . no, ani mount-d w Ih him fn <n

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wi---- ....rig, w.iofe njtu-r then I all wi . ng, —


—f_—i 1— t—t-U-U-P_p,f-pp—p-uc.14 —x_i— k'—+— £— f—f-_'—1 1-—

-f— ! ^-I.p-gj-p-gLI-pp LUJr—frp £-X—

--^--f j~,

L— ft


11/, wnifc na;uic thru f't'k wi n i,

1 with hina firm ih» ?umb. I -1 iii = n 1



5Cr|ffiK&i=^^fc^|-33-5z :Qzzxzz:|zzzBsr=-z=


Anthem. Continued.'or- Pia. Recetitave.

.rofc," then J TZuT" tbeiTfi.ft ha". mi^TT^tftfi*. 5ES

I IT"' '" — ~i~*

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^__^ fc__ _I;a: 2 P>»«

p or.




i 3 6 uintbtm. Cominuet.Fo-.

tifJ to mtr, TkiDi it) ti-t {'• r7> »«'t tks fcooudltrt b

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Um.iI tat(

t-rj ta.n'i

imtxj»ndt<U Hi ft. .It* •»*

. *£hdnkfgivixg. /intbtm.


O .-. { O Sag ta\* iht Lid, O fiij sat* cbe Lord, O fia| «rita ih: Lord, iuI ?r» . . • . . ife hit »lo' . .

Anthem. Continued.

By telling of bi» won lift every inuraicg, by idling, &<••

m m ~~^v *# ~Pa n a ft a ""^ a _ie> r> a

telling »f hit wocdert, bit won^ert every morning, by Helling or his wonders, hi wonder* every mornine , ird h

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By tclliag of h!i wimiciv, hit wonders, ill: ill: e»ery moini c, &.C.

d'y, llti By telling •( hi* wotdeu, hi* wooden every morning, ar.d h'» truth ij by day.

Anthem. Continued,

Pia. For.m


Aod h'l tf

J; c.jf hi. horio', :ll: till among the ;. h",. :lli ar.d hitE'

nrT amo

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and bis


—=-S—K <» - 'y.

pe»ple, D« dart

' z

people, De - • care hit honor among the itathen, and bi|


f or) arr.ong the people, for the Lord

ll I bU il* . ry, hit

rj »aj.i^ ih-: pupl.-, D:c:rr, &.-,

Anthm. '"Ccntinced.^ - simiavm. ^.cnnnsea.

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Q w'ttc. Pii

Anthem. Continued.For. Pit. Fat SW.

Hallelujah, ill: :ll: Amen, Hallelujah, .11: Amen. A - - men

1- v_> v_^

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An Anthem.__From fundry Scriptures, m E.

Who ii ik'n, *h-j m tli s, tlu: cooaecH from EJotn, with dy'd girn-.entj fram Bse ah. Wh» It he , and whit is his name


(in a»jj:

Anihtm. Continued.

Hit nine ft ill be dalf'd wjaderfol, ;ll: Cnunfellor th : m^h.jf : ; C-id. rhe Everlafling Fataer, the Pr

nitre ftili ic callad aranderlul Couofellor, the mighty jllj O''; H » mint (Kill be call - - • e« wonderful Cranfetlof Sh

c«led woiidjrfnl Cuunlclior, mighty ;!l: sill C. li. the EvcrUuing Father li.e Prince »f p

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the .

wonderful ; 1; Cjunfelor toe .xigiitj ;!1 ;'lj God, the Etilifting Fa her t!ie Prince «f pea ...

lad Ian the Alpha, and Omega, Shi, oh, Cod w'th ul S

us, Cud with us, .-h loli Emisu.rl, C»d with ui S

peace, th« great i tm the fi ft aad laic the Alpha, and Omega,


ma ia-l God w't'h us,

g'e«t I an 'he A'* and lift thr Alr-ba md O megj. Sluioh, F. • man - - a eJ Cot with Gj

•• • •" « - Cd tit |te«l i a^, il i u ,1 aid left ike Al^ii* mi <# • • • c.e gi,

1 42


J$n:}>em. Continued

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. ___ ,


i):ftc) no truth b..»c

Anthem. Continued.

nthtecufnefssnd pe.re h.ve ™f* eicfc ether,=— r- j-a

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jfnthem. Tontinned.

wm^M^Mmmm^MMkMMim^hat do 1 fee, The Lamb of God uail'd to a tree, V/ith rufty nails hia body tore,And bloody fweal from ev'ry pore, Runs

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.11: :ll: :11: :ll: :ll: Hark, how he groans. His bitter cries the rosks have fplit, B

-Anthfm. Continued.

:li: :li: but ice he dies. Now is the hour of da.vkne!s'paft,'Chrift has aflum'd his reigning p

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Cu for cart, Diwfi ftosi the flc>) t« r'fe ao wore Old Ads-n the fn ft exe'ueJ by luft, And'Kfe the feHucer entai ed Ihe co''=> lat

^ipz£i|grsr~zzzz.]Jrqr_r^zzrr,x^zrzzrzzx-r~r~zzr^r'' :-*t"z*zzzz.< zzz-^zzr-

;.;6 Anthem: Continued.-

h ba\ i.iur & King, Has made the atonement <5c freed us from tin, &. fieed us from fin. Has mack* the alancment and freed

- -. «,t

!nc.~j>—Z ZI""5~i—ZZZd—'"I—ZpZBZQ~pZIZp. ""*"*?— E~"Z~*I~"ffZ"> M."'0."T~M.Z'l

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zznrj "rr"J~*1 ~*^!"r"i~"" i~~i~t— *~










pr/ifc the L re, ill: ptin'e the Lo « •I

j...... ,...» _..., .... "_ .

'"" "

O UJ1C mm v> >«U pwfc the Lire, O (hat men would o.-si'e (b: L-jh', O taat a m v.a«ld p»aife the Lurd, praife hi

ipr.ii'e th« Lore, O that men wou'd 3'aite the Lord, :>. ill: p.» it I

•">» S~\

pr» ie h


1(.i.e ihe Lu'o, O ifcat men ynt'wftrid the Lok, p tile him lor cic . at . i.;j p •

Ambem. Continued.

rnfe h'm far ere - at - ir g pow'r, p>aifc him for le - itzn irg lovr,

at - ing po praife the Lor*, praife him r'nr redtenin^ love, p-ai •• - • !:: L

at • inj pa - - - • • w'r, praWe the Lord,

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pfaife ihs Lord, praife him /or • re . <teem ing lo . . . > - »e, praife the -La::,

1c - !i> - jah, :JI: praife ye ihc lord, Hal - le - lu - ja:j, v::-'.:-i • c ' : Lor

ISij-——ft h"3 5




M/w£. L. M. *i ;


Sum nooa -nd ftars convey ihv piaiie, Round »he whole eaith and never (land, So when



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"frr£~£z^tE~-frT~rr~g^F*-F~T-F-'!—F~F t--F--f—»-F-;—-{-F--P—r--p-f~l—


;6 - - ce, li

, icfa li it gUncdon ev'ty iai.d, iitouch'd } &e.


i . .- >- • ....


1Funeral Amhem. fe A.

» —«

"""" "**" Have p.Cy on m; O. ye rn, .


Hwepity >.t me O jo My IfJo.xl*, foe.tns hnJ o' &"<i o»th wochid me.

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Treble Solo; ^^ B-fl Sole., ^ ^

B.ifs Solo.

Ljver aai (ru.ii! h^ft then ^j: U< tioia m:, j.ij raiw »:qa«io . -

. Tenor SJo.

Gn hath fueled rr.*,fan.

wear; w..D wjgrojnwg•:» the n^hc, I n.ke my btrf to fain,


I m*W roy eo«

Tenor Swlo. B a <"* Solo.



inj (vol il<4*eth on - - a t f £ d»ft,

Treble Solo.'

& It

Uu< U»rl<eih t^


:fz: = :L

_.£. L Q.JJ - L- >/- -* l~*•— - •-* -* -v. ~X7 *-l~-»~——A- .. ban -

... B H) Biultiei'i >.. in). ,C ii. k.;1 .hi j

The Lord

slritbtm. Continued.

id |17; iW «h- ',:>:< tiketk a • • • mi. «ri ktrfTed »* tfc« INSBi of

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"* !>£//!> ofGen.Wafrnngton, or, Meunt-Vernon Hymn. L. M. b E.

What folemn fmnd»the ear in»ide,

Whatw«api the land in ft>rr«»'t Itii'e,

Kracn Heiv'n the »wfalmtnitate fllet,

Thefa'hrr af his eoantty di


-*-— " ' U


Antbcm. Continued.fS /—s ss^

__:Iz:^:>zz1E|=>:jj^z—izizrzr'zitttzrttbz^Let e»"iyhe«rt be fill'd with wj«,

Let ev'ij heirt b« fill'd witii woe, L:t cv'ry eye w.tb te.u o'titiaw, Eich loici oppctf»'d, wilh decpn't ^Icur:;, U« t »a m tcAsiestt

-—zz«i£"£"^p $£:£-££» zip*: zz:rrzzzqxq:qq:r-Trrz:r:fr4:e:p:sZz,iiq

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R e»'ry hetrt, &e

5 .I'll with woe, tct,


Behold that venerable band,

The rulers- of our mourning land

With grief proclaim, -from fhoreto fnore,

Our Guide, our Wafhington's no more 1 :


1 Where (hall'ColumWia turn its' eye,

What help remains beneath the fky ?

Our friend, protector, ftrength and truft,

Lies low and raould'ring in the dull.

©»<;!i lui in, i:c.


1.1.h fjim, e«v.


Almighty God, to Thee we flv,

Before thy throne above the iky;


proitration humbly bovr,And pour the penitential vow.


Hear, O Moil High, our earned pray r.

Our Country take beneath thy care ,

When dangers prefs and foes draw 1152*1

May future W«fiirnitons appear.

tf i, N D E XLA PS.




1 \ Ay]gji,


i«t« 44I) >than,

ry, S. \i.

r. m. £ G — tjowlal

j^\. nfion, 7 ; n . A, lb Dormant,


L. M. * C q lutidrt, "

»ny, L. M.bA

* L. M. % GFrench, 6i Delight,

[y, . dr>. *4 Farming! on,

Ford, C. M.bC

C. M £ G.

7«j .-. «7 - on,

li'tiliams, 44 Gratimdf,

wnfon, C.M.b


P. M. b F.

L. M. bA.


afun> 49 Hampton,

1 '> b \ i o n Fnnih, 3.o HappTTteit,

Charlfrown, <jn,~ be I.sicefter,


/a //v *W*U SIC.ALM TUNES.

CM. bA.

I...M. jjT C. Do land,

. L. M.b A. Punch,

P. M.b

A. d...

II. M. b E- ^ari-

L M.b

F. French,

C M. ^ C vS'^ic,

C. M.b

G. French,

C M. k. A. ifcartrr,

C M. gg G. Frtnch,

C. M. b Ei Ki*nb*ltt

,. M. A.










m, C. M, <g G<

N01 h<«npioii, L. M. ^ F-

N Hundred, L. M.-» F.

O . r|ondr«d,

Pi donation,

Plyn. tilth.

R< (uirtcttof,



Sabba- h,










s c^ B.

^ F.




C. M. a C.

P. M. * F.

G.C. M.

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L. M.Cm entry, Frcuh, 64 L'VonaWis, P. V. b G. do. 20

I hail.cn, P.vl.^. «. do. 4* M r^heus,

• fticuf, ,. m. ; c, d«\ 43 ,

re, L. M. * G. -•', 55 M.'i iboroiigh;,

;ic ft*r, S. M.b A.

S M.* C.

4, 53 Mui.t jjity,'

•>rd, . 29 Minden,

on, C. M. * A. .25 Midri c'~x,

on, S. M. b A. I'rci


M Mbunt*Vethon,

'rra ion, I*. M. * G. • 10 »b>

I.. M. .;<'.« Norf.TR.

(. .

M. 5*Ncwbuig,

*'P. 89 .


. FVato,



i r. • v : , • v .

C. M. G.

S. M * (.'. F>cnch,,

C: M. bE. "''**.

L. M. bA. Frenih,


[. bE. do.

S. M, % G. do.





J f.

hP. M. u E. Saunders,

L. M.b

A. W. Zil&ngt











S.n om,Tenor, .


Wi burn,


L. M.S. M.C. M.P. M- *C. M. u A.

I.. M.bAmK

S. M.bB -

W-:\ Sudbury, C. M. bF -

Wintl.fup, L..M. % K.

Warien. S. M. •* A.ar ten, K

North R.-lton, 0. M. |F,

O.feijo, 1 . M.ttP'Plynnutk.New,C. M.Ji F.

C. .


R. M

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