page 1 astroldeluxe chart interpretation for neil diamond introduction · page 1 astroldeluxe chart...

Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond Introduction The following pages contain a brief evaluation of key elements of your birth chart, although it is by no means complete. Astrology can reveal many things about a person's life and personality, and you could study your chart for a lifetime without knowing the answers to all of your questions. The descriptions that follow will give you a "thumbnail" introduction to yourself through astrology. In interpreting your chart, this report considers the sign of the planets and the north node in your chart, as well as their house placements. It also describes the sign of the Ascendant and the strongest aspects between the planets. You may note that some of the following descriptions appear to contradict each other-- and indeed we are all walking bundles of contradiction. If you examine yourself carefully, you will probably realize that you do in fact possess the qualities of both conflicting descriptions. Even though some parts of the reading may seem to clash, you will see that certain themes are repeated throughout the following pages. These are the ones that will become major issues in your life. The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. The stars may indicate the hand you were dealt at birth, but it is up to you to play that hand well enough to achieve your goals. Also, bear in mind that every "bad" aspect of a chart also has a "good" side. How it is expressed is really up to you. We tend to work at expressing ourselves more positively most of the time and only lapse into the negative behavior described when depressed, angry or scared. Or it is possible that some aspects may better describe your personality or behavior earlier in life. They may seem alien now because you have already worked through them. A "Strength" number precedes each aspect description; this number takes into account how exact the aspect is, whether the aspect is a major or minor one, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles. The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to act it out in your life. Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Page 1: Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond Introduction · Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond Introduction ... lover, not just a bedmate. Your

Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond


The following pages contain a brief evaluation of key elements of your birth chart, although it is by no means complete. Astrology can reveal many things about a person's life and personality, and you could study your chart for a lifetime without knowing the answers to all of your questions. The descriptions that follow will give you a "thumbnail" introduction to yourself through astrology.

In interpreting your chart, this report considers the sign of the planets and the north node in your chart, as well as their house placements. It also describes the sign of the Ascendant and the strongest aspects between the planets.

You may note that some of the following descriptions appear to contradict each other--and indeed we are all walking bundles of contradiction. If you examine yourself carefully, you will probably realize that you do in fact possess the qualities of both conflicting descriptions. Even though some parts of the reading may seem to clash, you will see that certain themes are repeated throughout the following pages. These are the ones that will become major issues in your life.

The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. The stars may indicate the hand you were dealt at birth, but it is up to you to play that hand well enough to achieve your goals. Also, bear in mind that every "bad" aspect of a chart also has a "good" side. How it is expressed is really up to you. We tend to work at expressing ourselves more positively most of the time and only lapse into the negative behavior described when depressed, angry or scared. Or it is possible that some aspects may better describe your personality or behavior earlier in life. They may seem alien now because you have already worked through them.

A "Strength" number precedes each aspect description; this number takes into account how exact the aspect is, whether the aspect is a major or minor one, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles. The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to act it out in your life.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

Page 2: Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond Introduction · Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond Introduction ... lover, not just a bedmate. Your

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Planets in Signs and Houses

Libra Ascendant

You believe in justice and peace, and are forever trying to bring these forces into play in your life. When in balance, you are delightful to be with--gracious, good- natured and with a good sense of humor. But like the scales after which the sign is named, Libra dips wildly from one side to the other before attaining that perfect balance, and this results in restlessness, stubbornness and confusion.

People with Libra rising are usually attractive, charming, refined and cheerful. They enjoy socializing with friends in pleasant surroundings, and usually come to functions well- dressed. They deplore rudeness or vulgarity and always have time to listen to the concerns of a friend. You are an equally good conversationalist and are rarely at a loss for words. It is likely that you are artistically talented, such as in music or art.

You enjoy physical beauty in your lover, and are a very romantic and sensual lover. In your lovemaking you delight in all the trappings--incense, perfume, satin sheets. Just be careful not to idealize love too much. It is hard for someone to live up to such idealistic expectations. They are normal people who sweat and get pimples, just like you.

Physically, you are generally attractive and wear a pleasant, warm expression. You usually have dimples--if not in the chin or cheek, then in the knees. Quite frequently you have a beautiful smile, perfect teeth and curly or wavy hair. Your height is moderate to tall, and if you are not careful, you may be inclined to gain weight by indulging yourself. Your health is generally good, but be careful that you get enough liquids in your diet. Problem areas are the kidneys and skin diseases.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Sun in Aquarius

When the moon is in the seventh houseAnd Jupiter aligns with Mars,

Then peace will guide the planetsAnd love will steer the stars.

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius . . .

This is a song from the rock musical Hair. That play and the change in consciousness of that period reflect the qualities of Aquarius: individuality, humanitarianism, freedom and brotherly love. Indeed, Aquarians go through life with one foot in the future, and many have been inventors or futuristic writers. Often misunderstood by their peers, they may seem eccentric or spacey. They love to fly in the face of tradition (and maybe even authority), and are very impatient.

Aquarians believe in dealing with others truthfully. But this is a gray area with natives of this sign--not telling all the truth is much different from telling an outright lie. Whether they like you or not, Aquarians will deal with you fairly and honestly. They practice their belief that all beings are equal. Yet, being a fixed sign, they can be enormously stubborn and strongly opinionated. They may even become intellectual bigots, looking down upon those who are not highly developed intellectually. Even though Aquarians will denounce discrimination, they do indeed have their own special prejudices--but they will be different from society's norm (in other words, based on something other than race, creed, sex, etc.).

Aquarians can seem distant and aloof to their loved ones, who may feel as though they are being examined under a microscope or dissected. This is only the Aquarian's effort to achieve objectivity by constantly scrutinizing everything about life. Actually, Aquarians are very understanding lovers; they tolerate others' imperfections, and to others may appear to be a pushover in relationships. But they do have a point beyond which they will not turn the other cheek. Once this line has been crossed, the partner will have a hard time making amends.

In sex, you enjoy variety and inventiveness. Under the right conditions, Aquarians are capable of sustaining open relationships, where both partners are allowed to maintain friends (or lovers) outside the main relationship. Aquarians of both sexes would be

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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most satisfied with a relationship in which both partners have equal autonomy. Otherwise, Aquarius will feel trapped and want out.

Sun in the Fourth House

This house placement of the Sun gives you decidedly Cancerian tendencies, whether you have any planets in Cancer or not. You are attached to your home, old-time values and tradition. In general, security is important to you, and you probably believe in investing in insurance. This placement also favors the accumulation of real estate.

You may enjoy a quiet evening at home alone with a loved one much more than "doing the town." Be sure that your partner shares this trait. You feel much more secure in your own familiar surroundings, and you are a connoisseur of well- prepared food (totally home-made, of course) and fine wine.

In love relationships, friendship is much more important to you than sex. You should grow to trust your partner and slowly build up to a sexual encounter; it is too unsettling for you when you act rashly.

Moon in Capricorn

With Moon in Capricorn you have a natural desire to rise to a position of power and fame and are willing to work hard for your accomplishments. Once you have attained your goals you see your success as adequate compensation for the absence of personal relationships in your life. The archetype associated with Capricorn is Ebenezer Scrooge of Dickens' Christmas Carol. Be careful not to let your drive for fame destroy your family or love life. Those with Moon in Capricorn who are not fortunate enough to achieve fame and fortune become terribly frustrated and may even develop ill health as a result.

This is a difficult Moon placement for women, mostly because women have not traditionally been allowed to pursue their individual ambitions apart from that of homemaker and mother. So women with Moon in Capricorn can project their drive and ambition onto their men or others that they consider superior to them. In this case,

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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there is a tendency for them to become martyrs to their family or a dominant business partner.

Many persons with the Moon in Capricorn have psychological problems in adulthood which are traceable to a bad relationship with the mother. Men with this lunar placement often marry prominent women who can benefit their career, sacrificing the emotional satisfaction they also need. Women also may marry for position and wealth, often sacrificing true love for the stability of an older man.

But whatever your choice, you will not rush into a relationship. Instead you exercise great caution before making a commitment. You need a loyal mate, one who can earn your respect and demonstrate their reliability. You can be quite generous with your loved one by lavishing them with gifts, meals, special favors (or maybe financial support). You seek sincerity in your sexual encounters, and would be most satisfied in a long-term relationship. Like most Capricorn placements, this one gets better with age.

Moon in the Third House

It is very difficult for you to be objective because your feelings influence all decisions you make in life. Be sure you have considered all factors before making major commitments. This is a lesson that you learn as you mature. It is very easy for you to express your feelings to others, and this allows you to clear the air without having an argument.

Women relatives have been especially influential in your life, no matter what sex you are. And your relationship with your siblings is probably a close one (if you have any). You are a creature of habit and often respond to others by instinct rather than thinking through an answer.

In love relationships you can communicate your feelings well to your mate and establish a deep understanding between you. You need to be a friend and companion with your lover, not just a bedmate. Your worst choice in lovers would be one who could (or would) not openly communicate his or her feelings to you. You could not be happy for long in such a relationship.

You enjoy dropping love notes to your special someone or calling just to say "I love you." If you cannot have some variety and stimulation in your relationship, you will become emotionally bored. If you feel changes in the relationship are in order, please communicate this to your lover. Don't try to "put up with" an unfulfilling love life.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in the sign Aquarius has a reputation for being the sign of the genius, as many inventors and scientists have Mercury in this sign. You have a highly original and versatile mind, and you can put your ideas to work in a practical manner. It may be difficult for you to gain acceptance from your own generation for your ideas because with Mercury in Aquarius you are a futuristic thinker. In another 50 years, everyone else will catch up.

Although your friends are very special to you, it is important that you follow your own convictions no matter what others think. With your highly developed intuition, you also have the ability to see through the pretenses of others. You communicate your ideas very clearly so that others can easily understand even the most abstract concepts.

You have a well-balanced concept of human values and view life from the point of view of what is most helpful for the entire planet (or the Universe). You strive to remain detached and objective, so that your judgment can remain clear. This is a good idea, as long as your detachment does not become aloof coolness. You have a natural aptitude for science, both traditional and metaphysical. Since Aquarius rules astrology, Mercury in this sign indicates at least a curiosity about this subject.

Your friends will be your greatest source of mental stimulation, and you will choose friends from every walk of life. With your highly developed sense of intuition you may have psychic abilities, such as telepathy or premonitions. You have an excellent memory, and may be able to recall details of past lives with greater detail than others.

Mercury in the Fourth House

You enjoy reading as well as writing, and you see the communication of ideas as an excellent way to expand your mind. Your home is a focus of attention in your life, and you probably have a difficult time getting settled, moving frequently from one residence to another. Young people will have a great influence on your life. You collect items for sentimental reasons and can become a "pack rat."

Venus in Capricorn

Rather conventional in your values, you look at things for their practical use rather than for decorative appeal. You take life seriously and are probably interested in business and banking matters. Although you may not be a classist, per se, you are definitely conscious of your reputation in the community and pride yourself on being above reproach. You prefer to associate with others who are similarly inclined.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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As a friend or lover, you are very loyal and trustworthy. Once you commit yourself to a relationship, you will be a solid and dependable mate. You look at love practically, just as you do the rest of your life. If possible, you would prefer to "marry up"--that is, to marry someone who will make you look good because of their own success or social status.

You are attracted to people who are practical, persevering and accomplished. With this Venus position you certainly recognize true value in a partner when you see it. Security is very important to you--both emotionally and materially. You seek quality in your relationships and will not settle for anything less. You would not last long with a partner who tarnishes your reputation or otherwise threatens to lower your status on the social scene.

Venus in this sign makes you somewhat controlled and reserved in your love life. You are able to be patient and wait for what (or who) you want. Actions speak louder than words to you in your love life, and you will be a tremendously loyal and helpful mate. You seek security in your relationships, and you truly need to be needed. It is important to you that your mate treat you and your relationship with respect.

Venus in the Third House

You have a natural talent for communication through speech or writing, as well as an ability to coordinate shapes and colors in fashion or in home decorating. You enjoy close relationships with relatives, particularly brothers and sisters, if you have any. Others enjoy your charm and wit, and you know how to flatter others to win them over. You are highly creative, artistic and love to travel.

Mars in Sagittarius

You have a daring and enthusiastic attitude about life. For this reason you find traveling to foreign lands to be very mind-expanding. Philosophically, you understand that humans are all the same no matter what their race or culture. Traveling helps you to fully experience this.

With Mars in Sagittarius, you are an independent thinker and enjoy a good philosophical "discussion." You can become very excited when telling a good story and must be careful that you do not exaggerate too much when relating your adventures. It would be good to work some of this mental energy out through physical outlets. Also, remember that most people are not used to your brutal honesty and would prefer that you use tact when speaking your mind.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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You are intensely curious, love adventure, and can have a short attention span in matters of love. You enjoy the chase more than the actual culmination of a love affair. Because you tend to jump into any affair with vigor, you may need to develop more patience for engaging in prolonged foreplay and building up the anticipation before rushing into sex.

Since you are very enthusiastic about sex, you need a partner who is similarly inclined. You have a talent for cheering up your lover when he or she is down, and you set a good example with your optimism and zest for life. It is important that your partner have a philosophical outlook on life and hold strong principles. This will attract you more than anything else.

Mars in the Second House

You are protective of the possessions you have acquired, and you will vigorously fight anyone who tries to gain control of your resources or take them away from you. When you decide you want to own something, there is no stopping you. Avoid compulsive shopping; you are likely to be disappointed with your choice in the end. You may lose many things (and people) you value so you can learn to be less possessive.

Jupiter in Taurus

With Jupiter in Taurus, you have a natural ability to apply yourself practically to earn and accumulate money. You are loving and sympathetic toward others, and you probably like to contribute to a charity of your choice. With your appreciation for the finer arts, you collect only those objects of the highest quality. You make a point to enjoy the finer things in life. Avoid a tendency to over-emphasize material possessions.

Jupiter in the Seventh House

You are friendly, good-natured and tolerant of others, and you will learn your most valuable lessons through relationships. With your strong need for personal freedom, it is not easy for you to settle down with one partner. You may benefit materially through partnership or marriage. Traditionally, Jupiter in the Seventh indicates you will have a happy marriage, even though it may not be your first.

Saturn in Taurus

Your caution, patience, concentration and willingness to work long and hard to achieve your goals have the potential to bring you great success. You are careful with your

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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money and may over-emphasize material possessions if you're not careful. Those close to you may find you are sometimes hard to reach, since your feelings are usually controlled and your mood serious. Although you believe your career is the highest priority in your life, a stable home life will bring you the greatest peace of mind.

Saturn in the Seventh House

You find it difficult to express your feelings, even to your most intimate loved ones, although you have a strong need to relate to others. You are extremely cautious about marriage because you are looking for that perfect mate. You may gain status and security through marriage. Usually indicates at least one difficult break-up of a relationship or marriage. You may marry late in life or choose a partner much older.

Uranus in Taurus


You are very practical and resourceful, and you enjoy acquiring material possessions. You attract others using your strong magnetism and charm, and your love life will have many unexpected ups and downs, as will your finances (both ruled by Taurus). Avoid a tendency to be stubborn and unbending. Share your good fortune with others.

Uranus in the Eighth House

You have strong intuition and psychic abilities, and are generally fascinated by occult and metaphysical sciences. With your quick temper, you should not drive when you are upset because of the increased risk of accidents. Can indicate unexpected inheritances or other windfalls. If Uranus is afflicted, you could suffer great losses through dishonest or unscrupulous acts.

Neptune in Virgo


You absorb new information like a sponge and can apply it practically. You are scientifically oriented and may be skeptical of metaphysical or psychic matters. Your greatest satisfaction will come from serving those in need. Avoid a tendency to be critical of others.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Neptune in the Twelfth House

You are highly sympathetic and understanding toward others. Although you may not be aware of it, you have strong psychic abilities. With your great compassion and desire to serve others, you would gain great satisfaction from working in the healing professions. Because you are so sensitive, you should avoid taking on the problems of others; doing so can result in physical illness or depression.

Pluto in Leo


Your generation saw the birth of greater autonomy and self-rule among the world's nations, as well as the hippy movement. New labor-saving devices created more leisure time. Television entered our lives, and the entertainment industry mushroomed. You have a strong desire to creatively solve the world's problems.

Pluto in the Tenth House

You are highly ambitious in your career and may rise to a position of leadership and power. The challenge for you is to use any power you acquire over others for the benefit of all rather than for your personal gain. You have a very strong will and must learn to be more patient and diplomatic. Rules were intended to apply to you too, not just to others.

Cancer Midheaven

You will be attracted to a career which allows you to maintain strong family ties. A career which allows you to be nurturing or productive will give you emotional and creative satisfaction. You are good at sensing and supplying the needs of the public. Security is important to you. It can cause you to value money for its own sake rather than for what it will buy. Recognize that security also comes from loyalty and honesty in your business relationships. You are capable of making personal sacrifices in order to nurture the growth of those with whom you work.

Although you are good at switching careers because of your good sense of timing, avoid an indiscriminate, profligate lifestyle which would leave you with no permanent home base or relationship bonds. You need to have a home of your own and a settled existence. If you were the proprietor of a little shop, this could be a second home for you.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Occupations consistent with your nurturing style of work include home- or family-oriented businesses, restaurant owner or manager, real-estate broker, jobs connected with fluids or the public, politician, teacher, counselor, manufacturer, musician, entertainer, dancer, art dealer, advertiser, marketer, nurse or doctor. For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of the moon, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.

North Node in Libra

You live life with great enthusiasm and enjoy friendly competition. After spending many lifetimes selfishly seeking immediate gratification of your own needs, you must now learn to consider the effect your actions will have on others. Your greatest lessons in this life will be learned through relationships. The challenge is to focus your restless energy so that you can achieve harmony and balance. Be more aware of the needs of others, and you will learn to see things from their perspective and to compromise.

North Node in the Twelfth House

In past lifetimes you have been a compulsive perfectionist and have been overly critical of others. During this lifetime you will learn to be more compassionate and forgiving of human flaws. You may undergo periods of forced isolation which will help you become more tolerant of differences in other people. Adopting a more positive attitude will help preserve good health.

Chiron in Cancer

Your home and family are of utmost importance to you, and you will do everything in your power to ensure that your loved ones remain safe and secure. You are highly sensitive emotionally, and continual discord or disharmony on the home front can make you physically ill, especially with stomach ailments.

Being separated from loved ones is very difficult for you. As a child, you probably felt your parents (especially your mother) were unavailable at key times when you very much needed nurturing. As an adult, it may seem you can never get enough love and attention, and you may tend to attract partners who will "mother" you.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Chiron in the Tenth House

You take your obligations in life very seriously, and you are not likely to give up in the face of difficulties. In your career, you could handle positions which include high-level responsibilities, and you are very realistic and pragmatic about your work. You expect a great deal from yourself, and can be your own worst critic. You are drawn to work that allows you to further your search for higher truth, such as: religion, travel, education, or justice.

Your relationship with your mother greatly influenced the way you see the world. Either you valued her guidance and wisdom and followed her example, or you felt she was inept and irresponsible, and you resolved to be just the opposite. Many of your lessons in life will involve working within limitations and restrictions. As you mature, you will develop greater self-discipline and perseverance.

Planets in Aspect

Moon trine Jupiter (Strength: 6.58)

You are optimistic and generous and find it easy to relate to others. In the worst of circumstances you can see the brighter side; your confidence and enthusiasm are infectious to those around you. You refuse to allow your life to remain complicated very long, and therefore solve your day-to-day problems quickly and without panic.

In a career you can be very creative and imaginative, and you would do well in such fields as public relations, civic affairs, social work or physical therapy. You would do well in any position which requires you to travel a great deal or to solve problems for others. You know how to set priorities and get things done. You are well informed on a variety of subjects and are a stimulating conversationalist.

You may find that others seek you out for advice when they need guidance or encouragement. This is because of the good example that you set with your own actions. Those around you are stimulated to develop their own potentials. You take on tasks with enthusiasm and optimism, no matter how burdensome they may seem to others. At the very least, your opinion is highly regarded because you have proven yourself to be a good advisor.

Chances are that you always allow some time to indulge yourself no matter how busy your schedule is. You enjoy working on projects that will benefit others, and this type of work would leave you with a warm sense of accomplishment.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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In romance you are attracted to people of good moral character -- someone who is honest and sincere as well as spiritual. You love peace and harmony and need to share your life with another who is so inclined. Tension and pressure in your love life will cause you great distress. Your relationships tend to improve as time passes, and you have a strong devotion to your love.

Sun opposite Pluto (Strength: 5.36)

You enjoy competition, but like to know that you will win. You can become defensive when challenged by others. You tend to see your opponent as the more likely winner. This sometimes leads you to launch a preemptive strike against your competitor, ensuring your success.

Others may see you as being overly aggressive and overbearing. They may become intimidated and alienated from you. You must control your assertiveness and defiance in order to not destroy your life. You may be fascinated with sex and know how to use it to manipulate others.

In your drive to assert yourself, you sometimes forget that others need their time to shine as well. Move over, let them share the stage, even if their opinions are different from yours.

You must begin to realize your own worth. Then you will be secure in all aspects of your life. You need to make your own decisions.

There will probably be a time of great psychological and spiritual upheaval in your life. At this time, you will have to stand alone, armed with only your own self-confidence. You must also develop tolerance for others and not see everyone as a direct challenge to you. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and do your own thing.

This aspect gives you Scorpionic characteristics, such as intensity, sexuality and manipulation. You require a lover who is more stable and able to advise you against making rash or hasty moves. Your sex drive will fluctuate wildly at times in a "feast or famine" manner. You inspire your mate to achieve his or her own heights. Just be careful not to use your partner's love for you to manipulate him or her. You can easily rise above such power plays.

Moon trine Saturn (Strength: 5.23)

You may have only a few friends, but what you lack in number you make up in quality. Your friends (and lovers) must respect themselves in order to earn your respect. You are a loyal friend and would never let down another who is depending on you.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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You have a fantastic memory and could use it well in such careers as: management, politics, public relations, law, education, or even engineering. You seek a position of authority and would be very fair with your underlings--as long as they lived up to their part of the deal. You look for a well-developed sense of responsibility in those with whom you work.

You may appear to be conservative to those around you, but the truth is that you have a good amount of common sense. You are not overly cautious, just careful. For this reason you are also very law-abiding. In making decisions you will examine all options carefully before acting.

Friends enjoy your company and the sense of well-being they derive from your emotional stability. This is a quality that can also help children to grow and develop their own stable foundation, and you would be a kind disciplinarian as a parent.

Chances are that your more satisfying love affairs will come later in life after you have reached a height of maturity. You behave responsibly in your relationships and expect the same of your partners.

Sun square Jupiter (Strength: 5.07)

You can be arrogant and impulsive, and only time can help you curb your ego and apply yourself constructively to your tasks. Because you often take on more than you can possibly accomplish, you create situations in your life that can become unmanageable. Even though you don't plan well, you are annoyed when others attempt to advise you. Learn to allow yourself to depend on others to some extent; remember that no person is an island unto him or herself.

After experience has tempered your pride, you will learn to accept responsibility and to exercise self-discipline. You will also learn to set priorities and stick to them to accomplish your goals. You would do well in the fields of education, the media, law, philosophy, theater or public relations. You are highly creative and can tap these resources to achieve your goals. But you must be willing to accept the responsibilities that success brings. Learn to appreciate your failures as well as your accomplishments. You learn much more from mistakes.

Competition does not scare you, and you will not back away when challenged. You are particularly good at debate, and communication is one of your strongest talents. Just be sure you have done your homework before you challenge someone on a point; curb your arrogance--at least until you can be sure you know what you're talking about. One of your biggest problems is that you continually push your luck, but this too will improve with experience.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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In love relationships you are very demanding, expecting ultimate love, devotion and admiration from your mate. You love to be indulged, and you expect your lover to be there when you need them. Be careful not to make promises in times of passion that you can't fulfill later.

Another potential problem with this aspect is overindulgence in food, drink, drugs or other pleasures of the flesh. You are more "accident-prone" than usual, especially in leisure activities such as sports.

Venus square Ascendant (Strength: 4.73)

Relating to others is easy and fun for you, and those around you will find you quite charming. One possible drawback of this aspect is that you will become dependent on your social charm to get you by in life rather than developing your natural talents and skills. You want to succeed and even have some incredible ideas and practical goals in mind, but you lack the motivation to follow through. Making firm plans locks you into a commitment, and you do not want that responsibility. In this way you can get a reputation for being shallow and insincere, and at times you can be.

You can become too attached to past memories which can consume your energy and interfere with your achieving the success you desire. You would do best in a career which would allow you to earn most of your money without working, such as through royalties, rental income, etc. This way you can support yourself in the style to which you want to become accustomed without having to work 9 to 5. Be careful not to make generous offers to people that you cannot deliver. Sometimes it's better to promise nothing.

Your reputation is important to you, and you care a great deal what others think of you. You will attempt to beautify your home in order to impress others and want people to see your home life as happy and fulfilling, even if it isn't. Speak up and let your partner know what your needs are, and listen when your partner communicates his or her needs to you. Be generous and kind to friends in need, even if there's nothing in it for you. That type of generosity has a way of being returned when you most need it.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn (Strength: 4.65)

This combination gives you an incredible potential for success as long as you are willing to work hard for it. The expansive (good luck) nature of Jupiter and the disciplined, structured qualities of Saturn combine to give you a definite advantage in terms of achieving your goals in life. Your determination and stick-to-it-iveness will help you overcome seemingly impossible odds against success.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Part of your secret of success is your ability to plan your moves very carefully. You have a clear image of your ambitions yet are realistic enough to know the responsibilities you must accept in order to reach them. You have a strong belief in yourself, yet you know your limits and are careful not to exceed them. You are willing to work hard for what you want and have the self-discipline to do so.

You don't like to take unwise risks, but rather approach your goals with a practical viewpoint. Therefore, you do not waste your time and energy on nonproductive tasks but apply yourself carefully to your goals. In a career you would do well in law, medicine, education, handling financial resources, or even in the ministry. Even though you have a talent for success, you also have patience for those who are less fortunate and want to help them in any way you can.

Reading is a great source of satisfaction to you because you constantly seek to increase your knowledge. You may even enroll in workshops or classes long after you have finished your degree in your chosen field. It is important to you that you keep abreast of the latest developments. This allows you to compete very efficiently with others.

Your biggest fault is your tendency to overwork. Be careful to allow yourself time to take a vacation--to get away from it all and unwind. Otherwise, you will do yourself bodily harm through physical and mental exhaustion. Your many tasks will still be there when you get back from a much-needed vacation, and the break will allow you to approach them from a fresh perspective.

Mercury trine Ascendant (Strength: 4.34)

You express yourself clearly and are rarely misunderstood. Others find you to be a stimulating conversationalist, and your optimism and enthusiasm can become contagious. Your chances of realizing your goals in life are quite good because you won't accept defeat. If you are knocked down a rung or two, you will get right back up and try again. Whether you win or lose, you learn something from everything you experience in life.

You know how to capitalize on your multitude of creative talents and have an uncanny ability to turn large profits without a great deal of effort. You don't mind speculative investment, but you will be very practical about it and will evaluate your chances of success very carefully.

There are always people around to give you support. You are confident in your creative abilities but also recognize your limitations. While you recognize the importance of

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getting an education, you depend mostly on your talent for effective communication to get what you want.

In your love life you have a natural talent for communicating your needs and desires to your partner, and your gestures and facial expressions sometimes tell more than your words. You can help your partner to communicate more freely with you so that tensions and frustrations between you can be expressed without being allowed to build up.

Sun square Saturn (Strength: 3.71)

You have a low opinion of your own self-worth which can be traced back to childhood conditioning. Rejection is a constant fear of yours, and for this reason success in your life will not come easy. If you want to have success, you must risk failure and rejection. As you mature, you will learn to love yourself more and to be less defensive in your dealings with others.

Later in life your lack of self-confidence can turn to self-assurance. You eventually grow out of your earlier tendency to assume that you were imposing on others by being around them. Since you have a tendency to come on strong, you will learn to curb that impulsiveness and connect with people at their own level of intensity.

In terms of a career, you would do well as a teacher, conservationist, or in management. You are able to practically apply your great resources of knowledge to get any job done thoroughly. As you develop your own occupational excellence, you will learn to love yourself more and to notice that many others do too--and have all along. They understand you more than they think they do, because after all they are also human and have their own fears and anxieties.

You need an understanding mate who can accept and love you as you are. He or she should believe in you and recognize your hidden potentials. This type of mate will help you bring out your buried treasure and express yourself creatively. Be sure to keep a positive, optimistic outlook on life. This makes everything else run more smoothly.

Mercury sextile Mars (Strength: 3.62)

You are a very friendly and outgoing person and are not usually shy about making new acquaintances. As a matter of fact, meeting and conversing with people may be one of your favorite pastimes. You enjoy talking, but you are also a very good listener. This talent has allowed you to learn much in your lifetime; you are never afraid to ask when you don't know the answer.

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Although you are friendly to everyone, you can be vicious when deceived. You speak the truth bluntly, even when it would be easier not to. And when you make a stupid mistake, you won't hesitate to admit it and even to laugh at yourself. You have an insatiable curiosity and thoroughly enjoy learning new things. In conversation you don't speak rashly or from a shaky base of information; you prefer to know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. By the same token, you don't jump to conclusions concerning others without solid evidence. You can be very persuasive and have a talent for winning people over to your ideas.

You would do well in such occupations as law, teaching, writing, public relations, or any other field which requires you to exercise your intellect. You could also succeed in media work; the constant stimulation and movement would attract you. Communication is your strongest skill, and you should make the most of it. You would also find politics interesting, and you would enjoy giving your opinions to those who are less informed.

In relationships you prefer a partner who is also intellectually stimulating. They should also be strong enough to act as a "Devil's Advocate" and challenge your ideas and opinions. This would encourage you to develop your own mental skills even further.

Jupiter square Pluto (Strength: 2.43)

This aspect indicates that you are likely to rebel against existing traditions and values and you tend to fly in the face of authority. You expect to receive a large return on a very small investment of energy, and you often complain that your burden in life is too heavy. In truth, you are unwilling to accept full responsibility for your life. You should be careful how you invest your resources; you could suffer disappointment in this area. A particular area of danger is economic overextension--you feel confident that you can buy on credit, hoping the money will be there when you need it.

In your career you would prefer large projects that affect many and in which you can make a financial "killing." You are good at "wheeling and dealing," but at times become overconfident and take unnecessary risks that can lead to legal problems. Banking, politics and professional gambling are possible vocations for you. But be careful not to "burn" anyone; otherwise, you'll find yourself in their shoes soon enough.

It is possible that you will meet lovers through your job. People with this aspect often go to extremes in their love life--either a vulgar creep or a very proper and refined gentleman (or lady). You appreciate an impulsive partner who can do things with you on the spur of the moment.

Unless you can look at your own imperfections and improve your attitude, you will have trouble achieving your goals in life. Pluto demands introspection and self-examination,

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and this is the key to your outer success. Otherwise, you are likely to rebel completely and refuse to learn from the lessons life presents to you.

Mars sextile Ascendant (Strength: 1.96)

You approach life with a great deal of enthusiasm. With your overabundance of nervous energy you become restless if you're not constantly on the move. Your tremendous creativity can be enhanced by developing a little self-discipline in asserting yourself. It would also help for you to learn the art of compromise. You usually state your opinions forcefully and then demand that others go along with you. This is not the best way to win friends and influence people.

In your career you will always do more work than is asked of you, and for this reason you gain the respect of your supervisors. You need a challenging job which allows you to continuously prove to others (and to yourself) that you are competent. You readily take on new responsibilities even without being asked to do so.

You enjoy being physically active and appreciate a partner who can keep up with you. Even though you can be quite stubborn and seldom "give in" once you have dug in your heels, you have a strong sense of fairness and will fight to correct injustice when you see it. You enjoy your independence and will vigorously resist any attempts to restrict your actions. Because you are very comfortable with your sexuality, you can help your partner overcome any sexual hangups they may have.

Uranus sextile Midheaven (Strength: 1.38)

You are a very unique individual, and many of your ideas and philosophies are considered eccentric by others because you are a bit ahead of your time. You enjoy being different from the norm, and your career needs to reflect your uniqueness. Because you like to do things your own way (and because others may consider your innovative ideas rather far-fetched), you may find it more gratifying to work for yourself. You could excel in areas such as computers, science and technology, engineering, or metaphysical sciences.

Although you usually like to work alone, you would also enjoy working with groups of people dedicated to humanitarian goals. Associating with other intelligent, eclectic individuals will stimulate and challenge your sharp mind. This mental exercise is very important to help ward off boredom and monotony.

This aspect is common among inventors and others who've become famous for their revolutionary ideas. No matter how strange some of your concepts may seem to others, if an idea sticks with you, be sure to pursue it.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Saturn square Pluto (Strength: 1.08)

You tend to resist psychological change and therefore have a difficult time going through the different transitions in life. The truth is that allowing yourself to feel a little of the emotional pain life brings from time to time keeps you human and sensitive. Resist the temptation to control others or manipulate them into doing things "your way." This will only breed resentment in others.

As a child you were probably known as a "sore loser." If you couldn't feel reasonably certain of winning a game, you wouldn't play. You probably associated with children who were younger or weaker than you so that you could feel superior. This only demonstrates your own sense of insecurity, which in time you can overcome.

You often feel burdened by your responsibilities in life and may resent having to fulfill your duties toward others. For this reason, your professional life is apt to become a source of problems for you. Others will not put up with your efforts to dominate others. It is best to first prove your expertise on the job before adopting the attitude that you can do it better than anyone else. Just like everyone else, you must work hard to make it to the top.

Because you have a tendency to overestimate your capabilities, it is best that you consult others for advice on setting your goals and reaching them. You very much want to achieve high levels of success, but you must be willing to work hard and be patient. Don't be afraid to ask the advice of others. It doesn't show any weakness to do so, but rather the strength and wisdom of good planning.

Others may feel threatened by you, especially those whose high positions you envy. In order to get where they are, plan your life carefully, including getting a good education. That way you can at least compete with others on their own level.

Moon inconjunct Pluto (Strength: 0.85)

It is difficult for you to remain objective due to your emotional compulsiveness. In your formative years your parents probably expected you to conform to their expectations of you and accused you of not loving them if you didn't. This may have left you with the belief that you have to "buy" others' love by doing and being what they would approve of.

You may feel guilty at times if you cannot fulfill the demands of loved ones, and you will do everything in your power to accommodate them. This sets you up to be used by others who will take advantage of your strong desire to please. People don't respect

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you more for being a doormat. It is important to serve others, but it is even more important to take care of yourself. Learn to say "no" when it is appropriate and to not feel guilty about it.

In your career you will usually work in the background rather than front row center. Be careful of a tendency to take on too much responsibility -- again in an effort to please others -- and be sure that you get credit for your own achievements, rather than standing by and letting others take all the praise. Be sure to be fairly compensated for all time you spend on your job. Volunteer for overtime as little as possible.

You are more easily deceived in matters of love than most. Be sure that those charming lovers of yours have your best interests at heart. It is easy to see that you are emotionally vulnerable. Be sure you can trust a potential lover before giving them your heart. You have a strong desire for a family and secure home life. Don't let this cause you to grab the first person who comes along. Be patient and discriminate in choosing your mate.

Uranus trine Neptune (Strength: 0.65)

This aspect can be found in the charts of everyone who was born in the mid-1930s to mid-1940s. For this reason, all persons who were born during this time share its qualities, although they will not all manifest them in the same ways.

If you examine the history books to see what occurred during this time period, you will find that Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito dominated millions and changed the course of history. Therefore, this aspect is commemorative of the planetary apathy which allowed their horrendous acts to take place.

You and others who entered the world during this time hold the key to preventing a replay of this unfortunate time in history. Because you have the ability to see through dishonesty, it falls upon your shoulders to communicate your wisdom to humanity as a whole. You should refuse to support anyone in a position of power until you know all about them. And encourage others to challenge those in authority who do not listen to the input of the public they represent.

Because you were born at a time when the world was surrendering its power into the hands of a few ruthless tyrants, you cannot stand being told what to do with your life. You prefer to make your own decisions and to suffer the consequences, if any. You prefer to analyze all ideologies and philosophies for yourself rather than blindly accept anyone's dogmas or theories.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Venus opposite Midheaven (Strength: 0.61)

You value your family and loved ones above all else in life. Since early childhood, your relationship with your parents has been loving and supportive, and you have many happy memories of early life. Your parents helped inspire self-confidence in you, and as a result you are comfortable loving and being loved by others.

Your home is a source of love and harmony, and your guests always feel well cared for. The decor of your home is not only beautiful (complete with objects of art, if you can afford them), it also inspires feelings of calm and peace. A stable and secure home life is of the utmost importance to you, and you will go out of your way to avoid conflict.

With your strong appreciation for beauty, you probably enjoy getting dressed up. Your home and your wardrobe contain elements of elegance and style. If other aspects confirm it, you may also have a natural artistic ability.

Venus trine Saturn (Strength: 0.01)

You exercise caution and good judgment in your relationships with others; you know on whom you can depend and on whom you can't. Your optimistic attitude toward life allows you to be understanding when others are in need. You pride yourself on being responsible and trustworthy, and you are always willing to compromise when necessary.

Because of the training of your youth, you are well- disciplined and can focus your efforts quite effectively in order to achieve success. Even though you will climb your way to the top of your own ladder, you will not hesitate to offer a hand up to others you meet along the way. This quality is one of the main reasons for your success--your sensitivity to the needs of others.

In terms of a career, you would enjoy working with the arts--music, painting, writing, poetry, sculpture, and graphic arts are a few examples. You could also use your organization skills in other areas, such as banking, law, real estate, finance, insurance, commerce or architecture and design. You may want to teach arts and crafts to children (whom you enjoy) or work with a social club or organization.

You are a good parent and will be a benevolent disciplinarian. You expect your children to learn to respect others and to be conscious of needs other than their own. Instead of trying to mold them into being a carbon copy of yourself, you will encourage your children to develop their own individuality. This will provide many benefits for you in your old age when your children are in a position to repay you for your kindness.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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In romantic matters, you do not rush headlong into affairs of the heart. You check out each potential partner carefully, assessing their good and bad qualities. Most importantly, you require that the partnership contain mutual respect and loyalty. You feel more comfortable in a stable, long-term relationship than in a series of "casual flings."

Balance of Elements and Modalities

Abundant Earth

You are in touch with the real world. More than others, you know where the rubber meets the road; persistent study has shown you how to make things happen in a practical sort of way. Your nature is well-suited to the adult world of responsibilities, which you master at a young age. Not impulsive with your resources, you would only start a business after careful study, but you would manage it well. You enjoy the satisfaction that comes not just from starting projects, but from finishing them. Your steady, organized approach is actually more productive in the long-run than is that of the quick, flashy types. You know how to establish a pace and keep it.

Do not let your awareness of the material world make you unappreciative of the spiritual plane that underpins our life here -- to which others may be more sensitive than you. Practicality is fine, but try to understand that dreams, feelings, and enthusiasms are also important and should not be squelched. Others might surprise you with what their optimistic risk-taking is able to achieve. You can be so cautious and reserved that some people find you conservative and dull. If you yourself become bored or depressed, admit that security isn't everything and try to be more spontaneous. Open up to the new and follow your bliss (in a careful sort of way).

Lack of Water

For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita. Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others' feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you. You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else's shoes in order to feel what they feel. You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way. People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you. Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness. It's not that you don't have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships. If you are an artist, they may come out in your art. You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity. Your best companions would be those who

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings. They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people's feelings.

A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.

Lack of Fire

You are willing to let flashier individuals take center-stage and lead the way. You are probably unenthusiastic about change and are passive when it comes to creating change through leadership. You may be aggressive in a defensive way, but lack the self-confidence to take the offensive. Lacking the impulsiveness of Fire, you are more likely to be a careful worker and a reliable mate, though you could stand to be less detached and more personally involved with your spouse and family.

A lack of planets in Fire signs can be offset by a Fire sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Life.

Abundant Relationships

With abundant planets in these houses, relationships and communications with others are likely to be central to your life. You can help others by exchanging ideas and making connections between people. You will probably maintain active contact with a wide circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances. You keep abreast of new information via various media and your friends.

Abundant Endings

With abundant planets in the houses of endings, you are probably sensitive, moody, and introspective. You are not afraid to show your feelings and make an empathetic listener to the problems and feelings of others. You have been around the track enough yourself to sense what others are going through and to show that you care. You are not the most intellectual or practical person. You can be easily swayed by an appeal to your emotions.

Lack of Life

You could have difficulty envisioning or planning for the future. You are likely to accept the status quo, living in the past and present, but not actively striving to create the

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future. Lacking your own passionate goals, you are more likely to be a follower than a leader.

A lack of planets in the houses of Life can be offset by abundant planets in Fire signs.

Lack of Substance

You are not the most grounded or practical person. The rules of this material world are not well known to you. Others may admire your dreams, but they could be impossible dreams. You may find it difficult to choose, plan, and work towards a career or vocation.

A lack of planets in the houses of Substance can be offset by abundant planets in Earth signs.

Abundant Fixed

With an abundance of planets in Fixed signs, you have the staying power to complete a project, grow a family, or expand a business. Your strength is what friends notice most about you. You have definite values; you focus your affections on the people and things that are part of your team. Friendships formed over time are important to you. You may be found at the center of a circle of friends, a large family, a government agency, or a business. You understand the contribution that stability and security make to prosperity and growth. It throws you off-balance when friends are not as reliable as you are or when love and ideals are not part of your life. Concentrate on developing confidence in yourself, a wholesome world for your family or group, and binding others to you with love. If you have a weakness, it is trouble changing or listening when people tell you a better way to do things. You can handle this weakness by empowering your team, as among them will be individuals who are good at reacting to a constantly changing world.

Lack of Mutable

With a lack of planets in the Mutable signs, you probably go your own way in life without caring too much what other people think. You know what you want and see little need to compromise. You lack flexibility and adaptability. You do best when you can establish a pace and stick to it. Leave those sports and activities that require fast reactions and adaptability to others.

Sometimes you say things that offend others, because you are not especially concerned with the feelings or opinions of others. In fact, you sometimes appall your

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friends with your single-mindededness and lack of sensitivity. Because of your individuality, people who are attracted to change and variety may find you stimulating at first, but after a while might find your predictability to be boring. This is unlikely to keep you from pursuing your path. Your path involves being yourself and changing the world. Just don't insist that others be like you.

A lack of planets in the Mutable signs can be offset by a Mutable sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Cadent houses.

Abundant Angular

An abundance of planets in the angular houses helps to give you drive and initiative. It makes you active in the external world. Expressing your individuality is important to you. You are probably a leader who enjoys challenges and can get things moving.

Lack of Succedent

A lack of planets in succedent houses gives you a certain emotional detachment. You do not pay much attention to the pleasures of the body or to cultivating a particular group of friends. Enjoying life is not the most important thing to you. You act not on the basis of feeling or principle, but from necessity. You tend to be a restless wanderer of either the world or the mind.

A lack of planets in the Succedent houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Fixed signs.

Aspect Patterns

Introduction to Aspect Patterns

Astrology describes the complex personality pattern inside each of us that makes us an individual. Some charts have many aspect patterns, others few. Some lives feature much change, others follow a steady course. Your chart features 2 aspect patterns. The fewer the patterns you have, the closer the descriptions should fit you. This report will try to interpret the tightest, most dominant patterns first. There is an almost infinite variety of planetary arrangements that are possible - the moment of your birth picked one of those possibilities. All humans feel the patterns formed by the planets at our birth, but the manner and extent to which we are able to express those patterns depends on a combination of circumstances and free will. If you are reading this, then

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your brain is past the stage where it is dominated purely by instinct - a part of you is sensitive to the planetary dynamics in the astral body that was created at your birth. Perhaps seen from the viewpoint of worldly values, some charts may appear more fortunate than other charts, but seen spiritually we each have a chart that gives us the opportunity to learn valuable lessons. The external life occupies the ego's attention while the universe teaches the spirit what it needs to learn. You have the opportunity to channel the life energies of the planets in the course of creating and experiencing the joys, rewards, sorrows, and frustrations of being alive. You experience those energies according to the unique configuration frozen in your natal chart, but you always have free will.

Fixed T-Square

This chart features an aspect pattern known as a T-Square. At least two planets that are in opposition aspect to each other, the Sun and Pluto, form difficult but energizing square aspects to at least one focal planet, Jupiter and Saturn, where all planets involved in the pattern fall in Fixed signs. The T-Square can be an irritating aspect pattern to have, but the benefit of this connection between the planets is that it challenges you and keeps you from being lazy. The configuration's energy flow lets you accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. With the Sun as part of this pattern, you cannot help being a basically positive and active person. You are good-humored, blessed with energy and creativity, and you are eager for recognition. You have a pipeline to an unending fount of energy and ideas. Pluto can mean that you must rally all of your resources to face a shocking event in your life. You can tap into toughness, power, and intensity. Pluto adds range and depth to your mind. You have the courage to change, to stay fresh through continual reinvention. Pluto gives you almost reckless bravery. The concentration of Fixed sign planets activates your perceptiveness and endurance. You are probably good at managing your resources. There are few occupations where the Fixed T-Square distinguishes itself, although it is a common pattern in the charts of writers and happily married people. It is less often found in the charts of deranged people - the Fixed T-Square pattern increases your sanity.

With Jupiter as a focus planet, you live life large. You give one hundred percent to everything that you do. You don't hold anything back. You throw yourself

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wholeheartedly into your work and through continual experience and experimentation expand your knowledge and ability. You are productive with good earning power. Your career could really take off if you have a more organized person to assist you. Your sincere devotion to the people and causes for which you care is almost religious in nature. You combine a commanding presence with a surprisingly gentle demeanor. You are an expansionist who is willing to take risks - you learn through making mistakes. You may not be the first in your class, but you have a positive personality that is outgoing and talkative. You are willing to pay your dues, becoming known for your reliability and hard work. Your intelligence is such that you develop a style and personality that is distinctive. If this is carried to a negative extreme, it can become megalomania and eccentric behavior. You may learn from a role model whom you admire or attach yourself to a mentor. You know what you like. You have high principles which you are not willing to compromise. Your good-hearted generosity may lead you to work for or donate to charities. Neither mean nor prejudiced, you do not become part of petty squabbles, but support cross-cultural connections. Your heart is big enough to adopt a child.

Saturn as a T-Square focus planet makes you highly disciplined and orderly, perhaps too much so. Saturn limits your spontaneous expression, requiring you to act on the basis of knowledge. Saturn natives fall somewhere on a continuum from being repressed, bitter schemers to being deep, sage-like mentors. Either way, you will be more serious and responsible than most. You make a good student in school, although you may already be focusing on a career in the larger world. You study how the world works. You approach life like a game of chess, to be planned out in advance. You see issues in a clear-sighted way, not allowing sentiment or even moral considerations to distract you. Not naive, you are a survivor. Saturn makes you think like an architect. You can improve the functioning of any system. But if you have no deep principles or high values, the cleverness that works for you in the mid-game can work against you in the end. The paradox is that to realize the security for which you yearn, you have to stop caring about it so much. If your career comes first, your personal life will suffer as a result. Your ideal spouse will understand your career world. You can share your deep knowledge by being a coach and mentor for others in your business.

Courtesy of: John Halloran, P.O. Box 75713, Los Angeles, CA 90075;

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Page 29 AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Neil Diamond

Talent Triangle

This chart features a frequent aspect pattern known as the Talent Triangle. At least two planets that are in favorable 120-degree trine aspect to each other, Uranus and Neptune, form enabling 60-degree sextile aspects to at least one focal planet, Chiron. Unlike most aspect patterns, which cross from one side of the zodiac to the other and thereby involve the whole person, Talent Triangles involve no more than one third of the chart circle and are therefore external to the core person. They represent a talent that you can turn on or off. There is a skill which you can develop and to which you might turn for your livelihood, but it is not a mission to which you commit your entire self. There is something which you are good at, and which you enjoy, but it is not your entire life.

The Triangle pattern gives you a talent, something at which you are good. Refer to the focal planet house and sign placement interpretations, for Chiron. The pattern planet Uranus frees your mind. You are not a follower - your perspective is unique, such that one cannot easily classify your work and career with that of others. You don't do things in a typical way. Innovations could come to you by accident. You may be interested in technology or aviation. The pattern planet Neptune has a way of causing success to slip from your grasp. You have a weakness for drugs, so stay away from them. You fall easily into the victim role, but there is a deceptive complexity about you so that you are capable of surprising greatness. You have intuitive skills. Take risks - with victories you will build up your confidence. You have a great imagination - the question is whether it is just for fluff and fantasy.

With Chiron as a focus body, you work for liberation from the barriers and restraints placed on people, whether by poverty, ignorance, prejudice, or ill-health. You may have had a personal experience with sickness, hate, or poverty. The way in which this comes out depends on the other planets in the pattern. As a body past the orbit of restrictive Saturn, Chiron opens you up to input from the higher mind. You may be a step ahead of those around you. You are innovative and versatile. You explore and search for new challenges that keep your life interesting. You are not predictable. You feel protective and compassionate towards the wounded and victimized.

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