page business gains merchandise shown in u. s. · rug cleaning rug. furniture cleaning specialists....

BUSINESS GAINS SHOWN IN U. S. Industry Up 30 Per Cent in 1935: Foreign Trade Climbs. ly r*lW Prrt WASHINGTON. March 18—Two optimistic reports, one covering do- mestic business and the other for- eign trade, by the Department of Commerce cheered Administration officials today. Substantial gains in many lines of business were reported by H P. Kendall, chairman of the business advisory and planning council. A department survey showed exports In 1934 gained 27 per cent over 1933. A cross section representing most types of industry showed 75 per cent of those polled reported business “satisfactory '* to 30 per cent above Jan 1, 1935. Mr. Kendall said. Heavy industries—railroads, cotton and some milling products—alone reported no gains. “We have believed this progress was possible," he said. “We have hoped to see it realized. It is cheer- ing to have it made a matter of record " MOTORCYCLE POLICE TO HAVE RADIO SETS Compart Receivers to Be Placed on Handlebars of Machines. Twenty traffic police motorcycles will be equipped with short wave radio sets. Capt. Robert Batts, po- lice radio head, announced today after satisfactory tests of the equip- ment Saturday. Motorcycles with sidecars previ- ously have been equipped with sets, but the new radios are designed for traffic motorcycles carrying only one man. Designed by Capt. Batts, the radio fits compactly behind the handlebars with the speaker di- rected back toward the officer. WATER CO. INSTALLS NIGHT PAYMENT BOX First Step of Its Kind by Any In- diana Utility, Officials Say. A night payment box, installed for the convenience of Indianapolis Water Cos. customers who find it impossible to pay bills during the regular office hours, has been placed at the company’s main office on Monument Circle, it was announced today. The box is believed by company officials to be the first step of its kind by any public utility company in Indiana. It is similar to deposit boxes used by banks. NEW AUGUSTA SENIORS TO PRESENT COMEDY ‘Daddy Long Legs' to Be Given at High School Friday. “Daddy Long Legs,” a four-act comedy, will be presented by the senior class of New Augusta High School Friday night in the school euditorium under the direction of Miss Evelyn Richey. English teach- er at the school. Prominent in the cast are Susannah Moore. Warren Heath. Velma Cook. Irene Burden. Janet Isenhour. Harry Whitlock and Doris Breedlove. YOUTH KNIFED IN BRAWL Recovering From Wounds Suffered in Beer Tavern Melee. Recovering from chest wounds re- ceived in a beer tavern brawl Sat- urday night. Edward Olinskey. 19. of 735 Concord-st was reported in a fair condition at the City Hospital today. Raymond Strother. 34. 1016 Haugh-st. was arrested shortly after the melee and has confessed stab- bing Olinskey. police said. VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Licenses Merrill Calvin Armfleld 21. Kokomo farmer, and Marv Elizabeth Hummer. 26. R R 12. Box 503 teacher Earl Edward Atwood. 19. of 418’r S Missouri-st. painter, and Myrtle Helen M Conn 19. of 1454 S. Astor-st. Carl H Boroughs. 29, of 2051 N Dela- ware-st. draftsman, and Beulah Short. 30. Os 1733 N Meridtan-. stenographer Albert John Daniels, 36. of 509 N Esst-st thnekeeper. and Estella Rae Schroeder. 39. of 509 N East-st. housekeeper Randle Trevor Stnght. 55. Larmon. P carpenter, and Clara O. Colson. 43. of 538 E Ohio-st. housekeeper Dale Justus 34 Castleton. post office Clerk and Ruth Deßo’t. 27. Noblesville Walter Francis Wright. 23 Fargo N D. college instructor, and Alice Bradford Barrv. 25 of 3453 Ouiiford Giles F Duthrtdge 29. of 644 Col!!*r- st stauonarv fireman, and Mary Cather- ine Blacker. 26. of 440 8. Coilier-st. house- keeper Johnnie A Cruise. 47. Roosevelt Hotel, bus driver, and Ru*h Beulah Cummins. 28. PUza Hotel, housekeeper Fred Bailev 42, of 3145 E Washington- st. salesman and Hazel E Brinkman. 46. of 3145 E. Washington-st. housekeeper. Births Bevw John and Helen Aegeter. Coleman Hos- | Edward and Rita Apple. Coleman Hos- pital Charles and Ivt Crouch. Coleman Hos- pital Robert and Gladys Groce. Coleman Hos- pital Orville and Geneva Herrm. Coleman Hospital Harry and Gladys Horton. Coleman Hos- psl George and Mare Manning. Coleman Hospital Jesse and Edith Ruddlck. 706 E. Market. William and Sarah Teal. 320 E Henrv. WiUtam and Dorothy Moore. 1529 N Chester. Girls Emery and Yera Durrett. Coleman Hos- pital John and Ethel Kellama. Coleman Hos- George and Ruth Parker. Coleman Hos- pital John and Lorena Rottler. Coleman Hos- pttal MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods r PIV thi brand nw I __ *795 1 m. I ... .. 1 J i f*r only ?1 a wp*k. I THOR lar**. I*2 - I plus small carry- 1 MAYTAG. square f charge, aluminum tub. i I INC. 128 N. PENN. LI-5513 Ur Eves. VITAL STATISTICS Births william ar.d Katharine Rountree. Cole- ! man Hospital. j Georg* and Josephine Woodroof. Cole- | man Ho-pital Raymond and Stella Reddy, 1212 Nor- I dvice William and Marv Hopper. RIO Division. Hus’on ar.d Viola Wood. 954 W Pearl. Denver and Della Robinson. 2184 N. i Oxford William ar.d Minnie Lince. 425 Aimes James and Sffidy Ferguson, 2250 N. ! Capitol. Rav and Virginia Mitchell. 336 E. Mc- i C Ruben and Mary Bailev. 962 N Pershing John and Ruth Mann. 1037 River. Lexis and Rosa Gunn. 1636 Columbia. ! Elmer and Anna Bomgardner. 2d40 W. Washington. Deaths John P Fitzgerald. 52. St. Vincent’s ' Hospital, sarcoma. Elizabeth Frommever, 75. of 2156 N. Meridian, cerebral hemorrhage ; Thomas J. Summers, 74. ol 334 Fulton, chronic mvocarditis. Melissa Jane Sanders, 79, of 2125 De ! Quincy, coronary occlusion | John Vtdmar. 51. of 770 Holmes, pul- ; monarv tuberculos-J. I Anthony Matz, 63, of 3168 Kenwood, cerebral hemorrhage Robert Dodd, 69, of 604 S. Capitol, acute gastritis Isabel Haas Davis. 52. of 860 Broadway, cardiovascular renal disease. Abigail Chisman Rugg. 92, of 652 East 11th. chronic endocarditis. Rankin Walkup. 72. Methodist Hospital, coronary occlusion. Nick Pierantozzi. 48. Veterans Hospital, mitral insufficiency. Horace A. Comstock. 78. Marott Hotel carcinoma Mary Heldman, 45. 1325 Barth, car- cinoma. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 Funeral Directors, Florists GEO. W. USHER FUNERAL HOMES 2614 W. WASH.-ST. BE-0148 1719 N. CAPITOL-AV. TA-1719 J. C. WILSON 1230 Prosper-?- DR-0321. DR-0322 4 Lost and Found AIREDALE—I 2 years old, answers to ¦MIKE reward. DR-5402. 821 Orange-st. LOST —Large dark brmdie pit bull, stub rail; reward. HU-8710. LADY'S Elgin wrist watch, viclnitv 1500 N. Pennsylvania, post office. Reward. LI- -5729. LOST—Ladies’ White gold Waltham wrist watch. Reward. BE-0951-J. 5 Personals UNCLE ED: Club members were tickled pink at suggestion of passing Double Mint Gum after our get-togethers. BETTY. ARE vou sick 1 If vou bring this notice AT ONCE I'll give vou free examination and trial treatment. I'll prove the value of mv method. DR. R. E. BEBOUT, 307 Kahn bldg _ FREE HAIR CUTS LI-0432. 209 I. O. O. F. CENTRAL Penn and Wash. YOUR old newspapers, clothing, help us help others. SALVATION ARMY. RI-6622. FREE MARCEL, finger wave or shampoo. Permanent waves at nominal service charge INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY & BARBER SCHOOL. 342 E. Wash. FALSE teeth repaired. 75c up. New plate. $7.50. DR. CARTER 626 K.P.bld.RI-1250, PERMANENTS given In your home. *1.50 to $5. Complete. Exp, operator. DR-5097, WANT to reduce—trv dancing lessons. __ STOCKMAN DANCE STUDIOS. RI-1610 WANTED—Discarded clothing, stoves and furniture for needy families. Nothing sold. Everything given awav free. VOL- UNTEERS OF AMERICA, 320 N. Illinois- st. RX-5378. BUSINESS SERVICE Alteration Specialist ALTERATIONS—Ladies’, men’s garments. Cleaning, pressing, repairing. Reason- ah'e MEYER O. JACOBS. 212 E. 16th- st. TA-6667. _ Automobile Services FLY WHEELS, starter gears repaired without removing from car. Average job 57.50. General repairs—wrecks rebuilt. Tow-in service. TREXLER'S AUTO _ SERVICE. 1304 N. Penn. LI-2184. Decorating and Faperhanging q PAPERING; work guaranteed: 1935 w* samples: paper removed by steam JkJ m 52.50 up. RI-4131. DR-1789-J. WA-2066. Rent—Floor Sanders “DUSTLESS" Floor Sanders for rent. 75c hour or $5 day. BELMONT HARDWARE CO. 2124 W. Washington. BE-2116. PEARSON HARDWARE CO.. 2946 Clif- ton-st. TA-0353. Furniture Repairing FURNITURE REPAIRING. REFINISHING. CHAIR REGULEING. 50c. PAPER HANGING. DR-5228. Laundry Sr* Tlv Laundry finished: reference Call Os- DU. and deliver. White. CH-7415-J. Mattresses, Made Over MATTRESSES renovated; also made into inner-springs by experts. RI-2740. Moving, Transfer, Storage STORAGE—LocaI, long-distance hauling, return loads wanted: part-load service. Otto J. Suesz. RI-3628,¦ 6561: CH-0699-W. TRANSFERRING and light hauling; care- ful handling: reasonable. LON GORDON. CH-1029-M. _ YOU don't need money to move: dis- carded furn. wanted. HOHN TRANS- FER. IR-5858. Rl-3667 IR-2185-i—WILBUR BTEINKAMP Reasonable: moving and storage. White men. Musical Instruments Repaired BAND and orchestra instruments repaired, expert: guar. work. PEARSON CO, INC- 128 N. Penn. LI-5513. Painting PAINT 5-room cottage. SSO. General con- tracting. E. REDMON. 88 N. 3d. Beech Grove. KITCHENS AND BATH ROOMS PAINTED, $7 UP HOUSE PAINTING ON MONTH- LY PAYMENT PLAN. DR-5228. KITCHENS, paths, social rooms painted; special prices This month. IR-0616. Paper Cleaning PAPER CLEANING. 50c room: immediate service Paper hanging. White. 12 years’ experience. LANNAN. BE-4728. PAPER CLEANING, wall washing: paint- ing canvas; no muss. W. H. COX. DR- -0404-W. _ Paperhanging P. HENGEN BROS—Paper hangers. Satis- f act longuara meed. Estimates. DR-7922. PAPER furnished and hung. $3 00 room. Plastering work guaranteed. CH-0691. _ PAPERING. cleaning. painting: lower prices. Work Guaranteed._ CF-0955-R. PAPERING, rainting. plastering, cleaning. Prices reasonable. A. JAYNES. CH-2789. Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING and repairing: all work guaranteed. NICHOLAS HILDMAN. BE- Printing STONE PRINTING—Boost vour sales, ad- vertise; blotters, cards, stationery. We prini antthing. 654 E. 16th-st, HE-1255. Remodeling INDIANA PAINT. ROOFING AND SUPPLY CO. finances N H. A. contract*. Re- models. using LOGAN-LONG Company’s roofing: FOY'S PAINT. Estimates, in- formation RI-6090 Rug Cleaning RUG. furniture cleaning specialists. Old rugs remade into fluff and chenilles. W. N. FLY RUG CO.. 2328 Brookslde-av. CH-2211. Tinning and Roofing ROOFING, gutter and down spout. Sheet _metal work. HELP WANTED 13 Help Wanted—Male SALESMEN—We have a territory open in Southern Indiana selling medicines to doctors. Experience not necessary, but vour education must be good, and an automobile is required. Are vou equipped to handle, this position? See MR W J. BARRY/Tuesday at 10 a. m., 310 N. Dlinoii-st. I WANT a man for local tea and coffee route, paving up to $25 per week: car helpful. Applv Tuesday 9 to 11 a. m., ??: itw-sv _ WANTED—Man over 21 for established route to introduce new line to old cus- tomers Earn sl3 week upward; A-l reference' Apply 9-11 Tuesday, 217 Peoples Bank. IMMEDIATE PERMANENT OPENING FOR RFLLABLE MAN WITH CAR OVER 21 YEARS. APPLY 1131 N. DELAWARE. 9 TO 10 TUESDAY MORNING. MEN wanting jobs, new construction in U. S, So America, write MOORE 1641 Hunter bldg Chicago. Inclose stamp. SALESMEN—To sell G. E. Hot-Point and Crosley refrigerators: real co-operation. GORDON RADIO-ELEC. CO.. 2962 Cen- tral. _ _ WHITE COUPLE over 40 to do custodian work in apartment building; apartment _ furnished, $7 week. Times Box K 2001. 3 MEN for city routes: sm. sal. Good bonus. We tram you. 38 N. Penn. Rm 320. 14 Help Wanted—Female EARN up to $25 dozen embroidering scarfs, home Everything furnished Write ART EMBROIDERY 924 Bergen. Jersey City. N J TYPISTS Earn mob at home. Good pav Send 3c stamp for details. TYP- IST BUREAU. 91 Eim-st. Westfield, Mass. ATTRACTIVE girl for soda dispenser; ex- perience not necessary. TA-2041. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, white, stay nights; salary. 961 N. Jefferson 16 Situations Wanted WORK in home at once in small family. 2514 Capito.-av. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Death Notices BROWN. FRANK HALF.—Husband of Har- riett of 1512 N Meridian-st. passed awav Sunday evening at the Metnodist Hos- pital. Services Tuesday. 230 p. m, at Ihe CLYDE V. MONTGOMERY FU- NERAL HOME 1622 N Meridian-st. Friends invited. Interment Memorial Park. C.WTNESS. WILLIAM BERYL—Died at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam W Caviness of 1145 River-av. March 17. 1935 age 39 years, father of Thelma. Elizabeth and Mary Caviness. brother of Fred. Luther and Earl Cavi- ness and Mrs. Opal Fisher. Funeral at above address Tuesday. 2 p. m. Burial Floral Park Cemetery. Friends invited. BEANBLOSSOM SERVICE. CULVER. VIRGINIA (JENNIE)—Age 87. 912 Harlan-st. beloved mother of Mrs. Pearl Milier of Detroit. Mich, and the late Dr. Raymond E Culver of Indian- apolis, and aunt of Mrs. H. C. Williams, passed awav Saturday. March 16. Serv- ice- at BERT S. GADD FUNERAL HOME. Churchman-av and Prospect-st. Tuesday. March 19. 2 p. m. Friends in- vited. Interment Crown Hill. ENGLE BRIGHT. EMMERT W.—Age 54 a police officer for over 25 years), beloved husband of Ethel Englebright and brother of William A Englebright and Mrs. Amelia Cors passed awav at the late residence. 6514 E Washington-st. 430 p. m . Sunday. Funeral from the residence Wednesday 130 p. m. Friends invited Burial Memorial Park. Friends mav call at the residence after 6 p. m. Monday. SHIRLEY SERVICE. UCHTENAIER. MARY C tnee Freeh) Aee 73 years, widow of Fred Lichtenauer mother of Henry L, Fred C. and Emil M Lichtenauer, passed away Sunday morning at the residence. 1705 N. Ala- bama-st. Funeral services Wednesday, 1 30 p. m, at the residence and 3 p. m. at Zion Evangelical Church. Friends in- vited Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call at residence after 3 p. m. Monday. CONKLE SERVICE. MrGEEHAN. MICHAEL GEORGE—Father of William Robert and Myron John of Indianapolis. Mrs. C. A. Wade and Mrs. I J. Chevlin of Chicago and Mrs. H. B Lucky of Minneapolis. Minn, passed awav Sunday morning at the residence. 3444 N. Peiinsvlvania-st. Friends may call at the FTANNER & BUCHANAN MORTUARY. Service Monday. 9:30 p. m, at the mortuary by the Knights of Co- lumbus FUneral Wednesday. 10:30 a. m, SS Peter and Paul Cathedral. Burial Crown Hill. REED. ODIS CORBETT—Beloved brother of Cleve and Thurman Reed. Mrs. Ruth Murphy and Mrs. Grace Liehr of Indian- apolis. Mrs. Lettie Farris of Bedford. O passed awav Friday. March 8. at Maywood. Cal Funeral Tuesday, March 19 it 2 p m, at FINN BROS. FU- NERAL HOME. 1639 N. Meridian-st. In- terment Washington Park Cemetery. Friends Invited. Friends may call at the funeril hom* any time. MHXIFER, JOE L.—Beloved husband of Bertha E Schaefer, passed away Mon- day. March 18. age 40 years. For further particulars call WALD DI- R ECTORS. <( HILL. HENRIETTA—BeIoved mother of Mrs. N. E Kelb and Edwin E. Schill of Toledo. O, passed away at the home of her daughter. 5210 N. Delaware-st. Mondav morning Services and burial at Toledo. O, Wednesday. WOOLEN. MARCELLA—Age 46 years, wife of Oliver Woollen, mother of Mrs. Ber- nice Dillman. Carl and Earl Woollen, passed awav Sundav morning at the resi- dence. 254 N. Belle Vieu Funeral service Wednesday. 10 a. m. at CONKLE FUNERAL HOME. 1934 W. Michlgan-St. Friends invited. Burial Round Hillceme- tenr. 1-a Lodge Notices _ MASONIC —Pentalpha Lodge No. 564. F & A M.; called meeting at the Temple Tuesday. March 19. at 130 n m. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother FTTANK HALE BROW’N. J BYRON DARLING. W. M. DM S- PEIRCE. Secy. Z Cards, In Metnoriams SIMS—We wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for many messages of love and beautiful floral offerings from our many relatives, friends and neigh- bors during the illness and death of our dear wife and mother. Mrs. Frank Sims. We especially thank the members of the choir for their lovely music and the Rev. Mr Snra’t for his inspiring serv- ice .-THEjrAROLY. . COOK —I extend my sincerest thanks to mv relatives, to the Rev. Thomas Hunt and soloist, the employes of the Board of Health and Mr Dannv O'Neil city e'erk the pallbearers and all my friends shown me at the death of mv beloved brother. William Cook. —Signed: MRS. ANNA SEIMAN- 3 Funeral Directors. Florists FINN BROS. Funeral Home 1639 N Merldlan-St. TA-1835 PLANNER & BUCHANAN 25 W. Fall Creek-Dr. TA-4490 GRINSTEINER’S 522 E. Market RI-5374 HISEY & TITUS- -957 N. Delaware LI-3828 BRAZIL BLOCK, $4.98 Lumpy Mine Run Indiana. _ Wc Deliver V Ton Dp, Perry Coal Cos. RI-1567 o Anchor Coal & Sup. Cos. 33 w. Maryland. RL 4131 24-HOUR SEF.VICS CALL US FOR PRICES Indianapolis Ice & Fuel Cos. DR-2400 4 Yards DR-2401 INDLANA nut ar.d alack, very good 53.50 Big Brazil block imme run) $4 98 Seasoned cordwood. the beat *4 00 Bluff Rd. CoalJk>. DR-6767. FREDRICK COAL CO? DR-1792. WA-5666. The Cash Coal Mart Buy Your Coal From An Established Dealer Glendora, large fkd. Ip $6 10 HOOSIER RED PEPPER 0* Ton e 7 28 Ton Cl 7 .51 Ton 2x4 fkd vD 4x6 fkd. V” ip. fkd. Big Brazil tlk . mice run (4 96 Union Ice & Coal Cos. DR-4621 But and slack: very good *3 SO White Ask big block, mine run 4*B We deliver *. ‘i ton. anywhere in city. Bluff Rd. Coal Cos. DR-6767. Champe-Garland Coal Cos. 1422 W. 30th St TA-6871 HELP WANTED 16 Situations Wanted YOUNG ATHLETIC COLLEGE EDUCA- TION. AMBITIOUS WILL TRAVEL. MR ANDERSON BE-3936 YOUNG ambitious. educated. athletic, tackle anything; good driver; will travel. WM ANDERSON Bel. 3936. ODD JOBS wanted, painting inside or out: calsominlng paper cleaning. 25c roll. ANDREWS. RI-6824. RENTALS 17 Furnished Rooms $2 75—24TH E . 515—Cozy room, near bath: steam: cross ventilation; widow's home. HE-1494. _ $3 -RURAL. H.. 612—Inviting;' ateam heated: garage; kitchen privileges: home-like washing optional. CH-6698 ALABAMA. N , 1125 Real home for middle aged: meals optional; walking distance. References, RI-8265. ALABAMA. N7 1420—Clean, warm room; he Wrt-er garage: phone available. ATTRACTIVE living room and bedroom in doctors home north; walking distance. RI-2847. _____ CLINTON HOTEL—29 Virginia ave: clean, steam heated rooms. $2 to $4; right downtown. COLLEGE. 2238. Apt. 2—Lovely double: twin beds; large closet; next bath: tele- phone; DELAWARE. N.. 1701. Apt. 2—Bed. living room combined; kitchen privileges; pri- vate home; reasonable. ILLINOIS. N„ 1907—Attractive room: re- fined home: constant hot water; gentle- men: \erv reasonable. _ ILLINOIS. S, 224’ 2 —Clean, modern rooms, city heat. $2 up: walking distance. MERIDIAN. N.. 911. APT. 6—Large attrac- tive room: private apartment; steam heat: $3.50. RI-6887. MERIDIAN. N.. 402—Well furnished large front room; private home; bath, shower. LI-6972. PENNSYLVANIA. N.. 1428. APT. 2.—Nice room in young couple's private home; prefer gentleman._ R 1—7987. VERMONT. W, 36—No. 2 Savov.—Large cheerful front room: near bath and phone; l or 2. LI-8612. WALCOTT. N, 422—Front room down; kitchen privileges; $3; employed lady. E New York bus. NINTH. E, 118 —Large. 3 windows, near bath, garage; private home; walking dis- tance: reasonable. 27TH w ! 45—Very nice room; innerspring mattress: modern home; desirable loca- tlon, 17-a Hotels, Resorts, Inns ~ HOTEL ANTLERS Offers all comforts. Ultra modern note service as low as $2 a day: $lO week. 750 N. Meridian. LI-2351. HOOSIER HOTELjf*a*“l.a dble. weekly; clean outside rms.; hot. cold water, city heat. 440 Mass.-av. _ _____ HARBOUR HOTEL rooms. Running hot, cold water. Low rates. SCHWENZER HOTEL—4SB E. Washington- st. Clean rooms, $2.50 week and up; runningyater:showers, tubs. 18 Housekeeping Rooms $3. $5—1132 N. ILLINOIS—I or 3-room apartment; 2 beds, sink, steam heat. RI-2942. BEVILLE, N.. 829—Nice front room, sleep- ing or housekeeping; next bath: front porch. CARROLLTON. 1121—2 clean connecting rooms; near bath; everything furnished. *4. ILLINOIS. N.. 2339—2 rooms, kitchenette apartment: single room; $3.50, $5; mod. LEXINGTON. 1206—Clean 4-room, upper duplex: bath: private entrance: adults: reasonable. DR-1190-J. NEW JERSEY, N, 1215—f-room front apartment; furnished; private entrance; garage optional. LI-3180. NEW JERSEY, N.. 1907—2 unfurnished rooms with kitchenette furnished; hot water, phone; garage optional. TA-6557. ORIENTAL. 20 N.—Lovely furnished 2- room apartment; utilities; private en- trance; steam heat: adults L SOUTHERN. 1419—Modern 2-room fur- nished apt. $5.50. Attractive sleeping room: reasonable; adult. Private en- trance. WALNUT. E„ 115—3 rooms; private bath; utilities; $5; private entrance. House- keeper in basement. WASHINGTON. E, 1810—Clean' cozy front apartment: also sleeping room. Free parking. Reasonable. 19 Rooms with Board CARROLLTON, 1944—Real home privileges; pleasant room. 52.50: or abundant meals. $5. 86. HE-3784. CENTRAL. 3330—Front room, 1 or 2 em- ployed: widow's home; meals optional. TA-5786. ILLINOIS. N„'lßl9—Board and room; prl- vate, refined home. HA-2467-J. NEW JERSEY, N., 2062—Front room, twin beds: none better; excellent meals; showers. TA-6916. STATE. N„ 234—Nice front room; shower; private entrance: privileges; meals op- tional: men. LI-9024. CHILDREN to board: mother’s core; sub- urban home: reasonable. CH-1461. 21 Unfurnished Apartments 516 N. Pershing Modern, heated apartments; will re- decorate; 4 rooms; $22.50. 2653 N. Harding Modern, heated apartment; newly decorated; 4 rooms: *25. 320 Virginia Modern. heated apartments: newly decorated; 2 & 3 rooms. sll & sl6. O. J. Smith Realty Cos. 112 N_ DELAWARE. LI-8565. $22.50—1232 BROADWAY—Ht„ wa. furn. See janitor or call CH._2777_. S2S—"DUNDEE.'’ cor. Virginia Ave. and McCartv-sts. Heat. gas. Frigidaire fur- bished. See custodian, or call CH-2777. EFFICIENCY APT., $27.50 Large rooms: automatic heat, utilities. Frigidaire. 1530 N. Illinois-st. ALABAMA,” 1832—Front apartment 3 rooms, bath, hardwood floors; utilities. HA-4067-J. ARROW, 1606—3 rooms; water, electricity furnished: SIO.OO. Inquire Shane's Phar- macy. 1557 Roosevelt. BARTH, 1625 —Park apartments, corner front apartment; 3 rooms, kitchenette, electric refrigeration, heat, lights, gas, water paid; very attractive; $27.50. See _custodian. _ DELAWARE. N„ 1728—First floor. 2 bed- rooms. porch, vard. refrigeration, ga- rage. A-l condition. HA-2137-W. MONTCALM. 1810—3 rooms, bath. heat, water, lights, garage furnished. sl6. TA- 11TH. W, 42—Nicely decorated kitchen- ette apartment; heat. gas. water and ice furnished; $21.50. Call Apt. 1. THE GRANT. BUNGALOW PARK—I2O2 N. CAPITOL 6 rooms, modern, steam heat, janitor service; A-l condition: $25. OLIVER H. CLARK, Agent. Indianapolis Rental Agency Furn. and unfurn. apts. Free service and transportation. LI-5452. /¥IRnW€^ROmBUReHO Choice apartments gladly shown._ HE-132t>. 37 W. 21st *4O to *45 2035 N. Meridian *55 COLORED--Attractive 3 rooms, bath., re- papered. $4 weekly. LA VERNE, 220 W. North. 22 Uufurnished Houses ' $5 to $9 ~~ ~ BEVILLE. 1526 —Brookside car: 4 rooms; gas, electricity, water; $8.50. HU-3783. _ CONCORDIA. 111—5 rooms, semi-modern; newly decorated. LI-6517. 30TH-ST. E„ 4509—4-room bungalow; ga- rage; water paid; $9_25. LI-6517, $lO to sl4 SIO—WISCONSIN. 315-17—5 rooms; good condition. Morris, W.. 233—4 rooms, RI-0645. SII—WATER PAID 922 Concord: 6-room modern except fur- nace: newly decorated. Call CH-6610. eve- nings. Suburban $12.00 Mo, 201 N. 19th-st. Beech Grove; 5-rm single; basement; furnace. Gregory & Appel, Inc. LI-7491—247 N. Penn._ ADAMS 2934—5-room semi-modern bun- galow: garage; good condition; $12.50. LI-6517. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES RENTALS 22 Unfurnished Houses $lO to sl4 BEVILLE N . 804—5-room semi-modern; garagf: sll. Paper to suit. LI-6517, CHESTER-AV. N . 433—7 rnnrr.'. 2-stcrv bungalow modern built-ins. gaiage: GRANT. N.. 609—3 rooms semi-modern. light*, gas. water, HARLAN. 1038-40—5-room double: gas. lights, water: newly decorated; $lO. DUNLOP & HOLTEGEL. LI-6517. NEW JERSEY. S.. 1001—5 rooms, semi- modern garage, large yard; water paid; sl3 50. HU-6172 OHIO. W, 1925—5-room, inside toilet gas. electricity, water paid. $lO. COLORED: ROACH. 1064—5 rooms, in good condition: large front and rear porches: large garage; inside toilet; $12.50 per month; water paid. Call owner CH- -3036. sls to sl9 sls—N E.. 5-rm. semi-dbl. decorated beau- tifully. shades, screens, fenced, unusual: College car. RI-2929. DEXTER. 2004—Bungalow. 5-room mod, gar, school. South Grove Golf course. $lB. RI-9548. _ FLETCHER-AV. 1022—8-room modern; re- paper for good tenant; sl6. LI-6517. KELLEY-ST. 1418—8 rooms, modern, ga- rage; repaper for good tenant; sl6. Ll- -6517. OLNEY. 2407—Modern 5 room double, re- decorated: garage. $16.50: water paid. 24TH-ST, 417, E.—6 rooms strictly modern A-l condition. sls. RI-5944. FOR COLORED 1959| BEJjLEFONTAiNE 6 Room single; water paid; sls. O. J. SMITH REALTY CO, LI-8565; LINWOOD. N„ 436—6-room modern dou- bit, water paid, garage. $22.50. IR-7779. RAYMOND' E, 920—5-room modern double near Garfield WALNUT. E. 4'.2—8-rm. mod.; close to town; good for roomers; $21.25: start April 1; water pd. J. S. CRUSE, INC, RI-6412. 21ST, E, 653- 3-bedroom modern; just re- decorated: fireplace; 521.50. HA-2714-M. 30TH-ST. E, 3510—4-bedroom modern single; double garage: good condition; $22 50, $25 to $29 ALABAMA. N„ 2322—6-room; refinished hardwood floors; laundry; garage; $25. TA-5443. CONGRESS. 648—6 rooms, modern, garage, newly_ painted, papered: >35. LI-6517. S3O to $39 GRACELAND. 3232—6 rooms, modern, Frigidaire, basement, garage, shrubbery; S3O. TA-6415. S4O to $49 4467 COLLEGE-AV Choice six-room modern double with garage; rent $46 50. water paid. J. G. McCullough Agency Other Houses 5919 College 6 Rms, brick modern; water pd, $46.25. 3210 Ruckle 6 Rms. mod, large yd, garage; $37.50. 3741 Kenwood 6 Room modern, garage; S2O. 4128 Boulevard PI. 6 Rm. mod, gar, near Butler U.; $25. O. J. Smith Realty Cos. 112 N. DELAWARE. LI-8565. DRAPER. 1537 —4 Rooms and kitchenette, semi-modern, water paid, good neighbor- hood, A-l condition. HU-4368. DR-3564-R. GIMBER-ST, 1437—Desirable 5-room bun- galow; yard; garage; near Garfield Park. OLIVE. 1148—5-room semi-modern, good condition; water paid; reasonable. DR- -1811-W. 4-ROOM semi-modern double, east; new paper and painted. CH-2157. COLORED CAPITOL-AV, N„ 1615 —7- room modern; good condition; good fur- nace. HA-4589-R. 23 Furnished Apts, and Houses CARROLLTON, 1529—2 rooms, lower front. Overstuffed, kitchen and dinnette; pri- vate bath and entrance. RI-5976. FLETCHER, 548—2 large rooms, kitchen- ette. utilities furnished; $6 weekly. DR- -0509. _ MERIDIAN, N, 816—Three rooms, private bath; all utilities; SB.OO. PARK, 1118 —Girl to share expenses; small apartment; references exchanged; after 6 p. m. WOODRUFF PLACE. 617 E. DR —2 rooms' bath, kitchen and utilities; SB. _ sll WK— North: nice 5-rm. apt..; laundry; gar.; white. RI-7766, IR-7956. MARRIED OOUFLE' share my modern home; reasonable; references. 110 E. LOVELY furnished eff. north, $35. Bdrm.. s42.so_up. LI-3164. TA-0335. 24 Suburban and Farms 6 ROOMS, bath, chicken house, garage, farden; 1 acre, 5 miles E. of city; sls. R-2119-2. 24-a Summer Camps arid Cottages RESORT, modern; dancing. Ashing, swim- ming; sell, lease. 3329 Blvd.-pl. TA-2456. 25 Business, Office and Desk Space BUSINESS or lunch room with living room; newly NORTHWESTERN, 2936—Corner store- room, 2 living rooms; semi-modern, ga- rage; sl7, TA-2551. 26 Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE couple want perm. furn. or unfurn. home or apt. Ri-7766. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 27 House? For Sale PLYMOUTH STOKER; brand new; fac- tory guarantee; complete with thermal control; $l5O. O. R. MARTIN. HA- -0176-R. 3631 N. Illinois. NICE 5-rm. mdn. bungalow in good con- dition: S2OO dwn, bal. like rent. Mr. Wooslev with ALLISON REALTY CO. REALTORS. RI-2368. 28 Sale Suburban Property BE SURE —Os your title. Demand an ab- stract prepared by UNION TITLE CO, 155 E. Market-st, Union Title F.ldg. EDGEWOOD—S rooms, breakfast room, garage, chickpn house, nice shrubbery; *2 acre: 29 Lots, Farms and Acreage 1 TO 3-ACRE tracts, N. E. corner Rock- ville. High School-rds. See Sunday. WA-3115-R. 31 Wanted to Trade REAL ESTATE, RENTALS. INSURANCE. R. A. Franke. RI-2800. E. KIRK MCKINNEY CO, INC. BARGAINS'in real estate Investments. E. L. DAVIS. 702 Inland Bldg. LI-IU3. 33 Wanted—ReaU Estate Buildings Wanted FOR WRECKING PURPOSES Highest prices allowed for salvage. $50,000.00 public liability and work- men's compensation insurance for your complete protection. Call ue for free estimates. No obligation. CLEVELAND WRECKING CO. 1320 Kentucky Ave. Phone LI. 1568. WANTED—Listings on farms for sale in Marion and adjoining counties. N. W. VAN 05D0L.J625 N. Meridian. CLIENT wishes to buy farm, 50 to 100 acres. Write particulars. Times, Box K 2000. MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods WANT responsible party to assume balance due $49.30 in payments on $135 nation- ally known electric refrigerator: will take ice box for equity. Address K. 1098, Indianapolis Times. MAPLE bedrm. suite, refrig, gas range, beds complete. 2144 N. fil, TA-2944. PIANO—KIMBAL UPRIGHT* GOOD CON- DITION': CHEAP. 4915 KENWOOD-AV TO ADVERTISERS Each ad appearing In this column Is listed in The Times Swap Bu- reau directory for sixty days free of charge. Your ’'Swap" ad will receive a special rate of seven days for the price of five and four days for the cost of three. Oall RI-5551. VELVET SOAP eliminates three-fourths of the labor of housecleaning. MALONE SOAP CO, IR-2187-8. SEWING MACHINE .White'—Good condi- tion; for new style wardrobe. RI-6255. 10x10 WOOD STAND 21-2000-watt flood lights for? 803 E. 63rd-st. WA-1133. BROODER HOUSE. 7>10; 110> barrstl rock hens and roosters, thoroughbred; cash or’ 3918 E. 30th-st. CH-2287-W. TWO incubators and two brooders for best car or motorcycle. Also combination cook stove. 1922 Tallman-av, Saturday. BOATS NEW: REASONABLE. BOAT SHOP. 1045 S Keystone-av. TIMES WANT ADS cost less than In any other Indianapolis newspaper. SWAP-SWAP-SWAP Sicap Things You Have for Things You Want TO TRADERS If ycu can not find what you de- sire in the ads In this column, call the Swap Counter. RI-5551. and we will attempt to arrange a trade for you from Swaps adver- tisements previously published. There ia no charge for iiiia service. AUTOMOBILES repaired at vour home. allows cheaper prices. Cash or? DR- $5 00 CASH for used bicvcles. BROAD RIPPLE. 803 E. 63rd-st. WA-1133. COPY of original A. Astie punting: cheap. INEZ THOMPSON. 3536 E. lOth-st. A-l PLUMBING work for coal, cash or anything of value. BE-2651. ELECTRIC BROODER for cash or chicken feed 1015 Olnev. CH-1464-M. SWAP Ford T truck for radio, electric washer or cash. LI-4880. MODERN 8-room house, between New York and Wash-sts. For what? DR-1574 '29 CHEVROLET coupe, *75.00 cash or trade for Mpdel A. 109 N. Elder-av. MERCHANDISE 35 Household Goods NEW THOR WASHER. WRINGER and DEMO IRON- ER. Onlv $69.50. Just 3 at this Spec Price. Pay on Easv Terms. SI 25 Weekly. 32 N. Del. THOR ELECTRIC SHOP LI-5386 REFRIGERATORS—2 big display rooms, for vour convenience. See our new 1935 conditioned-air refrigerators POLAR ICE * FUEL CO, 2000 Northwestern-av, 1902 S. East-st. A PER WEEK WILL RENT A NEW C*l MAYTAG WASHER. MINIMUM P I RENTAL. 5 WEEKS. 7TH FLOOR I L. S. AYRES & CO. USED gas ranges: A-l cor.d: $4 95 up. HOOSIER FURNITURE CO, 237 E. Wash. LINOLEUM SPECIAL —3-sq. yds. felt base. SI.OO. Cut-Rate Lin. House. 811 N. Ala. NORGE demonstrators; onlv 2: bargains. 4024 E Washington. IR-5888. IR-4840. Open evenings. GAB RANGES New and Used Small Payments—Free Connection CITIZENS GAS COMPANY SINGER drop-head, round bobbin: sews excellently; $lO cash. SINGER CO, 126 W. Washington-st. DINING SUITE—B-piece; antiques. No dealers. 1139 Pomander-pl. after 4 p. m. MAYTAG'WASHER—Square tub. guaran- teed, real bargain. 1911 W. Washington- st. 36 Radios, Musical Instruments NF'V RADIOS get nolic 1 calls'. 58.75 up. f* A ntA SALES A**® SEUVICf LI-3413. /\AI* fV 2301N 111 MASS LI_93BJ. Guitars—s 4.99 New and used instruments, all kinds. Easiest payment plan in town. LORENZ Music Store. 20 Pembroke Arcade. MIDGET RADIOS—Long, short wave: $9.95. Tubes. 29c. 44 W. Ohio-st. Open eves. 37 Miscellaneous For Sale “BUILDING MATERIAL^ NEW AND USED NAIL-FREE LUMBER Marion Material Cos. WRECKING CONTRACTORS CLYDE OSBORNE, Mgr. | 2046 Northwestern Ave. | 2 WARDROBE TRUNKS. 1 wardrobe suit- case. high-grade card tables, maple dressers, chest of drawers in wood or metal. Congoleum rug border. Congoleum by the yard, rolls of felt paper for under wool rugs, linoleum. Big Four Unclaimed Freight Station Corner Capitol and South-st. tiSED AIR COMPRESSORS MEIER ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. 3525 E. Fashington. IR-1151. RICH FERTILIZER, loam, very reasonable. 1701 S. Meridian. _ WHOLESALE drug sundries, notions and paper specialties. INDIANAPOLIS SALES CO, 314 E. Ohio-st. LI-1622. FOR SALE—P. A. System, complete, ampli- fier. microphone and speaker. Aiso 7xlo printing press. CH-4425. BICYCLES—SI2 up; tires, repairs. HOFF- MANN. 251 Mass. LI-5256. 205 E. Wash. STORE fixtures; bakery equipment; special _eqmpment; buy and sell. 419 E. Ohio. 1-H. P. electric motor; also ! 4-h. p. like new; cheap. 502 Mass.-av. LI-8685. iO-FT. DISPLAY case with coil and valve; double glass; cheap. 2615 E. lOth-st. ICE CARDS—Anv quantity: low price. GOTHIC PRESS 913 E. Wash.-st. LI- -1086. CARLOADS AND CARLOADS of fine new suites and odd nieces to trade for vour old furniture; generous allow- ance. Baker Bros, 219 E. Washington st. WINDOW SHADES—First qual- ity. Bargain. CHINA STORE. 361 W. Wash. vJ ? V* BRICK—Good used. $4.00 per thousand MILLION POPULATION WRECKING CO, 310 S. Delaware-st, LI-6270. BOOKS—Fine sets, beautiful bindings; also “Compton’s Encyclopedia”: also other books. 2242 Park. HE-2712. USED BURROUGHS bookkeeping machine, bargain. ADDING MACHINE SERVICE & SALES CORP, 36 E. Maryland. HUMPHREY HEATER, like new; used plumbing fixtures. 656 Fairfield-av. 37-b Farm Garden, Plants, Flowers AGRICULTURE, limestone and Armour’s fertilizer, 1 ton or more promptly deliv- ered to vour farm. HOWARD PRINCE, Glenvalley. DR-7805-2. 37-d Beer Equipment BEER equipment, bars, booths, coil boxes, chairs. Terms. 327 W. Wash. 37-e Kindling and Wood FIREPLACE WOOD, $3 a CORD. DELIV- ERED. HA-2258. 39 Wanted to Buy CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY for old gold jewelry, waccnes, rings, dental bridges. STANDARD GOLD SMELTNG CO 423 LEMCKE BLDG, 4TH *PLOOR Entrance 106 E. Market Street HIGHEST prices paid for old gold watenes. dental bridges, jewelry, etc. SACKS BROS, 308 Indiana-av. Phone RI-5994 HIGHEST prices paid tor rags, junk of all kinds. JUNK SHOP. 1202 Roosevelt-av. CH-1471. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, all kinds Jewelry bought from oroperly identifleo persons. Free apDraisals. 213 Mass.-av MILTON GOLD REF. CO. GRAND PIANO or studio upright; must be reasonable and in good condition. Will pay all cash. TA-3297. RAGS—SI 25 per hundred. MILLER CO, INC, 130 S. California. RI-5150. Furniture Buyers mqßfss WANTS GOOD FURNITURE MR. PIERCE PROMPT SERVICE U Q9*7l We pay more. EXCHANGE I L FURN. CO, 304 E. Wash WE BUY. WE SELL. WE TRADE. poll RT.046Q for any furniture. V>cUl IV, 1 U*±OU rugs, stoves or clothing you have for sale. Calls answered promptly. Pall T.T 9899 For best prices and V'dll Ljl ~00~ quick service for any amount of furniture, rugs and stoves. BUY whole houses or odd piece of furn. Pianos, etc. MR. WERELEY. HU-7274. LIVESTOCK 43 Dogs, Birds, Pets JUST have 2 female, pedigreed red Chow pups left. Cheap for quick sale. WARDLYN KENNELS IR-2124-6. BLACK Persian tomcat. 1507 Lawndale. BE-3826-M. Ben Davis (west). BOSTON TERRIER puppies, perfect blaze, _s9_and $lO. 602 E. St. Clair. AUTOMOTIVE 45 Autos for Sale BUICK—'2B coach, standard; 6 very good almost new tires. 820 N. Meridian. CHEVROLET —'32 sedan; nice' rysr clean job. $325 McHENRY CHEV. CO, 1302 E. Wash. LI-4373. CHEVROLET—I93I deluxe sedan: 6 w. W.; trunk rack; $295. ABELS-FINK. 440 N. Capitol. CHEVROLET—’33 coach; looks and (Tiasf runs like new; real value; $395 eJrVn McHENRY CHEV. Cos. J 302 E. Wash. FORD—’33 tudor: o. K. $65 down 30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550. FORD —’35 de luxe coupe, R. S„ $595. Losey Motors, Inc. 1133 N. Meridian FORD —'32 Victoria; clean: barg. $325 30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550. FORD—'29 rbt.; excellent slls 30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550. FORD—'34 standard tudor. sllO down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av. 30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550. Ford—'34 deluxe coupe, $125 down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av. FORD—'29 coupe: fine; first ¦ . $125 30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550. FORD —'34 standard coupe. sllO down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av. FORD—'3O coupe: just A No. 1 $175 FORD '34 deluxe tudor. $125 down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av. LASALLE. 1934. convertible coupe; built-in radio; beautiful all-black finish. red •.iir-.ming Driven 7,000 miles. Cost new, $1,985; will sacrifice. $750. ABELS-FINK AUTO CO. 440 N. Capitol. _ Open Eves. MARMON ROOSEVELT—’3O sedan; has been wrecked: good shape mechanically; finish payments due. sl3 each. 3815 Col- lege._WA-2266. PEERLESS —’30 4-pass, coupe: bargain; $145. WILES & WILSON 3815 College. vVA-2266. PLYMOUTH—’33 de luxe sedan: priced right; $445. WILES & WILSON. 3815 College WA-226*. PLYMOUTH—I 934 deluxe coupe: special; 5405. ABELS-FINK AUTO CO, 440 N. Capitol. _ PONTIAC —34 coach: radio, heater; car like new throughout: $585. ABELS-FINK AUTO CO, 440 N. Capitol. Open _evenings. PONTIAC—'33 coupe; speedometer mileage 11.646 miles; like new; $495. 820 N. Meridian. STUDEBAKER—'34 President sedan; never titled new car warranty; will sacrifice SSOO. ABELS-FINK AUTO CO, 440 N Capitol. Open evenings. AUTOMOTIVE 45 Autos for Sale DAILY SPECIALS Watch This Space for Our ONE-DAY ONLY OUTSTANDING OFFER At Our Capitol Ave and Michigan St. Store No. 39-S—'32 Dodge D L Sedan: 6- wheei; low mileage: original owner, fine condition; was $465. Today $435 No. 362—Chevrolet ’32 Coupe: 6-wheel; new paint; extra value: was $345. Today $265 At Our 1404-10 W. Wash. St. Store No. 403—Essex ‘29 Coach: a good buy for quick action: was slls. Today $75 No. 555—Ford '34 Fordor; a real value; was $535. Today $460 CAPITOL MOTORS CO. Capitol Ave. Store, LI-5394 W. Wash. St. Store. BE-1047 Open Evenings and Sundays Trade and Terms MORE FOR YOUR MONEY '2B Ford C'oupe * 85 ’26 Overland Coach 25 '2B Whippet Coach 45 '26 Chevrolet Coupe 25 '33 Ford Tudor 445 THORNBURG-VOLLRATH MOTOR CO, INC. 328 N. Delaware LI-8112 STUDEBAKER 1934-6 sedan: that snappy streamlined Studebaker that was so popular in '34. It is like new in every way. Come in today for a bargain. $675. LATHROP-MOYER RETAIL 418 N. Capitol Open Evenings. TERRAPLANE—’33 8. custom sedan; like new; $445. ABELS-FINK. 440 N. Capitol. Open eves. WHIPPET—'29 com. coupe; fine condition; finish payments due, sl2 ea. 3815 Col- lege. SALE IS ON CENTRAL BUICK CO. USED CAR STORE 832 N. Merldian-st. I*l-1995 TIMES WANT ads are the moit economical in the cltr. 46 Trucks, Trailers, Tractors Will Demonstrate G. M. C. *34 heavy duty 1Vi-ton. 32x6 10-plv tires; 12-ft. stake body SBSO GENERAL MOTORS USED TRUCK DEPT. 31 West 13th-St. _ LI-7467 CHEVROLET—'34 C. C 131’’ duals: $125 down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Vir- ginia-av. DODGE —I'2-ton 1934; full panel body by Guedelhoefer; excellent condition; can be financed. LI-3306. FORD—'34 truck: C. C. 131-in. duals; $125 down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av. TRUCKS—For rent. Move vourself. DRIVE- IT-YOURSELF. Inc.. 39 Kentucky-av. RI-7438. _ 47 Autos Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY. “Indiana’s Largest Used Car Dealer. I. WOLF AUTO CO. 555 N. Capitol. LI-4516. CASH for vour cr.r or eouttv. ABELS- FINK AUTO CO, 440 N. Capitol-ave. LI- -1112. = 48 Accessories, Tires, Parts Bent a Tire at Iloosier Pete Again in 1934 as In 1933—The Times was the Only Indianapolis Evening Paper to show a gain in want ads. THE REASON—RESULTS FINANCIAL 52 Business Opportunitier BEER TAVERN and light lunch; new fix- tures; going business; north; confiden- tial. Box K-1099. Times. PRINTSHOP—2-press. Well equipped: A-l; cheap for cash. 411 52-a Securities, Bldg. & Loan 53 Personal Property Loans fLOANS—i ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY Under the new Household Plan single persons or married couples may now borrow on their signatures alone. No other signatures or security required. FURNITURE LOANS: For husband and wife keeping house. Najeal estate, stocks or bonds necessary. No one else need sign. No inquiries of friends, rel- atives or merchants. AUTO LOANS: No other security re- quired. No one else need sign. Reduced Rates On Loans Above SIOO All details connected with a Household loan are handled quickly, privately and in a business-like manner. Repay in one to twenty months. Our charges mode only for the actual time you keep the money. Phone, wr/fe or tall for free In- formation on how to moire a loan s#e Merchants Bank Bldg, sth FI., Meet- dlan at Washington, Phooe; Riley 2579 h Hgj Established 4878 Household FINANCE CORPORATIOpK , of America wm CASH LOANS You can borrow money here for any worthy purpose. Our new Convenient Payment Plan will fill your needs. You can repay in small monthly payments. Also AUTO AND NOTE LOANS —We loan anywhere in the county. Capital Loan Cos. lINCORPORATED) 207 Kresge Bldg. (2nd Floor) 41 E. Wash.-st Phone RI-7561 Furniture Loans Diamond I jans Any Loan 2 % Per Month LOWEST RATE IN CITY Applying to All Loans Loans From $lO to S3OO Public Welfare Loan 330 Occidental Bldg.—3rd Floor S. E. Cor. Wash, and Ul-Sts. RI-3587 Single and Married People Can Get CASH From Us! Yes S3OO. S2OO. SIOO or less In 24 to 48 hours and plenty of time to repav 1 to 20 months. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Floor Century Bldg. RI-5054 34 s Pennsylvania MONEY TO LOAN On Anything LINCOLN JEWELERY LOAN CO. 201 W. Washington-st. Loans on Furniture, Autos, Diamonds LIBERAL LOAN CO. .. _ 152 N. Delaware St. LI-6605 .MABCH 18, 1933 FINANCIAL 53 Personal Property Loan* Need Money? $25 to S3OO NO LOWER RATE in City on LOANS Over S2OO to S3OO Reduced Rates on All Loans We advance S3OO or less at at- tractive rates. The principal security necessary la yo\w ability to repay in convenient monthly Installments. We offer quick, confidential service. No Indorsers. Kasv Payment Plan. Come In tor fuil details. 2—Offices—2 200 Roosevelt Bldg. N E. Cor. 11l & Wash. Sta. LI ncoln 2491. 205 Odd Fellow Bldg. N. E. Cor. Penn. & Wash. Sit. LI ncoln 8495. COMMONWEALTH LOAN CO. Business Established 1887 You Can Have CASH If you nave an income, you can se- j cure cash In sums up to $300.00. We make leans under manv plans, even S on vour own signature. | Friendly, confidential service. Ypu should investigate when money la i needed. Call at either office. American Loan Cos. 719 State Life 347 Bankera Building Trust Bldg. 15 E. Wash. Cor. Penn. & Ohio. LI-4065 LI-8439 53-a Personal Loans A Loan When You Need It! TRUSTEES SYTEM FINANCE CO, INC. The Indianapolis Company 22* N. LI-458*. Loans on Diamonds ESTATES LOAN COMPANY 47 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA ROOM 505. OVER_GAS CO. 55 Auto Loans Loans on Automobiles Equitable Securities Cos. Operating As BUCKEYE FINANCE CO. 19 E. Ohio St. LI-558’. AUTO LOANS 20 Months to Pay Loans Paid Off. Extra Cash Advanced. USED CAR LOAN CO. 342 N. Illinois. LI-9600. LEGALS 56 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public Service Commission Docket No. 1094-C. Application of Roy E. Miller, Lancaster, Ohio, for permit to operate motor ve- hicles as a contract carrier of property, intrastate, from Ind. state line to Win- chester over highway 32. and from Ind. state line to Lawrenceburg over high- way 50. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct, publio hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 State House, Indianapolis, Ind., 2 p. m., Thursday. April 4. 1935. Public participation is requested PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, By RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner. Indianapolis, Ind.. March 15. 1935. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public Service Commission Docket No* 2511-M Application of Ea,rl and Ben Grunden, Marengo, for certificate to operate motor vehicles as a common carrier of property, intrastate, from Huntingburg to New Al- bany. passing through St. Anthony. Schnellville. Birdseye. Eckerty. Taswell. English. Marengo. Milltown, Depauw. Ram- sey, Corvdon Junct., Byrneville, George- town. New Albany, over highway 64. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission, 401 State House. Indianapolis, Ind., 9 a. m.. Tuesday. April 2. 1935. Public participation is requested PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. By RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind.. March i5. 1935. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public Service Commission Docket No. 1080- Application of Inland Motor Freight, lnc. Akron. Ohio, for permit to operate motor vehicles as a contract carrier of property, interstate, extending through or into cities and towns over highways 40, 41, 31. 67. 52. 36. 50. Notice is hereby given that the Publio Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 State House, Indianapolis. Ind . 9 a. m.. Thursday, April 4, 1935. Public participation is requested. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. By RUSSELL P. KEHOE, Examiner. Indianapolis, Ind.. March 15, 1935. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~ Public Service Commission Docket No. 1078-C. Application of Western Auto Shippers, Denver. Colo., for permit to operate motor vehicles as a contract carrier of property, interstate, from Ind.-Mich, state line to Ind -111. state line, passing through Bristol. Elkhart. Mashawaka, South Bend. LaPorte, Westville, Hobart, Gary. Highland, Mun- ster over highways 15, 19, 2. 6. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission 401 State House. Indianapolis. lnd. 9 a. in.. Wednesday. April 3. 1935. Public participation Is requested. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE, Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15, 1935 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' Public Service Commission. Docket No, 2518-M. Application of Ohmes Transportation Service Cos., Columbus. Ohio, for certificate to operate motor vehicles as a common carrier of prcpertv. interstate, extending through or into cities and towns over highways 30. 41. 40, 20. 52, 27. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis. Ind , 9 a. m.. Wednesday. April 3. 1935. Public participation is requested. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15. 1935. _ LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public Service Commission Docket No. 1075-C. Application of Harry W Bills, Lock Springs, Mo., for permit to operate motor vehicles as a contract carrier of property, interstate, extending through or into cities and town over highways 6. 30, 14, 41. 24. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis, Ind . 2 p. m . Tuesday. April 2. 1935. Public participation is requested. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind. March 15. 1935. ' LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' Public Service Commission Docket No. 1081- Application of Adam J. Weigand. Dover, Ohio, for permit to operate motor ve- hicles as a contract carrier of property, interstate, extending through or into cities and towns over highways 32, 40, 30. 31 224. 24. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis. Ind . 9 a m.. Thursday. April 4, 1935. Public participation ls requested. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15. 1935 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING " Public Service Commission Docket No. 1074-C. Application of Ree Newkirk, Otsego. Mich., for permit to operate motor ve- hicles as a contract carrier of property, interstate, extending through or Into cities and towns over highways 12. 20, 31, 19. 27. 9. 2. 24, 43. 15. 30 Notice ls hereby given that the Publio Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis, Ind . 9 a. m . Tuesday April 2. 1935. Public participation is requested. PU3LIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15. 1935. _ LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public Service Commission Docket no. 20 K.catton of Holland Motor Express Inc Holland Mich., for certiflcate to operate motor vehicles as a common ear- ner of propert}’. interstate. O'er addition- al routes as follows: Extending through or into cities and wwns over highways 49. 12. 6. 43. 34. 20. 2. 25. 21. 9. 22. 31. 28. is hereby given that the Public Service Commission will conduct public hearing in this cause in Rooms of Com- mission. 401 S' at ' H° U rdrU I 4 dl ?Ms POlla * Ind . 2 p m . Thursdav. April 4. 1935. Public participation is requested. PUBLIC SfeRVICE COMMISSION. bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner. Indianapolis. Ind.. March IS, 1935, PAGE 12

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Page 1: PAGE BUSINESS GAINS MERCHANDISE SHOWN IN U. S. · Rug Cleaning RUG. furniture cleaning specialists. Old rugs remade into fluff and chenilles. W. N. FLY RUG CO.. 2328 Brookslde-av


Industry Up 30 Per Cent in1935: Foreign Trade

Climbs.lyr*lW Prrt

WASHINGTON. March 18—Twooptimistic reports, one covering do-

mestic business and the other for-

eign trade, by the Department of

Commerce cheered Administrationofficials today.

Substantial gains in many linesof business were reported by H P.Kendall, chairman of the businessadvisory and planning council. Adepartment survey showed exportsIn 1934 gained 27 per cent over 1933.

A cross section representing mosttypes of industry showed 75 per centof those polled reported business“satisfactory '*

to 30 per cent aboveJan 1, 1935. Mr. Kendall said.Heavy industries—railroads, cottonand some milling products—alonereported no gains.

“We have believed this progresswas possible," he said. “We havehoped to see it realized. It is cheer-ing to have it made a matter ofrecord "


Compart Receivers to Be Placed onHandlebars of Machines.

Twenty traffic police motorcycleswill be equipped with short waveradio sets. Capt. Robert Batts, po-lice radio head, announced todayafter satisfactory tests of the equip-ment Saturday.

Motorcycles with sidecars previ-ously have been equipped with sets,but the new radios are designed fortraffic motorcycles carrying onlyone man. Designed by Capt. Batts,the radio fits compactly behind thehandlebars with the speaker di-rected back toward the officer.


First Step of Its Kind by Any In-diana Utility, Officials Say.

A night payment box, installedfor the convenience of IndianapolisWater Cos. customers who find itimpossible to pay bills during theregular office hours, has been placedat the company’s main office onMonument Circle, it was announcedtoday.

The box is believed by companyofficials to be the first step of itskind by any public utility companyin Indiana. It is similar to depositboxes used by banks.


‘Daddy Long Legs' to Be Given at

High School Friday.

“Daddy Long Legs,” a four-actcomedy, will be presented by thesenior class of New Augusta HighSchool Friday night in the schooleuditorium under the direction ofMiss Evelyn Richey. English teach-er at the school. Prominent in thecast are Susannah Moore. WarrenHeath. Velma Cook. Irene Burden.Janet Isenhour. Harry Whitlockand Doris Breedlove.

YOUTH KNIFED IN BRAWLRecovering From Wounds Suffered

in Beer Tavern Melee.Recovering from chest wounds re-

ceived in a beer tavern brawl Sat-

urday night. Edward Olinskey. 19. of735 Concord-st was reported in afair condition at the City Hospitaltoday.

Raymond Strother. 34. 1016Haugh-st. was arrested shortly afterthe melee and has confessed stab-bing Olinskey. police said.


Merrill Calvin Armfleld 21. Kokomofarmer, and Marv Elizabeth Hummer. 26.R R 12. Box 503 teacher

Earl Edward Atwood. 19. of 418’r SMissouri-st. painter, and Myrtle HelenM Conn 19. of 1454 S. Astor-st.

Carl H Boroughs. 29, of 2051 N Dela-ware-st. draftsman, and Beulah Short. 30.Os 1733 N Meridtan-. stenographer

Albert John Daniels, 36. of 509 N Esst-stthnekeeper. and Estella Rae Schroeder. 39.of 509 N East-st. housekeeper

Randle Trevor Stnght. 55. Larmon. Pcarpenter, and Clara O. Colson. 43. of 538E Ohio-st. housekeeper

Dale Justus 34 Castleton. post officeClerk and Ruth Deßo’t. 27. Noblesville

Walter Francis Wright. 23 Fargo N instructor, and Alice BradfordBarrv. 25 of 3453 Ouiiford

Giles F Duthrtdge 29. of 644 Col!!*r-st stauonarv fireman, and Mary Cather-ine Blacker. 26. of 440 8. Coilier-st. house-keeper

Johnnie A Cruise. 47. Roosevelt Hotel,bus driver, and Ru*h Beulah Cummins. 28.PUza Hotel, housekeeper

Fred Bailev 42, of 3145 E Washington-st. salesman and Hazel E Brinkman. 46.of 3145 E. Washington-st. housekeeper.


John and Helen Aegeter. Coleman Hos-|

Edward and Rita Apple. Coleman Hos-pital

Charles and Ivt Crouch. Coleman Hos-pital

Robert and Gladys Groce. Coleman Hos-pital

Orville and Geneva Herrm. ColemanHospital

Harry and Gladys Horton. Coleman Hos-psl

George and Mare Manning. ColemanHospital

Jesse and Edith Ruddlck. 706 E. Market.William and Sarah Teal. 320 E Henrv.WiUtam and Dorothy Moore. 1529 N


Emery and Yera Durrett. Coleman Hos-pital

John and Ethel Kellama. Coleman Hos-George and Ruth Parker. Coleman Hos-

pitalJohn and Lorena Rottler. Coleman Hos-


MERCHANDISE35 Household Goods

MERCHANDISE35 Household Goods

rPIV thi brand nw I__ *795 1

m. I ... .. 1 Ji f*r only ?1 a wp*k. I THOR lar**. I*2 - I

plus small carry- 1 MAYTAG. square f

charge, aluminum tub. i

I INC. 128 N. PENN. LI-5513 Ur Eves.


william ar.d Katharine Rountree. Cole-! man Hospital.

j Georg* and Josephine Woodroof. Cole-| man Ho-pital

Raymond and Stella Reddy, 1212 Nor-I dvice

William and Marv Hopper. RIO Division.Hus’on ar.d Viola Wood. 954 W Pearl.Denver and Della Robinson. 2184 N.

i OxfordWilliam ar.d Minnie Lince. 425 AimesJames and Sffidy Ferguson, 2250 N.

! Capitol.Rav and Virginia Mitchell. 336 E. Mc-

i CRuben and Mary Bailev. 962 N PershingJohn and Ruth Mann. 1037 River.Lexis and Rosa Gunn. 1636 Columbia.

! Elmer and Anna Bomgardner. 2d40 W.Washington.

DeathsJohn P Fitzgerald. 52. St. Vincent’s

' Hospital, sarcoma.Elizabeth Frommever, 75. of 2156 N.

Meridian, cerebral hemorrhage; Thomas J. Summers, 74. ol 334 Fulton,

chronic mvocarditis.Melissa Jane Sanders, 79, of 2125 De

! Quincy, coronary occlusion| John Vtdmar. 51. of 770 Holmes, pul-

; monarv tuberculos-J.I Anthony Matz, 63, of 3168 Kenwood,cerebral hemorrhage

Robert Dodd, 69, of 604 S. Capitol, acutegastritis

Isabel Haas Davis. 52. of 860 Broadway,cardiovascular renal disease.

Abigail Chisman Rugg. 92, of 652 East

11th. chronic endocarditis.Rankin Walkup. 72. Methodist Hospital,

coronary occlusion.Nick Pierantozzi. 48. Veterans Hospital,

mitral insufficiency.Horace A. Comstock. 78. Marott Hotel

carcinomaMary Heldman, 45. 1325 Barth, car-


ANNOUNCEMENTS3 Funeral Directors, Florists


2614 W. WASH.-ST. BE-01481719 N. CAPITOL-AV. TA-1719

J. C. WILSON1230 Prosper-?- DR-0321. DR-0322

4 Lost and Found

AIREDALE—I 2 years old, answers to¦MIKE reward. DR-5402. 821Orange-st.

LOST —Large dark brmdie pit bull, stubrail; reward. HU-8710.

LADY'S Elgin wrist watch, viclnitv 1500N. Pennsylvania, post office. Reward. LI--5729.

LOST—Ladies’ White gold Waltham wristwatch. Reward. BE-0951-J.

5 Personals

UNCLE ED: Club members were tickledpink at suggestion of passing DoubleMint Gum after our get-togethers.BETTY.

ARE vou sick 1 If vou bring this noticeAT ONCE I'll give vou free examinationand trial treatment. I'll prove thevalue of mv method. DR. R. E.BEBOUT, 307 Kahn bldg



209 I. O. O. F. CENTRAL Penn and Wash.YOUR old newspapers, clothing, help us

help others. SALVATION ARMY. RI-6622.

FREE MARCEL, finger wave or shampoo.Permanent waves at nominal servicecharge INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY &

BARBER SCHOOL. 342 E. Wash.FALSE teeth repaired. 75c up. New plate.

$7.50. DR. CARTER 626 K.P.bld.RI-1250,

PERMANENTS given In your home. *1.50to $5. Complete. Exp, operator. DR-5097,

WANT to reduce—trv dancing lessons.__


WANTED—Discarded clothing, stoves andfurniture for needy families. Nothingsold. Everything given awav free. VOL-UNTEERS OF AMERICA, 320 N. Illinois-st. RX-5378.

BUSINESS SERVICEAlteration Specialist

ALTERATIONS—Ladies’, men’s garments.Cleaning, pressing, repairing. Reason-ah'e MEYER O. JACOBS. 212 E. 16th-st. TA-6667.


Automobile ServicesFLY WHEELS, starter gears repaired

without removing from car. Average job57.50. General repairs—wrecks rebuilt.Tow-in service. TREXLER'S AUTO

_ SERVICE. 1304 N. Penn. LI-2184.

Decorating and Faperhangingq PAPERING; work guaranteed: 1935

w* samples: paper removed by steamJkJ m 52.50 up.

RI-4131. DR-1789-J. WA-2066.

Rent—Floor Sanders

“DUSTLESS" Floor Sanders for rent. 75chour or $5 day. BELMONT HARDWARECO. 2124 W. Washington. BE-2116.PEARSON HARDWARE CO.. 2946 Clif-ton-st. TA-0353.




Sr* Tlv Laundry finished: reference CallOs- DU. and deliver. White. CH-7415-J.Mattresses, Made Over

MATTRESSES renovated; also made intoinner-springs by experts. RI-2740.

Moving, Transfer, StorageSTORAGE—LocaI, long-distance hauling,

return loads wanted: part-load service.Otto J. Suesz. RI-3628,¦ 6561: CH-0699-W.

TRANSFERRING and light hauling; care-ful handling: reasonable. LON GORDON.CH-1029-M.


YOU don't need money to move: dis-carded furn. wanted. HOHN TRANS-FER. IR-5858.

Rl-3667 IR-2185-i—WILBUR BTEINKAMPReasonable: moving and storage. Whitemen.

Musical Instruments RepairedBAND and orchestra instruments repaired,

expert: guar. work. PEARSON CO,INC- 128 N. Penn. LI-5513.

PaintingPAINT 5-room cottage. SSO. General con-

tracting. E. REDMON. 88 N. 3d. BeechGrove.


KITCHENS, paths, social rooms painted;special prices This month. IR-0616.

Paper Cleaning

PAPER CLEANING. 50c room: immediateservice Paper hanging. White. 12 years’experience. LANNAN. BE-4728.

PAPER CLEANING, wall washing: paint-ing canvas; no muss. W. H. COX. DR--0404-W. _

PaperhangingP. HENGEN BROS—Paper hangers. Satis-f act longuara meed. Estimates. DR-7922.

PAPER furnished and hung. $3 00 room.Plastering work guaranteed. CH-0691.


PAPERING. cleaning. painting: lowerprices. Work Guaranteed._ CF-0955-R.

PAPERING, rainting. plastering, cleaning.Prices reasonable. A. JAYNES. CH-2789.

Piano TuningPIANO TUNING and repairing: all work



STONE PRINTING—Boost vour sales, ad-vertise; blotters, cards, stationery. Weprini antthing. 654 E. 16th-st, HE-1255.


CO. finances N H. A. contract*. Re-models. using LOGAN-LONG Company’sroofing: FOY'S PAINT. Estimates, in-formation RI-6090

Rug Cleaning

RUG. furniture cleaning specialists. Oldrugs remade into fluff and chenilles. W.N. FLY RUG CO.. 2328 Brookslde-av.CH-2211.

Tinning and RoofingROOFING, gutter and down spout. Sheet_metal work.

HELP WANTED13 Help Wanted—MaleSALESMEN—We have a territory open in

Southern Indiana selling medicines todoctors. Experience not necessary, butvour education must be good, and anautomobile is required. Are vouequipped to handle, this position? SeeMR W J. BARRY/Tuesday at 10 a. m.,310 N. Dlinoii-st.

I WANT a man for local tea and coffeeroute, paving up to $25 per week: carhelpful. Applv Tuesday 9 to 11 a. m.,??: itw-sv


WANTED—Man over 21 for establishedroute to introduce new line to old cus-tomers Earn sl3 week upward; A-lreference' Apply 9-11 Tuesday, 217Peoples Bank.


MEN wanting jobs, new construction inU. S, So America, write MOORE 1641Hunter bldg Chicago. Inclose stamp.

SALESMEN—To sell G. E. Hot-Point andCrosley refrigerators: real co-operation.GORDON RADIO-ELEC. CO.. 2962 Cen-



WHITE COUPLE over 40 to do custodianwork in apartment building; apartment


furnished, $7 week. Times Box K 2001.

3 MEN for city routes: sm. sal. Goodbonus. We tram you. 38 N. Penn. Rm 320.

14 Help Wanted—FemaleEARN up to $25 dozen embroidering scarfs,

home Everything furnished WriteART EMBROIDERY 924 Bergen. JerseyCity. N J

TYPISTS Earn mob at home. Goodpav Send 3c stamp for details. TYP-IST BUREAU. 91 Eim-st. Westfield, Mass.

ATTRACTIVE girl for soda dispenser; ex-perience not necessary. TA-2041.

HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, white, staynights; salary. 961 N. Jefferson

16 Situations WantedWORK in home at once in small family.

2514 Capito.-av.


BROWN. FRANK HALF.—Husband of Har-riett of 1512 N Meridian-st. passed awavSunday evening at the Metnodist Hos-pital. Services Tuesday. 230 p. m, at


NERAL HOME 1622 N Meridian-st.Friends invited. Interment MemorialPark.

C.WTNESS. WILLIAM BERYL—Died at thehome of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil-

liam W Caviness of 1145 River-av.March 17. 1935 age 39 years, father ofThelma. Elizabeth and Mary of Fred. Luther and Earl Cavi-ness and Mrs. Opal Fisher. Funeral atabove address Tuesday. 2 p. m. BurialFloral Park Cemetery. Friends invited.BEANBLOSSOM SERVICE.


912 Harlan-st. beloved mother of Mrs.Pearl Milier of Detroit. Mich, and thelate Dr. Raymond E Culver of Indian-apolis, and aunt of Mrs. H. C. Williams,

passed awav Saturday. March 16. Serv-ice- at BERT S. GADD FUNERALHOME. Churchman-av and Prospect-st.Tuesday. March 19. 2 p. m. Friends in-

vited. Interment Crown Hill.ENGLEBRIGHT. EMMERT W.—Age 54 a

police officer for over 25 years), belovedhusband of Ethel Englebright andbrother of William A Englebright andMrs. Amelia Cors passed awav at thelate residence. 6514 E Washington-st.430 p. m . Sunday. Funeral from theresidence Wednesday 130 p. m. Friendsinvited Burial Memorial Park. Friendsmav call at the residence after 6 p. m.Monday. SHIRLEY SERVICE.

UCHTENAIER. MARY C tnee Freeh)Aee 73 years, widow of Fred Lichtenauermother of Henry L, Fred C. and EmilM Lichtenauer, passed away Sundaymorning at the residence. 1705 N. Ala-bama-st. Funeral services Wednesday,1 30 p. m, at the residence and 3 p. Zion Evangelical Church. Friends in-vited Burial Crown Hill. Friends maycall at residence after 3 p. m. Monday.CONKLE SERVICE.

MrGEEHAN. MICHAEL GEORGE—Fatherof William Robert and Myron John ofIndianapolis. Mrs. C. A. Wade and Mrs.I J. Chevlin of Chicago and Mrs. H. BLucky of Minneapolis. Minn, passedawav Sunday morning at the residence.3444 N. Peiinsvlvania-st. Friends may

call at the FTANNER & BUCHANANMORTUARY. Service Monday. 9:30 p. m,at the mortuary by the Knights of Co-lumbus FUneral Wednesday. 10:30 a. m,

SS Peter and Paul Cathedral. BurialCrown Hill.

REED. ODIS CORBETT—Beloved brother

of Cleve and Thurman Reed. Mrs. RuthMurphy and Mrs. Grace Liehr of Indian-apolis. Mrs. Lettie Farris of Bedford.O passed awav Friday. March 8. atMaywood. Cal Funeral Tuesday, March19 it 2 p m, at FINN BROS. FU-NERAL HOME. 1639 N. Meridian-st. In-terment Washington Park Cemetery.Friends Invited. Friends may call at thefuneril hom* any time.

MHXIFER, JOE L.—Beloved husband ofBertha E Schaefer, passed away Mon-day. March 18. age 40 years. For further

particulars call WALD DI-RECTORS.

<( HILL. HENRIETTA—BeIoved mother ofMrs. N. E Kelb and Edwin E. Schill ofToledo. O, passed away at the homeof her daughter. 5210 N. Delaware-st.Mondav morning Services and burialat Toledo. O, Wednesday.

WOOLEN. MARCELLA—Age 46 years, wifeof Oliver Woollen, mother of Mrs. Ber-nice Dillman. Carl and Earl Woollen,

passed awav Sundav morning at the resi-dence. 254 N. Belle Vieu Funeralservice Wednesday. 10 a. m. at CONKLEFUNERAL HOME. 1934 W. Michlgan-St.Friends invited. Burial Round Hillceme-tenr.

1-a Lodge Notices_

MASONIC—Pentalpha Lodge No. 564. F& A M.; called meeting at the TempleTuesday. March 19. at 130 n m. forthe purpose of attending the funeral ofour late brother FTTANK HALE BROW’N.


Z Cards, In MetnoriamsSIMS—We wish to extend sincere thanks

and appreciation for many messages of

love and beautiful floral offerings fromour many relatives, friends and neigh-

bors during the illness and death of ourdear wife and mother. Mrs. Frank Sims.We especially thank the members of thechoir for their lovely music and theRev. Mr Snra’t for his inspiring serv-ice .-THEjrAROLY. .

COOK —I extend my sincerest thanks tomv relatives, to the Rev. Thomas Huntand soloist, the employes of the Boardof Health and Mr Dannv O'Neil city

e'erk the pallbearers and all my friendsshown me at the death of mv belovedbrother. William Cook. —Signed: MRS.ANNA SEIMAN-

3 Funeral Directors. Florists

FINN BROS.Funeral Home

1639 N Merldlan-St. TA-1835

PLANNER & BUCHANAN25 W. Fall Creek-Dr. TA-4490


RI-5374HISEY & TITUS--957 N. Delaware


BRAZIL BLOCK, $4.98Lumpy Mine Run Indiana.

_ Wc Deliver V Ton Dp,Perry Coal Cos. RI-1567

o Anchor Coal & Sup. Cos.33 w. Maryland. RL 4131


CALL US FOR PRICESIndianapolis Ice & Fuel Cos.

DR-2400 4 Yards DR-2401INDLANA nut ar.d alack, very good 53.50Big Brazil block imme run) $4 98Seasoned cordwood. the beat *4 00

Bluff Rd. CoalJk>. DR-6767.


The Cash Coal MartBuy Your Coal From An Established Dealer

Glendora, large fkd. Ip $6 10

HOOSIER RED PEPPER0* Ton e 7 28 Ton Cl 7 .51 Ton2x4 fkd vD 4x6 fkd. V” ip. fkd.

Big Brazil tlk . mice run (4 96

Union Ice & Coal Cos.DR-4621

But and slack: very good *3 SOWhite Ask big block, mine run 4*BWe deliver *. ‘i ton. anywhere in city.

Bluff Rd. Coal Cos. DR-6767.

Champe-Garland Coal Cos.1422 W. 30th St TA-6871

HELP WANTED16 Situations Wanted


YOUNG ambitious. educated. athletic,tackle anything; good driver; will travel.WM ANDERSON Bel. 3936.

ODD JOBS wanted, painting inside orout: calsominlng paper cleaning. 25croll. ANDREWS. RI-6824.

RENTALS17 Furnished Rooms

$2 75—24TH E . 515—Cozy room, near bath:steam: cross ventilation; widow's home.HE-1494.


$3 -RURAL. H.. 612—Inviting;' ateamheated: garage; kitchen privileges:home-like washing optional. CH-6698

ALABAMA. N , 1125 Real home for middleaged: meals optional; walking distance.References, RI-8265.

ALABAMA. N7 1420—Clean, warm room;he Wrt-er garage: phone available.

ATTRACTIVE living room and bedroom indoctors home north; walking distance.RI-2847. _____

CLINTON HOTEL—29 Virginia ave: clean,

steam heated rooms. $2 to $4; right

downtown.COLLEGE. 2238. Apt. 2—Lovely double:

twin beds; large closet; next bath: tele-phone;

DELAWARE. N.. 1701. Apt. 2—Bed. living

room combined; kitchen privileges; pri-vate home; reasonable.

ILLINOIS. N„ 1907—Attractive room: re-fined home: constant hot water; gentle-men: \erv reasonable.


ILLINOIS. S, 224’ 2 —Clean, modern rooms,city heat. $2 up: walking distance.

MERIDIAN. N.. 911. APT. 6—Large attrac-tive room: private apartment; steamheat: $3.50. RI-6887.

MERIDIAN. N.. 402—Well furnished largefront room; private home; bath, shower.LI-6972.

PENNSYLVANIA. N.. 1428. APT. 2.—Niceroom in young couple's private home;prefer gentleman._ R 1—7987.

VERMONT. W, 36—No. 2 Savov.—Largecheerful front room: near bath andphone; l or 2. LI-8612.

WALCOTT. N, 422—Front room down;kitchen privileges; $3; employed lady.E New York bus.

NINTH. E, 118—Large. 3 windows, nearbath, garage; private home; walking dis-tance: reasonable.

27TH w ! 45—Very nice room; innerspringmattress: modern home; desirable loca-tlon,

17-a Hotels, Resorts, Inns~

HOTEL ANTLERSOffers all comforts. Ultra modern note

service as low as $2 a day: $lO week.750 N. Meridian. LI-2351.

HOOSIER HOTELjf*a*“l.adble. weekly; clean outside rms.; hot. coldwater, city heat. 440 Mass.-av.

_ _____


rooms. Running hot, cold water. Lowrates.

SCHWENZER HOTEL—4SB E. Washington-st. Clean rooms, $2.50 week and up;runningyater:showers, tubs.

18 Housekeeping Rooms

$3. $5—1132 N. ILLINOIS—I or 3-roomapartment; 2 beds, sink, steam heat.RI-2942.

BEVILLE, N.. 829—Nice front room, sleep-ing or housekeeping; next bath: frontporch.

CARROLLTON. 1121—2 clean connectingrooms; near bath; everything furnished.*4.

ILLINOIS. N.. 2339—2 rooms, kitchenetteapartment: single room; $3.50, $5; mod.

LEXINGTON. 1206—Clean 4-room, upperduplex: bath: private entrance: adults:reasonable. DR-1190-J.

NEW JERSEY, N, 1215—f-room frontapartment; furnished; private entrance;garage optional. LI-3180.

NEW JERSEY, N.. 1907—2 unfurnishedrooms with kitchenette furnished; hotwater, phone; garage optional. TA-6557.

ORIENTAL. 20 N.—Lovely furnished 2-room apartment; utilities; private en-trance; steam heat: adults L

SOUTHERN. 1419—Modern 2-room fur-nished apt. $5.50. Attractive sleepingroom: reasonable; adult. Private en-trance.

WALNUT. E„ 115—3 rooms; private bath;utilities; $5; private entrance. House-keeper in basement.

WASHINGTON. E, 1810—Clean' cozy frontapartment: also sleeping room. Freeparking. Reasonable.

19 Rooms with Board

CARROLLTON, 1944—Real home privileges;pleasant room. 52.50: or abundant meals.$5. 86. HE-3784.

CENTRAL. 3330—Front room, 1 or 2 em-ployed: widow's home; meals optional.TA-5786.

ILLINOIS. N„'lßl9—Board and room; prl-vate, refined home. HA-2467-J.

NEW JERSEY, N., 2062—Front room, twinbeds: none better; excellent meals;showers. TA-6916.

STATE. N„ 234—Nice front room; shower;private entrance: privileges; meals op-tional: men. LI-9024.

CHILDREN to board: mother’s core; sub-urban home: reasonable. CH-1461.

21 Unfurnished Apartments

516 N. PershingModern, heated apartments; will re-

decorate; 4 rooms; $22.50.2653 N. Harding

Modern, heated apartment; newlydecorated; 4 rooms: *25.

320 VirginiaModern. heated apartments: newly

decorated; 2 & 3 rooms. sll & sl6.O. J. Smith Realty Cos.

112 N_ DELAWARE. LI-8565.$22.50—1232 BROADWAY—Ht„ wa. furn.

See janitor or call CH._2777_.S2S—"DUNDEE.'’ cor. Virginia Ave. and

McCartv-sts. Heat. gas. Frigidaire fur-bished. See custodian, or call CH-2777.

EFFICIENCY APT., $27.50Large rooms: automatic heat, utilities.

Frigidaire. 1530 N. Illinois-st.ALABAMA,” 1832—Front apartment 3

rooms, bath, hardwood floors; utilities.HA-4067-J.

ARROW, 1606—3 rooms; water, electricityfurnished: SIO.OO. Inquire Shane's Phar-macy. 1557 Roosevelt.

BARTH, 1625—Park apartments, cornerfront apartment; 3 rooms, kitchenette,electric refrigeration, heat, lights, gas,water paid; very attractive; $27.50. See

_custodian. _

DELAWARE. N„ 1728—First floor. 2 bed-rooms. porch, vard. refrigeration, ga-rage. A-l condition. HA-2137-W.

MONTCALM. 1810—3 rooms, bath. heat,water, lights, garage furnished. sl6. TA-

11TH. W, 42—Nicely decorated kitchen-ette apartment; heat. gas. water andice furnished; $21.50. Call Apt. 1. THEGRANT.

BUNGALOW PARK—I2O2 N. CAPITOL6 rooms, modern, steam heat, janitorservice; A-l condition: $25. OLIVER H.CLARK, Agent.

Indianapolis Rental AgencyFurn. and unfurn. apts. Free service andtransportation. LI-5452.

/¥IRnW€^ROmBUReHOChoice apartments gladly shown._ HE-132t>.37 W. 21st *4O to *452035 N. Meridian *55COLORED--Attractive 3 rooms, bath., re-

papered. $4 weekly. LA VERNE, 220W. North.

22 Uufurnished Houses

' $5 to $9~~ ~

BEVILLE. 1526 —Brookside car: 4 rooms;gas, electricity, water; $8.50. HU-3783.


CONCORDIA. 111—5 rooms, semi-modern;newly decorated. LI-6517.

30TH-ST. E„ 4509—4-room bungalow; ga-rage; water paid; $9_25. LI-6517,

$lO to sl4SIO—WISCONSIN. 315-17—5 rooms; good

condition. Morris, W.. 233—4 rooms,RI-0645.

SII—WATER PAID922 Concord: 6-room modern except fur-

nace: newly decorated. Call CH-6610. eve-nings.

Suburban$12.00 Mo, 201 N. 19th-st. Beech Grove;

5-rm single; basement; furnace.

Gregory & Appel, Inc.LI-7491—247 N. Penn._

ADAMS 2934—5-room semi-modern bun-galow: garage; good condition; $12.50.LI-6517.


22 Unfurnished Houses

$lO to sl4BEVILLE N . 804—5-room semi-modern;

garagf: sll. Paper to suit. LI-6517,

CHESTER-AV. N . 433—7 rnnrr.'. 2-stcrvbungalow modern built-ins. gaiage:

GRANT. N.. 609—3 rooms semi-modern.light*, gas. water,

HARLAN. 1038-40—5-room double: gas.lights, water: newly decorated; $lO.DUNLOP & HOLTEGEL. LI-6517.

NEW JERSEY. S.. 1001—5 rooms, semi-

modern garage, large yard; water paid;sl3 50. HU-6172

OHIO. W, 1925—5-room, inside toilet gas.electricity, water paid. $lO.

COLORED: ROACH. 1064—5 rooms, in goodcondition: large front and rear porches:large garage; inside toilet; $12.50 permonth; water paid. Call owner CH--3036.

sls to sl9sls—N E.. 5-rm. semi-dbl. decorated beau-

tifully. shades, screens, fenced, unusual:College car. RI-2929.

DEXTER. 2004—Bungalow. 5-room mod,gar, school. South Grove Golf course.$lB. RI-9548.


FLETCHER-AV. 1022—8-room modern; re-paper for good tenant; sl6. LI-6517.

KELLEY-ST. 1418—8 rooms, modern, ga-rage; repaper for good tenant; sl6. Ll--6517.

OLNEY. 2407—Modern 5 room double, re-decorated: garage. $16.50: water paid.

24TH-ST, 417, E.—6 rooms strictly modernA-l condition. sls. RI-5944.


6 Room single; water paid; sls. O. J.SMITH REALTY CO, LI-8565;

LINWOOD. N„ 436—6-room modern dou-bit, water paid, garage. $22.50. IR-7779.

RAYMOND' E, 920—5-room modern doublenear Garfield

WALNUT. E. 4'.2—8-rm. mod.; close totown; good for roomers; $21.25: startApril 1; water pd. J. S. CRUSE, INC,RI-6412.

21ST, E, 653- 3-bedroom modern; just re-

decorated: fireplace; 521.50. HA-2714-M.30TH-ST. E, 3510—4-bedroom modern

single; double garage: good condition;$22 50,

$25 to $29ALABAMA. N„ 2322—6-room; refinished

hardwood floors; laundry; garage; $25.TA-5443.

CONGRESS. 648—6 rooms, modern, garage,newly_ painted, papered: >35. LI-6517.

S3O to $39

GRACELAND. 3232—6 rooms, modern,Frigidaire, basement, garage, shrubbery;S3O. TA-6415.

S4O to $494467 COLLEGE-AV

Choice six-room modern double withgarage; rent $46 50. water paid.

J. G. McCullough Agency

Other Houses5919 College

6 Rms, brick modern; water pd, $46.25.3210 Ruckle

6 Rms. mod, large yd, garage; $37.50.3741 Kenwood

6 Room modern, garage; S2O.4128 Boulevard PI.

6 Rm. mod, gar, near Butler U.; $25.O. J. Smith Realty Cos.

112 N. DELAWARE. LI-8565.

DRAPER. 1537 —4 Rooms and kitchenette,semi-modern, water paid, good neighbor-hood, A-l condition. HU-4368. DR-3564-R.

GIMBER-ST, 1437—Desirable 5-room bun-galow; yard; garage; near Garfield Park.

OLIVE. 1148—5-room semi-modern, goodcondition; water paid; reasonable. DR--1811-W.

4-ROOM semi-modern double, east; newpaper and painted. CH-2157.

COLORED CAPITOL-AV, N„ 1615 —7-room modern; good condition; good fur-nace. HA-4589-R.

23 Furnished Apts, and HousesCARROLLTON, 1529—2 rooms, lower front.

Overstuffed, kitchen and dinnette; pri-vate bath and entrance. RI-5976.

FLETCHER, 548—2 large rooms, kitchen-ette. utilities furnished; $6 weekly. DR--0509.


MERIDIAN, N, 816—Three rooms, privatebath; all utilities; SB.OO.

PARK, 1118—Girl to share expenses; smallapartment; references exchanged; after6 p. m.

WOODRUFF PLACE. 617 E. DR —2 rooms'bath, kitchen and utilities; SB.


sll WK—North: nice 5-rm. apt..; laundry;gar.; white. RI-7766, IR-7956.

MARRIED OOUFLE' share my modernhome; reasonable; references. 110 E.

LOVELY furnished eff. north, $35. Bdrm..s42.so_up. LI-3164. TA-0335.

24 Suburban and Farms

6 ROOMS, bath, chicken house, garage,

farden; 1 acre, 5 miles E. of city; sls.R-2119-2.

24-a Summer Camps arid Cottages

RESORT, modern; dancing. Ashing, swim-ming; sell, lease. 3329 Blvd.-pl. TA-2456.

25 Business, Office and Desk SpaceBUSINESS or lunch room with living

room; newlyNORTHWESTERN, 2936—Corner store-

room, 2 living rooms; semi-modern, ga-rage; sl7, TA-2551.

26 Wanted to Rent

RESPONSIBLE couple want perm. furn.or unfurn. home or apt. Ri-7766.


PLYMOUTH STOKER; brand new; fac-tory guarantee; complete with thermalcontrol; $l5O. O. R. MARTIN. HA--0176-R. 3631 N. Illinois.

NICE 5-rm. mdn. bungalow in good con-dition: S2OO dwn, bal. like rent. Mr.Wooslev with ALLISON REALTY CO.REALTORS. RI-2368.

28 Sale Suburban Property

BE SURE —Os your title. Demand an ab-stract prepared by UNION TITLE CO,155 E. Market-st, Union Title F.ldg.

EDGEWOOD—S rooms, breakfast room,garage, chickpn house, nice shrubbery;*2 acre:

29 Lots, Farms and Acreage

1 TO 3-ACRE tracts, N. E. corner Rock-ville. High School-rds. See Sunday.WA-3115-R.

31 Wanted to Trade



BARGAINS'in real estate Investments. E.L. DAVIS. 702 Inland Bldg. LI-IU3.

33 Wanted—ReaU Estate


Highest prices allowed for salvage.$50,000.00 public liability and work-men's compensation insurance foryour complete protection. Call uefor free estimates. No obligation.

CLEVELAND WRECKING CO.1320 Kentucky Ave. Phone LI. 1568.

WANTED—Listings on farms for sale inMarion and adjoining counties. N. W.VAN 05D0L.J625 N. Meridian.

CLIENT wishes to buy farm, 50 to 100acres. Write particulars. Times, BoxK 2000.

MERCHANDISE35 Household GoodsWANT responsible party to assume balance

due $49.30 in payments on $135 nation-ally known electric refrigerator: willtake ice box for equity. Address K. 1098,Indianapolis Times.

MAPLE bedrm. suite, refrig, gas range,beds complete. 2144 N. fil, TA-2944.


TO ADVERTISERSEach ad appearing In this columnIs listed in The Times Swap Bu-reau directory for sixty days freeof charge. Your ’'Swap" ad willreceive a special rate of sevendays for the price of five and fourdays for the cost of three. OallRI-5551.

VELVET SOAP eliminates three-fourths ofthe labor of housecleaning. MALONESOAP CO, IR-2187-8.

SEWING MACHINE .White'—Good condi-tion; for new style wardrobe. RI-6255.

10x10 WOOD STAND • 21-2000-watt floodlights for? 803 E. 63rd-st. WA-1133.

BROODER HOUSE. 7>10; 110> barrstl rockhens and roosters, thoroughbred; cashor’ 3918 E. 30th-st. CH-2287-W.

TWO incubators and two brooders for bestcar or motorcycle. Also combinationcook stove. 1922 Tallman-av, Saturday.


TIMES WANT ADS cost less than In anyother Indianapolis newspaper.

SWAP-SWAP-SWAP• Sicap Things You Have for Things You Want •

TO TRADERSIf ycu can not find what you de-sire in the ads In this column,call the Swap Counter. RI-5551.and we will attempt to arrange atrade for you from Swaps adver-tisements previously published.There ia no charge for iiiiaservice.

AUTOMOBILES repaired at vour home.allows cheaper prices. Cash or? DR-

$5 00 CASH for used bicvcles. BROADRIPPLE. 803 E. 63rd-st. WA-1133.

COPY of original A. Astie punting: cheap.INEZ THOMPSON. 3536 E. lOth-st.

A-l PLUMBING work for coal, cash oranything of value. BE-2651.

ELECTRIC BROODER for cash or chickenfeed 1015 Olnev. CH-1464-M.

SWAP Ford T truck for radio, electricwasher or cash. LI-4880.

MODERN 8-room house, between New Yorkand Wash-sts. For what? DR-1574

'29 CHEVROLET coupe, *75.00 cash ortrade for Mpdel A. 109 N. Elder-av.

MERCHANDISE35 Household Goods

NEW THOR WASHER.WRINGER and DEMO IRON-ER. Onlv $69.50. Just 3 at thisSpec Price. Pay on Easv

Terms. SI 25 Weekly.32 N. Del. THOR ELECTRIC SHOP LI-5386

REFRIGERATORS—2 big display rooms,

for vour convenience. See our new1935 conditioned-air refrigerators POLARICE * FUEL CO, 2000 Northwestern-av,1902 S. East-st.



I L. S. AYRES & CO.USED gas ranges: A-l cor.d: $4 95 up.


LINOLEUM SPECIAL —3-sq. yds. felt base.SI.OO. Cut-Rate Lin. House. 811 N. Ala.

NORGE demonstrators; onlv 2: bargains.

4024 E Washington. IR-5888. IR-4840.Open evenings.

GAB RANGESNew and Used

Small Payments—Free Connection

CITIZENS GAS COMPANYSINGER drop-head, round bobbin: sews

excellently; $lO cash. SINGER CO, 126W. Washington-st.

DINING SUITE—B-piece; antiques. No

dealers. 1139 Pomander-pl. after 4 p. m.MAYTAG'WASHER—Square tub. guaran-

teed, real bargain. 1911 W. Washington-st.

36 Radios, Musical Instruments

NF'V RADIOS get nolic 1 calls'. 58.75 up.

f* A ntA SALES A**® SEUVICf LI-3413./\AI*fV 2301N 111 MASS LI_93BJ.

Guitars—s 4.99New and used instruments, all kinds.

Easiest payment plan in town.LORENZ Music Store. 20 Pembroke Arcade.MIDGET RADIOS—Long, short wave: $9.95.

Tubes. 29c. 44 W. Ohio-st. Open eves.

37 Miscellaneous For Sale




CLYDE OSBORNE, Mgr.| 2046 Northwestern Ave. |

2 WARDROBE TRUNKS. 1 wardrobe suit-case. high-grade card tables, mapledressers, chest of drawers in wood ormetal. Congoleum rug border. Congoleumby the yard, rolls of felt paper for underwool rugs, linoleum.

Big Four Unclaimed Freight StationCorner Capitol and South-st.


3525 E. Fashington. IR-1151.RICH FERTILIZER, loam, very reasonable.

1701 S. Meridian. _

WHOLESALE drug sundries, notions andpaper specialties. INDIANAPOLIS SALESCO, 314 E. Ohio-st. LI-1622.

FOR SALE—P. A. System, complete, ampli-fier. microphone and speaker. Aiso 7xloprinting press. CH-4425.

BICYCLES—SI2 up; tires, repairs. HOFF-MANN. 251 Mass. LI-5256. 205 E. Wash.

STORE fixtures; bakery equipment; special_eqmpment; buy and sell. 419 E. Ohio.1-H. P. electric motor; also ! 4-h. p. like

new; cheap. 502 Mass.-av. LI-8685.iO-FT. DISPLAY case with coil and valve;

double glass; cheap. 2615 E. lOth-st.ICE CARDS—Anv quantity: low price.

GOTHIC PRESS 913 E. Wash.-st. LI--1086.

CARLOADS AND CARLOADSof fine new suites and odd nieces to tradefor vour old furniture; generous allow-ance. Baker Bros, 219 E. Washington st.

WINDOW SHADES—First qual-ity. Bargain.

CHINA STORE. 361 W. Wash. vJ ? V*BRICK—Good used. $4.00 per thousand


BOOKS—Fine sets, beautiful bindings; also“Compton’s Encyclopedia”: also otherbooks. 2242 Park. HE-2712.

USED BURROUGHS bookkeeping machine,bargain. ADDING MACHINE SERVICE& SALES CORP, 36 E. Maryland.

HUMPHREY HEATER, like new; usedplumbing fixtures. 656 Fairfield-av.

37-b Farm Garden, Plants, Flowers

AGRICULTURE, limestone and Armour’sfertilizer, 1 ton or more promptly deliv-ered to vour farm. HOWARD PRINCE,Glenvalley. DR-7805-2.

37-d Beer EquipmentBEER equipment, bars, booths, coil boxes,

chairs. Terms. 327 W. Wash.

37-e Kindling and Wood


39 Wanted to Buy

CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY for old goldjewelry, waccnes, rings, dental bridges.


Entrance 106 E. Market StreetHIGHEST prices paid for old gold watenes.

dental bridges, jewelry, etc. SACKSBROS, 308 Indiana-av. Phone RI-5994

HIGHEST prices paid tor rags, junk of allkinds. JUNK SHOP. 1202 Roosevelt-av.CH-1471.

OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, all kindsJewelry bought from oroperly identifleopersons. Free apDraisals. 213 Mass.-av

MILTON GOLD REF. CO.GRAND PIANO or studio upright; must be

reasonable and in good condition. Willpay all cash. TA-3297.

RAGS—SI 25 per hundred. MILLER CO,INC, 130 S. California. RI-5150.

Furniture Buyers



U Q9*7l We pay more. EXCHANGEI L FURN. CO, 304 E. WashWE BUY. WE SELL. WE TRADE.poll RT.046Q for any furniture.V>cUl IV,1 U*±OU rugs, stoves or clothingyou have for sale. Calls answered promptly.

Pall T.T 9899 For best prices andV'dll Ljl ~00~ quick service for anyamount of furniture, rugs and stoves.

BUY whole houses or odd piece of furn.Pianos, etc. MR. WERELEY. HU-7274.

LIVESTOCK43 Dogs, Birds, Pets

JUST have 2 female, pedigreed red Chowpups left. Cheap for quick sale.WARDLYN KENNELS IR-2124-6.

BLACK Persian tomcat. 1507 Lawndale.BE-3826-M. Ben Davis (west).

BOSTON TERRIER puppies, perfect blaze,_s9_and $lO. 602 E. St. Clair.

AUTOMOTIVE45 Autos for Sale

BUICK—'2B coach, standard; 6 very goodalmost new tires. 820 N. Meridian.

CHEVROLET —'32 sedan; nice'rysr clean job. $325 McHENRY CHEV.CO, 1302 E. Wash. LI-4373.

CHEVROLET—I93I deluxe sedan: 6 w. W.;trunk rack; $295. ABELS-FINK. 440 N.Capitol.

CHEVROLET—’33 coach; looks and(Tiasf runs like new; real value; $395eJrVn McHENRY CHEV. Cos. J 302 E. Wash.

FORD—’33 tudor: o. K. $65 down30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550.

FORD —’35 de luxe coupe, R. S„ $595.

Losey Motors, Inc.1133 N. Meridian

FORD —'32 Victoria; clean: barg. $32530TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550.

FORD—'29 rbt.; excellent slls30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550.

FORD—'34 standard tudor. sllO down.HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av.

30TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550.Ford—'34 deluxe coupe, $125 down. HARRY

A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av.

FORD—'29 coupe: fine; first ¦ . $12530TH & CENTRAL SALES CO. TA-5550.

FORD —'34 standard coupe. sllO down.HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av.

FORD—'3O coupe: just A No. 1 $175

FORD '34 deluxe tudor. $125 down.HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Virginia-av.

LASALLE. 1934. convertible coupe; built-inradio; beautiful all-black finish. red•.iir-.ming Driven 7,000 miles. Cost new,$1,985; will sacrifice. $750.

ABELS-FINK AUTO CO.440 N. Capitol.


Open Eves.

MARMON ROOSEVELT—’3O sedan; hasbeen wrecked: good shape mechanically;finish payments due. sl3 each. 3815 Col-lege._WA-2266.

PEERLESS —’30 4-pass, coupe: bargain;$145. WILES & WILSON 3815 College.vVA-2266.

PLYMOUTH—’33 de luxe sedan: pricedright; $445. WILES & WILSON. 3815College WA-226*.

PLYMOUTH—I934 deluxe coupe: special;5405. ABELS-FINK AUTO CO, 440 N.Capitol. _

PONTIAC —34 coach: radio, heater; carlike new throughout: $585. ABELS-FINKAUTO CO, 440 N. Capitol. Open

_evenings.PONTIAC—'33 coupe; speedometer mileage

11.646 miles; like new; $495. 820 N.Meridian.

STUDEBAKER—'34 President sedan; nevertitled new car warranty; will sacrificeSSOO. ABELS-FINK AUTO CO, 440 NCapitol. Open evenings.

AUTOMOTIVE45 Autos for Sale

DAILY SPECIALSWatch This Space for Our


At Our Capitol Ave and MichiganSt. Store

No. 39-S—'32 Dodge D L Sedan: 6-wheei; low mileage: original owner,

fine condition; was $465.

Today $435No. 362—Chevrolet ’32 Coupe: 6-wheel;new paint; extra value: was $345.

Today $265

At Our 1404-10 W. Wash. St. Store

No. 403—Essex ‘29 Coach: a good buyfor quick action: was slls.

Today $75

No. 555—Ford '34 Fordor; a real value;was $535.

Today $460

CAPITOL MOTORS CO.Capitol Ave. Store, LI-5394

W. Wash. St. Store. BE-1047

Open Evenings and Sundays

Trade and Terms

MORE FOR YOUR MONEY'2B Ford C'oupe * 85’26 Overland Coach 25'2B Whippet Coach 45'26 Chevrolet Coupe 25'33 Ford Tudor 445


328 N. Delaware LI-8112

STUDEBAKER1934-6 sedan: that snappy streamlined

Studebaker that was so popular in '34. Itis like new in every way. Come in todayfor a bargain. $675.

LATHROP-MOYER RETAIL418 N. Capitol Open Evenings.

TERRAPLANE—’33 8. custom sedan; likenew; $445. ABELS-FINK. 440 N. Capitol.Open eves.

WHIPPET—'29 com. coupe; fine condition;

finish payments due, sl2 ea. 3815 Col-lege.


USED CAR STORE832 N. Merldian-st. I*l-1995TIMES WANT ads are the moit

economical in the cltr.

46 Trucks, Trailers, Tractors

Will DemonstrateG. M. C. *34 heavy duty 1Vi-ton.

32x6 10-plv tires; 12-ft. stake body SBSOGENERAL MOTORS USED TRUCK DEPT.31 West 13th-St.


LI-7467CHEVROLET—'34 C. C 131’’ duals: $125

down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443 Vir-ginia-av.

DODGE —I'2-ton 1934; full panel body byGuedelhoefer; excellent condition; canbe financed. LI-3306.

FORD—'34 truck: C. C. 131-in. duals;$125 down. HARRY A. SHARP CO, 443Virginia-av.

TRUCKS—For rent. Move vourself. DRIVE-IT-YOURSELF. Inc.. 39 Kentucky-av.RI-7438.


47 Autos WantedCASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY.“Indiana’s Largest Used Car Dealer.

I. WOLF AUTO CO.555 N. Capitol. LI-4516.CASH for vour cr.r or eouttv. ABELS-

FINK AUTO CO, 440 N. Capitol-ave. LI--1112. =

48 Accessories, Tires, Parts

Bent a Tireat

Iloosier PeteAgain in 1934 as In 1933—The Times

was the Only Indianapolis Evening Paperto show a gain in want ads.


FINANCIAL52 Business OpportunitierBEER TAVERN and light lunch; new fix-

tures; going business; north; confiden-tial. Box K-1099. Times.PRINTSHOP—2-press. Well equipped: A-l;

cheap for cash. 411

52-a Securities, Bldg. & Loan

53 Personal Property Loans


SIGNATURE ONLYUnder the new Household Plan singlepersons or married couples may nowborrow on their signatures alone. Noother signatures or security required.

FURNITURE LOANS: For husbandand wife keeping house. Najeal estate,

stocks or bonds necessary. No one elseneed sign. No inquiries of friends, rel-atives or merchants.

AUTO LOANS: No other security re-quired. No one else need sign.

Reduced Rates On LoansAbove SIOO

All details connected with a Householdloan are handled quickly, privately andin a business-like manner. Repay in one

to twenty months. Our charges mode onlyfor the actual time you keep the money.

Phone, wr/fe or tall for free In-formation on how to moire a loan

s#e Merchants Bank Bldg, sth FI., Meet- •

dlan at Washington, Phooe; Riley 2579h Hgj Established 4878

HouseholdFINANCE CORPORATIOpK, of America wm

CASH LOANSYou can borrow money herefor any worthy purpose. Ournew Convenient PaymentPlan will fill your needs.You can repay in smallmonthly payments. AlsoAUTO AND NOTE LOANS—We loan anywhere in thecounty.

Capital Loan Cos.lINCORPORATED)

207 Kresge Bldg. (2nd Floor)

41 E. Wash.-st Phone RI-7561

Furniture LoansDiamond I jans

Any Loan 2 % Per MonthLOWEST RATE

IN CITYApplying to All Loans

Loans From $lO to S3OO

Public Welfare Loan330 Occidental Bldg.—3rd Floor

S. E. Cor. Wash, and Ul-Sts.RI-3587

Single and Married People

Can Get CASH From Us!

Yes S3OO. S2OO. SIOO or less In 24 to 48hours and plenty of time to repav

1 to 20 months.


Ground Floor Century Bldg.

RI-5054 34 s Pennsylvania


LINCOLN JEWELERY LOAN CO.201 W. Washington-st.

Loans on

Furniture, Autos, DiamondsLIBERAL LOAN CO.

.. _

152 N. Delaware St. LI-6605


53 Personal Property Loan*

Need Money?$25 to S3OO


in City

on LOANSOver

S2OO to S3OOReduced Rates on All


We advance S3OO or less at at-tractive rates. The principalsecurity necessary la yo\wability to repay in convenientmonthly Installments.

We offer quick, confidentialservice. No Indorsers. KasvPayment Plan. Come In torfuil details.

2—Offices—2200 Roosevelt Bldg.

N E. Cor. 11l & Wash. Sta.LI ncoln 2491.

205 Odd Fellow Bldg.N. E. Cor. Penn. & Wash. Sit.

LI ncoln 8495.


Business Established 1887

You Can Have

CASHIf you nave an income, you can se-

j cure cash In sums up to $300.00. Wemake leans under manv plans, even

S on vour own signature.

| Friendly, confidential service. Ypushould investigate when money la

i needed.

Call at either office.

American Loan Cos.719 State Life 347 Bankera

Building Trust Bldg.15 E. Wash. Cor. Penn. & Ohio.

LI-4065 LI-8439

53-a Personal Loans

A Loan WhenYou Need It!


The Indianapolis Company22* N. LI-458*.



55 Auto Loans

Loans on AutomobilesEquitable Securities Cos. Operating As

BUCKEYE FINANCE CO.19 E. Ohio St. LI-558’.

AUTO LOANS20 Months to Pay

Loans Paid Off. Extra Cash Advanced.USED CAR LOAN CO.

342 N. Illinois. LI-9600.

LEGALS56 Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Service Commission Docket No.

1094-C.Application of Roy E. Miller, Lancaster,

Ohio, for permit to operate motor ve-hicles as a contract carrier of property,intrastate, from Ind. state line to Win-chester over highway 32. and from Ind.state line to Lawrenceburg over high-way 50.

Notice is hereby given that the PublicService Commission will conduct, publiohearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 State House, Indianapolis,Ind., 2 p. m., Thursday. April 4. 1935.

Public participation is requestedPUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION,By RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner.

Indianapolis, Ind.. March 15. 1935.

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Service Commission Docket No*

2511-MApplication of Ea,rl and Ben Grunden,

Marengo, for certificate to operate motorvehicles as a common carrier of property,intrastate, from Huntingburg to New Al-bany. passing through St. Anthony.Schnellville. Birdseye. Eckerty. Taswell.English. Marengo. Milltown, Depauw. Ram-sey, Corvdon Junct., Byrneville, George-town. New Albany, over highway 64.

Notice is hereby given that the PublicService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission, 401 State House. Indianapolis,Ind., 9 a. m.. Tuesday. April 2. 1935.

Public participation is requestedPUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.By RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner.

Indianapolis. Ind.. March i5. 1935.

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Service Commission Docket No.

1080-Application of Inland Motor Freight,

lnc. Akron. Ohio, for permit to operatemotor vehicles as a contract carrier ofproperty, interstate, extending through orinto cities and towns over highways 40, 41,31. 67. 52. 36. 50.

Notice is hereby given that the PublioService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 State House, Indianapolis.Ind . 9 a. m.. Thursday, April 4, 1935.

Public participation is requested.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.By RUSSELL P. KEHOE, Examiner.

Indianapolis, Ind.. March 15, 1935.


Public Service Commission Docket No.1078-C.

Application of Western Auto Shippers,Denver. Colo., for permit to operate motorvehicles as a contract carrier of property,interstate, from Ind.-Mich, state line to

Ind -111. state line, passing through Bristol.Elkhart. Mashawaka, South Bend. LaPorte,Westville, Hobart, Gary. Highland, Mun-ster over highways 15, 19, 2. 6.

Notice is hereby given that the PublicService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission 401 State House. Indianapolis.lnd. 9 a. in.. Wednesday. April 3. 1935.

Public participation Is requested.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE, Examiner.

Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15, 1935LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING


Public Service Commission. Docket No,2518-M.

Application of Ohmes TransportationService Cos., Columbus. Ohio, for certificateto operate motor vehicles as a commoncarrier of prcpertv. interstate, extendingthrough or into cities and towns overhighways 30. 41. 40, 20. 52, 27.

Notice is hereby given that the PublicService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis.Ind , 9 a. m.. Wednesday. April 3. 1935.

Public participation is requested.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner.

Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15. 1935._

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Service Commission Docket No.

1075-C.Application of Harry W Bills, Lock

Springs, Mo., for permit to operate motorvehicles as a contract carrier of property,interstate, extending through or into citiesand town over highways 6. 30, 14, 41. 24.

Notice is hereby given that the PublicService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis,Ind . 2 p. m . Tuesday. April 2. 1935.

Public participation is requested.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner.

Indianapolis. Ind. March 15. 1935.'


Public Service Commission Docket No.1081-

Application of Adam J. Weigand. Dover,Ohio, for permit to operate motor ve-hicles as a contract carrier of property,interstate, extending through or intocities and towns over highways 32, 40, 30.31 224. 24.

Notice is hereby given that the PublicService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis.Ind . 9 a m.. Thursday. April 4, 1935.

Public participation ls requested.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE. Examiner.

Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15. 1935LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING


Public Service Commission Docket No.1074-C.

Application of Ree Newkirk, Otsego.Mich., for permit to operate motor ve-

hicles as a contract carrier of property,interstate, extending through or Into citiesand towns over highways 12. 20, 31, 19.27. 9. 2. 24, 43. 15. 30

Notice ls hereby given that the PublioService Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 State House. Indianapolis,Ind . 9 a. m . Tuesday April 2. 1935.

Public participation is requested.PU3LIC SERVICE COMMISSION.Bv RUSSELL P. KEHOE Examiner.

Indianapolis. Ind.. March 15. 1935._

LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGPublic Service Commission Docket no.

20K.catton of Holland Motor Express

Inc Holland Mich., for certiflcate tooperate motor vehicles as a common ear-

ner of propert}’. interstate. O'er addition-

al routes as follows: Extending through

or into cities and wwns over highways 49.12. 6. 43. 34. 20. 2. 25. 21. 9. 22. 31. 28.

is hereby given that the Public

Service Commission will conduct publichearing in this cause in Rooms of Com-mission. 401 S' at ' H° UrdrUI

4dl ?Ms POlla *

Ind . 2 p m . Thursdav. April 4. 1935.Public participation is requested.


Indianapolis. Ind.. March IS, 1935,