panegyric of the current medical-english-gustav theodor fechner

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  • 7/28/2019 Panegyric of the Current Medical-English-Gustav Theodor Fechner


    Panegyric of the current medical

    Gustav Theodor Fechner


    At the time of writing this Schriftchens you went in practical medicine doctors

    often rely on the old back and called a Kurmethode like a Hippocratic order to

    describe it as simply rational without it so it was always.Calomel, including cyanide

    was still playing a different role now.

    The medicine is now at a point from which they can look down with pride at all the

    previous era and all other sciences. Only a small step, and it lacks for nothing more

    than the completion of their review of this accomplishment. Already tentatively

    agreed to throw him, the purpose of the following Specimina.

    First Specimen.

    Hippocrates was a great and learned physician of his time, but now when he came

    back to the upper world and now would think, want to continue to play its old role

    yet, he would certainly vastly mistaken. In all the exams he would fall through to our

    universities. As one would give him work out a theory of his own aphorisms, and

    then accuse him, he understood no Greek, and knew nothing of the Hippocratic

    method. Of course, with his mother's Greek to come now in our artificial medical

    language of art not far, and what his little Oxymel, its stocks and its bleeding

    concerns, which he otherwise did great wonders, so he can only believe that one in

    the present state of medicine barber boy would be ashamed to have so few resourcesin its shear bag. Yes it would be a corpulent materia medica show only the most

    necessary things that now belong to the Hippocratic method, he would probably

    suspect that you would not selbige both called after him as if to tame one of the

    horses of the etymology would be able. It's almost like here with that antiquity that

    had been cast in plaster and put new casts of the casts again and again until the last

    half a foot had become thicker than the original statue, and perhaps elsewhere,

    although they still lead the same name , want to see her quite dissimilar. Thus, the

    spindly Hippocratic medicine has the same obtained by continuously pouring

    gradually quite a handsome obesity. Times change many things. The medicine was otherwise a poor herbalist, at the

    right time Moon was looking for their roots and herbs to the nearest mountains and

    auskochte in the home kitchen, the entire medical supply found in the dining room

    with barrier. Now she's kitchens, where even the kitchen boys are too posh to wear

    aprons, all five parts of the world have into making deliveries, and their pantry,

    the materia medica , is now provided so abundant that they do not know how it will

    consume all stock , and some may therefore be unused in it moldy until they, when

    they had enough of the other, looking out once again.

    Really, every friend of humanity must rejoice when ourmateria medica takes into

    consideration, and finds the most certain signs in her that our current medicine has

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    the peak of its progression where not already achieved, but will soon reach. The

    ancients were lucky if they only had a remedy for every disease and to many they had

    none at all. How much happier we are! We have not only infinitely remedy for each

    disease, but each remedy cures now infinitely more diseases, and what is the triumph

    of science, we have now just against the incurable diseases the most and strongest

    means so that when If, for example, a person after a reading ofthe mat.Medication set free if he would rather have the cold or tuberculosis, which, if

    he is only somewhat reasonable, certainly the latter will choose against which he sees

    equipped us with so many and admirable means that, should one already half lung

    chased by the throat, but the other half by our remedies must be so fresh and healthy

    that it can replace the function of lost with. Epilepsy, hydrophobia, etc. are now only

    jesting things: for they discovered almost every day new remedy and that, as far as I

    can remember at least, so far louder quite unmistakable.

    We could in fact now be content with what we have, as well as a glimpse into

    the mat. medication is to teach us that we have more to fear from any diseasesomewhat, but it is on the other hand again commendable, if we do not want to pause

    in the rapid steps, with our science will walk to the summit of perfection, and thus we

    see now unstoppable medicine hasten the positions, beyond which, as the target of

    their perfection, no progression more will be possible and will take place when we

    first brought it so far that any means cure all diseases, and any illness can be reversed

    cure by any means. With some diseases and means we are already so far, with the

    other we will hopefully, if the doctors to continue with the same zeal as before, the

    medicine to expand extensively and intensively, come to that soon. It is clear that in

    this way our work on therapy and . matmedica gradually getting fatter andassociations richer, and finally must accept such an extent that they no longer let

    through study and one different ways out will then have to meet to help each of

    which also at the present time quite a few are indicated. Namely, the more grows the

    circumference of a science, the more it is broken down into separate parts, then deal

    with those individuals only, and if otherwise medicine, surgery and pharmacy

    operated by a subject and thought inseparable, but now in a have cleave Triassic, it

    can be also expected that if the medicine will be the targets provided by me only a

    little step closer, every doctor is only one means to study and PhD may, with it, he

    has otherwise the his own, learned all diseases will be grown, like Hercules has

    managed crush all monsters with the same club, after which the mercury doctor but

    the doctor and China opium doctor's handiwork will no longer be allowed access.

    Also you start already now, the need for this separation to feel strongly, and

    although it is not legally authorized, there are really enough of such mercury doctors

    and Chinese physicians and blue sour physicians a means able to do anything with

    her, and the other by the way need as well as the musician who is a virtuoso on an

    instrument, and can be on important occasions only to hear this, but also knows how

    to play the other instruments besides. Later, however, this must be abolished, and no

    doctor be allowed to meddle in another agent because it satisfies one, and in no waybetter in the simplicity of the treatment, which is so necessary requisite of the

    physician can be achieved.

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    The center, which has been purchased with the largest sect, is without doubt the

    calomel, and one can of the chapter in anyformat. medica recommend as a small

    repetition of the entire pathology by it has gradually amalgamated with all the

    diseases and they subigiert; scurvy as exempt. Well, it would be a shame for our age,

    when the calomel, but otherwise has been the most heterogeneous diseases under one

    roof, the calomel, this hero in the materia med, which is able to stifle all monstersand evil in the human body when this should not with this single disease also can be

    done, and I really hope the best in this regard. Only two or hearty recommended three

    times, and you are nothing more than calomel in scurvy.

    What shall we say of the cyanide that has been done already in her younger years,

    such Ravagen among the diseases that nature is soon on new diseases for us to

    ponder, so that only the cyanide get back to doing something because they of old

    diseases has almost already tired. I can not help to dwell on this means the lap child

    of modern medicine a little longer to set its excellent properties in fairly bright

    light. You might believe that cyanide was a still more useful means some time ago, asit is now. Previously namely it was the most excellent agent in all diseases with their

    diagnosis could not quite get on the Pure: for it is precisely because no one knew

    quite what was to be done from the cyanide, so it fit very reason for diseases for

    which it was uncertain what could fit, best, and they raged therefore particularly at

    the beginning of such diseases truly epidemic.

    But now it is indeed the virtues and vices of cyanide know soon from the inside and

    from the outside, you will soon be counted among the agents which is a hair do, how,

    where, and why they work, and where you therefore to a certain can give instruction

    when and where they have to express their effectiveness, one might getTHEREFORE, if you will, the cyanide to a chain of indications have specified that

    they are no longer so free of all diseases will be able to walk around then, as before. -

    It does not need to fear this. Only the way of using the cyanide will be somewhat

    uncomfortable with their fetters on indications for physicians. Previously namely they

    could the same apply when and where they pleased, without further to ask just for the

    cause, but now they will ask all that they think before carefully and to make the

    reasons clear why they believe the same index; but indicated they will therefore

    remain in all cases. Because their indications are already some extent determined for

    the major diseases of sensitivity, irritability and reproduction, and since these are thethree persons who constitute the trinity of the organism, and, as of old Jupiter,

    Neptune and Pluto in the rule of the world, have shared in the dominion of all

    diseases, as it is indeed, as cheap, think even more carefully, whether this or that

    disease that you have the right to the cyanide tolerate, however, last but always come

    through a careful examination of the effect that they should be attributed to those

    underlying diseases, and: find the hydrocyanic acid as indicated in the highest

    degree. - A more specific discussion of the now common effects of cyanide will

    explain this the better.

    The hydrocyanic acid is a sovereign remedy against inflammation; quite excellentbut useful to more completely to clear up the rear and the same baggage left behind

    from the field. It fights by means of their wasserstoffigen nature the prvalierende in

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    inflammation Oxygen and so does all the inflammation to water, they even made

    once threatened to displace the toggles from the armory of medicine, and I think they

    would have enforced it, if you are not a revolt had therefore concerned by the

    surgeons: as more could be probably the Spaniard his sword, rapier be the student and

    the Moslems take his beard before the surgeon that his jewelry and his trim. Since

    you now know all the diseases cleverly due to inflammatory conditions in recenttimes, and perhaps in general the disease as aspecies under thegenus has brought

    inflammation, as is already clear, therefore, that the cyanide is applicable to all


    But does not this way, the hydrocyanic acid, a very despicable means to be, which

    is the spasm of all ovarian disease: inflammation of spasm of the capillaries,

    stagnation in the abdomen spasm of the portal vein, apoplexy spasm of the heart,

    epilepsy seizure of the brain, etc.? - The hydrocyanic acid is also a sovereign remedy

    against the spasm, which can even be demonstrated so that you can grab it with

    hands. Because by means of them, in the highest degree expansive nature drags herso the muscle, or whatever else acting, straight to the opposite side as the

    contractionary in the highest degree cramp, and when two dogs quarrel for a piece of

    meat, and a after this, the other seeks to pull it in that direction, so it will probably

    end up the stronger the weaker pull out of the mouth.

    Also, for those doctors so their systems are affected by general convulsive epilepsy

    or hysteria, the cyanide will be a panacea, and there is a high proof of the genius of

    the same from that, otherwise the spasm and inflammation have idiosyncrasies that

    each e diametro are opposite, the hydrocyanic acid from both a skillful manner so

    masterly herumzukriegen has known that she has become like them pleasant. I do notknow if we would have ever gained so far in earlier times, to have two diseases like

    cat and dog get along quietly eating from a bowl, but the art know better now to

    conquer nature, and if a disease with hands and feet braced against an agent, and

    would be seen by the most horrible gestures and twitches that she could not tolerate it

    well. Thus, no honest doctor would but thereby to be deterred from her as a naughty

    child, whose cries one has when entering the center not hear einzuzwingen medicine,

    and to demonstrate quite calmly that she had the means swallow well, otherwise yes

    there would be no rational medicine. Also you will by and by the antics that makes a

    disease if they have to take an agent that does not look it, so used to being the thingconsidered as belonging to, and sincerely happy about the effectiveness of his

    treatment there.

    But, to get back on the hydrocyanic acid, it is also a third main remedy for all

    diseases which are caused by blockage in the abdomen. If you actually suspected that

    a lot of impurities are left sitting in this big sewer, and have taped the tubes should be

    removed by having the same, so you send first a lot resolventia into which they are to

    soften, or even tried it flush through the large discharge lock at once after you,

    because it is yet for a washing up before the influx of the same has promoted more

    than ever. Will the devious nothing that ispurgamenta already become tough, it mustthen often the cyanide nor the Hercules be to craps the stables of Augeas by inside

    sends a stream of hydrogen, and thus the Vertrocknetsten tells such a liquid that

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    everything again to run and starts to get going. At the same time it also makes the

    lymphatic vessels appetite again such that they consume carrion in short everything

    that lay in the organism and polluted it.

    Of course, the cyanide is in the aforementioned ways no longer as important as

    they once had in earlier times have been if they would have been known, though even

    then the aqua laurocerasi vorspukte.

    To Stoll's and combatants'' s time was namely the underbelly of Pflanzgarten all

    diseases from which they sprang up to his chest and head, and then of course their

    poisonous flowers and fruit often only revealed in the higher organs. However, if the

    most right now ashamed to make the stomach to the god of their science, so there is

    still enough to keep secretly or publicly committed to the old custom, and heart and

    brain as only a couple of little significance appendage or clamps look at the big belly

    drum when it is shaken, give dissonant sounds, but not vice versa, the same

    information such as to shake. - So this is catered for in the cyanide.

    I will now cite some individual diseases, although, as a matter of course, must be

    already included in the previous generalities, however, but the cyanide have acquired

    excellent reputation.

    Here is first and foremost the whooping cough, which we know now, after long and

    careful investigations determined that he either herrhre from the abdomen, the only

    virtue of a certain sympathetic feeling with its neighbor, the chest, this may impart

    some friendly shocks, or that an inflammatory vascular irritation to the respiratory

    organs is to blame for the disease thus a tail on itis should have, or that the nerves,

    and especially the dissolute nerve, preferably affected in that therefore the whoopingcough is really to be expected under one of the three primary diseases.

    Each of the three views mentioned is the same way, and certainly irrefutable. You

    just read the various therapies in which they are presented, it will be found that

    evidence for each of the same symptoms, impact of the funds autopsies, the whole

    course of the disease on the most irrefragable, and enter a match, you do not may

    desire beautiful, while at the same time is clearly the falsity of the other two views in

    mind. Since this is now true of every individual, so you can select a view you want,

    you will always meet their truth no reasonable doubt can be more exposed. - The

    hydrocyanic acid may be the way no matter which view you will choose, it willtherefore always remain the same indexed by experience and common sense reasons.

    In fact, one also finds that the cyanide whooping cough often heals not much

    longer time than the means, what we see for the most powerful ever in all diseases,

    but for that very reason perhaps pay for the heroic, and very, very rarely can act, I

    will say that nature. One can after 6 to 8 weeks promise a pretty safe action of the

    cyanide, and it does definitely as much as Belladonna, opium, Hyosciamus, China,

    valerian, asafoetida, musk, cantharides, spangle etc. ( so with this I mean the other

    methods that have ever yet found in the index of a format. Pharmacopoeia or med and

    there can read from A to Z) and yes show all so wonderful effect against whoopingcough.

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    to take browniana so much that she now believes to have a peculiar, founded in

    nature, idiosyncrasy, however, and when she sees the child called by the right name,

    ascends, and no longer wants it. Cautious doctors know but to help. Will take no

    mercury or opium more of the sick, so they write it under a different name on the

    recipes, and the patient always takes the old agent while he thinks wonder what to get

    for a different medicine. It goes with the sthenia and asthenia equally, it is still themain ingredients of many of our new systems, but so renamed and wrapped so that it

    is not equal to the Brown herausriecht. The doll is another name vice appended to,

    because basically the dress also considered only the main thing about this is that the

    people do not notice that it still has the old bellows in front of him, if any one is in it.

    But to get back, what have we actually at thescrofula for a disease? She is a sister

    of syphilis, according to some even a bastard same. It consists in a certain laziness of

    the lymphatic system and the lymph particular, the stop off on their maturity to the

    Red Sea in the past on the way conglobierten glands and there thinks their rest to

    maintain, probably remains even sit in it all, so many means be specially applied tomake her legs again.Really so because even after other the Skrophelkrankheit not, - It

    can be easily inferred from the analogy with other diseases, that this is not the only of

    explanation, but that in order to take on any case, the rights, the opposite is tried

    based on a torpor, but on a vast occupation and domination of the lymphatic system,

    all other systems, its code and wants to impose upon the whole body rather made

    even a single large lymph gland. So after some suffering of reproduction, which takes

    place at the Skrophelkrankheit, the root of the same, according to others the fruit,

    according to other a seed, from which they emerged, and it also contributes again in

    short, you can see from this that the disease has already been considered fairly on allsides, and yet on the other hand very very one-sided. In almost all other diseases

    namely it has gradually gone through for almost all systems and organs where they

    should have their headquarters, and it is really own, that has remained so stubbornly

    stand by the lymphatic system in the Skrophelkrankheit, and I can not explain the

    miraculous apparition in fact otherwise than that I think it's just the fact that one has

    not yet found in other diseases have enough to do to invent new theories, and

    therefore not had time to come to the scrofula. I will therefore make yourself

    outstanding services to the science and next time luce Clarius prove that the scrofula

    based on a predominant activity of the arterial system, etc. and this just prove so

    clearly with symptoms outcome of the disease, successful treatment than others in

    every have done other disease theory. Occasionally, then also probably one which

    returns the scrofula on the nervous system, so they have yet gone through its cycle in

    the main.

    Yet it should be mentioned that some have a deus ex machina have brought in with

    the Skrophelkrankheit who enforce all the other proximate causes are not capabel,

    white to accomplish, I mean the Oxygen. The Skrophelkrankheit based in part on

    oxygenation excessive lymph. I want to specify how you came about the knowledge

    of this God. All the agents can be divided into four classes: sauerstoffige, wasserstoffige,

    kohlenstoffige and stickstoffige. The fine nose of classifiers know each very easily

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    trace out, in which means are these respective substances and predominate, and the

    chemistry can you not indeed much to meddle in it, or they hit the same spot on the

    mouth, saying: my subtle reason is surely be able to explore more than your tpfernen

    crucibles and retorts that you are a tool of investigation. In fact, these people must

    have a special chemical sense, the rest of us going with which they punish the

    chemistry itself lies, and sometimes really able to figure out theincomprehensible. Do you have now in the means is praised to the scrofula, found a

    large amount of hydrogen wrapped, now of course can not act otherwise than

    desoxydierend on our bodies. Your whole program is therefore the following: First,

    by means of which we read in books that they heal the scrofula, they subsume, so that

    they really are capable, from which you can already see that they are hardworking

    people who like to be on study table stop; also they subsume that prevails in these

    means of hydrogen, - although they would of several antiscrophulosis themselves

    admit that there are sauerstoffige means, however, of these, they can yes, as long as

    they are busy with their education theory, abstract meanwhile. - Next they subsumethat this wasserstoffigen means only means of confusing the de-oxidizing power of

    hydrogen, and so are they coming after them, bold people, these other little dangerous

    translucent stairs climbed down quite cheerfully, or where steps were missing, have

    jumped down, happy at the conclusion of that now really the Skrophelkrankheit must

    be based on an excess of Oxygen's in the lymphatic system. Since, moreover,

    scrofulous children often still have acid in your stomach so you can see in this way

    on the former to the deductive conclusion also beautifully performed by complete

    induction confirmed.

    But now to the thing itself, that the cure of scrofula. For now, the way the body must be duly swept so that the procession of the gods of

    healing, which are gradually walk through, find free passage. One has to two brooms,

    one of which the rubbish out the front door, the other auskehrt out the back door. That

    has not yet recommended bloodletting for Vorbereitungskur of scrofula, shows, as

    well as quite a bit earlier in Wetted that taken against the other diseases, we are

    actually still little progress in the theory and treatment of scrofula, and I basically one

    of 've met inopportune examples for proof of my sentence, the more we can assume

    that what is true of the scrofula, is true of the other diseases in a much higher

    degree. What disease is probably else where you would have the people do not oftentapped to let out the poison, which runs about everywhere in the body to wreak

    disorder? Certainly, if only their arterial system and venous system ten times more

    you could prepare some of the body, they should be the healthiest people in the

    world. Why, the doctor just doing his part to rid the people of the Erbquelle all evils

    contained therein, and the nature is then also do their part, and the bubbling, boiling

    red broth through a gentle and quiet running water replace with the patient when he

    was still so skinny before, then look thick and full, and have no more to complain

    about the lack nicely carved calves and thighs will.

    A striking example of the excellent effect of bloodletting in spasmodic diseases,where else but just do not recommend it, I can tell you as an eyewitness himself. A

    really famous doctor was called to a sick, the day a few times got the epilepsy. The

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    doctor realized immediately that the evil demon sitting in the blood, and let him

    quickly open a door so he could run out. No sooner was the vein tied again, the

    woman fell into all kinds clonic and tonic convulsions so violent they had never been

    before, and I have never seen otherwise. It was thought at any moment, it would be

    her last. See it well, the doctor said with a self-satisfied air to me, who stood by and

    watched the spectacle, was how hard this current attack? How good it is that we asfirst names at the right time bloodletting was, would infallibly else in this attack the

    woman died. This unforgettable saving one life will stay with me through the blood-


    - Yesterday, a friend to me and told me full of joy as he a sick man a little too much

    talking in a nervous fever, because the brain vessels had indicated by a capable

    bloodletting to rest was too full, that he barely mumble audibly. I noticed this a

    following stories.

    The p. . . . N citizen once saw blade of grass grow some grass on its steeple. So

    now it would not cause any dispute over the ownership, they decided to eat it by the

    community oxen. They put a rope around the neck of the same, and with great effort,

    despite his many roaring, he was pulled up the tower. When he was up, he was very

    still and held her tongue out far. Quite p. . . . what stood down and watched, now

    clapped and shouted: o see how good it tastes to him how far he has stretched out his

    tongue afterwards! He pulled into it again of course not.

    Today, my friend came back and said with sorrowful mien, his patient had died, can

    put in spite of yesterday's bloodletting and leeches, which he still have it today, but he

    would be another time ever bolder, and still leave more blood, he had saw how good

    it was to get him. Well, the scrofula always like to waffnen also against the toggles,

    and he will ever come to them, and who knows if you still so much scrofulous

    children will see running around. Now that Hr. Consbruch given the Vorbereitungskur

    of scrofula, he says: "Some of the most important remedy for scrofula should now be


    Parents, your children about their evil heads and runny eyes and fat bellies and

    nodes in the neck are bleak, read these few words, the Subsequent compares with it,

    and you will be comforted go from here. Consbruch merely highlights the most

    important ways, and almost exhausted the whole materia medica , we now have therest of the important and the less important means to do that is not mentioned

    Consbruch, now we see that infinite treasure of aids us against scrofula to

    commandments is, and if this disease so tremendously increases but in more recent

    times the upper hand, this can probably only be due that the reaction of the action is

    always the same, and the admirable effect of ourAntiscrophulosa therefore causes a

    corresponding resistance of Skrophelkrankheit in general. From this point of view

    higher the aggravation of Skrophelkrankheit just has to speak through our agents for

    their effectiveness, and I would indeed prove in this way the same most.

    The directory specified by the Consbruch some important ways is the following: Jalap, aloes, rhubarb,Antimonialia ,Mercarialia , hydrochloric heavy earth salt of

    lime, freshly squeezed herbal juices, fixed and volatile alkali salts together with burnt

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    sponge and soapy, earthy and absorbing agents, Gummiresinen, Huflattig, tonic,

    astringent and bitter agents,Martialia , aromatic, rousing means narcotics .

    You see, the good man has to only some extent his promise to us with some of the

    most important antiscrophulosis to meet to make known, and hand them each a few

    words as belobendes Testimony, the same must cooperate boxes in all clans, each of

    which almost again contains a multitude of resources. For this purpose, now come,apart from the means Consbruch has embezzled a huge amount externa , which,

    together with theInternistapplied, the Skrophelkrankheit between two fires bring

    further Composita that are shot down as it as chain beads or shells against the disease,

    and after they are completely into the stomach, then move apart to every nook and

    corner, and so kill the scrofula in bone, skin, nerves and vessels at once.

    In short, the doctor only needs to go to a pharmacy and take the best first gun, he

    can be sure that it is an effective antiscrophulosum will take it. Because if one but

    several means preferably before applying other hand, such as the now antimonialia ,

    this occurs because, in fact, merely the fashion of her, and I can assure you to have

    equally seen by any other means excellent effects. The Jodine, this recently-born

    child of getting pregnantmateria medica has, even with their inclusion in the

    community of Christian remedies under other legal pretty godfather presents a virtus

    antiscrophulosa get, and if it proliferates with this extra pounds, they can perhaps

    even later quite respectable shops do with it.

    I think the examples given will suffice to show how little in therapy

    and mat. medication is left to be done to bring them to their highest perfection. At the

    same time you will also see it be as difficult this comprehensive study of these

    sciences because of their amazing and still growing wealth and all years must be in a

    higher degree. I have come to a very happy idea to overcome this difficulty. With the

    recent establishment of our textbooks all of these years had to grow in volume and

    finally no longer be read, according to my device the textbook will be thinner so the

    more increases the science of wealth, and finally, when it has reached its peak in one

    or two lines melt together. Just think what a tremendous advantage when studying the

    extent gains in ease, and one where you would otherwise read a library in just a few

    lines may find so much included. Therefore, I will give me for my company an

    excellent success. I'm namely next time a materia medica issue where I do not

    herzhle every means, what diseases it cures, but only that which it does not heal,designated'm doing, and I think so now in a very thin ribbon to just say so much than

    in many other thick. This ribbon will be thinner with each new issue by any means to

    learn and to heal several diseases. I will also follow the same path in the therapy, and

    later, because every science alone no more tapes will fill, unite into one. Last is the

    title, although I am minded to take this also into short by an analogous process,

    longer than the factory where the mat. medand therapy to a page flow together, and

    come out my work at the following figure who is now suffering essentially no further


    Title page:

    Library of the whole materia medica and

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    Treatment of Mises D.

    Member of all learned societies, except about the and the.

    The work itself will now contain nothing more than the two already touched above

    formulas. materia medica . Each agent cures all diseases. Therapy. Each disease is

    cured by any means. So fresh, their doctors continues briskly on the trodden path with so much

    happiness, and the medicine is after a few decades can not be perfect. My work is to

    serve you as a real thermometer of your progress.Hopefully it will soon be on the

    zero points given above, and then regain their place a fluctuating wave moving

    science a firm where you can walk everywhere dry foot.

    Second Specimen.

    The raw state of the earliest medical shows among other quite strikingly in the fact

    that they used to apply all medicines raw: the root, as it was dug out of the ground,

    put the juice fresh, the flower or herb freshly picked.Since medicine is an art, you got

    to see it better. Not only took one the beautiful principle of Horace, in Decimum

    prematur annum , with the materia medica over, and now has no root application

    value, which has not a year located at least in the box: but to cook, braise, pkelt,

    sweet and syrupt also sent one of each drug as well as the consummate art of cooking

    with their objects, it is only able to do, and in a fairly standard art medicine must be

    prepared herauszuschmecken nor the actual components of assets, as in after theskin

    goutprepared dishes. The drug, as it can grow nature, give now just another quack

    who are guilty of contempt of all doctors learned and worthy of punishment in higher


    What is not passed through the food stall of medicine, and has stripped in the

    purgatory of his inherited nature individuality, must now come to any patient

    panel. In symbols the ancients seem to have already guessed this big dark truth that

    now goes forth conquering, as in all our healing and therefore the mummy touted as

    the greatest remedy to. What has not become a mummy, is useless as a remedy. Not

    in the living plant, but in its dried, zermrselten carcass one has to look for the drop,

    which is the root of life dwindling energy level, and it poisons the gnawing worm. All

    that nature has done to remedy must only distilled or chemisiert before it is art for

    their purposes useful, and the pharmacy of the doctor has nothing more to do than

    what the pharmacy of the nature of the funds spoiled, deposit and get in the right

    shape, but what they often must use the greatest amount of force and the most

    ingenious arrangements . Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque redibit. Well the

    medicine sees a that, and because it does not want to go alone with the fork, it still

    takes knife and mortar and crucible and retort water and fire, in short, all kinds of

    weapons, which they can only get hold of to help so that the unclean spirit is the

    natural power finally come forth from the funds, and the pure effect of art no longer

    stood in the way. I also do not know what people think, the demand there, one was to

    use the funds as they are natural to us, although these are just little nerds that wouldprovide about Rousseau in a class of it rather would have seen if we had gone back in

    animal skins and acorns were eaten raw. The state in the us hinstellt nature, is always

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    the most pathetic but truly, there can only be the. How will it be different? Nature has

    so never let it be to be put to listen to any University of dispensing or the first basic

    concepts of a pharmaceutical chemistry or something else then weft forming. Now I

    wonder how she want to bring concoctions ways in which the corresponding

    admixture ofconstituentibus, corrigentibus, adjuvantibus , etc., and

    the corrigentibus and adjuvantibus the corrigentium and adjuvantium and takes placeimmediately? Naked as they come out of their big womb, she throws us the tools out

    and leaves it to our care, they clothe in discreet garments. If nature had known what

    we would need, so they would take the lemon with citric acid and malic acid to fill

    certain of our bilious fever, she with a beautiful Ertractsolution after the recipes . Extr

    R tarax gram. aa ZJJ tart. tart. 3R. Aquatic. font. 3Vfilled, and grow at the

    Liquirizienbaume Salmiakkuchen: but if we see that they did not even knew how to

    mix the lightest prescription reasonable. An agent alone never good for so little, it is

    either too strong or too weak to biting or scratching to solving or constipating, too

    sweet or too sour, and must, therefore, each agent in a composite according to therules of the art medicine only again have a means by which its defects be cured

    before it can get close to the cure of our diseases, such as in an analogous way, each

    doctor should keep his doctor again so he could be healthy for healing others. But if

    even nature would be able really such a beautiful concoctions, powders and pills, to

    which we have come through a more than a thousand years of study to bring forth,

    yet I am convinced of the excellence of our medicine so that I think they would

    Nature skim again, and when the pepper tree instead of peppercorns eg pills

    from Sapo med; rheum, fel tauri, gum ammoniac, .wore, mash them until again and

    form of other compound with a half-dozen of as much material means to a new pill

    mass: for now it is a certain sense, transcendental and composes her Composita new

    Compositis and this once again, and so is because recently in some medicine bottle

    aMicrocosmus almost the entire pharmacy one, and if you lookAnaxagoras wants to

    introduce 'mess of his homoeomeries, such a bottle should certainly give the

    alleranschaulichste picture of it by the small mineral, vegetable and animal particles

    here united among themselves floating around the earth then lowered to the ground

    by their gravity, etc. It must be amusing, sometimes like for spectacle among the

    different agents which are enclosed in a cage that arise and I wish only a peculiar

    chemical face to the right as to watch can. It would be about as if any animals were

    locked together in a stable, which would then begin mutually to cat scuffling, anddevour each other until only the strongest remaining. Yes, the medicine makes such

    jokes; nature has brought it yet, not a single such good jokes.

    It's true, a lot still missing our pharmacies to its true perfection. The composite

    means are quite prepared without particular system and order. This could be avoided

    on a very advantageous way for all of our doctors. The pharmacist should have cheap

    individually any means, such as when a farmer or else an ignorant person as

    requested a simple tea of valerian or chamomile for colic - for doctors because it

    would not be necessary - he always mix two, three , four agents together, so that at

    last all these Composita a main medicine, a Compositissimum stand that all means ina nutshell, contains, and that he must have both standing there in pills form of powder

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    and mixes original form. The advantage of such a device would not be small. How

    often does it not happen that a doctor symptoms from almost all diseases seen in a

    disease, and what time and paper sometimes he does not waste it, and the means to

    put on the prescription for every symptom, so he writes the same means and while its

    a dozen, which, however, if we are composita wanted to go with the recipes in our

    thinking, disassembled, usually do not want rich, with a name on, yes, the patient is arich man, so the doctor at the very beginning of the disease for all possible cases, the

    universal pill enter and leave its use to continue through the whole course of the

    disease, which make a very simple yet convenient method of healing, and even a

    good prejudice would awaken the patient, who, when he cured with a medicine sees,

    thinks the doctor should have taken the essence of the disease right. However, the

    patient would die randomly, so then the doctor could rightly say shrugging his

    shoulders: the help of art was exhausted, a term that is now commonly abused by the

    doctor intends to justify it, since he often does not know much about half of the funds

    that are out there, has applied in the respective disease and perhaps most half almondat once, however, the disease may not be able to resist would have if he had pushed

    her with the whole body at once at the pharmacy.

    On the other hand, would be very desirable but also that one anhielte the doctors to

    order more in Kurplane. Take, for example, gout and hypochondria. How messy

    together the resources given here. It is true, in general, these diseases can not be

    neglected: the patient usually gets gradually all the resources that exist in our

    treasury, and because you would otherwise not get through, usually a good amount

    together, but it all happens without a specific rule . The physician should make this a

    solid treatment plan, which he followed throughout the disease, and to avoidrepetition, are giving to the pharmacy means either the alphabets or the series as the

    cans, so he can always know which means is tuned Been, and let the disease go

    through their normal course. As it is now, the patient comes to some truly means

    merely because the doctor with its many shops but can not remember all agents are

    the same. I am not so vain as to want to spend this proposal as a significant

    improvement of our current medical, but it should perhaps exercise the same as it is

    now, do more systematic. It is true, however, speak in more recent times, excellent

    doctors very loud and strong opposition to the combination of many resources and for

    the ease of Kurmethode. But one has to establish in the relativity of the concepts of

    much simplicity and very to stop, and it might sometimes carry when a fool the

    simple recipes and Kurplne these doctors saw that he tries again felt, against the

    combination of many agents and driving around Kurplane in what even the most

    distinguished physicians of our time would be free, do not strike out.

    A major advantage of the newer front of the old medicine consists in their extracts

    and peeled water. The former is the art of medicine about the same as the art of

    cooking sugar and syrup. Namely, these two opposing arts have also opposite end, the

    art of cooking to produce the most possible flavor of food, for which you just sugar

    and syrup is used, and the art of medicine, however, so heinous tasting set up themedicine, as it is only ever possible, what is indeed in looks ordinary life as the

    criterion of medicine. Now serve the purpose excellently extracts. Nature has no

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    substance to have in their entire Vorrate who possess the necessary evil to a medicine

    taste, even that is just a preference of art. It is here again, notice how the intelligent,

    educated man from the animal and the crude savage advantageously differs, just

    follow the blind instincts of nature, and when they are sick, just take the funds to be

    what irresistible tendency and urges her appetite. It required the deep-sighted

    understanding of the people, to discover the true healing power in that from which analmost invincible repugnance stops us to recognize that the poor, starved refreshment

    patient who requires a sponge with vinegar, must reach soaked him with

    wormwood. It is true if the patient sees himself trapped between two evils, the

    ghostly death on the one hand and the bitter medicine bottle on the other, he said

    frequently to themselves, choose the lesser evil, and throw the carcass in her arms,

    before him shudder less. But it requires now once the seriousness of medicine, and

    this can not be otherwise. If the medicine is a torture tool for the palate, there is

    anyway no more than just that one will also punished on the part what he has

    sinned. The medicine is a rod that certainly hurts the child, but also the bad habit ofdriving out of it, and when a savage believes a cure must be something that the

    patient wonderful wohltue and let feel relief it once, now it shows yes up by such

    clumsy terms that he had not the slightest culture. That way, the main essence of

    medicine is generally set by the doctors in the evil taste the same, can already

    conclude that, if a doctor wants to prescribe a medicine that is not just to have a

    specific purpose - must prescribe medicine but every doctor - it is usually composed

    of a portion of extracts of such a mixture, the better the patient immediately in locum

    secretum Ge as only could run through the Filtrum his body there. At such a

    medicine, as it abstracts from all empirical conditions of a disease, one must still be

    able to see her being pure when irgends. Really impossible to do without the extracts

    to the right into medicine taste, and even produce some nice dark blackish color

    medicine that can make even converge at the mouth-watering. They are the daily

    bread of the patient, which he, like this one, it must not be bored during the whole of

    life throughout the disease, and take any other disease eat bread, even what he has to

    feed alone if nothing to do andres is at most mixed with a little salt. This immoderate

    consumption has been widely copied necessary, the so-called leviora extracta of

    which is mentioned here, to prepare not only from a plant, since it would then

    certainly the Taraxacum and Triticum repens as long eradicated, but it has absolutely

    a lot of weed taken to the road and in the garden, perhaps just to thereby limit itsspread gradually and at the same time to prevent it never commands to the extracts of

    materials. - For the waters have withdrawn their peculiar benefit. Part, they perfume

    the medicine, with fetid breath often do badly needs its like people, sometimes they

    are also as a way to look at stamp paper in which the medicine, the increase due to

    the Revenen, must be registered, namely ordinary might the ill just make the

    services, but certainly not the pharmacist.

    Mind you, all these advantages, I have now praised by our medicine, apply only for

    genuine Hippocratic, the only true. But "the world loves to blacken the beam end, and

    pull the sublime into the dust," and so for the modern age has produced an outrageoussatire of this divine system, I mean the Hahnemannianische system. Really, I think

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    too often it fails to recognize the same tendency. It is indeed generally, that

    Hahnemann has not fallen on his head, how can you believe that he really aufstellte

    his system in earnest. No, it is a clever fox who just wants to go through a very spicy

    way our medicine because satire is now better paid than serious truth, and he may be

    right to laugh in his sleeve when he sees you from all sides of him goes out when he

    said in all seriousness all the way he says it, and how others even stone and bone thetruth swear the same as Swift would have in turn certainly laughed heartily when they

    had him with many physical and philosophical reasons sought to prove that his

    Liliputer and Brobdignacker could possibly exist, and others still on his authority

    through the laborious trips to other countries have taken towards. As I said, it must

    Hahnemann make endless fun. People are of the Hippocratic comprehensive

    scholarship that cure by rational views, give their funds in hinlnglichen cans and

    combine belonging to the cases occurring each other. Such a Platonic doctors

    Republic provides for the scoffer a andre over by people who rationis andplanning

    intellect expertes may be, as soon as theysensus have, see the symptoms, hear, smell,taste, and to feel, and which is not otherwise than three count may be needed if they

    would not have to include a large amount symptoms; further prior knowledge further

    not have needed to read as correct to refer to it in Hahnemann's Bible when occurring

    cases; languages are necessary to understand only the German to exist in J. The

    doctoral examination, which give the simplest means, despite the composer's most

    symptoms or rather cure the people without means, as infinitely small as much as

    anything is, and yet do the most wonderful cures, to which the people of scholarly,

    rational, Hippocratic physicians run heaps and the cure in 4 weeks evils with which

    they often years grappled in vain. Truly, the satire could not be written crass as they

    came into being, and it is therefore quite that one has hunted the Pasquillanten into

    exile.Also run some of his principal disciples among us around so this happens even

    in other jokers that her best sarcastic jokes after they themselves are removed, still

    circulating for a while, and as such satirical wit sparks with which Hahnemann our

    medicine and physicians want to ridicule can be a certain sense, the students who

    made it to look.

    Pharmacists may well at the Hahnemann funs a right fright be driven into the body,

    both, are both in our current medical alas, one can foresee that very fact, the first

    founder to the same doctor and pharmacists united in one person have. Like the wig

    maker currently that famous disaster, as the most venerable one was from the head of

    man, the only gave him the true reputation, cunning, they would walk around without

    bread, the time of the ancient golden medicine back wishing should vary the

    Hahnemann system gain the upper hand. Already tease Hahnemannians the

    pharmacist in every way, and since you certainly want them expect to have to cook in

    the pots of the latter their means, so they write them for cake recipes such as the

    following:R. Oxymell. simpl. 3JJ. cream of tart. grvi. M. f pulvis . Of course, it may

    be an acidic task for the pharmacist to turn it into a powder, but it just happens to

    hudeln him. Another time they annoy him in the way that they can sell to extract a

    mixture, where the pharmacist thinks at least 3 to 4 drachms, 3Gran extr. Taraxaci can put ( res non fictae) and probably with an air, as if they feared

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    to poison the sick. Truly, the system more tear, so next time we have a bilious fever

    epidemic among pharmacists. But they have nothing to fear. The truths of our current

    medicine are thousands of years of deep-rooted oak, the most an earthquake that stirs

    the whole reason, but can not shake the laughing joke of a compact. The doctor, the

    pharmacist, the druggist, all are indeed so well with our medicine, we should give it,

    because maybe only one person, I mean the sick, is it bad? Who is so unfair to askthat? Our medicine is by itself more and more forming capital. How little doctors

    could live it formerly and now, after the medication has been brought to such a high

    summit, you will find legions of doctors bread in procurement of the disease. You just

    drive away, brave it going to cure, and the fund will grow even more, and when the

    divine art will be increased at the highest, then hopefully the world a hospital where

    the doctor goes around autocratic, and the general feeder house to be the pharmacy

    and you will be the death of the death-watch beetle instead of a medicine bottle in his

    hand, so you know when the last hour close.

    Third Specimen.

    It seems weird, but why is rampant, especially in our times, the study of medicine

    in a relationship all over rising against other sciences degrees. This, however,

    inherent with our progressive culture. We see more and more a thing is the true

    science of life, and so the quest is then also more general. A whole guild has again

    closely connected to the actual medicine. Each barber is now a school for future

    trainee doctors, and as they say, Let take you to the devil for a hair, and he has you all

    so needs also now a barber to pack only the human beard, and he will soon seek all

    over his body. Actually, the barbershop is a far worthier preparation as the high

    school, which is also, as it now has the reputation, soon widely appreciated and thedoctor adopted its schools time, will require but that he had learned in a barber's shop

    6 years. As a want than get away from the strict school discipline and around hitting

    with scraps of Latin, the rights articulated in the tongue and the associated practical

    Pli that but one of the main requirements of the doctor, and certainly no better than to

    be learned in a barber's shop. Therefore, as you can see also that the doctor who has

    prepared himself worthy in the latter to his studies, always ten times more and gets

    more practice than another, who came as a man of learning from school to the

    university, so that those usually associated with can practice to deny his study costs

    already. How often it happens not further that learned doctors when they begin tocure, barely two and three times a vein have seen beat, and would just shy away so

    much to attack the instrument to function as a wild man the fire-arms of the

    Europeans . For this reason alone you should gewesenen the barber, the family as this

    instrument is his bread knife, prefer the learned doctor. This scholarship benefits

    anyway its often nothing. Many are too clumsily, to bring them to the man, and if the

    geweseneAmputator barbae , which begins just a college of anatomy to hear his

    former customers told they already know the dangerous

    diseasessternocleidomastoidand coracobrachioideus to cure, so like against a Such

    a volume , the Latin as the water flows from the mouth, the school learned doctorssometimes quite ignorant stand, who seem to be able to speak German and only

    German cure diseases.

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    It guides me on this, here are some rules to teach in general, as the physician, and

    especially the young to behave when starting his practice, which are abstracted from

    the life of excellent masters, and thus may well find a place in a panegyric .

    The first thing a student has to do when he starts to get practice is that he presents

    his Ziegenhainer in an angle, or a newly arriving Vulpecula makes a present of it, and

    for a cane at hand takes, to which he himself, if he wants to make it very fine, shouldnot rely on walking, but just behind it trumps in the air. He went on previously bare

    neck, he wrapped a scarf around now, and he can rock a half a yard longer hang in

    short, he pulls out the old Adam altogether, and enters into a new pupation. Also step

    and countenance change, the former must assume a certain haste, as if it could not be

    done, the latter aje ne sais quoi , which can not be described, but what the insiders as

    a pathognomonic sign of the doctor, and particularly the young, which is still quite

    convinced of the importance of his profession, can immediately find out. If you hold

    it down on the street and asks: Where such a hurry? - He has to answer only:

    practice! Practice! and pushes more quickly, or making as much impression: he ishalf an hour standing, and tells the interviewer how he had to summon up every

    minute to get around only in his patients. Guess I would advise anyone that he would

    take with an old practitioner hour or at least hard-working front of the mirror

    practicing to produce the right shrug and that serious expression that has all the days

    required the doctor now, the young serious especially after the outputs, the latter to

    beginning of the disease. The greatest art, he must show the moment of pulse

    feeling. On the Air, which he accepts it, the happiness of his practice can hang. With a

    straight, fixed stare, he must stand there, as if just pulled away the veil of isishaften

    disease and their innermost secrets would open before him. The medical examination,he must, if he has already gained some reputation, hire, as if he had smelled the

    whole disease already at the door, and only of tradition because the patient still

    questioned, but otherwise he must, if he does not know about what he actually has to

    ask to go through a pardonable mistake among young doctors, a pathological course

    of all parts with the patient, and there is no harm if the patient has a headache, he asks

    him about the nail of the little sole of his foot, the patient admired Rather, the doctor,

    all the relations and sympathies of the members are important. In the diagnosis, the

    doctor must be firmly and securely, that is, he must immediately recognize the name

    of the disease from the symptoms, and set up to be this recipe. The forecast, which he

    places the patient must be written in a hypothetical sentence, and here the doctor must

    certify its excellent relationship with the King of all the doctors, the Pythian Apollo,

    as he makes his sayings whose oracles similar in some respects. Everything that has

    been happening over the disease, the physician must have the same beginning to

    foresee the same, and not also hide the patient on the day that it happened to. Death

    of the patient, he was incurable, and no angel could have saved him, yes without the

    medicine he would have long been dead.

    The doctor has to be very careful not to lump all the patients in the treatment with

    the same brush, but he has to individualize properly. He has to attend to the breakfasthour to see what he has given them to prescribe new for the day and to make them as

    a family doctor for early pieces he enjoys this opportunity, but also a pleasure to rich

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    patients every year they to send into another bathroom. Poor patients he needs,

    because not much depends on their condition, rarely ever to visit, but this can give

    them a medicine long enough to prescribe. Will the disease but not soft, so he has the

    patient come to roughly what it sometimes helps that this can not return it.

    Like rules could still be many, but I just wanted to add some line starting their

    example, and now most recently to sit still something exquisite about diagnosis andindication. But I can think of two stories that I remember to have read in the public

    papers, and each of which alone could make such a perfect panegyric in this regard

    that I think I can decide my price speech not worthy, as if I genuinely hersetze, and in

    this last specimen richer content than any previous'm doing.

    "At the hospital, a large city died a sick man. Doctors who had treated him with

    great care, said ahead of what would show the autopsy in any part of the body., The

    section was made, and the doctors found her diagnosis down to the lowest

    particularities confirmed. Meanwhile, it is revealed afterwards that he had been

    dissected by mistake a very different and died at a completely different body disease,

    the diagnosis as to the finding of the corpse was actually made. "

    If so beautiful here, the diagnosis was confirmed at the wrong cadaver: how

    wonderful it would have not only confirmed if you had made the right carcass, and

    this story is certainly the clearest evidence that a doctor never so easy in his diagnosis

    can err, and it is a fact which the certainty of the safety of the medicine is raised

    above all doubt.

    Incidentally, it is no wonder when you see so far comes in the diagnosis. You know

    by now all the senses that science instill the doctor, though he is only in a hospitalbed. Not enough that the diseases you can get hold of so many, is in spirit and

    Lackfirni so you paint it even now so well off that everyone is a perfect picture of it,

    in the truest sense of the word can get. Especially is this so far done with the eye

    diseases, and on a dissertation, which will look something honett, you will also

    usually find a corroded stomach or esophagus, a moon calf, a bone abscess or the like

    shown, so you then recognize it in nature again; so recently I've also seen very nice

    well taken portraits of yellow fever and black leaves. Surely someone has already

    made the plan to issue a pathology with engravings, in which each disease described

    in it should be displayed in life size. It also works already then to put the disease intomusic, and studied them by their sounds abzulauschen Hrrhre so that you will be

    able to express it in time even with notes and play the piano. Proposals have also

    been submitted to manufacture taste and smell phantoms of the disease by chemical

    means, and it is missing then nothing more than that they can still cut it in stone, in

    order to have something for the Getast. In short, one surrounded on all sides with the

    disease as much diagnostic networks that they will certainly not be able to slip

    through. But the other story!

    "In a London Hospital-was a patient who suffered from both feet. The one declared

    that doctors in consultation for unsalvageable, and commissioned duly designatedunder doctor to replace him, the other foot but they hoped to remain. Amputation was

    carried out misunderstanding of the less damaged foot, and actually condemned for

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    cutting convalesced after a few weeks. "

    The real key to this story until a friend gave me, which I told the same. Sure, he

    said, would be the ailing foot gesundet not, would have been healthy if not

    replaced. The amputation was thus shown to such an extent that they even performed

    on the adjacent, healthier legs, healing the sick could actually bring to

    channels.fabula Si vera , is the public journal added to the story. It is certainly hardto believe that a man could bring it up to such a degree in art. But you should really

    make the future sample, and replace all the healthy leg, so that the sick could be
