pantlieon - university of...

iV A A is. t - M T 1 I. i If' If H if HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1885. PRICE 5 CENTS. XflB DAILY fosimss Saris. Slirjertistmtnts. Sbivcxtistrntnts. mmercial ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Pantlieon Stables, Cor. Fort tz. Motel Streets H. HAOKFELD & CO., GKXEItAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. BANNDJB. W. UAKKIENt. P OPFHEOKLT ED. HOFFSOHLAEGEE & CO., Importers V- - Coinmlmlon Merebanta. Honolulu, H. I. H-t- f BANKING NOTICE. CAPITAL. SIO.OOO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY. 711 re Insuraiee oi all (leserlptlous J? will be effected at Moderate Rates of Prr m) am, by the undersigned. WM. O. IUWIN & CO. 8S-d&- Managers for Haw. Islands XT 3NT X O 2XT Fire and Marine Insurance Co. or New Zealand. CAPITAL.. : : tlO.OOO.OOO Havinjr Ustablislied an Agency at for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on ; cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and, commissions. 4 iJJLosses promptly adjnsted A payable. ! 82-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIN & CO. S. L. STANLKY. JOHN SraUAKCK. Spr nance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES WINES AND LIQUORS, 410 Front St., San Francisco. - 57 tf AW - JOHH TJTSCHIG, Fashionable Boot Maker, No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. Will fill orders in his lui at the shortest possible notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to call on MR. U'lSCHlG before going elsewhere. i'2 tAw Fulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES, Of San FrancIco. All kinds of Machinery and Boilers. Specialties ICK AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY. CORLISS ENGINES, UAliCOOK A WILCOX BOILERS, DEAN 12 AIR, VACUUM AND STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN HEATERS, ETC., ETC. wly S. 1?. Taylor & Co., Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors Pioneer and San Geronlmo Paper Mills. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal 103 JylO ly YOSEMITE HOLLER FLOUR. The undersigned beg leave to aunounce that they are now manufacturing FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR, By the ENTIRE ROLLER TROCESS, and are prepared to till orders, guarunUng complete satis- faction. Our Hours have gained an enviable repu- tation on the racitic Coast, and among bakers and general consumers are more popular that any other. Address orders to SPLIVALO & FORMA N, No. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal. 107-oc- t9 A. I. HALL & SON Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. l3-au2C-- ly Dunham, Carrigan & Co. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, San Francisco, Cal. 1.2-auJG.- ly Demiiiix Palmer Milling Co., OF THE CAPITOL MILLS, PROPRIETORS 20 t Lh.U street, Sun Francisco-Manufacturer- s of and ri ulcMiti riour, Griiins o. all kinds, Oatmeal, Rrnn, Miid2ia0'a, Cornmealf Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. 124-u?0-- ly Y0L0 MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. IIulz A- - l'lng-eiiiann- , Proprietors. Dealers in all kinds of GRAIN and Manufacturers of MILL FEED, FAMILY FLOUR. MEALS OF ALL KINDS, PEARL BAR LEV, SPLIT PEAS, HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Special at- tention is called to our celebrated NORMAL NUTRIMENT for babies, nursing mothers and convalescents, highly recommended by leading physicians for its excellent nursing finalities; war- ranted to keep in any climate. Orders will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. 123-au-6-- ly EJ- - ASK FOR Goodyear's Rubber Goods, RUBBER HOSE, PACKING CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Goodyear Rubber' Co. R. H. PEASE, JR., S. M. RUN YON, JAOLN.S. 126-nov- fl San Francisco. Chas. Oppenheimcr & Co., Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AHD SHOES. Salesroom, 113 Eattf-r- y fctreel. Factory, Corner DruniDi and Washington Streets. 120se22 HAN FRANCISCO. KLUSTE & CO., Importers of HATS and CAPS. Nos. 2C and 23 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of Pine, 121a22-S- 5 SAN FRANCI&CO. HP. A I U K BUSIUESS Si COLLEGE, rout Slrett. 1 Near Eerry, San FranciM0. CaL (Send for Circular.) ' ; The Full Business Course includes Single and Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to all departments ot ouslDes?; Commercial Arithmetic; Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Lectures on Law; BuslneBs Forms, and tbeSoier.30 of Accounts; Actual Busi- ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Herchan-disn- g. Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail- roading, Express Business, Brokerage, and Bank- ing; English Branchc-H- . including Reading, Spell- ing, Grammar, ec; Drawing and Modern Lan- guages, consisting ot practical Instruction in French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman- ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil EneineiTiai?. Assaying, Short-Hand- , Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full Information address, IV I. IIHAI,I & CO., 103-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, C-.- I. .jomius Except Sundays. T. 'j' !,irR one r ..$6 00 months 3 00 K? ' months. 1 50 Vi, three t f.6"I : month 50 5 00 u' 1. C A. i jUriPn,- - fi 50 -- SWEETEST WORD. max Nash in Tlie Current , iths sweetest word that mortals asked who walked between two I "rriJ "Uome;" tbo other "Love is LS the woman softly whispareJ, I first; "wherever I ma y sid tie .Jtfeal bin a far-of- f hom" i Vail the other; "it ;s Love's behest "' r jj(oo KilOKl UD 7 How Oil Cloth I Made. Th laiielphla Call. of the artist who paints the mm unon oil cloth is a round. fPrj table, about ten feet in diameter. M checks of red. yellow, brown and i'ir cetera In a row around the edge ilBtisft brush is a block eighteen Iviesiquare. There may be seven col-- h in the pattern. If so. he uses seven Kound whisks the big circular list, down presses the block, "thump. thump goes the iron palette, and hreand the ermilion are Impressed Ijie burlajx The foundation of the liiii is burlap, made of jute. All of it i'ajorted from Dundee, Scotland. It ii coarse, gauzy substane. You (an j see through it Its nr.rt treatment i Brass over tweuly-- t wo steam drums, id s thoroughly ,iuipregnatcd with tap- - Then the ground paint is put on 27 ji brown or perhaps a tan color. The list goods receive seven coats of paint. :Sereache at, the cloth goes through a r!aj machine, which works the paint I isdsmooths it Then the printers take ,it cloth and stamp the figures on it. la printer stands be tore a table on which ie doth is laid, l'ach color is put on tritely. A block containing the lines ari3 the red used in the pattern is laid f Sethin bed of paint on the revolving x'cHe. above described, and then care- er stamped on the cloth. The first im-?Kio- a ltaves a skeleton of the figure. Mea the artist has turned his palette rad once, all the six or seven colors UTebeen stamped on the piece, and the fKerc appears in its entirety. Then the ifk is moved forward and the process is SMitfdforanotLer row of figures. The Skbiremadeof rock maple. Printing u operation that requires nicety of feaiad experience. The printers are f. or tie piece. A good man can print ft thirty-fiv- e yard pieces a day. After -.- T2 been y tinted, the cloth goes to the ery," where il 13 hardened by beirig f oa racks in a hot room: The next yarniining and the last is trim-- W is six or eight weeks after the wj? a starched before it is well hard-o- packed for shipment A Veiy Queer City. JfMago de Cuba is a very strange city. hous and stores are so built that L t?- - be a,most entirely thrown S i, ? 5 ?e intcriors bave courts that JMwfcd and unobstructed to the who Lad 3ust landed thus JftMi-- himself: "Somehow I can't s m ln aoors and wben I'm out &,.r uu,u not ie" wiien i was K'or,orwhcn 1 wasin the kitchen i tin 30 lm standin about here SatS rk' 1101 to raake5 any r i sUltQ J do wn 'be jstreet . a M ot afraid I might make bJ0? ?lt crested for bein found Siny tarlor- - rve gl a lot .Yr e p'nce but I can t make & tl!s of I took some of it 'r?, gct and Ped it over the 3tr . 1 reckon it's genuine,' MV u,n;c lLe bistory of the place viU!c 'ear after :tbe flood. Ili'dh , own by an earthquake,' '";, V V- - rcsettlcd. and left The whole country ihe ,P,"8l,i'CI1 eft alofle. When- - of it -- vc toucbed il they' ve T t IVouth'iCompim Vir ."ver Lad in pnmu;n ?s'2l r0tu I)e Lcseps, while SSL buUdiQff. -- and yet I :kSmp,nat?sand Prison birds. haseVer iaU and none of cLLeanythinSfrom me-- 1 Sf. LaDdkerchief. ut??Se JWffi Adriatic-fand- e7d a Tb7 u c Lesscps set them convifi Usl,naa, consul claimed I' Prs1.110 tad broken out SMe do Ia the Orient. eekl ransweriS the consul's i Sk Ie,kePl hi -p- rison-pAS Kh?T euouSb to live &u! Si nSes.- At last, TJMt wa'e ,rn,Un"e t work, but te , UMQft1imt0,tlieir relations. 1 hun?rv t : the never ent ' S't 2wew thatI trusted "M&i tolng W tooth i t ?. T":dn of boiled ;gIven; -- Just before l00h ce out" roth- - lfct. ege. Could i express the idea LIVERY, BOARDING, AND SALE GTABLGC. Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry oi night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Hordes for JLadles and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle. Carriage Xos. 2. 21, 4tf. 47, 48, 49, 53, 51, 52 and 53. Double and single teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur- sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained Dy apply- ing at the office. The JLour Branch Bathing House can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the ohioe. Corner Fort and llolfl Street. Telephone No. 31. JAS.D0DD, Proprietor. 2stf U FEED' CO,, Queen & Edinburgh Streets, WHOLKSALK UKTAIL Dealers in HAT AST B GRAIN. Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. 9Uf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. "iAmi. 3Io. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. News, Flat and Label Papers, Binders Boards, Twines, Etc. "W. G. EICHAEDSOH, RESIDENT AGENT, 203 LcldesdorfT Street.; Telephone No. t7. SAN FRANCISCO. IS". B. Special Attention ifiven to large Contracts. 58 tf&w TELUPIIOIIE 55 fPHSEEPEIS PLANING MILL. LjZ! Alaltea, near tjHeen St. 1 C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood,.Cut and Split. BURGESS, 84 Klnsr Street, . ' - llouolulu CARPENTER AND BUILDER. All kinds of Jobbing attended to. BAGGAGE AND GENBRAL EXPB1U3S. Draying and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. Soda Water. Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade, Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best In the market. . 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 9" nov28 . JOHN COOK, Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St, Will attend and contract for all kinds of work in his line. REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRINOTcld or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low as the lowest ln the town. ' Post Office box 135. 70-ent- 29 GASOLINE ! GASOLINE ! IN TEN GALLON DBTHS, Ex MEN DOT A, for sale ly Castle Cooke. S7-t- X The undersigned bave formed a co- partnership under the firm name of Claus Spreckels & Co., for the purpose of carrying on a Bank of Savings and Deposits, and fer trans- acting a general Banking aid Ex- change business at Honolulu, and such other place in the Hawaiian Kingdom as may be deemed advisable. Claus Spreckels. Wm, G. Irwin. Honolulu, April 15, 1885. Referring to the above, we beg to inform the business public that our Bankingestablishmeut will be opened for the transaction of business on Monday, May the 4th, when we will be prepared to receive deposits in our Savings Bank. "We will also be prepared to make loans, discount approved notes, and purchase exchr.nge at best market rates. We will receive deposits on open account, make collections and con- duct a general Banking and Ex- change business. Our arrangements have been com- pleted, so that we can draw exchange on the principal parts of the world. . 77-- tf Claus Spreckels & Co. Burr & Finck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OF SAN FRANCISCO. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. naving already a large trade with Honolulu, they respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the finest stock of latest goods constantly on hand. 81 tftw ' - rtim i mm W II WHU BEICKS ! BKICKS ! Ex. W. H. DIMOND. 39 OOO California Hard Bricks. FOR SALE BY Castle fc Cooke. 79tf WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, FISH MAEKET. DEALER TN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 102 tf Metropolitan Market KING STREET,! G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Choicest Heats, from Finest Herd Families . and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE aud at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl-y chilled immediately after killing by means of ft Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all its juicy properties, and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MJlAT. 143-- ti X. O. IBWI5 WM. G. IRWIN & Co., JPACTORS nml C oiumilm AOiNTS. Honolulu M. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., 1iniortcrs and lVIi.iIenle Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, H. J. Mtf-w- tf A. S. CLEGHORli & Co., Importers aul WboleNuIe and lletall General Merchandise, corner Quen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf MACFARLANE & CO-- , WHOLESALE DBALEUN AND UEN. in WINKS and LIQUORS. No. 12 Kaahnmann Street, HONOLULU.. 19-- tf M. 8. Grinbanm & Co., IStPOBTERS OK General Mcrehauillse and Commis- sion Slercliants, llouolulu, II. f. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. Mf rthant St., Honolulu. II. I. cr,t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, f '"1 Vo.fiOWiiniinii KtrMt. Opposite Hollister A Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf FRANK CERTZ, pQjIm5orter and Hanufactnrer Jj Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES O" Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. 20-tfw- tf J. J.YOKfe L. J. LEVEY. I.TOKTS IiEVEY, Auctioneers AND- - General Commission Merchants. Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. ales ofFurniture. Stoek, Real Estate and General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Afire "ts lor: American & EnroBean Merclianiise. tf ALVIN It. KASEMAN, book: binder, 2aper lluler aud Blank Book Haualactnrer. BrBookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. 0 Gazette Bulldinc, 27 tf MERCHANT ST15KKT. J. J. WILLIAMS No. 102 FOBT STREET, Leading Pfcotoiraplier of Honalulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil. Photo. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Vieiys - t: Terns, Shells . Curiosities, &c CHAnCEO r.lODERATE. WENNER & 00. 92 Fort Street, .Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade V " Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, :u Pins, Lockets,' Cloclcs And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. .ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY i ' ' ; A Specialty. nepalrius ln all Its branches. y Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. -- Smar9-ly6 Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of 0 11 Ak. m vghv is. odifd w "Cordon Bouge" . JIL EXTRA DRY 1 1 WfmtATInHiN 88 J g. w. macfarlane & co., Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. : Sole A&rents for this Favorite Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 55 tt '& w Tt. U. TOUSSAIHT. Wishes to announce to the- - TRAVELING PUBLIC that he will open on Saturday, June 6, 1885, An Elegant Sample Parlor at UILO, where every- thing in the line of LIQUORS WILL BE KEPT IN STOCK. None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept. Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCY DRINKS served in best style. 144 dtffcw AVER SAL09U. SO. 7 ; FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'sj . Holto, Propr. OFKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FinST-tLIS- S LC3TCDES. COFFEK, TEA, SODA WATER, GIXGEB ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain- - and 1'ancy IIIJGS personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' , AB.TICIBS. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant BSSS3WICS & CO. BILLIARD UM on the Premises. The 1'ioprielor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a I.UXCH. A SMOKE, OR A OASIC OF BILLIARDS. H. J. N0LTE. ' 2C-- tf - . L GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. XZI o.O WALL STREET, MSW VORK flllie above Company having- - es tab- - A. lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write - MARINE RISKS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. f Wl. C. IRWIN & CO., 81-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands 8Un FIRE OFFICE OF I.OXDOX. ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates . ... of premium. - Total sum Insured in 1881 - - 31S,599,31G Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. C. O. BERGrER, GENERAL AGENCY ; NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets $60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Limited). Capital L ?JO,000,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Fire and Marine. Combined Capital $20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets 4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Marine. Capital - $200,000 MACNEALE & URBAN SJF ESI Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vanee & Co. j. O. BEEGER, 100 ray29 ' 1 HONOLULU. H. I. Notice to the Piiblic. ttt TAKE Pl.t iSURE IN ANNOUNCING VY to the pnbllc that, in addition to onr PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, we will open an Ice Cream Barlor, Which has been fitted to suit the rcqiirements of our, first-clas- s trade, on SATURDAY. APRIL 251 H. Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITY only, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply of wnicb we have secured from the Woodlawn Dairy. From samples furnished ns. W9 are Me to guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. The following assortment of Ice Creams and Sherberts will be furnished on onr opening day, SATUR- DAY, APRIL 25TH : ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate, Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace. SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry. We are also prepared; to furnish Ice Cream to parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at their homes. Our Parlors will be oren every day and evening, except Sunday. Parties desiring Ice Cream on Sunday must give their orders for the same on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P. M. The Cream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sunday mornings, packed so as to keep bard eight hours. Hoping to get a share of public patronage in this line of our business, and thanking the public for their liberal favors in the past, we remain respectfully, MELLER & HALBE, Lincoln Block, King street

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iV A A is. t -M T

1 I.

i If' If H if


XflB DAILY fosimss Saris. Slirjertistmtnts. Sbivcxtistrntnts.


OF LIVERPOOL.G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Pantlieon Stables,

Cor. Fort tz. Motel Streets


Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.


ED. HOFFSOHLAEGEE & CO.,Importers V-- Coinmlmlon Merebanta.

Honolulu, H. I. H-t- fBANKING NOTICE.



711 re Insuraiee oi all (leserlptlousJ? will be effected at Moderate Rates of Prr m)am, by the undersigned.

WM. O. IUWIN & CO.8S-d&- Managers for Haw. Islands


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

or New Zealand.CAPITAL.. : : tlO.OOO.OOO

Havinjr Ustablislied an Agency atfor the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on ; cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and, commissions. 4

iJJLosses promptly adjnsted A payable.!

82-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIN & CO.


Sprnance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., San Francisco. -

57 tf AW -

JOHH TJTSCHIG,Fashionable Boot Maker,

No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal.

Will fill orders in his lui at the shortest possiblenotice. Planters will find it te their advantage tocall on MR. U'lSCHlG before going elsewhere.

i'2 tAw



S. 1?. Taylor & Co.,Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors

Pioneer and San Geronlmo Paper Mills.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

441 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal103 JylO ly


The undersigned beg leave to aunounce thatthey are now manufacturing

FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR,By the ENTIRE ROLLER TROCESS, and areprepared to till orders, guarunUng complete satis-faction. Our Hours have gained an enviable repu-tation on the racitic Coast, and among bakers andgeneral consumers are more popular that anyother. Address orders to

SPLIVALO & FORMA N,No. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.

107-oc- t9

A. I. HALL & SONCommission Merchants,


Dunham, Carrigan & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.1.2-auJG.- ly

Demiiiix Palmer Milling Co.,

OF THE CAPITOL MILLS,PROPRIETORS20 t Lh.U street, Sun Francisco-Manufacturer- s

of and ri ulcMiti riour, Griiins o.all kinds, Oatmeal, Rrnn, Miid2ia0'a, CornmealfGround and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat,Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. 124-u?0-- ly

Y0L0 MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAN


IIulz A-- l'lng-eiiiann-, Proprietors.


tention is called to our celebrated NORMALNUTRIMENT for babies, nursing mothers andconvalescents, highly recommended by leadingphysicians for its excellent nursing finalities; war-

ranted to keep in any climate. Orders will bepromptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.

123-au-6-- ly


Goodyear's Rubber Goods,RUBBER HOSE,


Goodyear Rubber' Co.R. H. PEASE, JR.,S. M. RUN YON, JAOLN.S.

126-nov- fl San Francisco.

Chas. Oppenheimcr & Co.,Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale

Dealers In

BOOTS AHD SHOES.Salesroom, 113 Eattf-r-y fctreel. Factory, CornerDruniDi and Washington Streets.


KLUSTE & CO.,Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Nos. 2C and 23 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of Pine,

121a22-S- 5 SAN FRANCI&CO.


SiCOLLEGE,rout Slrett.


Near Eerry,San FranciM0. CaL

(Send for Circular.) ' ;

The Full Business Course includes Single andDouble Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to alldepartments ot ouslDes?; Commercial Arithmetic;Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures on Law; BuslneBsForms, and tbeSoier.30 of Accounts; Actual Busi-ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Herchan-disn- g.

Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business, Brokerage, and Bank-ing; English Branchc-H- . including Reading, Spell-ing, Grammar, ec; Drawing and Modern Lan-guages, consisting ot practical Instruction inFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman-ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil EneineiTiai?. Assaying, Short-Hand- ,

Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full Information address,

IV I. IIHAI,I & CO.,103-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, C-.- I.

.jomius Except Sundays. T.


!,irR one r ..$6 00months 3 00

K? ' months. 1 50Vi, threet f.6"I : month 505 00

u' 1. C A.i jUriPn,- -

fi 50



max Nash in Tlie Current, iths sweetest word that mortals

asked who walked between two

I "rriJ "Uome;" tbo other "Love is

LS the woman softly whispareJ,


first; "wherever I may sid tie

.Jtfeal bin a far-of- f hom"i Vail the other; "it ;s Love's behest

"'r jj(oo KilOKl UD 7

How Oil Cloth I Made.Th laiielphla Call.of the artist who paints the

mm unon oil cloth is a round.fPrj table, about ten feet in diameter.M checks of red. yellow, brown andi'ir cetera In a row around the edgeilBtisft brush is a block eighteenIviesiquare. There may be seven col-- h

in the pattern. If so. he uses sevenKound whisks the big circular

list, down presses the block, "thump.thump goes the iron palette, and

hreand the ermilion are ImpressedIjie burlajx The foundation of theliiii is burlap, made of jute. All of iti'ajorted from Dundee, Scotland. Itii coarse, gauzy substane. You (an

j see through it Its nr.rt treatment

i Brass over tweuly-- t wo steam drums,id s thoroughly ,iuipregnatcd with tap- -

Then the ground paint is put on 27jibrown or perhaps a tan color. Thelist goods receive seven coats of paint.

:Sereache at, the cloth goes through ar!aj machine, which works the paint

I isdsmooths it Then the printers take,it cloth and stamp the figures on it.

la printer stands be tore a table on whichie doth is laid, l'ach color is put ontritely. A block containing the linesari3 the red used in the pattern is laidf Sethin bed of paint on the revolvingx'cHe. above described, and then care-er stamped on the cloth. The first im-?Kio- a

ltaves a skeleton of the figure.Mea the artist has turned his palette

rad once, all the six or seven colorsUTebeen stamped on the piece, and thefKerc appears in its entirety. Then theifk is moved forward and the process isSMitfdforanotLer row of figures. TheSkbiremadeof rock maple. Printingu operation that requires nicety of

feaiad experience. The printers aref. or tie piece. A good man can printft thirty-fiv- e yard pieces a day. After-.- T2 been y tinted, the cloth goes to the

ery," where il 13 hardened by beirigf oa racks in a hot room: The next

yarniining and the last is trim-- W

is six or eight weeks after thewj? a starched before it is well hard-o-

packed for shipmentA Veiy Queer City.

JfMago de Cuba is a very strange city.hous and stores are so built that

L t?--be a,most entirely thrown

S i, ? 5 ?e intcriors bave courts thatJMwfcd and unobstructed to the

who Lad 3ust landed thusJftMi-- himself: "Somehow I can't sm ln aoors and wben I'm out

&,.r uu,u not ie" wiien i wasK'or,orwhcn 1 wasin the kitchen

i tin 30 lm standin about hereSatS rk' 1101 to raake5 any

r isUltQJ down 'be jstreet . a

M ot afraid I might makebJ0? ?lt crested for bein found

Siny tarlor- - rve gl a lot.Yr e p'nce but I can t make&tl!s of I took some of it

'r?, gct and Ped it over the3tr .1 reckon it's genuine,'

MV u,n;c lLe bistory of the place

viU!c 'ear after :tbe flood.Ili'dh ,

own by an earthquake,''";,V V- - rcsettlcd. and left

The whole countryihe ,P,"8l,i'CI1 eft alofle. When- -

of it --vc toucbed il they' ve

T t IVouth'iCompimVir ."ver Lad in pnmu;n?s'2l r0tu I)e Lcseps, while

SSL buUdiQff. -- and yet I:kSmp,nat?sand Prison birds.haseVer iaU and none of

cLLeanythinSfrom me--1

Sf. LaDdkerchief.ut??SeJWffi Adriatic-fand- e7d

a Tb7 u c Lesscps set themconvifi Usl,naa, consul claimedI' Prs1.110 tad broken out

SMe do Ia the Orient.

eekl ransweriS the consul'siSk Ie,kePl hi -p-rison-pAS

Kh?T euouSb to live&u! Si nSes.- At last,

TJMt wa'e ,rn,Un"e t work, but te ,UMQft1imt0,tlieir relations.

1 hun?rv t: the never ent 'S't 2wew thatI trusted

"M&i tolng W toothi t?. T":dn of boiled

;gIven; -- Just beforel00h ce out" roth- -lfct. ege. Could iexpress the idea


Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry oinight; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesgoing around the Island.

Excellent Saddle Hordes for JLadlesand Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle.

Carriage Xos. 2. 21, 4tf. 47, 48, 49,53, 51, 52 and 53.

Double and single teams always to be had onlivery at the most reasonable rates.

Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, canalways be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained Dy apply-ing at the office.

The JLour Branch Bathing Housecan always be secured for picnic or excursion

parties by applying at the ohioe.

Corner Fort and llolfl Street.Telephone No. 31.

JAS.D0DD, Proprietor.2stf


Queen & Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers in

HAT AST B GRAIN.Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.



St. "iAmi. 3Io.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. News,Flat and Label Papers,

Binders Boards,Twines, Etc.


203 LcldesdorfT Street.;Telephone No. t7. SAN FRANCISCO.

IS". B. Special Attention ifiven tolarge Contracts. 58 tf&w



LjZ! Alaltea, near tjHeen St. 1

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood,.Cutand Split.

BURGESS,84 Klnsr Street, .


All kinds of Jobbing attended to.


Draying and Steamer Freight carefully andpromptly handled.

Soda Water. Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade,Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best In themarket.

. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.9" nov28 .


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St,

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work inhis line.

REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRINOTcldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.

satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest ln the town.

' Post Office box 135. 70-ent- 29




Ex MEN DOTA, for sale ly

Castle Cooke.S7-t- X

The undersigned bave formed a co-

partnership under the firm name ofClaus Spreckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying on a Bank ofSavings and Deposits, and fer trans-acting a general Banking aid Ex-

change business at Honolulu, andsuch other place in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

Claus Spreckels.Wm, G. Irwin.

Honolulu, April 15, 1885.

Referring to the above, we beg toinform the business public that ourBankingestablishmeut will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

"We will also be prepared to makeloans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchr.nge at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make collections and con-

duct a general Banking and Ex-change business.

Our arrangements have been com-pleted, so that we can draw exchangeon the principal parts of the world. .

77-- tf Claus Spreckels & Co.

Burr & Finck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors

OF SAN FRANCISCO.No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

naving already a large trade with Honolulu, theyrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and thefinest stock of latest goods constantly on hand.

81 tftw' - rtim i mm W II WHU



39 OOO

California Hard Bricks.


Castle fc Cooke.79tf


No. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Heats, from Finest Herd

Families . and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE aud at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl-y

chilled immediately after killing by meansof ft Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its juicy properties,and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MJlAT. 143-- ti


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,JPACTORS nml C oiumilmAOiNTS. Honolulu M. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,1iniortcrs and lVIi.iIenle Dealers inBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.

Honolulu, H. J. Mtf-w- tf

A. S. CLEGHORli & Co.,Importers aul WboleNuIe and lletall

General Merchandise,corner Quen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf



HONOLULU.. 19-- tf

M. 8. Grinbanm & Co.,IStPOBTERS OK

General Mcrehauillse and Commis-sion Slercliants, llouolulu, II. f.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

Mf rthant St., Honolulu. II.,t


Manufacturing Jeweler,f '"1 Vo.fiOWiiniinii KtrMt.

Opposite Hollister A Co

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf

FRANK CERTZ,pQjIm5orter and Hanufactnrer Jj

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESO" Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.20-tfw- tf


I.TOKTS IiEVEY,Auctioneers

AND- -

General Commission Merchants.

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.ales ofFurniture. Stoek, Real Estateand General Merchandise properly attended to

Sole Afire "ts lor:American & EnroBean Merclianiise.



book: binder,2aper lluler aud Blank Book


BrBookbinding of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

0 Gazette Bulldinc,27 tf MERCHANT ST15KKT.


Leading Pfcotoiraplier of Honalulu.WORK FINISHED IN

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil.

Photo. Colored, Ac.The only Complete Collection of

Island Vieiys - t:Terns, Shells .

Curiosities, &cCHAnCEO r.lODERATE.

WENNER & 00.92 Fort Street,

.Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeV " Jewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,:u Pins, Lockets,' Cloclcs

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold PlateElegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation..ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

i ' ' ;

A Specialty.

nepalrius ln all Its branches.y Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

-- Smar9-ly6

Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I.

Sole Agents for this Favorite Brand of

0 11 Ak. m vghv is.odifd w

"Cordon Bouge"



11WfmtATInHiN 88J

g. w. macfarlane & co.,

Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I. :

Sole A&rents for this Favorite Brand of

CHAMPAGNE.55 tt '& w

Tt. U. TOUSSAIHT.Wishes to announce to the- - TRAVELING

PUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June 6, 1885,

An Elegant Sample Parlor at UILO, where every-thing in the line of


None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept.

Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCYDRINKS served in best style.

144 dtffcw



Opposite Wilder fc Co.'sj

. Holto, Propr.OFKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain-- and 1'ancy IIIJGS personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' , AB.TICIBS.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

BSSS3WICS & CO. BILLIARD UMon the Premises.

The 1'ioprielor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aI.UXCH. A SMOKE, OR A OASIC OF


H. J. N0LTE.'

2C-- tf - . L



flllie above Company having- - es tab- -A. lished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write -


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure,Commissions, and Hulls.

At current Rates.f Wl. C. IRWIN & CO.,

81-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current rates. ...of premium. -

Total sum Insured in 1881 - - 31S,599,31G

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Assets $60,000,000


Capital L ?JO,000,000


SURANCE CO. Fire and Marine.Combined Capital $20,000,000


Assets 4,500,000


Fire and Marine.Capital - $200,000


SJF ESIFire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vanee & Co.

j. O. BEEGER,100 ray29 ' 1 HONOLULU. H. I.

Notice to the Piiblic.

ttt TAKE Pl.t iSURE IN ANNOUNCINGVY to the pnbllc that, in addition to onr

PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, wewill open an

Ice Cream Barlor,Which has been fitted to suit the rcqiirements

of our, first-clas-s trade, on


Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITYonly, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply ofwnicb we have secured from the WoodlawnDairy. From samples furnished ns. W9 are Meto guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. Thefollowing assortment of Ice Creams and Sherbertswill be furnished on onr opening day, SATUR-DAY, APRIL 25TH :

ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate,

Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry.We are also prepared; to furnish Ice Cream to

parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhomes. Our Parlors will be oren every day andevening, except Sunday. Parties desiring IceCream on Sunday must give their orders for thesame on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P. M. TheCream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sundaymornings, packed so as to keep bard eight hours.

Hoping to get a share of public patronage inthis line of our business, and thanking the publicfor their liberal favors in the past, we remainrespectfully,

MELLER & HALBE,Lincoln Block, King street

- i; I




n wo rtisermPacific LililOiulal New Contract for the Sale of Ha-

waiian Raws. Rinkteite SkatiugPUBLISHED

lie xccture liuslness.rNew York C r. Chicago Journal.

The lecture is a form of entertainmentthat has come to be almost unknown inthis city. We have lately taken to thetoleration of some platform talk ex-planatory of camera views, and thesesnows, given usually in theatres on Sun-day evenings, have had "good audiences;but for the lecturer pure and simple wehave no appreciation whatever. 1 met afriend who is an expert in a scientificspecialty, and possessed of oratoricalgraces. He thrust a package of ticketsinto aay hand.,"I won't ask you to use one of them

'yourself, n he said, Mbut for heaven's sakedo try to get some of your unsuspectingacquaintances to take them. Taey willadmit them to a lecture of mine.

Then he told me that he had a projectof lecturing throughout the country nextwinter; that he had applied to a lecture

'bureau, one of several agencies that makocontracts with lyceum committees,

' churches, and other societies to supplyspeakers, and that the manager had

EVERY MORNING. Relative Capaci ties of the Californiaand AmerIcan''ir.eflneVl. Points

of Interest to Planters. Etc.

This Space is Reserved forTERMS OF Sl'RSCBlPTIttX, Merchant,'San FranciscoFrom theAugust 23tb.J

Will he open every afternoon ami evening asfollows :feraonuui ...... -

mx monthsPer month. ..... and.... - 00



ro the public la general.agreed to put him on the list of attrac- - J

112 au?5-l- y



Tor ladies and their escorts.

&9SuIS6iptioii Payable always inAdvance.

Comma nlcattoaa from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons residing In any part of the United statescan remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter lntf re-- l f.--r publicatto't iu the editorialcolumns shc?A s--j Jixeij.

Editor Pauwc Commeecial ajvebtibkb."Business coramnnicatioca and advertisements

should be addressed simplyP. C. ADVraTiKR."

and not to Individuals.

rafnWffH!?! By request of the ladies and gentlemen whotok part , in the last Masquerade at Yo.-.emi- te

Skating- - Rink, preparations are being mode tohave another, September 25th, when we will havethe Grand May Pole Dance also. .

142 tfAbsolutely Pure.A marvel of purity.This pow-de- r never varies.

More economicalctTicrth and wholfanmcness.

A. revolution in its way has happened in SanFrancisco grocery circles, also in the futuretrade relations of some of the Hawaiianplanters with this city. It has hitherto beencustomary for most , of . the . Island..sugar,growers or their agents to sell their produceto the California Refinery, receiving cash onarrival of their sugars, at this port accord-

ing to the market quotations of the basis ohwhich they are sold. This basis has beenchanged from time to time, from Manila toCuba, and back again, at the request of theplanters themselves, as they thought thatthe market would rule in their favor. Some-

times they have benefited by the change,and sometimes they have lost by it. Accord-

ing to a published statement in one dailypaper, which is as unreliable in its informa-tion concerning Hawaiian affairs as it ispossible to be, the American Refinery ofthis ctiy has now entered the so-call- ed fieldof monopolists, and controls the Hawaiiansugar-produc- t, having purchased, by con-

tract, some 55,000 tons of the coming crop.This, it. is supposed, will leave only 20,000tons for the operations of the CaliforniaRefinery . . , ,

Granting, for the sake --of argument, thatthe American Refinery does purchase 55,000tons of sugar within the next year, part of

which will arrive in about four months, we

should like to know what they propose to dowith it. "With its present facilities this re-

finery can turn out about 250 barrels ofsugar a day, each of the-averag- e weight of250 pounds. This means 31 tons a day, or

a. a. f 9 r

than the ordinary kinds, cjid cannot be sold in com-petit- io

i with the multitude of lo.vtest, shortweight, aluia or phosphate powders. Sold OXLTIScans. RoYii, lUiusa TowEtt Co.. 1W Wall-s-U

N. Y--0

d-- w tf

T.H EPacific Commercial


Studio: Itoom 6, Spreckels Block.160 3mHOURS: 3 to 5 p. m.

A Fine AssortmentJ. C. JOHNSON & CO.,


12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Kirby's Santa Cruz Ta.nneries. SoleHarness and all other kiuds of leather.

Is now for sale daily at the Following Places :

J. M. OAT fc CO Merchant streetT. O. THRUM Merchant streetCRYSTAL. SODA WORKS , Hotel streetN. F. BURGESS King streetWOLF fc EDWARDS...Cor King and Nuuanu stsC. J. MCCARTHY Hotel street

Five Cents per Copy. tl

tions for the lortncoming season, pro-vided he would prove, that he could en-tertain an audience. This experimentwas to be tried, and hi.j clforts to get therequisite li-ten- were positively frantic.The matter of hiring a hall was one ofdollars' simply, but it was.le3s easy to fillit, The,anxiou3 aspirant" had distributed7,000 fiee tickets, and meant to increase

. the number to 10,000, in a forlorn hopethat he could gather 600. - '

How the Italian Belle Is Adored.Saturday Review.

; In; loitering through '" Italian' townsnothing strikes the youthful straogermore than the extraordinary grace andbeauty of the women," and he naturallydesires to express his gratitude to thosewho have lent a new loveliness to life.In the north this is easy enough. 44 Howbeautiful she is!" echoes wherever smallfeet fall lightly on the pavement of anycity from Venice to Florence, and, noweven to ltome. Dainty little care hearthe words not unkindly, and soft, sweetvoices i will sometimes argue , not quitekindly as to whom they were intendedfor. But in Naples we must oe silentand discreet. The noblemen have re-

volvers and the lazzaroni long knive3 hid-den away somewhereout of signt of thepolice but yet within easy reach.

Let the young man be careful, and, ifhe must give vent to an admiration toopassionate to be silenced, let him drawhis right hand, down his face from thecheekbones to the chin. That,, means"Oh, how lovely she is!" and the slowerthe movement is, so lonj as it is clearlyperceptible, Jhe more deep and lastingis the expression supposed to be indicated.Every woman, be she peeress or peasant,understands this sign, and will go homethe happier for having seen it. Whetherit was of yore a symbol of worship forthe old Etruscans we cannot tell. It iscertainly one of the most sincere forms ofadoration that modern Naples knows.

Sharp California Cobblers..S n Fiancisco Al a.

A short 4 time since some half-doze- n

ladies were discussing foot gear, and ittranspired that they all had the same shoe-maker, and that he had gradually raisedthem from $12 to $1G a pair for their best



September 8th.TUESDAYUnited Chinese Society, i Japanese Goods

Light on hU airy crest .his slender head.His body short, his loins luxuriant Hpicad ;JVluKchvon.inuk.cle knots his branny breast,'No fear alarms him, no vain shouts molest :

O'er hia right shoulder, floating full and fair,SwTejJs his thick mane and spreads Uh ponin .'.f Ur.Swift works his double Kpine, and earth arJund '

'ItiDgs to his solid htf that wears the ground ViKoir

AMERICAN SUUAR REFINERY COMPANY.say 35 tons, wnicii will amount 10 iu.ouutons per annum. A very slight arithmeticacomputation gives the result that it wiltake five years for the American Refinery to

"'"V"-E''lS- r T TJ RE.IS ' HEREBY GIVEN THAT ATNOTICE meeting of the Board of Trustees j

of the Chung Wa Wool Koon (United Chinese j

Society) held on Saturday, the 5th instant, thefollowing members were elected ollicers of the j

above-nam- ed Society for the ensuing yeai : j

President C. Alee j

Vice President ; joo Kim j

Secretary f U Cheung i

Assistant Secretary. c. WinaniTreasurer i,au ChongAssistant Treasurer YIm Quon

manufacture the one year's crop of Hawaiian sugar that it is now said to monopo


Messrs. Win. G. Irwin & Co's


On Fort Street,

lize. It is only reasonable to presume thatvery large extensions and improvements wilbo made in the American Refinery. Bu

iLI CHEUNG, Secretary U. C S.Honolulu, September 7, 1835. I63sel5these will cost money. The expense in

curred by the owners of the California Refinerv in brineinir their institution to itspresent effective condition, go that it can NOTIC K. ON AND AFTERturn out 2,500 barrels of sugar per day, wassomewhere in the neighborhood of 1 $3,500.

This well-know- n Trotting Stallion Is now standing at tin corner of TudcLI,, I

Queen streets, and breeders,' horsemen and stock-owner- s should lake aJunui'

opportunity to obtain his blood while they have tlie chance. He is not kl I

feeling nearly as well as he ever did in bin life, and moves a lively ;id his cvciuVand he is as vigorous as a four-year-o- ld licrse. '


It does not require a great horseman to 'discover great point of waivVENTURE. The ordinary citizen, upon beholding hiui. will be impreaed immal

with his grand make-up- , magnificent length, und elegant finish. If ho U not tlhorse that ever came to this, ! i Miit i one of the greit vl, md u i )former, he towers as far above tht-u- i all as he docs above a ttui-klin- cuUintbiui, 1

A great deal of importance has lately lceii attached to I lie value of ahorkflbeing kept for stock purposes, whether he is standard or not, and tie Preaidnt i

National Association of Trotting Ho'rse Breeders in America strongly advii wi, Ito patronize stallions that are not standard bred, and he aha ad vise's them to wlett

not only standard bred, but if possible one that is standard by hi own puriiwhich is a public record of 2:30, or better, and even more than thin ly the perluraof his get also. Now, if this rule was rigidly applied, it would exclude ill Heir'horses as Electioneer and tlie sires of Maud S. and Jay Eye Sic, etc., for wLile tL t;become greatly renowned by the performances of their Ret, they neter im id

000. The American Refinery has a capita . S. SKLIO IS HEREBY AUTHORIZEDto sign our firm name by It you ' notice the well-dresse- d

ladies doing their, late morning or earlystock of $1,000,000, besides its machinery

The articles of incorporation of this com-

pany on file with the San Francisco CountyClerk, give the following as Directors orTrustees for the first three months: SamuelT. Alexander, Oakland; Herman Bendel,Oakland; Morris Q. Grinbaum, San Fran-

cisco; Edward Polhemus, San Francisco;Herman J. Sadler, San Francisco. Amountof capital stock, $1,000,000, divided into10,000 shares of the par value of $100 each.The Directors of the new company do not,of coarse, appear as Directors of the old, butas soon as the management of the transferfor the property of the old are completed,there will be some changes in the Board.E. L. O. Steele and others will become Di-

rectors of the new, Mr. Steele holding theposition he formerly occupied.

The foregoing paragraph is from theSau Francisco "Herald of Trade,''and we believe is true in everyessential.

In our editorial comments yester-day on the new deal we alluded to areport common on the Coast andhere, to the effect that stock in thenew company was to be taken up inthe Islands and paid for out of theproceeds of the sugar sales. Uponinquiry among the firm which haveentered into this contract with the

M.S. GRINBAUM & CO.Honolulu, September 8, 18S5. 16lsel0afternoon shopping you will find theand buildings, both of which must be ex

Wednesday, August ,12th,


tensively improved in order to prevent them greater number of them shod with dis-reputable, specimens,but don't imagine that poverty or want offrom getting five years behind. Further

than this, there .is the important necessity better is the cause. I he new shoes arcbeing stretched on a large-size- d last at theof cash payments to the Hawaiian planters

immediately on receipt of the sugars, for we maker's, or on the feet of some smaller j Japanese Curios,friend or not presume that these gentlemen have iortners tnemseives.. Ladies try all . manner of ready-mad- e

articles always too tight until they are Now, we will see, for curiositv, how near VENTURE cornea to ponHexsiie lit dentered into an "ironclad compact," whichwould be "ironclad" only at this end. Theyare far too shrewd men of business. This55,000 tons of sugar to le paid for in cash


S TJ .1.1 V E TT O Ti ,Can be found at his

Offlce, Xo. 27 Merchant Street.Honolulu, Sept. 51S85. f ' 157sel2


Cip-a- r and Tobacco4


Camr bell's Block, Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I.




within a year means $5,500,000, taking therate at $100 per ton. It may be that the

finally obliged to resort to shoes made toorder. The maker, to secure a customer,is at first moderate in his charges; but, asFoon as he finds himself to a certain extent indispensable, he increases his pricei'ust so much as he thinks they will stand,

known as high as $20 to be paidfor a pair of shoes that gave no outwardsign of their value., but the. wearer felt itimpossible - to . walk in any other kind.Imagine having to shoe a family of girlsafflicted wUu a like expensive notion.

qualifications, namely : Breeding, performances and performance of liin get.

As to breeding, he is the peer of any horse on earth, and I don't except the r :

Hermit, who is the most popular stallion in England, and whose amice ft ii (

'being the sire of Hhree Derby winner.As to his own performances, he meets the requirement, Laving a public rtM--

2:274 2:30 being the standard of admission. j

His get are now just beginning to be appreciated in California, one uf ti(Vengeance) won a good race quite lately in Sacramento, in straight Leak mil!:.'1

record of .24, and in said 4o be able to trot close to 2:20, when called upon to do to. j

With these facts before us, VENTURE looms up as one of iw greitet hm,only on this but in any other country, and the day is past when .ipl; aill trmli.

thing but the very best; and whilo the death of two such great linrsrit a Bomll i

Bazaar is greatly deplored by all true horsemen, still it in a great consolation Mil ',

agents in Honolulu are becoming so opulentthat they can afford to 'wait for tha money,and even make advances to the planterswho are not alwavs overburdened with Handkerchiefs,wealth.

- -j- r--- "vThis new monopoly may prove a benefit toBert clothes ot Paper. is sqrgooa a horse as YENTTRE to fill their place.the Islands, and we hope it will do so. But

we doubt it. That it 'will not affect theCalifornia Refinery in the slightest degree tin j at 5 VENTURE is an aged horse, but he is one year younger than Dictator,!!

.LailieS DreSSlllr (iOWnS, 80ld only la8t Tear in Kentucky for $25,000, on the strength of Lis king the.

0 Eye See. His stud fee is $300. He is also ten years j'ounger than Voluatetr

American Refinery, we find that thisreport is incorrect. Nothing ap-

pears to have been definitely set-

tled beyond contracting for thesale of the sugar, which is to bopaid for as heretofore in gold;but they have the option of tak-

ing up stock in the refine com-pany at par. With this explanation,

. our remarks yesterday hold good.

THE CENTRAL HAS BEEN OPENED FOBaccommodation of the lovers of the

choicer article of the weed. I intend to keep atthe Central a fine variety of Cigars and Tobacco,and have made special arrangements with im-porters from abroad. Trusting a liberal share ofpatronage, I remain, respectfully,

115 If J. E. WISEMAN.

Julien), whose fee is $500. All thinss taken into consideration. I cannot v )Uis self-evide- nt. Its owners will have atleast some 35,000 tons of. sugar-fro- theIslands, and it seems strange that, up to' the Ladies' Shawls, TURE is not as desirable a horse to breed from as any of them, or why Lsw'f

worthy of the patronage of the public.. Below I will give Ms pedigree, of aLicblu'ja comparison with that of any other horse in the country : j

Paper Maker.A paper-makin- g firm in New Jersey has

for ' several weeks ' been turning outcounterpanes and pillow-case- s of paperNo. 1 manilla paper is used, two largesheets ..being .held together by a slendertwine at intervals of three or four inches;the twine is gummed so as to hold thesheets firmly together where it lies. Ahem is placed on the counterpane to keetit from tearing;. the safety, edge is com-posed of twine. . Ornamental desiirns are

last minute almost, overtures were made tothem for purchasing the balance-o- f the crop VENTURE, chestnut horse, 16 hand, foaled in 18C1 ; sired by WuiuitM

TO EENT. American Boy, h by Sea Gull, he by imp. Expedition.which overtures were refused. It seems

MR. JONES IN ERROR. then almost as if" the American Refinerywas used as a "stop gap," so to speak, which stamped ;on the outer: surfaces of thewould hardly be flattering to those gentle

I.-RO- ONE TO FIVE YEARS, THElses situated at Kalihi, adjoining Mrs. Beck-ley'- s.

The house is 18x24, with every accommo-dation. There is about four acres of land fencedin with stone wall. Terms very easy. Apply toDeputy Marshal Dayton, at the Police station,from whom all particulars can be obtained.


men who are its Directors and Trustees. In



Bric-a-Bra- c,

"Elegant Tea Sets,


previous sugar transactions the new Island

1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Boy, Jrr2d dam, by Kennel 's Gray Medoe.3d dam, imp. Lady Mostyn, by Tcnneirn.4th dam, Invalid, by Whisker.5th dam, Helen, by Hambletoniau.

: ,Cth dam, Sujai, by,Overton.7lh dam, Browsv, hv Drone.8tb dam, by Old England.9th dam, by Cullen Arabian.

lOlh dam, Jliss Cade, by Cade.11th dam, ill's M ageless, by sou of Greyhound.12th dam, by Partner.13th dam, Miss Does, dam by Woodcock.14th dam, by Crofts Bay Barb.

, , 15th dam, Desdemonas, dam by Makeles.16th dam, by Brimmer.17th dam, by Dickey Pieinon.

' ' . 18th dam, Burton Barb,' Mare.

planter monopolists have been accustomedto have their own way.' When they desiredto change the Manila basis their proposalswere again accepted. Not "content with the


i ii



i i







1 -




5 1




1! .


ft. ! I ;

if" ! V


Notice to Graziers.

covers ami pinow-cases- , giving mem aneat, attractive appearance. s

- ' When these counterpanes, and pillow-cases become wrinkled from use, they caneasily be smoothed, out with a hot Hatiron. The counterpanes can be left on thebed when it is occupied, and in coldweather will be found a warm covering,paper preventing the escape of heat. Thenew paper bed clothing is 75 cents perset, aud will probably become very pop-ular.

. Two Cures for the Mumps.Arkansaw Traveler.

Old Mathias Seymore, who lives in theGum Pond district, writes: "in a case

concessions continually made to them theyhave so antagonized the best friend the ATTANTED FROM 2,500 to 3,000 HEAD OF

store cattle, from 3 to 5 years of ae. in lotsIslands ever had as to induce him. thoughof not less than 20 head, delivered at Honouliuli

The "Bulletin'' reports an inter-view with Mr. P. C. Jones, in Whichthat gentleman is reported to havesaid :

Referring to the matter of freights, Inanswer to a question, Mr. Jones said theADVE3TISEB was in error in claiming creditfor a reduction of freight by Messrs.Spreckels. "Freights by steam have beenthe same for ten years past, and by sail thesame for five years."

Mr. Jones is clearly in error in re-

gard to steamer freight. The PacificMail Company charged $8 per tondown freight from the Coast, and $5per ton up for sugar within the lastfour years. When the Oceanic Steam-ship Company put on tiie Suez inJune, 1882, freight by her both ways

very reluctantly, to refuse purchasing fu Ranch, Lwa, Oahu. Communications as to prices All of which articles whl be sold at reasonableto be sent to CECIL BROWN. prices. TERMS CASH. UGsepll135-sl- o Merchant street, Honolulu.

ture sugar crops. Hence the' offer to'theAmerican Refinery. It has been even stated

For any additional'.'particulais, terms, etc., apply inthat the planters proposed to jtell to East,em refiners. Such an egregious piece of ProprietorSALMON ! SALMON ! C. B:-- MILES,H7aul2tf .

Ex. W. H. DIMOND.: i

uv mumps thar ain't nothin' like rub',in'the javva with the fore laigs uv a toad, ihave"knowed it to cure the mumps in halfa day."

A well known gentleman of Con wacounty, offers the following infallibleremedy: Take the claws of a yellow cat.bury them in new ground, and after twoweeks" time, take them up, grind theminto powder and sprinkle' them in boih


An amusing incident tells us how the

Chemically Pim-A- MBER SOAP-tt-o'l



Lowest Market Bates,

A La-rg-e Stock of the Most FavoriteBrands of

A Fine Lot of Red 3

was fixed at $4, and this rate prevailed j

for a year and a half, the Mariposa j

and Alameda carrying freight at!the reduced rate. This advantage to t

A"iauthor of that specific modern hit, "Hush,

folly on their part is inconceivable. Ex-periments were once made in shipping sugarto New York and we believe they proved acomplete failure. This would entail a longvoyage round the Horn, higher freights, adeterioration in the quality of the sugar andan average delay f twelve months in ob-

taining returns, which would leave lower netprofits than they have been accustomed to.It has been insinuated that the CaliforniaRefinery will have to jguspend operations.Such is not the case. It is on the contraryincreasing its facilities for manufacturingsugar. Therein plenty of sugar obtainableboth from Manila or Central America whichcan be lauded, duty paid, in San Francisco,cheaper than the Hawaiian product. Oceantransportation is no drawback. "With itsexcellent wharfage accommodation andtransportation arrangements, with & perfectmastery of the business which has been re


"Hlv.ttle iJaby, Don't You Cry " hit upon the

the producers and importers of Hono-lulu was conferred upou them by theenterprise and capital of Messrs. JohnD. Spreckels & Brother.

peculiar name for his work. The author.Mr. M. LL Rosenfeld, while passing through

and be satisfied with inferior articles, just Realise y g ,

have used theni for years. Wake up and look ar0j

and see what "are the latest and best soaps in the Jnar . i


Castle & Coolte.80-- tt


the labyrinthian precincts of a southerniruic market at inarieston, . u.. somayears ago was attracted to a burly negress We know that. you have been using soaps for wapnuAupon whose lap a negro infant lay screaming.

Sugar refining is not always a j

paying business. It was not so on j manufactured from Foapsw r icleansing, purposeSeeing that the efforts of the mother to soothe such 3s- . . - . ..... . 1 r.CI rti nnr. 4 1 A. ll l...wlr rt 1 I mf ;i MDi ' -her precious burden were in vain, the author

paused a moment, carelessly saying to the itch and salt rheum, and make the skin full of ym j

know that" these diseases were the xm... ;t !youngester, "Husb, little baby, you'll be an You "did notPrimingangel bye-and-by-e. From soma inexplic All accounts for Advertising aud Jobattbeable cause, whether from surprise or from





THISTLE DEM WHISKY." (in cases and casks,)

. FELUSSOSTK BRAKDY,'7 and 10 y.ars old,)

. MEI.CllEU'S.?Jril.t&T' GIN'


Budweiser Lager Beer,

added fright (Mr. Rosen feld is a talL lankh impure -- soap being used in washing your s

3 know you did not. You thought that your blood wj j:.


8 of orderand you have been trying to rid your pvindividual with flowing locks a la Wilde), or 1'MCilte Coiumerrial A..llirwhether from the sound of a strange voice,ho ns im purines dv laKini' an kiikis ui jii"--;- ,

eH.m 'Ithe black pickaninny immediately ceased itsfrantic career and stared wcnderingly at wuie nui iruui luia uaie oe presenten tor pay. same time the system ha.? lx-e- n absorbing poipo""luriii uuuninir.

Honolulu, farch 2. 1885.the passing writer, who hastened home, and.

the Coast until Colonel Spreckelstook hold of it and reduced it toclean eut business principles, fuvest-in- g

large sums iu the erection of themost effective machinery that sciencehas produced.for the refining process.It further seems that the St. Louisrefineries are not all successful. TheSt. Louis "Grocer" reports that theBelcher Sugar Refinery works of thatcity were sold on August 18th, byorder of the Court, for $747,000, thisbeing the amount of the bonded debt.It is rumored, our contemporarystates, that there will be an early re-organization of the company, with anadded cash capital of $500,000, andthat operations will be resumed aboutDecember 1st next.

with' the enthusiasm of inspiration, wrotethat now famous composition. TKe publish The "Amber," Washing and Cleansing Swp . the 3

cally Pure, and it is the only chemically pure soap g--

jers have quaintly reproduced the face of thebaby on the front's page, and Lotta is sing

duced to a science, it is extremely probablethat the owners of the California Refinerymay be able to manufacture sugar cheaperthan ever and still at a profit. The Cali-fornia Refinery certainly can have no ob-

jection to the transaction in question, espe-cially as the parties interested cannot beprevented from lauuching their capitalupon' the venture, whether such a course beobjected to or approved by any party not interested. The carrying out of the proposedscheme will prove to a certainty, to thosewho were not aware of it before, that thepurchase by and sale to the California Re-

finery of the Island sugars is not and neverhas bo tii a monopoly.

I J I i. . . X . . . 4 ,Anl M 11111 - ' jing the song. 00H

Benson, Smith & ,Co.,For which we are the Sole A cents in the HamarKei. - n is muiiuiauiuiuu

3 the highest mlical authorities as a Pure .coap.

jl FOR SAI.K IJY AIX OROCKKS.One of Greece's Traditions.

Exchange. 1 IV t waiian Island;;, are particularly recommended.It is interesting to know that one at least JOBBIKG ANliWOT-AI-

of the best traditions of classical Greece haslasted down to these latter day?. This is the

Town aud Country Orders Filledreadiness of rich citizens to perform public DRUGGISTS,- services at their private expense. The UniPromptly, and. SfKisfHrtiOM Guaranversity of Athens boasts an endowment at

this moment of. more than $13,000.000. ,Tha a hospital at Athens, too, entertaining

more than 100 aged brothers, which wasA meeting of the Strangers' Friend So-

ciety was held yesterday morning at the Y.21. C. A. Hall, with a fair attendance. Thenrincical business was the reading of the

founded by a single wealthy. Greek citizen.


In the society notes of the "Argonaut"mention id made of a dinner party at theBella Vista, iu honor of Colonel George W.Macfarlane, given by 3frs. Volney Spalding;also a dinner party given in honor of thesame gentleman by Miss Sibyl Sanderson,daughter of Judge Sanderson, at her home,Octa via street, San Francisco.' 1 y- '

Freetli & IPeacock.r - r What a Convict Accomplished.


Maile Cologne.113 AND 115 FORT 8TREET.

disburse- -showing theTreasurer' report,t A convict in an English prison perfected' tha style of - lawn , tennis racquet ; now thte of 23 Nuuaou street. Honolule. H. 1 .rsents ior ice pas w

Telephone JTo. 48. - ! P.O. Box 362.most popular among British players.eo nan had been paid to the Coast. 110 Ja24 ddt86

i 1


: 4

t 4 ?

teigie CQMpflQIAt iffiypET?gPi SETjSllfijBB IS35.

LOCAL AND GENERAL.TuTHORlTY. 5Ubfrlist!i!fn!s.Schr Catertna, for WHimaraloSichr Manuokawal, for KoolanSchr Kawailani, for KoolaufcJchr Karah and Eliza, for Ivooluu


Jules Tavernier's Commission fromEngland What Pencil and Pen Didfor Montere jv IJOTICE,

The undersigned has been appointed Assigneeof the Estate of Goo Hoy. bankrupt. All personsindebted to said etrtate are hereby notified to make

Vessels I.eavlns Tills lay.stmr James I Dowsett, Smith, for a circuit ofMolokaj, at 5 p inSteamer Likelike, King, for Maui and Hawaii,at 4 p mStmr IwalanI, Freeman, for Waimea and Ko-lo- a,

at 5 p" mSchr Rainbow, for KoolauSchr Bob Roy, for KoolauSchr Ehukai, for WaialuaSchr Mary E Foster, for PunaluuSchr Wallele. for nilo and Ilonomu

Immediate payment to me at my office.W. C. PARKS, Assignee.

Honolulu, Sept. 5, 1883. ISSseS

Tlip Honolulu Rifles will hold their tuulweekly drill this evening at 7:30 o'clock, attheir armory.

The regular meeting of Geo. W. De Long:Post will be held this evening at the Postroom at 7:30 o'clock.

The Mariposa, due this morning, willbring fresh ; fish, fruits and Teg tables for

'Lewis & Co., Hotel street.

The senior crew of the Honolulu Yachtand Boat Clnb commenced training lastevening for the November regatta.

- Captain and Mrs. J. C. Ay res hive beenspending a few days at Col. Judd's Lihue

.or Sotlee.

By the Zealandia's mail Jules Taver-nie-rreceived a request from Mr. James

Ashbury of Brighton, England, for apicture of Halemaumau for Lady Bras-sey- 's

consideration. A picture will prob-ably be sent by the next steamer. Dur-ing his nine or ten months' sojourn onthese Islands Mr. Tavernier has placedpictures of the volcanoes of Kilauea,Haleakala, Halemaumau and Maunaloain several parts of England, Australia,Japan, China, California, New York,

HOLLI.STEE & CO.Have been appointed agents for the Hawaiian Islands for







NOTICE.T rcsnotJce to all per- -

. herebywho havestrict,asJ thfs

law during theacccrdingto1 will be"V"1 tbe tax books

U Ul'- - '"'"I on at his office in the new

niv eau! Kapuaiwa.oa Tues-b;..Jnllui.- T.

September 9th; rpIIE UNDERSIGNED HAS BOUGHT THEX business and the lease of the See Wo Com.

pany, who has been carrying on tailor business atNoiLJu street, No. 47. The Trustees In the See

"If, loth; Friday, September

Sr. emher i:ih, and Monday'Cti-ee- tbe hours of 9 . m. and

ranch. They returned yesterday.The will of the late Hon. Mrs. Bishop be-

queathed $2,000 to Iolani College. This hasbeen invested for. the endowment of

-- scholarships in perpetuity.

Wo Company Ching At, Chung Hee, Chan Hee,and Tan Bun will setUe all claims against tbeSee Wo Company. The undersigned will con-tinue the business from SATURDAY, September' r, if if AVSELDEN,

Mr. Walter Hill, Principal of the ReformDistrict of Honolulutlot tbe 12, 1885. CHUNG TUNG.

Honolulu, September 3, 13S5. 155-sep-tll IJxmaxm Street. 74-apll'- Port Streetatory School, left yesterday morning for

Koolau to enjoy a well-earne- d vacation of aweek. It is the first iu nine years.

The Rev. George Wallaca, Major H. C.

. fwr S a Auction.,ormer,y occupled !y

PEIBCE t CO.. situate on


V:ssel xpect:t from Foreign forts.Brit bark Jupiter, from Liverpool, due July 30Brit bark Lizzie Iredele, from Glasgow, due

October 30Am bark Martha Davis, F B Benson, from New

York via Boston, due October 25 30Am bk Hope, D B.P Penhallow, from Port

Townsend, w T, due Sept 5-- 10

Am bktne Klikltat, K D Cutler, from Port Town-sen- d,

W T, due Aug 26-- 31

Am schr Courtney Ford, Watson, from PortTownsend, W T, due Aug 30th

Norwegian bark Lovespring, Thompson, fromNew York, 'due Nov 20-- 2i

Brit bk Chilena, Davies, from Liverpool, dueJan 1-- 10

OSS Mariposa (Am), Ifay ward, from SanFrancisco, due Sept 8

Ain bk Alden Bessie, from Portland, Oregon,en route to Hongkong, due Nov 1- -5

Brit S S Mount Lebauon, Maxwell, from Hong-kong, en route to Mexico, due Aug 27-- 30

H. B. M. ship Constance, Doughty, from Esqui-maul- t,

ue now.Hawaiiai brig AliceRowe.JB Holland, from

Hongkong, due October 25 30.Hawaiian steamer Planter, J Cameron, from

San Francisco, due October 1--

German bk C K Bishop, from Bremen, dueNov 515

Am bktne Amelia, V Newhall, from PortTownsend, V T. due Sept 2030

Hawaiian schr Jennie Walker, B Anderson,from Jaluit, SSI, due Nov I 10

Am schr Anna, McCulloch, from San Francisco,dueat Kahului Sept 515rTAm schr Maggie C Buss, Peterson, from SanFrancisco, via Kockport, due Sept 20-- 25

FOREIGN VESSELS IN IMtltT.Am brgtne Claus Spreckels, E P Drew, from

San FranciscoAm bktne Ella, E M Howe, from San FranciscoAm bktne Mary Wiiikelman, Backus, from San


Dane and General Secretary Fuller left yesLn re.t. adjoining the Pilot's..:: ... v. .. ui.i.t t auction to the

"Louvre of Brussels,'. uoon of gaturdftjrf

year, from Oct. 1. 1M5.Begs to Inform" his friends aud the public gener

The requirements for a Brandy likelv to be of any medical use are all present in that supplied byMessrs. J. E. Pelllson 6 Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pixroa01d BrandyBattled at Cognac, for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Analyzed.

We call the attention of all renders to tho following extract from the Analysts' Reports audOpinions of the Press:

Laboratory, (ircsham House, 21 Ilolborn Viaduct, London, E. C.This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount of

tannin, derived from storing in oak casks, which imparts to line old brandy one of its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician In those numerous cases where pareFrench brandy is the most useful of all medicines.

EDMUND It. SOUTH BY, M. R. C. S., F. C. S."The only two qualities shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" ean be had In one-dore- n cases.


ally that be has moved from the corner of Kingand Alakea streets to tbe more central location of

rourlundred Dollar (flOO) perrt' ,.in T. OL'LICK,

Chicago, Louisville, New Orleans andelsewhere. The veteran artist, l urneaux,has also distributed his Island viewsbroadcast over the world ; while the ableefforts, in this direction, of Mr. and Mrs.J . D. Strong have also been highly ap-preciated both here and abrdad.

This method of advertising our attrac-tions abroad, especially when aided bycompetent pens, is a very solid and last-ing one, for it increases our tourist traveland places many a dollar in the coffers ofall classes, from the steamship owners tothe native flower-girl- s and barefootedurchins. In course of time it will alsolead to subdivision of ranches and stimu-late white immigration.

In the persistent advertising of theircharms and resources lies the futureprosperity of the Hawaiian Islands.Much has been done, but not yetenough, or in tbe right direction. Inthe development of tourist travel Mon-terey, that queen of California wateringplaces, is a living example of the profitsof advertising. Some ten years or soago Monterey was only a little village,shorn of its. honors and almost of lifeitself, quietly sleeping on the shores ofits beautiful bay, and but rarely visitedexcept by a chance tourist. A little

Minister of Interior.. - l6-3ddfc3- w

Fort street, just below Merchant, where he willopen on MONDAY, August 31st, with au entirenew stock of

Oents Clothing, Furnishing: Goods,Hats, Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc,

Novelties in Ladies' Hat. Ruschings, Laces, Em-broideries, Etc.

A decided bargain in Table Linens and Napkins.16 YARDS CALICO FOR $1.

lll-j- a 24-dw- Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Island.1!.

terday, by way of Ewa, for a trip around theisland. They will bo Lome

Hack Inspector Macy caught a policemancoining out of a saloon on Sunday morningwith two bottles of gin he had purchased.The policeman has been dismissed from theforce. '

Otis Wilder, son of Mr. J. K. Wilder,leaves for Kahului this: afternoon, where hewill take charge of one of the two loco-

motives ruuniug on the Kahului and Wai-luk- u

railway.The following have been elected officers

of the United Chinese Society for the ensuingyear: President, C. Alee; Vice President,Goo Kim; Secretary, Li Cheung; AssistantSecretary, C. Winam; Treasurer, Lab. Chong;Assistant Treasurer, Yim Quon.

The steamer C. R. Bishop arrived irornwindward yesterday. While taking inpaddy at Waiinanu beach, Hamakua, Ha-waii, last Friday afternoon, the ship's boatwas capsized and one of the sailors, Kaianui,



"Wliolesale and Retail Grocers,07 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Box 207. Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS JCST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh Culilornia Fruits. Fresh California Fish.

I j. w.


For KahuluL per simr Lehua, September 7 GP Wilder, J O Wilder, J R Evans, L Toennies,Prof EliJ.ib. Nichols and about 60 deck passengers.


and a full line of Faucy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 75 aplflS1I11IIX XOTES.

The steamer Lehua took twenty Chinese laborersto Kahului, September 7th.. The steamer W. O. Hall will arrive this after-noon from windward ports.


(j, V. C JUNES.



s. KI.NO.


band of Bohemians artists and writers THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.lllave eomnleted And nftVr for snlo f lie follnit Inr Boilers, 'lz:- - - - - - w w


Unsurpassed for Quality, Durability andBeauty of Designs.

One Hundred Year llepntatlon.MEDALS Belfast, 1844, 170; London, 1851, 1862

and (Gold) 1870; Paris (Gold;. 1807; Dublin, 1365,1872; Philadelphia, 1876.Also, Huckaback and Fancy Towels, Glass and

Tea Cloths, Etc.Made of the BEST I BIS f I and Courtrai Flax;

spun, woven and bleached in Ireland. Patternsare designed by IRISH ARTISTS, who have formany years excelled those of any other country.


The Irish Linen Agency.lW-t- f W. C. SPROULL, Manager.


The Michigan Portrait Co.,

was drowned. The weather wa3 very roughat the time, and the man was never seenagain.

A Chinaman was arrested yesterday forkeeping a victualling house without aliceuse since July 22, 1883. Ou the licensehe showed to Officer Fehlbehr there appearsto be some difference in the data on thestamp and the one at the bottom of thelicense.- The steamer Likelike takes the place ofthe Kinau this afternoon, and will run over


dropped into it, saw its merits and an-

nounced them. The pioneers of thatlittle colony were Tavernier, Paul Frenz-en- y,

Julian Rix, Joe D. Strong, MissBelle Osborne (Mrs. Strong), Miss LizzieStrong, Walter Paris, Dan O'Connel,Horace Wright, Geo. W. Phelps, D. J.McRoberts, Ed. Bosqui, Emmett E.Curtis, Manuel R. Merritt and HarryV. Moorehouse. Soon came Hill,Denny, Keith, Yelland, Hamilton,Coulter, Harrison, Strauss, NellieHopps, Jules Pages, Narjot, VonPerbandt, Rouillier and other artists,

1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. (5 in.1 Combination Stool Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.los-jew-- ss Apply to Tho Honolulu Iron Works Co.

D.F.SASFUllD.w. f.mio.


Tbe schooner Kaulkeaouli took 25,000 feet lum-ber for Waipio, Hawaii, September 7th.

The schooner Mokuola brought 300 bags paddyfrom vva, Oihu, September 7tb.

The schooner Manuokawal brought 240 bags riceand 240 bunches awa from Koolau, Oahu, Septem-ber 7th.

The steamer C. R. Bishop brought 972 btssugar and 21 bags paddy from Hamakua, Hawaii,September 7th. t(

Tbe steamer C. R. Bishop sails atS o'clock a. m.for Waianae, Waialua and Han&lci.

The steamer Kmau was hauled on the MarineRailway to be repaired, cleaned and repainted,September 7th.

The steamer James I. Dowsett was loweredfrom the Marine Railway, September 7th, andsails this evening for Molokal.

The schooner Mary E. Foster returned emptyfrom Punaluu, Hawaii, September 7th. She sailsto-da- y with ninety tons coal for that port.

The steamer LUcelike leaves at 4 o'clock this


and among the laborers with the ienTili- a-

T.W. KV Kit KIT.J.W.MAKAKOA. H. ID. Mc In tyro & T3ro.,


Producers of the Finest Grades of India Ink,Water Color, Crayon and Pastel Portraits. Head-quarters at King Bros., Hotel street, HONOLULU.

' 129-sep-27

W. H. lfAI.vrE.VU.C.K. KAPL'LE Gkroce:ries5 Prov isi oris and. Feedi.omxwAi.u. EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and ICurooe. renb. CaliforniaJ.KVWAiUU. Im --A Irwin &

the Volcano route. The Kinau was hauledon the Marine Railway yesterday1 afternoon,in readiness for work to be commenced bythe machinists whtt are expected on theMariposa to-da- y.

Last Thursday evening a grand ball wasgiven at the Kohala club, house, Hawaii,by the members of the club. . The interiorof the building was beautifully decoratedwith Hawaiian flags, ferns, bananas andsugar cane. A string orchestra was in at-

tendance and dancing was kept up withgreat spirit until past midnight.

In the Supreme Court yesterday, beforeMr. Justice Preston, in the estate of Kaili-ul- i,

letters of administration were orderedto be issued to the widow, Kalaomalu, undera $300 bond. The accounts of Hon. W. C.Parke, assignee in the bankrupt estate of J.L. Rosenberg, were examined and approved,and he discharged and bond cancelled.

Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to anv rrnrt of theoiiUiliiid city free of charge. Island orders solicited. "Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofllce Box No. 145Telephone No. 92. 70 apl7

-X-J- L-L


Charles Warren Stoddard, Fred Somers,Mrs. Frank Unger, Major Ben Tru-man, Mrs. Austin . (Betsy B.), andother well-know- n writers. Monterey be-

came famous through brush and pen,and in spite of all obstacles of local landlitigation, rapidly succeeded in sequencethe railroad, Pacific Grove, the Hotel delMonte and thousands of visitors from allparts of the world. (By the way, theworld-wid- e distributed cartoon of theHotel del Monte and Monterey sceneryis the handiwork of Jules Tavernier andEdward Bosqui.) As with the discov-erers of gold, the only ones to "get left"in Monterey's onward march were theearly colonists, the later comers reapedthe rewards of the prospectors and"panned out" all the gold. The build-ers built and the capitalists captured thebuilding.



Ouuu.keloid -








Drawings, Estimates, Survejs of Boilers, Engines and Machinery made out.New and Second-han- d Machinery of every description bought and sold. Planter and othershaving such to dispose of, or requiring the same, would do well to communicate.

"The following Second-han- d Machinery, in good order, FOR SALE:One 4ft x 12ft Multitublar Boiler, one Gin x Sin Portable Engine, one Hin x CCln Slide Valve engine,one 6ft Vacuum Pan, with Engine and Pump complete; three 500 Gulls. Clarlders, two Weston Cen-trifuga- ls,

one Mill 20 in. by 54 in., one Mill 20 in. by 32 in. 109--Sdwriisemtnts.



Half Barrels,And nd Boxes.


In Half BarrelsAnd 25-pou-

nd Boxes.

POWDEREDIn 30-pou- Boxes.

GOLDEN C (COFFEE)In Half Barrels

And nd Boxes

afternoon for the Volcano, etc., in charge of Cap-tain King, of the steamer Kinau. Purser Beckleyand Freight Clerk Wallace will also go on her.

Tbe American barkentine Mary Winkelmanhas finished unloading her cargo near the OceanicCompany's dock. She will load with sugar forSan Francisco.

Ilouolnlu Fire Department.A special meeting of the Board of

Representatives of the Honolulu FireDepartment was held last evening at theBell Tower. First Assistant EngineerM. D Monsarrat presided. The objectwas to settle the accounts of the benefitat the circus for the sick fund. Thetotal receipts from the sale of ticketsamounted to $593 50. Out of this $200was paid to the circus company, and thebills amounted to $33, leaving a balanceof $360 50 for the sick fund. A vote ofthanks was unanimously tendered toHis Majesty the King for his presence;to the public for their generous support,to the circus company, and to SecondAssistant Engineer Julius Asch for hisefforts in making the benefit such asuccess. Before the meeting adjournedFirst Assistant Engineer Monsarrat saidthat this was the first time he had at-

tended a meeting since before the elec-

tion. He took this opportunity of thank-ing the Department for electing him tothe honored position of First AssistantEngineer. Secretary Henry Smith thenhanded him his certificate of election.


Commercial Advertise!J. KEALDIfA,L K. KAIMUALII.




POWCHJXG.' f prepared to do all kinds of J ..... v jsaika,

JN'O. M. KAPENA,W MinUter of Finance.

3oarinniliration pro- -


FAMILY LAUNDRY.. ur,.i.iimportation of. , ,

Cfl lmmigrante into tliis Having just Received Complete and NewAssortment of Salmon. At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumaru st, Honolulu,


Stoves and. Ranges,CASES 1-- 1 TINS,

, CASES 2-- B TINS,.--



Flour. Pipe

VS. Tu.woul(i request thatis desirous of procuring' of sucb contract laborf their applications to

ii-- J Immigration.Rested that theserh " without ielay

fcL 6 I5311'163 orderingISSM Possible what

'WthB that nec-fmentsc- an

be made,ntroction of these

' Resident

Rubber Hose ;

Galvanized Iron and LeadSheet Lead and Copper;Iron-Ston- e Drain Pipe.

Houolnlu Library.Mr. A. J. Cartwright has recently pre-

sented the following books to the Hono-lulu Library and Reading Room Asso-ciation: "Reconnoitering Voyages andTravels, with Adventures in the NewColonies of South Australia," W. H.Leigh; "Notes of Travel in SouthwesternAfrica," C. J. Anderson "ScriptureLands," John Kith; "Northern Ger-

many," Baedeker; "The Rhine," Baede-

ker; "Siberia," Baron Wrangall; "TheAbode of Snow," A. Wilson ; "The GreatFinland," H. M. Robinson ; "Tent Lifein Siberia," Kennan ; "A Lady's Trip inthe Rocky Mountains," Isabella L. Bird ;

"A Strange Disappearance," Anna Green ;

"The Leavenworth Case," Anna Green ;

"By Order of the King," Victor Hugo;"Tyrol and the Tyrolese," W. A. B. Gro-hina- n;

"A Young Squire of the 17thCentury," J. C. Jefferson ; "The Oclop-tu- s,

or the Devil Fish of Futin," Hy.Ler; "Southrey's Common-plac- e Book,"J. W. Warier.


Granite lion Ware, Plain and Nickel-Plate- d

Tin Ware, of all kinds;Chandeliers ;Lamps and LanternsPumps;

The Siijrar Contract.To ascertain the exact truth about the

sugar contract with the American Re-

finery, we sent a reporter to interviewthe gentlemen interested. The follow-

ing is the result :

Mr. J. O. Carter, of Brewer & Co.,stated that they had made a contractwith the American Refinery, and wouldreceive cash for their sugar but wouldnot have to take stock in payment as re-

ported. The firm could t ike stock in therefinery if they wished, xis anybody elsecould. They had the privilege of takingstock in the company at par, and per-

haps some might avail themselves of theprivilege.

Mr. Atherton", of Castle & Cooke, saidthe Advertiser was wrong in its report-ing that the contractors were to receive.part payment in coin and part in stock ofthe American Refinery. No arrange-ment had yet been made for the ship-ment of the sugar. If satisfactory ar-

rangements could be made with theOceanic Company for shipment it wouldbe done. There was no feeling in thematter. '

A member of the firm of H. Hackfeld& Co., on being questioned, said the firmhad contracted for their sugar and woulddeliver it to the Coast as heretofore.They held no stock in the American Re-

finery.Mr. Schaefer said he luid no stock in

the Anterican Refinery. He thought ita strange statement that the sugar wasto be paid for in part stock. Mr. Spreck-els was offered the crop, but refused totake it, so they were obliged to look else-

where That gentleman had acted veryhonorably in his transactions with them.

Mr. T. H. Davie3 was engaged whenthe reporter called, but Mr. T. R. Walkerwas kind enough to answer questions.The contracts, he said, were made en-

tirely independent of any purchase ofstock. The sugar was to be paid for ingold coin. The Oceanic Company had.good steamers and would, he thought,carry the sugar if they could competewith others.

. .

Mr. S. Selig signs the firm naoie of At. S.Gfrinbaum fc Cn. by procuration.

The "AuKlifan Church Chrouicle" forSeptember has come to hand and is fully npto the standard. An editorial on "A bit ordifference," which appeared in the August"Friend," attacking the English Churchritual, forms a subject of reply for the lead-

ing e iu the "Anglican," which iscleverly 'written. ' A letter appears from theRer. Alex. Mackintosh describing hU ratherate riiiy voyage across the Pacific. The usuallocal and foreign chuveb. news completes thenumber.

. FAMILY ln quarter sacks).'

BAKER'S EXTRA (la half sacks).

Cases Medium Bread.Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,

OF; ALL KINDS, ATTENDE. 10.Lime and Cement.Offioll 1 Amwigratiou.

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Styles, from the most Cele-

brated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter Head, . ,Bill HeRds,

Circulars.. Note Heads,

Statements,. Bills or Lading,

Coutraets,Ilortsrase Blanks,

Leases,Snipping;. Contracts,

' (Th Hawaiian fc English,

Calendars.Clank CbeeSis,

Bonds.Stock certificate.

Business Cards.Heal Ckeeks. ,

jIfilk Tickets.

Bank Cuecks,Orders.. -


Harrias'-cWtlCcte- . :

Diplomas. - ,

' 'j Ca4aIOues

ClAttins Pads,

A Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too various tn mention. 71-o- cl



8,t f San.t 5: o'clock.' :13.3 oVlock.

f lOXOLULU. H. I.Eeed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.. """VAI.S.


Monday, September 7th.Ii, Jim Kelly A. Girrard, H. Davis,

Kapa, Beni and Kamahao forfeited bailof $6 each for drunkenness.

Loy Sow was charged with havingopium in possession. He pleaded guiltyto the charge and was fined $50 and sen-

tenced to imprisonment at hard labor fortwenty days.

C. Stillman was charged witii assaultand battery on J. W. Liming The lat-

ter appeared in Court with a black eye.'The defendant was lined $10.

J. E. Regan forfeited bail of $10 forassault and battery on Dick Brash.

H. Swatz was fined $G for drunkenness,and the same amount for assault andbattery on E, Chamberlain,

?( " "uu namakua. 50 KEGS BLACK BLASTING POWDER.

23 A TENTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.)


i'iC; ftlol. at 4 p m Also, a few Iron Wheelbarrows, butlittle used, will be sold low.

us itSMI JOSE, CAL, U. S. A.P. C. A. Job Printinff Office

PACIFIC !(t4DIZZYn ON A SPREK Suswess Claras. mOTrms.




CATE THE ORIGINALS. "SEEL"' kiter-isi-an-d . TVI. W .Mr?!f!lTEfiArRV' o i




How the Famous Prime Minister of Eng-

land Made a Night or It Hail Fel-lows, Well Met A Search for

a Drink.Steam Navigation (Jo.

Cnderplnnlns" of All Shape and Sixes

Construction of an Artificial esHotr tbe Action Is Secured

A Singular Case. '

i. . i HAVE RECEIVED' .adjoining theHale,Office Honoluluoffice. II. I l4i a a n I

General(LIMITED.) May 8th. Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages;OF.

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 PackSTEAMER W. G. HALL,


.CommanderBATES. To Arrive-P-er Consnelo, 332 PackagesJ. E. WISEMAN,

iiosfoi:i ii. i.P. O. BOX 31S. TELEPHONE 172.

(Established 1S79.)

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.

brown; attorney-at-la-w and.CECIL Public, -- CampbeU'a Block. Merchantstreet. 20

A. ROSA,AT LAW AND NOTARYATTORNEY with tbe Attorney General, Alii

olanl Hale, Honolulu, H. I. 67 mr26.12-t- i

j. m. monsarrIt,.ATTORNEY AT LAW


Teal Estate ill any part of the Kliis- -Xi dom BoughtrHold aud Leased on Commission ,

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. '

Ao. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. , .. j . 16-- tf

f :


CAMERON..... Commander

- Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawlliwili,Koloa, Eleele and Waimea. Keturning, will leaveNawiliwlli every Saturday at 4 p. m.,ariiving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.


Will be Sold at the Lowest Mavk ot Hate,'STEAMER IWALANI,

FBM AN Commander

Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e,

Honokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii. VT. "W. McOliesney & s0n42 and 41 iun ki97-my- 22 ly rot. Hon


IN FOWLER'S YARD, 1 AND 63 HOTELThe only one dollar house in Hono-

lulu, liooms per night, 25 cents ; rooms perweek, l. 89-n- l8


nished rooms. Spacious grounds and finelocation. Tms reasonable.

y6-n- 22. MRS. DAVID OXLEY.




The following various branches of business willenable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general Information on all matters In thefollowing departments:

K,eal Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real Estate in all parts of the

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Ilouses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of evry nature Searches

Titles, Records, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment iu all branches of industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Rills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire anu Life insurance.xdvertlsementsaiul Correspondence attended to.Information i.f every description connected

with the. Islands coming from abroad f illyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will find this department a special

benefit to them, as i attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame jit a small commission.

Svliviliitu Asreotfor tUe ,M1'TV:AL LIFEI XSI! i: v XCK f'OMI'AXV Oh' N'KIW YORK."

.ConimtinderMACAU LEY. -- . i

0 t COMMCfir.'A) Urn..II WW

-Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,

Ouhvi, and Hanalei and Kilauca. Kauai, Keturn-g- ,leaves JIauulei every Tuesday at 4 p. ni., and

touching at Waialua and Wwianae Wedni-sdays- .

aijd arriving: at Honolulu same day at 4 p. m.

Book Review.A small volume of letters has made it

appearance in England which is likely toexcite considerable interest even .here.The "Home Letters of Lord Eeacons-field- ,

" written during his absence on atour in 18Z0-3- 1, is the title of the volume,which is published by Murray, of . oadon. Some very characteristic j assagesare found in the letters, and the. haveless of the affectation and macassar oilflavor which distinguish the late primeminister's novels, while showing a fresh-- ,

ness his earliest writings do not tun as3How the future prime minister, of, Eng-

land caroused with a Turkish bey on thetop of Mount Pindus is a story worth re-

peating. The part- - was ravenous, but,there being no interpreter, knew not howto make their wants known.

" So we smoked. It is a great resource,but this wore out and it was so ludicrous,smoking and looking at each other, anddying to talk, then exchanging pipes byway of compliment, and then pressing ourhand to our heart by way of thanks. Thabey sat in a corner, I unfortunately next,so 1 had the onus of mute atten-tion; and Clay next to me, so he r.nd M.could at least have an occasional joke,though, of course, we were too well bredto exceed an occasional and irresistible ob-servation. Clay wanted to play-ecart- e,

and with a grave face, as if we were at ourdevotions, we were about commencingwhen it occurred to us that we hadsome brandy, and that we would oilerour host a glass, as it might be a hint forwhat should follow to so vehement aschnaps. Mashallah? Had the elfectonly taken place 1,830 years ago, insteadof in the present age of . skepti ism, itwould have been instantly voted a firstrate miracle. Our mild friend smackedhis lips and instantly asked for anothercup; we drank it in coftee cupC ""

"By the time that Meredith had re-

turned, who had left the house on the pre-tense of shooting. Clay, our host, and my-self had despatched a bottle of brandy inquicker time and faster proportions vthan1 ever did a bottle of Burgundy, and wereex.remely gay. Then he would drinkagain with Meredith,' and ordered somefig's talking, I must tell you, all the time,indulging in the most graceful pantomime,examining our pistols, offering us hisgolden ones for our inspection, and finallymaking out Giovanni's Greek enough tomisunderstand most ludicrously every ob-servation we communicated. .But all thiswas taken in good part, and I never metsuch a jolly fellow in the course of mylife In the meantime we were ravenous,for the dry, round,. unsugary fig is a greatwhetter. At last we insisted on Giovanni'scommunicating our wants and asking forbread. The Ley gravely bowed and said:"Leave it to me; take no thought," andnothing more occurred.

"We prepared ourselves for hungrydreams, when to our great delight a mostcapital supper was brought in, accom-panied, to our great horror, by wine.We ate, we drank; we ate with ourringers, we drank in a manner I never

GLOSSED IABL1 jIstreets. Coffee Saloon and Restaurant. C'of-- t


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

fee and Cakes, 10 Cents ; Meals, 23 Cents ; Boardft 50 per week. " ' VH-- U

THE OLD UxmiVElLrplIE RESTAURANT, CORNER QUEEN ANDJLi Nuuauu trcet, hits b en Every-thin- g

ueut and clean. The table always suppliedwith the best tbe market affords. Board perweek,$ 4 10, payable in advance. Mingle meals,25 ceiitd, r-'-8 sep2iJ ' HOP LEE, Proprietor.

T. It. i OSTElt, rns:d.-i.t- .

J. Ejja, ecrtary.

I r i ii ii m iirf w " . - hhmJthe lartsl, KS.tinli-s- t and InsuranceConpany in the world.

AGENT for tin- -

OUKANIC STEAMSHIP CO.Fked. Johnson'.Mrs. Robt. Lovk.

2h3I MAIN ST., s

rotU Biirliuirtoii Railway Huiite,In America. Travelers journeying by rail in


Steam Bakery,73 NUUANU STREET. ,

America will find this route tbe most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reasonable fare no route can excel this. MR. C. K


'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Will leave Honolulu and Kan Francisco on th

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

MILLER, my Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guidebooks, CASTLE & COOKE


maps, etc., he will extend every courtesy.AGENT for theHonolulu Royal Opera House.

Managers ot first-cla- ss companies abroad will

ROASTED AND OROUND.COFFEE Ship Bread executed at short notice.Old bread rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airy room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.

94-no- 20

Steam Candy FactoryAND BAKERY.

address me for terms, etc.PASSENGERS may have their names booked

in advance by applying at tbe office of the Agents.PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notified

that they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggage Ex. " BIEND0TA," and Other Late AnyFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, 125.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

From New York and .San Fran, , a l.nvge and Vni ic.l Awirinifiii or-

Merchandise, Snitalde ftr

Plantations, Country Stores-an- d FamiltMERCHANDISE Intended for shipment by this

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate llruker.

Custom Honse Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and Life Insurance Agent.Employment Agent,

Railroad Agent andGeneral Business Afreut,

line will be received free of charge, in the Com.pany'g new warehouse, and receipts Issued for

recollect The wine was not bad, but if, --CONSISTING IN PART OF- -



. 'i


V i




same. Insurance on merchandise In the warehouse will be at owners' risk.


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, v ,Pastry Cook and Baker.

Hotel street. : J 78 tf Telephone 74




Boston Globe.T

There is a small room in the rear of aCourt street store ia which works an old,gray-haire- d man. Surrounding him onall sides are legs of many shapes and sizes.Some are short and stout, with rather toomuch calf for strictly classical beauty;others are long and slim, with a deplor-able lack of calf, while others vie inshapeliness with the nether limbs of aGreek slave or a Venus de Milo. The oldman when visited recently was hard atwork, but consented to give the writer afew particulars, in regard to his business.

'lVow that,5 he said, pointing to ashaf ely leg hanging over the fire, ''be-longs to a Xewburyport young lady. "

"That," continued the old man, "iswhat's known as a knee-bearin- g leg. Imade it for her three years ago, when shewas about 16 years old. he lost her lega little lelow the knee so short that shecouldn't wear a socket-bearin- g leg, andso she was obliged to have a knee bearingto walk on the knee. She had grown alittle since, and so was obliged tolengthen it out. I cut the leg in two atthe calf and put in a piece, dovetailing itand fastening it with glue. I've histeda child's legat least four inches before itwas given up,, when its parents were poor,and couldn't afford a new ona

"Now here, " picking up a leg in processof construction, "legs don't weigh asmuch as ou think. Including allthe ironwork, that leg wouldn'tweigh more than five pounds. Ihave just made one for a full-grow- n

woman that weighed, everthing complete,including the upper socket, exactly threepounds. I made it particularly light onaccount of her being sickly. I want toshow you now where we get the dura-bility. The steel ankle-joint- s are, you see.set in the wood, and slightly broader, atthe ankle than further up the leg. whichmakes them sorter dovetailed. The bearing-

-down strain is borne in part by themand partly by an end'ess and very power-ful cord some make it of silk, but 1 al-

ways use linen extending from the heelof the foot over a bar in the calf of ti cleg, which is hollow. The cord relievesprincipally what is called 'the nosing,'where the shin plays into the foot.

"The ankle-joint- s are, you see, con-nected by a steel bolt, which makes theleg particularly strong about the ankle,where the most strain comes. The toejoint is located at the same place as in thenatural foot, and works with a springtLat brings the toe into place after eachstep. The wood? I use willow alto-gether, and have never used any other. Ihave shown you one used where the leghas been lost below the knee.

"Now this, " producing another leg, "isfor one lost above the knee. It is thegame in every particular as the other,with the addition of a wooden socket tosecure the stump.- - It works at the kneein a very natural manner on a simplebolt, with a spring extending from tbethin piece to the lower part of the topsocket. This spring throws the foot for-ward, in walking, the minute the toeleaves the floor.

"You will observe that if the amputa-tion is above the knee the leg must beheld in place -- by suspenders made onastout welt part elastic and part non-elasti- c

extending over the shoulder. Ifwith afong stump below the knee, theleather socket, placed above the knee, isusually sufficient

"If, however, there is but a short stumpbelow the knee a strap is required. Everyweak point in a leg is specially guarded,in some way or other; and when the steeland woodwork are complete the .leg iscovered with calfskin, similar to a drum-head. It is put on wet and dries to theleg, very closely, adding a great deal toits strength. Then that is sand-papere- d

down lo a surface, and the holes in thecalf opened out. They are for ventila-tion, but I doubt if they do any good. Ialways put them in, because a good manyare of the notion they are. Then the legis painted. I use alcoholic paint, madeof gum jind dry lead. The minute itstrikes water it is set, and you can't washit off with anything except alcohol.

" I'll show you a leg, " producing a par-ticularly lifelike one, the foot of whichbore a shoe and stocking, "that has beenpainted seventeen years, and is, you see,in pretty good condition. "

" What do you consider your mostsingular case?" -

"That of a little boy that lives near theold reservoir. lie was brought to me inhis father's arms when he was 16 or 17months old, and had never walked a step.I didn't dare to touch him, he was soyoung and tender, and his father tookhim to Dr. Shaw. The doctor advisedhim to get a limb right off, so as to prevent hip disease on the other side. Thathad neveroccurred to me. The doctor'sopinion took all the responsibility awayfrom me; and so I went to work at once,and made a leg for the boy. lie learnedto walk with it, and walks and runs withit now so well that you'd hardly knowhe'd lost a leg. "

"How long will a leg wear?"M It is a question often asked me, and a

very hard one to answer. I have a cus-tomer that has worn a leg for twenty-on- e

years, and I know mon who would notwear a leg two years. It is just as it iswith everything else. Some take care oftUsnr and others stave them out veryqui-'kly- . ' The government, you know,allows soldiers a new leg every five years.That looks as if they thought rive yearswas the average, but good legs will, iamy opinion average at least eight years.The pr.rce the government sets on 'em isabout the lowest they can be made for,though some manufacturers ask twice asmuch as that

"How long does it take to make a leg""Well, I'll tell you. In war times they

. said if a man made a leg in eight daysthey were satisfied. "it-, Lower Kits for Clergymen.

P'cw York Sm.lClerk (to Mr. Isaacstein in back room)

Mr. Isaacstein, der shcntlexnans who islooking at dot penutiful seventeen tollarccat says he vns a clergy mans.

Mr. Isaacstein Make dot shcnt!enmnwho vas a clergy mau 20 per cend discound off.

Clerk Dershentlemans says he vill givefive tollar for dot coat, and not a cendmore.

Mr. Isaacstein Let him have dot coat,Jacob, but dond make no discouud off.


. J. E. WISEMAN,8i-my6-- HONOLULU, II . I,PACIFIC MAItJ STEAMSHIP COThe above Restaurant having recently changed

hands, it will be carried on in future in a mannerto defy competition. Bill of fare best in tbe city,and prices most reasonable. FRESH FISHEVERY DAY. Our Chief Cook worked in thesame capicity for Hart Bros, during a period of TIME TABLE. CONOVER BROS'.


six years, giving entire satisfaction to his em-ployers and through them to the . public. Wehave therefore every confidence that a fair shareof patronage will be accorded to us. In order tomeet the requirements of these hard times, we

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil iu the market. Vulcan ami tlcrtru Si

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm anil Cylinder Oil, AIUlv Cod. j

Plumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cat and Wrought Iron .Nails, Culv,!fi!zcl.j

rngated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforate SLMZ.

Galvanized. Wire Cloth,, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Eullff Spj

Blake .Pump Company Patent. Rubber Valves nud Springs, I. E. E,

inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, sjiwe aw! I.:,

styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Breaking j

boss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing aud Breaking Plows, all bizes, CiiltiMtE,

Hoes, Gang Plows, Planters Hoes, our own make, f4' ineh Goose Jfcfkk.j

Planters Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, DukIi Scythes, FVd ffjCane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mowers, R1

Cart Axles, Fan-bank'- s Scales, . three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Axes,

Pick and Ax Iattocks, Pick Axes, . Horse Suoes, Machine Bulb, all i

lengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders Hardffare-a- lij

Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., riane of h

Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, IUinnit'W, 'tf..

and Glass.

White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Haw Oil,

Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large variety of small paints in Oils, ChabiMKftj

offer 21 meal tickets for ?t BO, order what youplease. Board in the Private Dining Room, asper agreement, all according to the requirements

Cr- -.. ,of customers.GEO. CAVENAGH, Manager.

Pad Mail Steamship Co.

For San Frnnciscf.Australia.M... On or about September 27th

P. S. Civil and attentive waiters. Customerspromptly rferved with their order, "No lingeringTry the new deal. 132 tf

Tk!5!55-- i .r-- 1

EUREKA !I";." ''j; Yor Auckland and bu,y :

; ... r ' .- .' t : t'

City f Sydaey....5On or about October 3d


!We have received a consignment of the most ,1'ilBT

?fr ::f; Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and Hollow urf, -- .

Economical and Valuable Feed for allkinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer in use.n

The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,both for qua'Ity of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the world.Send for Illustrated catalogue, description andprices to


BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates,

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.




Kew oHls Expected per HleHiuHhip A!nHiI- -


Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 9s. oi this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bian.


For Sal('in'Lot8 to Suit.Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as


Pacific Coast Agents,

23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAX FRANCTSCO.59 tfAw

SERVICE and VACUUM rCMMBLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHTour usual supply of tbe best kinds of

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Ete 86 tf


it had been poison we must drink; it wassuch a compliment for a Moslem. AVequaffed it in rivers. The bey "called forthe brandy; he drank it alL The roomturned round; the wild attendants whosat at our feet seemed dancing in strangeand fantastic whirls;; the bey shookhands with me; he shouted English IGreek, Very good,' he had caught upfrom us. 'halo, Kalo,' was my rejoinder.He roared; I smacked him on the back.I remember no mora

"In the middle of the night I awoke.I found myself sleeping on the divan;rolled up in its sacred carpet; the bey hadwisely reeled to the fire. The thirst I feltwas like- - that of Dives. Allvcre .sleep-ing except two, who kept up during thenight the great wood fire. 1 rose lightly,stepping over my sleeping companions,and the shining arms that here and thereinformed me that the dark mass wrappedup in a capote was a human toeing. Ifound Abraham's bosom in a flagon ofwater. I think I must have drank agallon at the draught. I looked at thewood fire and. thought of the blazingblocks in the hall; of Bradenham, andasked myself whether I was indeed in themountain fastness of an Albanian chief,antl. shrugging my shoulders, went to bedand awoWo without a headache. "

llraing .and Sfu&cle.Exchange.

In a lecture du'physical culture, Dr. J.W. White, of the -- Pennsylvania uni-versity, said that "students at Harvardtake about the same rank , in requiredgymnastics that they . do in their regularstudies. . Brain and nerve substance arebehind every well-controlle- d muscularmovement " The lecturer attributed thecircumstance of breaking down fromwhat is called over-trainin- g lu au attemptto reach the desired bodily developmentwithin a few weeks. The enlargement ofthe chest and legs, the strengthening ofmuscles, and the expansion of the veinscannot be safely accomplished " in a shorttime.

Poixonetl iy Catlor Beans.IKxchau ;r.

Two Kansas City young ladies werelately made acjuainted with grief throughthe instrumentality of castor beans. Twogentlemen wagered that they could eatmore of them than the ladies, and swal-lowed two or three; the girls ate a dozenor more each. It was rather dangerousbu-ines- s. The sj'mptoms of poisoningwere .painlully severe, and lasted severalhours leaving the patients greatly pros-trated liicinine, the toxic pinciple ofthe beau, is an acrid poison. A numberof writers report deaths from eating cas-tor beans.

Gen. Lougstre jt'a Opinion of Oen. lee.Gen. Longstreet In The Century. C

I can not close this sketch without re-ferring to the Confederate commanderwhen he came upon the scene for the firsttime. Gen. Lee was an unusually hand-some man even in his advanced life. Heseemed fresh from West Point, so trimwas the figure and so elastic his step. Cutof battle he was a3 gentle as a woman,but when the clash of arms came he couldlight and urged his battle with wonderfuldetermination. As a usual thing he wasremarkably well balanced always so ex-cept on one or two occasions of severetrial, when he failed to maintain his exactequipoise. His ordew were always wellconsidered and well! chosen. He de-pended almost too much on his officer!for their execution. Jackson was a veryskillful man against such men as Shields,Banks, and' Iremont, but when pittedagainst the best of the Federal command-ers he did not appear so well. Withoutdoubt the greatest man of the rebelliontimes, the one matchless among 40,000,-00- 0

for the peculiar difficulties of theperiod, was Abraham Lincoln.

Arkansaw Travefer;vtght men outenten is sorter tlined ter be hippercrits, notso much 'case da wants ter fbe.lbut 'case

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanaer),

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Eahaina, Maalaea, Makena, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe, Hilo and Keaubou:Tuesday, June 23, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, June 30, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 7, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July H, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, July 21, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 28, Volcano and way ports,

j .Tuesday, August 4, Hilo and way ports; ,i "Tuesday, August 1 1, Volcano and way ports.

Tuesday, August IS, Hilo and way ports.- Tuesday, Augast 25, Volcano aud way ports.

Tuesday, September 1, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday; September 8, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 15, Hilo aud way ports.Tuesday, September 22, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 29, Hilo and way ports.PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with tbe

Kinau at Mahukona.. The Kinau WILL TOUCH nt Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from HUo for Passengersif a signal Is made from the shore.


LAINE , & CO.18 tf




Successors to Dilllnsrhain & o. au

?s ctiPTl " !







The Best aud most Durable Kail DuckIN THE WORLD.

For Solo in --Honolulu.


Double furrow


Light Steel Plows. " i?:""",-- . . . ... .. :Jr.STEAMER LEIIUA. Si--,The undersigned are now prepared to re. .. r A.

They are the BEST DOUBLE . FUIiEoW TLOWS we everturnr s

KohalaPlanUtion. T EICHABD' " tIt is the BEST BREAKING VLOW I ever used." iJ- -

Plantation, anyThe VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used In tins 0r j

'HORNER, lAhaina, Maui.

New Goods received ner MoroInff 6ur" and other late a" , (ion&,

CDavies, Commander)? ; f f .

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. sc. torKaunak&kai.Kahulai, every week: Hueio, Hana

and KIpahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

Tor mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,. (Weisbarth, Commander).

Will leave regularly for. Paauhau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupaboehoe,

.Haka-la- n..-and Onomea.

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck A Oblacdt

San Francisco: , , t

The following is a report of the compo-ne-nt

parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-


Water u8-1- 0 P6' centOrganic Matter 29.18 " "Silicious Matter 4.65 "Lime;v....: 31.70 "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 4

Oxide of Iron.... .85 ", Carbonic Acid ..i 1.89 .

: 'Alkali Salts. .V.;.; .52 ' " '

Raoges and Tinware; Refrigerators and Ice Chests; Ilol'f r.ocki very -

and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment

OIL I ; OIL! OIL I OIL! OIL! 011 'J-5- ;

Ird. rt A vtrfcikidgate, Genuine Albany Cylinder,' Lubrk-aUng- . use.

Paint Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind i(.Ue(i. tJnPt!:Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence .y


GAITDY'S PATENT23 253 3 O? .'X 1XT CS-- ,

Made from the Very Best

Hard Woyc Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Jfelther Heat - or Dampness afreets

them.They do not Stretch.

Stronger than Leather,Better than Rubber.


For Sclo in Honolulu.?--tf

- , f 1100.00. ,'

Nitrogen 2.7 per cnt.




No Increase f Intsrest.Chicago Trrtrin?.l

An Englishman now resident in Eng-land, who lived in America for manyyears. ays that he is quite unable to dis-cover an increased interest there in thiscountry. The men take little interest init. the women less. Such a man as Mr.Loweli was scarcely known outside of aemail circle until he became minister, andeven then only, as a rule, to Lrndon peopie. Name which are household wordsto us here are unknown there.

ilyde i ark Herald: The public is in-

terested in the health of every member ofthe community. Anything that injures a


. (McGregor, Commander).

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m: forKaunakakai. Kamalo, Pukoo, Lahaina. Moanui,Halawa, Wailao, Pelekunu and Kalacpapa. Re-turning, leaves Pukoo Fridays a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning. 4 '

Bg-- The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor persona) baggage on less plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or Jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser.

, All possible care will be taken of live stock, butthe Company .will not assume any risk f accident.' - BAM X. G. WILDER, President.

8. B. ROSE, Secretary. ;

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.

Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

' da thinks dat eberybody else U an' dat da! mus' keep up wid de times

vnicago Leader: The extreme heightof misery is a small boy with a new pair

.' of boots and no mud puddle.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.


' '

Doors, Sash and Blinds. AU kinds of Bt7ILD caperto'lrC"'

Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement ; STEEL N


ma;isheaiih injure? me community towhich he belongs.

I 1

I i