paragraph handouts 2

SPOTTING THE TOPIC SENTENCE Read the paragraphs below, underline the topic sentence or state it, then draw its graphical representation. 1. I take a walk everyday. Walking makes me feel better for it strengthens my leg muscles, enhances my blood circulation and regulates my muscle tone- Walking also relaxes my mind because it is rhythmical and noiseless and requires no conscious though Walking is, for me, excellent physical and mental relaxation and exercise. 2. Fireworks indicate happiness and rejoicing. On New Year's Eve, millions of fireworks and firecrackers are lit and exploded in a sort of national rejoicing over the year’s end. They are not exploded in defiance to orders or as declaration of violence but in explosive utterance of people's happiness in being alive and well. 3. Like the ocean of water, the ocean of air knows no repose or stillness- It is forever in ceaseless motion. Though there may not be enough wind to move a feather, the air is forever in ceaseless motion. The whole atmosphere is a big and complex system of air currents and each lesser portion of air has its own lesser circulation. One cannot lift his hand without causing a tiny breeze; neither can one turn without producing a minute whirlwind. This is because every separate air movement draws other movements in its train. , 4. The Filipino is fatalistic. He values, luck as an important element in life and believes that whatever happens to him is the work of Fate. This fatalism is best symbolized in the phrase, Bahala na. 5. The soft rays of the setting sun touched for one last long moment and turned to gold, the cross of the little church. Then sweet and clear in the still air, the bells rang the Angelus. Far and wide, through the little valley the sound floated and all who heard halted in their work. The bells signaled that the work of the day was over. 6. If a person begins his reading adventures by reading books which are too difficult for him to understand, he will give up reading. But if a person's reading is well-guided and supervised by somebody who is genuinely fond of reading, he will become fond of reading and form the reading habit. It is a fact that most students hate to read because they were not introduced to the right books at the right time. 7. The Philippine Archipelago is a cluster of 7,100 islands breaking off the northern portions of Borneo and scattering below the island of Taiwan. Most of the islands are actually the crests of submerged mountain ranges; some of them peaked with volcanoes. Warm and shallow seas teeming with marine life cover the land bridges that once linked the southern islands to the mainland Southeast Asia. From the air the archipelago is an emerald arc between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. 8. Bahala na is based on the belief that man is governed by a set of forces beyond his control. Although there is no exact definition of the term, the individual's response to a given situation or condition is one of resignation. Can you go through that wall of fire? Bahala na. Are you sure you can convince him to give up his plan of leaving home? Bahala na. There are dangers ahead, don't try it. Bahala na. Don't gamble your last peso; you might go home with pockets inside out. Bahala na. NAME: _____________________ Course/Year/Sec: ____________ Date: ___________ Instructor: Mr. Meduranda

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Page 1: Paragraph Handouts 2

SPOTTING THE TOPIC SENTENCERead the paragraphs below, underline the topic sentence or state it, then draw its graphical representation.

1. I take a walk everyday. Walking makes me feel better for it strengthens my leg muscles, enhances my blood circulation and regulates my muscle tone- Walking also relaxes my mind because it is rhythmical and noiseless and requires no conscious though Walking is, for me, excellent physical and mental relaxation and exercise.

2. Fireworks indicate happiness and rejoicing. On New Year's Eve, millions of fireworks and firecrackers are lit and exploded in a sort of national rejoicing over the year’s end. They are not exploded in defiance to orders or as declaration of violence but in explosive utterance of people's happiness in being alive and well.

3. Like the ocean of water, the ocean of air knows no repose or stillness- It is forever in ceaseless motion. Though there may not be enough wind to move a feather, the air is forever in ceaseless motion. The whole atmosphere is a big and complex system of air currents and each lesser portion of air has its own lesser circulation. One cannot lift his hand without causing a tiny breeze; neither can one turn without producing a minute whirlwind. This is because every separate air movement draws other movements in its train. ,

4. The Filipino is fatalistic. He values, luck as an important element in life and believes that whatever happens to him is the work of Fate. This fatalism is best symbolized in the phrase, Bahala na.

5. The soft rays of the setting sun touched for one last long moment and turned to gold, the cross of the little church. Then sweet and clear in the still air, the bells rang the Angelus. Far and wide, through the little valley the sound floated and all who heard halted in their work. The bells signaled that the work of the day was over.

6. If a person begins his reading adventures by reading books which are too difficult for him to understand, he will give up reading. But if a person's reading is well-guided and supervised by somebody who is genuinely fond of reading, he will become fond of reading and form the reading habit. It is a fact that most students hate to read because they were not introduced to the right books at the right time.

7. The Philippine Archipelago is a cluster of 7,100 islands breaking off the northern portions of Borneo and scattering below the island of Taiwan. Most of the islands are actually the crests of submerged mountain ranges; some of them peaked with volcanoes. Warm and shallow seas teeming with marine life cover the land bridges that once linked the southern islands to the mainland Southeast Asia. From the air the archipelago is an emerald arc between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea.

8. Bahala na is based on the belief that man is governed by a set of forces beyond his control. Although there is no exact definition of the term, the individual's response to a given situation or condition is one of resignation. Can you go through that wall of fire? Bahala na. Are you sure you can convince him to give up his plan of leaving home? Bahalana. There are dangers ahead, don't try it. Bahala na. Don't gamble your last peso; you might go home with pockets inside out. Bahala na.

9. As one goes over the history of man, with its meaningless cycle of wars and peace, triumphs and disasters, faith in some great purpose, some grand design becomes increasingly difficult to keep. Providence appears an illusion. The absurdity of existence haunts modern man. If he would live honestly, without false comfort, not like a child but as a man, he must rely solely on himself.

10. Man is made of earth. His flesh and blood and his delicate nerves are very different from the coarse materials of the earth but every particle in his body, like every particle in the body of every other living thing, comes directly or indirectly out of the soil, out of the water, out of the air — the material world in which he finds himself. The food out of which he builds his body comes directly from bodies of other animals or from the bodies of plants which, in turn, build up their bodies directly from three sources - water, air and soil. It is true; therefore, that man is made of earth.

ACTIVITY 2. Achieving Unity and CoherenceCoherence means to hold together. A paragraph has coherence when the sentences stick together, are woven together so that the reader moves easily from one idea to the next without feeling that then are gaps in thought or confusing links. It is obtained by using the same tense and voice of the verbs; using transitional words and phrases and observing related sentence patterns.

Unity, on the other hand is oneness of impression in a paragraph. Because the mind loves order and likes to consider one thing at a time, unity is an essential consideration in good composition. The most important way of achieving unity in a paragraph is by building around a topic sentence.Read the paragraphs below, then pick out and write the topic sentence and the unrelated sentence.

1. It was a beautiful moonlit night. The moon shone so brightly that it seemed to light up the entire landscape like subdued sunlight. The water gushing from the fountain gleamed and glittered like diamonds as it rose up in the air and descended in myriad droplets. There were some clouds in the sky which now and then covered the face of the moon. It was truly a lovely night.

Topic sentence: __________________________________________________________________________________

NAME: _____________________ Course/Year/Sec: ____________ Date: ___________ Instructor: Mr. Meduranda

Page 2: Paragraph Handouts 2

Unrelated sentence:________________________________________________________________________________2. The design of an art object is an important element of Muslim Filipino art. Color and motif are aspects of this element. Color is found in wood carvings heightening engraved designs and motifs which are highly floral. Color is found most artistically used in mats and cloths which commonly have geometric design- The sarimanok is also a popular design. Muslim Filipino artists have a preference for bold primary colors - red, yellow and blue. Yellow is considered the royal color because it resembles gold which is highly valuable.

Topic sentence: __________________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

3. An Ifugao house is built on four tree trunks. The Ifugaos are highlanders. They would choose a site where they could have four posts conveniently situated - four tree trunks. Then they cut off the crown of the trees, the tops, leaving the roots intact and firmly planted. This gave them the support for their house which is elevated so they can get a breeze above the ground. An example of pre-Spanish handicraft architecture, the Ifugao house presents a truly unique concept in housing construction.

Topic sentence: __________________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

4. The cornfield is a sultry place. The soil is hot and dry: the wind comes across the lily murmuring leaves full of warm smell drawn from rapidly growing corn. A flood of blinding light drops upon the field over which the cool shadows run only to make the heat of the sun more intense. Farther right, a scarecrow dried crisp mutely watches over the growing ears of corn.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

5, The santacruzan is a Maytime street pageant. It recalls the searching and finding of the true cross by St. Helena and Constantine, It is sponsored by the National Press Club. Prominent ladies or popular movie stars in elegant ternos walk underneath flowered arches. Each participant plays the role of a Biblical character. The glow of candles and luces and the smell of sampaguitas lend beauty to a truly enchanting summer ritual.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

6. Copper, which is mostly used as electrical conductor, is produced from its ores by electrolytic process. It is reddish. It is highly malleable and ductile and made into ornaments, weapons, jewel; coins and figurines. Generators, motors, radios and heaters use copper extensively because it is a good electrical/heat conductor. It is resistant to atmospheric corrosion. When alloyed with tin it becomes bronze; with zinc, brass. It can alloy other metals. Toledo City in Cebu is Asia's biggest copper mine.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

7. I did rough work on my first night in the plant. I swept the floor and picked up waste and dirt with my bare hands. 1 carried heavy machine parts in my arms or on my shoulders. I screwed big pipes together. A kind worker showed me how to hold a file and with it I smoothed off edges of five pushbutton plates- He was a big. handsome, hard working fellow who had been at the same job for fifteen years and knew many interesting stories about the plant. Within fifteen minutes, my hands were blistered, my arms impregnated with black metal dust and machine oil, and my mouth lull of grease. When I was through at midnight, the muscles of my feet, legs. fingers, hands, arms and back ached terribly. I dragged myself home and slept like a dead man.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

8. Glaciers are great masses of ice formed by snow. Snow collects on mountains for years then melts and freezes. Each new snowfall supplies ice for the glacier as it packs, melts and freezes again. Glaciers change the earth by pushing and moving rocks, soil and even huge boulders. Mount Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world, has plenty of huge boulders. The rocks and boulders that are pushed along by a glacier cut into the soil and wear away stone. This erosion of the earth can broaden valleys and make mountains smooth.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

9. Antonio always gives people the impression that he is tired. Because he was requested by his mother to close the main door, he hurriedly obeyed. His pace was as fast as a turtle's with broken limbs. Some people always walk slowly. He appeared to have had a hard day's work, and the first impression everybody in ttie family got upon seeing himwas a picture of exhaustion and fatigue.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

Page 3: Paragraph Handouts 2

10. The Philippines has many folk festivals. The Ati-Atihan festival in Aklan, which commemorates the historic sale of Panay and recalls the peace pact between the Negritoes and the Malays who settled in Akian, is one of them. This event also commemorates the feast day of the Sto. Nino. The Sto. Nino is well-loved in Akian. Townspeople and their guests paint their Faces and wear colorful costumes as they dance the streets of Kalibo. A Sunday evening procession in honor of the Sto. Nino brings a solemn end to a week of gaiety.

Topic sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________Unrelated sentence: _______________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 3. Finding Major and Minor IdeasSometimes the topic sentence of a paragraph is complicated. Its development has to be more thorough, there are some sentences that directly support the main idea. These are called major details. Major details, in turn, are supported by specifics called minor details.

When you study, you have to read for details. This is also true when you write. In such instances, the first step you must take is to determine the main idea. Then you support this with major details which, in turn, are supported by minor details.

Read each paragraph carefully, then look for major and minor details to support the main idea which has been provided for you.

1. Filipino women before the coming of the Spaniards enjoyed a unique position in society. Customary laws gave them the right to be the equal of men. They could own and inherit property, engage in trade and industry and succeed to the chieftainship of the barangay in the absence of a male heir. They had the exclusive right to give names to theirchildren- — Agoncillo & Alfonso

Main Idea: Filipino women enjoyed a unique position in society during pre-Spanish time.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________

a. b.c.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. The vulgar in taste — those people whose taste has not been refined through systematic training, critical observation and contact with the more cultivated people – are likely to show preference 'or the obvious, the flashy and the sentimental. They are likely to adorn themselves so as to look like perambulating Christmas trees. They are likely to clutter their homes with odd knickknacks from fairs and bargain counters. They are likely to prefer movies that are full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. In music, their preference would be those that would cause the splitting of ear drums and the rising of the blood pressure which actually are just noise.

-I.V.MallariMain Idea: People with vulgar taste prefer the flashy, the obvious, and the sentimental.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Acids can be classified into two groups. Acids which always contain the element carbon are called organic acids and they often come from growing things like fruits. Citric acid, which is found in calamansi and oranges and other citrus fruits, and acetic acid, which is found in vinegar, are organic acids. Acids which do not contain the element carbon are known as inorganic acids. They are usually prepared from non-living matter. Inorganic acids consist only of hydrogen and an acid radical. Hydrochloric acid consists of hydrogen and the chloride radical; and sulphuric acid consists of hydrogen and the sulphate radical. They are inorganic acids.

Main Idea: Acids can be classified into two groups.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. He took out of the jute sack a polished coconut shell. The top had been sawed off and holes bored at opposite sides, through which a string tied to the lower part of the shell, passed into a loop. The smaller piece could thus be slipped up and down as a cover. The coconut shell contained cooked rice still a little warm. Buried on the top was a hard-boiled egg. He next brought out a bamboo tube of salt, a cake of brown sugar wrapped in banana leaf and some dried shrimps. Then he spread the sack in what remained of the shade, placed his simple med thereon, and prepared to eat his lunch. But first he drew bucketful of water from the well, setting the bucket on a rock. He seated himself on another rock and ate with his fingers. From time to time he drank from the bucket.

- Manuel Arguilla

Page 4: Paragraph Handouts 2

Main Idea: The man showed a unique eating ritual.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

a. ______________________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________________d. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. Every metal possesses certain properties or characteristics which can be found by experiments. These properties make the metal suitable or unsuitable for any particular purpose. A metal may have fluidity, that is, it flows easily when it melts. It may also be pulled out of shape without breaking. This is plasticity of a metal. A metal may also have elasticity, that is, it always returns to its original shape. When it can be stretched without breaking, it has ductility. A metal is said to have malleability if it can be hammered out of shape without breaking. However, all these properties cannot cope with the needs of technology. Designers of high-speed aircraft need new materials with special properties such as heat-resistance and strength at high temperature.

Main Idea: Every metal possesses certain properties or characteristics which make it suitable or unsuitable for any particular purpose.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________________________________

6. The Filipina has always attracted the attention of the men folk. Her inherent shyness makes her different from women of other countries. She has courage, strength, insight, industry, compassion and loyalty, traits which make her position in the home both dignified and important. She does not meet the challenge of high prices by scrimping and brooding; instead, she surrenders her small luxuries always putting the welfare of her family ahead of herself. She has been, even before the coming of Magellan, the queen of the house. She has been more than a crutch to her man; she has been his inspiration. Her participation in worthy national endeavors has become a fine tradition. Bonifacio's wife joined him in his anti-Spanish activities. Diego Silang's wife Gabriela took up where he left off when he died. With all these attributes, can anyone blame the Filipina for being attractive?

Main Idea: The Filipina has many attributes which make her very attractive to the men folk.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

a. ______________________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________a. ______________________________________________________________________________b. ______________________________________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________________________

B. Each of the topic sentences given below is accompanied by major and minor details in scrambled order. Some of the details given, however, do not support the topic sentence. Cross out the unrelated detail and arrange the related ones to form a logically coherent and unified paragraph. Number one is done for you.

1. Topic Sentence: Getting on the honor roll is not easy.a. Then one must be attentive during recitations and recite in class as well.b. To do this, one must develop good study habits.c. Finally, one must be regular in his attendance and actively participate in class school activities.d. First, one must study hard.e My friend is in the honor roll.

Getting on the honor roll is not easy. It requires hard work. First, one must study hard. To do this, one must develop good study habits. Then one must be attentive during recitations and recite in-class well. Finally, one must be regular in his attendance and actively participate in class/school activities.

2. Topic sentence: Everything in the bedroom was in disorder.a. Bottles tumbled with brushes and combs on the dresser table.b. A waste basket half-filled with soiled pieces of tissue paper sprawled on the dirty floor.c. The bed was unmade.d. The floor was unpolished and unswept.e. On the dresser on the right side of the room stood a vase with a few roses.f. The pillows were strewn all over the place.

Page 5: Paragraph Handouts 2

g. The bed cover lay crumpled on the floor.(write your paragraph at the back of the paper.)

3. Topic Sentence: I have a regular exercise schedule that helps me stay in shape.a. After running, I always cool down by doing stretching exercises.b. The days in between give my muscles a chance to recover from the strain.c. I start by warming up with calm, easy stretching exercises.d. I save weekends for relaxing.e. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I jog.f. This exercise program takes much time and effort but the good feeling it gives me makes it worth the trouble.g. Then I usually run for about twenty-five minutes and I cover about three kilometers during that time.h. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I lift weights.


4. Topic Sentence: A number of theories exist about why the pyramids were originally built. ,

a. Some of these gigantic structures were constructed over a twenty-year period.b. Others believe that they were used as instruments to predict future events, such as floods or good crop season.c. One of the most popular theories is that they were used as tombs for the Egyptian pharaohs.d. Other people theorize that the pyramids were intended to be massive shelters during the time of the predicted great flood.e. Some historians argue that they were merely great sundials.


5. Topic sentence: Some members of the animal kingdom do not learn from experience, no matter how painful or pleasant they are or how many times they may be repeated.

a. It perishes because it cannot be educated.b. But a second sight brings a second return, and it continues to fly back and forth this way until the candle is taken away or the moth itself is destroyed.c. Instinctive behavior can lead to suicide.d. The sight of a lighted candle starts it toward the flame.e. The action of the moth is purely instinctive.f. The moth belongs to this class.g. Limited to instinctive reactions, it learns nothing as it goes through life.h. When it burns, it goes back into the darkness.


Page 6: Paragraph Handouts 2