park magazine, fall 2010

Fall 2010 Vol. 2 No. 2 MAGAZINE Changing face of higher education

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Park University Magazine, published Fall 2010, includes Alumniad features and campus news


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Fall 2010 Vol. 2 No. 2


Changing face of higher education

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Park University Magazine is published by the Office of University Advancement and the Office of Communication for Park alumni and friends. Send address corrections to Office of University Advancement, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Box 65, Parkville, MO 64152, or call (816) 584-6200 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit for more information.

The mission of Park University, an entrepreneurial institution of learning, is to provide access to academic excellence that will prepare learners to think critically, communicate effectively and engage in lifelong learning while serving a global community.

Our core values:• Commitment to commonalities and differences• Commitment to community among all peoples of the world• Commitment to lifelong learning

Go green with ParkPark University Magazine is available online. To opt out of receiving a printed version of the magazine, please e-mail the Office of Alumni Relations at [email protected]. If you receive more than one copy in the mail, please let us know. Thank you for supporting Park’s efforts to be more eco-friendly.

Features1 President’s greetings

2 Changing face of higher education

9 Quality in convenience: Park’s online program is setting the standard

14 The world comes to Park

18 Global Match: Making the connection

19 Park Warrior Center: Helping our nation’s wounded reconnect to education

20 Learning their own way: Students with disabilities find the support they need to succeed





38Departments6 University news

24 In academia

26 Alumniad

28 100th anniversary

30 Events

32 Class notes

36 Alumni Association awards

38 Alumni Weekend

41 Park mourns

Kathy Winklhofer, Editor + Art Director Wink Creative [email protected]

Vanessa Bonavia, Writer V Communications | [email protected]


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President’s greetingsDear Friends,

In the history of higher education, there has been little to compare with the rapidly changing dynamics currently facing colleges and universities. Scrutiny of educational promises, predatory practices by some and the price of higher education have all captured the nation’s headlines, as well as the attention of the Department of Education.

The practices of for-profit colleges and universities have received intense review and much criticism nationally. For example, less than forthright recruiting/advising practices have resulted in many students attending for-profit institutions to default on their loan payments — most of which are federally funded.

As president of Park University, a not-for-profit institution founded in 1875, I am immensely proud of the longstanding, ethical approach used at Park for assisting prospective and enrolled students. I consider it an honor to be affiliated with other not-for-profit colleges and universities that also remain focused on the students’ welfare.

In that effort, Park’s open and professional staff and faculty provide straightforward responses to important questions that help students and their families make the best decisions for their future. We also advise prospective students to ask many questions as they seek a college or university. Those questions include:

1. Is the school regionally accredited?2. What is the realistic employment outcome for a college degree?3. What is the total cost (annually and overall)?4. How much can I expect to be in debt when I graduate?5. What types of ongoing student services will be available to me?6. What type of financial aid is available (institutional, state and federal)?7. What academic qualifications does the faculty bring to the classroom?8. How many credits will be accepted from other regionally accredited schools?9. How long will it take me to graduate?10. What are the cost comparisons at Park with other colleges/universities?

For 135 years, Park has stood proudly among this nation’s finest institutions of higher learning, and we continue to take great pride in making academic excellence accessible, both via affordable tuition and flexible formats for programs. The University’s tradition of serving a diverse student population continues with 45 percent of Park’s 24,000-plus students nationwide representing ethnic groups who are underrepresented in higher education.

As one of the leading providers of undergraduate education for the U.S. military, Park also has a proud history of serving those who serve our country. Not surprisingly, Park University is now ranked by parents as No. 1 nationally for BEST VALUE in private, independent higher education. The result of the Park learning experience is that students become global citizens who are well prepared to help share the future as they serve others.

Best Regards,

Michael H. Droge, Ph.D.

Park University President

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By Thimios Zaharopoulos, Ph.D.Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Changing face of higher education

Today, the United States is undergoing a rapid evolution of its higher education system. As societies are constantly changing, it is very possible that we are entering a phase in education policy and practice that will take us to constant transitions.

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The current changes are forcing colleges and universities to scramble to keep up. Because of its very nature, Park University started this process long ago and in some ways, we find ourselves ahead of the curve.

Three main factors are influencing the current climate: the economy, technology and changing demographics.

Economic shifts In the 1980s, this country slowly started a movement away from the New Deal and the Great Society — away from investment in public goods. Budget cuts in areas of public good are slowly transforming higher education from a public good to a private one.

Of course, there was private higher education in this country even before this country was born, as the examples of many Ivy League universities show us. However, these colleges were founded with the idea of offering a public good to a forming society. Even Park University, founded in 1875, was established with the idea of providing higher education access to people who could otherwise not afford it. Students “paid” for their education by working at the college in a variety of jobs.

However, state universities have had to transform since this change started in the 1980s. As state budgets were cut, universities were forced to raise tuition to make up for the shortfall. State support has dropped from 69 to 79 percent in the 1970s to 29 to 35 percent today.

The cost of higher education is also being affected by the numerous technologies

and services now provided to students, who expect Wi-Fi everywhere, dorms that look like hotels and various student services that were not always available in the past.

This new economic condition has also coincided with, or may have even caused, a change in attitudes. Just a couple decades ago, going to college was about getting away. Because of the higher cost and changing relations between parents and children, students today often don’t go very far from home to attend college. All this, along with the current severe recession, has guided more students toward attending community colleges, where tuition is relatively low and the school is close to home.

Park University has always been a frugal university. For a private institution, Park’s tuition is similar to that of a public university. In fact, Park was recently ranked the No. 1 best value among private colleges and universities nationwide by Parents & Colleges, an online resource for parents and college-bound students.

As the global economy changes, and manufacturing jobs disappear or are outsourced, there is now a greater demand for analysts, managers and people with high-level skills. Many of these people will need master’s degrees.

Those seeking a graduate degree are not interested as much in theoretical graduate degree programs. They’re seeking “professional” degrees, such as the Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Affairs degrees that are currently in

demand, and offered at Park University. A bachelor’s degree 20 years ago did what a master’s degree needs to do today. At Park, we’ve seen a consistent growth in our graduate programs.

The changing economy has also brought forth an increase in the number of for-profit institutions of higher education. These schools initially came about to meet the needs for very specialized skills courses and programs. Now, they are growing because of the need for convenience, a growth in the number of adult students, and the availability of federal loans and grants.

Some use extensive marketing practices to entice the student to enroll, irrespective of whether the student will ever finish, or be able to pay off the loans if he/she does finish. The federal government is the guarantor of many student loans, so it is the taxpayers who end up paying when students default on loans.

Because of our low tuition rate, consultative admission practices and academic programs, Park tends to be better prepared to meet the needs of the new college student. Park’s student loan default rate is a relatively low 3.8 percent.

Changing demographicsFor the last 20 years or so, the average age of college students has continuously gone up. Traditionally, the college student was defined as 18-24 years old, residing on campus and working a few hours per week. Those days are gone. Today, colleges enroll an increasing number

Traditionally, the college student was defined as 18-24 years old, residing on campus and working

a few hours per week. Those days are gone.”

— Thimios Zaharopoulos, Ph.D.

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of part-time, older students who are returning to school.

For most colleges, the average age is 24-27 years old. The average age of the Park University student is 33. Often, this age group is juggling the demands of a full-time job and a family. To meet their busy schedules, we’re seeing a proliferation of accelerated (8-week) programs, evening programs and online classes.

In addition to an increasing number of older students, there is also an increase in the number of minority students, while the majority of U.S. college students today are women. At Park, women make up 52 percent of the student population. There is also a growing population of Hispanic students. For the past two years, Park has been recognized as one of the top 100 colleges for Hispanics, based on bachelor’s degrees awarded, by The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education.

Indeed, the face of the American college student is rapidly changing. It has been estimated by University Business that by 2020, students of color will comprise 46 percent of the total college student population.

This fall, students of color made up 45 percent of all Park students. The international student population at the Parkville Campus is 22 percent, while nationwide they represent 5 percent of the Park student population.

Technological advancesAs someone once said, “I will buy your latest new technology, if you promise it will be your last new technology.” We often wish it were so. But the increasing use of technology is allowing universities to serve more students at once, whether they are all gathered in the same room or are scattered around the world taking the same class.

Generally speaking, technological advancements are changing the educational experience. “Smart” classrooms feature wireless Internet and digital projection, student interactivity and access to databases at students’ fingertips.

Teachers are tapping into technology to enhance both the face-to-face and online classroom experience with such services

as YouTube EDU, podcasts and iTunes U. For example, I used to teach a class where I’d have to go to the library to get a copy of a 1906 film to demonstrate the history of cinema to my students. Now I just quickly search for the same film on YouTube.

Advanced technology has facilitated the explosive growth of online courses and accelerated degree programs. Students don’t have to leave their homes or jobs to advance their education. Technology offers convenient and economical options, particularly for adults with demanding schedules, to reach their educational and career goals.

Park is a pioneer and a recognized leader in online education. Park was one of the first to offer online classes more than 15 years ago, largely as a response to meet the unique needs of the military student. Sixty percent of Park’s students today take both online and face-to-face classes. As of this fall, our online students have access to their online course postings and messages on their mobile phones.

Today’s students are accustomed to the online experience. As a result, they have

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higher expectations for service, speed and convenience. For many students, there is a changing perception of the value of education. With the challenges to pay for college, students are demanding the highest quality and service. This is putting colleges on notice that they must improve their service, while the idea of the student as a customer is coming into conflict with the long-standing ideas of the college-to-student relationships.

In this new technological environment, the role of the college instructor is also changing.

The traditional perception of a college instructor is someone who stands up in front of the classroom and lectures to a silent class. Online learning is changing the role of a college professor and creating a more collaborative educational experience for students once again. The instructor is now becoming a “facilitator” of student learning, because both the technology and the student are different today.

In an online class, students don’t have the option to sit at the back of the room.

Participation is mandatory. Lectures are posted for students to read at their convenience each week. Instructors act as learning facilitators in the online classroom and post questions and initiate discussions that demand a greater level of engagement from students.

Today, we also find ourselves in an era of accountability. Governments, parents, students and society in general demand more from us.

For example, higher education today is focused on ensuring that students learn what is intended from a course. Colleges must now be able to show whether students have learned what they are suppose to learn from a single class or a course of study. This “outcomes-based” approach to education is a priority for accrediting agencies. Furthermore, the federal government is increasingly interested in whether graduating students are able to find jobs in the areas in which they have their degree.

Despite all these changes, one thing has not changed. College is a transformational experience for all students. For younger

ones, it is an era of maturation, while for non-traditional students, it is a tool for financial transformation.

Finally, another thing that has not changed is that a student can get a good education just about anywhere, in any format, if that student actively desires and pursues learning.

Some have traditionally thought of learning as passive, or the student as an empty vessel. Good education has never been that. But, the more active a learner is, the greater the benefit. It doesn’t matter if you are online or in a classroom, the key is how actively a student is engaging with the learning process.

The students who ask questions, participate in discussions and seek out more information on their own are bound to learn. Those with desire to learn will generally succeed. That has never changed.

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Historic discovery made in Parkville Campus building

A handful of St. Joseph (Mo.) Gazette newspapers dating back to 1907 were discovered at Park University’s Parkville Campus on Sept. 21. Construction crews, who are replacing windows on the University’s historic Norrington Center, found the newspapers rolled up inside the walls — apparently used as insulation during the construction of the building. The University is replacing the windows on the 102-year old building as part of its “Windows of Opportunity” campaign.

University newsJenkins earns University’s first Fulbright Student AwardTamera Jenkins, ‘09, a criminal justice/corrections graduate, was awarded a 2010-11 Fulbright Student Award. Jenkins is the first Park University student in the Fulbright’s history to win this award. She is currently studying in the graduate program of the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition, Jenkins was awarded the Provost International Fellowship for the 2010-11 academic year from SFU.

Park University President Michael H. Droge, Ph.D., said he was proud of Jenkins’ accomplishment and that the news of her award carried personal emotions for him — Droge was a Fulbright award-winner when completing his senior year at the University of Kansas. “This experience will change her life in wonderful ways,” he said.

CETL, School for Education wins ACHE awardsPark University’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning won the Association for Continuing Higher Education’s 2010 Award for Creative Use of Technology. CETL won the award for its “Best Practices Institute: Creating Development on Demand with Emergent Technologies” program. In addition, Park’s School for Education, in partnership with the Sprint Foundation, won ACHE’s Award for Distinguished Credit for its “Science E-Fellows High Intensity Induction Program.”

The CETL team of Amber Dailey-Hebert, Ph.D., (left) director and associate professor of education, and Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Ph.D., (right) assistant director and associate professor of English, researched content, and created and implemented

the Best Practices Institute to reach Park University’s diverse faculty — including those online and at a distance. The “Science E-Fellows” program, launched in June 2009, was developed to meet the unique professional development needs of beginning science teachers. Wakisha Briggs, continuing education director, coordinated this initiative.

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Staff Sgt. Morgan Quijano (right) is presented with the 2010 Lance P. Sijan United States Air Force Leadership Award by 509th Bomb Wing commander Brig. Gen. Robert Wheeler.

Whiteman AFB student earns Air Force leadership honor

Staff Sgt. Morgan Quijano, a junior management/human resources major at Park University’s Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., Campus Center, was honored with the 2010 Lance P. Sijan United States Air Force Leadership Award. The award recognizes the accomplishments of officers and enlisted members who have demonstrated the highest quality of leadership in the performance of their duties and their personal lives.

As the 509th Medical Support Squadron’s unit deployment manager, Quijano provided information on the unit’s personnel and ensured assets for mission preparedness. She also coordinated, scheduled and tracked the training of more than 180 assigned medical group members, ensuring maintenance of all deployment mobility records.

Park earns high ranking for awarding degrees to Hispanics

The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education magazine again ranked Park University among the top 100 colleges and universities in the country for the number of bachelor degrees awarded to Hispanic students. This spring, Park was ranked No. 56 nationally with 458 degrees awarded, representing 18 percent of the total number of degrees the University awarded in 2009. Park jumped up six spots from last year’s ranking of 62nd.

Tinker AFB graduate receives Hero award

Staff Sgt. James D. Gordon, a January computer science graduate from Park’s Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., Campus Center, was awarded the Radio Hero Award by REACT (Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams) International and Oklahoma County, Okla., REACT. Gordon was honored for his quick thinking in saving an Oklahoma City police officer who was barely conscious after being involved in a three-car accident. Gordon used the officer’s two-way radio to call in the report to dispatchers, and within minutes, emergency responders were on the scene.

Building at Scott AFB named in honor of Park student

A building at Scott Air Force Base, Ill., where Park University has a campus center, was named in honor of a Park student who made the supreme sacrifice in defense of the nation. A ceremony was held in honor of Master Sgt. Thomas Crowell in late May with a dedication of the building where his office was based. Crowell, a special agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, was the first Scott AFB airman killed in action in the Iraq War. He died when an improvised explosive device near Balad, Iraq, struck his vehicle in November 2007. At the time, Crowell was a senior criminal justice major at Park’s Scott AFB Campus Center.

Fessel donates stained glass window

A vintage stained glass window from the William Chick Scarritt estate was donated by Shirley Fessel and installed in Mackay Hall, just outside the president’s office. Fessel was employed by

Park in the 1980s as a writing specialist and tutorial instructor at Park working under the supervision of Melanie Tang, Ph.D., associate professor of English.

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Park University named no. 1 best value among private colleges nationwide

Park University is the top-ranked value among private colleges and universities, according to Parents & Colleges, an online resource for parents of college-bound students.

Institutions included on this list offer a diversity of degrees, have affordable tuitions and/or offer generous financial aid, and report the highest SAT or ACT scores for this incoming class. Park was cited as offering “both proximity to big-city excitement and the safe, relaxed atmosphere of a small town. The student body represents 50 states and 100 countries, and the school prides itself on its diversity and global outlook. Tuition for full-time undergraduates is a fraction of other private institutions. The average class size is small and the student-to-faculty ratio is low.”

Parents & Colleges is a unique new resource to help college-bound students’ most trusted advisers — their parents and guardians — navigate the college consideration process. It offers objective, expert-written advice for parents looking at college options. With the combined expertise of prominent college admissions officials and one of the nation’s leading educational services providers, Parents & Colleges provides information and perspectives not found on generic search sites or among the many sources of college rankings.

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Freakonomics co-author is featured speaker for Park’s Xerox Lecture Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the best-selling book Freakonomics, and its sequel, Superfreakonomics, shared surprising truths about our global economy as the featured speaker of Park University’s third annual Xerox Global Business Lecture Series on Oct. 7 at Kansas City’s Folly Theater. Freakonomics, published in 2005, became an instant best-seller and cultural phenomenon, with more than 4 million copies sold worldwide, including more than 1.5 million in the U.S. The book was recently transformed into a documentary —“Freakonomics: The Movie” — released in September nationwide by Magnolia Pictures.

University news

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Quality in conveniencePark’s online program is setting the standard

Flexibility with a focus on quality first defines Park’s online program as one of the largest, most respected in the nation.

We’ve all seen the brochures with pictures of relaxed, smiling students sitting at their laptops presenting a picture that online college classes are a breeze. It’s true that online courses are convenient and ideal for students juggling the demands of work, travel, families and a myriad of

other responsibilities. But the idea that earning a degree online is an effortless mouse click away is easier said than done — at least at Park University.

Perception vs. reality“Park University courses are not what I would call quick and simple,” said Roxanne Gonzales, Ed.D., dean of Park Distance Learning. “They are rigorous. Academic quality is our first priority.”

Online isn’t for everyone. To be successful in an online class, self-discipline and motivation are imperative. “It’s not uncommon for students in a traditional classroom to attend a class unprepared,” Gonzales said. “In an online class, there’s no option to sit silently in the back of the classroom. Students are required to participate in discussions each week and provide citations for their responses to document they’ve read the materials.”

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What’s old is newLearning from a distance — not in a traditional classroom — isn’t new. “People think that the Internet sparked this brand new idea of distance learning,” Gonzales said. “Actually, distance learning has been around since the 1800s for people who wanted to learn the trades through correspondence courses. Of course, it seems like the Stone Age by today’s standards — just books, pencil, paper and ‘snail mail.’”

But with the Internet, the potential for reaching students around the globe — anytime, anywhere — has exploded, offering unprecedented educational opportunities for a fast-paced world.

Park University was among the first institutions in the world to develop fully accredited online learning programs in 1996. Today, more than 19,500 students are enrolled in more than 300 accelerated online courses at Park. In fact, Park has become one of the largest accredited online degree-granting programs in the United States.

Online pioneerIt was the men and women in the U.S. military who wanted to serve their country — and also finish college — who sparked Park to develop innovative ways to meet their needs.

“Military students never know when they could be called away for duty,” said Tom Peterman, Ph.D., special assistant to the president for enrollment analysis and former vice president for distance learning at Park, who helped lead the development of Park’s online programs from 1996 until his retirement this summer. “If a course is eight weeks — and a servicemember receives orders to leave four weeks into the class — then they wouldn’t be able to complete (the

course). Online courses enable them to continue their education wherever they go.”

100 miles a nightGonzales began her 28-year career in education working with the military as an academic adviser. While stationed with her husband on a remote military base in England, she wanted to advance her education. But to do that, Gonzales had to drive 100 miles every night just to attend class.

“I began to better understand the plight of military members — and adults with busy lives — who wanted to advance their education,” Gonzales said.

The advent of the Internet sparked the beginnings of today’s online learning. “It all started to take off in 1996,” Gonzales said. “It was very exciting, especially to those of us in military and adult education. We immediately understood the tremendous value of access and convenience.”

As with all things new, online learning wasn’t without controversy. “Traditionalists in education really thought I was off the wall,” Gonzales said. “The big question was: how can you provide quality education without face-to-face interaction?”

That question would soon be answered by both research at Park and by the U.S. Department of Education.

Learning as much or more“We had been doing student opinion surveys for years in our face-to-face classes. I wanted to ensure the effectiveness of our online courses,” said Peterman, who led a five-year survey of Park’s online students from 2001

to 2005. The results were assuring: 90 percent of Park’s online students reported they were working “as hard or harder” and “learning as much or more” in their online courses.

“This was very valuable information for us,” Peterman said. “I wasn’t concerned that online classes were better than face-to-face classes, I just wanted to make sure they were equivalent.”

Peterman said his mantra over the years became well known at Park. “I didn’t want to be the biggest online program in the country, just the best,” he said. “Quality has been our mission as we’ve developed the program over the past 15 years. It’s that focus on quality that has led to our continued growth and success.”

And recently, the U.S. Department of Education issued a resounding confirmation of online effectiveness. A 2009 meta-analysis conducted by the Department of Education found that “Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.” The study further reported that students who took “blended” courses — those that combine elements of online learning and face-to-face instruction — appeared to do best of all.

Military taps Park’s expertiseKnown for its quality leadership in online education, Park is often tapped for its expertise by leading institutions around the world — including the U.S. military.

In 2004, Park was invited to participate in a committee formed by the U.S. Department of Defense to establish the

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standards of quality that would apply to any college or university offering online education to servicemembers. The DOD wanted to ensure the same rigorous standards for traditional education offerings were in place for online programs approved for military personnel.

“Online education was still relatively new. Anyone could start a school and offer degrees. The military didn’t want to be part of that,” Peterman said. “It was a matter of sharing with the military the quality online standards that were already in place at Park.”

Quality standardsGonzales often represents Park at national conferences on adult and online education and finds that universities nationwide are looking to Park’s expertise for best practices.

“Most importantly, I tell them that Park’s online programs are grounded in the University’s liberal arts tradition since 1875,” Gonzales said. “We focus on quality first — and then deliver it in a flexible and affordable format.”

Quality standards govern every aspect of Park’s online program. “Our courses are rigorous for both the student and the faculty,” Gonzales said. Undergraduate courses are limited to 25 students, 15 for graduate courses. “Other institutions will have up to 50 in an online class. If it’s a quality course, how you can manage 50 students in an online course is beyond me.”

Park’s courses are highly personalized. Students and faculty are required to participate in discussion threads every week. “For every graded assignment, it’s our policy that faculty provide specific feedback explaining what a student did well and what specifically needs improvement,” Gonzales said. “As a

faculty member, I read and respond to every single post from students.”

Learning from the bestWhen Park students log on for class, they can be assured they’re learning from the best. All online instructors at Park have advanced degrees and must complete intensive training to learn best practices for teaching a virtual course.

“What we do that many institutions are not doing — and I’m really proud of this — is an annual observation of online faculty just like Park does with face-to-face faculty,” Gonzales said.

This formal process is designed to ensure key factors for quality in an online course: Are instructors providing individual feedback? Are they active in discussion threads? Is the course content being properly facilitated?

Park’s online courses are also evaluated by Quality Matters, an external peer review process that is a national benchmark for online course design.

“I’m very proud of what we do,” Gonzales said. “With more than 55,000 online enrollments annually at Park, the complexity and quality of what we do is remarkable.”

Best of bothWill everyone be taking classes online in the future? “I don’t think that’s going to happen. It will be a combination of both,” Gonzales said. Park is currently doing blended-model pilots at campus centers across the country. Classes meet face-to-face for the first and last class. No more than 50 percent of the class is online.

Online and blended courses offer a new way of teaching that focuses on the student. For the blended model, instructors can post lectures and resources online, and use classroom time more creatively for things like case studies, group discussions and guest speakers.

But for Gonzales, the ultimate key to online quality goes back to the heart of education: the faculty and student connection. “I always tell our staff that the technology is a tool. It’s a delivery model; it’s not the learning process,” Gonzales said. “What occurs within that tool — among the students and the faculty — is the most important.”

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Mark Brady, ‘07Bachelor of Science Management/Computer Information SystemsDell Alliance Manager, Lexmark InternationalAustin, Texas

I traveled constantly for my job and I wanted nothing more than to finish my degree. If it hadn’t been for Park’s online program, I might have continued to put it off. I looked into several schools, but chose Park for many reasons. Park offered an online program for technical management at a reasonable price. Park also offered credit hours for my technical certifications and accepted my 21 college credits. Online classes gave me the flexibility I needed, but the classes were tough with participation requirements that held me accountable. I remember working on an assignment with an active Marine stationed in Syria who logged in at various times to correspond with the team. It worked well and was a great experience.

Kim Ellis, ‘05Bachelor of Science, ManagementSenior Graphic Designer Navy Recruiting Command Creative ServicesMillington, Tenn.

I’ve had many challenging experiences in the online classroom. And never once did I feel like I was in it alone. My most memorable online class was a course in business law. We were required to review the McDonald’s hot coffee case and to justify our position in favor of the plaintiff using a discussion thread with the instructor. Just when we thought the assignment was complete, the professor posted a challenge for us to argue the other side. That threw us for a loop, but we did it. Overall, the online experience demanded a great deal of self discipline and required me to stand on my own merits, and as a result, I believe that I learned more and worked harder than I would have in a traditional class setting.

Jaynine Howard, ‘03, USMC (Ret) Bachelor of Science, Social PsychologyPresident/CEO, Dream CatcherJacksonville, N.C.

I was a single mom with three children and an active-duty Marine. I definitely needed the flexibility of online classes. Some people think online courses are isolating. I actually developed close bonds with several of my virtual classmates and we’ve stayed in touch. Sometimes, I found myself competing against other online students in a healthy way. We pushed each other to excel. I especially liked meeting students from around the world who contributed different geographical and cultural viewpoints.

Sam Motes, M.B.A., ‘07Master of Business AdministrationSoftware Services Lead, PGT IndustriesVenice, Fla.

My wife and I were traveling frequently to China to adopt our second daughter. My job also demanded a great deal of travel. To achieve my M.B.A., my only option was the flexibility of a fully online program. Park’s online M.B.A. program was a very positive experience. I especially enjoyed group projects that connected me to students from both coasts and other countries for engaging discussions. Park’s professors were always responsive and the curriculum was relevant to the business climate in the real world.

Online alumni

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Online degree programs ranked high by consumer groupFive Park University online degree programs were ranked as “best buys” by the national editorial review team at, including Park’s online Master of Public Affairs degree program, which earned a No. 8 ranking in the “Online Master of Public Administration and Master of Public Affairs” category. Also ranked in their respective categories were Bachelor of Science programs in criminal justice administration (14th), management (33rd) and social psychology (47th), and the Master of Business Administration program (17th).

Nearly 12 million post-secondary students in the U.S. take some or all of their classes online. This number is expected to skyrocket to more than 22 million in the next five years. — Ambient Insight

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Jeanette Hernandez Prenger, ‘09Bachelor of Science, Management/Computer Information SystemsFounder and President, ECCO SelectKansas City, Mo.

I have a very hectic schedule, working more than 60 hours a week as president of a small business, but online classes allowed me to manage my time and complete my degree. I selected Park because of its reputation. The courses were demanding, but the professors were very accessible by phone or e-mail. Since many students in my classes were also working full-time jobs, we used conference calls to connect for study group discussions. I’ve kept most of my books because many of my courses directly applied to my business. The online program was well worth the sacrifices and time.

Lori Rohre, ‘07Bachelor of Science, Human Resource ManagementDirector of Human Resources, Austin Presbyterian Theological SeminaryAustin, Texas

Online classes are significantly more challenging because the onus is on the student. The flexibility of a class online is both good and challenging. It’s easy to put off doing class work until you finish “this or that” without the time constraints of a traditional classroom. It’s up to the student to carve out time to do the reading each week and log on to participate in required discussion threads. It requires discipline and motivation. Even with all the things that I had to balance (marriage, children, aging parents, work and life), I not only completed my degree, but was nominated the 2007 Outstanding Graduate at Park’s campus center in Austin. It was tough, but like anything, if you set your mind to it you can make it happen.

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Michael Hernandez, director of the Office of International Student Services at Park, remembers it was a big deal to travel out of state for college. It took a bit of adjustment, but he managed the culture shock from leaving his home in sunny California to going to college in the Midwest.

Today, he is dedicated to helping students who are boldly traveling the globe — oceans away from families and anything familiar — to attend Park University.

Representing the world“It can be an overwhelmingly complicated process for students just to get to the U.S., let alone adjust to a completely different culture once they arrive,” Hernandez said. “That’s why we do everything we can to assist them.”

Park’s global perspective attracts students from all over the world seeking a quality education in America. Their positive experience at Park has fueled steady growth since 1998 when 60 international students were enrolled. Today, Park has more than 650 international students representing 110 countries.

New college, new countryImagine the preparations to not only enter college, but also to enter and live in a new country. “There is often a great deal of bureaucracy, scrutiny and red tape, and it varies with each country,” Hernandez said. “Over the years, we’ve learned how to better assist them through the process.”

“You can’t begin to imagine all that is new to them,” said Kimberly Connelly, assistant director of the OISS. “There are many layers to cultural adjustment, from language to food to social interactions. That’s why Park makes it a priority to support international students with all aspects of their college experience in America.”

Once they arrive, international students participate in an intensive orientation to help them get settled — both on campus and in America — with guidance for everything from opening a bank account to obtaining a driver’s license. More importantly, Park helps them connect socially with clubs such as the World Student Union and programs such as Culture Hour, a casual weekly forum to share questions and concerns about adjusting to American life.

Diverse perspectivesInternational students make invaluable contributions to the Park University experience. “They’ve lived different systems — political, economic and social — and by sharing their diverse perspectives in the classroom and on campus, they open our minds to other ideas,” Connelly said. “It’s that open exchange that you want in a university.”

Connelly is inspired every day working with Park’s international students. “It’s a highly motivated group that comes to America,” she said. “They are open to experiencing our culture, and in turn, we learn so much from them.”

The world comes to Park

Graduating international students were honored May 7 during the International Sash Ceremony hosted by Park’s Office of International Student Services. Students are presented with a graduation sash representing their home country flag.

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The world comes to Park

A long way from homeIt requires a tremendous depth of courage to

leave family behind and travel thousands of

miles across the globe for higher education

in America. International students overcome

many obstacles to realize their dreams, and

Park is honored to help them reach their

goals. Their personal experiences and insights

expand our perspective, our understanding

and our admiration.

Yuki Akechi, JapanSenior, Graphic Design

When I landed at the airport in Kansas City, people from Park were there to greet me. And they’ve been there for me ever since.

The smallest things can be huge when you’re adapting to a new culture. What helped me was Park’s Culture Hour, a weekly program where we discussed cultural differences — we called them “culture bumps” — such as food, dress and interacting socially in America.

I experienced many “culture bumps” both in and out of class. In Japan, a typical classroom is very quiet: teachers lecture and students take notes. Discussion is rare. Here, professors encourage students to share their opinions. At first, it was hard for me to speak out in class and I was self-con-scious about my English.

People back home often ask me what Americans are like. I tell them there is no “typical” American. I try to explain that Americans are defined by their differences. It’s this diversity that I enjoy most about being in America and at Park.

Gladys Gatotho, KenyaMaster of Business Administration (anticipated Spring 2011)

From fast cars to fast food, the pace of life in America intimidated me. It was very difficult to leave my country and adjust to a completely different lifestyle. I’d never driven a car back home. Luckily, I made friends easily at Park who helped me get around until I finally got my driver’s license and my first car.

America was different from what I expected. I imagined it filled with huge cities. It was comforting for me to see beautiful farm-land and forested areas. Yet my first winter facing the cold was almost unbearable.

Whenever I needed anything, it was a huge relief to know I could count on everyone at Park’s Office of International Student Services. They were like a whole new family to me and helped me feel at ease. I’m grateful that I’ve had this chance to experience America at Park. I think all students should take the opportunity to study abroad and open themselves to learning about other parts of the world.

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Amiran Gelashvili, ‘10 Republic of GeorgiaBachelor of Arts, Business Administration/International Business and Business Administration/Finance

I dreamed of living where social status, money or political connections wouldn’t determine my future. My education at Park has made all the difference.

Words can’t express my gratitude for the level of dedi-cation that Park has for inter-national students. I’ll never forget a difficult summer when war erupted between Russia and my country. I received many e-mails from professors offering support to ensure I returned to school. It meant so much to me.

Over the years, my professors have become my mentors. They’ve helped me realize the many possibilities for my future. Next year, I will be moving to England for graduate school. So far, I’ve been accepted to one of three schools. As soon as I make my final decision, I will be very excited to share the good news with everyone at Park.

I encourage all students to take advantage of the opportunity at Park to meet people from all over the world. By connecting, we create understanding. And I’ve found that life works in mysterious ways. We never know where we’ll find each other helpful in the future…even if only to share a cup of coffee one day in Cairo or Paris.

Charif Hamidi, MoroccoSenior, Business Administration/International Business and Business Administration/Finance

You can find international programs at universities everywhere. But Park has a true global perspective that attracted me. And that came to mean more to me than I expected.

After winter break in Morocco, I was returning for

the (2010) spring semester when I was detained in the Atlanta airport for nearly 24 hours before being deported. It was a horrible experience. I had no idea what was wrong, but later learned I hadn’t followed a procedure that I wasn’t aware of before exiting the U.S.

If it wasn’t for everyone at Park, I don’t think I would have returned. I had to reapply for a new student visa — a costly and nerve-racking procedure. Everyone pulled together to help me through the bureaucracy and to keep my spirits up with encouraging e-mails and calls.

Every international student has a story, and Park does its best to respond to each student’s unique situation. I know that I will be forever grateful. Park, to me, is more than just a university. It’s my American family.

Duong (“Amy”) Ly, VietnamJunior, Business Administration/International Business and Business Administration/Finance

I had only known Vietnamese ways. America represented all that was modern and I wanted to learn new ways of life. Yet I knew loneliness would be part of the adjustment to study in America.

I work as a student assistant in Park’s Office of International Student Services where I help with admissions. I try to make all the international students feel welcome because I know they are going through a lot. Like them, I was homesick and missing my country, my family — and familiar food. When I first sat at an American table, I had no idea what to eat. It’s amazing how food can really make you miss home!

I encourage international stu-dents not to close themselves off by only talking with people from their country. The programs at Park help us open up and connect to each other. We can learn so much from everyone we meet here.

Special thanks to Cristian Fatu, ‘10, who photographed Yuki Akechi, Duong (“Amy”) Ly and Zebo Yuldasheba for the “World of Faces” exhibit at the Parkville Campus, part of The Global Museum — a Walking Experience of International Culture sponsored by Park’s Office of International Student Services.

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Ergys Prenika, ‘05, AlbaniaBachelor of Arts, Business Administration/International Busi-ness and Business Administration/Finance

When I came to America, nothing was clear…what I would do or where it would lead. But I knew my Park education would open a new world of opportunities for me.

My parents had limited resources. Although professional, their work under communism was not monetarily beneficial. Yet they gave

me half their savings for college and I worked hard to achieve what they entrusted to me. Despite all the good, I would often ask myself what I was doing here. Everything I had ever known was in Albania. My parent’s sacrifice kept me going. I had to succeed.

Park was my foundation in America. I participated in many activities as the president of the World Student Union, a Park senator (Park Student Government Association) and resident assistant. I helped establish the Global Future program, an educational collaboration between Park and the World Trade Center of Kansas City. I also had the honor of being the first student speaker at Park’s commencement in 2005.

Meeting students from more than 100 countries at Park offers tremendous rewards because we live in a world where the skills to build bridges — with colleagues in the next office or on a different continent — are highly valued. Today, I work in Brazil for a Fortune 500 company. I can’t say enough about how the intercultural skills I learned at Park have helped me in my career.

Chandan Singh, ‘10, NepalBachelor of Science, Biology

The fast-paced American life was more than I expected. I was used to a more laid-back lifestyle in my small village in Nepal. Before I came, I envisioned America as a land of opportunity and a fun-filled life. I soon dis-covered how hard people work to achieve their dreams.

To adjust to the hectic pace, I was fortunate to receive plenty of help when I arrived in the U.S. from Park’s Office of Inter-national Student Services. They assisted me with everything I needed to get settled and make friends.

My education at Park provided the knowledge and practical experience for success in my field. Currently, I’m working as a cancer research assistant at The University of Kansas Medical Center. I plan to continue my education, research and someday teach what I learn.

Zebo Yuldasheba, UzbekistanJunior, Business Administration/Finance

I had my acceptance letter from Park and a host family waiting for me in America. Everything was set. The problem was getting there.

In Uzbekistan, I presented all the required documents to officials at the U.S. Embassy. I was a good student and even had a scholarship — and I was promptly rejected. I was devastated because I knew education in America was better and I longed to learn how people lived on the other side of the ocean.

During my second visit to the embassy — just a week later, with the exact same documents — I was accepted. The embassy is often the greatest obstacle for many international students. No one gets an answer as to “why” they are rejected. It doesn’t make any sense.

When I first came to Park, I was hesitant to talk because I didn’t think my English was good. Now I’m president of the World Student Union and I encourage students to become involved as soon as possible. It makes a big difference in learning the language and making friends. I think college is the time to build your first network for your future, both personally and professionally. Because of Park, my network spans the globe.

International students and alumni

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Music is a universal language that struck a chord of international friendship.

“When I arrived in America, it was a shock. The hardest part was not knowing anyone,” said Tarik Labaar (left), who traveled from Morocco to the U.S. last January to pursue a business degree from Park.

Then he met Randy Bailey (right), Park’s director of environmental services. For Labaar, Bailey was simply a friendly American who reached out to him as his assigned Global Match partner.

They quickly discovered a shared love of music. “We had a lot in common,” Labaar said about meeting Bailey. “But what were the odds that I’d find someone during my first weeks in America who plays classical guitar like me?”

Personal connectionsGlobal Match is a volunteer program that pairs Park faculty or staff with interna-tional students arriving for their first year in the U.S. to attend Park University.

“It’s all about making connections,” said Kimberly Connelly, assistant director of the Office of International Student Services, about the purpose of the program she developed for Park, now in its third year. “Global Match offers another way for Park to personally reach out to welcome and support international students.”

Global Match partners are expected to connect at least twice a month for casual activity, like meeting for lunch or to at-tend a Park event. For some, like Labaar and Bailey, the program can spark the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

Music and menusBailey recently invited Labaar to play guitar at his home recording studio. “I

thought it would be fun to make a CDof Tarik’s music for his family and friends back home,” Bailey said.

Besides music, it’s the little things that Labaar appreciates. “When we first went to restaurants, I understood only a few words on the menu. Randy helped me make sense of American food and many other cultural differences,” Labaar said.

Bailey has mentored several international students through the program. “It’s a joy to do what I can to befriend Park’s international students,” Bailey said. “I can only imagine how bewildering it must feel when they arrive here, and most of them come here alone.”

Comfort of homeBailey said that Global Match offers the security of a personal connection. “If I were in a foreign country, I’d want to know there was somebody looking out for me,” he said.

Labaar said it’s comforting to know Bailey is there for him. “Randy tells me that he is my father in America and his house is my house,” Labaar said. “It’s nice to have a home and family to visit in America.”

Labaar laughed when he recalled Bailey admitting he wasn’t familiar with his home country. “At first, he thought Morocco was mostly desert, until I showed him pictures of my home by the ocean in Casablanca,” Labaar said. “Now he wants to go. Hopefully he will someday — and I will be his host.”

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Park University earns distinction by G.I. Jobs For the second year in a row, Park was honored by G.I. Jobs magazine on its list of Military Friendly Schools. The list honors the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools doing the most to embrace America’s veterans as students.

“Park University began serving the military in the 1800s and that dedication continues today,” said Park University President Michael H. Droge, Ph.D. “The entire University community is proud to be serving those who serve our country.”

The bravery of our returning servicemembers deserves nothing short of Park’s highest commitment to their success.

As part of its longstanding U.S. military affiliation, Park is committed to serving our nation’s “wounded warriors” injured in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom through the new Park Warrior Center.

“The Park Warrior Center is designed from a holistic perspective to provide multiple levels of support to wounded servicemembers, veterans and their families as they pursue higher education,” said Stephen W. Terry, Park Warrior Center project manager.

Many returning servicemembers are coping with a range of physical and mental

health disabilities, including mild to severe post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. To help transition wounded servicemembers to degree programs and readjust to civilian life, the Park Warrior Center delivers college courses in a structured format while providing layers of academic, emotional and social support.

The program consists of five preliminary Americans with Disabilities Act compliant courses that, if desired, can form the foundation for any degree program at any institution of higher learning. Each enrolled servicemember is provided a scholarship for a Park “learning buddy” such as a spouse, relative or friend to take the course at the same time for assistance and encouragement.

Park Warrior Center’s support services include face-to-face and distance counseling for academic and emotional

challenges. Participants have access to a web portal that serves as a one-stop resource, along with a 24-hour phone hotline for live support. The Center also offers assistance with résumé writing and interview skills training, job referrals, and information on internships and apprenticeships.

“Park is honored to support our returning servicemembers by doing everything we can to help them reconnect to educational opportunities and achieve their goals,” Terry said.

The Center has received financial support from Crosby Kemper, UMB Bank and Pioneer Services, and was the recipient of 50 percent of the proceeds from this year’s Founders Day celebration.

Park Warrior Center:Helping our nation’s wounded reconnect to education

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Learning their own way: Students with disabilities find the support they need to succeed

Sign language interpreter Megan Lewis (left) translates a discussion about textile samples for deaf interior design senior Gaye Sherman (right) and Kay Miller Boehr, associate professor of interior design.

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College is challenging for everyone. For students coping with disabilities, it can seem impossible. But students at Park are proving otherwise.

College coursework demands hours of intensive reading, research and writing. For the average student, it can be an ex-hausting mental and physical feat. But for students struggling with disabilities, it can seem impossible. How do they succeed? One word: determination.

“Determination is everything,” Debra McArthur, director of academic support services, said. From physical impairments to learning disabilities, Park students are overcoming a myriad of obstacles — and succeeding — with help from Park’s Academic Support Center.

Twice the timeFor Park students struggling with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder or other types of learning disabilities, college studies can take twice as long. “Park provides assis-tance in many ways, but it’s ultimately up to students to persevere in spite of their circumstances.” And perseverance is often a matter of time.

As a rule of thumb, McArthur advises all Park students to allow two hours of study for every one hour of class. For students taking 12 semester hours — “a full load” — that translates to 24 hours outside of class each week spent reading, writing papers and preparing for exams.

“Students coping with learning disabilities need more time and support to process information,” McArthur said. “That’s why determination is the key.”

Learning disabilities affect the brain’s ability to receive, process, analyze or store information. Park understands that disabilities have nothing do with a student’s ability to learn. Sometimes, it just means finding a different way.

Finding solutionsAt Park, each student’s disability is considered individually to coordinate appropriate assistance. In some cases, that may be audio textbooks, note-taking services and extra time for exams. For students with a physical impairment, Park coordinates specialized assistance, such as a team of interpreters to accompany a deaf student in every class.

Park also consults with students to recommend assistive technologies, such as screen readers and other specialized software. For all students, Park’s Academic Support Center provides tutoring support in a range of disciplines including writing, math and foreign languages.

For students with mobility issues, Park works to ensure accessible accommodations. McArthur acknowledged that some buildings on the Parkville Campus are historic and are exempt from Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. “We recently had a student in a wheelchair who was s cheduled for a class in the basement of a building without elevators,” McArthur said. “Once we discovered the issue, we quickly coordinated with the Registrar’s Office and relocated the class.”

McArthur said faculty and staff across Park’s campus centers work closely together to find solutions to best serve the varying needs of students. “We’re committed to doing whatever it takes to help all students achieve their goals.”

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Ron Taylor ‘10Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice/ Law Enforcement

I never would’ve made it without Park.

I tried several colleges and failed miserably. Finally, I discovered that I had dyslexia. Although my problem had a name, I still couldn’t find the help I needed to succeed.

With dyslexia, I have difficulty reading letters and numbers. Words on the page all look like scrambled eggs to me. I can understand and learn; I just don’t see things the way I should on the page. I needed personal attention, but in most universities you’re just a number. I didn’t want to try again — until I discovered Park University.

When I first started, I was terrified and took only one class a semester until I gained confidence. Park coordinated special arrangements for me, including

audio textbooks and extra time for tests, including someone to read the questions and type my answers. For papers, I used a computer program that transcribed what I spoke.

My learning was there, but it was a matter of translating what I knew. Park understood that and was willing to work with me. But it wasn’t easy. The time it took for me to study was often excruciating. I’m sure it was also frustrating for my instructors and tutors — but together we made it work.

When I finished my bachelor’s degree this fall, I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. Since high school, it’s taken me 21 years — and a dedicated team at Park — but I finally made it.

Sign language interpreter Megan Lewis (right) translates for deaf interior design senior Gaye Sherman.

Gaye ShermanSenior, Interior Design

I don’t let being deaf stop me from achieving my goals.

In high school, my teachers recognized my creative abilities and encouraged me to consider interior design. I worried that I might not be successful because of my disability. My first year in college wasn’t

a good experience because the special assistance I needed wasn’t available. That’s why I transferred to Park.

Being deaf, I can’t listen and write at the same time. Park provided me support with people to take notes as well as a team of sign language interpreters for every class. My instructors are all very understanding and patient with me. It’s made all the difference.

Every day, I’m inspired by the quote from the former president of Gallaudet University: “Deaf people can do anything but hear.” It’s true. I work very hard and I knew I could do it. Park has helped make it possible.

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Lourdes (Lulu) Pyron, ‘09Bachelor of Arts, Social Psychology

It’s a lot of work, but I have a lot of determination.

I’m a very persistent person, and with my many disabilities, I have to be in order to achieve my goals. Several years ago, I suffered severe head injuries from a car accident. Imagine studying while coping with all that I do: dysgraphia (impair-ment of the ability to write

caused by brain damage), acalculia (loss of the ability to perform simple arithmetic), dyslexia, ADHD and other physical limita-tions. That’s why Park’s online classes have been a blessing for me. They require discipline, but they give me the flexibility of time that I need. And time is very valuable to me. Preparing for class takes me much longer than most. I re-read constantly and do at least five drafts for each paper. I rely on help from tutors and have software programs that read books aloud and enable me to highlight sections to create study outlines.

Park’s support has been above my expectations — and helped me go beyond my own. Now I’m working toward a Master of Arts in Communication and Leadership degree at Park. I push myself and set clear goals. In fact, I mocked up a master’s degree cer-tificate with my name on it that I look at every day. I’m not ever giving up. With Park’s help, I know it can be done.

Shelly Shetley, ‘03Bachelor of Social Work

People told me I wasn’t college material, but I believed otherwise.

After a car accident when I was 2 years old, I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy that confined me to a power chair for mobility. But that hasn’t stopped me from moving forward.

Park’s Academic Support Center provided me with a person to assist me in my classes, as well as extra time and a quiet

space for test taking. I also took advantage of the Center’s tutoring services.

Park proved to be especially supportive of students with mobility issues. When I first attended Park, I wasn’t able to independently enter certain buildings on the Parkville Campus because they didn’t have automatic doors. The buildings are historic, so they’re exempt from the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirement. I sent a letter about my situation to then-president of Park Dr. Beverley Byers-Pevitts. Within a week, a representative from her office asked to accompany me on campus to identify the specific doors as well as other issues. Adjustments were made the next week.

For people with disabilities, it’s important to advocate for yourself and persist until you get the support you need. If I agreed with those who said that I had “no aptitude” for college, I wouldn’t have both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees — or be starting my own nonprofit. Today, I’m working to educate businesses about assistance dogs and the legal rights of persons with disabilities who are accompanied by them.

Rebekah Canales, ‘09Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

I feared I’d never be able to make it through college.

I have a neuro-muscular disorder that causes intense, chronic pain in my hands and makes writing extremely slow and tedious. I couldn’t imagine how I’d be able to keep up with college coursework. I honestly thought it was impossible. But Park changed my perspective by offering assistance I never knew was available to me.

Park coordinated people to take notes for me and arranged for me to have extra time to take exams. As a result, I’ve been able to complete my bachelor’s degree in psychology and am now enrolled in Park’s Master of Public Affairs program.

I couldn’t have done it without Park’s support. It’s important to be as independent as possible, but students need to be aware of the help available at Park — and to seek assistance when they need it.

Determination brings success

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In academiaPublications

A book written by Joan Aitken, Ph.D., communication arts professor, and Terri Sharp, ‘01, M.A.C.L., ‘08, has been published. The book, Prisoners Paroled to the Violent Streets Describe their Lives to Us: Understanding Where Social Rehabilitation Must Begin, is a scholarly work that

argues for the importance of communication when facing problems associated with probation and parole.

Erlan Burk, information and computer science assistant professor, had a paper he authored published in the June issue of the Journal for Computing Teachers, a publication of the International Society for Technology in Education. The paper, “Individual and Group Projects in an

Online Class,” covers basic techniques for online classroom projects, including choice of topics, establishing projects, forming groups, incremental assignments, evaluating student achievement, facilitating project activities and a discussion of example projects.

Lana Ellis, Ph.D., business administration and public affairs adjunct instructor, co-authored an article for Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, a journal of the University of Iowa College of Law. The article, “Matters of Preference: Tracing the Line Between Citizens, Democratic States and International Law,” assesses “the role that the aggregation of citizen preferences into the foreign policy choices of a democratic country might play in the legitimization of international law.”

An article authored by Laine Hurdle, finance adjunct instructor, was published in the July issue of Training and Development magazine, a professional journal from the American Society of Training and Development. The article, “Adult Learning Principles to Consider When Using Web 2.0,” focuses on a checklist that supervisors should consider when using discussion threads via Web 2.0 platforms in the workplace. Hurdle utilized Malcolm Knowles’ “Theory of Andragogy” and his own experiences as an online instructor at Park in formulating the article.

James Taulman, Ph.D., biology assistant professor, had a paper he authored published in an issue of The American Midland Naturalist. “Display of Animal Location Data and Kernel Home Range Contours in Google Earth Pro” presents detailed instructions for taking animal location data from

wildlife field research, going through the creation of home ranges, and to the final display of those ranges onto a background of Google Earth’s satellite photography.

PresentationsSteve Atkinson, Ph.D., English associate professor, presented “Taking the Adventure by Sea: Knights and Ladies, Ships and Barges in the Narratives of Malory’s Morte Darthur” at the 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Mich., in May. The paper explored

elements of Thomas Malory’s 15th century work based on the legend of King Arthur.

Gary Bachman, social work associate professor and field director, provided a personal glimpse of the events that occurred in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, during a community presentation in North Kansas City, Mo., in September. Bachman discussed his experiences while working on the front

lines that fateful day as a disaster relief worker.

Kenneth Christopher, D.P.A., College of Liberal Arts and Sciences assistant dean, and criminal justice administration assistant professor, presented a session at the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement’s Offshore Patrol Vessel Summit in Norfolk, Va., in May. Christopher’s

session, “Offshore Patrol Vessel Concept Solutions for Emerging Asymmetric Threats,” focused on in-port and waterways threats and vessel/technology solutions.

Gail Hennessy (left) and Kim Kasperbauer (right), both education assistant professors, presented research at the Association of Teacher Educators’ 2010 Summer Conference, in August in Kansas City, Mo. Their presentation, “Tools of the Trade: A Look at Teacher Education Program

Admittance Requirements and Their Use as Tools for Predicting Success Among Traditional and Non-Traditional Teacher Candidates,” reported initial findings from a study focusing on the needs and trends of Park’s teacher candidates who consider themselves “non-traditional students.”

Walter E. Kisthardt, Ph.D., social work associate professor and program director, presented a session at the Kansas Association of Addiction Professionals annual summer training conference in Great Bend in June. His presentation, “Evidence-Based Practice with Persons with Co-Occurring

Disorders,” examined the changes being considered in the soon-to-be-updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual related to addiction, substance abuse and personality disorders.

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Lolly Ockerstrom, Ph.D., English associate professor, presented a paper at the International Conference on Virginia Woolf, in June in George-town, Ky. Ockerstrom’s paper, “Landscapes, Longing and Cornwall: Virginia Woolf and A.L. Rowse,” examined the impact of childhood experiences in

Cornwall in the writings of Woolf, and Rowse, a 20th century critic and historian.

Dennis Okerstrom, Ph.D., (left) English professor, and Jane Wood, Ph.D., (right) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences interim dean, and English associate professor, presented papers as

part of a panel at the International Hemingway Conference in July in Lausanne, Switzerland. Okerstrom’s paper was on “Ernest Hemingway on Kansas City’s Woodrow Wilson Avenue: The Geography of Gender in a ‘Wonderful and Unsavory’ Town” and Wood’s paper was on “Mores of the Midwest: Hemingway, A Moveable Feast and the Longing for Home.”

Gerry Walker, D.H.Ed., nursing assistant professor and program chair, presented a session at the Midwest Leadership Institute for Nurse Educators/Deans and Directors in Columbia, Mo., in June. Walker presented the session “Revisiting the Past: Building New Partnerships Using an Old

Nursing Model.” The session discussed Park University’s partnership with Truman Medical Centers and described the collaborative process to take Park’s nursing program to TMC.

Tim Westcott, Ph.D., history associate professor and Department of Culture and Society chair, provided the keynote session at the Westport Historical Society Speaker Series in August in Kansas City, Mo. Westcott discussed “General Order No. 11” that was issued by Union Brig. Gen.

Thomas Ewing Jr. on Aug. 25, 1863, in retaliation for a Missouri “Bushwhackers” raid on Lawrence, Kan.

Awards, appointments and recognitionsMike Brown, Ed.D., education adjunct instructor, was honored

by the Greater Kansas City, Mo., Principal’s Association as its Middle School Principal of the Year. Brown, principal at Plaza Middle School in the Park Hill (Mo.) School District, was nominated for his work using collaborative leadership that transformed the school through professional

learning communities and the organization of “reality teams.”

Laurie DiPadova-Stocks, Ph.D., School of Graduate and Professional Studies dean, and public administration professor, was recognized by the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration. DiPadova-Stocks received the chapter’s Award for Special

Contributions in recognition of her exceptional dedication to the chapter.

Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Ph.D., English associate professor and Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning assistant director, received the inaugural Missouri Campus Compact Engaged Faculty Fellowship. The purpose of the Missouri Campus Compact Engaged Faculty Fellow

program is to promote the scholarship of engagement as a rigorous and scholarly form of teaching, research and professional service in the state of Missouri and across the nation. As the 2010-11 Engaged Faculty Fellow, Donnelli will serve as co-editor of the peer-reviewed Missouri Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education.

Lt. Col. Tony Monetti, management adjunct instructor at the Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., Campus Center, was recognized by the Warrensburg, Mo., Chamber of Commerce for his extensive leadership and community involvement. Monetti, director of operations for the 13th Bomb Squadron at Whiteman AFB, was named the Chamber’s “Man of the Year” based on his community leadership, influence, personal characteristics and personification of the Warrensburg “Made Fresh Daily” theme.

John Noren, Ph.D., (left) sociology associate professor, and Timothy Westcott, Ph.D. (right), history associate professor and Department of Culture and Society chair, were honored with

the Patriot Award from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, an agency that acts as a liaison between employers, supervisors and the military.

Bijaya Shrestha, Ph.D., computer science adjunct instructor, was awarded a U.S. patent as a co-inventor for “Automatic Detection of Critical Dermoscopy Features for Malignant Melanoma Diagnosis.” This patent is on a process and algorithm, based on training a computer system with advanced logic systems to examine a digitized image of the cancer lesion and reliably recommend whether it is malignant melanoma or benign.

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2010-11 Alumni Council

Susan Kensett McGaughey, ‘74President [email protected]

Cynthia James Null, x58Secretary [email protected]

Jay Flaherty, ‘71Treasurer [email protected]

David Barclay, ‘[email protected]

Duane Davidson, ‘03, M.P.A. ‘[email protected]

David Ehrlich, ‘[email protected]

Nancy Greinke, ‘[email protected]

Kyle Hoffman, ‘[email protected]

Michael Hurley, ‘71, Ph.D. [email protected]

LaKeisha Johnson, ‘08 [email protected]

Toni Madeira, ‘88 [email protected]

Jeff McKinney, ‘[email protected]

January Rogers Miller, ‘05, M.B.A. ‘[email protected]

Michael Newburger, ‘[email protected]

Denzil Ross, ‘06, M.B.A. ‘[email protected]

Karie Schaefer, ‘[email protected]

Staff Liaison

Julie McCollumDirector of Alumni Relations(816) 584-6206 | [email protected]

Fall 2010 - 26

Let us hear from you!Contact the Office of Alumni Relations with news, comments and questions about the Park University Alumni Association and its members. Phone: (816) 584-6206 or (800) 488-PARK (7275) Fax: (816) 505-5409 E-mail: [email protected] Address: 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Box 37 Parkville, MO 64152

Frank Maldonado, ‘07, graduate from the Fort Bliss, Texas, Campus Center, and his wife, Gigi, pose for a photo on the Mackay Hall stairs during Alumni Weekend.


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Centennial Issue

The purpose of the Alumni Association is “to assist and advance the interest of Park University and to cherish the spirit of friendship among its members.”

Fall 2010 Vol. 100 No. 1

News and notes for Park University alumni


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Happy 100th anniversary

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Origin of the AlumniadBy Carolyn McHenry Elwess, ‘71 Park University Archivist

The Alumniad was created in 1910 by Alumni Association President Edwin R. Barrett, class of 1895. Barrett had been active in journalism as a student and in 1893, edited The Parkette, an early student newspaper. The Parkette was re-named The Park College Stylus in 1895. Before the creation of the Alumniad, news of the alumni had been printed in the Stylus or in The Park College Record, the college newsletter. Neither publication was automatically mailed to all alumni and neither had room to include a great deal of alumni news.

The minutes of the 1909 annual business meeting carry an interesting, yet cryptic, message. These minutes are handwritten and obviously incomplete, but at the end of the meeting, the following motions were made and carried: “That the publication of an alumni paper be deferred indefinitely and that any member bringing up the subject of an alumni publication for discussion again be fined $5.00.” It is unclear if this was a joke; however, times were tough for the Alumni Association because so few alumni were paying their dues. Regardless, after he was elected

president in June 1910, Barrett, indeed, moved ahead and published the first issue of the Alumniad in November.

When asked about the publication in a 1920 interview, Barrett provided this explanation: “(When) I was elected president of the Association by a small plurality. I was informed that it was part of my duty to raise $5,000, a sum which the Association still owed on the Alumni Building. I began by sending out some postcards, asking members for an expression of opinion. The response was so warm and encouraging that I thought it would boost things along if all the alumni could

November 2010 marks the 100th anniversary of the Park University Alumniad. Over the years, this cherished publication has undergone a number of changes but is still an integral part of the communications between the University and its alumni and friends. The following is a little history from the Park University Fishburn Archives.

April 1932

November 1962

May 1941

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read what each had to say. With this idea in mind, I published the first number of what has come to be a firmly established periodical. Thinking to make an epic tale of the wanderings and doings of the children of Park, told in series form and each contributing some share, I christened the little sheet The Park Alumniad.” The first volume of the Alumniad was printed in Kirksville, Mo., where Barrett was teaching at the time.

Barrett wrote and published eight issues, creating many features that remain in the magazine today, including news of individual alumni. The monthly magazine was mailed to every alumnus/a who had paid the Association dues of $1 per year. In addition to promoting a fund drive for the Alumni Building, the Alumniad revived interest in the campus and in class reunions. Between November 1910 and July 1911, Barrett had raised more than $1,000. After paying $216.68 for the printing and mailing of the Alumniad, $700 went toward the building.

Attendance at the June 1911 annual meeting was a huge success, and much of the credit was given to Barrett for using the publication to renew old friendships and revive interest in the college.

He reluctantly gave up his editorship in July 1911, stating that the work was beginning to take time away from his teaching duties. Since the Alumniad had been so popular and effective, no one seemed to remember the $5 fine mandated in 1909.

The Alumni Association paid for publishing the magazine from membership dues. In addition, the Alumniad was written and edited by volunteer alumni until 1940, when dues were abolished and the Alumni Fund was initiated. Since then, both the publication and the editors’ salaries have been paid for by the University. Over the years, its format has changed due to editors’ preferences and the number of issues per year have been lessened due to budget constraints. Even so, I cannot find any evidence that the notion of abolishing it has ever been entertained. The Alumniad has served its constituents well for 100 years and should continue to do so for as long as Park exists.

The Alumniad TodayIn Fall 2009, Park University officially launched an online version of the Alumniad and began offering an “online only” subscription option to it readers with that preference.

With the Spring 2009 issue the format of the Park Alumniad was changed. The magazine was expanded to include more academic and student news, current topics and other items that are of interest to our alumni and community friends alike. This component is found in the first section of the new format. The Alumniad has now become a magazine within a magazine, with its own separate cover, and is found in the second part of the magazine. It includes class notes, Park Mourns, alumni event calendars, photos, travel information and many other items directed to the interest of alumni.

The name of the publication is now Park University Magazine. Before publishing the first issue, a special Alumniad was distributed in Fall 2009 announcing the new format. Today, there is no subscription charge for the Park University Magazine and it is available to all alumni, employees and interested friends.

Fall 1986

Autumn 1996

Spring 2000

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Baseball alumni suited up for a game against the student team.

Fall 2010 - 30

Recent eventsBaseball alumni reunionsBaseball alumni returned for a second year to challenge the current Park Pirates in a friendly baseball game on September 25.

Baseball alumni from the teams coached by Daley Walker are organizing a reunion to take place during Alumni Weekend 2011. Contact [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.

Southern CaliforniaAlumni welcomed Park University President Dr. Michael Droge to Southern California in June. Alumni gathered in Hollywood and Coronado Island (San Diego) to socialize and meet Droge.

Taiwan Twin Oaks EstateAlumni were invited to spend the evening of September 11 discovering the historic mansion near Washington, D.C., and learning about the growing relationship between Park University and the Republic of China.

Track and cross country reunionOn October 2, alumni from the Park track and cross country teams gathered for reminiscing and socializing, as well as to honor Brian Renshaw’s 20th anniversary as Park’s track and cross country coach. Guests represented teams from the 1970s through 2010. Plans to make this an annual event are under way with the alumni committee volunteers.

Track and cross country alumni

celebrated Coach Brian

Renshaw’s 20th anniversary

at Park.

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Visit for additional details and registration.

Upcoming events

Family fun in Texas at Dave & BustersSan Antonio | Sunday, December 5, 3-6 p.m.Austin | Monday, December 6, 5-8:30 p.m.Watch your mail or check out the details at .

Park After Hours in El PasoThursday, January 20, 2011Meet Park President Dr. Michael Droge and fellow alumni.For details go to .

Weekend at Great Wolf LodgeKansas City, Kansas | Friday-Saturday, February 4-5, 2011Spend the weekend with Park alumni, family and friends. This special package makes a great holiday gift for the family. Go to for details.

Alumni Weekend 2011Friday-Sunday, June 24-26, 2011 (see back cover for more details)

Montana Dinosaur DigTuesday-Sunday, July 5-10, 2011Hell Creek Formation/Jordan, Mont.

Alumni career servicesPark University offers career services to its alumni at no charge.

• Job database• Personal counseling related to careers — in person, via

phone or online communication• Résumé and cover letter construction and critique• Resources for career exploration• Internship assistance and information• Graduate school selection and admissions information• Career/life planning• Job search strategies, including networking, self-marketing

and Internet research• Interviewing techniques• Live online career chat

Visit the Career Development Center at for more information.

Alumni award nominationsThe Alumni Council is looking for suggestions for honorees for its annual Alumni Association Awards to be presented at the Alumni Weekend banquet on Saturday, June 25, 2011.

Three categories of awards are under consideration:• The Torchlighter Award is given to honor those who

have made a significant, long-standing contribution and commitment to Park, whether alumni, faculty or friend.

• The Marlowe Sherwood Memorial Service Award for volunteer service to Park or to civic organizations.

• The Distinguished Alumnus/a Award is given to an alumnus/a who has distinguished himself or herself through career, service or community achievements.

If you would like to nominate someone, please send the nominee’s résumé and a cover letter explaining why you believe this person should be recognized to: Awards Chairperson, Michael Newburger, ‘70, c/o Office of Alumni Relations, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152, or e-mail your nomination to [email protected]. The deadline to submit nominations is Saturday, January 1, 2011. See profiles of past award winners at

Join PirateLink Park’s online alumni communityVisit for an online directory of alumni, Facebook connections, Park logo merchandise, career connections, events, Park University Magazine online, scholarship information and more.

Use your Park ID number, found next to your name on the address label of this magazine, to create an account.

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Class notesAlumni

1950sJean Curl, ‘50, retired as class agent, turning her responsibilities over to Jay Miller, ‘50. Please note that in her last letter, an incorrect phone number for Jean was listed. The correct area code is 812.

1960sBob Richardson, ‘60, published a collection of stories, Promptings of Necessity. The book includes three stories set in the rural Midwest in the middle and later years of the 20th century. Read more about the book at

Jim Bellamy, ‘66, traveled to Chile and Argentina this past winter. He visited the area where he had worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1968-70. In March at an invitation from the State Department, he traveled to Bolivia as a guest speaker for the U.S. Embassy, where he spoke and conducted workshops on ecotourism and sustainable development, and management of protected areas.

Janet Bellamy, ‘67, retired after more than 30 years in the field of education in Albuquerque, N.M. She taught literacy and GED courses to adults, Spanish classes at the University of New Mexico, history and Spanish at the high school level, and bilingual/multicultural education at the elementary school level.

Jan (Julianne) Balmer Bates, ‘68, was named Virginia “Super Teacher” by the Virginia State Lottery Commission and was awarded $4,000 in cash and prizes. More details at and click “Super Teacher” on the left.

Richard Eberst, ‘69, has returned to teaching as a senior faculty member in the Exercise and Wellness Program in the College of Nursing and Health Innovation at Arizona State University. He is in charge of the health promotion concentration which is about 50 percent of the school’s majors, and he serves as the coordinator of community-university partnerships for the program. Currently, Richard is instituting major curriculum changes so students will be qualified for taking the national certified health education specialist examination.

1970sIda Outlaw McPherson, ‘72, was appointed director of the Department of Minority Business Enterprise by Virginia’s governor. The position is charged with creating opportunities for small, women-owned and minority-owned businesses. Her law practice specializes in representing small businesses, including those in the construction, architecture and education businesses.

Reuben Siverling, ‘73, was awarded the 2009 Look North Award by the Clay County (Mo.) Economic Development Council. The award recognizes Siverling’s contributions to the Clay County Northland area of Kansas City. Siverling is senior vice president at First Community Bank in Kansas City, Mo. He has also published a book, Reflections, a collection of Vietnam combat stories as told by the Rangers of the 4th Infantry Division.

Alan J. Prewitt, ‘74, is grants coordinator at John Wood Community College in Quincy, Ill. Prewitt spent 27 years as founding artistic director and playwright-in-residence for the Phoenix (Ariz.) Theatre’s Cookie Company, a group of professional adult actors performing for youth.

Robert Brown, ‘76, has been elected to the board of trustees of Loyola University New Orleans. Brown is managing director of the Business Council of New Orleans and the River Region, an organization comprised of the CEOs of many of the largest corporations in the greater New Orleans area.

From left: Park President Dr. Michael Droge, left, and Jean Curl, ‘50.

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Submit your news for inclusion in Class Notes to the Office of Alumni Relations, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152 or [email protected].

Janet McClellan, ‘76, Ph.D., has a new book published by Cambria Press, Erotophonophilia: Investigating Lust Murder. The book examines the effectiveness and efficiency of the typologies of lust murder. McClellan, a former Park professor (1978-88) teaches at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, in the Justice Department.

1980sDavid Williamson, ‘85, battalion commander for the Peachtree City (Ga.) Fire/Rescue Department, was selected by his peers as the 2009 Firefighter of the Year. He is noted as being a major force in the Department’s 2009 success.

Holsey Moorman, ‘86, has been appointed to the Florida Hospital, Flagler, board of directors. Moorman, a retired U.S. Army brigadier general, is a Palm Coast, Fla., city councilman and vice mayor.

1990sGeorge Dempsey, ‘92, is chief operating officer of TricorBraun, St. Louis, Mo. (, a leading packaging supplier. Dempsey is responsible for the firm’s Design and Engineering Department, Marketing Department, the company’s strategic and global markets, international sourcing, business development and supply chain.

Mary Lou Jaramillo, ‘92, M.P.A. ‘96, was recognized by the Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City with the Ohtli Award for her contributions to the advancement of Kansas City’s Hispanic communities. Jaramillo is the president and CEO of El Centro Inc., the largest nonprofit advocacy and service agency to the Hispanic population in the State of Kansas. Its mission is to strengthen communities and empower families through educational, social and economic opportunities.

Sean McNally, ‘93, was named vice president for physician integration for Providence Hospitals, Columbia, S. C. McNally manages the integration of Providence-owned Augustine Health physician practices, Moore Orthopaedic Clinic and Midlands Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, through collaboration with executive management and medical staff.

William “Nate” Johnson, ‘94, was promoted to lieutenant colonel on July 7. He recently served a 12-month deployment in Afghanistan.

Gary Birch, M.P.A., ‘95, retired after nearly 34 years in fire protection service, most recently with the Liberty (Mo.) Fire Department.

Andre T. Butler, ‘95, is chief executive officer of Heart to Heart International, a relief and development organization that specializes in volunteer action and worldwide humanitarian assistance.

Craig Roberts, ‘97, M.E. ‘03, is the head coach of the women’s soccer program at Ball State University, Muncie, Ind.

Cheryl Offenburger, ‘98, received the first Supervisor of the Month award at Defense Supply Center Columbus (Ohio, where Park University has a campus center). Offenburger, a supervisor in Maritime Supplier Operations, oversees an electrical team of 10 people who handle requisitions for miscellaneous parts primarily for Navy and Air Force customers.

2000sJacqueline K. Clark, M.P.A. ‘00, was accepted into the Public Relations Society of America’s College of Fellows. She received the Fellows Medallion at the annual PRSA College of Fellows Induction Dinner in Washington, D.C. The College of Fellows honors the accomplishments of the best individuals in the public relations profession. Clark is the director of communications and public affairs at Ash Grove Cement Co. in Overland Park, Kan.

Randy Lewis, ‘00, is director of professional services at Heartland Hospice Services, Topeka, Kan.

Shawn Guffey, ‘01, is director of loss control and claims for Cavignac & Associates in San Diego. Guffey is responsible for designing, coordinating and delivering loss control and claims management services on behalf of the firm’s clients.

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Class notesTammara L. Kirkman, ‘01, Air Force reservist, celebrated two milestones in her military career — promotion to the rank of senior master sergeant and a new assignment as the senior-enlisted adviser for Air Force reservists assigned to the Defense Logistics Agency’s Joint Reserve Force, Fort Belvoir, Va.

Tanya James Knutson, ‘01, is director of human resources, DMS Health Technologies, Fargo, N.D.

Robert Almonte, ‘02, was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the U.S. marshal for the Western District of Texas.

Sarah Curry, ‘02, is co-owner of the accounting firm Isley, Curry and Associates in Liberty, Mo.

Staff Sgt. Paul M. Plunkett, ‘03, retired from the U.S. Army on Jan. 31 after 21 years of service.

Leander Holston, ‘04, M.P.A. ‘06, is field office director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Metairie, La. He oversees the immigration benefits section of the Department of Homeland Security in Louisiana and southern Mississippi.

Dan Koch, M.P.A. ‘04, is executive director of the Platte County (Mo.) Regional Sewer District.

Michael Contursi, ‘05, is vice president of Rare Coin Wholesalers ( He is manager of employee operations as well as collector, dealer and investor relations for the company at coin shows and financial conferences around the country, and at the company’s offices in Irvine, Calif.

Emmett M. Morris, M.P.A. ‘05, received the Hauptmann School Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2010. Morris currently serves as a partnership coordinator for the U.S. Census Bureau.

Nickolas J. Stewart, ‘06, received the Bronze Star Medal for distinguished meritorious service while serving as a communications adviser with the Department of Border Enforcement Headquarters, Delta Company, Task Force Courage, at U.S. Forces-Iraq, Baghdad. As the principal U.S. adviser to two Iraqi general officers, he spearheaded the installation of five high-frequency radio antennas in an effort to upgrade communications.

Aris Czamanske, ‘07, joined marketing communications agency Nicholson Kovac Inc. Czamanske is responsible for determining web requirements, business case analysis, application development, and performance and acceptance testing.

Amy Williams, M.P.A. ‘07, was a 2010 recipient of the Regional Commissioner’s Award from the Social Security Administration, Kansas City, Mo. She has accepted a new position as family readiness services coordinator at Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks, Alaska, and she now resides in North Pole.

Michael J. Badilla, ‘09, authored an article about forum selection, “On Sentencing: Who’s The Fairest of Them All?” which was published in the spring edition of the JAG Corps’ The Reporter. Badilla is a paralegal with the U.S. Air Force.

Jordan Breedlove, ‘09, is owner of 7 Fifteen Design, an interior design firm in Lansing, Kan. ( Her business was profiled in the “Q&A” section of The Kansas City Star’s “Star Magazine” section on Sept. 12.

Amy Crumbliss, ‘09, completed a year-long internship in the office of Missouri Congressman Sam Graves in Washington D.C.

Senior Airman Gina M. Maiden, ‘10, received the Airman of the Year award from the 552nd Air Control Networks Squadron of the U.S. Air Force at Tinker Air Force Base in Midwest City, Okla., where Park has a campus center.

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WeddingsMarkaysa Teresa Norwood, M.B.A. ‘05, married Alex Robinson on June 5 in Valdosta, Ga. She is employed as an IT administrator by Coastal Plain Area Economic Opportunity Authority.

Brandon Maze, ‘07, married Ashley Booe on May 22. Maze is escalation manager at Citi Cards in Kansas City, Mo.

Shana Gruenefeld, ‘08, and Peter Eisentrager were married on September 4, 2010 in New Bloomfield, Mo. Gruenefeld manages the Barnes and Noble bookstore on the Parkville campus.

Valerie McCollum, ‘08, married Robert Offield, ‘02, on October 23. The wedding ceremony was held at the Parkville (Mo.) Presbyterian Church, with a reception following at the Arts Incubator of Kansas City (Mo.)

Shannon Eyster, ‘09, married Mathew Edwards on May 8. The bride is employed by the city of Kansas City, Mo., as a figure skating coach.

Birth announcementsPaul, ‘03, and Susan Plunkett, ‘05, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kaylee Marie Plunkett on Sept. 14, in Midlothian, Va. She weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 inches long at birth.

Brianne McCollum Steffel, ‘05, her husband, Travis, and son, Landon, welcomed Brooks Hunter Steffel to the family on May 28.

Jerri Allen Shaw, ‘06, and her husband, U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Rob Shaw, welcomed their son, Robert Phillip Shaw II, into the family on Aug. 27, 2009, in Hampton, Va. He weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21.5 inches long at birth.

Lee J. Cashatt, ‘07, and her husband, Louie, welcomed son Bentley Braddock Cashatt into the family on March 18. He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long at birth.

Robert Hughs, ‘08, and his wife, Jennifer, are proud to announce the birth of a baby boy, Owen Zachary. He was born on Feb. 17 in Belleville, Ill., and weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Owen joins siblings Dylan, Aubrey and Evan. Hughs is currently stationed at Scott Air Force Base (where Park has a campus center).

Michael J. Badilla, ’09, his wife, Lisa, and daughter Sophie, welcomed Emmanuel Torrez Badilla to the family on March 2. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches long at birth.

Submit your news for inclusion in Class Notes to the Office of Alumni Relations, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152 or [email protected].

Send a birth or adoption announcement and receive a

“Baby Pirate” bib or t-shirt.

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Donald P. Arndtsen, Class of 1950, is Park University’s 2010 Distinguished Alumnus. The Alumni Association presented this award to recognize Arndtsen’s outstanding accomplishments as a businessman, community leader and Park University supporter.

At Park, Arndtsen earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. Continuing his education at the University of Chicago, he added a master’s degree in business administration to his résumé in 1963. This impressive combination of skills and education prepared him to take advantage of the business opportunities that came his way, leading to a successful career as a business owner of a multimillion-dollar company.

After graduation from Park, Arndtsen was hired by Delaval Separator Co. as a sales engineer trainee with a territory that included Kansas City. During the Korean War, Arndtsen was drafted into the Army and trained as a special agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps. When Arndtsen returned to civilian life, he returned to Delaval, rising through the ranks to an executive level position. In 1975, at the age of 47, Arndtsen was asked to divest one of Delaval’s product lines. Arndtsen saw real growth potential and bought the product line himself, founding Accurate Metering Systems Inc., in Elk Grove Village, Ill. From the small division that he purchased, his company grew into a $6 million business, with manufacturing, sales and service facilities in two countries. The company

served as a leading supplier of sanitary flow measurement and control solutions to the North American dairy, beverage and food markets. He sold the company in 2003, at which time he officially retired.

Retirement for Arndtsen may not have the same definition as it does for most people. He currently lists his job title as manager of Arndtsen Cooperative Enterprises LLC. His principal retirement activity is real estate development.

While successfully facing the challenges of business ownership, Arndtsen met the call to serve his community as well. He has served as finance chairman and in other leadership positions in the regional councils of the Boy Scouts of America in Dutchess County, N.Y., Sinnissippi, Wis., and northwest suburban Chicago. As vice president of the Dutchess County Senior Citizens Housing Corp., he helped sponsor a 135-unit, 12-story housing facility for senior citizens in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He presided over the Midwest Section of the American Oil Chemists Society and served on the board of the Dairy and Food Industry Suppliers Association. Currently, Arndtsen is an active member and former officer of the Barrington (Ill.) Chapter of Rotary International, which is well known for its philanthropic endeavors. He has also served as trustee

and elder of the Presbyterian Church of Barrington.

Today, Arndtsen serves as a member of the Park University Board of Trustees, currently in the position of secretary. He also serves on the executive, communication, finance and trusteeship committees.

Arndtsen is married to Park alumna Nancy O’Neal, ’54. They have five children, all happily married, and eight grandchildren. He attributes much of his success to his partnership with Nancy. He proudly professes that he couldn’t have accomplished as much without his wonderful wife.

Awards were presented during the 2010 Alumni Weekend. Nominations for the 2011 Alumni Awards may be made online at

Alumni Association awardsDonald P. Arndtsen, ‘502010 Distinguished Alumnus

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The Torchlighter Award is given by the Park University Alumni Association to recognize longtime support and service to Park University. The 2010 recipient of the Torchlighter Award is Heywood “Woody” Davis, outside legal counsel and longtime friend of Park University.

The Davis, Sands and Collins law firm and its predecessors have represented Park University since the early 1930s. In the early 1960s, Davis successfully represented Park in a suit against the University of Missouri that resulted in Park’s receipt of a $670,000 distribution from the Lena Hegg trust. Davis and the firm functioned as Park’s primary legal counsel until Park created its Office of General Counsel in 2004. Since then, the Davis firm has continued to provide legal services to the University in the employment law field.

Park recognizes Davis not only for the high quality professional service he has provided to Park through the years, but also for his many other contributions to the University. Personally, he has long supported Park as a donor and volunteer; for decades he has contributed to the Park Fund. The Davis firm has also consistently provided corporate support for Park’s annual Founders Day dinner and golf tournament. By bestowing the Torchlighter Award on Davis, Park is sincerely saying “thank you, Woody, for all you have done for Park University.”

Davis is a graduate of the University of Kansas, receiving his bachelor’s degree in 1952 and his law degree in 1958. Before

entering private practice he clerked for Justice Charles E. Whittaker of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1958-59. He is co-author of Litigation Settlements in Probate Matters, Chapter 14, Missouri Litigation Settlements (Mo. Bar, 2nd Ed.). Davis has served in many professional leadership roles, including as editor-in-chief of the Kansas Law Review; president of the Kansas City Estate Planning Counsel (now Society); board of trustees president of Legal Aid of Western Missouri; Kansas City Lawyers Association; Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association, chairman of the Probate and Estate Planning Committee; and The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel’s Fiduciary Litigation Committee. For eight years, he served a Missouri Supreme Court appointment on the Jackson County Circuit Bar (disciplinary committee), including positions as general chairman and Division Three chairman. He is a member of the Missouri Bar and the Kansas Bar Association.

A member of Second Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Mo., since 1944, he has

served the congregation in a number of leadership positions. Since 1974 he has been a deacon and elder several times, served on both the investment and nominating committees, and can still be found performing the duties of usher for Sunday services on a regular basis.

The Torchlighter Award is the only Alumni Association recognition that may be given to non-alumni. When the recipient is not a Park alumnus, the status of honorary alumnus is conveyed to the recipient. Its members acknowledge Davis’ loyalty and support of the University, and have added him to their ranks as an honorary alumnus.

Alumni Association awardsHeywood H. Davis2010 Torchlighter Award recipient

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Alumni Weekend 2010

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Park University’s Alumni Weekend was held June 25 through June 27 on the Parkville Campus. The weekend was filled with opportunities to reminisce, party and enjoy being on campus again.

David Barclay, ‘53, and Steve Hook, Park campus safety officer, at the Power Plant for an Alumni Weekend lunch.

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Alumni Weekend 2010

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Jean Curl, ‘50, accepts the Loving Cup on behalf of the Class of 1950. The Cup is awarded to the class with the highest attendance during Alumni Weekend.

Friends from the classes of the 1960s and 1970s enjoy the pre-Awards Banquet Reception in Thompson Commons.

Lois McNeely, ‘95, and LaKeisha Johnson, ‘08

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Alumni Weekend 2010

Friends serenade Distinguished Alumnus Don Arndtsen, ‘50, during the award presentation.

Jack Fowler, ‘54, visits with Park’s First Lady Dr. Molly Droge and Park friend Nancy Hershey.

Outgoing Alumni Council President Dr. Neal McGregor, ‘89, M.A.R. ‘92,

administers the oath of office to incoming president Susan Kensett McGaughey, ‘74.

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Park mourns‘30sErnestine Lessley Hoch, ‘32Baldwin City, Kan., April 7

Ruth Fleming Lewis, ‘34El Paso, Texas, April 13

Raeburn Entrikin Straub, ‘35Coffeyville, Kan., March 6

Charles H. Fisher, ‘38Tampa, Fla., March 15

Lewis Landsberg, ‘38Kansas City, Mo., March 31

William Knight, ‘39Walnut Creek, Calif., June 20

‘40sMary Bisceglia Lutz, ‘41Las Cruces, N.M., April 3

Mary Metheny Putman, ‘41Valdez, Alaska, July 4

Ethel Metheny Bricker, ‘44Lee’s Summit, Mo., Sept. 9

Mary Protsman Good, ‘44Wichita, Kan., Nov. 26, 2009

Margaret Jacobs Brock, ‘45El Reno, Okla., Aug. 27, 2009

Clinton Morrison, ‘45Corvallis, Ore., March 2

James Musgrave Jr., ‘45Fort Worth, Texas, May 16

Joyce Wiley Swogger, ‘45Portland, Ore., July 19, 2009

Warren Wiehe, ‘46Farley, Mo., Aug. 13

Stella Pentz Abersold, ‘47St. Joseph, Mo., March 26

Bonnie Hale Leman, ‘47Arvada, Colo., Sept. 4

Juanita Schoff, ‘47Fairhaven, Mass., Feb. 28

William Kurtz Jr., ‘48Sedalia, Mo., March 7

Norton Cooksey, ‘49Northport, Mich., Jan. 30

Jacqueline Demoss Lindley, ‘49Edmond, Okla., June 18

‘50sEarle Core, ‘54Lawrence, Kan., April 8

Russell Rasmussen, ‘54Grinnell, Iowa, April 27

Mary Niccolls Raufer, ‘54Raleigh, N.C., Nov. 5, 2009

Almita Stewart MacGregor, ‘55Champaign, Ill., July 7

‘60sWilliam Schubert, ‘68Pocatello, Idaho, March 6

Carl Bruton, ‘69Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 11

Donald Stiles, ‘69Terrell, Texas, July 9, 2009

‘70sHerbert Schlaf, ‘70Leavenworth, Kan., April 1

Janet Elser Tabor, ‘75Kansas City, Mo., May 17

Virginia Schuett, ‘76Jefferson City, Mo., March 31

James Edmonds, ‘77Tonganoxie, Kan., June 22

Clarice Marshall, ‘77Grandview, Mo., Jan. 5

Lena Evans, ‘79Waskom, Texas, Feb. 7

William Farr, ‘79Fairborn, Ohio, Aug. 3

Roger Heath, ‘79Springfield, Ohio, Feb. 2

Charles W. Jarrett, ‘79Loveland, Ohio, June 1

‘80sTimothy Dzicek, ‘80Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 20, 2009

Keith Harvey, ‘84Council Bluffs, Iowa, March 7

Arthur H. Meins, ‘84Jacksonville, Ark., April 17

Howard Gillis, ‘86Munds Park, Ariz., Dec. 1, 2009

Charles H. Pennie, ‘86Austin, Texas, Oct. 21, 2009

John Francis Comer, ‘89Woodbridge, Va., May 3

‘90sLeo V. McBride Jr., ‘90Sun Valley, Nev., Aug. 7

Donald Rodak, ‘90, M.P.A. ‘93Lenexa, Kan., May 15

Melanie Maurice, ‘93Dayton, Ohio, April 16

William Dodds, ‘94Parkville, Mo., May 24

Cheryl Merkel, ‘94Crown Point, Ind., March 22

Rodney J. Polivka, ‘94Hutto, Texas, March 1

David Paul Stevens, ‘94Roeland Park, Kan., May 3

Elaine Frierson, ‘98Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 9

Allison Stroud, ‘98Mayflower, Ark., Feb. 22

‘00sLisa Akers, ‘01Barstow, Calif., March 27

Willie Allen, ‘05Boise, Idaho, Aug. 16

Demetrius Carter, ‘07Richmond, Va., Aug. 23

Fall 2010 - 41

Alumni Weekend 2010

Page 44: Park Magazine, Fall 2010

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