past neutrino mass & oscillations present atmospheric neutrinos solar neutrinos future

Solar & Atmospheric Oscillation Experiments Greg Sullivan University of Maryland Aspen Winter Conference January 21, 1999 Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future ?? e

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Solar & Atmospheric Oscillation Experiments Greg Sullivan University of Maryland Aspen Winter Conference January 21, 1999. Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future. n. ??. e. Can we detect them? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Solar & Atmospheric Oscillation Experiments

Greg Sullivan University of Maryland

Aspen Winter ConferenceJanuary 21, 1999

PastNeutrino Mass & Oscillations

PresentAtmospheric neutrinosSolar neutrinos


PastNeutrino Mass & Oscillations

PresentAtmospheric neutrinosSolar neutrinos




Page 2: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Can we detect them?In 1934 Bethe & Peierls calculated the

cross section for neutrino interaction of 10-44 cm2.

Nature (London) 133, 532(1934)

“It is therefore absolutely impossible to observe processes of this kind with neutrinos created in nuclear transformations”

“… one can conclude that there is no practically possible way of observing the neutrino.”

“… and it is not necessary to assume interaction in order to explain the function of the neutrino nuclear transformations ...”

In fact, it was some 20 years before they were detected using a nuclear reactor as a source.

Page 3: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Solar Neutrino Spectrum

Page 4: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Solar Neutrinos detected R. Davis and his 37Cl detector

same principle used to try and detect antineutrinos from a nuclear reactor in 1955.

measured the flux of neutrinos from the sun almost continuously since about 1970!

Page 5: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Solar Neutrino Rate in Cl Detector is 1/3-1/2 expected

Astrophysics - Standard Solar ModelNeutrinos from 7Be and 8BVery sensitive to Sun’s core temperature

Particle Physics Solutions --- Neutrino properties are not what we think!

Electron Neutrinos don’t make it to earthMagnetic properties of e change flavor in transit - Neutrino

Oscillations!Non zero neutrino mass!Lepton flavor mixing!


Page 6: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Neutrino Mass & Neutrino Oscillations? What is the mass of the neutrino?

Is it identically zero?If not, Why is it so small?

see-saw mechanism

T h e m o s t g e n e r a l m a s s L a g r a n g i a n f o r o n e n e u t r i n o f l a v o r i s :

L m m m h cm D L R R L L Lc

L R Rc

R . .

w h e r e m D , m L , m R r e p r e s e n t t h e D i r a c , l e f t - h a n d e d M a j o r a n aa n d r i g h t - h a n d e d M a j o r a n a m a s s e s . T h i s c a n b e w r i t t e n i nm a t r i x f o r m a s :

L S M Sm

w h e r e ,


Mm m

m m

L Lc

R Rc



T h e p h y s i c a l m a s s e i g e n s t a t e s a r e f o u n d b y d i a g o n a l i z i n g t h em a s s m a t r i x . I f w e a s s u m e m L = 0 w e g e t :

mm m

mR D

R1 2


221 1


F o r a h e a v y r i g h t - h a n d e d s c a l e m R > > m D , w e g e t t w o m a s se i g e n s t a t e s

m m h e a v y M e V m


ml i g h t s e V




( )

( ) '

5 0 5 0 0

1 0 1 02


Page 7: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Neutrino Oscillations If mass is not 0 and flavor is not absolutely

conserved then “mixing” may occur between different type of neutrinos. Weak eigenstates of the neutrino are mixtures of the neutrinos with definite mass.

F o r t w o n e u t r i n o s p e c i e s e a n d w e h a v e :






w h e r e a n d 2 a r e t h e m a s s e i g e n s t a t e s .

I n a w e a k d e c a y o n e p r o d u c e s a d e f i n i t e w e a k e i g e n s t a t e

t e 0 .

.A t a l a t e r t i m e t h e p r o b a b i l i t y o f t h e f i n a l s t a t e w i l l b e :

sincos 2121

tiEtiE eet

T h e s u r v i v a l p r o b a b i l i t y i s :


kmeVee E


222 27.1

ins2sin1; .

Page 8: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Solar Neutrino Experiments

Homestake - RadiochemicalHuge tank of Cleaning Fluid

e + 37Cl e- + 37Ar

Mostly 8B neutrinos + some 7Be30 years at <0.5 ev/day1/3 SSM

Sage/Gallex - Radiochemical“All” neutrinos

e + 71Ga e- + 71Ge

4 years at ~0.75 ev /day~2/3 SSM

Kamiokande-II and -III 8B neutrinos only

e Elastic Scattering

10 years at 0.44 ev /day~1/2 SSM

Homestake - RadiochemicalHuge tank of Cleaning Fluid

e + 37Cl e- + 37Ar

Mostly 8B neutrinos + some 7Be30 years at <0.5 ev/day1/3 SSM

Sage/Gallex - Radiochemical“All” neutrinos

e + 71Ga e- + 71Ge

4 years at ~0.75 ev /day~2/3 SSM

Kamiokande-II and -III 8B neutrinos only

e Elastic Scattering

10 years at 0.44 ev /day~1/2 SSM

Page 9: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Summary of Results Before Super-K

Four experiments measured versus predicted from solar model

Four experiments measured versus predicted from solar model

Experiment SSM(BP92) DATA DATA/SSM


132 7 70 8 0.54


“ 73 11

Homestake (Cl)

8 1.1 2.55 .25 0.32

Kamioka (H2O)

5.7 .8 2.80 .38 0.49

Page 10: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

FROM Langacker -Allowed regions at 95% CL from individual experiments and from the global fit. The Earth effect is included for both time-averaged and day/night asymmetry data, full astrophysical and nuclear physics uncertainties and their correlations are accounted for, and a joint statistical analysis is carried out. The region excluded by the Kamiokande absence of the day/night effect is also indicated.


Page 11: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Atmospheric Neutrinos

Absolute Flux Predicted to ~20% :

• primary CR spectrum

• geomagnetic cutoff

• hadron production modeled from accelerator data



Ratio predicted to ~ 5%

Page 12: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Atmospheric Neutrino Anomaly

The Observed Ratio of /e is too lowProduced when pions generated in the upper

atmosphere by cosmic rays decay.

Predicted Ratio of /e ~ 2

Observed Ratio is ~ 1

Particle Physics Solutions --- Neutrino properties are not what we think!

Muon Neutrinos don’t make it to earth

change flavor in transit - Neutrino Oscillations!

Non zero neutrino mass!Lepton flavor mixing!



Page 13: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Worldwide Results on “R”Before Super-Kamiokande

Page 14: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Two Suggestions of Neutrino Transformation

Solar Neutrinos (~1-15 Mev e)Davis experiment (Cl) saw ~30% of expected

flux of e from 8B & 7Be

Galium experiments showed less than

expected flux of e from all processes

Kamiokande saw ~40% e from 8B

These results can not be reconciled with the standard solar model

Atmospheric Neutrinos (~.1 - 3 GeV) IMB and Kamiokande saw less than

expected ratio of e

One Proposed Explanation was: Neutrino Oscillations

Solar neutrinos might be e

Atmos. neutrinos might be

Page 15: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Super-Kamiokande The Next generation Underground Neutrino Detector.

Detector Characteristics41 m h x 39 m dia.50,000 tonne total/22,000 tonne fiducial11,200 20” PMTs inner detector1,850 8” PMTs anti-detector40% photocathode coverage

Trigger Threshold ~5 MeV Resolution

Energy 16%/(E)1/2 at 10 MeVPosition ~50 cm at 10 MeVAngular ~30 degrees at 10 MeV

Super-Kamiokande is a 50,000 ton water Cerenkov detector at a depth of 1000 meters in the Kamioka Mozumi mine in Japan.

Page 16: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future


Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo Gifu University Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, KEK Kobe University Miyagi Education University Niigata University Osaka University Tokai University Tohoku University Tokyo Institute of Technology Boston University Brookhaven National Laboratory University of California, Irvine California State University, Dominguez Hills Cleveland State University George Mason University University of Hawaii Los Alamos National Laboratory Louisiana State University University of Maryland State University of New York, Stony Brook University of Warsaw University of Washington

Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo Gifu University Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, KEK Kobe University Miyagi Education University Niigata University Osaka University Tokai University Tohoku University Tokyo Institute of Technology Boston University Brookhaven National Laboratory University of California, Irvine California State University, Dominguez Hills Cleveland State University George Mason University University of Hawaii Los Alamos National Laboratory Louisiana State University University of Maryland State University of New York, Stony Brook University of Warsaw University of Washington

Page 17: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

The Super-K Detector

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The Super-Kamiokande Tank During Filling in 1996

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Stopping Muon

Page 20: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Electron from decay of stopping muon

Page 21: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Muon - Electron Identification

Page 22: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Sub-Gev (535 days)

Evis < 1.33 GeVPe > 100 MeV/cP> 200 MeV/c

Data MC

1 Ring

e-like 1231 1049

-like 1158 1574

Multi-ring 911 981








Page 23: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Multi-Gev (535 days)

Evis > 1.33 GeV

Data MC

1 Ring

e-like 290 236 -like 230 297Multi-ring 533 560








Fully Contained

Data MC

Total =-like

301 372

Partially Contained

Page 24: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Worldwide Results on “R”

Detectors continue to runMACRO upward going muonsSoudan IISuper-K muons

Page 25: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

If the muon ‘s oscillate, what it look like?

Depletion of relative to e

“double ratio” R

L dependence of flux

Zenith angle dependence








Page 26: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Zenith Angle Dependence

Survival Probability vs. Distance (1GeV,.003 eV^2)






10 100 1000 10000

Distance (km)









222 27.1


Page 27: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Zenith Angle Dependence

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Zenith Angle Dependence

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L/E Distribution of Atmospheric Neutrinos

The dashed lines show the expected shape for at m2=2.2 x 10-3 eV2 and sin2 2 = 1.

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Atmospheric Results

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East-West Effect

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Zenith Angle Distribution(736 Day Sample)

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Zenith Angle Dependence(736 day sample)

Page 34: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

MACRO Detector

Data collected ‘89 - Dec ‘97~3 live-years with 6 full SM~480 Upward Going Muon events

R(data/MC)= 0.74 .036sta.046sys.13theo

Probability for no oscillations

P(null) = 14%Best fit mass assuming maximal mixing:

m2 ~ 2 x 10-3 eV2

Page 35: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

MACRO upward-going muons

Probabilities Number + ShapeProbability of no oscillations

P(null) 0.1%Best fit oscillation parameters

sin22 = 1.0 , m2 2 x 10-3 eV2

P(best fit) 17%

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A Picture of the Sun using Neutrinos in Super-K

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10 MeV Electron in Super-K

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Super Low Energy (SLE) Data

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Solar Neutrino Flux(New 708 Day Sample)





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Day-Night Results708 day Sample

)(013.0)(016.0026.0 syststatND


Page 41: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Energy Spectrum708 day + 419 day SLE

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Spectrum and Oscillations?

Data favors Vacuum solution (red)small angle MSW (blue) starting to get

squeezed by flatness with SLE data

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Hep Neutrinos ? Set limit on hep flux from data

integral of events between Ethres & Eend

Ethres= 17 MeV , Eend= 25MeV

Hep flux < 8 SSM at 90% C.L.Ethres= 19 MeV , Eend= 20 MeV

Hep flux < 20 SSM at 90% C.L.

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Seasonal Variation

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Energy Dependence of Seasonal Variation for Just-so solution

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Seasonal Variation in High Energy Data

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Summary of Super-K Results

Atmospheric Neutrinos

Strong Evidence for s) Oscillations

New results consistentHigher statistics may allow separation of


Solar NeutrinosNo evidence for Day/Night Effect

Squeezes Large Angle SolutionSuper Low E and more statistics

somewhat flattens energy spectrumStarting Squeeze Small Angle

SolutionVacuum (Just-So) solution is still aliveContinue to Run

Postponed the scheduled June ‘99 shutdown

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Page 49: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Future ~2000

Atmospheric NeutrinosContinued running of Super-Kamiokande

Neutral Currents ?Distinguish from s

MACRO muons & neutrinosSoudan IIKEK to Super-K (K2K)

Solar NeutrinosSpectral Distortion at High EnergyInstrumental Effect?

Energy Scale & Resolution

LINAC limitationsD-T Generator to make 16N as

calibration source (NSF)Hep Neutrinos?

Need 20 times predicted fluxUse Super-K data >18 MeV to set limit

on hep flux??Statistics?Seasonal Variation needs more data

Atmospheric NeutrinosContinued running of Super-Kamiokande

Neutral Currents ?Distinguish from s

MACRO muons & neutrinosSoudan IIKEK to Super-K (K2K)

Solar NeutrinosSpectral Distortion at High EnergyInstrumental Effect?

Energy Scale & Resolution

LINAC limitationsD-T Generator to make 16N as

calibration source (NSF)Hep Neutrinos?

Need 20 times predicted fluxUse Super-K data >18 MeV to set limit

on hep flux??Statistics?Seasonal Variation needs more data

Page 50: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Future 2000+

Atmospheric NeutrinosAccelerator Experiments (FNAL, CERN,

KEK)Known Neutrino DirectionBetter Neutrino Energy Measurement

Appearance Experiment ??

Solar Neutrinos Continued Super-Kamiokande RunningNew Experiments Soon - should settle the

solar neutrino problemSudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO)

Canada,US,UK 11 institutions Fill Apr, 98 -- Feb, 99 ?6 mo. Debug & Calibration1 Yr. pure D2O


Atmospheric NeutrinosAccelerator Experiments (FNAL, CERN,

KEK)Known Neutrino DirectionBetter Neutrino Energy Measurement

Appearance Experiment ??

Solar Neutrinos Continued Super-Kamiokande RunningNew Experiments Soon - should settle the

solar neutrino problemSudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO)

Canada,US,UK 11 institutions Fill Apr, 98 -- Feb, 99 ?6 mo. Debug & Calibration1 Yr. pure D2O


Page 51: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

SNO Detector

Detector PerformanceThreshold 5MeV - 8B neutrinosEnergy Resolution 14% at 10 MeVCharged Current off D - 26.7 ev/day

measure NEUTRINO energy

- look for spectral distortion with high sensitivity

- seasonal variation over entire spectrumNeutral Current 7.7 ev/day

CC/NC ratio “smoking gun”Electron Scattering 3.0 ev/day

-1000 tonnes of D2O

-6800 feet Underground

-10,000 pmts

Page 52: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

SNO Sensitivity

1) CC/NC Ratio

2) Spectrum

Page 53: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future


Detector PerformanceElectron Threshold low enough to

observe 7Be (863 keV) neutrinosReal time measurement of 7Be & 8B46 events/day in 100 ton fiducial volumeFirst Measurement of only the 7Be flux

final ingredient

-300 Tonnes of Scintillator

-2200 Pmt’s

-Gran Sasso

Page 54: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Solar Neutrinos in Near Future








Flux lowNo specNo D/NNo Seas

Flux low?No SpecCC/NCOK







~1/4 NoSignal



~1/2 NoSignal

VacuumOsc Spectrum



~1/2 NoSignal



~.01 Possiblesignal

*Bahcall Phys Rev D 58


Page 55: Past Neutrino Mass & Oscillations Present Atmospheric neutrinos Solar neutrinos Future

Atmospheric NeutrinoOscillations

Need Confirmation of EvidenceFurther Running of Super-k, Soudan,

MACROAccelerator Experiments planned

MINOS at FNALCERN to Gran Sasso

- Disappearance experiments?

Future PossibilitiesMegaton underground Atmospheric

Neutrino detector

Appearance Experiment?5 GeV Neutrinos L/E ~ 1 x 103

L ~ 5000 km