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Page 1: Pastor Associate Pastor • (805) 647-3235 • SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH • 1

Page 2: Pastor Associate Pastor

2 • • (805) 647-3235 • SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH

Un Modelo Perfecto de Oración

Me siento emocionado preparándome para mis vacaciones a partir del 1 de agosto. Estoy ansioso por pasar algún tiempo con mis sobrinas y sobrinos que están creciendo tan rápido como malas hierbas. Pero lo más importante, estoy encantado y con ganas de reconectarme a mis raíces

monásticas. Y no, no me dirijo a Nigeria - ¡todavía no! Más bien, me voy a Irlanda, donde volveré a conectar con mis raíces monásticas. Pasaré un tiempo de oración y descanso en la abadía de Glenstal Murroe, Limerick, con los monjes benedictinos. Los monjes son los grandes guerreros de oración de nuestra Iglesia. Jesús es el eterno guerrero de la oración, que “está a la diestra de Dios y también intercede por nosotros” (Rm 8, 34). Cuando se trata de la vida de oración, Jesús es un modelo perfecto. Más que los otros escritores del evangelio, San Lucas tomó tiempo para registrar la vida de oración de Jesús; cómo constantemente se retiró a lugares solitarios para orar. "Jesús a menudo se retiraba a lugares solitarios y oraba", escribió (Lc 5, 16; véase también 6:12; 9:18; 9:28-29; 22:32-34; 23:46). Mientras que la mayoría de los cristianos tratan las misas y los servicios dominicales como opcionales, Jesús acostumbraba y religiosamente asistía a las oraciones de la sinagoga los días del sábado (Lc 4, 16). Oró profundamente, intensamente y con lágrimas a Dios:

Mientras estuvo aquí en la tierra, Jesús ofreció oraciones y súplicas con gran clamor y lágrimas al que podía rescatarlo de la muerte. Y Dios oyó sus oraciones por la gran reverencia que Jesús le tenía. Hebreos 5:7

Al ver cuán orante era Jesús, sus discípulos le dijeron: "Señor, enséñanos a orar...". (Lc 11,1). Ver es creer. Sus acciones hablaban más fuerte que sus palabras. Las personas que escucharon a Jesús enseñando, observaron que él enseñaba con autoridad (Mc 1:22), porque no había diferencia entre sus palabras y sus acciones. La vida de Jesús fue consumida por la oración. Siempre me sorprende que Jesús orara tanto como lo hizo, a pesar de que era parte de la Deidad. Nos muestra la indispensabilidad de la oración. Y así, como Jesús, debemos dedicar toda nuestra vida a la oración. Debemos orar porque todo depende de la oración. Es la llave que abre el tesoro de Dios. Pero sólo los que piden recibirán; sólo los que buscan encontrarán, y sólo los que llaman, tendrán la puerta abierta a ellos. Dios NUNCA está cansado de responder nuestras oraciones. Así que, pida, busca, llama, y se hará sobre ti. Recuerde siempre que "un cristiano arrodillado es un cristiano victorioso". Oren por mí durante este período y también rezaré por ustedes mientras paso algún tiempo con los monjes benedictinos en Irlanda.

A Perfect Role Model of Prayerfulness

I feel excited preparing for my vacation starting August 1st. I am eager to spend some time with my nieces and nephews who are growing up so fast like weeds. But most importantly, I am elated and looking forward to reconnecting to my monastic roots. And no, I am not headed to Nigeria – not yet! Rather, I am going to Ireland where I will be reconnecting with my monastic roots. I will spend a prayerful and restful time at Glenstal Abbey Murroe, Limerick, with the Benedictine monks. The monks are the great prayer warriors of our Church. Jesus is the eternal prayer warrior, who “is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Rom 8:34). When it comes to prayer life, Jesus is a perfect role model. More than the other gospel writers, St. Luke took time to record Jesus’ prayer life; how he constantly withdrew to lonely places to pray. “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”, he wrote (Lk 5:16, see also 3:12; 6:12; 9:18; 9:28-29; 22:32-34; 23:46). While most Christians would treat Sunday Masses and services as optional, Jesus customarily and religiously attended synagogue prayers on Sabbath days (Lk 4:16). He prayed deeply, intensely, and with tears to God:

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Heb 5:7

Seeing how prayerful Jesus was, ‘his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray…"’ (Lk 11:1). Seeing is believing. His actions spoke louder than his words. People who heard Jesus teaching, observed that he taught with authority (Mk 1:22), because there was no difference between his words and his actions. Jesus’ whole life was consumed by prayer. It always amazes me that Jesus prayed as much as he did, even though he was part of the Godhead. It shows us the indispensability of prayer. And so, like Jesus, we must dedicate our whole life to prayer. We must pray as everything depends on prayer. It is the key that opens God’s treasury. But only those who ask shall receive; only those who seek will find, and only those who knock, will have the door opened to them. God is NEVER tired of answering our prayers. So, ask, seek, knock, and it shall be done onto you. Always remember that “a kneeling Christian is a victorious Christian.” Pray for me during this period and I will also pray for you as I spend some time with the Benedictine monks in Ireland.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Page 3: Pastor Associate Pastor • (805) 647-3235 • SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH • 3

July 24, 2022 | 24 de julio de 2022

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION I’m Sindy Carranco and I’m the new First Communion Coordinator. I’m very excited to serve God and all of you here at Sacred Heart. I’m looking forward to meeting you. Please stop by the Religious Education office and say hi, or if you see me walking, don’t hesitate to introduce yourself. I’d love to meet you. I’d also like to take this opportunity to ask for volunteers, we are asking Catechist and aides to be part of the Religious Education Team. Those interested, please call 805-647-3235 Ext. 306 or email [email protected]. We are currently taking applications for September classes. Registration forms can be found on our website and from our office door. We hope to have everyone registered before Labor Day (9/5/22). Thank you! Office Hours Monday Closed Tuesday Closed Wednesday 2:00 – 7:00 Thursday 3:00 – 7:00 Friday 10:00 – 3:00 Saturday Closed Sunday 9:00 – 2:00

EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Me llamo Sindy Carranco y soy la nueva Coordinadora de Primera Comunión. Estoy muy emocionada de servirle a Dios y a todos ustedes aquí en esta parroquia, Sagrado Corazón. Quiero conocerles, asi que por favor pasen por la oficina de Educación Religiosa, o si me ven caminando para mi sera un placer saludarlos. Me encantaría conocerles. También me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para reclutar voluntarios. Buscamos catequistas y asistentes que formen parte del Equipo de Educación Religiosa. Quienes esten interesados, por favor llamen al 805-647-3235 Ext. 306 o envíen un correo electrónico [email protected]. Actualmente estamos aceptando solicitudes para las clases de Septiembre. Los formularios de registro se pueden encontrar en la pagina web y en la puerta de nuestra oficina. Esperamos que todos se registren antes del Día del Trabajo (9/5/22). ¡Gracias!

Horaio de oficina Lunes Cerrado Martes Cerrado

Miércoles 2:00 - 7:00 Jueves 3:00—7:00

Viernes 10:00—3:00 Sábado Cerrado

Domingo 9:00 – 2:00

Calling all Sacred Heart School recent grads, and other high school teens (entering 9th, 10th or 11th grade this year) who wish to make your Confirmation this upcoming Fall!

Registration is now open for the Youth Confirmation Program at Sacred Heart Church! Confirmation classes are on Sunday afternoons, and Youth Group is two Wednesday evenings a month!

Registration Forms are now available and can be downloaded from the parish website at, or go to the parish office to pick up a Registration Packet! Please return your completed registration forms along with a copy of your Baptismal Certificate, to the parish office, with attn. to Confirmation Coordinator.

For questions regarding Youth Confirmation, you can contact Kati Escallier, Confirmation Coordinator, at 805-647-3235 ext. 313, or email me at [email protected].

Page 4: Pastor Associate Pastor

4 • • (805) 647-3235 • SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH

You are invited to pray the Rosary and par cipate in Morning Hours of

the Liturgy before 7:00am Mass, Mondays through Thursdays.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday:Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21


Lunes: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Martes: Jer 14:17-22; Sal 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Miércoles: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Sal 59 (58):2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Jueves: Jer 18:1-6; Sal 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Viernes: Jer 26:1-9; Sal 69 (68):5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Sábado: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Sal 69 (68):15-16, 30-31, 33- 34; Mt 14:1-12 Domingo: Ecl 1:2; 2:21-23; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lc 12:13-21

Mabel Askay

SATURDAY, JULY 23 5:00pm Leonard Cruz III, Parishioners of Sacred Heart 7:00pm

SUNDAY, JULY 24 7:00am Robert Pearson INT 9:00am Asuncion Pearson INT, Adrian Contreras INT 10:30am Esquiel Uribe RIP, Roberto Hernandez Contreras RIP 12:30pm Asuncion Pearson INT, Adrian Contreras INT 5:00pm Asuncion Pearson INC, Robert Pearson INT MONDAY, JULY 25 7:00am Asuncion Pearson INT, Wayne Neal Jr RIP 6:00pm Asuncion Pearson INT, Wayne Neal Jr RIP

TUESDAY, JULY 26 7:00am 6:00pm

WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 7:00am 6:00pm Juan Bau sta Carrillo INT

THURSDAY, JULY 28 7:00am Connie M. Cagigas INT 6:00pm

FRIDAY, JULY 29 8:30am Leo Vanoni RIP, Henry Scot Wilson RIP

SATURDAY, JULY 30 8:30am

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

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Saints & Special Observances

Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly Monday: St. James Tuesday: Ss. Joachim and Anne Friday: Ss. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus Saturday: St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary

Los Santos & Otras Celebraciones

Domingo: Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Jornada Mundial de los Abuelos y de los Mayores Lunes: Santiago Martes: San Joaquín y santa Ana Viernes: Santoa Marta, María y Lázaro Sábado: San Pedro Crisólogo; Santa María Virgen


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

O God, protector of those who hope in you, without whom nothing has firm foundation, nothing is holy, bestow in abundance your

mercy upon us and grant that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may use the good things that pass in such a way as to hold fast even

now to those that ever endure.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who live and reign with God the Father in the unity

of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.


Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Señor Dios, protector de los que en ti confían, sin ti, nada es fuerte, ni santo; multiplica sobre

nosotros tu misericordia para que, bajo tu dirección, de tal modo nos sirvamos ahora de los

bienes pasajeros, que nuestro corazón esté puesto en los bienes eternos.

Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo,

que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos.

July 24, 2022 | 24 de julio de 2022


9:00am Friday to 8:30am Saturday Third Friday of the month Holy Hour in Spanish (7pm)

Come and spend on hour in Adoration with our Savior.

Fridays at 3:00pm there is recita on of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Holy Rosary, during the exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament.

All are invited to par cipate.


9:00am del viernes hasta las 8:30am del sábado. Hora Santa en Español el tercer viernes de cada mes (7pm)

Ven y comparte una hora de adoración con nuestro Salvador.

Los viernes a las 3:00pm se reza la Corona de la Divina Misericordia y el Santo Rosario, durante la exposición del San simo Sacramento. Todos están invitados a par cipar.

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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

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July 24, 2022 | 24 de julio de 2022

Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Rosary Altar Society scheduled a rummage sale on

Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Please start collecting and saving

for this event.

If you have any donations, Call or text Shirley Clobes 805-701-9411.

Do you need the perfect place to host your next event?

Biedermann Hall is a full-service facility available for rent.

Amenities include: 280-person capacity Stage Excellent Sound System Complete Catering Facility Ample Parking

Reservations Required, Contact: Sara Martinez, Hall Supervisor

Telephone: 805-647-3235 Ext 314 Email: [email protected]

Fr Sabastian Umouyo from St Joseph Catholic School in Nigeria has been

assigned to our parish for this year’s Archdiocesan Mission Appeal

on July 30-31, 2022

St. Joseph Catholic School is situated in eastern Nigeria. St. Joseph has a catholic community of 3.000 people. There is a large segment of the population which still needs primary evangelization. The duty of the church then is to offer catechetical instructions to people and prepare them for the reception of the sacraments. Because of the low level of education in the community, the catholic church has established a secondary school, St. Joseph’s Catholic school to uplift

the children from ignorance and give them education for their future. To maintain the school, we need help for the education of children from poor families. We need help to feed the

hungry and abandoned children; by partnering with our mission, you are reaching out to people needing food, water, medical aid, and the many suffering from sickness, climate change and Covid difficulties. Your generosity will also help us to educate children from poor and disadvantaged families and the children, who because of poverty, have dropped out of school. We appreciate the generosity of the American Catholics of this parish for their very valued encouragement to enable us to care for the poorest of the poor at this difficult time of our local church.


Sacred Heart Parish welcomes interest in our Catholic faith. RCIA classes are designed for those interested in entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith

through a spiritual journey of formation that brings their conversion and faith to maturity. Classes are held September - Easter on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Senior Center of Biedermann Hall. If you are interested in receiving your Baptism, Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the parish office for more information. (805) 647-3235 ext 300.

Page 8: Pastor Associate Pastor

8 • • (805) 647-3235 • SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH


Preven ng Heatstroke in Hot Cars As temperatures heat up this summer, it is critical for parents to remember to take children out of the car every time they park

and turn off the engine. Leaving a child alone in a car can lead to serious injury or death. This is especially true in hot weather: a car can heat up 19 degrees in just 10 minutes. Cracking a window is not enough to solve the problem. Leaving a purse or phone — or even a shoe — in the backseat can be a reminder about children who may fall asleep on car rides. For more information, visit


Prevención de golpe de calor en autos calientes A medida que aumentan las temperaturas este verano, es fundamental que los padres de familia recuerden sacar a los niños del automóvil cada vez que se estacionan y apagan el motor. Dejar a un niño solo en un automóvil puede provocar lesiones graves o la muerte. Esto es especialmente cierto en climas cálidos: un automóvil puede calentarse 19 grados en solo 10 minutos. Romper una ventana no es suficiente para resolver el problema. Dejar una cartera o un teléfono, o incluso un zapato en el asiento trasero, puede ser un recordatorio de que los niños podrían haberse quedado dormidos en los viajes en automóvil. Para obtener más información, visite


“Your child’s security and safety are a priority for us at Sacred Heart Church. Please

supervise your children at all mes – especially if they leave during Mass.” Please accompany them to the



“La seguridad y la protección de su hijo son una prioridad para nosotros en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón. Supervise

a sus hijos en todo momento, especialmente si se van durante la Misa". Por favor acompañeles al baño.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Page 9: Pastor Associate Pastor • (805) 647-3235 • SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH • 9

July 24, 2022 | 24 de julio de 2022

The SH Food Pantry will hold a grocery distribution on

Wednesday July 27, 2022

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

1515 S Saticoy Avenue

All in need are welcome. For details, call 805-701-4567

Next Pantry Collection Week August 6-7, 2022

La despensa de alimentos de SH tendrá una distribución de comestibles el miércoles

2 7 d e j u l i o d e 2 02 2

De 10:00 a 12:00 1515 S Saticoy Ave.

Todos los necesitados son bienvenidos. Para más detalles, llame al 805-701-4567

El próximo fin de semana para colectar la comida de la despensa es 6-7 de agosto de 2022

Sacred Heart parishioners are encouraged to attend this day of worship and prayer united in Christ’s mission to spread and share the Gospel! Be refreshed and renewed in the Spirit! Register online at Se anima a los feligreses del Sagrado Corazón a asistir a este día de adoración y oración unidos en la misión de Cristo de difundir y compartir el Evangelio. ¡Refrésquese y renuévese en el Espíritu! Inscríbase en línea en

Volunteers needing Fingerprinting

Thursday, July 28, 2022 12:00 pm to 6:30 pm

By Appointment only at SACRED HEART CHURCH

Contact the parish office at 805-647-3235 X 300 to schedule an appointment

Voluntarios que necesitan tomar huellas digitales

Jueves, 28 de julio de 2022 12:00 pm a 6:30 pm Sólo con cita previa en

IGLESIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZÓN Comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al

805-647-3235 X 300para programar una cita

Page 10: Pastor Associate Pastor

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BAUTIZOS: 805-647-3235 Ext. 300

LECTORES: Gustavo Garcia 805-754-7230 Carina Ruiz 805-647-3235 MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Gabriel Rodriguez MUSICO DEL MINISTRO HISPANO: Hector Reyes 805-701-2253 UJIERES: Elias Ambriz 805-207-2069 SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: 805-647-3235 RICA (Iniciación Cristiana): 805-647-3235

MASS TIMES : Tiempos de misa


Saturday-Sábado: 5:00 p.m. 7:00pm (Español)

Sundays-domingos: 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 noon (Español) 5:00 p.m.


Monday-Thursday-lunes a jueves: 7:00am 6:00pm

Wednesday -Miércoles 6:00pm.(Español)

Friday-Saturday-viernes y sábado: 8:30 a.m.

C o n f e s s i o n s / C o n f e s i o n e s Fridays / viernes 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


OFFICE STAFF: Karen Oishi, Office Manager Ext. 301 Vivian Nichols, Business Manager Ext. 305 Aurora Gonzales, Secretary Ext. 300 Kathy Rosten, Community Relations Ext. 304 SACRED HEART SCHOOL: 805-647-6174 Christine Benner, Principal

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Sindy Carranco, First Communion Coordinator Ext. 306 FINANCE COUNCIL: Ginny Camarillo Ext. 305 MAINTENANCE: Duane Schultz Ext. 312 BIEDERMANN HALL RENTAL: Ext. 314 Sara Martinez BULLETIN EDITOR: Ext. 304 YOUTH CONFIRMATION: Ext. 313 Kati Escallier, Coordinator


ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY: 805-216-2800 Regina Boon

BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: 805-340-5975 Dorothy DeFratus


INFANT BAPTISMS: 805-647-3235 Dcn. Phil Conforti

LECTOR COORDINATOR: 805-673-8668 Tom Lyons

MARRIAGE/QUINCEAÑERA COORDINATOR: 805-647-3235 Sara Martinez Ext 314

MINISTRY TO THE SICK: 805-525-0010 Sandie Dominguez, Facilitator

MUSIC DIRECTOR: 805-647-3235 Terilynn Regalado [email protected]

USHERS MINISTRY: 916-208-9712 David Quijada


BIBLE STUDY: 805-647-3235 BLUE ARMY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA: 805-647-1842 Barbara Rodriguez DETENTION MINISTRY: 805- 340-3983 Rick Goulette EUCHARISTIC ADORATION COORDINATOR : 805-216-5749 Kati Escallier EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY: 805-794-9902 Monica Garcia (Divina Misericordia en Español) 805-755-3281 Mary Guerrero FAMILY TO FAMILY: 805-650-8557 Nita Perkins FOOD PANTRY: 805-701-4567 Gary Cooper GRIEF SHARE MINISTRY: 805-647-2554 Fran Dudley GUADALUPANAS: 805-647-1609 Amelia Mijares ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION: 805-659-2255 Carol Eller JOVENES ADULTOS PARA CRISTO: 805-218-7683 Juan Alberto Lopez, Coordinator KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #10067: Mike Kipp (Grand Knight) 805-795-1512 LEGION OF MARY: 805-324-1848 Tony and Monica Wassef PASTORAL COUNCIL: 805-647-3235 Fr. Al Ezeonyeka PROCLAIM MINISTRY: Gloria Garcia / George Williams [email protected] R.C.I.A. ADULT ED: 805-647-3235 Fr. Al Ezeonyeka RESPECT LIFE: 805-647-7306 Wilhelmina Stoll SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: 805-647-3235 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: 805-216-2787 Person on call WELCOMING MINISTRY: 805-647-6818 George Cady

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Page 11: Pastor Associate Pastor

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Page 12: Pastor Associate Pastor

513543 Sacred Heart Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805

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