pb oct 20-21, 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 PB OCT 20-21, 2012


    VOL. 4 OCTOBER 20-21, 2012 ISSUE

    Welcome to Good Shepherd Chapel

    Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Pastor:Fr. Joseph Lea(267) [email protected]

    NCOIC: SSG. Clarence Slaughter(706) 791-4308

    Deacon:- Rev. Mr. David Kriegel

    deacondave@saintmichaelparish- Rev. Mr. Kelley Culver

    deaconkelley@saintmichaelparishPLC: Lola Rivera(706) 791-4829

    [email protected] Coordinator: Adriana Gramer

    recoordinator@saintmichaelparishRCIA: Kelley Culver (706) 855-989

    [email protected] Director: Sonia Rivera

    music@saintmichaelparishfgMCCW: Kim Besel, (706) 855-9275

    mccw@saintmichaelparishfgKnights of Columbus: Tim McCar

    Knightsofcolumbus@saintmichaelparishYouth Ministry: Laura Pizzicym@saintmichaelparishfg.

    EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-978Altar Servers: Alex Besel

    altarservers@saintmichaelparishfLectors: Tom Dean, (706) 860-69

    lectors@saintmichaelparishfUshers/Greeters: Ron Shannon

    ushers@saintmichaelparishfFlowers Ministry: Fran Simpson

    [email protected] Sunday: Gilda Fontimay

    welcomesunday@saintmichaelparishWebmaster: Judy Culver

    webmaster@saintmichaelparishfLiturgical Schedule: Brian Musha

    lemuschedule@saintmichaelparishHospitality Team:

    hospitality@saintmichaelparishBulletin Editor: Lola Rivera



    Saint Michaels Catholic Community is a group of Catholic Christians associated with the Armed Fo

    under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Archdioceses for the Military Services served by the past

    leadership of our priest(s), deacon(s), and religious. The community is dedicated to exemplifying Chris

    community by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through worship, service, and witness to the p

    ple of Fort Gordon and surrounding communities.

    Monday & Wednesday: 11:30amSaturday: 5:00pmSunday: 8:30am and 10:00am

    RECONCILIATIONSaturday: 4:00pm-4:45pmSunday: 7:45am-and 9:30am

    (also by appointment)

    Parish Staff



    the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through him. (Isaiah 53:10)

    through his suffering, my servant shall justify many, (Isaiah 53:11)

    Our soul waits for the LORD (Psalm 33:20)

    For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested inevery way, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

    whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; (Mark 10:42)eflection

    How do you serve the community around you?

    How do you reflect Christian values in your life regardless of the cost?

    How are you a servant to the most vulnerable?

    How do you model Christian values that conflict with secular values?he Churchs mission, in the perspective of this theology (church as servant), is not primarily to gain new recruits for its ownnks, but rather to be of help to all men, wherever they are. The special competence of the Church is to keep alive the hope andpiration of men for the Kingdom of God and its values. In the light of this hope the Church is able to discern the signs of the

    mes and to offer guidance and prophetic criticism. In this way the church promotes the mutual reconciliation of men and initi-es them in various ways into the Kingdom of God.

    Dulles, Avery Cardinal,Models of the Church, Doubleday, New York, 2002, p. 89, 90.etrieved from Ted Bergh, ParishVision Llc 2012 , ParishVision.org.

    Canonization of First Native American Indian Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha onOctober 21st, 2012.

    Mohawk woman is set to ascend to sainthood in a ceremony at the Vatican's St-Peter Basilica thisunday, 300 years after her death. ETWN Catholic Television will air the canonization mass cele-ated by our Holy Father at 3am and 11am this Sunday. Also, Father Joseph will bring a relic fromlessed Kateri to ALL Masses . The following is a brief biography of Blessed Katari.ateri Tekakwitha and informally known asLily of the Mohawks (1656April 17, 1680), was an

    lgonquin-Mohawk Catholic virgin and religious laywoman. Born in present-day New York, shervived smallpox and was orphaned as a child, then baptized as a Roman Catholic and settled fore last years of her life at the Jesuit mission village of Kahnawake, south of Montreal in Newrance. Kateri grew up in a period of constant change as the Mohawk interacted with French andutch colonists.. The French traded with and were allied with the Huron. Trying to make inroads inoquois territory, the French attacked the Mohawk in present-day central New York in 1666, de-roying several villages and their winter stores. After the defeat by the French forces, the Mohawkere forced into a peace treaty that required them to accept Jesuit missionaries in their villages.

    While there, the Jesuits studied Mohawk and other native languages in order to reach the people.hey spoke of Christianity in terms with which the Mohawk could identify. In his work on Tekakwitha, Darren Bonaparte

    Mohawk) notes the parallels between some elements of Mohawk and Christian belief.Known for her virtue of chastity and corporal mortification of the flesh, as well as being shunned by her tribe for her religious

    onversion to Catholicism, she is the first Native American woman to be venerated in the Roman Catholic Church. Tekakwitha isid to have appeared before three individuals in the weeks after her death . Her virtues are considered an ecumenical bridge

    etween Mohawk and European cultures. Various miracles and supernatural events are attributed to her name after her death.s people believed in her healing powers. Tradition holds that Tekakwitha's smallpox scars vanished at the time of her death in680. Pope Pius XII in 1943 declared this an authentic miracle.[24] Pilgrims to her funeral reported healings.

    Tekakwitha is featured in three national shrines in the United States: the National Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha inonda, New York; the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York; and the Basilica of the Nationalhrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.She was beatified by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1980. On February 18, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI announced at Saint Peter's

    asilica that Tekakwitha is scheduled to be formally canonized on October 21, 2012.[4).Retrieved from CAN/EWTN on October 15, 2012.

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    Rehearsal InformationChoir Practice is on Wednesdays at7:45pm at ourchapel. Singersand musiciansare welcomed!Contact SoniaRivera at (706)627-0637 orsend her anemail at

    [email protected]

    Page 2

    Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW)

    MCCW Monthly meeting will be on November 2nd at 6pm at our chapel. Theprogram will be on the Saints. We will have Mass, Rosary, social and a presentation on thethe Saints by Tilly Mendieta.

    MCCW at Fort Gordon offers FAITH STUDY on Monday mornings from 9:30 - 11:00amfollowed by daily Mass for those who can attend. This year we are studying Catholicism

    by Fr. Robert Barron. Fr. Robert Barron created the groundbreaking CATHOLICISMADULT STUDY PROGRAM as a thematic presentation of what Catholics believe andwhy, so all adults can come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith. This engagingand interesting formational program uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all thetreasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. Mar-garet Lepak is our facilitator. If you would like to attend and need childcare, your childmust be registered with CYS Central Registration. Please contact Jessica Burris at [email protected] one week prior to class to hold a slot.


    Facilitator:FATHER JOSEPH LEA

    Sign up today [email protected]

    Altar Servers Training!!!There will be an Altar Serverstraining session on Saturday

    November 3rd from Noon1pm at Good ShepherdChapel. All current and newservers must attend. For moreinformation, please contactthe Altar Servers Coordinator,Alex Besel at (706) 855-9275

    [email protected] .Thank you.

    Would you like to Donate Flowers for a Special Intention?

    You can donate flowers for a special intention, such as, in memory of the deathof a loved one, or in celebration of your wedding anniversary, or birthday.Please, contact the Flowers Ministry Coordinator Fran Simpson for more infor-mation @ [email protected].

    Monthly MeetingPlease know that our next meeting will be on Tuesdayvember 13th, 2012 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social andmeeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight

    McCarthy if you have any questions at:[email protected]

    Food Drive for Those in NeedHelp us collect TONS of food by donating food this mfor those individuals and families less fortunate in thegusta area! The Knights of Columbus are collecting perishable food items this month to donate to the CatSocial Services. Please, place your donations in the cotion box located in the social room. Contact the GKnight Tim McCarthy if you have any questions. Thankfor your support and charity!

    Poster ContestThis is a call to St. Michaels youth. Knights of Columare sponsoring the 2012 Poster Contest. All youth gradeto 12th (males and females) are invited to participate incontest. The theme is Drug and Alcohol AwarenPlease make sure you submit your poster by December2012. The entry must be in a regular poster board Please contact Roger Colon for the entry forms (706) 4941.

    Coat DriveThe Knights of Columbus is holding a coat drive forneedy in Augusta until the end of November. Please bnew or used coats to church and place in the designdonation box in the fellowship hall. Please ensure the care servable and clean. You may contact Allen Larso

    (706)631-9749 for more information about this drive. Tyou for your generosity.




    Do you receive St. Michaels weekly happenings?If the answer is NO, please contact the PLC today and request to be included inour parish emailing list [email protected]

    The Posada is coming to our ParishThe Posada is a traditional Christmas celebration that Frcan missionaries developed in America with the goal of ducing the faith. It continues to be popular throughousouthwestern United States and all of Latin America anrich tradition for Knights and their families to shareChristmas Posada expresses perfectly the suspense andprises of the season. It is a prayer, a play, a party and a ging for families, parishes and whole communities. It is abration that children and adults can enjoy together, as wthose from all different cultural backgrounds. Even if yo

    not familiar with the Christmas Posada, the Knights of Cbus invites you to join this ancient observance that willfor you the deeper meaning of a joyful season on Fridayginning on November 30th at our Chapel. Food and rements will be provided by the parish. We ask you to sifor this activity at the fellowship room. Join us and be wof this great celebration!

    November 30December 7, 14, and 21

    @ 6PMGood Shepherd ChapelSign up today in the activity room!

    Advent/Christmas Family WorkshoThe Advent/Christmas Family workshop this year will beNov 17th from 11-2pm at the Religious Education centertendees will make different Advent and Christmas decorasuch as Advent wreaths, tree decorations, etc. Materials alunch will be provided. Please sign up today for this work

    in the activity room to ensure we provide enough suppliefood. We need volunteers for the different stations!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/yab-fe/mu/MainView?.src=neo&themeName=blue&stab=1310475994017#http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/yab-fe/mu/MainView?.src=neo&themeName=blue&stab=1310475994017#mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Catechists NeededWe are in need of several Catechists and substitute teachers to help with the CCD progPre-K through High School. We need a talented person to teach Kindergarten. Co-Teacand assistants are needed too!! Contact Adriana Gramer @ (978) [email protected]

    Welcome SundayWe will celebrate Welcome Sunday on Octobe28 at 10am.Join us for breakfast as we welcome the new families andsingle soldiers. Please, contact Gilda Fontimayor [email protected]

    YOUTH MASS Toda21 October 2012 @ 10 AM

    Youth are encouraged to do the readings, sas ushers, sing in the choir, and present the during Mass. Please contact the Youth MinCoordinator if you are interested in particing. We have choir practice on Wednesda7:45pm in our chapel. Contact [email protected] if you any questions.

    Volunteers Name TagsAll volunteers are asked to pick up their name tags inthe Sacristy behind the door before each mass to wearduring Mass. Please return name tags after Mass.

    Send us an email if you are cbrating your wedding anniver

    next month atplc@saintmichaelparishfg.



    USERAdd U

    Are you celebrating your b-daysoon? Send us an email at

    [email protected]

    Visit us at http://www.saintmichaelparishfg.or

    CYM NEXT MEETING!!Youth of the chapel: Our next meeting isOctober 21, 2012 in building #13 from1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Topic ThinkingAbout Drinking? The Bible, Alcohol,and You, based on a talk by MarkHart. Come join us for some food, fun,and fellowship and come play FLAGFOOTBALL WITH A TWIST! Pleasecontact the Youth Ministry CoordinatorLaura Pizzi if you have any questions at

    [email protected]

    Book Club Discussionon Mondays

    6:30pm-7:30pmThis discussion is facilitated by

    Father Joseph Lea and Deacon Kelley Culver

    Sign up today in the activity room or at

    [email protected]: Books and food will be provided.

    Aquinas HS Silent/Live AuctionAquinas Feelin Groovy Silent/Live Auction

    a 60s/70s themed event to benefit Aquinas High School. Saturday, November 17, 2012 ~ 6 p.m.

    Aquinas Grand Dining HallTicket price $50 each

    Contest for best costumeFor more information contact Aquinas HS at

    706-736-5516 or www.aquinashigh.org

    Christmas PoinsettiasImmaculate Conception Catholic School is selling Christ-

    mas Poinsettias. A 24-inch poinsettia sells for $20. Plants

    are available in three colors: red, white, and marbled. You

    may purchase through a student or call Immaculate Con-

    ception to place your order. (706-722-9964 or fax 706-

    722-9994) Order forms are available on

    our website - www.icaugusta.org. All

    orders should be picked up at the school

    (811 Telfair Street) on November 29 th or

    November 30th between 8am and 4pm.

    Ministry Coordinators Advent Meetingt. Michaels Ministry coordinators are call to meet on Oc-ber 31 right after Vigil Mass in the activity room. This is a

    must attend meeting. We will discuss Advent and Christmasctivities and events. Contact the PLC is you have anyuestion at [email protected] or 706-791-4829.

    St. Michaels Book of the Deadraying for the dead is a Christian obligation. In the modernorld, when many have come to doubt the Church's teach-g on Purgatory, the need for such prayers has only in-

    reased. The Church devotes the month of November torayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and participation ine Mass of All Souls Day is a good way to begin the

    month. The Book of the Dead will be at the main entrance ofe chapel beginning November 1st. Please enter the names

    f your beloved dead. We will lift them in prayer at eachmass.

    Thanksgiving Mass Schedule

    21 November at 5:30pm (Vigil)22 November at 10am

    We will serve pasties and coffee after mass. Please,join us. All Masses will be celebrated at the GoodShepherd Chapel.Note:We will conduct a special collection forCatho-lic Social Services during Masses on November21-

    22-24- 25.

    All Saints Day MasVigil Mass

    October 31st, 5:30pmNovember 1st, 11:30a

    All Souls Day MassNovember 2nd: 11:30a

    12:00pm and 12:30pm

    Dont forget to set your clocks back anhour on Sunday November 4th, 2012,2A.M. back to 1A.M.

    DESIGNATED OFFERING for Food for the PoorFood For The Poor is the third-largest international relief and development charity United States, feeding 2 million poor every day. We will have a designated offering masses on Oct 27-28, at ALL Masses that weekend for this organization. Please, consider

    generous. Financial Advisor,Aldo Calvi.

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    Pastoral Council

    Adoration on Wednesdayoin us for adoration this coming Wednesday at 6:30pm. We meet every week

    spend and dedicate an hour in Eucharistic Adoration. This is a great way tocrease your faith and help you with your prayer life.

    Confessionsrivate confessions at St. Michaels are available for you before Mass on Satur-ays 4pm and Sundays at 8am in the confessional box located in the Blessedacrament Chapel, but also face-to-face and by appointment at your conven-nce. Confessions are available in Spanish when Father Joseph celebrates


    New to our Parish?lease take a minute and fill out our registration form. You can find these forms the counter located in the social room. You may give the form to the Parishife Coordinator, or to the chaplain assistant on duty. You can also downloade form from our website if this is more convenient for you, and send it [email protected]. Welcome!

    Parish Council Meetingt. Michaels Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday No-ember 6th, 2012. The meeting will be at Good Shepherd ChapelGSC), social room at 5:30 pm.

    Anointing of the SickIf you are in need of this sacrament, or if you are going to be hospitalplease contact Father Joseph (267) 243-5861

    MatrimonyArrangements for marriage preparation should be made at least

    months in advance of the proposed date. If there has been a prior marthat has not been annulled by the Catholic Church, more time marequired. Participation in a marriage preparation workshop/prograrequired. Initially, all requests of information should be directed toCatholic Pastor at (267) 243-5861.

    BaptismIn order to receive Baptism, parent(s) must be registered and attenMass. Dates and times of Baptism can ONLY be set after registeringPre-Baptism class, and talking with a Priest. Baptism and preparationBaptism must be arranged 30 days in advance. Contact the PLC ifneed assistance.

    Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

    The RCIA program is the process through which interested adultsolder children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic docand way of life. Contact Kelley Culver if you need [email protected] .

    Pastoral CounselingAnyone wishing to see the Catholic Pastor for religious counseling is-ues may contact our Pastor. All requests of information should be directed Father Joseph at (267) 243-5861.

    PLCs Office HoursThe Parish Life Coordinator is available to assist you

    the following days this coming week:

    Monday and Thursday: 8am to 2pm and Sunday from 8am to 11amAfter hours assistance only by appointment at (443) 223-1125

    Pastoral Visitationshere is simply no place more appropriate than the home for pastors to interactith their parishioners in a personal manner. And this holds true whether suchteraction is for the purpose of leading a person to Christ, reclaiming a lost

    oul, or offering support and guidance. For this reason, our Pastor, Father Josephould like to start Pastoral Visitations to give parishioners the opportunity of

    meeting and knowing him. He would like to visit parishioners homes twice aeek, so if you are interested in receiving the special visit of our Pastor, please

    ontact the PLC Lola Rivera to schedule a Pastoral visitation @ (706) 791-2945,r [email protected]. Father Joseph is looking forward to visit

    Wedding Anniversary & Marriage Vow Renewalend us an email if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary next month.

    We also encourage you to let us know if you would like to renew your marriageows at Mass, at least two weeks in advance. Requests can be submitted at:[email protected]

    Writing Checks: When writing checks for our weekend collections, make sure you write the check to CTOF (Chapel Tithes and OfFund) Also remember , if you write a check $250 or above, you mafor a receipt from the chaplain assistant.

    (COL) JEFF LEPAK, [email protected]

    HERMAN GONZALEZ, [email protected]


    [email protected]

    Peace and union are the most necessary of all things for m

    who live in common, and nothing serves so well to establish

    maintain these as the forbearing charity whereby we put upwith one another's defects. St. Robert Bellermine

    Change of Address or Moving?Please advise the Parish Life Coordinator when you have any chanaddress or telephone number, or if you are moving away.

    Mass IntentionsIf you would like to offer a Mass for the repose of the soul of a loveor any other intention, you are encouraged to use one of our Mass from the bulletin board located in the hallway next to the Sacristy.can also send it to the PLC via email [email protected]

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    VOLUNTEERS COORDINATOR (volunteer position)t. Michaels Parish at Fort Gordon is looking for a dedicated, hardworking per-on, sensitive to the ways God calls and equips people for mission in daily life, toelp the members of our congregation grow in both spirituality and in participa-on. Positive communication skills, including both quality listening skills andomfort with cold-calling, are a necessity! Ability to maintain open and oftenommunication with parish volunteers.

    Duties will include, but are not limited to:- Establish and maintain relationships with congregation members and com-

    munity organizations to assist the congregation in accomplishing itsmissional responsibilities.

    - Create and maintain databases of congregational member information suchas skills and interests. Such databases may include some or all softwaresuch as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Mi-crosoft Publisher.

    - Establish and oversee recruitment procedures to meet specific group needsfor activities and functions of volunteers.

    - Evaluate the work of volunteers to ensure that work is of appropriate qual-ity and that resources are used effectively.

    - Assist in the assimilation process of new members. Work with the ParishLife Coordinatorto acknowledge, recognize, and support volunteers aswell as recommend new directions for ministry.

    - Help connect members with existing ministries and programs within thecongregation.

    - Report questions, comments, or concerns regularly to the Parish Life Coor-dinator.

    - Other duties as assigned by the Pastorand/or Parish Life Coordinatoror asdeemed necessary.

    Interested? Questions? Contact the PLC [email protected].

    Adult Altar Servers WantedWe are looking for adult altar servers to assist at Mass, especially at S

    day 5pm and Sunday 8:30am masses. Please, contact Alex Besel if yinterested in becoming an altar server. This is a great opportunity toour Lord. [email protected]

    Volunteer Coordinator NeededVolunteers are the back bone of our parish, and most important, theyus to spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are looking

    person who would like to be St. Michaels Volunteer Coordinator. Pcontact the PLC and ask her for a copy of the job description to learnits requirements and responsibilities. [email protected]

    Evangelization CoordinatorWe are looking for volunteers to coordinate the Evangelization minPlease, contact Lola Rivera if you are interested in coordinating this mtry, or if you need more information at [email protected]

    Recruiting New VolunteersThere are many ways to help your community within the parish. Demonstrate Gods love by volunteering soour time. The following are some of the many volunteer opportunities for you. Contact the Parish Life Coordinator if you have questions or need further i

    ation. [email protected].

    Care Ministry CoordinatorWe are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Care Ministry. This mtry assists parishioners who are sick at home or hospital. The ministrydinator is responsible for coordinating visits in consultation with the s

    pastor and PLC. The coordinator will be willing to visit parishioners wrequest this assistance, share the Word of God and prayer with them, offer Holy Communion at the time of visit. If this is your call, or you further information, please contact us at [email protected]

    VA Fisher House is Looking for DonationsThe Fisher House at the VA hospital is in need of the following items: Jars of peanut butter, crackers, pretzels, canned tuna fish, canned chicken, andnoodles. Please support this organization at your convenience. There is a box for this charity located by the MCCW table in the back hallway next to the aroom. Thank you very much for your generosity.

    The SowerParables of Jesus. Written by Pete Miller

    Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8 all record the parable of the Sower, which gives priceless insight into how people receive and respond to Gods Word. In eaount, the story is the same: A farmer scattered seeds and some fell by the wayside, and the birds devoured them. Some seeds fell on stony ground where the sohallow, and as soon as they sprouted the sun scorched them because they had no roots. Some fell surrounded by thorns and the thorns choked them, but some ll on good soil and were productive, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. The disciples asked Jesus why He was speaking to the people in parables, and its meaning. In each Gospel, Jesus told them, Because it has been given to y

    now the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. (Matthew 13:11) Then He asked them, Do you not understand this parableen will you understand all the parables? (Mark 4:13) Jesus was not insulting them but challenging them. Jesus had not been teaching in parables prior to thisThe disciples may have been somewhat perplexed with this teaching method. The Message translates Mark 4:13: Do you see how this story works? All my s

    ork this way. Jesus was challenging them to contemplate His words more deeply. He was training them to be leaders, and leaders need to be in front and ahe people they lead. Jesus wanted them to understand human nature, and how people respond to the Word of God, the enemy they are dealing with, and what itkes to live a productive life for God. Jesus knew that they must grasp the simple truths regarding the kingdom, in order to move on and master more difficult th

    Paraphrasing, the interpretation is this: The sower sows the seed which represents the Word of God. First are people by the waysidewho dont understankely dont have the ability to understand. They are easy prey, so to speak, so the devil, who is Satan and the wicked one, immediately comes and steals the wof their hearts. The result is that they dont believe it and therefore do not get saved. The second category is people on the rock or on stony places. Theaction is joy, but they dont stay in the Word long enough to really learn and become established disciples. This person be lieves for a while but never devots. They dont solidify their commitment, so as soon as there is temptation, pressure or harassment related to their belie ving of Gods Word, they immediatelyThe third group among the thornsrepresents the people that believe Gods Word, but over the course of an indeterminate period of time they are either

    helmed with the worries and stress of life, or seduced by the riches and pleasures in tnis world, and their lives and destiny are never fulfilled. Finally, there urth group, the good ground, the people who hear the Word and understand it. With a good heart, they commit their lives to it, and throughout their lives th

    onsistently productive.The Amplified Bibles translation of Matthew 13:23 may be the most comprehensible. As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears the Wor

    rasps and comprehends it; he indeed bears fruit and yields in one case a hundred times as much as was sown, in another sixty ti mes as much, and in another th

    What believers do with the Word of God they have received is contingent upon many variables. God shows no partiality, so the explanation for one person ore fruitful than another cannot be that God has given more to one person than the other. There is no sense in analyzing who is more useful or comparing prody, as all Gods people are precious and valuable to Him. The emphasis should be to be faithful and as productive as possibl e according to ones own ability.

    Christ does not say that this good ground has no stones in it, or no thorns; but none that could hinder its fruitfulness. All are not alike; we should aim at the

    t, to bring forth most fruit. (Matthew Henry, 1662-1714, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments Commentary).

    Retrieved from http://www.sharefaith.com

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    Rachels Vineyard Ministryyou have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, depression, emotional or spiritual problems due to a past abor-

    on know that you are not alone. The Rachels Vineyard Ministry is here to help with professional counsel-

    g, Post Abortion Healing Retreats and emotional support. An upcoming retreat will be offered on No-ember 16-18 For additional information, please contact Stephanie May [email protected]. Complete confidentiality will be honored at all times.

    Amen Corner: A Chain for LifeWHAT: Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer speaks at the 2012 Augusta Life Chain, a public anti-abortion event.WHEN: 2-3:30 p.m. Oct. 7WHERE:The intersection of Peach Orchard and Lumpkin at the park in the Alleluia Community School.

    HE EVENT: Hundreds of people silently hold anti-abortion signs during an hour of prayer for the end ofbortion. Signs will be provided.EARN MORE: Call Gary or Nancy Garner at (706) 793-8090.

    Pro-Life Mass & Rosaryor your information, there is a Mass the first Saturday of each month at Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 amollowed by a Pro-Life Rosary at Preferred Health Center right after (approximately 10:15am). This activ-y is NOT organized by our parish, but you are invited to participate to support the Right to Life.

    Abortion AlternativesBirthright of Augusta (706) 733-LOVE

    Augusta Care Pregnancy Center (706) 724-3733

    ST MICHAELS FOR LIFE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    By John MulderigCatholic News Service

    NEW YORK (CNS) -- A tense, clandestinequirky chapter in recent history is turned intengrossing fact-based thriller in "Argo" (WaBros.).

    Though serious themes and a surfeiswearing make this drama suitable only

    adults, mature viewers will find their fortituthe face of exploding F-bombs rewarded positive treatment of marriage and a brieftelling salute to faith-based values.

    Set against the backdrop of the Iran hoscrisis of 1979-81, "Argo" tells the story of agent Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck). Taskehis boss Jack O'Donnell (Bryan Cranston) rescuing the handful of U.S. embassy emplowho managed to escape capture when that fity was overrun by armed militants, Mehatches a seemingly far-fetched scheme: smuggle them out of Tehran -- where thebeen hiding in the Canadian embassy -- guised as a Canadian film crew touring the M

    dle East to scout locations.To make this outlandish cover convinc

    Mendez enlists the help of veteran Hollywproducer Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin) and maartist John Chambers (John Goodman). riedly, the trio works together to drum up licity for the imaginary film project that gthis movie its title. The real script they're uis a characteristic Tinseltown artifact of thea second-rate rip-off of "Star Wars."

    Affleck, who also directed, masterfully anates between life-or-death drama and hstakes humor. Though both aspects of the stoo frequently give rise to coarse dialoguecanny patriotism and emotional impact of

    picture -- as scripted by Chris Terrio -- maka rousing experience.

    Even as he dedicatedly pursues his dangemission into hostile territory, Mendez is prcupied by family problems. He and his have separated, and she's taken his youngaway to live with her. Mendez maintainmuch contact with both of them as he can, hing on to the distant prospect of a happy come.

    As the fugitives he's been sent to help preto cooperate with Mendez' desperate plan, onthem quietly studies a prayer card with an imof the Infant of Prague on it. He then slipscard into the copy of the "Argo" screenplay

    carry with him throughout the coming ordeaThe implicit contrast between the innoc

    and gentleness conjured up by that widelyloved icon and the screaming hordes of riously inflamed zealots who abuse their priers inside the violated embassy is a striking But the fundamental difference being hlighted may have more to do with the naturcivilized life itself than with the varietiebelief.

    Either way, audiences will note who prevThe film contains potentially distur

    scenes and images, an abortion reference, a dozen uses of profanity as well as many roand crude terms. The Catholic News Ser

    classification is A-III -- adults.Retrieved from http://www.catholicnews.com

    Movie Review

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 PB OCT 20-21, 2012


    St. Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.

    Be our protection against thewickedness and snares of the

    devil.May God rebuke him, we

    humbly pray; and do Thou, OPrince of the Heavenly


    by the Divine Power ofGod -thrust into hell,Satan and all the evil spirits,

    who roam throughout theworld seeking the ruin of





    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELIGIOUS EDUCATIO


    CW3James Omer Cote SrA James VarnerSFC Nathan Varner Major John Curry CPT Bontea

    Coffee and TheologyCoffee and Theology is a religiouseducation for adults that meet onSundays at 11:30am at the RSOBld. 29601. Contact Tom Dean (706)860-6946 if you have any question.

    CCD RegistratioCCD registration is open throut the year. Please know torder to receive the Holy Sment of First Communion orfirmation, children need to Religious Education as reqContact the RE Coordinator ana Gramer if you have questi

    Weekend MassesSaturday 17:00

    Sunday 08:30 & 10:00

    Daily Mass

    Mon & Wed 11:30Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45

    ReconciliationSaturday 16:00Sunday 07:45

    RosarySaturday 16:30Sunday 08:00

    Communion (Sick/Homebound):

    Father Joseph Lea

    CCD willwill continueThis Sunday.

    Bible StudySt. Michaels Bible StudyTuesdays at 7:30pm in ttivity room. We are studyBible Study on the BooHebrews. Contact Tom Dea

    PRAY FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERSPlease pray for our expectant mothers and their babies. If you are a member of St. Michaels Parish andexpecting a baby, or have a friend or relative who is a expecting a baby, please send us her name to add it

    to our list @ [email protected].

    Nelmy Amaya Gabriela Baron-Medina Betsy Joy PizziNorelynn Riggins Jessica Burris Michelle Adams

    Religious Education Coordinator Office HoursThe Religious Education Coordinator is available to meet with parents for enrolling their children at the Good Sherd Chapel, the following days:

    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 12pm.After hours assistance only by appointment at [email protected] or (978) 866-3806

    PRAY FOR THE SICKPlease pray for our sick and their families. If you know of any parishioner who is sick or is hospitalized, please s

    us the name to add it to our list @ [email protected]

    Lewkas Virata Izzy Rodriguez Johnnie Quezaire Andrew Priddy

    Mildred Mills Noel Ivan Guereni Angela Blancos Joaquina Gonzalez-MazaWeddingsContact PLC

    BaptismsContact PLC

    LiturgyDeacon Dave Kriegel

    AdorationWednesday 18:30

    Religious Education (RE)Sunday 11:30

    Children (REC)

    RCIA (RSO)

    Bulletin AnnouncementsPlease know that all weekend announcements should be sent Sunday by 5pm to bulletin@saintmichaelparishAnnouncements received after the deadline might not be announced.

    Pulpit AnnouncementsPlease know that all weekend an-nouncements should be sent by Fri-day noon to

    [email protected]

    Catholic RadioYou can listen live Catholic programsthat will be featured on SaintPaul Radio by going to their

    website: saintpaulradio.org.

    Catechists NeededWe are recruiting catechists for the new CCDyear. If you are interested in teaching religiouseducation, please contact us. Experience is notrequired. We will provide you with the trainingand teaching resources that you need. We needteachers and substitute teachers for grades Pre-K through High School.

    Contact Adriana Gramer (978) 866-3806 [email protected]

    StewardshipAttendance: 391

    Offering: $1,219.3Des. Off.: $1,220.29

    Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their families and friends during their

    ployments. If your loved one is one of them, or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or

    name, so we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to prayerrequest@saintmichaelparishfg.

  • 7/31/2019 PB OCT 20-21, 2012


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1

    MCCW Faith Study @

    9:30 am

    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of Church,


    Parish Council Meet-

    ing, 5:30pm


    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,


    4 5 6

    Altar Servers Tr

    ing @ 12pm

    LEMEs Trainin



    NO CCD. Coffee and

    Theology & RCIA

    8 Columbus Day


    Daily Mass CAN-



    History of Church,



    Study of the Gospels,


    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,


    11 12

    MCCW Monthly Meet-

    ing, 6pm at GSC


    Confirmation C

    3:45 to 6pm GSC


    Living Rosary, CCD


    Coffee and Theology

    & RCIA11:30am


    MCCW Faith Study @

    9:30 am

    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of the Church


    Study of the Gospels



    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,


    18 19 20

    1 Youth Mass,10am

    nstallat.. Ceremony

    or new officers, 10am


    Coffee and Theology


    MCCW Faith Study @

    9:30 am

    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of the Church


    Study of the Gospels



    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,



    KofC First Degree,

    7pm @ St. Teresas.

    26 27

    Confirmation F

    Trip. TBD

    8Welcome Sunday


    Coffee and Theology

    & RCIA11:30am


    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of the Church


    Study of the Gospels



    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    All Saints Day Vigil

    Mass @ 5:30pm

    Adoration , 6:30pm

    October 2012

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1

    All Saints Day Masses

    @ 11:30am


    All Souls Day Masses

    @ 11:30am, 12pm and


    MCCW Monthly

    Meeting, 6pm.


    Altar Servers Tr

    @ 12pm

    MCCW Bake Of


    Confirmation C

    3:45 to 6pm GSC



    Coffee and Theology

    & RCIA11:30am


    MCCW Faith Study @

    9:30 am

    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of Church,


    Parish Council Meet-

    ing, 5:30pm

    Study of the Gospels



    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,


    8 9 10



    Coffee and Theology

    & RCIA11:30am


    MCCW Faith Study @

    9:30 am

    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of Church,



    Study of the Gospels



    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,


    15 16 17

    Advent Family W

    shop, 11-2pm

    Confirmation C


    8Youth Mass, 10am


    Coffee and Theology

    & RCIA11:30am


    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Book Club, 6:30pm


    History of Church,


    Study of the Gospels



    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Thanksgiving Vigil

    Mass @ 5:30pm


    Thanksgiving Mass @


    23 24

    Parish Decorati

    from 11am-3pm.


    NO CCD. Coffee and

    Theology & RCIA


    MCCW Faith Study @

    9:30 am

    Daily Mass, 11:30amBook Club, 6:30pm


    History of Church,


    Study of the Gospels7:30pm


    Daily Mass, 11:30am

    Adoration, 6:30pm

    Choir Rehearsal ,7:45pm


    KofC First Degree,



    The Posada, 6pm.

    November 2012