what does your brand stand for - welcome to eswstorylab a pioneer might live by: champions values...

what does your brand stand for the purist Simply and virtuously the Purist is wholesome, exemplary, and highly ethical. He believes in being good and doing good. “Look at everything through kindly eyes.” “Nice guys finish first.” “Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.” Harmony, Peace, Optimism, Simplicity, Purity, Innocence, Honesty, Happiness, Faith Julie Andrews, Mr. Rogers, Michael J. Fox, Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn are associated with simplicity, purity, health and good simple living Disney, Dove, H2O, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Sesame Street, Brita Water Purifiers, Whole Foods sayings a purist might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: +LJLW[PVU +PZJVYK *VTWSPJH[PVU >HY )LOH]PUN PU HU Unacceptable Manner 5LNH[P]P[` 7YLQ\KPJL ,]PS Opposites: ® the source The Source is looked upon as the all-knowing provider of knowledge. He devours information in the pursuit of knowledge and expertise. He has a high level of curiosity and is looked to for advice and opinions. “We owe it to ourselves to find the truth.” “Knowledge is power.” ;Y\[O 2UV^SLKNL ,_WLY[PZL 0U[LSSPNLUJL 9PNVY +PSPNLUJL 6IQLJ[P]P[` *VTTP[TLU[ +LW[O ,K\JH[PVU +PZJPWSPUL *SHYP[` Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Albert ,PUZ[LPU are looked upon for trusted advice, knowledge, or specialized expertise Harvard, Bloomberg, McKinsey, Forrester, Wall Street Journal sayings a source might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: <UJLY[HPU[` +LJLW[PVU -HSZLOVVK 0TWL[\V\ZULZZ 0YYH[PVUHSP[` 5HP]L[t 0NUVYHUJL ;YLHJOLY` )PHZ +PZOVULZ[` Opposites: ® the pioneer The Pioneer is an individualist, blazing his own trail in pursuit of freedom, adventure, and new experiences that feed his soul. Whether gearing up to climb Mount ,]LYLZ[ VY NVPUN VMM PU H 1LLW >YHUNSLY [OL 7PVULLY SVVRZ for brands that allow him to experience life to the fullest. The Pioneer is usually an early adopter of invention. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” “ The journey is more important than the destination.” “Because it’s there.” ,_WSVYH[PVU -YLLKVT (K]LU[\YL 0UKLWLUKLUJL ,_WLYPTLU[H[PVU :LSMYLSPHUJL (TIP[PVU *OHSSLUNL )YH]LY` *VUMPKLUJL (TLSPH ,HYOHY[ *OYPZ[VWOLY *VS\TI\Z 5LPS (YTZ[YVUN )PSS` Jean King, Stephen Hawking foster discovery Groupon, Trader Joe’s, The North Face, 1LLW +PZJV]LY` *OHUULS sayings a pioneer might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: )V\UKHYPLZ )VYLKVT 3PTP[H[PVUZ :[HNUH[PVU *VTWSHJLUJ` *VUMVYTP[` (]VPKHUJL Opposites: ® Your brand is the lead character of its own story. And like any story character, it has values and beliefs. Knowing how to characterize your brand is another way of dening what your brand stands for. Most brands fall into one or a blend of these 12 character types. the conqueror ;OL *VUX\LYVY PZ UVISL HUK PZ PKLU[PMPLK I` HU HIPSP[` to meet and overcome adversity. He is steadfast when meeting challenges head on, no matter how difficult. He is relentless, resiliant, and confident in his abilities and feels that anything he earns is well deserved. Vince Lombardi, Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan challenge, inspire, and empower peak performance The Marines, Nike, Weight Watchers, Gatorade *V\YHNL +L[LYTPUH[PVU ,UK\YHUJL 7LYZPZ[LUJL :\JJLZZ ,SP[PZT :[YLUN[O :[H[\Z /VUVY champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: “Winning is everything.” “Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character. sayings a conqueror might live by: >LHRULZZ :LSM+V\I[ +LMLH[ =\SULYHIPSP[` -LHYM\SULZZ :LSMPZOULZZ *V^HYKPJL 7LZZPTPZT .P]PUN <W -HPS\YL Opposites: ® the rebel ;OL 9LILS PZ \UZH[PZMPLK ^P[O [OL Z[H[\Z X\V HUK abhors convention. His behavior may be disruptive or even shocking and outrageous to some, but to others he represents someone who will do whatever it takes to protect his self-expression. “Born free.” ¸9\SLZ HYL TLHU[ [V IL IYVRLU¹ “Take the road less traveled.” Freedom, Nonconformity, Independence, 0UKP]PK\HSP[` *VU[YV]LYZ` 9LILSSPVU Daringness, Boldness, Defiance /V^HYK :[LYU +LUUPZ 9VKTHU Quentin Tarantino, Lady Gaga, James Dean rebel against convention, take chances, and pride themselves on their individuality /HYSL` +H]PKZVU 9LK )\SS .V+HKK` *VU]LYZL ? .HTLZ >VYSK >YLZ[SPUN ,U[LY[HPUTLU[ 0UJ >>, sayings a rebel might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: 7V^LYSLZZULZZ 3VZZ VM 0KLU[P[` .YV\W[OPUR +LWLUKLUJL 7HZZP]LULZZ *VUMVYTP[` ;PTPKP[` *V^HYKPJL Opposites: ® the wizard The Wizard seeks out experiences that transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. He represents the universal message of mystery, thrill, and novelty. The Wizard seeks experiences that make his dreams come true, whether it’s the wonder of technology that never X\P[Z THNPJHS WV[PVUZ [OH[ MPNO[ [OL LMMLJ[Z VM HNPUN VY a golden passport to all the world has to offer. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Harry Potter, Billy Mays, The Wizard of Oz, Steve Jobs transform and create miracles 7P_HY 3V[[V =PHNYH *PYX\L K\ :VSLPS +PZUL` World, Apple 4HNPJ 0THNPUH[PVU 1V` *\YPVZP[` 6W[PTPZT Fun, Surprise champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: “Anything is possible.” “Dreams do come true.” “Wonders never cease.” sayings a wizard might live by: 6YKPUHYPULZZ -HPS\YL :[H[\Z 8\V 0ULMMLJ[P]LULZZ )VYLKVT :HTL VSL ZHTL VSL 7LZZPTPZT 3PMLSLZZULZZ 5LNH[P]P[` Opposites: ® the straight shooter The Straight Shooter abhors pretension and is no-nonsense. He will say it like it is and behave in ways he believes are true to himself. He values being real in all that he does and in his relationships with others. He’s friendly and informal. He’s not one to keep up with the Joneses and marches to the beat of his own voice. “I am who I am.” “Be true to yourself.” “Tell it like it is.” 9LHSPZT (\[OLU[PJP[` /VULZ[` 4VKLZ[` Frankness (UKYL (NHZZP :PTVU *V^LSS >OVVWP .VSKILYN *OHYSLZ Barkley are common and everyday—they tell it like it is and promote function over form or style Levi’s, Miller Beer, Southwest Airlines, Wrangler Jeans, Jim Beam sayings a straight shooter might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: -HRPUN P[ :LSM+LS\ZPVU +LJLP[ 7YL[LUZPVU :\WLYMPJPHSP[` (YYVNHUJL Opposites: ® the seducer The Seducer unsurprisingly desires romance, intimacy, and sensual pleasure. He’s not afraid to indulge and LZWLJPHSS` LUQV`Z WYVK\J[Z HUK IYHUKZ [OH[ OVSK strong sex appeal and that promise to boost attractiveness and desirability. Marilyn Monroe, Hugh Hefner, Bo Derek, Scarlett Johansson provide a sense of romance, connection, and ZLUZ\HS LUQV`TLU[ Victoria’s Secret, Godiva, DeBeers, *V\Y]VPZPLY (_L -36>,9:*64 Love, Sensuality, Affection, Intimacy, Beauty, 7HZZPVU +LZPYL ,JZ[HJ` *VUULJ[PVU ,UQV`TLU[ 7SLHZ\YL champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: ¸3V]L JVUX\LYZ HSS¹ “All you need is love.” “A little romance goes a long way.” sayings a seducer might live by: :VSP[\KL <UH[[YHJ[P]LULZZ 7SHPUULZZ /H[L )Y\[L -VYJL 7\YP[` Opposites: ® the protector The Protector values compassion and generosity. He puts others first, providing tender loving care, support, and reassurance. Florence Henderson, Mother Teresa, Andy Griffith, Florence Nightingale are caring and nurturing, providing comfort and peace of mind when customers especially need it .LYILY *YHJRLY )HYYLS *HTWILSS»Z :V\W Allstate, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft *VTWHZZPVU 4V[OLYS` (K]PJL /VZWP[HSP[` 7YV[LJ[PVU *VTMVY[ ,TWH[O` .LULYVZP[` Thoughtfulness, Sincerity, Sharing, Warmth, Wisdom champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: “Love thy neighbor.” “Take care of yourself.” “Lead by compassion.” sayings a protector might live by: *Y\LS[` /H[YLK )P[[LYULZZ /HYZOULZZ *HYLSLZZULZZ :LSMPZOULZZ Opposites: ® the entertainer ;OL ,U[LY[HPULY PZ `V\Y [`WPJHS JSV^U VY WYHURZ[LY· a fun-loving free spirit who wants only to live in the moment and have a good time doing it. He has a \UPX\L HIPSP[` [V JHW[\YL HUK [YHUZMP_ HU H\KPLUJL»Z H[[LU[PVU /L LUQV`Z IYHUKZ [OH[ LTWSV` O\TVY HUK promise fun times. “Laughter is the best medicine.” “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” “A man isn’t poor if he can still laugh.” /\TVY :WVU[HULP[` *OHYT @V\[OM\SULZZ 3H\NO[LY Gregariousness, Levity, Happiness, Fun 1LYY` 3L^PZ 9VIPU >PSSPHTZ Steve Martin, Jerry Seinfeld, 1PT *HYYL` OLSW J\Z[VTLYZ LUQV` [OLTZLS]LZ [OYV\NO M\U and humor Bazooka Bubble Gum, Dr. Pepper, Jack in the Box, Looney Tunes, Doritos, M&M’s, *VTLK` *LU[YHS :UPJRLYZ )\K 3PNO[ sayings an entertainer might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: :LYPV\ZULZZ .YH]P[` ;YHNLK` +LWYLZZPVU )VYLKVT /\TVYSLZZULZZ :[VPJPZT 7\YP[HUPZT :HKULZZ Opposites: ® the imagineer The Imagineer is an artist, an innovator, and a dreamer. He summons artistry and imagination to express himself and his vision of the world. “Imagination is possibility.” “What you believe can be conceived.” “Life is but a dream.” *YLH[P]P[` 7HZZPVU 0UNLU\P[` =PZPVU *YLH[PVU 0UUV]H[PVU 6YPNPUHSP[` <UPX\LULZZ (Y[PZ[Y` Independent Thinking John Lennon, Pablo Picasso, Michael Jackson, George Orwell enable their customers to create 3LNV @V\;\IL P7HK *YH`VSH 5PRVU PaperSource, Photoshop, 3M sayings an imagineer might live by: champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: *VUZ[YHPU[ 6YKLY :[Y\J[\YL )VYLKVT :HTLULZZ ;OL ,_WLJ[LK 3PTP[H[PVUZ +PYLJ[P]LZ ;YHKP[PVUHSPZ[ -\UKHTLU[HSPZ[ -VSSV^LY 3P[LYHSPZ[ Opposites: ® the emperor ;OL ,TWLYVY PZ [OL IVZZ [OL JOPLM RPUN VM [OL JHZ[SL [OL capo di tutti capi . He exudes power and exerts leadership and dominance over others. He prefers products that offer an opportunity to stand above the JYV^K ^OL[OLY PU WYPJL X\HSP[` ZLY]PJL VY WLYMVYTHUJL Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Margaret Thatcher, /PSSHY` *SPU[VU denote power and help build customers’ leadership and superiority 7VYZJOL ;OL 7LUPUZ\SH (TLYPJHU ,_WYLZZ *HY[PLY *OHULS 1VOUUPL >HSRLY )S\L ;OL 9VII 9LWVY[ 9VSL_ ;PMMHU` ;OL -V\Y :LHZVUZ *HKPSSHJ Leadership, Strength, Determination, Influence, 9LZWLJ[ +VTPUHUJL 7YVZWLYP[` *VUMPKLUJL *VU[YVS >LHS[O champions values such as: People: for brands that: brands: disdains: “It’s good to be king.” ¸9PZL HIV]L [OL JYV^K¹ “Being number one is its own reward.” sayings an emperor might live by: 3VZPUN *OHVZ )LPUN 7VVY 3V^SPULZZ :OVKKPULZZ :\ITPZZP]LULZZ 7V^LYSLZZULZZ 0UJVUZLX\LUJL :\IZLY]PLUJL -VSSV^PUN 3HaPULZZ >LHRULZZ Opposites: ® ?

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Post on 07-Mar-2018




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what does yourbrand stand for

the puristSimply and virtuously the Purist is wholesome,

exemplary, and highly ethical. He believes in being

good and doing good.

“Look at everything through kindly eyes.”

“Nice guys finish first.”

“Do the right thing, even when no

one is looking.”

Harmony, Peace, Optimism, Simplicity, Purity,

Innocence, Honesty, Happiness, Faith

Julie Andrews, Mr. Rogers, Michael J. Fox, Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn

are associated with simplicity, purity, health and good simple living

Disney, Dove, H2O, Make-A-Wish

Foundation, Sesame Street, Brita Water

Purifiers, Whole Foods

sayings a purist might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:






��)LOH]PUN�PU�HU� Unacceptable







the sourceThe Source is looked upon as the all-knowing provider

of knowledge. He devours information in the pursuit of

knowledge and expertise. He has a high level of

curiosity and is looked to for advice and opinions.

“We owe it to ourselves to find the truth.”

“Knowledge is power.”


Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Albert


are looked upon for trusted advice,

knowledge, or specialized expertise

Harvard, Bloomberg, McKinsey, Forrester,

Wall Street Journal

sayings a source might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:














the pioneerThe Pioneer is an individualist, blazing his own trail in

pursuit of freedom, adventure, and new experiences that

feed his soul. Whether gearing up to climb Mount

,]LYLZ[�VY�NVPUN�VMM�PU�H�1LLW�>YHUNSLY��[OL�7PVULLY�SVVRZ�for brands that allow him to experience life to the fullest.

The Pioneer is usually an early adopter of invention.

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”

“ The journey is more important than the destination.”

“Because it’s there.”


(TLSPH�,HYOHY[��*OYPZ[VWOLY�*VS\TI\Z��5LPS�(YTZ[YVUN��)PSS`�Jean King, Stephen Hawking

foster discovery

Groupon, Trader Joe’s, The North Face,


sayings a pioneer might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:











Your brand is the lead character of its own story. And like any story character, it has values and beliefs. Knowing how to characterize your brand is another way of de!ning what your brand stands for. Most brands fall into one or a blend of these 12 character types.

the conqueror;OL�*VUX\LYVY��PZ�UVISL�HUK�PZ�PKLU[PMPLK�I`�HU�HIPSP[`�to meet and overcome adversity. He is steadfast when

meeting challenges head on, no matter how difficult.

He is relentless, resiliant, and confident in his abilities

and feels that anything he earns is well deserved.

Vince Lombardi, Lance

Armstrong, Michael Jordan

challenge, inspire, and empower peak


The Marines, Nike, Weight Watchers,



champions values such as:


for brands that:



“Winning is everything.”

“Winning takes talent, to repeat takes


sayings a conqueror might live by:













the rebel;OL�9LILS�PZ�\UZH[PZMPLK�^P[O�[OL�Z[H[\Z�X\V�HUK�abhors convention. His behavior may be disruptive or

even shocking and outrageous to some, but to others

he represents someone who will do whatever it takes

to protect his self-expression.

“Born free.”


“Take the road less traveled.”

Freedom, Nonconformity, Independence,

0UKP]PK\HSP[ �̀�*VU[YV]LYZ �̀�9LILSSPVU��Daringness, Boldness, Defiance

/V^HYK�:[LYU��+LUUPZ�9VKTHU��Quentin Tarantino, Lady Gaga,

James Dean

rebel against convention, take chances, and

pride themselves on their individuality


sayings a rebel might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:











the wizardThe Wizard seeks out experiences that transform the

ordinary into the extraordinary. He represents the

universal message of mystery, thrill, and novelty. The

Wizard seeks experiences that make his dreams come

true, whether it’s the wonder of technology that never

X\P[Z��THNPJHS�WV[PVUZ�[OH[�MPNO[�[OL�LMMLJ[Z�VM�HNPUN��VY�a golden passport to all the world has to offer.

Steven Spielberg, George Lucas,

Harry Potter, Billy Mays, The

Wizard of Oz, Steve Jobs

transform and create miracles

7P_HY��3V[[V��=PHNYH��*PYX\L�K\�:VSLPS��+PZUL`�World, Apple

4HNPJ��0THNPUH[PVU��1V �̀�*\YPVZP[ �̀�6W[PTPZT��Fun, Surprise

champions values such as:


for brands that:



“Anything is possible.”

“Dreams do come true.”

“Wonders never cease.”

sayings a wizard might live by:












the straight shooterThe Straight Shooter abhors pretension and is

no-nonsense. He will say it like it is and behave in

ways he believes are true to himself. He values being

real in all that he does and in his relationships with

others. He’s friendly and informal. He’s not one to

keep up with the Joneses and marches to the beat of

his own voice.

“I am who I am.”

“Be true to yourself.”

“Tell it like it is.”

9LHSPZT��(\[OLU[PJP[ �̀�/VULZ[ �̀�4VKLZ[ �̀�Frankness


are common and everyday—they tell it like it

is and promote function over form or style

Levi’s, Miller Beer, Southwest Airlines,

Wrangler Jeans, Jim Beam

sayings a straight shooter might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:










the seducerThe Seducer unsurprisingly desires romance, intimacy,

and sensual pleasure. He’s not afraid to indulge and

LZWLJPHSS`�LUQV`Z�WYVK\J[Z�HUK�IYHUKZ�[OH[�OVSK�strong sex appeal and that promise to boost

attractiveness and desirability.

Marilyn Monroe, Hugh Hefner,

Bo Derek, Scarlett Johansson

provide a sense of romance, connection, and


Victoria’s Secret, Godiva, DeBeers,


Love, Sensuality, Affection, Intimacy, Beauty,


champions values such as:


for brands that:




“All you need is love.”

“A little romance goes a long way.”

sayings a seducer might live by:









the protectorThe Protector values compassion and generosity. He

puts others first, providing tender loving care, support,

and reassurance.

Florence Henderson, Mother

Teresa, Andy Griffith, Florence


are caring and nurturing, providing comfort

and peace of mind when customers

especially need it

.LYILY��*YHJRLY�)HYYLS��*HTWILSS»Z�:V\W��Allstate, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft

*VTWHZZPVU��4V[OLYS`�(K]PJL��/VZWP[HSP[ �̀�7YV[LJ[PVU��*VTMVY[��,TWH[O �̀�.LULYVZP[ �̀�Thoughtfulness, Sincerity, Sharing, Warmth,


champions values such as:


for brands that:



“Love thy neighbor.”

“Take care of yourself.”

“Lead by compassion.”

sayings a protector might live by:









the entertainer;OL�,U[LY[HPULY�PZ�`V\Y�[`WPJHS�JSV^U�VY�WYHURZ[LY·a fun-loving free spirit who wants only to live in the

moment and have a good time doing it. He has a


“Laughter is the best medicine.”

“The most wasted of all days is one

without laughter.”

“A man isn’t poor if he can still laugh.”

/\TVY��:WVU[HULP[ �̀�*OHYT��@V\[OM\SULZZ��3H\NO[LY��Gregariousness, Levity, Happiness, Fun

1LYY`�3L^PZ��9VIPU�>PSSPHTZ��Steve Martin, Jerry Seinfeld,



Bazooka Bubble Gum, Dr. Pepper, Jack in

the Box, Looney Tunes, Doritos, M&M’s,


sayings an entertainer might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:













the imagineerThe Imagineer is an artist, an innovator, and a dreamer.

He summons artistry and imagination to express

himself and his vision of the world.

“Imagination is possibility.”

“What you believe can be conceived.”

“Life is but a dream.”

*YLH[P]P[ �̀�7HZZPVU��0UNLU\P[ �̀�=PZPVU��*YLH[PVU��0UUV]H[PVU��6YPNPUHSP[ �̀�<UPX\LULZZ��(Y[PZ[Y �̀�Independent Thinking

John Lennon, Pablo Picasso,

Michael Jackson, George Orwell

enable their customers to create

3LNV��@V\;\IL��P7HK��*YH`VSH��5PRVU��PaperSource, Photoshop, 3M

sayings an imagineer might live by:

champions values such as:


for brands that:
















the emperor;OL�,TWLYVY�PZ�[OL�IVZZ��[OL�JOPLM��RPUN�VM�[OL�JHZ[SL��[OL�capo di tutti capi. He exudes power and exerts

leadership and dominance over others. He prefers

products that offer an opportunity to stand above the


Bill Gates, Donald Trump,

Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet,

Mark Zuckerberg, Margaret Thatcher,


denote power and help build customers’

leadership and superiority


Leadership, Strength, Determination, Influence,


champions values such as:


for brands that:



“It’s good to be king.”


“Being number one is its own reward.”

sayings an emperor might live by:














