pearson btec level 2 diploma in business administration (qcf)-1

Unit - 01 Communication in a business environment Assessme nt Criteria Performan ce =P Knowledge = K Keywords Standards AC 1:1.1 K Explain why different communication methods are used in the business environment AC 1:1.2 K Describe the communication requirements of different audiences AC 1:1.3 K Explain the importance of using correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and conventions in business communications AC 1:1.4 K Explain the importance of using appropriate body language and tone of voice when communicating verbally AC 2:2.1 P Identify the nature, purpose, audience and use of the information to be communicated AC 2:2.2 P Use communication channels that are appropriate to the information to be communicated and the audience AC 2:2.3 P Present information in the format that meets the brief AC 2:2.4 P Adhere to agreed business communication conventions and degree of formality of expression when producing documents AC 2:2.5 P Produce business communications that are clear, accurate and correct AC 2:2.6 P Meet agreed deadlines in communicating with others AC 3:3.1 P Identify the nature, purpose, recipient/s and intended use of the information to be communicated AC 3:3.2 P Use language that is appropriate for the recipient’s needs AC 3:3.3 P Use body language and tone of voice to reinforce messages

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Unit - 01

Communication in a business environment

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1:1.1KExplain why different communication methods are used in the business environment

AC 1:1.2KDescribe the communication requirements of different audiences

AC 1:1.3KExplain the importance of using correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and conventions in business communications

AC 1:1.4KExplain the importance of using appropriate body language and tone of voice when communicating verbally

AC 2:2.1PIdentify the nature, purpose, audience and use of the information to be communicated

AC 2:2.2PUse communication channels that are appropriate to the information to be communicated and the audience

AC 2:2.3PPresent information in the format that meets the brief

AC 2:2.4PAdhere to agreed business communication conventions and degree of formality of expression when producing documents

AC 2:2.5PProduce business communications that are clear, accurate and correct

AC 2:2.6PMeet agreed deadlines in communicating with others

AC 3:3.1PIdentify the nature, purpose, recipient/s and intended use of the information to be communicated

AC 3:3.2PUse language that is appropriate for the recipients needs

AC 3:3.3PUse body language and tone of voice to reinforce messages

AC 3:3.4PIdentify the meaning and implications of information that is communicated verbally

AC 3:3.5PConfirm that a recipient has understood correctly what has been communicated

AC 3:3.6PRespond in a way that is appropriate to the situation and in accordance with organisational policies and standards

Unit - 02

Understand employer organisations

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KExplain the differences between the private sector, public sector and voluntary sector

AC 1: 1.2KExplain the functions of different organisational structures

AC 1: 1.3KDescribe the features of different types of legal structures for organisations

AC 2: 2.1KDescribe the internal and external influences on organisations

AC 2: 2.2KExplain the use of different models of analysis in understanding the organisational environment

AC 2: 2.3KExplain why change in the business environment is important

Unit - 03

Principles of providing administrative services

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KDescribe the features of different types of meetings

AC 1: 1.2POutline the different ways of providing administrative support for meetings

AC 1: 1.3KExplain the steps involved in organising meetings

AC 2: 2.1KDescribe the features of different types of business travel and accommodation

AC 2: 2.2KExplain the purpose of confirming instructions and requirements for business travel and accommodation

AC 2: 2.3KExplain the purpose of keeping records of business travel and accommodation

AC 3:3.1KDescribe the features of hard copy and electronic diary systems

AC 3:3.2KExplain the purpose of using diary systems to plan and co-ordinate activities and resources

AC 3:3.3KDescribe the types of information needed to manage a diary system

AC 3:3.4KExplain the importance of obtaining correct information when making diary entries

AC 4:4.1KDescribe different types of office equipment

AC 4:4.2KExplain the uses of different types of office equipment

AC 4:4.3KDescribe factors to be considered when selecting office equipment to complete tasks

AC 4:4.4KDescribe how to keep waste to a minimum when using office equipment

AC 5:5.1KDescribe the types of mail services used in business organisations

AC 5:5.2KExplain the need for different types of mail services

AC 5:5.3KExplain the factors to be considered when selecting mail services

AC 5:5.4KExplain the factors to be taken into account when choosing postage methods

AC 6:6.1KDescribe different types of customers

AC 6:6.2KDescribe the impact of their own behaviour on a customer

AC 6:6.3KExplain the impact of poor customer service

Unit - 04

Principles of business document production and information management

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KDescribe different types of business documents that may be produced and the format to be followed for each

AC 1: 1.2KExplain the use of different types of information communication technology (ICT) for document production

AC 1: 1.3KExplain the reasons for agreeing the use, content, layout, quality standards and deadlines for document production

AC 1: 1.4KExplain the importance of document version control and authorisation

AC 1: 1.5KExplain how the requirements of security, data protection, copyright and intellectual property legislation may affect the production of business documents

AC 1: 1.6KExplain how to check the accuracy of business documents

AC 2: 2.1KExplain how the requirements of security, data protection, copyright and intellectual property legislation may affect the distribution and storage of business documents

AC 2: 2.2KDescribe different types of distribution channels

AC 3:3.1KDescribe the types of information found in business organisations

AC 3:3.2KExplain the need for safe storage and efficient retrieval of information

AC 3:3.3KDescribe the features of different types of systems used for storage and retrieval of information

AC 3:3.4KDescribe the legal requirements for storing business information

Unit - 05

Manage personal performance and development

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1PAgree specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) objectives that align with business needs with line manager

AC 1: 1.2PAgree criteria for measuring progress and achievement with line manager

AC 1: 1.3PComplete tasks to agreed timescales and quality standards

AC 1: 1.4PReport problems beyond their own level of competence and authority to the appropriate person

AC 1: 1.5PTake action needed to resolve any problems with personal performance

AC 2: 2.1PPlan and manage workloads and priorities using time management tools and techniques

AC 2: 2.2PTake action to minimise distractions that are likely to limit the effective management of time and the achievement of objectives

AC 2: 2.3PExplain the benefits of achieving an acceptable work-life balance

AC 3:3.1PIdentify organisational policies relating to personal development

AC 3:3.2KExplain the need to maintain a positive attitude to feedback on performance

AC 3:3.3KExplain the potential business benefits of personal development

AC 3:3.4PIdentify their own preferred learning style(s)

AC 3:3.5PIdentify their own development needs from analyses of the role, personal and team objectives

AC 3:3.6PUse feedback from others to identify their own development needs

AC 3:3.7PAgree specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) development objectives that align with organisational and personal needs

AC 4:4.1PAgree a personal development plan that specifies actions, methods, resources, timescales and review mechanisms

AC 4:4.2PMake use of formal development opportunities that are consistent with business needs

AC 4:4.3PUse informal learning opportunities that contribute to the achievement of personal development objectives

AC 4:4.4PReview progress against agreed objectives and amend plans accordingly

AC 4:4.5PShare lessons learned with others using agreed communication methods

Unit -06

Develop working relationships with colleagues

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1POutline the benefits of effective team working

AC 1: 1.2KDescribe how to give feedback constructively

AC 1: 1.3KExplain conflict management techniques that may be used to resolve team conflicts

AC 1: 1.4KExplain the importance of giving team members the opportunity to discuss work progress and any issues arising

AC 1: 1.5KExplain the importance of warning colleagues of problems and changes that may affect them

AC 2: 2.1PRecognise the contribution of colleagues to the achievement of team objectives

AC 2: 2.2PTreat colleagues with respect, fairness and courtesy

AC 2: 2.3PFulfil agreements made with colleagues

AC 2: 2.4PProvide support and constructive feedback to colleagues

AC 3:3.1PTake others viewpoints into account when making decisions

AC 3:3.2PTake ownership of problems within own level of authority

AC 3:3.3PTake action to minimise disruption to business activities within their own level of authority

AC 3:3.4PResolve problems within their own level of authority and agreed contribution

Unit - 16

Employee rights and responsibilities

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KExplain the role of their own occupation within an organisation and industry

AC 1: 1.2KDescribe career pathways within their organisation and industry

AC 1: 1.3PIdentify sources of information and advice on an industry, occupation, training and career pathway

AC 1: 1.4KDescribe an organisations principles of conduct and codes of practice

AC 1: 1.5KExplain issues of public concern that affect an organisation and industry

AC 1: 1.6KDescribe the types, roles and responsibilities of representative bodies and their relevance to their own role

AC 2: 2.1KDescribe the employer and employee statutory rights and responsibilities that affect their own role

AC 2: 2.2KDescribe an employers expectations for employees standards of personal presentation, punctuality and behaviour

AC 2: 2.3KDescribe the procedures and documentation that protect relationships with employees

AC 2: 2.4PIdentify sources of information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities

Unit -19

Store and retrieve information

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KDescribe systems and procedures for storing and retrieving information

AC 1: 1.2POutline legal and organisational requirements for information security and retention

AC 1: 1.3KExplain how to create filing systems to facilitate information identification and retrieval

AC 1: 1.4KExplain how to use different search techniques to locate and retrieve information

AC 1: 1.5KDescribe what to do when problems arise when storing or retrieving information

AC 2: 2.1PGather the information required within the agreed timescale

AC 2: 2.2PStore files and folders in accordance with organisational procedures

AC 2: 2.3PStore information in approved locations

AC 2: 2.4PAdhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical requirements

AC 3:3.1PConfirm information to be retrieved and its intended use

AC 3:3.2PRetrieve the required information within the agreed timescale

Unit - 36

Use and Maintain Office Equipment

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KDescribe organisational policies, procedures and levels of authority in maintaining office equipment

AC 1: 1.2KDescribe how to use different types of office equipment

AC 1: 1.3KExplain the reasons for following manufacturers and organisational instructions when operating equipment

AC 1: 1.4KDescribe the types of equipment faults likely to be experienced and the correct way of dealing with these

AC 2: 2.1PUse the equipment that is appropriate to the task in accordance with the manufacturers instructions

AC 2: 2.2PFollow organisational procedures to keep waste to a minimum

AC 2: 2.3PMaintain the equipment to the standard specified by the organisation or the manufacturer

AC 2: 2.4PMake sure that equipment conforms with health and safety requirements

AC 2: 2.5PReport problems that cannot be resolved to the right person

Unit - 29

Use a Telephone and Voicemail System

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1POutline how a callers experiences affect their view of an organisation

AC 1: 1.2POutline organisational standards and procedures for communicating on the telephone

AC 1: 1.3PState the importance of following organisational standards and procedures when making and receiving telephone calls

AC 1: 1.4PState organisational fault reporting procedures

AC 1: 1.5KDescribe why it is important to follow security and data protection procedures when using a telephone system

AC 1: 1.6PState the information to be given out when transferring calls, taking or leaving messages

AC 1: 1.7PState organisational guidelines for deleting voicemail messages

AC 2: 2.1PIdentify the reason for making a call

AC 2: 2.2PObtain the name and number(s) of the person to be contacted

AC 2: 2.3PCommunicate information to achieve the call objective(s)

AC 2: 2.4PCommunicate in a way that meets organisational standards and guidelines

AC 3:3.1PIdentify the caller in accordance with organisational procedures

AC 3:3.2PDeal with calls in accordance with organisational procedures

AC 3:3.3PPass calls to the right person/department

AC 3:3.4PTake messages when the person to be contacted is unavailable

AC 3:3.5PRepresent an organisation in a way that meets the required standards and guidelines

AC 4:4.1PUse voicemail systems in accordance with manufacturers instructions

AC 4:4.2PKeep the voicemail message system up to date

AC 4:4.3PPass on accurate messages in accordance with organisational policies

Unit - 25

Produce Business Documents

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KExplain the requirements for language, tone, image and presentation for different documents

AC 1: 1.2KExplain how to integrate images into documents

AC 1: 1.3KDescribe how corporate identity impacts upon document production

AC 1:1.4KExplain the requirements of data protection, copyright and intellectual property legislation relating to document production

AC 1: 1.5KDescribe organisational procedures for version control

AC 1: 1.6PDescribe security requirements relating to document production

AC 2: 2.1PIdentify the purpose, audience, content, style, format and deadlines of a document

AC 2: 2.2PUse document production resources in line with organisational guidelines

AC 2: 2.3PUse correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure

AC 2: 2.4PProduce documents that meet the requirements within the agreed timescale

AC 3:3.1PProvide final documents in the appropriate medium for authorised readers

AC 3:3.2PSpecify restrictions and distribution lists in accordance with the requirements

AC 3:3.3PMaintain the requirements of security in the production, distribution and storage of documents

Unit - 28

Health and Safety in a Business Environment

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1PState health and safety responsibilities of employers

AC 1: 1.2PState their own responsibilities for health and safety in the business environment

AC 1: 1.3PState the occupational health and safety guidelines to be followed when using a keyboard and visual display unit

AC 1:1.4KExplain the importance of complying with health and safety requirements

AC 2: 2.1PIdentify possible health and safety hazards in the business environment

AC 2: 2.2KDescribe ways in which accidents can be avoided in the business environment

AC 2: 2.3POutline why it is important to report hazards and accidents that occur in the business environment

AC 2: 2.4POutline organisational emergency health and safety procedures

AC 3:3.1PUse approved techniques to prevent strain or injury when carrying out work activities

AC 3:3.2PTake action to ensure that their own conduct does not endanger others

AC 3:3.3PFollow manufacturers or organisational instructions for the use of equipment, materials and products

AC 3:3.4PFollow organisational procedures and legal requirements to minimise risks to health and safety

Unit - 37

Using Email

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1PSelect and use software tools to compose and format e-mail messages, including attachments

AC 1: 1.2PDetermine the message size and how it can be reduced

AC 1: 1.3PSend e-mail messages to individuals and groups

AC 1:1.4KDescribe how to stay safe and respect others when using e-mail

AC 1:1.5PUse an address book to organise contact information

AC 2: 2.1PFollow guidelines and procedures for using e-mail

AC 2: 2.2PRead and respond to e-mail messages appropriately

AC 2: 2.3PUse email software tools and techniques to automate responses

AC 2: 2.4KDescribe how to archive e-mail messages, including attachments

AC 2: 2.5POrganise, store and archive e-mail messages effectively

AC 2: 2.6PRespond appropriately to e-mail problems

Unit - 44

Deliver Customer Service

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KExplain the relationship between customers needs and expectations and customer satisfaction

AC 1: 1.2KDescribe the features and benefits of an organisations products and/or services

AC 1: 1.3KExplain the importance of treating customers as individuals

AC 1:1.4KExplain the importance of balancing promises made to customers with the needs of an organisation

AC 1:1.5KExplain when and to whom to escalate problems

AC 1:1.6KDescribe methods of measuring their own effectiveness in the delivery of customer service

AC 2: 2.1KExplain the importance of a brand to an organisation

AC 2: 2.2KExplain how a brand affects an organisations customer service offer

AC 2: 2.3KExplain the importance of using customer service language that supports a brand promise

AC 2: 2.4PIdentify their own role in ensuring that a brand promise is delivered

AC 3:3.1PKeep up to date with an organisations products and/or services

AC 3:3.2PPrepare resources that are necessary to deal with customers before starting work

AC 4:4.1PMaintain organisational standards of presentation and behaviour when providing customer service

AC 4:4.2PAdapt their own behaviour to meet customers needs or expectations

AC 4:4.3PRespond to customers requests in line with organisational guidelines

AC 4:4.4PInform customers of the progress of their requests

AC 4:4.5PConfirm that customers expectations have been met in line with the service offer

AC 4:4.6PAdhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical requirements when providing customer service

AC 5:5.1PIdentify ways that customer service could be improved for an organisation and individuals

AC 5:5.2PShare information and ideas with colleagues and/or service partners to support the improvement of service delivery

Unit - 49

Develop Customer Relationships

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KDescribe the importance of developing relationships with customers

AC 1: 1.2KExplain the value of customer loyalty and retention

AC 1: 1.3KExplain how customers expectations may change over time

AC 1:1.4KExplain the use of customer feedback as a means of developing customer relationships

AC 1:1.5KExplain the limits of their own authority to make alternative service offers to customers

AC 1:1.6KDescribe the use of Customer Relationship Management systems and processes to meet customers expectations

AC 1:1.7KExplain the importance of regular communication in the development of both internal and external customer relationships

AC 2: 2.1PGive help and information that meets or exceeds customers expectations

AC 2: 2.2PIdentify new ways of helping customers based on their feedback

AC 2: 2.3PShare feedback from customers with others

AC 2: 2.4PIdentify added value that the organisation could offer customers

AC 2: 2.5PBring to customers attention products or services that may interest them

Unit - 51

Understand the Legal Context of Business

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KExplain the legal requirements of different types of business

AC 1: 1.2KDescribe the roles and powers of government departments and agencies in regulating business

AC 1: 1.3KExplain the legal provisions relating to intellectual property

AC 2: 2.1KExplain the corporate governance statutory framework of a business

AC 2: 2.2KExplain the roles and responsibilities of an organisations governing body

AC 2: 2.3KExplain the financial reporting requirements of an organisation

AC 3:3.1KExplain the elements of a valid business contract

AC 3:3.2KAnalyse different types of contracts

AC 3:3.3KExplain the difference between negligence and liability

AC 3:3.4KExplain the liabilities and entitlements of sellers and purchasers of goods and services

AC 4:4.1KDescribe the sources, institutions and enforcement systems for individual employment rights

AC 4:4.2KExplain the features of types of worker and employment contracts for service

AC 4:4.3KExplain the implications of contracts of service and contracts for service

AC 4:4.4KExplain the implications of different types of employment status

AC 4:4.5KExplain the requirements for an organisation for health and safety

AC 4:4.6KExplain the requirements for an organisation for equality and diversity

AC 4:4.7KExplain the implications for an organisation of wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal and redundancy

AC 4:4.8KDescribe the impact of human rights legislation on the employment relationship

Unit - 54

Principles of Customer Relationships

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1KDescribe the importance of understanding customers wants and needs

AC 1: 1.2KExplain the role of segmentation in identifying customers likely wants and needs

AC 1: 1.3KDescribe the factors that motivate customers to buy

AC 1:1.4KExplain the importance of seeking customer feedback on performance, products and/or services

AC 2: 2.1KDescribe an organisations marketing objectives and activities

AC 2: 2.2KExplain the importance of developing customer service plans and customer relationship plans

AC 2: 2.3KDescribe an organisations system for relationship management

AC 2: 2.4KDescribe an organisations customer care programme

AC 2: 2.5KDescribe the system for communicating with customers

AC 2: 2.6KExplain the importance of a consistent level of service

AC 2: 2.7KExplain the link between customer satisfaction and sales growth

AC 2: 2.8KExplain the importance of using customer feedback to enhance performance, products and/or services

AC 3:3.1KExplain the concept and principles of relationship management

AC 3:3.2KExplain the importance of keeping promises made to customers

AC 3:3.3KExplain the importance of balancing customers needs with those of the organisation

AC 3:3.4KExplain the importance of keeping customers informed of progress, problems, issues and the actions undertaken in support of them

AC 3:3.5KExplain how to identify added value that could be offered to customers

Unit - 55

Understand Working in a Customer Service Environment

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1PState what is meant by customer service

AC 1: 1.2PState why effective customer service is important to an organisation

AC 2: 2.1POutline the difference between an internal and an external customer

AC 2: 2.2PState how to identify customers needs and expectations

AC 2: 2.3PList information sources needed to deliver reliable customer service

AC 2: 2.4KDescribe the relationship between customer expectations and customer satisfaction

AC 3:3.1PIdentify personal behaviours that can positively affect customers perceptions of an organisation and its products and/or services

AC 3:3.2PIdentify the job roles within a team delivering customer service

AC 3:3.3PState the standards of personal presentation and behaviour expected by customer service staff in different organisations

AC 3:3.4PState standards and practices that relate to a service offer within different types of organisation

AC 3:3.5KDescribe how legislation and organisational requirements affect what can be promised or carried out in a customer service role

AC 3:3.6KDescribe the procedures for protecting customers personal information and safety

AC 3:3.7PState the importance of protecting customers personal information and safety

AC 4:4.1KDescribe types of customer behaviour that show when a customer is dissatisfied

AC 4:4.2PState the procedures to be followed when dealing with customer queries or problems

AC 4:4.3PState to whom to refer customer queries and problems

Unit - 56

Know How to Publish, Integrate and Share Using Social Media

Assessment CriteriaPerformance =P

Knowledge = KKeywords Standards

AC 1: 1.1PIdentify the main social media networks in current use

AC 1: 1.2KDescribe the main features of each social media network identified

AC 1: 1.3KDescribe why they would use each of the social media networks identified

AC 1:1.4KExplain the purpose of a 'social aggregator' tool

AC 1: 1.5KDescribe how blogs give individuals a voice on the Web

AC 1:1.6KExplain how professionals make connections using social media networks

AC 2: 2.1KDescribe why




social groups

use social media networking sites

AC 2: 2.2KExplain the advantages and typical components of a social media user profile

AC 2: 2.3PIdentify the benefits of using social media networking for:




social groups

AC 2: 2.4PIdentify the risks of using social media networking for:




social groups

AC 2: 2.5KDescribe how social media networks monitor engagement with their websites

AC 2: 2.6KDescribe the advantages of podcasting

AC 2: 2.7KExplain why organisations have social media policies

AC 3:3.1KDescribe appropriate precautions to ensure their own safety and privacy

AC 3:3.2KDescribe how to protect personal information when engaging with social media websites

AC 3:3.3PIdentify legal constraints on the uploading and downloading of software and other digital content

AC 4:4.1PSelect and use appropriate tools and techniques to communicate information online

AC 4:4.2PUse browser tools to share information sources with others

AC 4:4.3PSubmit information online

AC 4:4.4PIdentify opportunities to create, post or publish material to social media websites

AC 5:5.1KDescribe the danger of computer viruses and how to minimise risks

AC 5:5.2KDescribe how to minimise threats to information security when online

AC 5:5.3KDescribe how to minimise the threats to user safety when online

AC 5:5.4KDescribe where to access online help and information when using social media networks