penguin book covers design board

OUGD301 Mille Haugnaess TITLE: Penguin book covers Duration: 3 weeks m-haugnaess0811. PENGUIN BOOK COVERS/ BRIEF Create a set of book cover designs for these classic titles, using type as image or iconography. Madame Bovary/ great Expectations/ Wuthering Heights/ sense and sensibility/ Cranford/ tess of the D’Urbervilles/ Pride and Prejudice/ Crime and punishment/ Jane Eyre/ The picture of Dorian Gray. CONCEPT ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ Make a cover design which will appeal to a younger audi- ence. ages 16- 25 DELIVERABLES 10 final book cover design with and additional 2 sets of proposed cover designs. Merchendise with the books. Posters, bookmarks etc.

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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design boards for the project penguin book covers, focusses on redesigning the classic book covers to appeal to a younger audience


OUGD301Mille Haugnaess

TITLE: Penguin book coversDuration: 3 weeks

m-haugnaess0811.blogspot.comPENGUIN BOOK COVERS/


Create a set of book cover designs for these classic titles, using type as image or iconography.

Madame Bovary/ great Expectations/ Wuthering Heights/ sense and sensibility/ Cranford/ tess of the D’Urbervilles/ Pride and Prejudice/ Crime and punishment/ Jane Eyre/ The picture of Dorian Gray.


‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’

Make a cover design which will appeal to a younger audi-ence.ages 16- 25


10 final book cover design with and additional 2 sets ofproposed cover designs.

Merchendise with the books. Posters, bookmarks etc.

OUGD301Mille Haugnaess

TITLE: Penguin book coversDuration: 3 weeks

m-haugnaess0811.blogspot.comPENGUIN BOOK COVERS/

These book covers focus on attention grabbing quotes taken from the book and displayed in vivid colours. The quotes give the book a unique quality since the focus isn’t only on the title but it absorbs the viewer in to find out what is going on. The decision to use hand drawn type in this way, was to appeal to a younger target audience giving the book a more quirky and fun vibe. Since these books are quite serious I decided to go in a different direction to this so that the target market will want to pick it up and read what it is about.

OUGD301Mille Haugnaess

TITLE: Penguin book coversDuration: 3 weeks

m-haugnaess0811.blogspot.comPENGUIN BOOK COVERS/

A set of two additional book cover designs are proposed. One using the title and creating nicely designed type, again in vivid colours to draw attention to the book. Each book uses a different typeface giving them a unique quality to the others, but the rules are the same (patterned type) so they work as a set.

The second Book cover proposal goes in a different direc-tion where a simple icon design is used. The icons are made out of a patterned design to make them stand out more and have a bigger impact on the shelf. This design has a more serious tone but still uses fun, bright colours to draw the viewer in.

OUGD301Mille Haugnaess

TITLE: Penguin book coversDuration: 3 weeks

m-haugnaess0811.blogspot.comPENGUIN BOOK COVERS/

The quote design works across a range of sizes since it is created as a vector the image does not get ruined through resizing. Since the quotes are quite fun and striking they were proposed as posters and bookmarks, which will be sold separately from the books, or together as a gift set. This can also help promote the books, since the designs are quite fun and appeal to a younger market.

OUGD301Mille Haugnaess

TITLE: Penguin book coversDuration: 3 weeks

m-haugnaess0811.blogspot.comPENGUIN BOOK COVERS/

As well as being sold in book shops the designs can be found on the penguin site. They can be sold as a promotional set, with a choice of 3 posters and bookmarks. Giving a discounted price for the set will give the younger market more of an insentiveto read the books.

The quotes can be downloaded for wallpaper and screen-saver, for both your ipad and computer.