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Page 1: Penny Press 28 MARCH 17, 2016 · Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas

Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 13 Number 28 MARCH 17, 2016

Page 2: Penny Press 28 MARCH 17, 2016 · Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas

PennyPressLogotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast

Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Robert Ringer John Getter Pat Choate Ron Knecht Byron Bergeron

The Penny Press is published weekly by Far West Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2016

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Page 3: Penny Press 28 MARCH 17, 2016 · Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas

By ROBERT RINGERSpecial to the Penny Press

Last week, I posted on Facebook some of my thoughts about Mitt Romney’s vile attack on Donald Trump. Had the impeccably manicured Mitt been half as harsh with Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential

campaign, he probably would be preparing for a second term right now. But, unfortunately, he lacked either the principle or courage, or both, to do so.

It’s more than just a bit ironic that even though Romney had no difficulty brutally attacking Trump, he was a perfect gentleman to Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race. He even went so far as to refer to him as “a nice guy.”

This, even though for four years

Obama had repeatedly violated the Constitution, increased the national debt more than any other president in U.S. history, and lied repeatedly to the American people about everything from the cost of Obamacare to the cause of the Benghazi attacks.

Of course, everything in life has a price. And in Romney’s case, the price of his venomous tirade against Trump, whom he had gushingly praised just four years early when DT had endorsed his candidacy, is that he destroyed his squeaky clean, gentlemanly image.

It’s one thing to be thought of as a coward, as millions of GOP voters believed Romney to be in the last presidential election, but at least he was a coward whom everyone, including myself, thought was an authentically gracious coward. But after his Harry Reid-style attack on Trump last week, the mask is off and it is now clear that Romney is not authentic. Rather, to use his own words, he’s a first-class phony, a total fraud, and a colossal hypocrite to boot.

Without a slight tinge of embarrassment, Romney sounded like the increasingly unhinged Glenn Beck as he railed on and on about Donald Trump’s business failures. Once again, there’s an irony here, because throughout his 2012 campaign, Romney acted as though he was ashamed of his own success. It was a huge turnoff to millions of voters who believe fervently in the moral sanctity of capitalism.

Which brings me to Romney’s breathtaking remarks about Trump’s failures. Personally, I’ve always admired people who, after experiencing failure, have had the determination and confidence to get back up, brush themselves off, and keep moving forward.

In the case of Trump, he is purported to own more than 500 companies (including subsidiaries). That’s a remarkable number of enterprises for one person to bring into existence. And of that number, less than ten of them have “failed”

(I use quote marks here because, financially speaking, there are many different kinds of failure) — among them Trump Airlines, Trump Vitamins, Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, and, of course, a few casinos along the way.

That’s a success rate of about 98 percent! Which brings us back to MittMouth, whose company (Bain Capital), by his own admission, had only an 80 percent success rate. Further, it should be noted that Romney was in the venture capital business, where the typical business model calls for closing down unprofitable subsidiaries, laying off workers, and, in many cases, employing the option of voluntary bankruptcy.

Let me make it clear that I have no problem with Romney’s business model, because it’s capitalism in its purist form. True, his strategy generally involved loading his companies up with debt, then putting them into bankruptcy, which resulted in thousands of people being laid off


Penny WisdomHypocrisy is the vaseline of political intercourse. — Billy Connolly on ABC's "Head Of the Class"

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of NevadaInside:Trump OpponentsGiant Hypocrites

See Editorial Page 6


Romney Perfect Gentleman—To Obama


Continued on page4

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and creditors losing millions of dollars. But, though there are those who believe there were questionable tactics involved in some of Romney’s deals, most of his deals were undoubtedly perfectly legal.

So, three cheers for Mitt Romney and his financial success. But three gigantic boos for his stunning hypocrisy in calling the pot black. That he would have the chutzpah, with a straight face, to say that Donald Trump has not been successful is not only absurd and hypocritical, it makes him look like a jealous fool.

On the subject of failure, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, put it best when he said, “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” It’s no wonder Kiyosaki said that his respect for Donald Trump grew immensely when he read his book, The Art of the Comeback. It impressed him more than The Art of the Deal.

I would go one step further than Kiyosaki and say that success is not even possible without failure. Charles Koch, the world’s fifth wealthiest individual and chairman of Koch Industries, opined on the subject of failure in his book, The Science of Success, by saying, “Progress, whether in business, an economy or science, comes through experimentation and failure. Given that a market economy is an experimental discovery process, business failures are inevitable and any attempt to eliminate them only insures overall failure.”

One last topic I want to mention is corporate bankruptcy, which is very much related to failure. To keep bankruptcy in proper perspective, one must first understand the purpose of a corporation. When someone incorporates a business, he is giving birth to a new, standalone entity.

It’s a transparent method for serving legal notice on the world that proclaims:

“You are now dealing with a separate entity, so check it out carefully on its own merits, financial and otherwise.” In other words, caveat emptor.

Put simply, the main purpose of forming a corporation is to legally protect shareholders from personal liability. So, in a sense, bankruptcy is the legalization of failure. Sorry, Mitt, but failure is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, it’s an integral part of business. The only people who never fail are those who never try to succeed.

The takeaway here is not that Mitt Romney undressed himself in public and, in the process, made himself look mean spirited and petty. Most people already had very little respect for Romney, though for different reasons.

The real takeaway is that failure is not something to be ashamed of, and that a trueentrepreneur embraces failure and learns from it. In that respect, one might say that failure is the mother’s milk of success. That’s why many venture capitalists actually prefer to invest in hi-tech individuals who already have one or two failures under their belts, because they realize that their bad experiences increase their chances of succeeding in a new venture.

That said, if you’re an entrepreneur — or an aspiring entrepreneur — be sure to make it a point to never, ever be afraid of failure. And, just as important, keep your distance from those fools and knaves who look their noses down on those who have failed. Especially if they happen to be failed presidential candidates.Robert Ringer (© 2016)is a New York Times #1 bestselling author who has appeared on numerous national radio and television shows, including The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightline, The Charlie Rose Show, as well as Fox News and Fox Business. To sign up for a free subscription to his mind-expanding daily insights, visit

Losers Like Romney Are Afraid of LosingContinued from page 3

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The Natural: Baseball, Goodness and Redemption

Spring training has begun, reminding these two All-American boys how much we love baseball and especially baseball lore. Baseball, books and film make a cheesy concoction, never more so than in the 1984 movie The Natural based on the 1952 novel by Bernard Malamud.

Roy Hobbs (Robert Redford), a wholesome Midwestern 19-year-old farm boy in 1923, is a great natural baseball pitcher. The night

before he travels to Chicago for a professional tryout he spends with his lovely and equally wholesome girlfriend Iris (Glenn Close). But when Roy gets to Chicago, he’s shot by a deranged young lady in black (Barbara Hershey) who then commits suicide. His recovery takes a long time, and he loses contact with the folks back home and misses his chance as a ballplayer.

Sixteen years later, via fluke developments in a convoluted good-versus-evil story and after playing semi-pro ball, he debuts in the majors playing for the hapless New York Knights, managed by Pops and Red (Will Brimley and Richard Farnsworth). After some fits and starts, the rookie who’s the age at which most players are retiring leads the team out of the

cellar on an unlikely drive toward the only thing Pops, who gave his heart and soul to the game, ever wanted: a pennant.

So, who is Roy Hobbs? Well, he’s many baseball legends rolled into one.

At first, he’s Bob Feller, the best pitcher in baseball in 1952 and a Midwestern farm boy who could throw a ball through a barn wall with pinpoint control.

When he returns to the game, he’s Ted Williams, in 1952 the greatest American League hitter (and second best ever in baseball) who’s stated desire was that when folks saw him they’d say, “There goes Ted Williams – the best hitter there ever was, ever will be.”

Also Stan Musial, the best National League hitter at the time and “baseball’s perfect knight” who cheerfully signed autographs for all the starry-eyed kids who ever asked.

Being a great pitcher and the best hitter, he’s also Babe Ruth, the best ballplayer ever, a pitching super-star before becoming the greatest hitter ever.

And he’s King Arthur, because his bat, Wonderboy, has a mystical provenance like Arthur’s sword Excalibur.

But Roy takes up with Memo (Kim Basinger), another beautiful young woman who brings him trouble, and he swoons in a mid-season slump – until Iris appears unbeknownst to him at a game in Chicago. She stands up radiantly in a white dress and hat, and he sees but does not recognize her in the bright sun. Still, the vision of the Lady in White (who stood up because she could not stand to see him fail) inspires him and he hits

a massive homer that destroys the clock high above the right field bleachers. The pennant chase is back on.

Roy and Iris re-establish contact, and Roy learns she has a son of an age that he now needs his absentee father. The Knights finish the season tied for first, but Roy is hospitalized from poisoning by Memo to aid gamblers who have bet against him. Not knowing that Memo poisoned him, he nonetheless realizes she’s playing against him.

Injured and recovering from the poison, Roy struggles during the play-off game for the pennant. Iris, in the stands with her son, sends him a note telling him he’s the father. With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, Roy’s at bat with the game on the line. Following a long foul ball into the bleachers, he returns to the plate to find he has broken his Wonderboy bat.

This is when his past good deeds and wholesome nature combine with the true love of a good woman for his redemption. He tells the bat boy, Bobby Savoy, to find him a good bat. Earlier, when Bobby asked, Roy taught him how to make and finish his own bat. What goes around now comes around: Bobby brings him the Savoy Special, and of course Roy smashes the pennant-winning home run in spectacular fashion.

The epilogue finds Roy back home in the Midwest wheat fields with his wife and son, who appears to be the next natural. A real man’s story complete.


The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:U.S. District Judge Robert Jones who ruled that the federal government does not have to explain to a Nevada man why his wife — a grandmother and farmer in Mexico — has been denied entry to the U.S. for more than 20 years under “alien smuggling” rules. The grandmother acknowledged in 1994 that a son listed on her original visa application was really her grandson born to her teenage daughter. She lied and she’s out. Simple but it takes a judge like Jones with testicles to make a ruling like that.

Donald Trump for refusing to be cowed into political correctness by “news” anchors who would rather blame him for America’s problems than those who want to violate his rights and disrupt his rallies.

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:The sleazoid members of the “establishment” GOP who are, as this is being writ-ten, coming up with every sleazy trick they can think of to deny Donald Trump the Republican nomination for President. If they keep it up, they will destroy the Republican Party because the Party would deserve to be destroyed. The way you beat somebody is fair and square at the ballot box. Anything else makes you a sleaze and wipes out any shred of credibility you may have.

Tips Of Our Capand

Bronx Cheers

Commentary: Ron Knecht & Geoffrey Lawrence


Page 6: Penny Press 28 MARCH 17, 2016 · Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas

“If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control. That’s not leadership. That’s political arson.”—Hillary Clinton

“What caused the protests at Trump’s rally is a candidate that has promoted hatred and division against Latinos, Muslims, women, and people with disabilities, and his birther attacks against the legitimacy of President Obama.—Bernie Sanders

“Donald Trump has created a toxic environment. And a toxic environment has allowed his supporters and those who sometimes seek confrontation to come together in violence. There is no place for this, there is no place for a national leader to prey on the fears of people who live in our great country.”—John Kasich

“In any campaign responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate who is responsible for the culture of the campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse.”—Ted Cruz

“This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”—Marco Rubio

You have the right to protest in the United States of America. You even have the right to become a raging hypocrite in public like each and every one of Donald Trump’s opponents as recorded above.

You do not, however, have the right to go into someone else’s house and shut them down because you don’t like what they are saying.

In urban Chicago, where the left has always ruled, Donald Trump called off his rally last week out of safety concerns because a bunch of thugs ( and Black Lives Matter) decided that the limits of protest included:

“Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not,” Kamran Siddiqui, 20, an alleged student,

told the Associated Press. “We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don’t want to let that person in here.”

Can you understand why Trump’s support is as solid as it is NOW?

And even these clowns know it:

“I think he was kind of provoking things, to be honest with you,” said Dan Kozak, 23, from suburban Tinley Park. “He could have picked the suburbs and nothing would have happened.”

In other words, where the murder and violent crime rate is the highest, Trump is not welcome but where crime is under control, he is.

Some kids are just morons. Others are only a little smarter.

Worse than the punks who try and disrupt Trump’s rallies are the punks in the media like the Ryan Seacrest of politics, NBC’s Chuck Todd, who virtually lectured Trump on Press the Meat (that’s what the show should be called). These self-indulgent little punks want to blame Trump for the fact that people want to disrupt the GOP frontrunner’s massive rallies!

If shutting down the First Amendment is what millennials think will solve their problems, they’re welcome to move to Venezuela. Or Cuba. Or Mexico.

It would appear that these incidents are only helping Trump because the new voters he has attracted are having their Peter Finch moment, I’M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!

And they’re not wrong.

Between the leftist demonstrators trying to disrupt Trump rallies and what passes for intelligentsia in the GOP establishment trying every sleazy trick they can think of to deny him the nomination, there are enough voters being pissed off to elect Trump President.

Poetic justice.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

President Trump Would Be Poetic Justice For Hypocrites

Page 7: Penny Press 28 MARCH 17, 2016 · Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas


‘America’s Pastor’ AWOL On Obama Finds Trump Indecent

First of all, and for the sake of ‘decency,’ I must confess that I am a pastor and a Ted Cruz supporter. As a matter of fact, I co-founded Pastors for Ted Cruz. I am also opposed to a Trump presidency and have written multiple times on why Trump is a bad choice. But when I saw the joy-gasm that was going on over a Max Lucado blog post, I must say, I was a bit confused.

Deemed “America’s Pastor” by Christianity Today, best-selling author Max Lucado broke 30 years of silence on politics and politicians to come out and throw shade on Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“We can only hope, and pray, for a return to decency,” wrote Lucado in a blog post entitled Decency for President, “Perhaps Mr. Trump will better manage his antics. (Worthy of a prayer, for sure.) Or, perhaps the American public will remember the key role of the president is to be the face of America. When he/she speaks, he/she speaks for us. Whether we agree or disagree with the policies of the president, do we not hope that they behave in a way that is consistent with the status of the office?”

So that’s it? Lucado doesn’t like Trump’s tone and demeanor? That’s what brought outrage to a pastor who has purposely and by his own admission remained silent politically? Surely it must be more than that? It must be that Pastor Lucado has information that Donald J. Trump is actually lying about being pro-life, or maybe he finds his position on sexual perversion to be too lax, but to come out of the shadows over a coarse personality? That would rule out George S. Patton and Winston Churchill by the way, but Ted Bundy who, by all admission, was modest and had a sense of propriety – he’d be good to go?

“My concern is not so much with his policies as with his tone,” admitted Pastor Lucado to Christianity Today, “My disagreement with his policies is what would cause me to cast my vote for someone else, but it’s my concern for the fact that he calls himself a Christian and has a certain tone, that would cause me to write the blog.”

One of the reasons that the Trump myth persists and his supporters dig in is that Trump’s detractors are so clueless. As GOP flunkies look into a 3rd Party poison pill, conservative bloggers hysterically compare Trump to Hitler and declare that this is “the devils favorite” election, and still others threaten to not vote if Trump gets the nomination.

And now “America’s Pastor,” Max Lucado, comes out of a 30-year hibernation breaking his sacred vow of silence after ignoring 8-years of Clinton, 8-years of Obama, and many years of GOP betrayal, to attack The Donald. Does that make any sense at all? Lucado must be reading Matt Walsh and channeling The Church Lady, but he’s not reading Bonhoeffer, Proverbs, or Basil Hart.

The more we sound like parents from the 50’s warning our children about listening to Elvis Presley, Trump’s popularity will grow and grow. Trump is not Elvis, he’s not The Beatles, so quit following the lead of El Chapo, drop the Church Lady tactic, and focus your criticism on his real weaknesses.

Mitt Romney comes out and hits Trump harder than he ever hit Obama. Lindsey Graham wishes Cruz was murdered. And establishment lackeys wonder why they’re losing?

But what of Pastor Lucado’s stunning admission? Gays in the military – not a peep. Transgenders in your daughters’ locker room – doesn’t bat an eye. Fellow pastors in Houston ordered to turn in their sermons – nothing to see here, just a passing through. Is Pastor Lucado mute to the most egregious anti-Christian policies as long as one is articulate and displays modesty? Vote to shelve babies born alive? – Well that’s just a policy, I’m only coming out of hibernation if you call Rosie O’Donnell a “pig!”

I guess the decency police are going to ask Donald to turn in his Christian card because he uses salty language and he botched his testimony. But shelving babies, mainlining sodomy, plundering wealth, funding terrorists, using the IRS to attack enemies, telling Chaplains they can’t pray in Jesus name, and turning your back when Christians are murdered around the globe is just peachy - as long as you have your manners about you.

“But boy, we have to call upon them,” said Lucado, “We pay a high price as a people if we don’t hold our leaders to a high standard.”

Well pastor, let’s practice what you preach shall we? I hold the spiritual leaders of this country to a high standard as well. We are the Watchmen on the Wall and we are required to teach the whole counsel of God or we have blood on our hands; so where oh where have you been for the last thirty years, Pastor Max?

Is it really only a man’s tone that brought you out of your monastery and caused you to break your vow of silence? Hillary Clinton allowing four Americans to die in Benghazi and then lying, over four coffins, to the country and to the grieving relatives wasn’t enough for you? Or tell me, Pastor Lucado, was her tone just right? Did she display decency?

How about when the professing Christian, Barack Obama, said “God bless Planned

Parenthood,” and that abortion supporters are “doing God’s work”? Did that not rise to your Evangelifish level of outrage?

When John Kerry said that the Bible commands America to protect Muslims from Global Warming – “America’s Pastor” was silent. When Pelosi encouraged priests and pastors to use their pulpit to push Cap and Trade, Max Lucado was mute. When countless Democrats used “their faith” as an excuse to support same-sex “marriage,” Pastor Lucado bit his tongue and sat on his hands. But when Donald Trump was rude, he had to ride into the arena to save the rest of us from the Sith Lord who has us all spell-bound. Well bless his heart.

“I don’t even put a candidate’s bumper sticker on my car. People don’t attend church to hear my views on a presidential candidate,” says Lucado, “It would be none of my business, I would have absolutely no right to speak up except that he repeatedly brandishes the Bible and calls himself a Christian.”

Oh, you mean like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have done over and over? Then again, thirty years ago “America’s Pastor” did speak out about Bill Clinton.

“… when Bill Clinton was in office in the late ’90s, I spoke out against it. I talked about what Jesus would say to Bill Clinton and what Jesus would say to Monica Lewinsky,” said Lucado, “I remember those sermons because those topics were just so much on people’s minds. So I spoke out against it.”

Those topics were “on people’s minds” so you spoke about it, pastor? Has nothing been “on people’s minds” since the stain on the blue dress, pastor? Is getting a Lewinski from a Lewinski in the oval office somehow more relevant than conspiring to confound, manipulate, and destroy the Constitutional Republic from the oval office?

This outrageous idea that the good pastor will only come to the Shire and stand against impropriety in tone but will ignore the actual behavior and attitudes that destroy life, liberty, and religious freedom, suggests that he would have been a Reich pastor in the age of the Confessing Church. Had Franklin Graham registered his distaste with the Donald over this, I’d have nothing to say because Graham has been battling in the arena, not in the bleachers selling moralistic therapeutic legalism.

What the good pastor is saying, if you listen closely, is that the only thing a Christian pastor should come out of the pulpit to confront is a lack of decorum. The holocaust of the unborn – not so much. The mainlining of sexual perversion in the marketplace, the courts, the schools, and the military – that doesn’t rise to the level of an un-Christian “tone.”

Sorry, but this guy would have his panties in a bunch after spending five minutes with Martin Luther, who often used the colloquialisms of the street. This guy would have preferred the moderate tone of Omar Bradley to the crass delivery of George S. Patton; Mr. Rogers to Billy Sunday. He probably would chastise John the Baptizer for his un-Christian tone in his criticism of Herod’s sexual peccadillos. Oh wait, maybe it was Herod’s tone that offended John?

Donald Trump has now faced attacks from IL Papa to El Chapo, from America’s pastor to Charlie Sheen - quite an eclectic set of detractors. But any guy who inspires Al Sharpton and the lesbian hacktress from The View to flee the country if he’s elected/nominated, can’t be all bad. Certainly not worse than Bill, Hillary, and Barack.

My objection to Trump isn’t that he is not a good Christian. I know many “good Christians” that I wouldn’t want as my president. My objection to Trump is that he isn’t a good candidate, he doesn’t know the Constitution well enough to defend it, and there’s a much better man in the race – Senator Ted Cruz. It actually pains me to defend Trump at all. As we learned from Anthony Hopkins in The Edge, “Never feel sorry for a guy who owns his own plane.”

Jimmy Carter is a brother in Christ, his manners are impeccable, his tone and demeanor I’m sure would be approved by “America’s Pastor,” but the man was a train-wreck as a president.

Had Thomas Paine a time-machine and could have opposed Jimmy Carter for president, I would have voted for the atheist. If Penn Jillette opposed Jimmy Carter for president, I would have voted for the atheist. And if George S. Patton, in all his expletive-deleted glory, had run for president, I would have donated, volunteered, and worked for his campaign even against a candidate with excellent tone and manners.

Does Max Lucado think that Lucifer talks like Donald Trump? Isn’t it far more likely that he speaks with the gilded eloquence of the most esteemed creature genius?

If you take away from this column that I am defending Donald Trump, you are mistaken. If you take away from this that I am defending indecent speech and indecorous behavior, you are mistaken.

If you take away from this that a spiritual shepherd who only breaks his silence for petulance while remaining silent in the face of nefarious evil is a damn coward, you are spot, freakin’ on!

Excusez mon Français!

Commentary: John Kirkwood

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Remembering Those Who Stood Before Us

“You learn something out of everything, and you come to realize more than ever that we’re all here for a certain space of time, and then it’s going to be over, and you better make this count.”

— Nancy Reagan

We will miss you, Nancy Reagan.She was truly a first lady for the ages. Her devotion to the cause of

liberty was eclipsed only by the love she had for her husband. And, in many ways, Ronald Reagan’s achievements as President of the United States were made possible by the storybook romance he and Nancy shared in their private lives.

The spring of love Ronald and Nancy shared was a source of confidence for the nation. As first lady, Nancy’s confidence in her husband gave him the conviction he needed to, literally, take on the world. Together, the two of them worked to advance liberty during a period in history plagued by totalitarianism, communism and overbearing government intrusion.

And they succeeded.But Nancy’s sphere of influence was not limited only to her husband.

Even as her dear Ronnie neared the end of his life, she continued to personify the grace and dignity for which she had been known as First Lady. She continued to stand strong for her convictions, always articulating her belief in individual rights, personal responsibility and expanded freedoms.

Sadly, today we say goodbye to this influential woman as she is laid to rest at the Reagan Presidential Library.

We at NPRI send our deepest condolences to her family, friends and everyone who worked with her.

Closer to home, we are experiencing a loss of our own.Dick Young was a former board member at NPRI, and sadly we

learned about his passing as well this last week. Often described as a quiet and humble man — though still commanding and resolute when necessary — Dick had a resounding passion and enthusiasm for limited government.

When Judy Cresanta first launched NPRI, Dick was there fighting beside her as she battled the IRS for our tax-exempt status. Just as we’ve seen in recent years, the machinery of government is often used as a political tool by entrenched special interests, and it was no different in the late 1980s and early 1990s when NPRI was just being formed.

But Dick refused to allow such overwhelming forces to intimidate Judy, or NPRI.

“There are things far worse than war, and surrender is one of them,” he once said.

In the years that followed, he worked with Judy to overcome legal threats from special interests, harassment from lawmakers and outrage from advocates of big government. His devotion to our shared ideals left a permanent mark on our history.

On behalf of everyone at NPRI, we send our thoughts and our prayers to Dick’s family and friends.

Indeed, Nancy was right when she said that we’re all here for a limited time. As members of the liberty movement, it’s up to us to make it count.

Those before us certainly have. SHARON ROSSIESharon Rossie is the President of the Nevada Policy Research Institute.


Commentary: Sharon Rossie

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Manipulating MedicareFewer seniors are re-entering the hospital after their first stay there,

according to recent data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Obama administration says that we have Obamacare to thank for this “positive transformative change.”

But the only thing that’s “changed” is how hospitals fill out the government’s forms. Many are choosing to record hospital stays under Medicare, the federal government’s healthcare program for seniors, as outpatient “medical observation” rather than formal readmission. That’s strapping patients with huge bills and limited options for follow-up care.

So hospitals are indeed meeting Obamacare’s statistical goals -- at the expense of patients.

Obamacare’s architects wanted to reduce the number of times a patient returned to a hospital. Fewer readmissions, they reasoned, meant a hospital was doing a better job.

To achieve that goal, they created a penalty. If a hospital had an “excessive” number of readmissions within 30 days of an inpatient stay, Obamacare would reduce its Medicare payments.

Last year, the law cut payments to 2,592 hospitals -- almost half of all hospitals -- for a combined loss of $420 million. All but 209 of these hospitals also faced the penalty in 2014.

Unsurprisingly, hospitals have sought to avoid the penalty. Between 2012 and 2013, hospitals reported 150,000 fewer readmissions among Medicare patients.

To drive down readmission rates, hospitals simply manipulated the data. Patients returning with complications were no longer formally readmitted and given inpatient status. Instead, hospitals entered them as under outpatient “observation status.”

Indeed, as an August Health Affairs report noted, the readmission penalty “pressures hospitals to cheat.”

Of the 3,500 general hospitals subject to Obamacare’s penalty,

readmission rates dropped by 9 percent between 2010 and 2013. But observation rates soared 48 percent. That uptick accounted for about 40 percent of the reduction in readmissions.

Problem solved, penalty avoided.Unfortunately, patients under “observation” don’t qualify for Medicare’s

benefits. For the program to pay for a subsequent nursing-home stay, a beneficiary must spend at least three nights in a hospital as an inpatient.

A patient under observation doesn’t meet that standard. So even if a patient spends days in a hospital bed, the federal government won’t cover the cost of his or her rehabilitative treatment or medication afterward.

That can leave seniors responsible for thousands of dollars in medical bills.

Consider the case of Bob Wellentin. After his wife spent four days in a hospital, she went to a nursing home. But since she had been classified as “under observation” -- not as a readmission -- Medicare wouldn’t pay for her nursing-home stay. She was handed a bill for $20,000. To pay it, she and her husband had to liquidate a life-insurance policy.

Meanwhile, Harold Engler endured a 10-day outpatient “medical observation” stay because of complications from hernia surgery. He ended up with $7,859 in nursing-home rehabilitation costs.

Once patients have been deemed under observation, it’s difficult to get the classification reversed. They often must pay out of pocket for their care and then seek reimbursement. That’s difficult for the many Americans who don’t have thousands of dollars lying around. And they must wage a two-front legal battle against both the federal government and medical bureaucracies.

Keeping seniors from having to be readmitted to the hospital is a worthy goal. Unfortunately, Obamacare has blessed fraud as an acceptable means of achieving it. Seniors are paying the price. SALLY PIPESSally C. Pipes is President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institute. Her latest book, The Way Out of Obamacare (Encounter), was released in January.

Commentary: Sally Pipes

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A Prayer For This Presidential Election

Father God, Son and Holy Spirit, Maker of heaven and earth, You are the First Cause of these United States of America.

You are sovereign.You knew before time began who You would appoint as our 45th

president. You ordained that this soul might be a tool of Your judgment, holy and merited, or a gift of Your mercy, wholly undeserved.

Please come, Holy Spirit, and dwell among Your people. Though we deserve Your wrath, we entreat Your mercy. Do not abandon us in our time of need.

Like Israel of old, America’s own, today, is a life marked by pride, selfishness, murder, idolatry, hypocrisy, greed, lust and every form of moral privation.

We have called evil good and good evil and have turned from Your face to our own treasured wickedness.

We have danced with the prophets of Baal and have made sacrifice to Moloch.

We repent. We need You now, alone and together, as much as at any time in our fleeting history.

Kyrie Eleison, Christ Jesus.You are God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We confess that Your

ways are not our ways and that Your thoughts are not our thoughts. As the heavens are higher than the earth, Your ways and thoughts are higher than our own.

And so we humbly seek wisdom in all we do and say. We covet Your spiritual discernment, Holy Spirit, and ask that, as we, a nation founded on Your principles and to Your glory and Honor, endeavor to elect our next chief executive, that You might direct our path, and that Your will might be done on this earth, as it is in heaven.

You use broken people, dear God – sinners who sin.King David, a murderer and adulterer, was fallen.But he humbled himself.He repented.And was a man after Your own heart.You anointed, 150 years before he lived, Cyrus the Great, a pagan king

debauched beyond redemption in the eyes of Your people, as the conduit through which You might free Your beloved from 70 years of captivity.

Cyrus humbled himself before You and was used mightily.And the great Apostle? Saul of Tarsus murdered Your bride. He

mocked her and held the executioner’s cloak as Christ’s followers were martyred in Your name.

But even then he was blinded by the Light of the World and made to see with the clarity of spiritual crystal.

He was made to love with a love that belied his fleshly character and, from Saul to Paul, was used by You to lead billions to the foot of the cross.

Have You chosen for us a King David, Lord? Is he a man, like all men, who has hated his brother and coveted his neighbor’s wife, yet, by Your grace and through Your stripes, has been healed and, while yet imperfect, has repented and revealed, by way of earthly fruits, that he is a man after Your own heart?

Or have You chosen for us a King Cyrus? A man, or a woman, who has yet to display through word or deed a heart broken and a will surrendered – a life marked by humility and repentance?

If You have chosen a candidate Cyrus, Abba Father, please surround him with men like Daniel.

And if You have chosen a candidate Saul, will You, we pray, break his or her heart and give to us a President Paul? If done before the eyes of the world, oh what a testament to the transformative power of Christ!

Who have You chosen, Father?We cannot know.But Your way is the right way, perfect and good.If we are under Your judgment, let us be judged.And if under Your blessing, let us be blessed.We pray for the 45th president of the United States, that You might

reveal Your will and purpose, and bless his or her soul.And we pray for each candidate who falls short of the goal.Remind us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.Guide us all, as we cast our ballots.We pray that You might bless us with a David, a Cyrus or a Paul.And humbly ask that You spare us our just deserts – an unrighteous

leader, an Ahab or a Jezebel.Yet either way, Thy will be done.Because Your ways are higher than our ways.And Your thoughts, higher than our own.

MATT BARBERMatt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).


Commentary: Matt Barber

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Trump Bringing Back the Glory Days of Rumsfeld’s Press Skewerings

For conservatives, the most entertaining aspect of Bush 43’s presidency was the daily Pentagon press briefings conducted by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during the Afghan and Iraqi military operations.

Over the years, especially after the media “got” Richard Nixon, conservatives have developed a particular hostility, bordering on loathing, for liberal “gotcha” reporters who fancy themselves a combination of Woodward-and-Bernstein and Murphy Brown.

Indeed, it wasn’t just that they brought down a president that so filled the hearts of the national press with joy. It was that they brought down a REPULBICAN president. Liberal media bias is far more real than global warming ever will be.

For thirty years after Watergate, conservatives stood by helplessly as one Republican elected official after another was chewed up and spit out by liberal “gotcha” journalism.

And then along came Rumsfeld.The DefSec’s disdain for and lack of patience with the national media

was palpable. For example, he opened one presser with this: “Let’s hear it for the essential daily briefing, however hollow and empty it might be. We’ll do it.”

And who will ever forget this response to the “gotcha” question about whether or not Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction?

“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me,” Rumsfeld explained with manifest condescension, “because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

Liberal heads exploded from sea to shining sea!Good times. Good times.And thanks to Donald Trump, the good times are back, baby! Trump has now conducted three free-wheeling, wild-and-wooly post-

election press conferences that have been things of beauty for conservatives who enjoy watching elite, holier-than-thou Fourth Estate sacred cows and cowettes (hello, Megan Kelly) being slaughtered live on television.

At the most recent Trump presser, a “gotcha” reporter decided not to ask a serious question about the issues facing the nation, but about the “language” Trump has been using to communicate his message to the American people.

The ridicule that followed was a thing of beauty.“Oh, you’re so politically correct,” Trump responded, dripping with

contempt. “You’re so beautiful. Oh, look at you. Ohhh, he’s so - I know, you’ve never heard a little bad, a little off language. I know, you’re perfect. Aren’t you perfect? Aren’t you just a perfect young man? Give me break. You know what, it’s stuff like that that people in this country are tired of, okay. It’s stuff like that.”

Amen and hallelujah! Praise the Lord and pass the biscuits.And some people still don’t understand why so many conservatives

have flocked to the Trump Train? Allll aboarrrrrd! CHUCK MUTH(Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of You can reach him at


Commentary: Chuck Muth Every week in Nevada, someone is trying to screw us.

Most of the time, we elected that someone.

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