percutaneous dilational tracheostomy - matthew …tracheostomy.pdf · percutaneous dilational...

Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy David W. Hsia, MD a, *, Uzair K. Ghori, MD b , Ali I. Musani, MD c INTRODUCTION Tracheostomy is one of the oldest surgical proce- dures and has been performed for several thousand years. There are many indications for tracheostomy placement, such as the need for prolonged me- chanical ventilator support, improved clearance of secretions, protection from aspiration, and mainte- nance of the airway because of sequelae from up- per airway obstructions or trauma. In addition, tracheostomy has additional potential benefits over endotracheal tube (ETT) intubation because it decreases the work of breathing, 1 reduces ventilator-associated pneumonia, 2 provides a more secure airway, and permits patient phonation and swallowing. Tracheostomy plays a prominent role in the treatment of prolonged respiratory failure and more than 50% of all tracheostomies are placed in critically ill patients. 3 The modern operative procedure remains largely unchanged from the methodology described by Chevalier Jackson in the early 1900s. 4 Jackson’s approach involved a long incision, good exposure of the anatomic structures, and division of the thyroid isthmus. His guidelines on the procedure were instrumental in improving procedural safety and outcomes. Subsequent refinements to the pro- cedure and improvements in equipment have re- sulted in decreased procedure-related morbidity and mortality. 5 In 1957, Sheldon and Pudenz 6 described a Seldinger method of percutaneous tra- cheostomy placement. The procedure became more widely used after the introduction of the percutaneous dilational method by Ciaglia in Sources of Support: The authors have no financial disclosures. a Department of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, 1000 West Carson Street, Box #405, Torrance, CA 90509, USA; b Department of Medicine, Military Hospital Rawalpindi, Main Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan; c National Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson Street, J225, Molly Blank Building, Denver, CO 80206, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] KEYWORDS Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy Chronic respiratory failure Flexible bronchoscopy Critical illness KEY POINTS There are numerous indications for PDT placement in the management of chronic respiratory failure. PDT has been safely performed by surgical and medical physicians, including critical care intensiv- ists and interventional pulmonologists. There are multiple methods of performing the procedure and the single dilator variant of the Ciaglia method is currently the most widely used. PDT compares favorably with surgical tracheostomy in regards to procedure time, complications, and cost. Flexible bronchoscopy is commonly used as a procedural adjunct and has been shown to decrease complications. Because of its advantages, PDT has become one of the most common procedures performed in the modern ICU. Clin Chest Med 34 (2013) 515–526 0272-5231/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Percutaneous DilationalTracheostomy

David W. Hsia, MDa,*, Uzair K. Ghori, MDb,Ali I. Musani, MDc


� Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy � Chronic respiratory failure � Flexible bronchoscopy� Critical illness


� There are numerous indications for PDT placement in the management of chronic respiratoryfailure.

� PDT has been safely performed by surgical and medical physicians, including critical care intensiv-ists and interventional pulmonologists.

� There are multiple methods of performing the procedure and the single dilator variant of the Ciagliamethod is currently the most widely used.

� PDT compares favorably with surgical tracheostomy in regards to procedure time, complications,and cost.

� Flexible bronchoscopy is commonly used as a procedural adjunct and has been shown to decreasecomplications.

� Because of its advantages, PDT has become one of themost common procedures performed in themodern ICU.


Tracheostomy is one of the oldest surgical proce-dures andhasbeenperformed for several thousandyears. There aremany indications for tracheostomyplacement, such as the need for prolonged me-chanical ventilator support, improved clearance ofsecretions, protection from aspiration, and mainte-nance of the airway because of sequelae from up-per airway obstructions or trauma. In addition,tracheostomy has additional potential benefitsover endotracheal tube (ETT) intubation becauseit decreases the work of breathing,1 reducesventilator-associated pneumonia,2 provides amore secure airway, and permits patient phonationand swallowing. Tracheostomy plays a prominentrole in the treatment of prolonged respiratory failure

Sources of Support: The authors have no financial discloa Department of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Cente90509, USA; b Department of Medicine, Military HospitalPakistan; c National Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson Street,* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected]

Clin Chest Med 34 (2013) 515–526$ – see front matter � 2013 Elsevier Inc. All

and more than 50% of all tracheostomies areplaced in critically ill patients.3

Themodern operative procedure remains largelyunchanged from the methodology described byChevalier Jackson in the early 1900s.4 Jackson’sapproach involved a long incision, good exposureof the anatomic structures, and division of thethyroid isthmus. His guidelines on the procedurewere instrumental in improving procedural safetyand outcomes. Subsequent refinements to the pro-cedure and improvements in equipment have re-sulted in decreased procedure-related morbidityand mortality.5 In 1957, Sheldon and Pudenz6

described a Seldinger method of percutaneous tra-cheostomy placement. The procedure becamemore widely used after the introduction of thepercutaneous dilational method by Ciaglia in

sures.r, 1000 West Carson Street, Box #405, Torrance, CARawalpindi, Main Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi,J225, Molly Blank Building, Denver, CO 80206, USA

rights reserved. chestm

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1985.7 Percutaneous tracheostomy is now recog-nized as a cost-effective procedure that can beperformed easily and safely at the bedside by inter-ventional pulmonologists, critical care physicians,and surgeons in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Fig. 1. Single and multiple dilator methods based onthe Ciaglia technique. (A) Example of equipmentfound in commercially available PDT kits. (B) Multipleand single dilator systems. The guidewire and guidecatheter are shown inserted through a single conical-shaped Blue Rhino dilator. A tracheostomy cannula isloaded onto a specialized introducer. Inset shows aset of multiple dilators with sizes ranging from 18F to36F catheter compared with a single dilator.


Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy (PDT) usesthe insertion of a tracheal cannula by a modifiedSeldinger approach. A guidewire is insertedthrough the anterior tracheal wall; dilation is thenperformed until the tracheal stoma is large enoughto permit insertion of the tracheal cannula. Cannulainsertion is generally performed between the sec-ond and third tracheal rings, with a suggestion ofdecreased risk of bleeding when placed abovethe fourth tracheal ring.8 Several variations of theprocedure have been developed and are in usetoday.The Ciaglia method7 is currently the most

commonly used PDT technique; it was originallydescribed using serial dilation with progressivelylarger hydrophilic coated dilators and is nowadapted in commercially available kits to use asingle conical dilator (Ciaglia Blue Rhino Tracheos-tomy Introducer Kit, Cook Critical Care, Blooming-ton, IN; Per-Fit Kit, SIMS Portex, Keene, NH)(Fig. 1). Before the procedure, the distal tip of theETT is repositioned within the subglottic spaceproximal to the intended tracheostomy dilationsite. A midline incision is made over the anteriortrachea and the pretracheal soft tissue is bluntlydissected with mosquito clamps. The underlyingtrachea is then identified using a needle and intro-ducer sheath. Flexible bronchoscopic visualizationis commonly used to provide endoscopic guid-ance from within the trachea (Fig. 2). Removal ofthe needle allows an introduction of a J-shapedguidewire through the introducer sheath into thetrachea and directed caudally into the distal air-ways. The introducer sheath is then removed anddilation of the trachea and soft tissue is performedinitially with a short dilator followed by a curved,conical dilator. Special precautions must be takento ensure proper midline puncture of the anteriortrachea wall and introduction of the guidewireand subsequent dilation through the anterior wallwhile avoiding puncture of the posterior membra-nous portion of the trachea. A trachestomy tubeis loaded onto an introducer dilator and insertedinto the trachea over the guidewire through thedilated stoma and secured in place. The use ofthe single dilator method is theorized to decreasethe risk of injury to the posterior tracheal walland prevent the risk of oxygen desaturation or

inadequate ventilation by minimizing the period oftime needed to dilate the tracheostomy stomaand insert the tracheostomy cannula. Anothermodification of the Ciaglia method (Ciaglia BlueDolphin Tracheostomy Introducer Kit; Cook Crit-ical Care) using a balloon dilator has also beendeveloped (Fig. 3).9 PDT using single dilation hasbeen shown to decrease procedure timecompared with the multiple and balloon dilationmethods.10–12

Numerous kits using other PDT dilation methodsare also commercially available. The Griggs’ dila-tional forceps technique (Portex PDT Kit; Portex,Hyathe, Kent, UK) uses curved Howard-Kelly for-ceps with a special groove that permits passageof the guidewire through the forceps.13 The guide-wire directs the path of the forceps, which areused to dilate the soft tissue and trachea. Thetranslaryngeal tracheostomy method (Translar-yngeal Tracheostomy Kit; Mallinckrodt, Courta-boeuf, France) directs the guidewire caudallyeither within or external to the ETT. The ETT isremoved and the patient is reintubated with a

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Fig. 2. Bronchoscopic guidance of PDTusing a single dilator. Endotracheal images of PDT insertion visualized by abronchoscope positioned within the ETT. The distal tip of the ETT can be seen at the bottom of each image. (A)Insertion of the guide catheter through the anterior tracheal wall. (B) Insertion of the guidewire, which is thendirected distally in the trachea. (C) Blunt dilation with a single conical-shaped Blue Rhino dilator over the guide-wire by modified Seldinger technique. (D) Insertion of the tracheostomy cannula through the dilated tracheos-tomy tract.

Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy 517

special 5-mm ETT. The guidewire is directed retro-grade through the anterior tracheal wall until the tipexits the mouth. A conical tracheal cannula isattached to the cranial end of the dilator and pulledback into the trachea where it is used to dilate the

Fig. 3. Blue Dolphin balloon-assisted dilation system.The Blue Dolphin saline-filled inflation dilator isshown with guidewire and inflation syringe. The tra-cheostomy cannula is loaded directly onto the deviceand deployed after performing balloon dilation. Insetshows a close-up of the distal tip with the balloondeflated and inflated.

trachea and pretracheal soft tissue from within thetracheal lumen. When the cannula protrudes fromthe soft tissue of the neck, the external tip is cut offand attached to themechanical ventilator while thetracheal portion of the cannula is directed towardthe carina by an obturator. One potential benefitof the translaryngeal tracheostomy method isthat it avoids anterior compression of the trachea,which may be useful in younger patients withhighly elastic tracheas.14 A single-step screw-likedilator (PercuTwist; Rusch, Kernen, Germany)has also been developed that uses rotation toadvance the dilator to avoid complications associ-ated with direct compression of the trachea(Fig. 4).15 Additional methods include use of aspecialized speculum-like tracheostome,16 a cut-ting bougie device,17 and Rapitrac tracheostome(SurgiTech Medical, Sydney, Australia).18

Although PDT has gained in popularity, not all ofthese commercial kits are universally available.Recent surveys of ICU directors suggest that theCiaglia single dilator has become the most populartracheostomy placement technique and is themethod of choice in up to 69% of ICUs.19,20 Aswith any procedure, however, the experience of

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Fig. 4. “PercuTwist” screw-like dilation system. The“PercuTwist” dilator is shown with guidewire andintroducer catheter. The tracheostomy cannula isintroduced after single-step dilation is performed.Inset shows a close-up of the screw-like dilator.

Hsia et al518

the physician with the procedural method is ofparamount importance.


Flexible bronchoscopy is commonly used to pro-vide endoscopic procedural guidance and isroutinely used in 83% to 97.7% of ICUs.19,20 Bron-choscopy provides real-time visual guidance fromwithin the tracheal lumen. This includes confirma-tion of appropriate ETT positioning, midline place-ment of the introducer needle and catheter withinthe tracheal lumen, direction of the guidewire,proper placement of the tracheal cannula, andhelps prevent injury to the posterior tracheal wallby visually guiding stoma dilation. Composite eval-uation of 1385 patients (15 studies) undergoingPDT without endoscopic guidance demonstrateda complication rate of 16.8% compared with8.7% in 1351 patients (nine studies) with endo-scopic guidance.21 PDT performed with bronchos-copy was also associated with lower rates ofaccidental extubation, false passage, pneumome-diastinum and pneumothorax, and other technicaldifficulties. However, it is difficult to control for var-iations in patient populations, PDT technique, andoperator experience across studies. Few trialshave directly examined the impact of bronchos-copy on PDT complications. A prospective studyby Berrouschot and colleagues22 demonstrated asimilar perioperative complication rate while pro-spectively evaluating PDT with and without bron-choscopy (7% vs 6%), but had more severecomplications in the group without bronchoscopy.Jackson and colleagues23 reported no differencein complications, including bleeding and late

complications. Use of bronchoscopy with PDThas been associated with transient hypercarbiaand respiratory acidosis24–26; this may lead to anelevation in intracranial pressure and decrease incerebral perfusion pressure.27 These findings arenot surprising because transient increases in pos-itive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and partialpressure of carbon dioxide are known to occurduring flexible bronchoscopy on mechanicallyventilated patients because of partial occlusion ofthe ETT by the bronchoscope.28 Nevertheless,complications resulting from these physiologicchanges are rare and bronchoscopy remains aroutinely performed procedure in the ICU. Bron-choscopy also uses additional equipment andpersonnel resources, affects procedural costs,and may result in procedure-related damage tothe bronchoscope. Nevertheless, given the bene-fits of endoscopic visual guidance compared withits low risk, multiple authors have recommendedits use to improve procedural safety.13,21,29–32

Care should be taken to monitor and adjustmechanical ventilator settings to account for thepartial obstruction of the ETT by the flexible bron-choscope and the resulting physiologic and venti-latory effects.Ultrasonography is another adjunct method

used to ensure accurate placement of the intro-ducer needle into the trachea, estimate the dis-tance from the skin to the trachea, identifyanomalous vascular anatomy, and prevent dam-age to vascular and adjacent structures (Fig. 5).33

Ultrasound evaluation of the anterior neck hasbeen shown to change the intended tracheostomysite in up to 24% of cases to avoid subcutaneousvasculature.34 Ultrasonography can also providereal-time procedural guidance for introduction ofthe introducer needle and guide catheter into thetracheal lumen35,36 and ETT positioning.37 Bedsideultrasound machines are readily available in theICU setting and are a familiar imaging modality tointerventional pulmonologists and intensivists.Performing ultrasonography is inexpensive andhas essentially no procedure-related drawbacks.However, further studies are required to evaluateits impact on procedural performance and safety.Inadvertent extubation of the ETT and puncture

of the ETT cuff are potential complications thatmay lead to catastrophic hypoxia or loss of theairway. The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) hasbeen considered as an alternative method ofairway management during PDT. The position ofthe LMA external to the trachea prevents it frominterfering with the PDT procedure. There areconcerns that this method of ventilation is notadequately secure in critically ill patients whomay require significant mechanical ventilator

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Fig. 5. Ultrasonography for PDT. Demonstration of ultrasound images of the neck and trachea. (A) Normal tra-chea imaged above a tracheal ring. Tracheal cartilage (solid arrow) creates a shadow artifact (dotted arrow). Im-age depth of 1.9 cm is indicated in the lower right corner. The dotted linemeasures the distance between the skinand anterior trachea to be 0.50 cm, as indicated in the lower left corner. (B) Intubated trachea imaged betweentracheal rings. The ETT (solid arrow) and associated shadow artifact is visualized within the tracheal lumen(dotted arrow).

Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy 519

support with high airway pressures, levels ofoxygen supplementation, or PEEP. Several trialscomparing PDT with bronchoscopic guidancethrough an LMA versus ETT have been performedwith varying results. Dosemeci and colleagues38

demonstrated a greater incidence of hypercarbiaalong with higher associated rise in partial pres-sure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) with ETT (56.7%of patients; 6.8 � 3.5 mm Hg) compared withLMA (38.5% of patients; 4.5 � 2.4 mm Hg). Visual-ization of tracheal structures during PDT has alsobeen found to be improved with the use of anLMA.39,40 However, in a randomized comparisonof 60 patients undergoing PDT, 6.6% of patientsusing ETT had cuff puncture and 3.3% had acci-dental extubation; in comparison, 33% performedwith LMA had potentially catastrophic airway-related complications, including loss of the airway,significant hypoxia, and aspiration of gastric con-tents.41 Therefore, although the use of an LMAwith PDT has been shown to be feasible, its safetyhas not been convincingly demonstrated.


PDT is a safe procedure when performed inthe properly selected patient, in an appropriatesetting, and with trained physicians and staff.Overall complication rates of 5.6% to 54% havebeen reported, most of which were consideredminor.21,42–45 Periprocedural and early postproce-dural complications include bleeding; hemody-namic instability; cardiac arrhythmias; airwayobstruction or loss of the airway (eg, accidentalextubation or decannulation); hypoxia; trachealring fracture; underdilation or overdilation of thetrachea; damage to mediastinal structures (eg,damage to the tracheal wall, creation of a false

passage, development of subcutaneous emphy-sema, pneumomediastinum, or pneumothorax);wound infection; technical difficulties requiringconversion to a surgical approach; and death.Procedure-related mortality is low, with reportedrates of 0% to 0.7%.21,42–45

Procedural or postprocedural bleeding is usuallyrare, with reported incidence of 0.4% to 8%.21,42–45

As a result, PDT does not require routine use ofelectrocautery to control hemostasis. Bleedingmay be reduced because of the creation of a tighttracheostomy stoma with blunt dilation, whichshifts and compresses vascular structures thatmay be perforated with sharp surgical dissectiontechniques. Most bleeding results from soft tissueoozing because the procedure is performed in themidline to avoid vascular structures. Given the tightnature of the PDT tract, hemostasis is usually ob-tained from tamponade by the tracheostomy can-nula. Bleeding may be decreased with the use ofstay sutures securing the flanges of the tracheos-tomy tube.46 Occasionally, digital compression ora suture may be required to control superficialbleeding.47

Head-to-head trials involving different PDTmethods are rare, which makes the comparisonof complication rates difficult and problematic.Table 1 highlights findings from prospective, ran-domized PDT comparison trials.10–12,24,25,48–51

The single dilator Ciaglia technique has been asso-ciated with greater rates of tracheal ring fracturecompared with the multiple dilator Ciaglia andthe Griggs’ dilational forceps methods.11,49 Thetranslaryngeal tracheostomy technique has beenassociated with loss of the airway and technicaldifficulties requiring physicians to switch to analternate tracheostomy method.25 Other conclu-sions regarding complications rates are conflicting

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Table 1PDT complications from prospective, randomized direct comparison trials

StudyNumberof Subjects Dilaton Methods Significant Findings

Johnson et al,10 2001 50 Multiple vs single No significant difference incomplication rates

Byhahn et al,11 2000 50 Multiple vs single Decreased tracheal ring fracturewith multiple dilator (8% vs 36%)

Cianchi et al,12 2010 70 Single vs balloon Decreased resistance to cannulainsertion (5.7% vs 28.6%) withsingle dilator

Nates et al,48 2000 100 Multiple vs forceps Decreased surgical complications(1.9% vs 24%) and bleeding (1.9%vs 15%) with multiple dilator

Kaiser et al,24 2006 100 Single vs forceps Decreased major complications (0%vs 12.5%), minor bleeding (12% vs35%), and hypoxemia (0% vs 10%)with forceps dilator

Ambesh et al,49 2002 60 Single vs forceps Decreased overdilation orunderdilation (7% vs 53%) andbleeding (3% vs 17%) with singledilator

Decreased change in PPeak (15vs116.5 cm H2O) and tracheal ringfracture (0% vs 30%) with forcepsdilator

Anon et al,50 2004 53 Single vs forceps Nonsignificant trend towarddecreased proceduralcomplications with single dilator(7.4% vs 26.9%; P 5 .07)

Montcriol et al,51 2011 90 Forceps vs rotational No significant difference incomplication rates

Cantais et al,25 2002 100 Forceps vs translaryngeal Decreased need to convert toalternate method (0% vs 23%),loss of airway (0% vs 15%), andbleeding (4% vs 23%) with forcepsdilator

Abbreviation: PPeak, peak airway pressure.Data from Refs.10–12,24,25,48–51

Hsia et al520

or limited given the relative paucity of data avail-able. It is therefore difficult to determine whichtechnique is superior.Comparison of long-term complications, such as

tracheal stenosis, delayed stoma closure, airwaysymptoms (eg, dyspnea, cough, phonetic impair-ment), and scarring/cosmesis is difficult to evaluategiven the low occurrence rate; analysis of thesecomplications requires long-term follow-up of alarge study population.


Surgical tracheostomy involves dissection throughthe pretracheal soft tissue until the trachea is

identified. The trachea is then cannulated underdirect visualization. It is typically performed in theoperating room, in contrast to PDT, which is usu-ally performed in the ICU. Meta-analysis of 15randomized, controlled trials involving 973 pa-tients has demonstrated several important clinicaloutcome differences between PDT and surgicaltracheostomy.52 Most PDTs included in this anal-ysis were performed using the multiple dilatormethod placed in the ICU setting. PDT was asso-ciated with a significant decrease in unfavorablescarring (odds ratio [OR], 0.44; 95% confidence in-terval [CI], 0.23–0.83) and wound infections (OR,0.31; 95%CI, 0.22–0.62). Decreased wound infec-tion is likely related to the minimal trauma andtissue manipulation associated with PDT and is

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consistent with the decrease in surgical site infec-tions associated with other minimally invasivesurgical procedures.53 There was no significantdifference in minor or major hemorrhage, develop-ment of subglottic stenosis, creation of a falsepassage, or death. However, PDT had a higherrisk of complications associated with decannula-tion and mucous obstruction (OR, 2.79; 95% CI,1.29–6.03), which may be related to the use ofsmaller tracheostomy tracts and cannulas withPDT.

By performing PDT at the bedside, morbidityassociated with patient transport can also beavoided. Intrahospital transportation of criticallyill patients has been shown to adversely impactpatients physiologically and psychologically.54

In addition, the numerous intravascular lines, en-doluminal tubes, monitoring devices, and otherhardware associated with the care of critically illpatients may become displaced during transport.Significant adverse events have been shown tooccur in up to 8.9% of intrahospital transports ofcritically ill patients.55,56 It is therefore beneficialwhen diagnostic or therapeutic interventions canbe safely performed at the bedside without trans-port of the critically ill patient away from the ICU.

Performing procedures in the operating roomsetting uses a limited hospital resource and isassociated with higher associated costs. PDThas been shown to reduce procedural costs by$851 to $1645 largely because of cost savingsrelated to operating room and anesthesiologistcharges.57–60 Compared with surgical tracheos-tomy, mean PDT procedure length is shorter byapproximately 4.6 minutes.52 In some institutions,bedside PDT may also decrease the length oftime between the point when a tracheostomy isdeemed necessary and the time when the proce-dure occurs.61,62 Logistic limitations of performingsurgical tracheostomy in the operating room mayplay a role in the procedural delay associatedwith surgical tracheostomy. PDT reduces theamount of time before a permanent airway issecured and potentially decreases ICU and hospi-tal length of stay in select patient populations62;benefits in logistic efficiency and length of stay,however, are not consistent in all institutions.60


It is estimated that 11% to 35%of patientswith cer-vical spine injuries may require a tracheostomy forlong-term airway management.63 Cervical spineinjury limits the amount of neck extension permis-sible when positioning a patient for PDT. In addi-tion, patients undergoing anterior cervical spinefixation are at higher risk for infection given the

close proximity of the wound to the tracheostomysite, concomitant use of high-dose steroids, andrelative immunosuppression resulting from severeinjury.63 Several small case series involving PDT inpatients with cervical spine fixation reported onlyrare procedural bleeding and wound infectionwithout any worsening in neurologic status.63,64

Retrospective comparison of PDT and surgical tra-cheostomy in this population demonstrated com-parable procedure-related complication rates with5.9% bleeding, 10% tracheal stenosis, and 15%stomal cellulitis.65 In a small prospective random-ized trial, PDT procedure time was significantlyshorter than surgical tracheostomy (8 � 6 vs21 � 7 minutes) without significant difference inperiprocedure or postprocedure complications.66

Furthermore, PDT in trauma patients clinically orradiographically cleared of cervical spine injurymay not have worse outcomes compared with pa-tients who have neck injuries or are unable to becleared of neck injury.67

The critically ill obese population has greaterperioperative and postprocedural complicationswith surgical tracheostomies and is consideredanother relative contraindication to PDT.50,68

Neck landmarks may be harder to identify giventhe abundance of soft tissue, especially in pa-tients with short neck length. Greater neck diam-eter may play a role in the formation of a falsepassage or inadvertent decannulation. Obesitymay also compromise mechanical ventilationand oxygenation. A trial using multiple PDTtechniques demonstrated a 2.7-fold increasedrisk for perioperative complications (43.8% vs18.2%) and 4.9-fold increased risk for seriouscomplications (9.6% vs 0.7%) in obese patients69;the complication rates in this study, however,were higher than in many comparable studiesand interpretation of the results may be hinderedby the use of multiple PDT methods. In contrast,several trials using a single dilator technique foundno significant difference in complication rates be-tween obese and nonobese populations.36,70,71

Although these studies categorized obesity basedon body mass index, this index may not accu-rately reflect the impact of obesity on the softtissue of the neck. Tabaee and colleagues72 strat-ified patients based on the cricosternal distance inthe neutral and extended positions and did notfind correlation between neck length and PDT out-comes. Finally, a retrospective comparison be-tween 89 PDT and 53 surgical tracheostomies inmorbidly obese patients showed no difference inserious adverse outcomes (6.5% vs 6.5%).73

These data suggest that PDT can be safely per-formed by skilled operators in this potentiallyhigh-risk population.

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During the PDT procedure, the ETT cuff isdeflated to reposition the ETT. Cuff deflation affectsPEEP generated by the mechanical ventilator andmay result in derecruitment of alveoli.74 PDT maytherefore adversely affect patients with severe hyp-oxic respiratory failure and high PEEP require-ments. Beiderlinden and colleagues75 investigatedbronchoscopic-guided PDT in patients with hyp-oxic respiratory failure and did not demonstrateany significant decrease in arterial oxygen levels.This included patients with PEEP greater than10 cmH2O (mean, 16.7� 4 cmH2O) whose periph-eral oxygen saturation (SpO2) did not decreaseduring the procedure. Furthermore, arterial oxygento fraction of inhaled oxygen ratios (PaO2/FiO2) re-mained unchanged before the procedure com-pared with 1 hour and 24 hours postprocedure(243� 90 vs 223� 83 vs 260� 86mmHg) suggest-ing that derecruitment did not occur. It is possible,however, that the use of bronchoscopic guidancemay have minimized the potential loss of PEEPduring PDT because of the effect of the broncho-scope on PEEP. Recruitment maneuvers beforePDT may also help prevent potential derecruitmentas demonstrated in a small trial with sustainedimprovement in oxygenation during the procedureand postprocedure.76 PDT has also been per-formed in patients undergoing high-frequencyoscillatory ventilation.77 Despite these data, it ispreferable to perform PDT when hypoxic respira-tory failure and PEEP requirements have improved.Unfortunately, ICU patients often have underly-

ing coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia related totheir comorbid conditions. Critically ill patientsmay also require treatment of medical issueswith aspirin and clopidigrel or venous thromboem-bolic prophylaxis with heparin products. As aresult, they are often at higher risk for procedure-related bleeding. There is wide variability in physi-cian practices regarding periprocedural holdingof anticoagulation,78 but prophylactic anticoagula-tion may not adversely affect bleeding risk.78,79

Prothrombin time,80 activated partial throm-boplastin time,79 and thrombocytopenia79,80

are associated with increased PDT proceduralbleeding risk. These data are contradicted, how-ever, by a small prospective, randomized trialdemonstrating no difference in bleeding whencoagulopathy or thrombocytopenia was correctedwith fresh frozen plasma or platelet transfusion.81

PDT has also been successfully performed in pa-tients with refractory coagulopathy from severeliver disease82 and organ transplant.83 AlthoughPDT has been successfully performed in thesehigh-risk populations, further studies to evaluatethe risk of bleeding from coagulopathy and throm-bocytopenia are needed.

Part of the appeal of PDT is the relativesimplicity of the procedure, which allows it to beadapted to potentially difficult situations. PDThas been safely performed in several situationswhere the patient may be at higher risk for compli-cations. Additional circumstances where PDT hasbeen successfully used include establishment ofan emergent airway,84 prior tracheostomy,80,85,86

thyromegaly,86 difficult airway,87 and extremeage.88 However, it is important to recognize thatthe physician’s experience is crucial when evalu-ating if PDT can be safely performed; demonstra-tion of the ability to perform PDT in a few selectcases does not imply that PDT is the methodof choice in all cases involving these patientpopulations.


PDT can be safely performed by a variety ofphysician specialists, including interventionalpulmonologists, medical critical care intensivists,neurointensivists, surgeons, and anesthesiolo-gists.47,89–92 Specific training is required to performPDT with most guidelines using expert opinion todetermine a recommended number of proceduresto be used as a surrogate marker for the establish-ment of procedural competency. Although pro-cedure volume is not the only determinant ofcompetency, procedural outcomes in other spe-cialties have been demonstrated to be directlyrelated to outcomes.93 Procedural simulation hasalso been used for PDT training.94 The AmericanCollege of Chest Physicians recommends a mini-mum of 20 procedures, whereas the AmericanThoracic Society and European Respiratory Soci-ety recommend 5 to 10 procedures before perform-ing PDT independently with a minimum of 10procedures per year to maintain proficiency.95,96

In addition, it is recommended that physiciansperforming PDT have extensive experience inairway management and the treatment of criticallyill patients.96


There are numerous indications for PDT place-ment in the management of chronic respiratoryfailure. PDT has been safely performed by surgicaland medical physicians, including critical careintensivists and interventional pulmonologists.There are multiple methods of performing the pro-cedure and the single dilator variant of the Ciagliamethod is currently the most widely used. PDTcompares favorably with surgical tracheostomyin regards to procedure time, complications, andcost. Flexible bronchoscopy is commonly used

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