performance analysis of mutual funds in india

Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds in India By Prof. P. Aranganathan MBA, PhD H.O.D. of Management Studies Mr. M. Arun Kumar MBA Dept. of Management Studies MIET Engineering College Trichy - Tamil Nadu  ABSTRACT In a growing country lie India! capital maret plays an important role to sta"ili#e the $conomic growth! strengthen industrial performance! and pro%ide %arious in%estment a%enues to the in%estors to help the %arious industries and to ensure the profita"le return. &mong %arious financial products! mutual fund ensures the minimum riss and ma'imum return to the in%estors! its ha%ing own policies! terms conditions that are different from other products! so the maret %olatili#ation will not mae more effect in return. &ccording to the (lo"al &sset Management )**+ ,eport from Boston onsulting (roup! India- managed assets will e'ceed more than / trillion "y )*/0. This means an annual growth rate of )/1 for the ne't nine years. The Indian mutual funds industry has "een growing at a healthy pace of /+.+2 per cent for the past eight years and the trend will mo%e further as has "een emphasi#ed "y the report. 3ith the entrance of new fund houses and the introduction of new funds into the maret! in%estors are now "eing presented with a "road array of Mutual 4und choices. The total asset under management of Mutual 4und industry rose "y 5.601 from ,s.7*5507.*6 crores to 775)7).6+ crores in No%em"er ! )**+ as pu"lished "y &M4I. In /528! its si#e was ,s ./!*** crores! which went up to ,s. 6!/** crores in /55/ and su"se9uently touched a figure of ,s.8)!*** crores in /552. Since then this figure has "een increasing tremendously and thus re%ealing the efficiency of growth in the mutual fund industry. It has generally "een o"ser%ed that as the (D:. Here the author discussed a"out performance measures of mutual funds. ITR!"#CTI! There are a lot of in%estment a%enues a%aila"le today in the financial maret for an in%estor with an in%esta"le surplus. He can in%est in Ban Deposits! orporate De"entures! and Bonds where there is low ris "ut low return. He may in%est in Stoc of companies where the ris is high and the returns ar e also proportionately high. The recent trends in the Stoc Maret ha%e shown that an a%erage retail in%estor always lost with periodic "earish tends. :eople "egan opting for portfolio managers with e'pertise in stoc marets who would in%est on their "ehalf. Thus we had wealth management ser%ices pro%ided "y many institutions. Howe%er they pro%ed too costly for a small in%estor . These in%estors ha%e found a good shelter with the mutual funds. The Indian mutual funds industry is witnessing a rapid growth as a result of infrastructural de%elopment! increase in personal financial assets! and rise in foreign participation. 3ith the growing r is appetite! rising

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Page 1: Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds in India

8/15/2019 Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds in India 1/12

Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds in India


Prof. P. AranganathanMBA, PhD

H.O.D. of Management Studies

Mr. M. Arun KumarMBA

Dept. of Management Studies

MIET Engineering CollegeTrichy - Tamil Nadu



In a growing country lie India! capital maret plays an important role to sta"ili#e the $conomic gro

strengthen industrial performance! and pro%ide %arious in%estment a%enues to the in%estors to help%arious industries and to ensure the profita"le return. &mong %arious financial products! mutual fu

ensures the minimum riss and ma'imum return to the in%estors! its ha%ing own policies! termsconditions that are different from other products! so the maret %olatili#ation will not mae more ef

return. &ccording to the (lo"al &sset Management )**+ ,eport from Boston onsulting (roup! Indmanaged assets will e'ceed more than / trillion "y )*/0. This means an annual growth rate of )/1

the ne't nine years. The Indian mutual funds industry has "een growing at a healthy pace of /+.+2 cent for the past eight years and the trend will mo%e further as has "een emphasi#ed "y the report

the entrance of new fund houses and the introduction of new funds into the maret! in%estors are n"eing presented with a "road array of Mutual 4und choices. The total asset under management of M4und industry rose "y 5.601 from ,s.7*5507.*6 crores to 775)7).6+ crores in No%em"er! )**+ as

pu"lished "y &M4I. In /528! its si#e was ,s./!*** crores! which went up to ,s. 6!/** crores in /55

su"se9uently touched a figure of ,s.8)!*** crores in /552. Since then this figure has "een increasitremendously and thus re%ealing the efficiency of growth in the mutual fund industry. It has genera

"een o"ser%ed that as the (D:. Here the author discussed a"out performance measures of mutual


There are a lot of in%estment a%enues a%aila"le today in the financial maret for an in%estor with anin%esta"le surplus. He can in%est in Ban Deposits! orporate De"entures! and Bonds where there i

ris "ut low return. He may in%est in Stoc of companies where the ris is high and the returns are proportionately high. The recent trends in the Stoc Maret ha%e shown that an a%erage retail in%es

always lost with periodic "earish tends. :eople "egan opting for portfolio managers with e'pertise inmarets who would in%est on their "ehalf. Thus we had wealth management ser%ices pro%ided "y m

institutions. Howe%er they pro%ed too costly for a small in%estor. These in%estors ha%e found a goodshelter with the mutual funds.

The Indian mutual funds industry is witnessing a rapid growth as a result of infrastructural de%elopm

increase in personal financial assets! and rise in foreign participation. 3ith the growing ris appetite

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income! and increasing awareness! mutual funds in India are "ecoming a preferred in%estment optiocompared to other in%estment %ehicles lie 4i'ed Deposits ;4Ds< and postal sa%ings that are conside

safe "ut gi%e comparati%ely low returns! according to =Indian Mutual 4und Industry=. Mutual fund inhas seen a lot of changes in past few years with multinational companies coming into the country! "

in their professional e'pertise in managing funds worldwide. In the past few months there has "een

consolidation phase going on in the mutual fund industry in India. Now in%estors ha%e a wide rangeSchemes to choose from depending on their indi%idual profiles. In this research paper the authors hdiscussed the growth of mutual funds in India! latest trends! glo"al scenarios and also analy#ed top

prominent mutual funds schemes.

$hat is mutual fund%

& mutual fund is >ust the connecting "ridge or a financial intermediary that allows a group of in%esto

pool their money together with a predetermined in%estment o">ecti%e. The mutual fund will ha%e a manager who is responsi"le for in%esting the gathered money into specific securities ;stocs or "ond

3hen you in%est in a mutual fund! you are "uying units or portions of the mutual fund and thus on

in%esting "ecomes a shareholder or unit holder of the fund.

Mutual funds are considered as one of the "est a%aila"le in%estments as compare to others they arecost efficient and also easy to in%est in! thus "y pooling money together in a mutual fund! in%estors

purchase stocs or "onds with much lower trading costs than if they tried to do it on their own. But"iggest ad%antage to mutual funds is di%ersification! "y minimi#ing ris ? ma'imi#ing returns.

&R!$T' !F M#T#A( F#"S I I"IA

The Indian Mutual 4und has passed through three phases. The first phase was "etween /5+6 and /

and the only player was the @nit Trust of India! which had a total asset of ,s. +!8** crores at the en/522. The second phase is "etween /528 and /557 during which period 2 4unds were esta"lished ;

"ans and one each "y AI and (I<. The total assets under management had grown to +/!*)2 crothe end of /556 and the num"er of schemes was /+8.

The third phase "egan with the entry of pri%ate and foreign sectors in the Mutual 4und industry in /

othari :ioneer Mutual 4und was the first 4und to "e esta"lished "y the pri%ate sector in associationforeign 4und.

&s at the end of financial year )***;7/st march< 7) 4unds were functioning with ,s. /! /7!**0 cror

total assets under management. &s on august end )***! there were 77 4unds with 75/ schemes anassets under management with ,s /! *)!265 crores.

The securities and $'change Board of India ;S$BI< came out with comprehensi%e regulation in /557defined the structure of Mutual 4und and &sset Management ompanies for the first time. Se%eral p

sectors Mutual 4unds were launched in /557 and /556. The share of the pri%ate players has risen ra

since then. urrently there are 76 Mutual 4und organi#ations in India managing /!*)!*** crores.

Ma)or ty*es of mutual funds

$ach fund has a predetermined in%estment o">ecti%e that tailors the fundCs assets! regions of in%estand in%estment strategies. At the fundamental level,there are three varieties of mutual funds:

/< $9uity funds ;stocs<

)< 4i'ed-income funds ;"onds<7< Money maret funds

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&ll mutual funds are %ariations of these three asset classes. 4or e'ample! while e9uity funds that in

fast-growing companies are nown as growth funds! e9uity funds that in%est only in companies of tsame sector or region are nown as specialty funds.

AetCs go o%er the many different fla%ors of funds. 3eCll start with the safest and then wor through tmore risy.

Money Mar+et Funds

The money maret consists of short-term de"t instruments! mostly Treasury "ills. This is a safe plac

par your money. ou wonCt get great returns! "ut you wonCt ha%e to worry a"out losing your princitypical return is twice the amount you would earn in a regular checingEsa%ings account and a little

than the a%erage certificate of deposit ;D<.

Bond,Income Funds

Income funds are named appropriatelyF their purpose is to pro%ide current income on a steady "asi

3hen referring to mutual funds! the terms =fi'ed-income!= ="ond!= and =income= are synonymous. terms denote funds that in%est primarily in go%ernment and corporate de"t. 3hile fund holdings ma

appreciate in %alue! the primary o">ecti%e of these funds is to pro%ide a steady cash flow to in%estorsuch! the audience for these funds consists of conser%ati%e in%estors and retirees.

Bond funds are liely to pay higher returns than certificates of deposit and money maret in%estme

"ut "ond funds arenCt without ris. Because there are many different types of "onds! "ond funds cadramatically depending on where they in%est. 4or e'ample! a fund speciali#ing in high-yield >un "o

much more risy than a fund that in%ests in go%ernment securities. 4urthermore! nearly all "ond fusu">ect to interest rate ris! which means that if rates go up the %alue of the fund goes down.

Balanced Funds 

The o">ecti%e of these funds is to pro%ide a "alanced mi'ture of safety! income and capital apprecia

The strategy of "alanced funds is to in%est in a com"ination of fi'ed income and e9uities. & typical"alanced fund might ha%e a weighting of +*1 e9uity and 6*1 fi'ed income. The weighting might a

restricted to a specified ma'imum or minimum for each asset class.

& similar type of fund is nown as an asset allocation fund. O">ecti%es are similar to those of a "alafund! "ut these inds of funds typically do not ha%e to hold a specified percentage of any asset class

portfolio manager is therefore gi%en freedom to switch the ratio of asset classes as the economy mo

through the "usiness cycle.

E-uity Funds

4unds that in%est in stocs represent the largest category of mutual funds. (enerally! the in%estmeo">ecti%e of this class of funds is long-term capital growth with some income. There are! howe%er! mdifferent types of e9uity funds "ecause there are many different types of e9uities. & great way to

understand the uni%erse of e9uity funds is to use a style "o'! an e'ample of which is "elow.

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Factors to e considered efore in/est in mutual fundsF

/. Maret ris

). Inflation rate7. redit ris

6. Interest rate ris0. Sta"ility of the political en%ironment

+. The di%ersification in the portfolio8. ,eturns in the N&G after ris ad>ustment

2. Si#e of the asset5. Ai9uidity offered.


PERI!" !F ST#"0

The growth oriented schemes! which ha%e "een floated "y the selected funds during the period Mar

)*// to 4e"ruary)*/)! ha%e "een considered for the purpose of the study. Monthly Net &sset Galue

as declared "y the rele%ant mutual funds from March )*// of a particular scheme to 4e"ruary)*/) "een used for the purpose. &ny missing %alue for the scheme and for the inde' series has "een e'c

to e9ualise the two.


4ollowing funds ha%e "een selected to study the performance of mutual fundsF

S.! Selected mutual funds

/ ,eliance (old $'change Traded 4und - Di%idend

) SBI (old $'change Traded Scheme

7 @TI (old $'change Traded 4und

6 uantum (old $'change Traded 4und - (rowth

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0 ota (old $T4

+ ,eligare (old $'change Traded 4und

8 HD4 (old $'change Traded 4und

2 &'is (old $T4

5 III :rudential (old $'change Traded 4und

/* (S (old Be$S


4or the purpose of this study! only growth schemes of the funds selected for which N&G %alues are

a%aila"le ha%e "een considered for studying the performance.


Basis for &nalysis

Net &sset Galue ;N&G< is the "est parameter on which the performance of a mutual fund can "e stu3e ha%e studied the performance of the N&G "ased on the compounded annual return of the Schem

terms of appreciation of N&G! di%idend and "onus issues. 3$ ha%e compared the &nnual returns of schemes to get an idea a"out their relati%e standings.

G&A@&TION O4 M@T@&A 4@ND

The net asset %alue of the 4und is the cumulati%e maret %alue of the assets 4und net of its lia"ilitie

other words! if the 4und is dissol%ed or li9uidated! "y selling off all the assets in the 4und! this is th

amount that the shareholders would collecti%ely own. This gi%es rise to the concept of net asset %aluunit! which is the %alue! represented "y the ownership of one unit in the 4und. It is calculated simp

di%iding the net asset %alue of the 4und "y the num"er of units. Howe%er! most people refer looselyN&G per unit as N&G! ignoring the =per unit=. 3e also a"ide "y the same con%ention.

alculation of N&G

The most important part of the calculation is the %aluation of the assets owned "y the 4und. Once itcalculated! the N&G is simply the net %alue of assets di%ided "y the num"er of units outstanding. Th

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detailed methodology for the calculation of the net asset %alue is gi%en "elow.The net asset %alue is the actual %alue of a unit on any "usiness day. N&G is the "arometer of the

performance of the scheme.

The net asset %alue is the maret %alue of the assets of the scheme minus its lia"ilities and e'penseper unit N&G is the net asset %alue of the scheme di%ided "y the num"er of the units outstanding on

%aluation date.

TAB(E23 Sho4ing list of mutual fund schemes studied for the study

,an Scheme ame "ate A1 5Rs.6 (ast 37


/ ,eliance (old $'change Traded 4und -Di%idend

4e" /7 ! )*/) )+)*.78 7+./2

) SBI (old $'change Traded Scheme 4e" /7 ! )*/) )867.5 7+./8

7 @TI (old $'change Traded 4und 4e" /7 ! )*/) )+5).7/ 7+.//

6 uantum (old $'change Traded 4und -


4e" /7 ! )*/) /775.*7 7+.*5

0 ota (old $T4 4e" /7 ! )*/) )+5*.5 7+.*2

+ ,eligare (old $'change Traded 4und 4e" /7 ! )*/) )8++./8 7+.*0

8 HD4 (old $'change Traded 4und 4e" /7 ! )*/) )860.28 70.82

2 &'is (old $T4 4e" /7 ! )*/) )867.2/ 70.65

5 III :rudential (old $'change Traded


4e" /7 ! )*/) )8+).56 70.62

/* (S (old Be$S 4e" /7 ! )*/) )+2*.72 70.6+

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To* 38 Funds 2 Period 5(ast 37 Months6 A1 1A(#E

Since the inception rate the N&G has "een increased upto82.20rs in III :rudential 4M( -

(rowth "ecause! III is ha%ing +01 of online trading through! followed "y ,

(old $'change Traded 4und - Di%idend stands in )nd ran comparing in last /) months. But III:rudential (old $'change Traded 4und stands in last ran! "ecause it only ha%e increased small le%

inception point.

Calculation of ris+ and return

,is and return has to "e calculated and measured "y company and concerned "oard to pro%ide proinstructions! guidelines a"out mutual funds schemes to in%estors to help them to a%oid unnecessary

Here the ris and return ha%e "een analy#ed on leading mutual schemes with the help of statistical

such as mean! standard de%iation! sharpie ratio! "eta! and correlation.



Scheme ame Ty*e Mean S" Shar*ieRatio

BETA Correlatio

No% )/! )*// ,eliance (old$'change Traded

4und - Di%idend

Open ended *.66 ).8/ *./) /.*+ /./*

May /2!)**5 SBI (old $'change

Traded Scheme

Open ended *.65 )./) *./5 /.*) *.28

&pril /*!)**8 @TI (old $'change Open ended *.60 ).8) *./7 /.*+ /.//

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8/15/2019 Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds in India 8/12

Traded 4und

4e" ))!)**2 uantum (old

$'change Traded4und - (rowth

Open ended *.60 ).8* *./7 /.*+ /./*

uly )8!)**8 ota (old $T4 Open ended *.68 ).8* *./6 /.*+ /.*5

March /)!)*/*

,eligare (old$'change Traded


Open ended *.05 ).)/ *.)) /.*/ *.5/

&ug /7! )*/* HD4 (old$'change Traded


Open ended *.05 ).)5 *.)/ /.** *.57

No% /*!)*/* &'is (old $T4 Open ended *.02 ).62 *./5 /./* /.*7

&ug )6! )*/* III :rudential

(old $'changeTraded 4und

Open ended *.0+ ).77 *.)* /.** *.50

March 2! )**8 (S (old Be$S Open ended *.60 ).8/ *./7 *.** N&


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@TI (old $'change Traded 4und N& N& N& N& ash ? ash


uantum (old $'change Traded

4und - (rowth

N& N& N& N& ash ? ash


ota (old $T4 N& N& N& N& ash ? ash


,eligare (old $'change Traded4und

N& N& N& N& ash ? ash$9ui%alent

HD4 (old $'change Traded 4und N& N& N& N& ash ? ash


&'is (old $T4 N& N& N& N& ash ? ash


III :rudential (old $'change

Traded 4und

N& N& N& N& ash ? ash


(S (old Be$S N& N& N& N& ash ? ash



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Jhere a o%erall maret cap! di%idend yield on leading schemes ha%e "een gi%en. &gain SBI

Magnum Sector 4unds scheme shows highest /.0+ di%idend yield! followed "y HD4"alanced fund! other schemes ha%e not yet shown di%idend yield. Those schemes are not



Mutual funds offer a wide product range! con%enience! ta'-efficiency and other facilities to

successfully implement a financial plan! these influence lot of in%estors to in%est in mutualfunds! also there is hectic competition has "een arisen in the capital maret. Different

scheme pro%iders pro%ide different facilities and follow inno%ati%e promotional techni9ues to

attract the new customers to sellout their products. omparati%ely performance of mutualfund scripts has to "e analy#ed properly. ompanies! regulating "odies such BS$! NS$! @TI

ha%e to arrange %arious tools! methods to analy#e the performance of the mutual fundswhich are in trade! and the right results! information to "e transparent to all the in%estors

who hold the mutual funds units. Implementation of technological techni9ues in measuringperformance! ris and return! portfolio selections! units allotted process will pro%ide

accurate results a"out the position of scheme in the maret that will induce the in%estors toin%est on mutual fund schemes.


&garwal! (.D.! /55)! =Mutual 4unds and In%estors Interest=! Chartered Secretary, Gol.))!

No./! )7-)6.

&>ay Srini%asan! /555! =Mutual 4undsF The New $ra=! Chartered Secretary ! Sept.!& )+).

(upta! A..! /556! Mutual Funds and Asset Preference! Society for apital Maret ,esearchand De%elopment! Delhi.

Ippolito! ,.! /55)! =onsumer reaction to measures of poor 9ualityF $%idence from Mutual

4unds=! Journal of Law and conomics! 70! 60-8*.

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Madhusudan G. am"odear! /55+! Mar!etin" Strate"ies of Mutual Funds # Current Practicesand Future Directions, 3oring :aper! @TI K IIMB entre for apital Marets $ducation and

,esearch! Bangalore.

Shanar! G.! /55+! =,etailing Mutual 4undsF & consumer product model=! $he%indu! uly )6!)+.

Shanmugham! ,.! )***! =4actors Influencing In%estment Decisions=! &ndian Ca'ital Mar!ets# $rends and Dimensions (ed)*, Tata Mc(raw-Hill :u"lishingompany Aimited! New Delhi!)***.

Gidya Shanar! S.! /55*! =Mutual 4unds K $merging Trends in India=! Chartered Secretary !

Gol.)*! No.2! +75-+6*
