perfume homework

The pose that this model is taking is an angelic pose this relates to the name of the perfume “beauty” because when people talk about about angels its usually how perfect and pure they are the purity links to the theme of the advert which is of the model In a plain white room and dress The angle that this picture was taken at tells the audience that she looks like an angel pure and beautiful. This advertisement also uses celebrity endorsement to promote their perfume

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Perfume Homework

The pose that this model is taking is an angelic pose this relates to the name of the perfume “beauty” because when people talk about about angels its usually how perfect and pure they are the purity links to the theme of the advert which is of the model In a plain white room and dress

The angle that this picture was taken at tells the audience that she looks like an angel pure and beautiful.

This advertisement also uses celebrity endorsement to promote their perfume

Page 2: Perfume Homework

Black and white tint on the advert makes the perfume bottle stand out from everything else

The woman holding onto Enrique iglesias shows the target audience which are men from their 20’s that if they wear this perfume ladies have a desire for them

“Pour Homme” is a french term which translates into“for man” in English this is another way how this advert conforms to the traditional perfume advertisement because the French are known worldwide for their knowledge of fashion and beauty

Page 3: Perfume Homework