person centered planning for your individualized plan

Person Centered Planning For Your Individualized Plan

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Person Centered Planning

For Your Individualized Plan

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What is Person Centered Planning (PCP)?

1. PCP is an approach to career development.

2. PCP helps people with disabilities develop and realize their dreams.

3. PCP helps people figure out what they want to do and help them organize a plan to get there.

4. PCP focuses on what the person wants rather than skills and limitations that person has.

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What is Person Centered Planning (PCP)?

“Person Centered Planning is a way of thinking about people that respects their interests, hopes, dreams, and desires. It is a process of discussion and self-evaluation in which a person discovers how he or she wants to live, and the person’s friends help explore what needs to be done to reach these goals.” --Tanya D. Whitehead, M.S.

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Who Is Involved in the Person Centered Planning Process?

Special Education Teacher

General Education Teacher

Community Members


Friends and Neighbors


Individual Person (Focal Person)

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The Facilitator

A good facilitator:1. Is committed to building an inclusive

school community.2. Have good listening skills.3. Be comfortable with both children and

adults.4. Understands the importance of each

person’s contribution.5. Remembers that they are to facilitate and

not dictate.

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The Elements of Person Centered Planning (PCP)

1. Planning does not just involve the one person, called a focal person. Planning involves friends, family, neighbors, and others people important in that person’s life. This is often called “the circle of support”.

2. Respect is shown to the focal person at all times. It is his/her life. It is his/her voice that is heard in all PCP activities of the circle of support. The PCP process is driven by the focal person and his/her family.

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The Elements of Person Centered Planning (PCP)

3. The focus of the planning is on the capabilities and strengths of the person rather than their deficits and weaknesses.

4. The focal person’s hopes and dreams are the starting point for goals to be developed during planning. The plan is positive and future orientated. It is the focal person’s vision.

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The Elements of Person Centered Planning (PCP)

5. PCP relies on community membership and commitment.

6. PCP relies on supports and connections over services. Services are more responsive to the individual.

7. PCP enables other individualized plans, such as ITP and IEP, to be developed.

8. Family input is not only important, it is a key element in PCP.

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When do you use Person Centered Planning (PCP)

PCP is used when developing ANY type of individualized plan.

1. IEPs

2. ITPs

3. Individualized plans for the terminally ill.

4. Individualized plans used for individuals in a group home.

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Who Benefits From Person Centered Planning (PCP)

Everyone, especially the focal person and his/her family, benefits from PCP.

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The Benefits of Person Centered Planning (PCP)

1. The person is happy being in charge and having a choice.

2. The family has an active voice in the process. They know more what’s going on.

3. The community gains a person who becomes more involved in the community.

4. The person learns how to advocate for him/herself.

5. The PCP team is supported and empowered.

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Person Centered Planning (PCP) Guidelines

The focal person sets the agenda. The meeting is facilitated by one or two people rather than led by a group of professionals.The participants vary. They include family, friends, and community members.The process is reflective rather than goal orientated in order to gain information.The meetings are held as needed rather than once a year.

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Person Centered Planning (PCP) Guidelines

Information is shared rather than just given from reports.

Informal assessments are valued.

The location of the meeting is decided together. The meeting area should be comfortable.

Brainstorming by all participants is used rather than lobbying.

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Person Centered Planning (PCP) Guidelines

The plan is based on the focal person’s strength. A person and their needs comes first. Availability is considered second.

The focal person and his/her family learn how to advocate.

The meeting brings hope to the focal person and his/her family.

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Person Centered Planning (PCP) Guidelines

The process includes organizational features that include involvement of consumers, community, family and friends.

The team communicates and collaborates rather than assign roles.

Resources are flexible in order to support the individual.

The person is living an individualized quality life.

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Person Center Plan Guidelines

The plan is simple and easy to understand.

The plan is based on the individual person and his/her vision.

The plan is focused on improvements in the quality of life.

The plan is flexible and recurring.

The plan is subject to evaluation.

The plan itself incorporates pictures as well as words.

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Four Components of a Person Centered Career Plan

1. Organizing Resources

Who is involved in the process?

What will the process look like?

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Four Components of Person Centered Career Plan

2. Figure out what makes a job a good job.Develop a profile of activities, likes, and dislikes with the focal person.With the focal person, find out about their choices. Why did they make those choices? What has influenced their choices? Why do they like or dislike certain activities?Talk with the person about their dreams, no matter how wild they are.

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Four Components of Person Centered Career Plan

Brainstorm ideas about possible jobs.

Look at possible barriers to succeeding in certain types of jobs. This is not to eliminate jobs but to find out how to overcome these barriers.

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Four Components of Person Centered Career Plan

3. Choose a job.Check to see if the job matches the Person Centered Plan’s goals. If not, see what compromises can be made.Is the place of employment an area where the person will want and fit in with?Does the person currently have the ability to do the job? If not, what training is needed? How will he/she get the training?

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Four Components of Person Centered Career Plan

4. Establish a lifelong process of planning and development.The person needs to know that if they are unhappy in their job, they can change jobs.The person needs to know about other job options.The person needs to know how to make those changes.

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MAPS is a PCP process to assist children with disabilities in regular education classroom and in the general school community. It is also used to help formulate a student’s IEP.

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The values guiding MAPS is:Inclusion of the student into the regular school community occurs at all levels.An educational and life plan is developed specifically to the needs and desires of the individual student.Teamwork and collaboration is needed in the planning process and in the steps needed to support the student.Flexibility

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MAPS questions:What is the person’s history?What is the person’s dream for his or her life?What is the person’s nightmare?Who is the person?What are the person’s gifts, talents, and strengths?What are the person’s needs?What should the action plan be?

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Personal Futures Planning

Personal Futures Planning emphasizes interdependence among people. When people come together as a group, individual strengths and talents are multiplied. Weaknesses become less significant. The plans made are part of an ongoing process for the person and his/her support circle. It addresses the decision making process of goal setting and the use of supports.

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Personal Futures Planning

Personal Futures Planning includes:

Finding out what the capacity of the person. What do they do well?

Discussions among the person and the circle of support which results in a plan or vision of the person’s choosing.

The vision is moved forward through action that is supported by a circle of friends.

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Essential Lifestyle Planning

Essential Lifestyle Planning (ELP) was developed to assist people in moving from institutions to community life. The process focuses on gathering information on individual values, preferences, and decisions.

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Essential Lifestyle Planning

The ELP plan should:

Communicate what is important to the individual person.

Define important activities, people, desires, routines, and goals of the individual person.

The ELP process is:



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Essential Lifestyle Planning

ELP questions:

People who know and care about the person/me say.…

To be successful in supporting the person, I need to….

The person’s/my reputation is….

If this is going to work we must….

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The Important Points

Person centered planning is an ongoing process.

Person centered planning involves personal choice and quality of life.

Person centered planning requires collaboration.