personal horoscope calendar - astro · the personal horoscope calendar is a newly developed...

Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR Personal Horoscope Calendar for Lhamo Dondrub One month January 2003 Nr. as26612.61-4i1 (part of 2003) Astrodienst AG, Dammstr. 23, Postfach (Station), CH-8702 Zollikon / Zürich Tel. 01 - 392 18 18, Fax 01 - 391 75 74 ( Vorwahl D,A: 0041-1 ) Internet, E-Mail [email protected]

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Page 1: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring



Horoscope Calendarfor Lhamo Dondrub

One month January 2003

Nr. as26612.61-4i1 (part of 2003)

Astrodienst AG, Dammstr. 23, Postfach (Station), CH-8702 Zollikon / ZürichTel. 01 - 392 18 18, Fax 01 - 391 75 74 ( Vorwahl D,A: 0041-1 )

Internet, E-Mail [email protected]

Page 2: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Text author ROBERT HAND

(Based on "Planets in Transit")


IllustrationsGerda Maier Kren

Copyright Astrodienst AG and Astral Research. All rights reserved. Version 1.116

Printed on 10-Jan-2004.


Your personal astrological calendar - a sample month

The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everydayastrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring dur-ing one year, offering interpretation text that is easy to read and understand with-out any astrological knowledge. In addition, it offers a whole range of very inter-esting and exact information for astrologers and all those who want to probe fur-ther into the matter themselves. With its compact size and spiral binding you cantake it with you almost anywhere.

THE STRUCTURE OF THE PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR:- Introduction (this page)- The planetary positions of your natal chart (next page).- A graphical table showing all long-term transits (page after the next).- The actual calendar section with interpretations for each day, two days per page.- A complete astrological ephemeris for the respective period of time, i.e. a table of planetary positions for each day.- An appendix with four pages of specific explanations.- An index for looking up cross-referenced transits.- A follow-up order form to mail or fax in for conveniently ordering the calendar that immediately follows the present one (last page to be torn out).

DAILY INFORMATION WITHIN THE CALENDAR SECTION:- For each day, there is an interpretation of your mood and situation, according to a select transit to your natal chart.- Cross-references to important long-range tendencies well worth looking up.- An illustration that may inspire reflection and meditation.- A bar diagram showing the duration of the transit interpreted.- A table of all transits to your natal chart occurring during the respective day; the time of exactness is given for each transit. The transit interpreted in the text is underlined.- The moon’s phases and it’s position in the zodiac. In addition you will also find the new and full moon marked on top of the respective page.- The monthly recurrence of the lunar angle at birth (fertile day according to Jonas).- The ingresses of the sun into a new sign of the zodiac.

p. 3 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 3: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Astrological data used for the Horoscope CalendarLhamo Dondrub (male)born 6 July 1935 time 04:38 UT 21-38in Tengster/Qinhai, CHINA longitude 101E12 latitude 36N32

A Sun Cancer 12d54’57 in house 1 (Placidus)B Moon Virgo 9f37’33 in house 3 LAB 56°43C Mercury Gemini 25c31’01 in house 12D Venus Leo 28e14’03 in house 3E Mars Libra 18g16’01 in house 4F Jupiter Scorpio 13h28’21 in house 5G Saturn Pisces 10l03’21 in house 9O Uranus Taurus 4b58’14 in house 11I Neptune Virgo 12f16’47 in house 3J Pluto Cancer 25d15’46 in house 1K Moon’s Node Capricorn 22j24’27 in house 7N Chiron Gemini 12c58’18 in house 12

Ascendant Cancer 6d38’54 Descendant Capricorn 6j38’542nd House Cancer 27d24’48 8th House Capricorn 27j24’483rd House Leo 20e00’29 9th House Aquarius 20k00’29Imum Coeli Virgo 17f39’35 Medium Coeli Pisces 17l39’355th House Libra 22g32’03 11th House Aries 22a32’036th House Sagittarius 1i28’12 12th House Gemini 1c28’12

Signs of the Zodiaca Aries e Leo i Sagittariusb Taurus f Virgo j Capricornc Gemini g Libra k Aquariusd Cancer h Scorpio l Pisces

Aspect symbolsm 0° Conjunctionn 180° Oppositiono 90° Squarep 120° Trineq 60° Sextile

Other symbols< New Moon = Moon First quarter z Solar eclipse> Full Moon ? Moon Last quarter { Lunar eclipse

Times given in the calendar are according to the time zone of:London UK

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 4

Overview of your long-term transits


Nov. Dec. Jan.2003

Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

NpI 12.1.03

NnA 22.1.03

NqF 28.1.03

FoF 30.1.03

« FqN 3.2.03

«OnD 4.2.03

»NqT 29.3.03

»IpN 16.4.03

« GmC 26.4.03

« GqD 18.5.03

«JqE 22.6.03

FqE 2.7.03

GqO 12.7.03

«JoT 17.7.03

»GmQ 26.7.03

FqC 6.8.03

»GqB 17.8.03

FmD 19.8.03

»GpG 25.8.03

FpO 19.9.03

»GqI 22.9.03

FqQ 27.9.03

»GmA 29.9.03

»FmB 12.10.03

»FnG 14.10.03

»FmI 26.10.03

»FoN 31.10.03

»FqF 3.11.03

»FnT 3.12.03

»NoE 29.12.03


Nov. Dec. Jan.2003

Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Interpretation text for the above transits is printed under the respective date.

p. 5 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 4: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Wednesday 1 Jan. 2003
















BnC16:04 BpD20:42 BoT02:45BqE03:46

A fruitful dialogue

Weak, transient effect: Today duringthe day you may experience a real con-flict between feelings and reason, oryou may have a very fruitful dialogueabout the state of your soul, either inter-nally or with another person. In the

first instance, old habits, prejudices andchildhood patterns of thought are verylikely to take precedence over what youusually consider reasonable; obviouslythis is not a good time to enter intodelicate negotiations or to engage in animportant discussion. As for the otherside of this influence, this is a goodtime to withdraw by yourself or withanother person and get in touch withyour feelings. As long as you recognizethat your emotions are emotions ratherthan rational judgments, you will nothave trouble with this influence. Infact, you can learn a great deal aboutyourself, because your feelings are veryclear.long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Thinking small" (26.4.03)

Thursday 2 Jan. 2003
















DpJ16:24 BnQ11:07 BnA21:56BpO08:14 BH 7 11:07 BpB16:15BpI20:50 BqG16:59 BqF22:54<12°01j20:23

<New Moon

A compulsive quality

This influence intensifies your emo-tional expression throughout the dayand makes your relationships more in-tense. You will feel your love forsomeone quite strongly today, and you

will be able to express it meaningfullyto your loved one. Sexual desire is alsostimulated by this influence, but only aspart of the overall emotional in-tensification. A new relationship thatstarts under this influence is likely to bequite intense. You feel drawn to anoth-er as if by magical power, because theother person represents something in-side you that needs expression througha love relationship. It is really thepower of your own psyche that youfeel. Such a relationship can be quitegood, although it is desirable that thecompulsive quality wear off before yousettle down to a long-term relationship.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Thinking small" (26.4.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 6

Friday 3 Jan. 2003
















AnA17:25 ApI02:26 BoE07:15BnJ19:32 BH 8 23:21 BqT06:11

At a critical point

The energies in your life are reaching aculmination now. This is the time to tryto bring your affairs to a climax, but donot expect to escape opposition fromother people, for others have ambitionsthat may be in conflict with yours.Even with those aspects of your life thathave been working out well and are

now reaching a climax, you are not yetpast the critical point. To achieve isone thing, but to incorporate theseachievements into your life and makethem part of your personal growth issomething else. You have builtstructures and organized your life invarious ways, and now you will experi-ence the consequences of thesestructures as they begin to react andinfluence your life. Yet you still havethe creative power to determine howyour own creations will recreate you.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Thinking small" (26.4.03)

Saturday 4 Jan. 2003
















AqF06:30 BoO12:50

The complete picture

This is an excellent day to be withfriends. You have a strong desire to beincluded in something larger thanyourself, to participate in group con-sciousness and activities. Today youare able to work harmoniously withothers, because you see that your ownbenefit is derived from that of thegroup. This is also a good time to re-flect on your life and to examine yourgoals and ideals. Your idealism willprobably be strong, but instead ofblindly assuming that everything willwork out ideally, you should make ageneral review of your plans for thefuture, working very carefully towardattaining your ideals. Also you put allthe disparate parts of your life togetherinto a complete picture, so that you can

understand the whole.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Looking inward" (11.2.03)

p. 7 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 5: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Sunday 5 Jan. 2003
















DoD18:09 BoF04:14 BpE13:03BH 9 16:16 BpN03:20

Doing nothing

Although this is normally a pleasantinfluence, producing good times andpleasant leisure, under some circum-stances it can be a period of testing tosee if relationships are on a sound foot-ing. The test may consist of situationsthat will determine your ability to main-tain your individuality within your im-portant relationships. This influenceproduces a tendency to compromiserather than to stand up for your beliefsand rights. Someone may take advant-age of your good nature at this time,

which is not a tremendous danger, butsomething to keep in mind when deal-ing with people today. At this timeyour energies are rather low, not so thatyou feel sick, but so that you feel likedoing nothing. Your work may not bedone carefully because your heart is notreally in it.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Looking inward" (11.2.03)

Monday 6 Jan. 2003
















BnD07:37 BqO20:23 BpC02:31BpQ23:35

Intensity of feeling

Weak, transient effect: This morningyou feel a desire for strong emotionalcontact with others. You want to be in-volved in relationships at this time, andyou don’t care whether or not they areperfectly smooth. What is important to

you now is the intensity of feeling andthe interchange with another person.For this reason, relations with lovedones can be either smooth or rough withthis influence. In fact, they are usuallygood, but if you are feeling negative forsome other reason, this influence willnot improve matters. On the otherhand, even discordant contact with aloved one is likely to do more goodthan harm now, because it releaseshidden tensions so that afterward youcan feel better about each other. Youshould use this time to learn somethingabout your relationships and yourattitudes toward them.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 8

Tuesday 7 Jan. 2003
















BnB05:18 BmG06:08 BnI10:25BoN11:46 BmT20:53 BpA11:39BpF12:44 BH 10 20:53 B∠12:48

Usually beneficial

Weak, transient effect: This morningyour moods are quite deep and youremotions powerful. If you are aware,all your contacts at this time will showyou how your emotional state affectsother people. This can be either goodor bad, but the growth in consciousnessis usually very beneficial. One problemwith this influence, however, is that youfind it difficult to see any point of viewbut your own. Also, in dealings with agroup there is a danger that you willfeel that your own interests and desiresare opposed to theirs, thus creating

more potential for disagreement. Youmust learn to detach yourself somewhatin order to observe your feelings inaction. Otherwise you will not be ableafterwards to evaluate what you saw.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03)

Wednesday 8 Jan. 2003
















AoE23:22 C#nJ12:47 AqT09:05BoC12:20 BpJ11:50

High energy

Your energy level will be high, perhapstoo high if you are not careful. Watchfor signs of irritable impatience withothers whenever things do not go ex-actly as you planned. Be assertive onlywhen the situation calls for it, notwhenever you feel like it. Also watchout for baseless conflicts with others,which you may not necessarily instigateyourself. Today you should be partic-ularly careful of conflicts with author-ities. Voice your complaints if they arelegitimate, but expect a certain amountof hostile reaction to them. Also becareful that the tone of your complaintdoes not aggravate this hostility. Whatyou get is usually a function of the en-

ergies that you put out. On the physicallevel, try to find an outlet for your vigo-rous energies.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Power play" (9.2.03)

p. 9 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 6: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Thursday 9 Jan. 2003
















BoQ10:32 EpJ19:59 DH 6 00:27BoA23:10 BqN23:16

Wrapped up

Weak, transient effect: Today duringthe day your emotions are strong whendealing with others, which can be eithergood or bad, depending on how youhandle it. On the plus side, it gives youa great deal of sensitivity toward others.You can feel their moods immediatelyand respond to them so that you areable to fit into any group you are with.You value emotional contacts now, andyou project feeling, warmth and con-cern to others. But on the negative side,this influence can also signify that youare so wrapped up in your moods thatyou can’t get out of yourself and relateto anyone else. In either case yourmoods are likely to fluctuate rather rap-idly, so do not take your emotions tooseriously at this time. You should make

an effort to be with others, becauseforcing yourself to relate will bring outthe better side of this influence.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03)

Friday 10 Jan. 2003
















EpJ BnE09:59 BH 11 18:38=a13:14

Considerable credit **

You should formulate objectives forlong-range efforts at this time. Find outwhat you want to change about yourselfand your world and get to work onthose changes. The energy you havenow will allow you to keep up asustained effort for a long time. Atwork you may be given an opportunityto wield more power and thereby bemore effective personally. But if youwork solely for your own benefit now,

you will sow the seeds of your own un-doing later on. You should work foryour own good and for the social goodby identifying your own needs withthose of society. If you do this, youwill be given considerable credit forwhat you do. Sometimes this influencebrings an opportunity to understandyour motivations and to operate fromthis new understanding.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 10

Saturday 11 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003

DH 6 BmO19:53 BpD06:12BoJ00:11 BqC00:42 BqQ23:17

Tacit agreements

Valid during several weeks: During thistime you will find it necessary to sub-ordinate your desire for amusement tothe needs of the present. In yourrelationships it may be necessary toconfront difficulties that you have nothandled earlier. Sometimes problemsin relationships arise when tacit agree-ments are not clear to both partners.This is a good time to discuss thoseagreements openly. This influence isgood for all matters relating to yourwork or profession. During this timeyou should enjoy good relationshipswith both superiors and employees.You understand how good interrelation-ships make it all work well. You arewilling to work with others to resolveany difficulties that may arise. Youmay gain financial or other favors, quite

unexpectedly, from your employer.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03)

Sunday 12 Jan. 2003


No De Ja03

Fe Mr Ap My Jn Jy Au Se Oc No De

NpI BnF13:04 BpB05:18BpI10:40 BqG06:10 BqA11:57BqT21:30

Home movies ***

Valid during many months: Under thisvery positive influence you may some-times be overcome by feelings of bliss,love and security. You may feel closelyconnected to the beauty of nature, or adivine principle whose presence yousee in everything and everyone. Yourfantasy life is likely to be very active,with the flood of images coming fromyour unconscious making you feel as ifyou were sitting in your own home cin-ema. This optimistic time will help youto see past events that were the cause ofmuch silent suffering in a more concili-

atory light. These might include feel-ings of weakness or inadequacy, orfears of being unable to cope with theharshness of everday reality, causingyou to seek refuge by distractingyourself through television, or turningto alcohol or food for comfort. You arenow more able to recognize that yourattempts to escape reality originatefrom a time when you felt that you had

p. 11 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 7: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

to protect yourself. This may have beencaused by others trying to persuade youthat you were either incapable or tooyoung to understand the world aroundyou.

This is a particularly good time to seekreconciliation with those who dis-appointed or let you down in some way.Your heightened intuition gives you thestrength and ability to see behind thescenes, which will help you to recog-nize that many things which you origi-nally found hurtful and embarrassinghave in fact enabled you to grow andmature. According to an old proverb, itis only in times of despair that the pupilseeks the teacher. This illustrates thatsuffering and disappointment are notonly indispensable for spiritual andpsychological development, but in theend also have healing properties.

Monday 13 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003

C#oE BoD18:37 BqJ12:43

Touchy and irritable

Valid during several weeks: Thisinfluence can be quite difficult. Youare inclined to feel touchy and irritableand to regard almost any communica-tion from another person as a challenge.And you will make this attitude so clearto people that they may even treadlightly around you for fear of settingyou off. Anyone who crosses you willbe told off in no uncertain terms. Theworst way to handle this influence, butwhat you are most likely to do, is to

identify your own ego with what youbelieve or think. This will make youact as if your very life were threatened,which of course it is not. If you have tofight for your beliefs, this influence canbe a help, but don’t look for a battle orcreate an issue where none exists.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "Out of proportion" (17.7.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 12

Tuesday 14 Jan. 2003
















EoD10:37 C#oE01:27 C#qT13:16BoB17:01 BoG17:51 BH 12 01:02BoI22:10 BmN23:31

A delicate equilibrium **

During this time you may try to assertyour individuality in a relationship.Sometimes this occurs when you feelthat you are giving too much in arelationship and getting too little. Orthe situation can be the exact opposite;that is, you have been giving too little,and your partner is resentful. Anysuccessful relationship, especially asexual one, is a delicate balancebetween the needs and desires of eachperson as an individual ego and theirdesire to achieve meaning through arelationship. The equilibrium is verydelicate and easily upset now. At this

time the two of you have to define whatyou want from each other. It is some-times necessary to be quite explicitabout what you want, because whateveris left unsaid may very well be the mainsource of conflict between you.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "Touchy and irritable" (13.1.03)

Wednesday 15 Jan. 2003
















AnJ20:11 BoT08:33 BpE09:42BmC23:30

Intense encounters

This influence indicates rather intenseencounters with other persons and cir-cumstances, which will reveal manyaspects of your life that you may nothave understood or may have chosen toignore. In particular, it signifies thatyou may have power struggles withothers, especially persons in authority,in which you will be forced to stand upfor your position. On the other hand,you must avoid being overweening anddomineering, because such an attitudewill only create conflicts that you willprobably lose, one way or another. Be

careful not to place yourself in sit-uations where you could be subjected toforce or violence. Avoid places withhigh crime rates, or take precautions ifyou must go into such areas. Some-times you can inadvertently draw vio-lence into your life without knowingwhy.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "With kid gloves" (22.1.03)

p. 13 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 8: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Thursday 16 Jan. 2003
















DoB22:36 NpI05:10 BmQ20:17BH 1 20:17 BqD04:37 BqO17:11

The appropriate outlet

This influence usually creates anamorous mood, making you want to re-late to another person. But there aresome problems, too, with this influence.If you are jealous and possessive ofyour partner, it may produce feelings oflove that are suffocating to her. Recog-nize that even the closest relationship

needs room to breathe, and avoid beingoverprotective and smothering. Yourpartner needs a lover, not a father!However, you will encounter this prob-lem only if you already tend to be pos-sessive in love. This type of emotionhas a positive side also, for it can betransmuted into a very warm, protectivekind of love that nourishes and supportsa lover. In itself the emotion is neithergood nor bad; it just has to find an ap-propriate outlet.

long-term: "Home movies" (see 12.1.03) long-term: "On a grand scale" (22.6.03) long-term: "With kid gloves" (22.1.03)

Friday 17 Jan. 2003
















DoG08:23 AH 8 22:53 BmA07:48BoE17:31 BpF08:49 BpT16:25BqI06:38 BpG02:34 BqB01:47

A radical reappraisal

On this day you will probably havedifficulty relating to others, feeling cooland reserved even toward those you

love. The problem is that you will haveto spend today reevaluating what youare getting out of your relationships andwhat you are putting into them. Youwill have a strong awareness of yourselfas an independent, even isolated humanbeing, realizing that no one can reallyget inside of you and feel what you feel.Obviously, this can lead to lonelinessand depression, but it can also lead to aradical reappraisal of your life and to asober consideration of yourself as ahuman being relating to other humanbeings. It is necessary to separateyourself from the illusions that runthrough even the best relationship andto look at what is really there.

long-term: "Home movies" (see 12.1.03) long-term: "On a grand scale" (22.6.03) long-term: "With kid gloves" (22.1.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 14

Saturday 18 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003

C#qF BmJ06:04 BH 2 09:54BoO23:15 >27°55d10:48

>Full Moon

An overall pattern

Valid during several weeks: Under thisinfluence your attention turns to thelarger issues in your life, and you willspend some time considering your over-all plans for the future. Your hopes andwishes are much more important today,for the daily concerns of your life donot seem to satisfy your desire for sig-nificance. Today it is not enough tomeet the demands of the day; you want

to understand how they fit into an over-all pattern. Being clear about what youwant out of life will help you greatly inyour dealings with other people. This isa very favorable time for all businessnegotiations, commercial transactionsand contract discussions. It is alsofavorable for dealings with the law.And all of this is because of your self-understanding today, helped by acertain generosity of feeling towardothers.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "With kid gloves" (22.1.03)

Sunday 19 Jan. 2003
















DoI10:42 C#qF00:53 EH 6 11:06BoF14:06 BqN13:14 BqE22:24

Soft lights

This influence stimulates your romanticimagination to a considerable degree,making you somewhat unrealistic inyour dealings with loved ones. Usuallythis is not serious; this day may bringpleasant times of soft lights and roman-

tic reveries. Daydreaming is also acharacteristic of this influence, which isfine unless it interferes with necessity.In fact, this daydreaming tendency canmanifest itself as artistic inspiration. Ifyou are an artist, creativity of a highorder can result. In relationships youmust be most careful. You may expectyour loved one to live up to an impos-sible romantic ideal that no one couldor should try to attain. In most casesthis influence has a short effect, con-stituting a passing mood and not asource of real problems.

long-term: "On a grand scale" (see 22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03) long-term: "With kid gloves" (22.1.03)

p. 15 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 9: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Monday 20 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003

C#nA02:41 DnN02:16 BmD15:31BH 3 01:24 BqC10:52 Ak11:53

Turbulence and difficulty

Valid during several weeks: Usuallythis influence increases the flow ofcommunication and ideas betweenyourself and other people. However, itcan also indicate serious ego conflictsand conflicts of will expressed verballyor through other means of communica-tions. If you are not careful how youuse your resources, you will encounterturbulence and difficulty. You may feelthat you have an urgent message todeliver today, and you may find itdifficult to wait for the chance to ex-press yourself. When you have saidwhat you wanted to say, others may bestrongly opposed to it. A compromisemay be necessary, but it will not beeasy to bring about except by introduc-

ing a third party into the discussion.Just be careful that the third party isreally neutral and that both you andyour opponent are convinced of that.

long-term: "With kid gloves" (see 22.1.03) long-term: "On a grand scale" (22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03)

Tuesday 21 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003

AH 8 BmB10:55 BnG11:39BmI15:25 BoN16:36 BqQ05:52BqA16:30 BqF17:27 BpO03:00

In the back ground

Valid during several weeks: Fortu-nately, with this transit you will have astrong desire to experience life on afeeling level, and this is just what you

need. One very real possibility at thistime is that an encounter with someonewill produce the need for very search-ing psychological self-inquiry or willforce very powerful changes in yourlife. This person may challenge yourvalue structure, or there may be apowerful intermeshing of your person-alities. On the material plane, thistransit can be a time of great concernabout finances or resources held jointlywith another person, such as a spouse orbusiness partner. By itself, this is nei-ther a good nor a bad indication; itsimply makes the issue important. Youmay also be worried about trying toborrow money or get financial backingfrom a bank.

long-term: "With kid gloves" (see 22.1.03) long-term: "On a grand scale" (22.6.03) long-term: "Home movies" (12.1.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 16

Wednesday 22 Jan. 2003


No De Ja03

Fe Mr Ap My Jn Jy Au Se Oc No De

NnA17:35 BoC13:49 BH 4 00:32BqJ13:23 BnT00:32

With kid gloves ***

Valid during many months: Thisinfluence can bring with it a verypainful or shameful episode - either foryou or for someone close to you.

During this time you are touchy and un-sure of yourself, and so you are easilyhurt or insulted, or you tend to behurtful yourself - there may be triggersfor these situations but in reality no ob-

vious cause. Maximum restraint iscalled for in all interpersonal inter-actions. You should really treat every-one with kid gloves to avoid doingharm to your relationships or toyourself. If you are already in disputewith someone, you should try to avoidthis person at this time. Whatever it isabout, an argument or difference ofopinion that you want to settle or con-tinue during this time, it would onlylead to meaningless, mutual pain.

This sensibility of yours or your

counterpart has to do with old injuriesfrom the past that begin to hurt againduring this influence. This is why youmay completely over-react in thepresent situation and so provoke a blowbelow the belt or risk losing face. Pre-sumably, neither you nor your counter-part would sink to these depths underother circumstances, and it is probablyalso true that the participants in thisaction truly regret it afterwards. Bythen, however, it could be too late.

If you want to avoid painful orembarrassing encounters during thistime, you should bring maximum con-sideration, sympathy and serenity to thefore in all interactions - even if youreally do not feel like it.

p. 17 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 10: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Thursday 23 Jan. 2003
















BoA19:12 BoQ08:37 BpN19:18

Take the time

Weak, transient effect: Tonight you willmeet some sort of challenge to thestructure of your daily life, that is, yourhome life, intimate relations, routinedaily contacts and so forth. All of ushave hidden tensions that cause us tooperate in ways that we do not under-

stand. The effect of this influence is tobring these tensions to the surface.Thus you may feel ill at ease withinyourself and have a bit more difficultyin getting along with others, particularlywith women. Now several small areasof your life may simultaneously reach acrisis that forces you to pay moreattention to what is happening. This isespecially likely to happen with sit-uations or persons that you have beentaking for granted. You should take thetime to correct little problems as theyarise and give them the attention thatthey require.

long-term: "With kid gloves" (see 22.1.03) long-term: "On a grand scale" (22.6.03) long-term: "Setting a future course " (28.1.03)

Friday 24 Jan. 2003
















BmE04:15 DoT10:30 DqE23:52BoJ16:06 BH 5 11:29 BpC16:32BqD21:09

Calm down

Weak, transient effect: This morning isnot a good time to discuss any issuesthat are critical to you, because you willfind it difficult to maintain your equili-brium and not fly off the handle. On

the other hand, if someone challengesyou unjustifiably, you certainly won’tback down without a fight. The mainproblem is that your sense of perspec-tive may be so distorted that you cannottell the important issues from the trivialones and will defend both with equalvigor. There is also the risk that youwill act hastily on many matters, im-pulsively and without foresight or plan-ning. All you seem to care about is ex-ercising your will and getting your ownway. Obviously with this influence,you must try to calm down and be will-ing to compromise on any issue that isnot really central to you.

long-term: "With kid gloves" (see 22.1.03) long-term: "On a grand scale" (22.6.03) long-term: "Setting a future course " (28.1.03)

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 18

Saturday 25 Jan. 2003
















AoO09:09 BnO08:36 BpQ11:27BpG17:16 BqB16:32 BqI21:03BmF23:06 BpA22:09 ?h08:33

Expect the unexpected

This can be a somewhat disruptiveinfluence, during which you are subjectto sudden upsets or to behavior that isupsetting to others. Under thisinfluence it is quite likely that you willnot follow your normal routine as onother days. There could be an automo-bile breaking down unexpectedly, asudden argument or an unexpected sep-aration from someone. The point is thatyou can expect the unexpected today.You are striving to break down youreveryday routine, and it would be bestto find ways of doing this intentionally,rather than waiting for it to happen. Letthe restless spirit within you express

itself. You need new air! You mayvery well discover a valuable aspect ofyourself that you never knew existed,because you were afraid to let it comeout.

long-term: "With kid gloves" (see 22.1.03) long-term: "Setting a future course " (28.1.03) long-term: "Enjoy the present" (4.2.03)

Sunday 26 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003

CnA04:36 BpT06:15 BpJ19:17

Turbulence and difficulty

Valid during several weeks: Usuallythis influence increases the flow ofcommunication and ideas betweenyourself and other people. However, itcan also indicate serious ego conflictsand conflicts of will expressed verbally

or through other means of communica-tions. If you are not careful how youuse your resources, you will encounterturbulence and difficulty. You may feelthat you have an urgent message todeliver today, and you may find itdifficult to wait for the chance to ex-press yourself. When you have saidwhat you wanted to say, others may bestrongly opposed to it. A compromisemay be necessary, but it will not beeasy to bring about except by introduc-ing a third party into the discussion.Just be careful that the third party isreally neutral and that both you andyour opponent are convinced of that.

long-term: "With kid gloves" (see 22.1.03) long-term: "Setting a future course " (28.1.03) long-term: "Enjoy the present" (4.2.03)

p. 19 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 11: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Monday 27 Jan. 2003
















BoG20:47 CqF10:47 BoB20:02BH 6 05:58 BoD00:23

A fleeting depression

Weak, transient effect: This influencecan indicate a period of fleetingdepression. Tonight you are inclined tofeel lonely and out of touch with others.Sometimes you have a pronouncedsense that no one loves you, whether ornot it is true. It is very important torealize that your moods and sensationsunder this influence often do not reflectreality, even though they seem to. Onearea where you can have real trouble isin relationships. You will find it unusu-

ally difficult to relate emotionally to an-other person during this time. Eitheryou are caught up in internal negati-vism, or you feel so cold and insensitivethat you do not register signals fromother people very well. This in turnleads to failures of communication andgenuine misunderstandings. Obviouslythis is not a good time to become in-volved in an emotionally delicate sit-uation.long-term: "Setting a future course " (see 28.1.03) long-term: "Enjoy the present" (4.2.03) long-term: "With kid gloves" (22.1.03)

Tuesday 28 Jan. 2003


No De Ja03

Fe Mr Ap My Jn Jy Au Se Oc No De

NqF13:53 BoT09:58 BqE11:01BoI00:38 BnN01:50 BnC23:39

Setting a future course ***

Valid during many months: Althoughthis is a long-term influence it can bedifficult to take advantage of. If morepowerful influences overshadow it youmay hardly notice its effects. As withother generally positive influences itrequires a conscious effort to reap anybenefits.

If in the past you have hurt or offendedpeople in your immediate environment- particularly colleagues at work - youwill now get an opportunity to makeamends. The person concerned may

attempt to bring up the matter again orsomehow take revenge. If this happenstry not to ignore the matter, or to inter-pret such behavior simply as being mal-ice. Admit to your mistakes, even ifthey were unintentional or you felt thatthe other person was simply over-react-ing, rather than inconsiderateness onyour part. This will help you to avoidsimilar situations in the future.

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 20

Another possibility is that you feel thatyou have been hurt, ignored or madefun of in some way. You were prob-ably angry and hurt at the time, but pre-tended to laugh along to avoid beingconsidered an old grumbler. You maynow be reminded of this situation bysomething similar threatening to happenagain. Take this opportunity to reactdifferently. Try to verbalize your feel-ings, even if it means having to admitthat you are sensitive and vulnerable.This may cause a certain amount ofconsternation, but it will also allowothers to see your more human side.

Wednesday 29 Jan. 2003

Dec. 2002 Jan. 2003 Feb. 2003


EH 6 BnQ19:10 BpD04:24BpO16:13 BH 7 19:10

Plenty of work *

Valid during several weeks: At thistime you will throw your ego energiesinto working hard and getting thingsdone. Now you are much more able todefer tomorrow’s pleasure for today’swork. In fact you are likely to take con-siderable pride in how much work you

can do during this time. So the bestway to handle this energy is to findplenty of work and do it. You may notwant to work for someone else; instead,you want the credit for your accom-plishments yourself, so that you areidentified with what you do. This canlead to conflicts with your superiors andgeneral difficulty in your work sit-uation. Even if you are the employer,there may be difficulty if the peoplewho work for you feel that you are notgiving them enough credit. The bestsolution is to maneuver yourself into aposition where you don’t have to workwith or for others any more than neces-sary.long-term: "Enjoy the present" (see 4.2.03) long-term: "Setting a future course " (28.1.03)

p. 21 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 12: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Thursday 30 Jan. 2003


No De Ja03

Fe Mr Ap My Jn Jy Au Se Oc No De

F#oF14:28 BnA06:14 BoE15:44BpI05:07 BqF07:13 BqT14:39BpB00:25 BqG01:11

Impending shortages ***

Valid during many months: With thisinfluence it is very important that youkeep your affairs from getting out ofhand. There is a strong tendency to ex-cess, which may make it impossible tokeep up with whatever you are involvedin, simply because it is more than youcan handle. Be particularly careful con-cerning financial matters, for you arelikely to spend without thinking, con-fident that there is an abundance ofmoney or other resources to back you

up. You may not notice the pinch im-mediately, but shortly after this periodyou may experience shortages that willbe severely exacerbated if you spendmoney foolishly now.

But money is not the only area of con-cern. You may be overcommitted toprojects that demand more time thanyou really have. So in every area ofyour life, make sure that you reallyhave the time or resources to do what

you have set out to do. Do not over-estimate the resources at your disposal.

If you avoid that pitfall, this can be avery fruitful influence, because it givesyou more confidence and optimism andallows you to undertake projects thatyou would ordinarily be reluctant totake on. Also your basically positiveattitude helps to ensure that your affairswill turn out the way you want.

Under this influence some persons ex-perience a kind of ego inflation inwhich they have delusions of grandeuror overestimate their self-importance.This can lead to arrogant behavior andinflated pride with little or no real sub-stance behind it.

What this influence does is test yoursense of proportion. You have to knowwhat you really can and cannot do andwho you really are. Insofar as you ful-fill those conditions, this influence willgive you apparent luck and greaterpower to achieve.

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 22

Friday 31 Jan. 2003
















DnC13:30 BnJ04:14 BoO21:43BH 8 08:05

The emotional consequences

This is a favorable time for communica-tion about love and relationships. Itwill not make the communication eithergood or bad, but it will help to ensurethat communication happens. You willthink about and want to discuss yourrelationships, not only love affairs butalso friendships and other kinds ofrelationships. This is a good time toconfront your partner with any prob-lems in your relationship. You may beable to reduce the tension between youbecause you are calm, rational anddetached. The rational side of your per-sonality does not take emotionalmatters seriously. It likes talk and in-tellectual exchanges, without givingthought to any emotional consequences.

Be careful of what you say aboutfriends and loved ones under thisinfluence.

long-term: "Enjoy the present" (see 4.2.03) long-term: "Setting a future course " (28.1.03) long-term: "Impending shortages" (30.1.03)

Saturday 1 Feb. 2003
















EoG18:52 EoB02:51 BoF13:13BpN12:18 BpE22:03 <12°09k10:49

<New Moon

p. 23 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 13: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Sunday 2 Feb. 2003
















AoF17:58 CoE20:08 CqT04:32DpD23:46 ApN06:07 BnD16:36BH 9 01:16 BpC11:31

Monday 3 Feb. 2003


No De Ja03

Fe Mr Ap My Jn Jy Au Se Oc No De«

F#qN08:33 BnB14:09 BmG14:59BnI19:14 BoN20:34 BpQ08:29BpA20:28 BpF21:32 BqO05:18

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 24

Tuesday 4 Feb. 2003


No De Ja03

Fe Mr Ap My Jn Jy Au Se Oc No De«

OnD BmT05:37 BoC20:55BH 10 05:37 BpJ20:25

Wednesday 5 Feb. 2003
















EoI05:48 BoQ18:55

p. 25 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 14: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Thursday 6 Feb. 2003
















EnN07:36 BoA07:27 BnE18:13BqN07:34 B∠09:23

Friday 7 Feb. 2003
















ApE11:25 OnD22:29 BoJ08:22BH 11 02:50 BpD14:23 BqC08:53

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 26

JANUARY 2003 00:00 UT = 00:00 loc. timeDay Sid.t A B C D E F G O I J K L NW 1 6 405610j 8’12 16i 2 28j11 23h40 19h34 16°R53 24°R27 26k16 9k34 18i17 7c 2 8°R29 10j45T 2 6 4453 11° 9’23 0j10 28°25 24°37 20°13 16e48 24c22 26°18 9°36 18°19 6°59 8c27 10°51F 3 6 4849 12°10’34 14° 7 28°R27 25°34 20°51 16°43 24°17 26°21 9°38 18°21 6°55 8°24 10°57S 4 6 5246 13°11’45 27°47 28°19 26°32 21°30 16°37 24°13 26°24 9°40 18°23 6°52 8°19 11° 4

S 5 6 5642 14°12’56 11k 9 27°59 27°30 22° 9 16°31 24° 8 26°27 9°42 18°25 6°49 8°12 11°10M 6 7 039 15°14’07 24°10 27°27 28°28 22°48 16°26 24° 4 26°29 9°44 18°27 6°46 8° 6 11°16T 7 7 435 16°15’17 6l52 26°43 29°27 23°26 16°20 24° 0 26°32 9°46 18°30 6°43 8° 0 11°22W 8 7 832 17°16’27 19°15 25°49 0i27 24° 5 16°14 23°55 26°35 9°48 18°32 6°40 7°54 11°28T 9 7 1228 18°17’37 1a23 24°45 1°27 24°44 16° 7 23°51 26°38 9°51 18°34 6°36 7°51 11°34F 10 7 1625 19°18’46 13°20 23°34 2°27 25°22 16° 1 23°47 26°41 9°53 18°36 6°33 7°49 11°40S 11 7 2022 20°19’55 25°10 22°17 3°28 26° 1 15°54 23°43 26°44 9°55 18°38 6°30 7°D49 11°46

S 12 7 2418 21°21’03 7b 0 20°58 4°30 26°40 15°48 23°38 26°47 9°57 18°40 6°27 7°50 11°52M13 7 2815 22°22’10 18°54 19°38 5°31 27°18 15°41 23°34 26°50 9°59 18°42 6°24 7°52 11°58T 14 7 3211 23°23’17 0c57 18°21 6°33 27°57 15°34 23°30 26°53 10° 2 18°44 6°20 7°53 12° 4W15 7 36 8 24°24’24 13°13 17° 7 7°36 28°36 15°27 23°27 26°56 10° 4 18°46 6°17 7°R53 12°10T 16 7 40 4 25°25’30 25°47 16° 1 8°38 29°14 15°20 23°23 26°59 10° 6 18°48 6°14 7°51 12°16F 17 7 44 1 26°26’35 8d40 15° 1 9°41 29°53 15°13 23°19 27° 2 10° 8 18°50 6°11 7°47 12°21S 18 7 4758 27°27’40 21°52 14°11 10°45 0i32 15° 6 23°15 27° 5 10°10 18°51 6° 8 7°41 12°27

S 19 7 5154 28°28’44 5e24 13°30 11°48 1°10 14°58 23°12 27° 8 10°13 18°53 6° 5 7°33 12°33M20 7 5551 29°29’47 19°12 12°58 12°52 1°49 14°51 23° 8 27°11 10°15 18°55 6° 1 7°24 12°39T 21 7 5947 0k30’50 3f12 12°36 13°57 2°28 14°43 23° 5 27°14 10°17 18°57 5°58 7°15 12°45W22 8 344 1°31’53 17°21 12°22 15° 1 3° 6 14°36 23° 2 27°18 10°19 18°59 5°55 7° 7 12°51T 23 8 740 2°32’55 1g33 12°D18 16° 6 3°45 14°28 22°58 27°21 10°22 19° 1 5°52 7° 1 12°57F 24 8 1137 3°33’56 15°45 12°21 17°11 4°24 14°20 22°55 27°24 10°24 19° 2 5°49 6°57 13° 2S 25 8 1533 4°34’57 29°55 12°33 18°16 5° 2 14°13 22°52 27°27 10°26 19° 4 5°46 6°D56 13° 8

S 26 8 1930 5°35’58 14h 0 12°51 19°22 5°41 14° 5 22°49 27°31 10°28 19° 6 5°42 6°56 13°14M27 8 2327 6°36’58 28° 0 13°15 20°28 6°20 13°57 22°46 27°34 10°31 19° 8 5°39 6°56 13°19T 28 8 2723 7°37’58 11i55 13°46 21°34 6°58 13°49 22°44 27°37 10°33 19° 9 5°36 6°R57 13°25W29 8 3120 8°38’57 25°43 14°22 22°40 7°37 13°41 22°41 27°40 10°35 19°11 5°33 6°55 13°31T 30 8 3516 9°39’56 9j23 15° 2 23°47 8°16 13°33 22°38 27°44 10°38 19°13 5°30 6°51 13°36F 31 8 391310k40’53 22j54 15j47 24i53 8i54 13e25 22c36 27k47 10k40 19i14 5c26 6c44 13j42

FEBRUARY 2003 00:00 UT = 00:00 loc. timeDay Sid.t A B C D E F G O I J K L NS 1 8 43 911k41’50 6k14 16j37 26i 0 9i33 13°R17 22°R33 27k50 10k42 19i16 5c23 6°R34 13j47

S 2 8 47 6 12°42’46 19°20 17°29 27° 7 10°12 13e 9 22c31 27°54 10°44 19°17 5°20 6c22 13°53M 3 8 51 2 13°43’40 2l10 18°25 28°15 10°50 13° 1 22°29 27°57 10°47 19°19 5°17 6°10 13°58T 4 8 5459 14°44’33 14°45 19°24 29°22 11°29 12°53 22°27 28° 1 10°49 19°21 5°14 5°58 14° 4W 5 8 5856 15°45’25 27° 5 20°26 0j30 12° 7 12°45 22°25 28° 4 10°51 19°22 5°11 5°47 14° 9T 6 9 252 16°46’16 9a12 21°30 1°38 12°46 12°37 22°23 28° 7 10°54 19°23 5° 7 5°38 14°15F 7 9 649 17°47’05 21° 8 22°37 2°45 13°25 12°29 22°21 28°11 10°56 19°25 5° 4 5°32 14°20S 8 9 1045 18°47’53 2b57 23°46 3°54 14° 3 12°21 22°20 28°14 10°58 19°26 5° 1 5°29 14°25

S 9 9 1442 19°48’39 14°46 24°57 5° 2 14°42 12°13 22°18 28°18 11° 0 19°28 4°58 5°28 14°30M10 9 1838 20°49’24 26°38 26° 9 6°10 15°20 12° 6 22°17 28°21 11° 3 19°29 4°55 5°D28 14°36T 11 9 2235 21°50’08 8c40 27°23 7°19 15°59 11°58 22°15 28°25 11° 5 19°30 4°52 5°R28 14°41W12 9 2631 22°50’49 20°57 28°39 8°27 16°37 11°50 22°14 28°28 11° 7 19°32 4°48 5°27 14°46T 13 9 3028 23°51’30 3d33 29°57 9°36 17°16 11°42 22°13 28°31 11° 9 19°33 4°45 5°24 14°51F 14 9 3425 24°52’08 16°33 1k16 10°45 17°55 11°35 22°12 28°35 11°12 19°34 4°42 5°18 14°56S 15 9 3821 25°52’45 29°57 2°36 11°54 18°33 11°27 22°11 28°38 11°14 19°35 4°39 5°10 15° 1

S 16 9 4218 26°53’20 13e47 3°57 13° 3 19°12 11°20 22°10 28°42 11°16 19°36 4°36 4°59 15° 6M17 9 4614 27°53’54 27°59 5°20 14°13 19°50 11°12 22°10 28°45 11°18 19°38 4°32 4°47 15°11T 18 9 5011 28°54’26 12f27 6°44 15°22 20°29 11° 5 22° 9 28°49 11°20 19°39 4°29 4°35 15°16W19 9 54 7 29°54’57 27° 4 8° 9 16°31 21° 7 10°58 22° 9 28°52 11°23 19°40 4°26 4°24 15°20T 20 9 58 4 0l55’26 11g43 9°35 17°41 21°45 10°51 22° 8 28°56 11°25 19°41 4°23 4°15 15°25F 21 10 2 0 1°55’54 26°17 11° 2 18°51 22°24 10°44 22° 8 28°59 11°27 19°42 4°20 4° 9 15°30S 22 10 557 2°56’21 10h41 12°31 20° 1 23° 2 10°37 22°D 8 29° 3 11°29 19°43 4°17 4° 6 15°34

S 23 10 954 3°56’46 24°53 14° 0 21°11 23°41 10°30 22° 8 29° 6 11°31 19°44 4°13 4° 5 15°39M24 10 1350 4°57’10 8i50 15°31 22°21 24°19 10°23 22° 8 29°10 11°33 19°45 4°10 4° 5 15°44T 25 10 1747 5°57’33 22°33 17° 2 23°31 24°58 10°16 22° 9 29°13 11°35 19°46 4° 7 4° 4 15°48W26 10 2143 6°57’55 6j 4 18°35 24°41 25°36 10°10 22° 9 29°16 11°38 19°46 4° 4 4° 2 15°52T 27 10 2540 7°58’15 19°22 20° 8 25°51 26°14 10° 4 22° 9 29°20 11°40 19°47 4° 1 3°57 15°57F 28 10 2936 8l58’33 2k30 21k43 27j 2 26i53 9e57 22c10 29k23 11k42 19i48 3c58 3c49 16j 1

p. 27 as26612.61-4i1 Lhamo Dondrub

Page 15: Personal HOROSCOPE CALENDAR - Astro · The PERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is a newly developed everyday astrological companion. It contains all important personal transits occurring

Explanations i

ASTROLOGICAL TERMS AND SYMBOLSThe text does not use special astrological terms and can be read without any pre-vious astrological knowledge. The astrological symbols for planets, aspects andsigns of the zodiac occur only in the tables. All astrological symbols are explainedat the beginning of the calendar, on the page with your horoscope data (page 4).

LONG-TERM ISSUESA short-term transit as interpreted on most days may often pass unnoticed. There-fore you should not be surprised if sometimes the text of a certain day does notseem to fit properly. You should always keep an eye on your long-term transits; tothat end, you will on most days find cross-references to long-term issues which canbe looked up under the respective dates. In order to spot and look up long-termissues you may also find the overview on page 5 very helpful.

SELECTION OF TRANSITSThe transits of the Sun, Moon, Mercury through Pluto as well as Chiron are takeninto consideration. In your natal chart, the same planets, the AC (Ascendant), MC(Midheaven) and the 0°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 180° aspects are considered. With the"swift" planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, transits through the housesof your natal chart are also used for interpretation.

On most days there will be several transits, the most important of which is chosenfor interpretation. However, care is taken that not too many text repetitions occurwithin the calendar. If an already interpreted transit recurs and there is also anoth-er transit during that day, often the latter will be selected for interpretation. How-ever, no interpretation text is lost through this selection, on the contrary: using theindex, you can easily find the day on which each transit is interpreted and thenlook it up there.Important transits are marked with ***, ** or * next to the title.

The transits of the Moon are usually noticeable for about half a day, very often asmoods rather than anything else. These transits are only used for interpretation ifthere are really no other important transits. However, they can be important inconnection with eclipses (->).

Many transits last considerably longer than just a day, sometimes up to severalweeks or months. Transits of the slow moving planets may last up to two years.

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 28

Explanations ii

In these cases, assigning them to a certain day is not as important. Therefore theselong-term transits are often interpreted under a day on which there are no other im-portant issues, even if the transit becomes exact a few days earlier or later. Such"shifted" transits can be recognized by the fact that in these cases no time is given.The date of exactness can easily be determined from the bar graph. The index lists"shifted" transits several times: for the days on which they are interpreted (under-lined) and for the days of their exactness. "Swift" transits, too, may be shifted tothe day before or after, if they become exact during the early morning hours or lateat night.

TRANSITS OF THE FAST MOVING PLANETSOn most days you will find the transit of a fast moving planet to be the topic of theday. But how important are these transits after all? They usually last but half aday. Only if Mercury, Venus or Mars are retrograde or if the transit of a planetthrough a house of your natal chart is considered will a certain transit be relevantfor several weeks.Doubtlessly the underlying mood of a longer period of your life is indicated bytransits of the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, theramifications of which can be noticeable for several months or even years. Butjust as it would be quite boring to read the same things in the newspaper or watchthe same news on television every day, it would be wrong to concentrate uponlong-term transits exclusively. The everyday issues corresponding to the dailynews are just as important for the continuous designing of our daily lives as thelong-term tendencies are in designing our life as a whole.This is also how the difference between the TRANSITS OF THE YEAR and thePERSONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR is to be understood. Both rely on tran-sits and their interpretations as given in the text by Robert Hand; however, in theformer case analysis concentrates on the underlying tendencies of a longer periodof time, whereas in the latter case each day is taken by itself and considered as asingle "period" of time. Just as a political magazine and a newspaper supplementeach other rather than to compete, the TRANSITS OF THE YEAR and the PER-SONAL HOROSCOPE CALENDAR both have their own inherent value.

THE PHASES OF THE MOONStrictly speaking, the full and new moon aren’t personal transits; however, theycan be quite important in connection with other short-term or midrange astrolog-ical influences. Important factors here are the natal house and the sign of thezodi-

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Explanations iii

ac in which the Moon is during these phases as well as the aspects to the natalchart formed by the Moon and the Sun simultaneously.Therefore, on days of a full or new moon, you will find not only the exact time ofthese events but also the Moon’s exact zodiacal position in the horoscope calendar.If you want to know which aspects are formed between the full or new moon andyour natal chart, you can find out from the aspect table by looking up the Moontransits nearest in time. All aspects within about 15 hours before or after the fullor new moon ought to be considered. The natal house in which the new or fullmoon stands can be found by going back one or two days until you find the lastchange of houses. The full or new moon has no significance by itself; rather, it hasa boosting or catalytic effect on the respective issue in the natal chart, the re-spective natal house and the respective natal aspects. The new moon indicates anew beginning within the corresponding area or issue, whereas the full moon in-dicates the phase during which the issue in question is most prominent. The cata-lytic effect of the new and full moon usually lasts until the next new or full moon,i.e. about 14 days.

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ECLIPSESOn the average, there are two lunar eclipses at full moon and two solar eclipses atnew moon per year. Lunar eclipses can be observed everywhere on earth wherethe moon is above the horizon at that time, whereas solar eclipses can only be seenwithin comparatively small areas. Astrologically, however, eclipses are consid-ered regardless of their visibility. They amplify the catalytic effect of any new orfull moon which consequently lasts for several months. Again, the house of yournatal chart in which the eclipse occurs will be affected as well as all planets whichare within a 10° orb of the eclipse or form an aspect with the eclipse. These caneasily be found by looking at the moon’s transits before and after the eclipse asdescribed above. You can get the basic outline of the issue in question by lookingup the corresponding text, again using the index.

INGRESSES OF THE SUN INTO THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIACEach month between the 18th and 23rd the sun enters a new sign of the zodiac.You will find this ingress in the list of transits of the according day. With thecardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn this defines the beginning of theseasons spring, summer, autumn and winter. Astrologically, the meaning of all in-gresses is to amplify or speed up the development of consciousness in the areastouched upon by the respective ingress.

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Explanations iv

LUNAR ANGLE AT BIRTHThe letters LAB in the list of aspects at the bottom of a page signify the recurrenceof the Sun-Moon angle of your birth horoscope. According to the astrology of Dr.Jonas this is the fertile day. In women’s horoscope calendars, this day is high-lighted by a the symbol ∠ on top of the page, just under the current date.

TIMES GIVENIn most cases, transits refer rather to moods, emotions and potentials than to con-crete events. Therefore the effects of transits cannot be expected to show exactlyon time. However, if you work with transits over a longer period of time you willrepeatedly be surprised how often events happen in almost exact synchronicitywith transits - not only in the sense of a self-fulfilling prophecy but also if you lookup the exact time of a transit only after an event has happened.In order to facilitate such studies the exact time is given for all transits. All timesgiven are calculated for the time zone you live in, also considering daylight sav-ings time if observed. You will find the time zone used on the bottom of page 4,the data page with your natal chart positions.

EPHEMERISThe ephemeris (table of planetary positions) given in the appendix is calculated forUniversal Time (formerly often called Greenwich Time) at midnight, as is usualfor astrological ephemeris. It enables the astrologer to follow the movement of theplanets through the zodiac day by day. Thus you don’t have to restrict yourself tothe transits and aspects already calculated for you by computer, but you can formyour own picture and also control the computer calculation. The ephemeris is alsonecessary to see whether a planet is retrograde. Especially the times when Mer-cury is retrograde are often interpreted as periods during which communication inthe widest sense can be difficult - many astrologers avoid traveling during thosetimes. The beginning and end of observed daylight savings time is marked in thefar left column of the ephemeris with the respective days underlined.

CALENDAR TEXT AND FURTHER READINGThe text of the Horoscope Calendar originates from "Planets in Transit" by RobertHand. Additional text was written by the Astrodienst team of authors. Any goodbookshop will be able to provide you with further reading material on transits andtheir interpretation.

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Index for the whole year 2003AmA 5.7 ApF 6.7 AoQ 27.3 BmD 14.12 BH 3 9.5 CnE 30.3 CpO 6.12AnA 3.1 AqF 4.1 30.9 BnD 6.1 BH 5 10.6 CoE 13.1 26.12AoA 3.4 6.9 ApQ 25.2 BoD 23.2 BH 6 23.11 14.1 CqO 7.3

6.10 AmG 1.3 30.10 BpD 4.9 BH 7 2.10 2.2 8.3ApA 3.3 AnG 2.9 AqQ 27.4 BqD 5.5 BH 8 10.8 7.7 1.7

5.11 3.9 30.8 BmE 24.1 BH 9 8.9 CpE 25.2 CmI 8.8AqA 3.5 AoG 31.5 AmT 8.3 BnE 29.4 BH 11 7.11 23.6 19.9

5.9 2.12 AnT 10.9 BoE 7.5 BH 12 30.5 CqE 23.7 21.9AmB 2.9 ApG 2.7 AoT 8.6 BpE 28.3 CmA 5.7 24.11 CnI 12.3AnB 28.2 2.11 9.12 BqE 26.8 CnA 20.1 CmF 1.11 CoI 20.6AoB 31.5 AqG 30.4 10.12 BmF 22.11 26.1 CnF 14.4 20.11

2.12 1.5 ApT 10.7 BnF 22.7 CoA 27.3 11.5 CpI 13.4ApB 30.4 AmN 4.6 10.11 BoF 24.4 14.10 12.5 14.5

31.12 AnN 5.12 AqT 8.1 BqF 24.12 CpA 12.3 28.5 25.5AqB 1.7 AoN 3.3 8.5 BmG 7.10 1.11 CoF 22.2 15.12

2.11 6.9 AH 1 28.6 BnG 24.9 CqA 14.4 20.7 19.12AmC 17.6 ApN 2.2 AH 2 20.7 BoG 27.1 13.5 CpF 12.3 CqI 5.7AnC 17.12 6.10 21.7 BpG 17.4 27.5 5.7 31.10

18.12 AqN 3.4 AH 3 13.8 BqG 18.8 9.8 CqF 18.1 CmJ 11.7AoC 16.3 5.8 16.8 BmN 17.9 17.9 19.1 CnJ 8.1

18.9 AmO 25.4 AH 4 10.9 BnN 22.12 23.9 27.1 9.2ApC 14.2 AnO 28.10 13.9 BpN 26.9 CmB 6.8 9.8 CoJ 3.4

19.10 AoO 25.1 AH 5 16.10 BqN 5.6 CnB 10.3 16.9 21.10AqC 15.4 28.7 AH 6 24.11 BmO 14.9 CoB 19.6 24.9 CpJ 19.3

18.8 ApO 28.8 28.11 BnO 21.2 18.11 CmG 10.3 9.11AmD 21.8 27.12 AH 7 28.12 BoO 23.4 CpB 11.4 CnG 6.8 CqJ 9.6AnD 17.2 AqO 24.2 30.12 BpO 27.8 11.12 CoG 19.6 23.8AoD 19.5 26.6 AH 8 17.1 BqO 30.11 23.12 18.11 2.9

20.11 27.6 21.1 BmI 15.12 CqB 3.7 CpG 4.7 4.1021.11 AmI 5.9 AH 9 9.2 BoI 11.11 30.10 30.10 CmQ 2.7

ApD 18.4 AnI 3.3 18.2 BpI 15.9 CmC 27.6 CqG 11.4 CnQ 8.1220.12 AoI 3.6 AH 10 8.3 BmJ 10.4 CnC 29.11 11.12 25.12

AqD 19.6 4.12 9.3 BnJ 16.6 CoC 19.3 12.12 CoQ 24.322.10 ApI 3.1 AH 11 12.4 BoJ 31.8 24.8 22.12 10.10

AmE 11.10 3.5 AH 12 23.5 BpJ 22.3 1.9 CmN 20.6 CpQ 8.312.10 AqI 4.7 BnA 15.6 BqJ 26.6 4.10 CnN 20.11 28.10

AnE 8.4 5.11 BoA 23.1 BmQ 2.6 CpC 2.3 CoN 12.3 CqQ 9.4AoE 8.1 AmJ 18.7 BpA 28.9 BnQ 21.4 21.10 9.8 4.8

10.7 AnJ 15.1 BqA 25.6 BoQ 9.1 CqC 3.4 17.9 CmT 15.3ApE 7.2 AoJ 15.4 BmB 31.7 28.4 27.7 23.9 CnT 13.8

9.6 18.10 BnB 7.1 BpQ 9.9 CmD 29.7 CpN 22.2 11.9AqE 11.8 19.10 BoB 17.5 BqQ 8.11 CnD 4.3 14.10 28.9

10.12 ApJ 16.3 BpB 28.5 BmT 4.11 CoD 11.6 CqN 27.3 CoT 23.6AmF 6.11 18.11 BqB 8.7 BnT 16.12 11.11 20.7 24.11AnF 4.5 AqJ 16.5 BmC 11.3 BoT 1.10 CpD 4.4 CmO 8.4 CpT 7.7AoF 2.2 18.9 BnC 1.1 BpT 18.4 1.12 CnO 27.10 4.11

6.8 AmQ 28.6 BoC 21.6 BqT 6.12 CqD 28.6 CoO 16.2 CqT 14.1ApF 4.3 29.6 BpC 22.5 BH 1 10.12 23.10 16.7 2.2

5.7 AnQ 28.12 BqC 17.11 BH 2 28.7 CmE 17.10 CpO 3.8 18.4

Lhamo Dondrub as26612.61-4i1 p. 32

Index for the whole year 2003CqT 19.4 DmC 1.7 DoG 18.6 DoJ 5.10 DH 8 19.12 EnJ 14.4 GmA 13.11

5.5 DnC 31.1 10.11 6.10 DH 9 19.3 EpJ 9.1 GqB 17.82.6 23.11 DpG 12.7 DpJ 2.1 21.3 10.1 21.8

CH 1 2.7 DoC 18.4 13.7 17.4 DH 10 11.4 8.12 GmC 26.4CH 2 12.7 12.9 17.10 30.10 20.4 EnQ 15.3 GqD 18.5CH 3 24.7 DpC 23.3 DqG 13.2 DqJ 6.6 DH 11 10.5 EoQ 27.12 20.5

11.9 24.3 24.5 11.9 DH 12 11.6 EpQ 5.7 GpG 25.8CH 4 13.8 6.10 5.12 DmQ 9.7 12.6 22.8 26.8

15.8 DqC 12.5 DmN 20.6 10.7 EnA 25.3 30.10 24.1228.9 18.8 DnN 20.1 DnQ 10.2 EpA 14.11 EmT 24.11 28.121.10 DmD 21.8 13.11 2.12 EnB 20.7 EoT 13.2 GqO 12.7

CH 5 20.10 DnD 26.3 DoN 7.4 DoQ 27.4 7.8 EqT 1.4 GqI 22.9CH 6 13.11 DoD 5.1 1.9 20.9 6.11 EH 6 19.1 23.9

19.11 8.6 DpN 13.3 21.9 EoB 1.2 29.1 27.1125.12 1.11 26.9 DpQ 2.4 EpB 20.3 EH 7 15.3 GmQ 26.7

CH 7 8.12 DpD 2.2 31.12 15.10EnC 25.2 18.3 NnA 22.113.12 15.5 DqN 2.5 DqQ 21.5 EoC 8.12 EH 8 17.4 20.8

CH 8 11.2 25.11 8.8 27.8 EpC 7.6 22.4 9.10CH 9 26.2 DqD 3.7 DmO 20.5 DmT 11.4 EnD 13.6 EH 9 27.5 16.10

27.2 8.10 DnO 13.10 DnT 5.9 EoD 14.1 29.5 NoE 29.12CH 10 15.3 DmE 30.9 DoO 6.3 DoT 24.1 EpD 2.3 EH 10 24.11 NqF 28.1CH 11 1.4 DnE 6.5 2.8 24.6 EoE 2.4 26.11 31.7CH 12 14.6 DoE 20.2 25.12 16.11 EpE 23.5 FqA 31.10 7.8DmA 15.7 19.7 DpO 8.2 17.11 EqE 14.2 FmB 12.10 29.10DnA 15.2 11.12 26.8 DpT 19.7 EoF 15.5 FqC 6.8 NpI 12.1

7.12 DpE 17.3 30.11 24.10 EpF 15.11 FmD 19.8 16.1DoA 2.5 25.6 1.12 DqT 19.2 EqF 26.3 FqE 2.7 NqT 29.3

25.9 DqE 24.1 DqO 31.3 30.5 EmG 25.7 FoF 30.1 30.326.9 12.8 8.7 31.5 1.8 5.6 22.5

DpA 7.4 13.8 DmI 1.9 11.12 7.11 FqF 3.11 21.1220.10 17.11 DnI 6.4 DH 1 10.7 EoG 1.2 FnG 14.10 23.12

DqA 27.5 DmF 20.10 7.4 DH 2 27.7 EqG 20.3 FoN 31.10 OnD 4.21.9 DnF 27.5 DoI 19.1 30.7 EnN 6.2 FqN 3.2 7.2

DmB 30.8 DoF 13.3 20.6 DH 3 14.8 EoN 14.11 1.6 IpN 16.4DnB 4.4 14.3 12.11 DH 4 5.9 EpN 14.5 2.6 17.4DoB 16.1 9.8 DpI 15.2 7.9 EoO 30.4 FpO 19.9 10.6

18.6 DpF 8.4 26.5 DH 5 3.10 EpO 12.3 FmI 26.10 13.610.11 15.7 6.12 DH 6 9.1 EqO 30.6 27.10 JqE 22.6

DpB 12.2 DqF 16.2 DqI 14.7 11.1 28.8 FqQ 27.9 31.1013.2 2.9 19.10 4.11 29.8 FnT 3.12 JoT 17.724.5 7.12 DmJ 25.7 DH 7 10.2 25.10 6.12 18.74.12 DmG 5.4 DnJ 26.2 2.12 EnI 12.11 GmA 29.9 2.10

DqB 12.7 DnG 30.8 17.12 DH 8 28.2 EoI 5.2 7.10 7.1017.10 DoG 17.1 DoJ 12.5 5.3 EpI 24.3 8.11

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