personal selling (extra reading-3)

7/23/2019 Personal Selling (Extra Reading-3) 1/19 PERSONAL SELLING PERSONAL SELLING It is a personal communication of information It is a personal communication of information to persuade a prospective customer to to persuade a prospective customer to buy something--- a good, service, or buy something--- a good, service, or idea---- that satises an individual’s idea---- that satises an individual’s needs. needs. Broadly classied into industrial, retail and Broadly classied into industrial, retail and service selling. service selling.

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It is a personal communication of informationIt is a personal communication of informationto persuade a prospective customer toto persuade a prospective customer to

buy something--- a good, service, orbuy something--- a good, service, or

idea---- that satises an individual’sidea---- that satises an individual’s


Broadly classied into industrial, retail andBroadly classied into industrial, retail andservice selling.service selling.

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Personal selling:Personal sellin


---- Sales mgmt , personal selling &Sales mgmt , personal selling &

salesmanship are all related.salesmanship are all related.

 ---- Personal selling along ith other mar!etingPersonal selling along ith other mar!eting

elements such as pricing, advertising, productelements such as pricing, advertising, product

development & research, mar!eting channels anddevelopment & research, mar!eting channels and

physical distribution, are the means forphysical distribution, are the means forimplementing mar!eting programs.implementing mar!eting programs.

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Personal selling is the most e"ective tool at laterPersonal selling is the most e"ective tool at later

stages of the buying process , particularly in buildingstages of the buying process , particularly in building

up buyer preference ,conviction,& action.up buyer preference ,conviction,& action.

  Personal selling has # distinctive $ualities%Personal selling has # distinctive $ualities%

1.1. Personal confrontation:Personal confrontation: Personal selling involves an immediate & interactivePersonal selling involves an immediate & interactive

relationship beteen to or more persons. achrelationship beteen to or more persons. ach

party is able to observe the other’s is able to observe the other’s reactions.

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2.2. CultivationCultivation%%Personal selling permits all !inds of relationships toPersonal selling permits all !inds of relationships to

spring up, ranging from a matter-of-fact sellingspring up, ranging from a matter-of-fact selling

relationship to a deep personal friendship.relationship to a deep personal friendship.

3.3. ResponseRes


Personal selling ma!es the buyer feel underPersonal selling ma!es the buyer feel under

some obligation for having listened tosome obligation for having listened to

sales tal!.sales tal!.

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'part from industrial products selling ,'part from industrial products selling ,personal selling can also ma!e a strongpersonal selling can also ma!e a strong

contribution in consumer-goods mar!eting.contribution in consumer-goods mar!eting.

Some consumer mar!eters use the sales forceSome consumer mar!eters use the sales force

mainly to collect ee!ly orders frommainly to collect ee!ly orders from


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Types of sales person:T

ypes of sales person:

)obert *cmurry distinguished si+ sales)obert *cmurry distinguished si+ sales

positions, ranging from the least to the mostpositions, ranging from the least to the mostcreative types of selling%creative types of selling%




. Inside rder ta!er / eg. !irana shop. Inside rder ta!er / eg. !irana shopsalesman, Bata shop salesperson0salesman, Bata shop salesperson0

#. *issionary selling#. *issionary selling

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1.2echnical sales person1.2echnical sales person/ith high levels of technical !noledge0/ith high levels of technical !noledge0

3. (emand creators3. (emand creators

4. Solution vendor4. Solution vendor/ e+pertise in the solving of a customer’s problem0/ e+pertise in the solving of a customer’s problem0

5.)oute or merchandising salesperson5.)oute or merchandising salesperson/eg 6*78. sales person0/eg 6*78. sales person0

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Group ! ( "e#elop$en%al selling &Group ! ( "e#elop$en%al selling &

Or'er ge%%er: &Or'er ge%%er: &

pre-customer contact, prospecting ,initial contact ,presentation of merchandise , handling ob9ections ,closing the sales , suggestion selling & sales follo-up%


:.7reative salesperson of tangibles:.7reative salesperson of tangibles/vacuum cleaners, automobiles etc0/vacuum cleaners, automobiles etc0


;.7reative salesperson of intangibles;.7reative salesperson of intangibles

/insurance, 'd services & educational prog.0/insurance, 'd services & educational prog.0

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 ay )e *lassi+e' as (na%ure of fun*%ions %,eyay )e *lassi+e' as (na%ure of fun*%ions %,ey


OR"ER TA-ERSOR"ER TA-ERS ---Inside & eld order ta!ers---Inside & eld order ta!ers /<'=(>S )?2I= S'>S )()S &/<'=(>S )?2I= S'>S )()S &

)P'2 )()S0)P'2 )()S0

-- arranging product displays , restoc!ing the products , ansering-- arranging product displays , restoc!ing the products , anseringphone calls & ta!ing ordersphone calls & ta!ing orders

-- re$uires very little training & compensation-- re$uires very little training & compensation

-- generates bul! of the rms sale-- generates bul! of the rms sale

-- high turnover of these sales personnel-- high turnover of these sales personnel


-- )esponsible for the groth of a company by getting orders from-- )esponsible for the groth of a company by getting orders fromnew & existing customers)new & existing customers)

-- achieves sales target thru creative selling process /: steps-- achieves sales target thru creative selling process /: stepsmentioned earlier0mentioned earlier0

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SPPORT PERSONNELSPPORT PERSONNEL%-%-/6'7I>I2'2S S>>I=8 6?=72I=0%/6'7I>I2'2S S>>I=8 6?=72I=0%

------ Identifying prospective buyers, educating them aboutIdentifying prospective buyers, educating them about

the companies products , building goodill for thethe companies products , building goodill for the

company & providing after sales support to the buyers0company & providing after sales support to the buyers0

--- usually involved inBB products or org. products--- usually involved inBB products or org. products

--- e.g. missionary sales people, trade sales people &--- e.g. missionary sales people, trade sales people &technical sales peopletechnical sales people

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Personal selling pro*ess:Personal selling pro*ess:

&&&&&& Prospe*%ing / e#alua%ionProspe*%ing / e#alua%ion /generating sales leads@/generating sales leads@

thru people, events , published information , associations ,thru people, events , published information , associations ,identifying prospects & $ualifying prospects0identifying prospects & $ualifying prospects0

------ Pre approa*,Pre approa*,

&&& Approa*,&&& Approa*,

&&& Presen%a%ion&&& Presen%a%ion


&&& 0an'ling o)1e*%ions&&& 0an'ling o)1e*%ions

&&& Closing&&& Closing

&&& 2ollo&up&&& 2ollo&up

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7ont@7ont@ Presentation%--Presentation%--

&&&&&& Canne' sales approa*, (s%i$ulusCanne' sales approa*, (s%i$ulusresponse approa*,response approa*,%% 

/hen the product is not very technical or sales person is/hen the product is not very technical or sales person isine+perienced A e+tensively used in door-to-door selling &ine+perienced A e+tensively used in door-to-door selling &in telemar!eting programs0in telemar!eting programs0

------2or$ula%e' approa*,2or$ula%e' approa*,%%

/sales person identifying the buyer’s needs & his buying styles/sales person identifying the buyer’s needs & his buying styles& consistently hit ith informations till he derives success0& consistently hit ith informations till he derives success0

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------ Nee' sa%isfa*%ion approa*,Nee' sa%isfa*%ion approa*,::


- 7ustomiCing the sales presentation to cater to the7ustomiCing the sales presentation to cater to theneeds of individual customersneeds of individual customers

- Better suited for e+perienced & sophisticated salesBetter suited for e+perienced & sophisticated sales


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Silent close ,=egative close, direct close , assumptive close ,Silent close ,=egative close, direct close , assumptive close ,alternative close ,concession close , cautious close etc. arealternative close ,concession close , cautious close etc. aresome of the close.some of the close.

---- Assu$p%i#e *lose:Assu$p%i#e *lose:

'ssumes that the sale is made so that the sales person'ssumes that the sale is made so that the sales personproceeds to issues such as spelling of names, properproceeds to issues such as spelling of names, properaddress, $uantity desired, siCe, color etc.address, $uantity desired, siCe, color etc.

&&&& Nega%i#e *lose:Nega%i#e *lose:

 ccurs hen sales person urges the customer to buyccurs hen sales person urges the customer to buyimmediately because the product is in short supply or thereimmediately because the product is in short supply or thereis li!ely for a price li!ely for a price rise.

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-- 7aution close%-- 7aution close% 2he sales person ma!es the customer cautious about availability of 2he sales person ma!es the customer cautious about availability of

the product or the period of availability & then suggests thethe product or the period of availability & then suggests theclose.close.

-- Implied consent method-- Implied consent method

-- Special induced methodA-- Special induced methodA/availability of schemes .etc0/availability of schemes .etc0

-- 7hoice narroing method%-- 7hoice narroing method%>i!e Pherialas, saree seller do.>i!e Pherialas, saree seller do.

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Professional %raining:Professional %raining:

 ------sales-oriented approach-sales-oriented approach-- Presentation oriented s!ills re$uiredPresentation oriented s!ills re$uired- 7ouldnt-care-less attitude regarding customer satisfaction &7ouldnt-care-less attitude regarding customer satisfaction &

regarding maintaining after-sales relations ith the customersregarding maintaining after-sales relations ith the customers

------ Customer-oriented approachCustomer-oriented approach

-- customer oriented s!ills desirablecustomer oriented s!ills desirable

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)elationship mar!eting)elationship mar!eting


Es%a)lis,ing Sales O)1e*%i#esEs%a)lis,ing Sales O)1e*%i#es

2i4ing %,e Sales 5uo%as2i4ing %,e Sales 5uo%as

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"esigning %,e Sales 2or*e"esigning %,e Sales 2or*e


- 8eographic territory 7ustomer /institutional &8eographic territory 7ustomer /institutional &individual customers0individual customers0-  ProductProduct

"e%er$ining %,e sales for*e si6e"e%er$ining %,e sales for*e si6e common methods are employed% common methods are employed%

 AA E7uali6e' or8loa' $e%,o'E7uali6e' or8loa' $e%,o'

 total annual sales callsDaverage annual sales callsE no of salestotal annual sales callsDaverage annual sales callsE no of sales


l ' i i , 'I % l ' %i i% %, '

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- In*re$en%al pro'u*%i#i%y $e%,o'In*re$en%al pro'u*%i#i%y $e%,o'

)ecruiting & selecting sales people)ecruiting & selecting sales people

)outing & scheduling)outing & scheduling

 2raining sales personnel 2raining sales personnel

valuating trainingvaluating training

7ompensation /straight salary compensation , straight7ompensation /straight salary compensation , straight

commission compensation , salary plus commission0commission compensation , salary plus commission0

valuating the sales forcevaluating the sales force

*otivating the sales force*otivating the sales force