pest control tips

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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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General pest control at home: 5 ways to do it

Well so you are annoyed with the pests and want to get rid them. If it is the fact, then Im pretty sure that you know how dangerous pests are and how they can spread out infestation. Needless to say, infestation can spread various diseases ranging from outer to internal problem. Hence, the sooner you do general pest control, the better it is. And today, I would give you some valuable tips in this regard.

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The first thing that you have to do to control the pest is cleanliness. You have to keep clean all the parts of your residence 24/7, as pest generally thrive in dirtiness. So, wipe your floor on daily basis, this will help you to do general pest control at home.

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2.Seal the entrance spot

The second thing that you have to adopt is to seal the entrance spot. Pests generally intrude in your home through any hole or any crack. So if you can seal those entry spot by silicon chalk, then you can easily do general control at your home to a great extent.

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3.Get rid of clutter

It is another inviting thing for Pests. They all like those clumsiness and shallowness. Actually they thrive in such condition, so if you have any clutter thing; get rid of them. It would help you to do general pest control at home.

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4.Use oil

Pests cant withstand to some of the oils scent. So, you can use lavender oil, Tea tree oil, kerosene oil to the affected areas to control pest. You can use them as spray as well. Try out this method, it really works to do general pest control at home.

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5.Garlic powder

It has been scientifically proved that Garlic has some healing quality. Beside that, garlic has pesticide quality as well. Pest cant resist the scent of garlic powder. You can definitely use garlic powder to do general pest control at home.

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6.Use Tulsi and Neem

Tulsi and Neem are very important to control pest, as they have some pesticide quality. So, If you plant any neem or tulsi tree next to your window, then it is very much helpful to dissuade pest entering. So, it is worth trying tip to do general pest control at home.

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7.Use of Alcohol

Like oil, you can also use alcohol to control pest. Alcohol possesses certain chemicals that pest cant resist .So, you can spray alcohol to pest prone area to see the effect of it. It really works to do general pest control at home.

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