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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

Introducing Peter Rowe…

A speaker can make or break your event. With Peter Rowe we guarantee that you will be…inspired, motivated and edu-tained! Your attendees will gain:

• Simple strategies for solving complex problems • New solutions to old challenges • Desire to move out of their comfort zone and into their performance zone • Clarity about the Vision, Mission and Values of their enterprise • A deeper understanding of what really matters to their enterprise, their team and themselves • Practical every-day strategies they can implement immediately into their professional and personal lives!

With decades of public speaking and media presentation experience, Peter has led people to change their thinking instantly; reawaken their motivation; reignite their passion for change; challenge themselves afresh.

Peter is professional, engaging and dynamic but don’t just take our word for it!

“My Leadership Team have given me very complimentary feedback about the training session – What Leaders Do – and I think one of the most common reasons for this was the engaging way you presented the information. You had an appropriate mix of PowerPoint, hand drawings and models as well as relevant storytelling to really bring across your ideas and tap into the team’s imagination. The use of the memory book was masterful and still useful after the event as a way to reinforce the lessons learned. My team is still buzzing from the workshop, as am I, and I feel it fitting to sincerely thank you for a great day. I really appreciate the way you delivered exactly what we talked about – and then found ways to add much more.”

Michael Keaton VP & GM, LEGO Australia/New Zealand

“Most significantly, tweaking of the content and format ensured that clients left the process equipped and committed to taking action in their business. This score lifted . . . . to 95% firm commitment in the second round. These scores exceeded our expectations. Most importantly, our ongoing follow-up of clients showed that this initial commitment led to real changes in the vast majority of firms that participated.”

Tracey Johnson Client Manager, Invest Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation

“I would like to thank you for your involvement in the 2008 National Institute of Accountants (NIA) Queensland Conference and Business Expo. Your session on ‘Being Heard – Making your Professional Input to Management Count’ was outstanding. You are an engaging and enthusiastic speaker who managed to get everyone in the room involved and thinking about better ways to communicate. The thought-provoking and practical tips provided in your session really hit the mark with our audience – and me personally. We all came away with tools that we could start using straight away.”

Ms Megan Valentine NIA Professional Development Officer PLEASE NOTE: We receive literally hundreds of testimonials for our Seminars and Workshops. If you would like more, see full references or to speak to any of our referees personally please contact us (preferably via email) and we will ask permission to put you in touch (this simply protects their privacy).

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

Who Is Peter Rowe?

Peter is a Business Improvement Specialist with the unique ability to work simultaneously on the conscious (left brain, rational) aspects of business with his Clients, and those unconscious (right brain, holistic) aspects of personality that, left unaddressed, often sabotage the best of rational intentions. Peter is an expert in change and growth management, and nowhere is this more graphically illustrated than in his own progression from brickies’ labourer and truck driver, to law student; court reporter; TAFE Head Teacher; automotive technician; high-performance vehicle developer; engineer, designer & manufacturer; business founder (7 of them, 1 public); franchise developer; fitness equipment designer & manufacturer; health club owner (he is a former State Heavyweight Powerlifting Champion); computer systems designer & educator; professional public speaker, motivator & workshop facilitator; e-commerce systems designer, and author.

Adding to his wealth of experience, Peter has more than 25 years in production and presentation to camera of both commercial content and training concepts.

Peter is the founder and Managing Director of ProfiTune Business Systems, training and accrediting Business Improvement Specialists in ProfiTune’s proprietary systems for coaching business clients to success. He maintains a boutique clientele of corporate and enterprise coaching Clients whom he says keep him grounded. Peter is a sought-after keynote presenter for business conferences, and is a skilled and experienced workshop facilitator with a wealth of novel and effective material and delivery processes. Peter’s clients include the leaders of private and large-scale public enterprises, and State, Federal and local government entities throughout Australia and overseas. Qualifications & Memberships Peter holds the following qualifications and memberships:

• Diploma of Technical Education • Certificate of Commercial Education (CESA) • Accredited Business Improvement Specialist™ • Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) • Master Coach NLP and Master of Neurological Repatterning • SME Coach (Superior Level) of the Australian Institute of Executive Coaching • Cert IV TAA (training and assessment) • Master of Ericksonian Hypnosis • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors • Member of the Australian Institute of Management Consultants

Interesting Facts About Peter

• Peter’s book, Solving the People Puzzle has become the Swiss army knife of simple but effective leadership tools for a wide range of corporations, especially among those seeking to empower middle management leaders who are transitioning from being technical experts to people leaders, and for whom improved people skills hold huge potential.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

• In addition to writing a dozen Business Training Manuals, half a dozen technical manuals on the subject of effective business coaching, 17 e-books on a wide range of business topics including elite selling skills, for more than 12 years Peter has consistently published a brief business e-newsletter (ProfitTips) which enjoys one of the highest open rates on record for what is a very crowded marketplace.

• Peter and his wife Judi won Australian DesignMark in 1995 for their enterprise software AutoMate, which still manages Ultra Tune’s network of 300+ stores. The core code was last updated in 2000 and (factually) rival’s NASA’s space shuttle code for reliability.

• While his State title as a Heavyweight Powerlifter was won in 1978, after a 30-year hiatus Peter competed in the same sport in the same class at State level 43 years later, in 2011 – and won his class.

• Peter and Judi have 5 adult children, 12 grandchildren aged 18 to 5; and a Miniature Schnauzer named Coco (Chanel) who has her own accommodation on the couple’s R1200RT BMW motorcycle.

Who Is Peter Rowe?

• He was the designer and presenter of the Queensland Department of State Development & Innovation’s High Growth Help for Business seminar series, presented throughout 2004 and 2005 and scored one of the highest satisfaction ratings ever recorded for a Government series (see testimonial). Two of the 30 repeat presentations of the program series were recorded to DVD for on-going distribution and training use.

• In answer to a complete lack of standardised national credentials for business and executive coaches, Peter’s company, ProfiTune, partnered with EIM Training (Executive Institute of Management) to establish a nationally-accredited Diploma of Business Coaching.

• Peter says he founded the concept of “ProfiTuning” as a result of insights gained from developing high

performance vehicles: “Successive small improvements applied to the critical inputs of any business will always have a positive and exponential impact on profit”.

• Peter coined the phrase Profit is the pulse of business, explaining it thus, “Your body must make a pulse to survive and a good pulse to thrive. The pulse at your wrist is a quick and accessible measure of bodily health – right now. Sure, there’s more to having a good life than making a pulse - but try having one without one! Your business must make a profit to survive and a good profit to thrive. The profit on your P&L is a quick and accessible measure of enterprise health – right now. Sure, there’s more to having a good business making than a profit - but try having one without one!”

• Peter has mastered the Ripple Effect: Once a clear Goal is established, the Ripple starts with Transforming people’s focus and perspective; then moves to Training new skills and knowledge; then moves into Coaching, which develops the performance that generates results!

• Peter has helped numerous businesses achieve incredible success, here are just two examples: 1. A prominent telecommunications store grew from 1 store and 2 staff to 17 stores and 72 staff in 5 years

of coaching and then sold out for their full asking price. 2. A local airport transfer company grew from 5 vehicles to 25 vehicles, and franchised, within the 3 years

of commencing coaching with Peter.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

Transformational Topics “While I will always ensure that my audience enjoys themselves, I don’t want to be a mere ‘entertainer’ – I want to be an ‘edu-tainer’, and I want to be damn sure that at the end of a presentation my audience can clearly see better ways of doing things, and have clearly committed to applying those insights.

Hyping an audience is good fun, but three days after the event, back in the real world, they are back to doing what they have always done. The art in presenting ideas is to gain a commitment to action from your audience, so that things are done differently after the event, and results flow. If that happens, I have achieved my goal - and only then is it a ‘good presentation’.”

Peter Rowe While every presentation we make is tailored to deliver the specific results asked by our client, the following recurrent themes are favourites among clients. Each topic can be tailored to a time ranging from 45 minutes to a full day; to an audience ranging from Harvard School of Business graduates to technicians emerging as leaders.

• Leadership – by Stealth

Got a staff problem? Really? Were they like that when you hired them? It’s not a case of leading by stealth – we present the concepts of leadership starting from the perspective of “Those people over there need to get their act together – then I’d produce better results” and slowly pivot through the realisation that “If I don’t change the way I’m leading, they won’t change the way they are working”. These are the leadership secrets that aren’t taught at Harvard School of Business and can’t be learned (and survived) from the School of Hard Knocks.

The presentation is supported by the book, Solving the People Puzzle, available to all and provides an immediate return on investment through higher productivity and on-going returns through talent retention and development.

• Universal Selling Mind Map (USMM)

Why don’t all of your sales people perform like the best of them? Inside every elite performance a structure can be identified and mapped. That structure may be no more obvious in sales performance than is Usain Bolt’s musculature or skeletal extension as he dashes 100m in under 9.6 seconds - but to the trained eye it is there. This presentation leads to understanding and mapping what works - the deeper framework underlying all successful selling behaviour, then identifying and positioning the successful responses specific to successful selling in the audience’s industry, market, or business. It delivers a process for consistently transfusing the sales excellence of best sellers into those who are not yet – but could be – your next best-sellers.

Instant return on investment through a guaranteed immediate lift in sales.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

• Positive Productivity

You pay for 100% of your people’s time – but you know you are leaking hours of productive talent, every day! What is the secret to winning the type of productivity that has put the Japanese vehicle industry at the forefront of the world? What did Henry Ford conceive and then prove, that we still ignore 100 years later? Everyone has 24 hours in their day, so how do some people achieve so much, and others so little? This presentation exposes the simple secrets and immediately applicable techniques that lead to hugely increased productivity in any role – while lowering stress by 50%.

Return on investment: Immediate and on-going.

• Profit Reality Check

Why don’t the people out there on the front line of your business, where the money is made or lost, look at their work with the understanding that a profit or a loss is made every day at every point in the business. Why don’t they see it your way? Could it be that you’ve never equipped them to do that? Profit Reality Check will have every participant in its audience understanding just what a gross and a net profit really are, and how they are made or lost by the moment at their hands. It will engage each participant in profit protection and promotion forever afterwards, in a positive and rewarding way.

Return on investment: Immediate and ongoing in both output and efficiency improvements.

• Time & Self Management

There is a fundamental difference between activity and results. Many people think they are paid for their time and the activity they fill it with – and focus on doing lots of it; a few realise that they are paid for results, independently of time, and focus on doing whatever it takes, with as little as they need, to produce the results that they know are required. How does your team rate on that criterion? How do you rate? Are you as effective as you need to be to achieve what you need to achieve - within a standard 7.5 hour workday? Or are you having to work longer, or leave tasks to accumulate? Excellent Time Management is not a knack, it’s a high skill and a deep discipline the rewards of which are huge productivity in combination with low stress.

Return on investment: Immediate and ongoing in both output and stress reduction.

• Vision Mission & Values – Instant Transformation

If you have not sold the Vision, Mission and Values you hold for your enterprise to your team with enough passion that they ‘get’ that you are committed to them, you have not yet created the space in which they can safely do the same. Discover the simple secrets to (and the differences between) engendering engagement and commitment in your team. Understand why these concepts are the starting point for every great enterprise and why, without them, nothing works the way it is supposed to.

Return on investment: Immediate and ongoing.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

• Guerrillas in the Marketplace

Most people do not understand what marketing is, how to squeeze real results from their marketing budget, or how marketing differs from sales. You can’t control what you don’t understand. In this topic we explore the true nature of marketing and, having understood that, how to use low-cost high-impact ideas to move to the head of the pack and into the consciousness and buying decisions of your target market. Guerrilla marketing can be fun while also being one of the most cost-effective strategies any business can employ. Learn the secrets to innovative, low-cost, high-impact marketing, and to using your environment rather than raw dollars to create a desire for your products and services.

Return on investment: Intermediate (3-6 months) with the potential to accelerate and to grow your brand awareness exponentially.

• Customer Care Commitment

Everyone pays lip service to the idea of looking after their customers – even the banks! But too often human nature prevails and once captured at great expense, they are then all too often forgotten. This topic deals with the essential elements of creating Customer Care Systems that are so rewarding for both parties that you have to keep nurturing them. Using a combination of novel mindsets to create a strong and persisting motivation to focus on Customer Care, this workshop has the potential to double your after-sales-sales – and create an awesome reputation that drives new sale after new sale. Everyone loves this topic.

Return on investment: Multiples within 6 months.

• Minefield

A team building workshop that is very different! Tons of fun, but life-changing. If you’re looking to lift your team’s performance, this will do the trick. Participants talk about this one for months afterwards, and the lessons just keep coming.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

Transformational Topics

• Meeting Halfway How do you disagree without being disagreeable? How do you get the best price - always? How do you get what you want? Why "negotiation" is one of the least practiced business skills - and yet one of the most fun and easiest to master. And one that offers instant payoffs!

• Goal Setting for Business The reasoning behind Vision, Mission and Purpose statements; what they were really meant to deliver. Creates clarity about who should be doing what and how, at every level of the team.

• Values in Business Why Values matter in a business; how to elicit them from the team; how to gain buy in; how to equip every person in the business with an in-built compass which points to 'the right thing".

• Fit for Business If you don't have a pulse you don't need a profit. There is not much point being rich and dead, so here's the clearest picture you will ever gain of how your mind and body can be used to the best effect, in a business context.

• Dashboard Design Business isn't complicated - people make it that way! How to reduce the clutter and detail of the engine room of your business to a few simple key performance indicators and speed up your perception of opportunities, and your ability to make informed decisions.

• Building Systems-based Businesses Understanding the role of systems in powering the reduction of expenses and the growth of revenue, productivity and profits. Where to start and how to develop great, simple systems.

• Growing Pains Why do most businesses fail to make the leap beyond 5 employees to teams of 20 or 200? The answers are stunningly simple - to grasp and to apply.

• The Great Escape You've built a great business, now how do you cash in and get out - alive - to enjoy the fruits of your labors? A positive and stimulating look at why you get into business in the first place; and how to run a business as though you were getting ready to sell it.

Custom Topics

Even when presenting our “standard topics” we will have developed and tailored content specifically to meet the needs of your audience and to deliver the outcomes you request, but we go further with special requests and can create new experiences from scratch to achieve whatever awareness outcomes or behavioural changes you require. Before talking to us on this one, ask yourself, “What do I want to be different at the end of the presentation?” and be very clear on the answer. We’ll then do our best to deliver in spades!

To see Peter’s presentations please visit, simply click the ‘Video’ tab and you will find ten videos to view.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

A Sample of Peter’s Clients


Robert Bosch, Bosch Australia Service Dealer Network

LEGO Australia/New Zealand

Leading Edge Telecoms, Computers & Electronics

Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce

QLD Department of State Development & Trade

NSW Department of State and Regional Development

Redcliffe Economic Development Unit;

Pine Rivers Shire Council

Technology Leasing Pty Ltd

Citroen, Northern Ireland

Bakers Delight

Hourglass Jewellers

Cartridge World

Brisbane Catholic Education

Business Enterprise Centres

Harvey Norman

Repco Authorised Services

Steve Parish Publishing

Elders Insurance



CV Services Group

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

The Business Side of Things

Our Unique No-Risk Guarantee For more than 16 years we have assumed all of the risk of ensuring that our clients gain a return on the investment they make in our presentations, and so we offer the following Guarantee:

If, at the conclusion of our presentation, you (our Client) are not entirely satisfied that we have achieved the goal negotiated with us and have gained full value for money, we will refund our presentation fee - in full and

without question - and provide you another presentation of equal length at no charge.

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

The Next Step Before you contact us, may we ask that you give a few minutes thought to the following questions, and jot down your answers? They’ll make a world of difference to our discussion and ensure that you get from us the results you are looking for: When: What dates do you have in mind for your presentation? What duration?

Where: We’d like to know the location and venue

Who: Jot down a thumbnail sketch of your audience (employers, managers, employees; age; industry; etc)

What: What subject would you like presented?

What: What result would you like to see flow from our presentation? • Do you want them to see things differently? • Have a good time? • Take a course of action? • Be energised and motivated to change?

How: Do you have a preferred format? • Keynote speech? • Seminar? • Mini-workshop? • After-dinner speech?

KPI’s: Is there a key performance indicator by which you (and we) will be able to measure the effectiveness of our presentation?

Please contact our dedicated team on 07 5510 3555 or [email protected] and they will ensure all the booking arrangements are taken care of. If you require more information, background or would like to view video clips of past presentations, please do not hesitate to visit our website or to speak to one of our friendly team members. Thank you for your time, we look forward to the opportunity of working with you to make your next event a success! Peter Rowe Managing Director ProfiTune Business Systems Connect to Peter on LinkedIn: Watch Peter in action:

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Peter Rowe Speaking Profile

P R O F IT UNE B U S INE S S SY S T EMS PO Box 8917 Gold Coast MC Qld Australia 9726

T: 07 5510 3555 F: 07 5510 3544 E: [email protected]

Transform - Train - Coach The ripple effect on management and profits