pgi survival guide for workplace zombies

Workplace Zombies SURVIVAL GUIDE:

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Post on 15-Jan-2017




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Page 1: PGi Survival Guide for Workplace Zombies

Workplace ZombiesSURVIVAL GUIDE:

Page 2: PGi Survival Guide for Workplace Zombies

Work·place Zom·bie/ˈwərkˌplās'/ˈzämbē'/nounA coworker or peer who is unmotivated and unproductive in the

workplace. These creatures often are unresponsive in collaborative

environments, constantly watching the clock and just "get by" day

after day with little input to better the business. Workplace Zombies

will often seek out others to join in their misery and can be

infectious to the team if their symptoms are not addressed. To best

deal with an impending Workplace Zombie crisis, refer to PGi's

Survival Guide.

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STEP 1:MOTIVATEOne of the first symptoms of a Workplace Zombie

infection is lack of motivation. To combat this symptom,

create a system of rewards or recognition. Even the most

lazy, unenthusiastic employee will respond positively

to merits and recognition for the work they complete.

Whether the reward is big like an increase in pay or

something smaller, like verbal recognition, making

sure your employees feel they are needed in the

workplace will fight off lackadaisical attitudes.

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STEP 2:OFFER FLEXIBILITYAccording to PWC's NextGen: A Global Generational

Study, 64% of Millennials would like to occasionally

work from home, and 66% of Millennials would like to

shift their work hours. To keep your younger employees

more engaged and motivated in their positions, consider

offering some flexibility to their schedules. Allowing

them to work during the hours they know they are most

productive will ensure they are working at their highest

capacity and staving away any feelings of discouragement

in their position.

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STEP 3:COMMUNICATE Without proper motivation, a Workplace Zombie is only

going to be working on short-term goals. Make sure you're

not only issuing praise for their work in the present, but

also communicating a set of long-term goals for them to

strive toward. Rather than just focusing on day-to-day,

tedious tasks, you can provide them with future

objectives to complete. Once they have their eyes set on an

end goal that will have tangible impacts on the business,

they're likely to feel more motivated and appreciated for

their work.

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STEP 4:BE AN EXAMPLEManagers, no matter how hard they try, can fall victim

to the same disinterest in their work, and this is how

the virus infiltrates even the most positive team

members. You, as the manager, are essentially the

virus's antidote. Setting an example by continuing to

remain outwardly positive is the best way to keep

employees from suffering through the Workplace Zombie


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LEARN MOREWant to learn more about keeping your teams

motivated in the workplace? Check out more

tips and tricks at

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