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  • 8/13/2019 Pharm.ther. Eye, Ear & Skin


    Pharmacotherapy of the eye,

    ear and skin disordersSutomo Tanzil

    Department of Pharmacology, Facultyof Medicine, Sriwijaya University

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  • 8/13/2019 Pharm.ther. Eye, Ear & Skin


    Fig. 9.2 Rang & Dale pg 124

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    Ocular physiology/pharmacology

    Vision depends upon the eye converting light falling on theretina into an electrical signal to the brain

    The ciliary muscle is a circular smooth muscle attached tothe lens. It has a parasympathetic (PS) nerve supply and

    contracts in response to PS stimulation. Muscarinic agonists fix the lens for near vision, while

    antimuscarinic drugs fix the lens for far objects with blurringof near vision, a state known as cycloplegia.

    Pupil size is determined by 2 smooth muscle layers of theiris. The constrictor muscle is more powerful and receivesparasympathetic innervation. The radial (dilator) muscle issympathetically innervated (1-receptors).

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    Ocular physiology/pharmacology

    Miosis occurs in response to muscarinic agonists

    Mydriasis can occur in response muscarinic antagonists or to1-adrenoceptor agonists.

    Miosis also accompanies accommodation for near vision, a

    response mediated by the PS nervous system Mydriasis has the effect of moving the iris towards the

    cornea and narrowing the anterior angle between the irisand the cornea. This can reduce aqueous humour outflowthrough the canal of Schlemm.

    The intraocular pressure rises if drainage of the aqueoushumour is impaired, leading to the occurrence of glaucoma,that may cause prrogressive loss of vision

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  • 8/13/2019 Pharm.ther. Eye, Ear & Skin


    Clinical pharmacology of the


    In the past, glaucoma was treated w/ either direct

    agonists (pilocarpine, carbachol) or cholinesterase

    inhibitors (physostigmine,echothiophate). For

    chronic glaucoma, these drugs have been largelyreplaced by topical beta-blockers and prostaglandin


    Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a medical

    emergency that is frequently treated initially w/drugs but usually requires surgery for permanent

    correction (iridectomy).

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    Drugs used for chronic th/of simple

    (open-angle) glaucoma

    Reducing aqueous humour production : BB(betaxolol, timolol); 2-agonists(brimonidine, dipivefrine); carbonic

    anhydrase inhibitors ( acetazolamide,brinzolamide, dorzolamide).

    Increasing aqueous humour outflow : Pgderivatives ( latanoprost, travoprost);


    -agonists (brimonidine, dipivefrine);muscarinic agonists (pilocarpine).

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    Mechanisms of action of drugs used in

    open-angle glaucoma

    Cholinomimetics(eg.pilocarpin): ciliary musclecontraction, opening of trabecular meshwork;increased outflow

    -agonists (eg.dipivefrine) : increased outflow

    2-agonists (eg.brimonidine): decreased aqueoussecretion

    Beta-blockers (eg.timolol, betaxolol) : decreased

    aqueous secretion from ciliary epithelium Diuretics(eg.acetazolamide) : decreased aqueous

    secretion due to lack of bicarbonate ions.

    Prostaglandins (eg.latanoprost, travoprost):

    increased outflow

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    The clinical pharmacology of


    Atropine, homatropine, cyclopentolate, tropicamide

    Antimuscarinics should never be used for mydriasisunless cycloplegia or prolonged action is required.

    1-agonists, eg. phenylephrine, produce a short-lasting mydriasis that is usually sufficient forfunduscopic examination.

    It is also used to prevent synechia (adhesion)

    formation in uveitis and iritis. The longer-lastingpreparation, such as homatropine, are valuable forthis indication.

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    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

    Acetazolamide (oral), brinzolamide (eyedrops), dorzolamide (eye drops)

    Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase results in

    reduced formation of aqueous humour Used in the th/of glaucoma in patients who

    are BB resistant or in whom a BB iscontraindicated

    Acetazolamide is a sulfonamide derivative,therefore, do not use it in people w/ a historyof severe allergy to sulfonamide

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    Other topical applications for the eye

    Antibacterials : gentamicin, chloramphenicol, fusidicacid, neomycin & chlortetracycline

    Antivirals : acyclovir

    Corticosteroids : dexamethasone. Prolonged use can

    lead to thinning of the sclera or cornea, or formationof a steroid cataract

    Antiallergics : antazoline

    Local anaesthetics : lidocaine/oxybuprocaine for

    tonometry, removal of cataracts. NSAIDs : diclofenac, flurbiprofen & ketorolac

    Artificial tears : hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,carbomers

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    ARMD (age-related macular degeneration)

    Dry (non-exudative) form : 85-90% of cases

    Wet (exudative) form produces severe loss ofvision in 70% of eyes within 2 years

    Th/:high-dose of anti-oxidants, laserphotocoagulation of neovascular tissue,photodynamic th/ using photosensitizing

    agent verteportin, intravitreal injection ofbevacizumab/ranibizumab (vascular growthfactor inhibitors)

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    Hallucination of motion, usually perceived as

    spinning, which is generated in the vestibular

    system of the inner ear

    Caused by Menieres disease, benign positionalvertigo, migraine, vestibular neuronitis, multiple

    sclerosis, brainstem ischaemia, temporol lobe

    epilepsy, cerebellopontine angle tumours

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    Neurochemistry of vertigo

    Glutamate (excitatory via NMDA )

    Acetylcholine (excitatory via M2)

    GABA (inhibitory via GABAA& GABAB) Histamine (excitatory via H1& H2)

    NA (modulation of vestibular sensory

    transmission) Dopamine (excitatory)

  • 8/13/2019 Pharm.ther. Eye, Ear & Skin


    Drugs for TH/ of Vertigo

    Antihistamine (cyclizine, promethazine, most

    widely used)

    Antimuscarinic (hyoscine)

    Benzodiazepine (short-term for severe vertigo)


    H-receptor agonist (betahistine)

    D-receptor antagonist (prochlorprazine)

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    Management of vertigo

    Acute vertigo (vest.neuronitis) : antiemetic agents

    Benign parox.vertigo : less responds to drugs,effectively treated w/ vestibular exercises

    Menieres disease : promethazine, cinnarizine or

    prochlorprazine. Furosemide & HCT can beattempted for persistent synptoms.

    Betahistine is often co-prescribed w/ a diuretic.

    For refractory symptoms, vestibular apparatus can

    be ablated w/ local delivery of gentamicin , or w/surgical treatment.

    AHs , vasodilators and antiparkinsonians can causevertigo.

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