phase 3 stats report

Running head: SURVEY ANALYSIS 1 Data Analysis Based off of Class Survey Paige E. Schoneweis Taft College

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8/3/2019 Phase 3 Stats Report 1/15

Running head: SURVEY ANALYSIS 1

Data Analysis Based off of Class Survey

Paige E. Schoneweis

Taft College

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Survey Analysis 2


In this observational study a survey was given to various subjects whom students selected and

then entered their answers back into a data base. For this report a calculator generated random

sample of 50 from the larger sampler was used for timely reasons. This sample is meant to

represent the population of Americans. The subject’s answers in this sample can be used to

analyze livelihood factors and social norms. The survey includes questions about appearance,

opinions and basic facts about each person.


This data was gathered by students then entered into a database of 2627 total surveys. To get a

manageable random sample from the original population I used RanInt(1,2627,50) to pick which

surveys to analyze. On the one occasion when comparing men and women I once again

randomly selected 4 more women by doing the same process and skipping the ones that were

men or already in my sample. This was to have an equal amount of each sex. When dealing with

incorrect entries in the data set I only looked at the numbers “%” and other signs or words were

ignored. Also 5ft 4 I changed into 64 inches. For the graphs generated form the calculator STAT-

Edit, then entered various data into lists. 2nd -STAT PLOT was where I designed my graphs.


The people who were surveyed in this report were randomly chosen by students, 2627

total people. Paige Schoneweis wrote and analyzed in this report.

Research Design

People were asked to fill out a survey and the data was collected into one data set. From that, a

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Survey Analysis 4

Proportions of people at Increasing Weight

Mean=167.64 Standard Deviation=38.55 n=50 Min=106 Med=161 Max=280

Proportions of people at Increasing Shoe Size

Mean=9.08 Standard Deviation=2.07 Min=5, Med=9, Max=13

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Survey Analysis 5

Scatter Plot Of Height Vs. Weight

• Weight in pounds on horizontal axis & height in inches on vertical axis

• There is somewhat a trend ( positive correlation) of a greater weight with a greater height

 but it is very weak and towards the center average height people have a large variety of 

weights. Which makes me believe that a lot of people are overweight.

Scatter Plot of Height vs Shoe Size

• There is a much more clear possitive association with height vs shoe size. Height is on

the vertical axis and shoe size is on the horizontal. I believe this is because it is

uncontrollable and people are genetically given these characteristics, the trend being shoe

size increases as weight increases, weight is much more dependable on environmental

factors and life style. So that is why it is so much more “scattered.”

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Survey Analysis 6

Women and Men’s Income

This graph represent both men (top line) and women’s income (bottom line). The horizontal axis

shows the number of people and the vertical axis is the amount of money they make. As you can

see men have a trend of making more money.

Women: Mean=23812, SD=25314, Min 0, Med 1500, Max 85000

Men: Mean=52329, SD= 65458 Min 0, Med 28500, Max 250000

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Survey Analysis 7

Men’s income on Top and Womens Bottom

I would use a median value to compare the two, because there are outliers like people without

 jobs. Men make about $52,329 and women make $23,812. The boxplot also shows how men

make a dominately larger amout of money through their income. The Third Quartile of the

Men’s boxplot is around the same amound as the Maximum income women make.

• The two Independent data sets have a p-value of .0279, with a significance level of 0.05 I

can conclude that men do make more money and reject the null which would be there is

no difference in incomes, because men clearly make much more.

Relationship Between Political Party and if the respondent feels President Obama will be



• Other is all the other values that I did not chose to compare. Such as what independants

thought or if the answer was not a yes or a no.

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Survey Analysis 8

Relationship btw. Political Party and Obama

• Democrats/Yes, Democrats/No, Republicans/ Yes, Republicans/No, The other section is

the undecided votes and the other political parties, many people also did not apply to a

distict party or did not know what their opinion was.

• These results do not produce a statistically significant choice from Democrats or 

Republicans through a 2 proportion Ztest Pvalue(.8557)

• Odds ratio of Democrats to thinking Obama will be re-elected to Repulblicans was .4286

Democrats to 1 Republian. However, the assumptions were not reasonable and the

Interval was (.088, 2.09) so this result was considered insignificant.

• It appears that more democrats think Obama will be re-relected and more republicans

 believe that he will not. Very few of the proportion of Republicans said yes (only 3).

However there is not significant evidence of this and it is probably just random chance.

Relationship Between Political Party and if the respondent is in Favor of the Health Care

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Survey Analysis 9


See (Figure 2)

Political Party and Health Care Bill

The Health care bill was more commonly not favored by either party, however Democrats most

strongly answered no.

• The proportion v-value of Democrates favoring the Health Care Bill more often than

Republicans was .3552. So I failed to reject the null hypothessis and assumed that the

results were random chance because there was not significance to resolve Democrats

more commonly approe of the Health Bill. The Odds ratio also concluded that for every

1.3091 Democrats 1 republican was in favor of the Health Care bill but the interval was

(.316, 5.431) to it is not considered significant.

The Relationship Between Political Party and the Death Penalty.

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Survey Analysis 10


The relationship is republicans most commonly being in favor of the death penalty, democrats

were equally opposed and in favor.

• For this question it appears that Republicans more strongly vote for the Death Penalty.

The proportion p value was .0119 confirming this observation to be true by a significant

amount. The null is rejected and I could conclude that Republicans more often are in

favor of the Death Penalty than Democrats.

• The odds ratio was for every 5.625 Republican 1 Democrat said yes to the Death

Penalty. The Intercal was (.037, .849) so it was also significant.

The Relationship with Handedness and Favor for the Death Penalty

See(Figure 4)

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Survey Analysis 11

I did not feel that a graph gives any real information for this. Of course handedness affecting

your thoughts would be a ridiculous assumption, however the data also proves this. It is

completely random.

• The odds ratio does not have reasonable assumptions and the p value is very large (.6491)

so I would fail to reject the null and conclude that there is not significant evidence that

right handed people are more often in favor of the Death Penalty.

Handedness and Amount of Water Consumed in Ounces

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Survey Analysis 12

This data is also completely meaningless. Handedness can not affect the amount of water you

drink, that is a personal choice and a personal necessity. In a calculator I endered 1,2,3 for right,

left and ambidextrious people into list1 and the various amounts of water into list2. A plot of this

is not going to show any kinds of trends, there are the most right handed people, so of course

there was more water being consumed. The four ambidextrious people at the top had the least

amount of water the left were in the center and the right were spread out.

• The mean amount of water consumed with left and right handed people was 52.54 and

46.12. Considering they have greater populations than the 4 people with ambidextrious

handedness it shows that the greater the population the closer the means are going to be

with everyone. With using ANOVA I was able to conclude a p value of .1462 that one of 

the groups was different.

Ethnicity and Change in Political Party

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Survey Analysis 13

Considered (Republicans=4 Democrats=4)

White=5, Black=1, Hispanic=2 Out of the total 8 who considered changing

There were not many participants who changed their political party so first I just counted the

number of republicans who changed their political party and the number of democrats. It was

exactly equal. 5 white people changed, 1 black, and 2 hispanics. I think this is more closely

related to the proportion of each ethnicity actually surveyed from the beginning because there is

an obvious larger about of white people than any other.

• These two variables are independent. They had a p value of .6773 so there was absolutely

no evidence that there is a significant relationship between the two.

Relationship with Water and Weight

• The vertical axis is the amount of water consumed in ounces and the horizontal axis is the

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Survey Analysis 14

weight of each person. The data looks pretty random without any trends but the most data

is in the middle so average people drank a normal amount of water, which could mean

that they are healthy and are not underweight or overweight partially because they drink 

enough water. A mean of 60.68 ounces of water was consumed and a standard deviation

of 46.79 min was 0, med 51, max 160.


A person’s political affiliation is expected to trend towards certain beliefs. This was clear with

the data concerning political party and the health care bill, death penalty, and Obama’s re-

election. Obama is a democrat so it is not surprising that the most democrats said they think he

will be re-elected and inversely not surprising the republicans said he would not. Democrats and

republicans did not facor the Health Care Bill, which might be related to where we live, or it just

 being an unfavorable thing. Republicans were strongly in favor of the death penalty and

Democrats were slightly against it. The relationship with handedness and decisions was pointless

 but good to have a contrastment to the graphs that are actually showing trends. Lastly ethnicity

seemed to be a failure, but mostly because there was not enough equal variety, and the amount of 

water related to weight was interesting. I thought that bigger people would drink the most water 

 but there were not any trends besides the amount of ounces consumed started to decrease as

weight increased. I think this may be related to a concern with their health, obviously men weigh

more than women and are still not overweight but some subjects may be drinking soda insteasd

of water, or other fattening beverages therefore consuming less water and gaining weight. There

are studies that show a relationship with a lack of adequate water consumption and excess body

fat. (Leroy Perry, 1999)

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Survey Analysis 15


Leroy Perry, R. (1999). Are you drinking enough water?. Retrieved from