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  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation


  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation



    • Chapter – 1: Conceptual Framework of Human Resource Management

    • The points traced out in this chapter are introduction to human resourcemanagement, banking sector and human resource management, humanresource management and quality of work life (QWL), quality of work life, obsatisfaction and employees! performance""

    • Chapter – 2: Overview of Banking ector in !n"ia

    • This chapter co#ers introduction, the role of commercial banks in economicde#elopment, nationali$ation of banks in %ndia, current scenario of bankingsector in %ndia, pri#ate banks in %ndia, foreign banks in %ndia and brief profile ofselected banks under study"

    •Chapter – #: Review of $iterature

    • This chapter discusses introduction, theoretical perspecti#es of the #ariables,literature re#iew on quality of work life (QWL), ob satisfaction andperformance and conclusion from literature re#iew and gaps in literature"

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation



    •Chapter – %: Research Metho"olog&

    •This chapter deals with the introduction, origin of the research problem, quality of work life, obsatisfaction and performance, rationale for taking the research, problem identification of thestudy, ob ecti#es of the study, scope of the study, research design, sources of data collection,sampling and population, hypotheses of the study, tools and techniques of data analysis,chapterisation of the study, limitations and significance of the study"

    •Chapter – ': (ata )nal&sis an" !nterpretation

    •This chapter deals with the introduction, &requency Tables based on 'one and istribution of

    espondents, emographic *rofile of espondents, ata +nalysis based on Quality of WorkLife, iscriminant +nalysis based on the Quality of Work Life of espondents, ata +nalysisbased on ob -atisfaction, iscriminant +nalysis based on ob -atisfaction of espondents,

    ata +nalysis based on *erformance, iscriminant +nalysis based on *erformance ofespondents, .ypothesis Testing using T/test, escripti#e -tatistics of Quality of Work Life,ob -atisfaction and *erformance, 0ross Tabulation 1etween Quality of Work Life, ob

    -atisfaction and *erformance and 0orrelation 1etween Quality of Work Life, ob -atisfactionand *erformance"

    •Chapter – *: This chapter deals with ma or findings, recommendations for the employees andbanks to impro#e accordingly, scope for future research, conclusion and implications of thestudy"

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    %ntroduction • 2ast changes ha#e been seen in the banking sector o#er the past two decades" 1ank

    employees ha#e been facing the ma3imum work pressures in the process of deli#ering

    timely ser#ices to meet organi$ational goals and ensure customer satisfaction" &actorslikes increased use of technologies and equipment, online bank transactions, increasedbanking habits of customers, socio/economic changes, 4o#ernment and 1%s guidelinesand controls etc" ha#e increased the problem of work stress of employees causingdeclined quality of work life"

    • +part from regular banking business now, banking industry has to pro#ide a wide range offinancial products and ser#ices to corporate entities and retail customers" They aree3posed to higher le#els of wok stress in the changed work en#ironment" +ll these affectthe banking profession and skill requirements as well as their commitment to performancein banks" %t has ad#erse impact on the physical and psychological health of the employees,resulting in low quality of work life"

    • ue to changes in technology and to meet #arious demands of the customers and to

    withstand the place in the global market the banks ha#e to focus on quality of work life,employees satisfaction on ma or areas like ob security, ob satisfaction, medical facilities,canteen facilities, rewards, 5-%, etc" 1oth employers and employees are now recogni$ingand appreciating the significance of the quality of work life in organi$ations" %n #iew of this,bank management has to ensure quality of life for employees that can pro#ide satisfactionand enhance ob performance "

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    • ue to changes in technology and to meet #arious demands of the customers and to withstandthe place in the global market the banks ha#e to focus on quality of work life, employees

    satisfaction on ma or areas like ob security, ob satisfaction, medical facilities, canteen facilities,rewards, 5-%, etc" 1oth employers and employees are now recogni$ing and appreciating thesignificance of the quality of work life in organi$ations" %n #iew of this, bank management has toensure quality of life for employees that can pro#ide satisfaction and enhance ob performance"

    •%n quality of work life, quality of life describes a person!s or group!s standard of li#ing en#ironment,public health, safety and general surroundings while quality of work life encompasses things thataffect their well/being such as salary and benefits"

    •Quality of work life is increasingly a significant part of the total benefits package" %t is e#ident fromthe re#iew of literature that the studies on quality of work life concerning banking sector,particularly of an inter/sectorial approach, are scanty and not adequate to arri#e at meaningfulinferences"

    •%n this thesis, an attempt is made to re#iew the literature on quality of life to identify the conceptand measurement #ariables as well its linkage with satisfaction and performance" The study wasbased on the descripti#e research design" The sampling design being used here is simplerandom sampling" The sample si$e 678 has been used Thus thesis seeks to utili$e primaryresearch, through structured questionnaires and secondary method in#ol#es data collectionthrough maga$ines and websites" The tools being used for analysis and interpretation are 0hi/

    -quare test and fi#e point liker scales

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    •QUALITY OF WORK LIFE: According to American Society of Trainingand Development, “QWL is a process of work organizations whichena les its mem ers at all levels to actively participate in shaping theorganization!s environment methods and c"stoms# This val"e asedprocess is aimed towards meeting the twin goals of enhancede$ectiveness of organization and improved %"ality of life at work foremployees#“• JOB SATISFACTION: Locke de&nes 'o satisfaction as a “pleas"ra leor positive emotional state res"lting from the appraisal of one(s or 'oe)periences*# +n view of the rising competition as a res"lt ofglo alization managers have placed great importance on the constr"ctof 'o satisfaction# This may e d"e to the &ndings of many st"dies that

    'o satisfaction is a signi&cant determinant of organizational

    commitment# -ighly satis&ed employees will e)ert e)tra e$ort andcontri "te positively to the e$ectiveness and e.ciency of theirorganizations•EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE: The performance of employees ondi$erent 'o s in close coordination is needed for s"ccess of the "nit#Performance management maintains, develop and motivate the people at

    work to give better resuoranization that ives better results can survive, stabilize, row and

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    The principal o 'ectives of the st"dy are as here"nder/0# To know the %"ality of work life in selected anks#1# To know the 'o satisfaction of employees of selected

    anks#2# To know performance of the employees of selected

    anks#3# To compare %"ality of work life etween gender, age

    gro"ps and anks#4# To compare 'o satisfaction etween gender, age

    gro"ps and anks#5# To compare performance etween gender, age gro"ps

    and anks#6# To correlate %"ality of work life with 'o satisfaction

    and performance of the employees#

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    The data for this st"dy are collected fromemployees of selected anking "nits from 7"'aratstate# The data are collected on the asis ofpersonal interviews and8or %"estionnaire ypersonal visit of the researcher# The informationcollected on this asis is oth %"alitative as well%"antitative# Secondary data are collected fromp" lished literat"re area of the st"dy# 9re : tested

    %"estionnaire is "sed to collect the necessaryinformation related to the present st"dy#

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    ;or The sake st"dy # The names ofthese anks are ?0# A)is @ank1# -D; @ank2# + + + @ank3# Botak Cahindra @ank4# @ank of @aroda =@ @>5# 9"n'a Eational @ank =9E@>

    6# State @ank of +ndia =S@+> andF# +D@+ ank

    Th"s for the present research, the total samplerespondent size is 21G =3G employees ) F anks>employees from selected anks# The data collectionproced"re is p"rely randomized# The st"dy has

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    +n the present st"dy the following hypotheses have eentaken#0# There is no signi&cant di$erence in the %"ality of work life

    in selected anking "nits#1# There is no signi&cant di$erence 'o satisfaction of the

    employees in selected anking "nits#2# There is no signi&cant di$erence in the performance of the

    employees in selected anking "nits#3# There is no signi&cant di$erence in the %"ality of work life

    etween the gender and age gro"ps of the respondents in

    selected anking "nits#4# There is no signi&cant di$erence in the 'o satisfaction

    etween the gender and age gro"ps of the respondents inselected anking "nits#

    5# There is no signi&cant di$erence in the performance

    etween the gender and age gro"ps of the respondents inselected ankin "nits#

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    TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES USED IN THESTUDY The main statistical tools "sed in this st"dy#

    The asic information is presented in termsof ;re%"ency and 9ercentage form#

    The descriptive statistics like mean, median,mode, Standard Deviation =S#D#> areo tained depending on the necessity#

    9ro a le statistical tests applied for the dataanalysis are AE HA, t?test, chi?s%"are test

    and correlation#

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    • The st"dy was done on 21G respondentsaccording to fo"r zones viz#, north, so"th,east and west#

    • "t of 21G ank employees, 3G each wereselected from A)is, +D@+, -D; , + + +,@ank of @aroda =@ @>, 9"n'a Eational@ank =9E@>, State @ank of +ndia =S@+> and

    +D@+ @ank#• There were fo"r p" lic and fo"r private

    anks in this st"dy# ;rom each type ofanks, 05G employees were selected#

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    S. No. D !o"#$%&'() Go* #n! n+ P#'*$+G n- # +re 'ency $ercenta#e +re 'enc


    Ma e 12- - ./ 1 2 0.+e&a e 20.3 2 1 .1

    / A#e *ro'p be o4 21 - /./ 2 1.221 / 35 /0.3 103 33.2

    5 // / 21.2 23 13.2/5 5/ 2 20.0 1 11.250 or Above 50 22 1 . 5.0

    0 M$#'+$1 S+$+2)Married 121 -5.3 3 .

    )n&arried 2/./ 130 1.23 6d'cation

    ((7 2 1.2 2 1.28(7 1 0.3 1.%ip o&a 2 1.2 0 0*rad'ate / 52.5 -2 -2

    $%& () G $

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    D !o"#$%&'() Go* #n! n+ P#'*$+4. T5% o6 E!%1o5! n+

    $er&anent 1/5 0.3 122 -3.2

    7ontract'a 11 3. 11 3.

    9e&porary / 2.5 23 13.2

    other 0 0 1 0.3

    7 7 ass:*rade of6&p oy&ent7 ass ; 5 3.2 0 50.0

    7 ass ;; 33 /1.2 5/ .

    7 ass ;;; 1 1 ./ 20 12.5

    7 ass ;V 5 .1 3 .

    8. Wo#9 E:% #' n(

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    • A!e "o#$: The st"dy depicts that among 21Grespondents, ma'ority =42#3I> were aged 10 to 23 yearsfollowed y 0F#FI, 04#5I, J#3I and 1#FI had age

    etween 24 to 33, 34 to 43, K43 and 10 yearsrespectively# +t can e concl"ded that there were very fewrespondents whose age was elow 10 years and more than44 years# A ove ta le shows distri "tion of respondentsaccording to their age gro"ps and ank type# 9roportion ofelder =K43 yrs> respondents was higher in government

    ank whereas yo"nger =10 to 23 yrs> respondents weremore in private ank#

    • e%&e": There were 14J =FG#JI> male employees whereasremaining 0J#0I were females# +n present st"dy, male tofemale ratio is same in government and private ank# +ngovernment and private ank male employees were high ascompared to females#

    • M'"()'* S)')#+: "t of 21G respondents, 11G =5F#FI> weremarried whereas remaining 0GG =20#1I> were "nmarried#Amon 05G overnment ank em lo ees 64#5I were

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    • Ec')(o%'* Q#'*(,c')(o%: Among 21G selectedrespondents, 045 =3F#FI> were grad"ates, 043 =3F#0I>were post grad"ates whereas remaining few employeeswere either diploma holders or having ed"cation "p tosecondary or higher secondary level# A o"t 4GI weregrad"ates and others were post grad"ates# 9roportion ofgrad"ates was high in government ank whereas postgrad"ates were more in private ank#

    • T-$e o. E/$*o-/e%): There were 156 =F2#3I>permanent, 11=5#JI> contract"al, 2G =J#3I> temporaryemployees in present st"dy# As compared to private ank,government anks had more permanent employees# +ncontrary, temporary employees were more in private ankcompared to government ank#

    • C*'++0 "'&e o. E/$*o-/e%): o"t of 21G respondents,02F =32#0I> were class : + employee whereas 01G =26#4I>were class : ++, 40 =04#JI> were class : +++ and remaining 00

    =2#3I> were class : +H employee# 9roportion of class : +em lo ees were hi her in rivate anks whereas class : ++

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    ANALYSIS BASED ON THE QUALITY OF WORKLIFERespondents view on whether job requires learning new things

    "t of 05G selected private ank employees, F4 =42#01I>respondents strongly agree, 5F =31#4I> only agree and F =3#2FI>

    respondents do not agree with the statement that 'o re%"ires newlearning things# Ca'ority of the respondents from -D; ank i#e# 1J=23#01I> strongly agree, A)is ank 14 =25#65I> agree and that ofBotak Cahindra ank 6 =60#32I> not agree that 'o re%"ires newlearning things# n the other hand, looking to the government ankemployees, 53 =3GI> employees strongly agree, J2 =4F#01I> agree

    and 2 =0#FFI> not agree with the statement# Ca'ority of employeesfrom @ank of @aroda 13 =26#4GI> strongly agreed and that of +D@+

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    ANALYSIS BASED ON THE QUALITY OF WORKLIFERespondents view on whether job let them use their skills and abilities

    Among 05G selected private ank employees, 5J =32#01I> respondentsstrongly agree, 63 =35#14I> agree, 04 =J#2FI> not agree and 1 =0#14I>disagree that 'o let them "se their skills and a ilities# ;"rther consideringma'ority of respondents, -D; ank was leading with 11 =20#FFI>respondents who strongly agree, 10 =1F#2FI> each from + + + ank and BotakCahindra ank who agree, F =42#22I> from A)is ank not agree and 1=0GG#GGI> from A)is ank who disagree with the statement# Coving towardsgovernment ank employees, 3F =2G#GGI> employees strongly agree, JG=45#14I> agree, 0F =00#14I> not agree and 3 =1#4GI> disagree with thestatement# onsidering ma'ority ratio of employees, @ank of @aroda was

    leading with 11 =34#F2I> respondents who strongly agree, 20 =23#33I> from+D@+ ank who agree, F =33#33I> from 9"n'a Eational @ank who not agree

    T5% o6 B$n9 SA A NA D SD

    N < N < N < N < N <A=is 13 2 .1 1/ 1 . 2 5 . 2 100.00

    8%+7 22 1. 1 2/. 2;7;7; 1- 2/.3/ 21 2 . 2 1 .>ota? Mahindra 1/ 20.2 21 2 . 5 .

    P#'*$+ B$n9) =N> 3 100.00 -/ 100.00 15 100.00 2 100.00

    (B; 1 2-.0 1 21.11 / 22.22 / 100.00

    BOB 22 /5. 13 1-.- 2 11.11

    $@B 13.3- 2/ 23.3- //.//;%B; 5 10./2 1 /.// / 22.22

    Go*+. B$n9) =N> / 100.00 0 100.00 1 100.00 / 100.00

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    ANALYSIS BASED ON JOB SATISFACTIONRespondents view on whether income from job alone is enough to meet

    family’s usual monthly expenses an d bills

    "t of 05G selected private ank employees, 2G =0F#64I> respondentsstrongly agree, 36 =1J#2FI> agree, 21 =1G#GGI> not agree, 16 =05#F6I>disagree and 13 =04#GGI> respondents strongly disagree with the statement#+n case of ma'ority of the respondents, -D; ank was leading withrespondents 05 =42#22I> who strongly agree, 03 =1J#6JI> from -D; ankagree, 03 =32#64I> from + + + ank not agree, 00 =3G#63I> from A)is ankdisagree and 0G =30#56I> again from A)is ank strongly disagree that incomefrom 'o alone is eno"gh to meet family(s "s"al monthly e)penses and ills#

    n the other hand, looking to the government ank employees, 16 =05#FFI>employees strongly agree, 60 =33#26I> agree, 32 =15#FFI> not agree, 06=0G#51I> disagree and 1 =0#14I> strongly disagree with the statement#

    onsidering ma'ority of employees, @ank of @aroda was leading with 03=40#F4I> respondents who strongly agreed, 15 =25#51I> of +D@+ ank agreed,03 =21#45I> each from State @ank of +ndia and +D@+ ank not agreed, F

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    ANALYSIS BASED ON JOB SATISFACTIONRespondents view on whether satisfaction with the salary

    "t of 05G selected private ank employees, 20 =0J#26I> respondentsstrongly agree, 3F =2G#GGI> agree, 40 =20#FFI> not agree, F =4#GGI> disagreeand 11 =02#64I> respondents strongly disagree with the statement# Covingtowards ma'ority of the respondents, -D; ank was leading with respondents01 =2F#60I> who strongly agree, 0F =26#4GI> from A)is ank agree, 0J

    =26#4GI> from + + + ank not agree, 2 =26#4GI> each from + + + and BotakCahindra ank disagree and 6 =20#F1I> from Botak Cahindra ank stronglydisagree with the statement# +n case of government ank employees, 14=04#51I> employees strongly agree, 6F =3F#64I> agree, 21 =1G#GGI> notagree, 0J =00#FFI> disagree and 5 =2#64I> strongly disagree with thestatement# +n case of ma'ority of government ank employees, State @ank of+ndia was leading with each 0G =3G#GGI> respondents who strongly agreed, 16=23#51I> of +D@+ ank agreed, 00 =23#2FI> from +D@+ ank not agreed, F

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    ANALYSIS BASED ON THE PERFORMANCERespondents view on whether they are able in making signicant

    achievements with regard to career

    "t of 05G selected private ank employees, 32 =15#FFI> respondentsstrongly agree, 65 =36#4GI> agree, 20 =0J#26I> not agree and 0G =5#14I>disagree with the statement# Looking to the ma'ority of the respondents, -D;

    ank was leading with respondents 0F =30#F5I> who strongly agree, 12=2G#15I> from A)is ank agree, 00 =24#3FI> from again A)is ank not agreeand 4 =4G#GGI> from Botak Cahindra ank disagree with the statement#

    onsidering government ank employees, 1F =06#4GI> employees stronglyagree, 0G3 =54#GGI> agree, 12 =03#2FI> not agree and 4 =2#01I> disagreewith the statement# Taking into acco"nt ma'ority of employees, @ank of @arodawas leading with 00 =2J#1JI> respondents who strongly agreed, 2G =0F#64I>of 9"n'a Eational @ank agreed, F =23#6FI> from +D@+ ank not agreed and 1

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    ANALYSIS BASED ON THE PERFORMANCERespondents view on whether they have been able to increase the net prot

    of organization

    "t of 05G private ank employees, 31 =15#14I> respondents strongly agree,6J =3J#2FI> agree, 26 =12#01I> not agree and 1 =0#14I> disagree with thestatement# Taking into acco"nt ma'ority of respondents, -D; ank wasleading with respondents 04 =24#60I> who strongly agree, 11 =16#F4I> from

    A)is ank agree, 00 =1J#62I> each from A)is and Botak Cahindra ank notagree and 0 =4G#GGI> each from -D; and + + + ank disagree with thestatement# M)amining government ank employees, 23 =10#14I> employeesstrongly agree, J0 =45#FFI> agree, 2G =0F#64I> not agree, 0 =G#51I> disagreeand 3 =1#4GI> strongly disagree with the statement# onsidering ma'ority ofgovernment ank employees, @ank of @aroda was leading with 04 =33#01I>respondents who strongly agreed, 1F =2G#66I> of 9"n'a Eational @ankagreed, 02 =32#22I> from +D@+ @ank not agreed, 0 =0GG#GGI> of @ank of@aroda disa reed and 1 4G#GGI of State @ank of +ndia and +D@+ ank stron l

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    PERFORMANCE• Q#'*()- o. Wo"k L(.e: Among selected 21G respondents,

    6J =13#6I> said %"ality of work life in their anks wase)cellent whereas as per 65 =12#FI> it was good, 0G4=21#FI> said it was ad and remaining 5G =0F#FI> said itwas poor#

    • Jo2 S')(+.'c)(o%: Among selected 21G respondents, 65=12#FI> said they were f"lly satis&ed with their 'o whereas6J =13#6I> were satis&ed, F1 =14#5I> were dissatis&ed andremaining F2 =14#JI> were f"lly dissatis&ed with their 'o #

    • Pe".o"/'%ce: Among selected 21G respondents, 6F

    =13#3I> said performance in their anks was e)cellentwhereas as per F1 =14#5I> it was good, 6F =13#3I> said itwas ad and remaining F1 =14#5I> said it was poor#

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    • Q#'*()- o. 3o"k *(.e 2e)3ee% !o4e"%/e%) '%& $"(4')e2'%k e/$*o-ee+ : Among government employees only0F#FI said they had e)cellent %"ality of work life whereasamong private employees 2G#5I said they had e)cellent%"ality of work life#

    • Q#'*()- o. 3o"k *(.e 2e)3ee% /'*e '%& .e/'*e 2'%ke/$*o-ee+ : Among male employees 15#2I said they hade)cellent %"ality of work life whereas among femaleemployees only 0F#GI said they had e)cellent %"ality ofwork life#

    • Q#'*()- o. 3o"k *(.e 2e)3ee% /'""(e& '%& #%/'""(e&2'%k e/$*o-ee+ : Among married employees, 13#4I saidthey had e)cellent %"ality of work life whereas among"nmarried employees, 14#GI said they had e)cellent%"ality of work life#

    • Q#'*()- o. 3o"k *(.e o. 2'%k e/$*o-ee+ 'cco"&(%! )oec')(o%: Eone of employees with lower ed"cational%"ali&cation had e)cellent %"ality of work life whereas

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    • Jo2 S')(+.'c)(o% 2e)3ee% !o4e"%/e%) '%& $"(4')e2'%k e/$*o-ee+ : Among government employees, 44Iwere satis&ed whereas among private employees, 31Iwere satis&ed with their 'o # 7overnment employees weremore satis&ed as compared to private employees#

    • Jo2 S')(+.'c)(o% 2e)3ee% /'*e '%& .e/'*e 2'%ke/$*o-ee+ : Among male employees, 4GI were satis&edwhereas among female employees, 34I were satis&ed withtheir 'o # Cale employees were more satis&ed as comparedto female employees#

    • Jo2 S')(+.'c)(o% 2e)3ee% /'""(e& '%& #%/'""(e&2'%k e/$*o-ee+ : Among married employees, 42I weresatis&ed whereas among "nmarried employees, 2FI weresatis&ed with their 'o # Satisfaction level was higher amongmarried as compared to "nmarried employees#

    • Jo2 S')(+.'c)(o% o. 2'%k e/$*o-ee+ 'cco"&(%! )oec')(o% : Satisfaction level was higher among grad"atesas compared to employees who had completed only

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    • Pe".o"/'%ce 2e)3ee% !o4e"%/e%) '%& $"(4')e 2'%ke/$*o-ee+ : Among government employees, 44I hadgood performance whereas among private employees, 34Ihad good work e.ciency# 7overnment employees had moreperformance as compared to private employees#

    • Pe".o"/'%ce 2e)3ee% /'*e '%& .e/'*e 2'%ke/$*o-ee+ : Among male employees, 40I had goodperformance whereas among female employees, 33I hadgood work e.ciency# Cale employees had moreperformance as compared to female employees#

    • Pe".o"/'%ce 2e)3ee% /'""(e& '%& #%/'""(e& 2'%ke/$*o-ee+ : Among married employees, 40I had goodperformance whereas among "nmarried employees, 36Ihad good work e.ciency# Carried and "nmarriedemployees had almost e%"al work e.ciency#

    • Pe".o"/'%ce o. 2'%k e/$*o-ee+ 'cco"&(%! )oec')(o% : 9erformance was high among employees withhigh ed"cation#

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    Q#'*()- o. 3o"k *(.e• 9rivate employees strongly mean that their 'o re%"ire very

    fast work whereas government employees agree with thesame# Agreement is higher among private employees ascompared to government employees =p?val"e G#G0>#

    • As compared to government, private anks give morefreedom to their employees to "se their Skills and a ilities intheir work =p?val"e N G#G15>#

    • 7overnment employers had less tr"st on their employees ascompared to private ank employees =p?val"e N G#G05>#

    • As per employees, safety and sec"rity of employees were at

    high priority in private anks whereas in government it wasnot "p to the marks =p?val"e N G#GG0>#• As far as 'o sec"rity is concerned, government employees

    had shown more agreement as compared to privateemployees =p?val"e N G#G24># Th"s overall %"ality of work

    life is high in government anks as compared to privateanks#

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    Jo2 S')(+.'c)(o%• @oth government and private ank employees were not satis&ed

    with the income earned y their salary# 9rivate employees weremore dissatis&ed as compared to government employees =p?val"eN G#GG0>#

    • 7overnment employees had high satisfaction level regarding workcondition as compared to private employees =p?val"e N G#G02>#

    Almost all selected employees mean that their 'o was notaccording to their capa ility and liking#• As compared to private employees, government employees were

    getting more perks in the form of rewards =p?val"e N G#G06>#• 7overnment employees were not press"rized for e)tra work and

    they can always en'oy all holidays and other leaves whereasprivate employees had somewhat dissatisfaction regarding e)trawork load and ina ility to f"lly en'oy holidays and other leaves =p?val"e G#G4>#

    • As compared to government, private employees got satisfactorytraining =p?val"e N G#GG6>#

    • verall, satisfaction level is high among government ank

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    Pe".o"/'%ce• As compared to government employees, private employees

    were reOecting more agreement in taking any proactivesteps to improve the %"ality of prod"cts or services of their

    anks =p?val"e N G#G06>#• As compared to government employees, private employees

    had more agreement regarding get learn the skill of workdelegation =p?val"e N G#GG2>#

    • As per private employees, they got more cooperation fromtheir colleag"es as compared to government employees =p?val"e N G#G02>#

    • verall performance was etter in private anks ascompared to government anks#

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation



    @ased on the key &ndings, the following recommendations are

    o"tlined#Mmployees sho"ld e given a challenging 'o eca"se itmotivates them and inO"ences their %"ality of work life# +tsho"ld e kept in mind that the workload sho"ld e in linewith employees( capa ilities and reso"rces#

    Amenities at work o"ght to e improved at the earliest aspoor amenities make the employee dissatis&ed#Appropriate pay strategies co"ld e evolved to give fair andade%"ate compensation to the employees# Canagementsho"ld make attempts to ad'"st pay scales according to the

    changes in cost of living from time to time# @anks can takemany steps towards welfare of its employees y providingother ene&ts like leave fare, medical aid and prod"ctivity

    on"s etc#Ade%"ate n"m er of sta$ sho"ld e recr"ited# Hacant posts

    sho"ld e &lled "p as soon as possi le# While recr"iting theratio of male and female sta$ sho"ld e even#

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation


    Testing of HypothesisQ2$1'+5 o6 ?o#9 1'6

    8ypothesis 7hi s 'areVa 'e

    $ Va 'e es' t (i#nificant

    Quality of work life between4o#ernment and *ri#ate 1ankemployees

    ;;"7 accepte" no significant

    Quality of Work Life between bankemployees of #arious age groups

    ;9"?7; 8"7@;" accepte" no significant

    Quality of Work Life between:arried and Anmarried bankemployees

    9";>8 8"799" accepte" no significant

    Quality of Work Life of bankemployees on their education"

    79"6@? 8"8;?" r e+ecte" significant

    Quality of Work Life of bankemployees on their e3perience

    ;?"97< 8";86" accepte" no significant

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation


    Testing of Hypothesis,o- satisfaction

    8ypothesis 7hi s 'areVa 'e

    $Va 'e

    es' t (i#nificant

    ob satisfaction between4o#ernment and pri#ate banks

    ;?">=9 8"88; re+ecte" significant

    :ale employees were moresatisfied as compared to femaleemployees"

    ;7"99= 8"88 8"889" re+ecte" significant

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation


    Testing of Hypothesis.erformance

    8ypothesis 7hi s 'are

    Va 'e

    $ Va 'e es' t (i#nificant

    *erformance between4o#ernment and *ri#ate1ank employees"


  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation


    F(%&(%!+ 2'+e& o% co""e*')(o%

    Correlation -etween /0$ ,o- satisfaction

    e ations $earson7orre ation

    $ Va 'e 7orre ation

    C< D Job(atisfaction

    8">?= "888 $ositive

    C< D $erfor&ance 8">@; "888 $ositive

    Job (atisfactionD


    8">76 "888 $ositive

    CC-ignificant at 8"8; le#el (7 tailed )

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation



    @efore introd"ction of new technologies ade%"ate training

    has to e given to the employees to cope "p with the newtask# Mven after introd"ction, contin"o"s 'o s"pport sho"lde given to the employees to solve their di.c"lties#

    So"nd interpersonal relations res"lt in organizationale.ciency# 7ood cooperation and contact etweenmanagement and employees ens"res QWL# Team spirit leadsto greater e.ciency#

    To enco"rage competitive c"lt"re in p" lic sector anks,seniority ased promotion policies sho"ld e revised#

    The p" lic sector ank needs to increase employees! paysatisfaction y introd"cing a di$erential pay system ased onone!s merit and e$ort# To maintain satis&ed and dedicatedwork force, performance ased compensation packagesho"ld e introd"ced#

    Po sec"rity has long een one of the most positive aspects ofp" lic sector anks hence private sector ank needs to

    introd"ce special schemes related to pension, grat"ity,retirement and other related ene&ts to enhance the

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    This st"dy gives a clear pict"re of %"ality of work life, 'o

    satisfaction and performance of employees working in p" licand private anks# +t says whether, the %"ality of wok life ankemployees is etter or not, whether they are satis&ed with 'oor not# +t also draws an attention towards the pro lems faced

    y the employees in their work# +t may help the anks to

    improve employee(s performance#9roviding %"ality at work not only red"ces attrition "t alsohelps in red"ced a senteeism and improved 'o satisfaction#Eot only does QWL contri "te to a company!s a ility to recr"it%"ality people, "t also it enhances a anks( competitiveness#

    n the academic side, this st"dy makes a signi&cantcontri "tion to the organizational ehavior and h"manreso"rces management literat"re y systematically e)aminingthe inO"ence of %"ality of work life on employees( 'osatisfaction, performance in anks conte)t# verall, thec"rrent st"dy &ndings provide tentative s"pport to theproposition that %"ality of work life sho"ld e recognized as a

  • 8/19/2019 Phd Ppt Presentation



    The limitations of the st"dy are as "nder#• The st"dy is targeted on only 7"'arat state#• The answers given y the respondents may e s" 'ective

    and hence it may ca"se the res"lt otherwise#• As st"dy is done in a partic"lar region, the res"lts o tained

    from this st"dy may not e taken granted for all employeesin the "niverse#

    • The data collection is a very to"gh task and it re%"irespassion, money and time# D"e to some limitations of theresearcher, it is not possi le to collect information fromother regions#

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