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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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    College of Nursing

    Submitted by:

    Lielani C. Martinez

    Joana Marie P. Oseo

    BSN IV Blk. 8



    Submitted to:

    Eric T. Del Rosario, R.N.

    Clinical Instructor


    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare condition in which a baby is born without the ability to properly break

    down an amino acid called phenylalanine. It is an inherited autosomal recessive trait that causes

    negative impact on development and mental retardation.

    Alternative names: Neonatal Phenylketonuria Deficiency Disease, Phenylalanine Hydroxylase ; Folling

    Disease/Folling's Disease ; Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency Disease ; PAH Deficiency; Phenylpyruvic


    CAUS E S

    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is inherited, which means it is passed down through families. Both parents must

    pass on the defective gene in order for a baby to have the condition. This is called an autosomal

    recessive trait. Babies with PKU are missing an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase, which is

    needed to break down an essential amino acid called phenylalanine. The substance is found in foods

    that contain protein. Without the enzyme, levels of phenylalanine and two closely-related substances

    build up in the body. These substances are harmful to the central nervous system and cause brain


    Carrier test information for autosomal recessive diseases

    One parent is a carrier Both parents are carriers



    If only one parent carries the abnormal gene, there



    A 50% chance in each pregnancy that their child

    will receive the defective gene and be a carrier.


    A 50% chance in each pregnancy that their child

    will not receive the defective gene and will not

    be a carrier or have the disease.


    No chance (0%) that their child will have the


    If both parents carry the abnormal gene, there is:


    A 25% chance in each pregnancy that their child

    will inherit the defective gene from each parent

    (two genes) and have the disease.


    A 50% chance in each pregnancy that their child

    will receive one defective gene and be a carrier.


    A 25% chance in each pregnancy that their child

    will not receive the defective gene and will not

    be a carrier or have the disease.

    Note: If neither parent carries the abnormal gene, their child will not have this type of disease.

    Each person inherits 23 chromosomes from each parent and so has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each

    chromosome contains genes. One or both of the chromosomes in a pair can carry a mutation and beabnormal or defective in a way that causes a genetic disease. In an autosomal recessive disease, both

    chromosomes in a pair must have a defective gene for the person to have the disease. If only one gene

    is defective, the person is a carrier of the disease but does not have any symptoms.


    Phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme is responsible for the conversion of phenylalanine (an essential

    amino acid) to tyrosine. The nonessential amino acid, tyrosine, is a significant element for someneurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and serotonin. It is also essential in

    the production of melanin and function of the hormone regulating organs such as thyroid, pituitary, and

    adrenal glands.

    Phenylalanine plays a role in the body's production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin and hair

    color. Therefore, infants with the condition often have lighter skin, hair, and eyes than brothers or

    sisters without the disease.

    Other symptoms may include:

    Delayed mental and social skills

    Head size significantly below normal


    Jerking movements of the arms or legs

    Mental retardation




    Skin rashes


    Unusual positioning of hands

    Consequences of absent liver enzyme in children with PKU would result to deficient tyrosine leading tothe following conditions:

    Absence of serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine

    Result: Faulty nerve (Nervous System) transmission

    Neurotransmitters communicate impulses to the nerve cells. Lack of tyrosine would lead to

    deterioration of this function. Mood regulation is also connected to the presence of these

    chemicals (dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine); therefore, alteration of one s disposition and

    temperament will be expected.

    D eficient Melanin levels

    Result: Unusual skin color

    Melanin is responsible for skin pigmentation. Deficient levels of melanin lead to a very fair

    complexion, a light blond hair and blue eyes.

    H yposecretion of thyroid hormones

    Result: Permanent brain damage (Mental Retardation) and developmental delay

    Thyroid glands are located at the throat that comprises the two lateral masses on each side of

    the trachea. Before the two active thyroid hormones are produced, a process known as iodide

    trapping (iodide ion is concentrated within the thyroid) occurs. Then iodide is dissolved inside

    the follicular cells of the thyroid to become iodine and later released as a colloid. Colloids

    contain thyroglobulins which are made up of the amino acid tyrosine. Iodide when combined

    with tyrosine produces Monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and Diiodotyrosine (DIT). Conversion of MIT and

    DIT would form the two active thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4). These

    hormones are stored in the follicular cells until needed. T3 and T4 are primarily responsible for

    cellular metabolism affects nearly all cells in the body. They play a vital role for normal

    development to occur. In PKU, no Monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and Diiodotyrosine (DIT) is formed

    due to absence of tyrosine. Production of T3 and T4 would be inevitable causing decrease basal

    metabolism, cessation of cognitive and physical development. Most children with PKU are

    cognitively challenged having an IQ of less than 20.



    Increase Phenylalanine levels

    Result: Mousy urine odor

    Phenylalanine levels increase due to the absence of the liver enzyme. The end product of

    phenylalanine metabolism is phenylpyruvic acid (a keto acid). The by-product spills into the urine

    that gives it a strong mousy or musty odor that often spreads through the entire body of the

    infant or child. This is the reason why the disorder is called phenylketonuria (meaning there is

    phenylpruvic or keto acid in the urine)

    The most severe form of this disorder is known as classic PKU.

    Infants with classic PKU appear normal until they are a few months old.

    Without treatment with a special low-phenylalanine diet, these children develop permanent

    intellectual disability.

    Seizures, delayed development, behavioral problems, and psychiatric disorders are also


    Untreated individuals may have a musty or mouse-like odor as a side effect of excess

    phenylalanine in the body.

    Children with classic PKU tend to have lighter skin and hair than unaffected family members and

    are also likely to have skin disorders such as eczema.

    Less severe forms of this condition, sometimes called variant PKU and non-PKU hyperphenylalaninemia,

    have a smaller risk of brain damage. People with very mild cases may not require treatment with a low-

    phenylalanine diet.



    Babies born to mothers with PKU and uncontrolled phenylalanine levels (women who no longer follow a

    low-phenylalanine diet) have a significant risk of intellectual disability because they are exposed to very

    high levels of phenylalanine before birth.

    These infants may also have a low birth weight and grow more slowly than other children.

    Other characteristic medical problems include heart defects or other heart problems, an

    abnormally small head size (microcephaly), and behavioral problems.

    Women with PKU and uncontrolled phenylalanine levels also have an increased risk of pregnancy



    Newborn screening has been implemented in the U S since the

    1960s. The introduction of tandem mass spectroscopy to

    routine neonatal screening programs in 1990 led to an increase

    in the number of inherited metabolic disorders that could be

    detectable in neonates, extending the possibilities of early

    diagnosis and treatment for generally presymptomatic

    diseases. PKU is identified by an increased concentration of phenylalanine in a blood spot, as well as an increased ratio of phenylalanine to tyrosine. A follow-up test

    of plasma amino acids is required to quantitatively confirm elevated phenylalanine concentrations.

    Subsequent testing is necessary to determine whether PKU is due to an alteration in the PAH gene or in

    either synthesis or recycling of BH4.

    The vast majority of PKU cases in infants born in the U S are detected by screening, confirmed, and

    treated with diet. However, although PKU screening has been quite effective, there are concerns that

    cases of PKU could be missed due to errors at any step of the screening process specimen collection,laboratory procedures, treatment initiation, or clinical follow-up. A consensus statement from the

    National Institutes of Health (NIH) has addressed the concern that the variations in quality between

    state-run screening programs and poor laboratory performance could result in missed cases of PKU a

    problem that could be remedied by adopting a national policy toward newborn screening to replace the

    current regionalized state-by-state approach. Missed cases of PKU are considered to be extremely rare.



    Clinical presentation of PKU is usually completely asymptomatic at birth. Without treatment, as the

    infant grows tyrosine deficiency leads to thyroid insufficiency and, possibly, to poorly healed dermatitis.

    In some cases, excess phenylalanine is diverted into other metabolic pathways to generate other by-

    products, such as phenylacetate, the compound responsible for the pungent, mousey smell in some

    patients. The human brain develops very rapidly in early life, and even before birth, but because

    untreated PKU can impair brain growth and lead to microencephaly within the first few crucial months

    of development, severe and irreversible mental retardation can result within the first few months of life.

    The precise mechanism linking high phenylalanine concentrations to this intellectual impairment

    remains unknown. While tyrosine deficiency and phenylalanine metabolites have been implicated in the

    neurotoxicity in PKU, tyrosine supplements have been unable to prevent developmental defects.

    Moreover, administering the phenylalanine metabolites does not reproduce neurological symptoms

    observed in untreated PKU. Elevated phenylalanine concentrations have been proposed to out-compete

    neurotransmitter precursors (e.g. tyrosine, tryptophan) and all other large neutral amino acids (LNAAs)

    for the L-type transport system across the blood brain barrier. As a result, excess brain phenylalanine

    concentrations can lead to impaired synthesis and re-uptake of these neurotransmitters and,

    potentially, to some of the neurological deficits of PKU.


    PKU is a treatable disease. The main goal of PKU treatment is to maintain safe blood phenylalanine

    concentrations to correct the inborn metabolic imbalance, thereby preventing mental retardation and

    promoting normal physical growth and development, as well as a healthy lifestyle through to

    adolescence and beyond. Clinicians commonly advocate phenylalanine concentrations of 2 6mg/dl

    (120 360 M) for patients up to 12 years of age and 2 10mg/dl (120 600 M) for patients over 12 years

    of age.1 These concentrations can be achieved by introduction of a low-phenylalanine diet; this is the

    mainstay of PKU treatment to which all patients with classic PKU will respond.

    Treatment involves a diet that is extremely low in phenylalanine, particularly when the child is growing.

    The diet must be strictly followed. This requires close supervision by a registered dietitian or doctor, and

    cooperation of the parent and child. Those who continue the diet into adulthood have better physical

    and mental health. Diet for life has become the standard recommended by most experts. This is

    especially important before conception and throughout pregnancy.



    Phenylalanine occurs in significant amounts in milk, eggs, and other common foods. The artificial

    sweetener Nutra Sweet (aspartame) also contains phenylalanine. Any products containing aspartame

    should be avoided.

    A special infant formula called Lofenalac is made for infants with PKU. It can be used throughout life as a

    protein source that is extremely low in phenylalanine and balanced for the remaining essential amino

    acids.Taking supplements such as fish oil to replace the long chain fatty acids missing from a standard

    phenylalanine-free diet may help improve neurologic development, including fine motor coordination.

    Other specific supplements, such as iron or carnitine, may be needed.

    The semi-synthetic PKU diet excludes high-protein foods and consists largely of naturally occurring low-

    protein foods such as fruits and vegetables to meet the required amount of phenylalanine. Specially

    manufactured medical foods are recommended for supplementing the diet. The restrictions on

    phenylalanine-containing animal foods mean that patients end up with high concentrations of

    carbohydrate, low concentrations of saturated and polyunsaturated fat, and low amounts of dietary

    cholesterol, although some medical foods do contain high levels of saturated fat. Reducing dietary

    phenylalanine by restricting protein intake is insufficient because patients would then suffer from

    protein malnutrition and nutrient deficiency. As a result, PKU diets necessitate use of synthetic

    phenylalanine-free formulas containing adequate concentrations of essential and conditionally essential

    amino acids; these products typically provide 52 80% of total dietary protein. Some metabolic formulas

    may also include vitamins and minerals, along with the macronutrients, carbohydrates, and fats.

    However, the taste and smell of these commercially available dietary products are unpalatable, and are

    frequently a source of difficulty in diet compliance.


    Integration of a PKU diet into a conventional lifestyle is

    not easy. Families have to be taught the importance of

    managing a diet, how phenylalanine and protein in foods

    are monitored, how to choose foods and track dietary

    intake, and how to maintain blood phenylalanine

    concentrations in the therapeutic range. There is little

    opportunity to be spontaneous with foods; meals can

    become routine and monotonous in an attempt to

    facilitate meal planning and reduce the effort needed to



    prepare meals. Patients have to rely on food manufacturers to provide phenylalanine or protein

    contents, or extrapolate quantities themselves.

    The low-phenylalanine diet is initiated very early, as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed after the initial

    results from newborn screening. The naturally low amount of phenylalanine contained in breast milk or

    commercial infant formulae is considered sufficient intake for babies, and it is fairly easy to include andfeed a metabolic formula containing the essential components of a balanced diet to an infant. However,

    the difficulty of integration becomes apparent when solid foods are introduced to infants, which asks

    families to allocate a certain amount of daily proteins for children and calculate daily protein intake for

    older children. This is accomplished by measuring and weighing foods and keeping diet logs, which are

    used by dieticians in tandem with regular blood phenylalanine tests to monitor and adjust the diet of

    their patients accordingly.

    As children start school and socialize with peers, parents gradually relinquish their control of the child sdiet to the child, while having to teach the child the importance of diet and continuing on the regimen.

    Although patients initially follow the diet closely using scales and measuring devices, many begin to

    estimate measures of their prescribed amounts of phenylalanine as they get older with the assumption

    that it is within the therapeutic range, without realizing that they are usually overestimating.

    Maintaining the diet is especially difficult in adolescence as it differs from that of the patient s peers,

    and there are social situations where teenagers may feel torn between the need to fit in and the need to

    follow their own dietary restrictions. Many teenagers also opt to curb hunger and supplement their

    caloric intake with lots of carbohydrates, sugar beverages, and soda. S tudies have shown that PKU

    patients have a tendency to become overweight, and this may be partly due to the fact that the only

    foods that PKU patient can eat freely without any risk to their phenylalanine concentrations, and

    without having to monitor their dietary intake, are sugar- and fat-based foods. The biggest difficulty in

    integrating diet into lifestyle is unarguably the inconvenience of the diet; patients need to take their

    own foods and metabolic formulas whenever they go out, the latter of which have a very infantile

    appearance. Although medical food companies are starting to produce different types of product that

    appear similar to normal foods, the inconvenience remains a big limitation for patients with PKU.

    Although some patients choose to relax or discontinue the PKU diet in late adolescence and adulthood,

    an increasing majority of metabolic clinics advocate diet for life. There are several problems associated

    with discontinuing the PKU diet. Many patients abandon metabolic formulas while choosing to continue

    on a low-protein diet, but in doing so create a dietary imbalance that can leave them deficient in

    essential nutrients and vitamins. From a clinician s perspective, it would almost be preferential for these



    It is difficult for patients to adhere to

    the phenylketonuria diet for life, and

    families of patients are always asking for

    alternatives to the phenylalanine

    restrictive diet.

    older patients to adopt a normal diet and have elevated phenylalanine concentrations than suffer from

    nutritional deficiencies. Although there are no definitive studies on the effect of diet in adults, data

    suggest that elevated phenylalanine concentrations in adolescence and adulthood have adverse effects

    on aspects of cognition, such as delayed processing and lower intellectual function, as well as nutrition,

    such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. Given the potential to prevent the onset of neurological deficits

    and nutritional insufficiencies and maintain a healthy lifestyle and good quality of life, is it not worth

    urging PKU patients to remain on the diet for life. Indeed, these factors stress how important it is for

    children to learn about their diet and for them to understand from a young age why strict adherence to

    their diet is necessary.


    The recent designation of sapropterin dihydrochloride

    (Kuvan , BioMarin Pharma) as an orphan medicinal

    product was an important milestone for patients with

    PKU. This orally available synthetic form of BH4 can

    activate residual PAH enzymes and improve naturalphenylalanine metabolism,8 therefore reducing blood

    phenylalanine concentrations in patients and allowing patients to be more relaxed with their diets.

    However, unlike the dietary regimen, where response is universal among PKU patients, clinical studies

    found that only approximately 20 56% of PKU patients were responsive to treatment. It is not yet

    possible to pre-determine by laboratory testing which patients belong to this subgroup of BH4-

    responsive PKU patients, and response can be determined only by giving sapropterin to patients in a

    therapeutic trial and monitoring blood phenylalanine concentrations.

    Sapropterin has been shown to be safe and effective in responsive patients, and is currently indicated

    for the reduction of blood phenylalanine concentrations in patients with BH4-responsive PKU as an

    adjunct to a low-phenylalanine diet. Although this pharmacological option provides a subgroup of PKU

    patients with the opportunity to have a more normalized diet, it is still advisable for these patients to

    use metabolic foods and formulas.



    The mystery surrounding the

    underlying pathophysiology of

    phenylketonuria warrants further

    research as to why phenylalanine

    is so toxic to the brain.

    Enzyme replacement therapy has been proposed as an alternative for patients who are unresponsive to

    sapropterin, presumably because residual PAH concentrations are too low for sufficient stimulation by

    BH4. Although replacement of PAH could be facilitated by liver transplantation, the risks of major

    surgery and life-long immunosuppression preclude routine implementation of this tactic.

    As high concentrations of phenylalanine had beenproposed to out compete other LNAAs for the L-type

    transport system in PKU, trials have tested the role of

    LNAA supplementation. S tudies have shown that

    increasing blood concentrations of various LNAAs can

    reduce the brain and blood concentrations of

    phenylalanine. LNNA supplements are designated as medical foods in the U S as an optional addition to a

    PKU diet.

    It is difficult for patients to adhere to the PKU diet for life, and families of patients are always asking for

    alternatives to the phenylalanine-restrictive diet. The introduction of a pharmaceutical option is

    important in PKU because, despite the fact that diet has been the mainstay of treatment for decades,

    certain families do not comply with the strict observation, preparation, and administration of food that

    is necessary in a PKU diet. Furthermore, as patients get older they want to have a normal diet and social

    life; as a result, they become more relaxed in their lifestyle and diet, and the average level of

    phenylalanine in patients gradually increases with age. For these reasons, pharmacological therapy as an

    adjunct to dietary therapy can be a good option in helping to maintain adequate phenylalanine

    concentrations in PKU patients who are responsive to therapy, allowing for a potential improvement in

    quality of life.

    From the viewpoint of the clinician and dietician, however, a low phenylalanine diet remains key in the

    treatment of PKU. While all patients with classic PKU respond to diet, not everyone responds to

    pharmacological therapy. Furthermore, the major disadvantage of introducing the pharmaceutical

    options is that patients tend to ignore their diets, despite the fact that diet is still the foundation of treatment that can keep phenylalanine concentrations in a therapeutic range. This disadvantage is also

    found in other disorders that are treated by diet, such as diabetes and obesity; patients are reluctant to

    stick to a dietary regimen, and so they respond to the more convenient option of drugs.

    While families of patients may prefer pharmaceuticals for the convenience they offer, it is more

    important that patients and their families are taught about the importance and rationale behind a low



    phenylalanine diet and are provided with the tools that will allow them to monitor and modulate their

    dietary intake in accordance with their recommended therapeutic concentrations, which will ultimately

    require them to follow a very strict diet.


    The outcome is expected to be very good if the diet is closely followed, starting shortly after the child's

    birth. If treatment is delayed or the condition remains untreated, brain damage will occur. School

    functioning may be mildly impaired.

    If proteins containing phenylalanine are not avoided, PKU can lead to mental retardation by the end of

    the first year of life.


    Severe mental retardation occurs if the disorder is untreated. ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity

    disorder) appears to be the most common problem seen in those who do not stick to a very low-

    phenylalanine diet.


    An enzyme assay can determine if parents carry the gene for PKU. Chorionic villus sampling can be done

    on the pregnant women to screen the unborn baby for PKU.

    It is very important that women with PKU closely follow a strict low-phenylalanine diet both before

    becoming pregnant and throughout the pregnancy, since build-up of this substance will damage the

    developing baby even if the child has not inherited the defective gene.