phl251r6 w4 persuasive nature commercials

Evaluating the Persuasive Nature of Commercials PHL/251 Version 6 1 University of Phoenix Material Evaluating the Persuasive Nature of Commercials Insert your name: Reflect on three or four national TV commercials that have caught your attention. View these three or four national commercials on TV or by searching for them on the Internet. Complete the following table. In the first column, insert the name of the commercial; in the second column, insert a 1- or 2-sentence description of the commercial; in the third column, identify and write a logical fallacy. Commercial Name or Company Description of Commercial Logical Fallacy Copyright © 2015 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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Homework for week 4


Evaluating the Persuasive Nature of CommercialsPHL/251 Version 6 1University of Phoenix MaterialEvaluating the Persuasive Nature of Commercials Insert your name:Reflect on three or four national TV commercials that have caught your attention. View these three or four national commercials on TV or by searching for them on the Internet.Complete the following table. In the first column, insert the name of the commercial; in the secon column, insert a 1! or "!sentence escri#tion of the commercial; in the thir column, ientify an write a logical fallacy.Commercial Name or Companyescription of Commercial Lo!ical "allacyCo#yright $ "%1& by 'niversity of Phoeni(. )ll rights reserve.